Giriraj Swami

Today is Siva-ratri. Vaishnavas generally do not celebrate Siva-ratri, and to begin, I will explain why, with reference to the Bhagavad-gita. We read from Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Chapter 7, “Knowledge of the Absolute,” text 23.

antavat tu phalam tesam
  tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam
devan deva-yajo yanti
  mad-bhakta yanti mam api


Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.

PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada

Some commentators on the Bhagavad-gita say that one who worships a demigod can reach the Supreme Lord, but here it is clearly stated that the worshipers of demigods go to the different planetary systems where various demigods are situated, just as a worshiper of the sun achieves the sun or a worshiper of the demigod of the moon achieves the moon. Similarly, if anyone wants to worship a demigod like Indra, he can attain that particular god’s planet. It is not that everyone, regardless of whatever demigod is worshiped, will reach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is denied here, for it is clearly stated that the worshipers of demigods go to different planets in the material world but the devotee of the Supreme Lord goes directly to the supreme planet of the Personality of Godhead.

COMMENT by Giriraj Swami

This is logical. As Srila Prabhupada remarked, if you buy a ticket to Calcutta, you cannot expect to reach Bombay. If you worship a demigod, you go to the planet of the demigod. If you worship Krishna, you reach the supreme abode of Krishna.

PURPORT (continued)

Here the point may be raised that if the demigods are different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord, then the same end should be achieved by worshiping them. However, worshipers of the demigods are less intelligent because they don’t know to what part of the body food must be supplied. Some of them are so foolish that they claim that there are many parts and many ways to supply food. This isn’t very sanguine. Can anyone supply food to the body through the ears or eyes? They do not know that these demigods are different parts of the universal body of the Supreme Lord, and in their ignorance they believe that each and every demigod is a separate God and a competitor of the Supreme Lord.


We read in the Fourth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam that just as by pouring water on the root of a tree all the limbs and branches and leaves are watered and just as by supplying food to the stomach all the different limbs of the body are nourished, similarly, by offering worship or rendering service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, all of the demigods and all living entities are served and satisfied:

yatha taror mula-nisecanena
  trpyanti tat-skandha-bhujopasakhah
pranopaharac ca yathendriyanam
  tathaiva sarvarhanam acyutejya

“By giving water to the root of a tree one satisfies its branches, twigs, and leaves, and by supplying food to the stomach one satisfies all the senses of the body. Similarly, by engaging in the transcendental service of the Supreme Lord one automatically satisfies all the demigods and all other living entities.” (SB 4.31.14)

PURPORT (concluded)

The results achieved by the demigods’ benedictions are perishable because within this material world the planets, the demigods, and their worshipers are all perishable. Therefore it is clearly stated in this verse that all results achieved by worshiping demigods are perishable, and therefore such worship is performed by the less intelligent living entity. Because the pure devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness in devotional service of the Supreme Lord achieves eternal blissful existence that is full of knowledge, his achievements and those of the common worshiper of the demigods are different. The Supreme Lord is unlimited; His favor is unlimited; His mercy is unlimited. Therefore the mercy of the Supreme Lord upon His pure devotees is unlimited.


Everything material is temporary. The demigods—their bodies—are temporary, the bodies of their worshipers are temporary, their planets are temporary, and the fruits that one obtains from worshiping them are temporary. The demigods have authority only within the material world. They can give only material benefits to their worshipers. Only Vishnu, or Krishna, can award liberation from material bondage. No demigod can grant liberation. And beyond liberation, the devotees of Krishna also achieve krsna-bhakti, or krsna-prema—the ultimate goal of life.

Srila Prabhupada said that the impersonalists want to become one with God but that the devotees actually become greater than God, because God comes under their control. We see in the Bhagavad-gita that Krishna is acting as Arjuna’s chariot driver. Arjuna is commanding Krishna, senayor ubhayor madhye ratham sthapaya me ’cyuta: “Please draw my chariot between the two armies so I can see who has assembled on the battlefield to fight.” The Lord likes to be controlled by His devotees, and He comes under the control of their pure love. Of course, the Lord is supreme—no one is equal to Him or greater than Him (na tat-samas cabhyadikas ca drsyate)—but out of love He becomes subordinate to His devotee. The idea of becoming one with the Lord is repugnant to a devotee, because in that impersonal oneness there is no service, no exchange of love.

The demigod worshipers, as described in this verse, are alpa-medhasah, “less intelligent.” The opposite of alpa-medhasah is su-medhasah, or “very intelligent.” Those who worship Krishna, especially through the sankirtana movement in the present age, are described as su-medhasah.

krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair
  yajanti hi su-medhasah

 “In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna.” (SB 11.5.32, Cc Adi 3.52)

Further, the demigods are not able to give even material benedictions without the sanction of the Supreme Lord. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese ’rjuna tisthati—the Lord is in the heart of everyone, including the demigods, so unless He gives His sanction, the demigods themselves cannot give even limited temporary benefits. So, from every point of view, one should worship Krishna. And devotees of Krishna need not worship any demigod. Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is like the king, and the various demigods are like ministers in the cabinet of the king or department heads in the government. As Srila Prabhupada said, if you pay taxes to the central treasury, you need not bribe the ministers or officers in charge of different departments. When you pay your taxes into the central treasury, you have met your obligation and are entitled to all the benefits of a citizen.

So, there is no need to worship demigods, and in fact the worship of demigods is discouraged in the Bhagavad-gita. The Supreme Lord Krishna says,

ye ’py anya-devata-bhakta
  yajante sraddhayanvitah
te ’pi mam eva kaunteya
  yajanty avidhi-purvakam

“Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunti, but they do so in a wrong way.” (Bg 9.23)

Therefore, Vaishnavas do not celebrate Siva-ratri.

Yet there is another aspect to Lord Siva, a confidential one that ordinary people with insufficient knowledge of shastra, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, do not know: Lord Siva himself is the greatest Vaishnava (vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh), and the worship of Vaishnavas, the service of Vaishnavas, and the glorification of Vaishnavas is included in Krishna consciousness. In fact, it is most highly recommended. So in an assembly of learned devotees we can appreciate Siva as a Vaishnava. But otherwise we don’t worship Lord Siva, because if we did, people could misunderstand and conclude, “ISKCON devotees worship Siva, so we will too.” And they will worship Lord Siva for material benefit. Or they may think that Lord Siva is on the same level as Krishna—or supreme.

In India there is a history of debate between Vaishnavas and Saivites over who is supreme. And as Srila Prabhupada said, in such debates the Vaishnavas always win. Still, that sense of competition is there. Saivites say, “Siva is supreme,” and Vaishnavas respond, “No, Vishnu is supreme.” In the 1950s a European gentleman came to India and took sannyasa in the line of Shankaracharya, receiving the name Agehananda Bharati. Later, in 1973, he wrote an article published in the popular Indian magazine The Illustrated Weekly of India, in which he gave his account of a debate he had with our Hridayananda das Goswami.

The editor, Khushwant Singh, apparently wanted to make them both look foolish, and he titled the article “Hare Krishna vs. Shiva Shiva,” as if to say, “How silly. These people are arguing over whether Krishna is supreme or Siva is supreme. God is one; there is no difference. Ultimately, God has no name, no form, no personality”—or “Ultimately, there is no God.” I wrote Srila Prabhupada about how I perceived the situation, and he remarked, “Yes, Giriraj is right. Bharati is a fool, but Singh is a demon.”

When I visited Madras in 1971, I met many intellectuals whose attitude was similar to that of the editor. They thought, “Oh, how silly. You are arguing that Krishna is supreme, and someone else is arguing that Siva is supreme.” These impersonalists considered themselves to be more intelligent than the naive sentimentalists who worship particular deities, and they counted us as naive sentimentalists because we loved Krishna, worshipped Krishna, chanted Krishna’s name, and preached Krishna’s supremacy.

In Madras there are many Saivites, and they argue that Siva is supreme. As the first ISKCON devotee to visit Madras, I became quite a sensation—an American Vaishnava. Most people there had never seen a Western sadhu, and they wanted to help. Several suggested that I meet a Mr. Ramakrishna, who they said was pious and religious and would be happy to hear of our activities. So I met him, and he turned out to be one of those people who thought that Siva was supreme. Very quickly we came to blows—verbal blows. He had a volatile nature, and he became angry. He became red in the face and raised his voice, and the meeting ended quite abruptly. But I kept preaching and meeting people who suggested, “You have to meet Mr. Ramakrishna. He is a very pious man. He is a very religious man.” And I imagine that he was meeting people saying, “Oh, you should meet the Hare Krishna devotees. They are very good people. They are doing excellent work.”

After a few weeks, I thought, “Maybe I should give it another try. This time I will be more careful.” So, I phoned him, and he immediately agreed to meet me. That made me think that people were also speaking favorably about us to him and that it was embarrassing for him as well that we had disagreed so vehemently. We met, and I tried to restrain myself, and he tried to restrain himself, but eventually we came to the same point: Who is supreme—Krishna (Vishnu) or Siva? The argument escalated, but neither of us wanted it to end the same way the previous one had. Then I got an inspiration and suggested, “In two weeks my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, is coming to Madras. So instead of us discussing, why don’t I invite you to meet him when he comes, and you can discuss with him directly.” He liked the idea. It was a way out for both of us. And ultimately, what could be better than to meet a pure devotee of Krishna?

After Srila Prabhupada arrived, Mr. Ramakrishna came to meet him. “I met your disciple Giriraj,” Mr. Ramakrishna said, “and I argued that Siva is supreme, and he argued that Krishna is supreme. So, who is supreme?”

Prabhupada took a different approach. He didn’t enter into the polemics about who was supreme. Rather, he said, “There are two words in Sanskrit—puja and bhakti. In puja one worships the deity to get some material benefit, and in bhakti one worships only to give pleasure to the deity, without expectation of personal return. The worshipers of Siva engage in puja—they worship to get some material benefit—whereas in bhakti we worship Krishna for the sake of Krishna’s pleasure, just to please Him.”

“Is it not possible to worship Siva in the mood of bhakti?” Mr. Ramakrishna asked.”

“It is possible, Prabhupada replied,” but it would be exceptional. For example, generally people go to a liquor shop to buy liquor. Now, one could go for another purpose, but that would be an exception. Generally people go to buy liquor.”

Mr. Ramakrishna was satisfied with the answer. Srila Prabhupada did not enter into the controversy over which deity was supreme; rather, he explained different moods in the worship of different deities.

Later, toward the end of Prabhupada’s stay in Madras, a wealthy householder invited him to his home for the consecration of his temple. The host had invited many dignitaries, and although the temple was a good size for a home, it wasn’t large enough to accommodate Prabhupada’s disciples along with all the dignitaries. So Prabhupada and the others went inside the temple, and we disciples looked in from outside.

As part of the ceremony, the host distributed flower petals to the guests to offer to the deity of Lord Siva, a siva-linga. And we all were interested to see how Prabhupada would deal with the situation. At the appropriate moment, all the participants threw their flower petals on the deity of Lord Siva—except for Prabhupada. He threw his in the corner. We thought, “He is the acharya. We have to learn from him.” So, after the ceremony, when the other invitees came out, we went into the temple and looked in the corner. And there we saw a small Deity of Krishna. Prabhupada had offered his flowers to Krishna.

As Srila Prabhupada’s representatives, ISKCON and its members are meant to follow his instructions and precedents. And we must be careful not to encourage people’s misconceptions—even if what we do is otherwise all right. If we were to observe Siva-ratri with participants who are not well versed in sastric conclusions, in Vaishnava siddhanta—if we were to celebrate Siva-ratri to cater to Hindus who want to worship Lord Siva on Siva-ratri but who do not know his actual position as a Vaishnava—they might mistakenly conclude that we accept Lord Siva on the same level as Krishna. Then, even if they chant the holy name of Krishna, as long as they maintain the idea that Siva and Krishna are the same, they will not make much advancement, because they will be committing an offense against the holy name. The second of the ten offenses against the holy name is to consider the names of demigods such as Lord Siva to be equal to or independent of the name of Lord Vishnu.

That is why we don’t observe Siva-ratri. And as Vaishnavas, we have no need to worship Siva, because we are worshiping Krishna directly. Still, we may worship Lord Siva as a Vaishnava, a devotee of Krishna, because the worship of Krishna’s devotees pleases Lord Krishna.

The basic definition of bhakti is given by Srila Rupa Gosvami in Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.1.11):

anukulyena krsnanu-
  silanam bhaktir uttama

“One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service.” In pure devotional service, one should have no desire other than to serve and please Krishna (anyabhilasita-sunyam). And jnana-karmady-anavrtam—one’s service should not be covered by jnana, speculative knowledge that leads to a conclusion of impersonal monism; or by karma, fruitive work, as in ordinary puja, which one performs for personal gain. In ordinary affairs, for example, one may invite someone to a restaurant and give him food and drink in the hope of getting some benefit from him. In a similar way, one may offer bael leaves and ganga-jala to Lord Siva in order to get some personal return. That fruitive mentality has no place in pure devotion, and certainly the speculative idea of merging and becoming one with God has no place. Anything that covers the true nature of bhakti has no place (jnana-karmady-anavrtam). Pure devotional service must be rendered favorably to Krishna (anukulyena krsnanusilanam).

Acharyas who have commented on this verse from the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu—such as Srila Jiva Gosvami, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, and Srila Prabhupada—have explained that “Krishna” does not mean Krishna alone. Srila Prabhupada’s introduction to The Nectar of Devotion discusses this verse in detail and includes much of the commentaries of Jiva and Visvanatha. And all agree that in this verse “Krishna” does not mean Krishna alone but includes His personal expansions, such as Lord Ramachandra, Lord Nrsimha, Lord Varaha, and other visnu-tattvas, as well as His name, form, qualities, pastimes, paraphernalia, and pure devotees. “Krsna includes all such expansions, as well as His pure devotees,” Prabhupada writes. Serving and worshiping pure devotees is included within uttama-bhakti, pure devotional service to Krishna, and thus devotees of Krishna sometimes worship Lord Siva as a pure devotee.

Many of Lord Siva’s pastimes are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the perfectly pure, spotless Purana (srimad-bhagavatam puranam amalam) and is called the Paramahamsa-samhita because it is meant for the highest class of transcendentalists, who are completely free from envy. It is the topmost scripture and discusses no subject other than Krishna and pure devotional service. These pastimes with Lord Siva show his true nature, or internal mood, as a Vaishnava, a pure devotee of Krishna. In one pastime the hundred sons of King Barhisat, known as the Pracetas, were engaged in austerities to realize Vishnu, or Krishna. Lord Siva met them and, appreciating their austerities, acted as their guru to guide them. He gave them a series of prayers to sing to please Lord Vishnu and become pure devotees. Upon first meeting the Pracetas, he made the following statement, from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Four, Chapter Twenty-four—“Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva”:


atha bhagavata yuyam
  priyah stha bhagavan yatha
na mad bhagavatanam ca
  preyan anyo’sti karhicit


You are all devotees of the Lord, and as such I appreciate that you are as respectable as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. I know in this way that the devotees also respect me and that I am dear to them. Thus no one can be as dear to the devotees as I am.

PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada

It is said, vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: Lord Siva is the best of all devotees. Therefore all devotees of Lord Krsna are also devotees of Lord Siva. In Vrndavana there is Lord Siva’s temple called Gopisvara. The gopis used to worship not only Lord Siva but Katyayani, or Durga, as well, but their aim was to attain the favor of Lord Krsna. A devotee of Lord Krsna does not disrespect Lord Siva but worships Lord Siva as the most exalted devotee of Lord Krsna. Consequently, whenever a devotee worships Lord Siva, he prays to Lord Siva to achieve the favor of Krsna, and he does not request material profit. In Bhagavad-gita (7.20) it is said that generally people worship demigods for some material profit. Kamais tais tair hrta jnanah. Driven by material lust, they worship demigods, but a devotee never does so, for he is never driven by material lust. That is the difference between a devotee’s respect for Lord Siva and an asura’s respect for him. The asura worships Lord Siva, takes some benediction from him, misuses the benediction, and ultimately is killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who awards him liberation.

Because Lord Siva is a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he loves all the devotees of the Supreme Lord.


This is a symptom of a devotee. One who is actually a devotee of the Supreme Lord will love all other devotees of the Supreme Lord. Lord Siva truly loved the Pracetas. He went out of his way to help them, and further, he respected them as representatives of the Supreme Lord.

PURPORT (continued)

Lord Siva told the Pracetas that because they were devotees of the Lord, he loved them very much. Lord Siva was not kind and merciful only to the Pracetas; anyone who is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very dear to Lord Siva. Not only are the devotees dear to Lord Siva, but he respects them as much as he respects the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, devotees of the Supreme Lord also worship Lord Siva as the most dear devotee of Lord Krsna. They do not worship him as a separate Personality of Godhead. It is stated in the list of namaparadhas that it is an offense to think that the chanting of the name of Hari and the chanting of Hara, or Siva, are the same. The devotees must always know that Lord Visnu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that Lord Siva is His devotee. A devotee should be offered respect on the level of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and sometimes even more respect. Indeed, Lord Rama, the Personality of Godhead Himself, sometimes worshiped Lord Siva. If a devotee is worshiped by the Lord, why should a devotee not be worshiped by other devotees on the same level with the Lord?


In other words, if a devotee is worshipable by the Lord Himself, why should other devotees not worship a devotee on the same level as the Lord? Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair: the spiritual master is worshiped on the same level as the Supreme Lord. But kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya—although one honors the spiritual master as much as the Lord, one knows that he is not identical with the Lord but is a most confidential servitor of the Lord.

PURPORT (continued)

If a devotee is worshiped by the Lord, why should a devotee not be worshiped by other devotees on the same level with the Lord? This is the conclusion. From this verse it appears that Lord Siva blesses the asuras simply for the sake of formality.


In relation to the demons (asuras), Lord Siva thinks, “Okay, they are worshiping me. They want something. Okay, I will give them something.” Thus one of Siva’s names is Asutosa, because he gives benedictions very easily. As Srila Prabhupada said, “Many demons go to bother Lord Siva: ‘Give me this. Give me that.’ And his name is Asutosa. He gives immediately: ‘All right, take it. Go away. Don’t bother me.’ ” He blesses then simply for the sake of formality, to get rid of them.

PURPORT (concluded)

From this verse it appears that Lord Siva blesses the asuras simply for the sake of formality. Actually he loves one who is devoted to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


In addition to the pastimes of Lord Siva described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are many pastimes with Lord Siva in Vrindavan that show his great love for Lord Krishna and his eagerness to serve Him. And Lord Krishna’s great-grandson Vajranabha, who established many of the main temples in Vrindavan, installed several deities of Lord Siva in Vraja to honor his pastimes there.

One prominent deity of Lord Siva in Vraja is Nandesvara Mahadeva, at Nanda-grama. He is worshiped in a small temple situated within the courtyard of the main temple there, and every day the pujaris offer him the remnants of food that has been offered to Lord Krishna in the main temple. This tradition goes back to the time when Krishna and Balarama lived in Nanda-grama with Nanda Maharaja and Mother Yasoda. As the local history goes, when Lord Siva came to Nanda Bhavan to see his beloved Lord Krishna, he arrived in his usual attire—with matted hair, ashes all over his body, and a snake wrapped around his neck—playing his damaru drum. When Mother Yasoda came to the door, she could not bring herself to let this wild-looking ascetic in to see her darling little child. And so she gave him alms and sent him on his way. After his leaving, however, baby Krishna began to cry. Mother Yasoda tried in many ways to pacify Him, but she couldn’t; He was inconsolable. She considered that she might have committed an offense against the ascetic and that he had put a spell on her baby, so she sent for him. In the end, Lord Siva was found in the forest now known as Asesvara-vana, the forest of hope, where he was praying, hoping against hope (aça means “hope”) that he would somehow get the darshan of Nandalal, Krishna. So he was very happy when he was asked to return to Nanda Bhavan.  And as soon as Lord Siva arrived, baby Krishna stopped crying. But when Mother Yasoda indicated that it was time for Siva to leave, Krishna again began to cry; he didn’t want him to leave. It was then settled that Siva would remain permanently in Nanda Bhavan and get the caranamrta and food remnants of Nandalal every day. And to this day it has been so.

Another important deity is Kamesvara Mahadeva, who resides at Kamyavana. He fulfills all desires, and so devotees pray to him to give them pure devotional service to Krishna.

Caklesvara Mahadeva resides at Cakra-tirtha, by Manasi-ganga at Govardhana Hill. It is said that Sanatana Gosvami was good friends with Lord Siva and always resided near him in Vraja. At Manasi-ganga, Sanatana Gosvami’s bhajana-kutira is next to Caklesvara Mahadeva, and at the Madana-mohana temple, near the Yamuna River in Vrindavan, his bhajana-kutira is not far from Gopisvara Mahadeva.

Once, at Cakra-tirtha, Sanatana Gosvami was being disturbed by mosquitoes and couldn’t do his bhajana or write his books. So he decided to leave. When Lord Siva saw that his dear friend was about to leave, he came in the guise of a brahman and inquired, “Why are you leaving?” Sanatana Gosvami replied, “I am too disturbed by the mosquitoes and cannot do my seva.” Lord Siva was relieved, because he knew that this was a problem he could easily solve. He requested Sanatana Gosvami, “Please stay one more night, and if the mosquitoes still bother you, you may go.” Then Lord Siva summoned the demigod in charge of insect life and told him, “I don’t want any mosquitoes disturbing this great devotee here. So tell your boys to lay off.” The mosquitoes stopped coming there, and Sanatana Gosvami stayed. So, from this we can see the intimacy of their relationship.

The most famous and important deity of Lord Siva for us is Gopisvara Mahadeva, established by Vajranabha near the site of the rasa dance, near Vamsivata, where Gopinatha played upon His flute to call the gopis. Gopisvara Mahadeva wanted to participate in the rasa dance, the highest and best of all of Lord Krishna’s pastimes. According to one version, Lord Siva approached Paurnamasi, an elderly brahmani and siksa-guru of the Vrajavasis, who was the mother of Sandipani Muni, Lord Krishna’s guru. She advised Mahadeva to perform some austerities and then take bath in the Yamuna; thus he would get the form of a gopi. According to other sources, Paurnamasi directed him to Vrndadevi and Vrndadevi advised him to take bath in Mana-sarovara, a little further south across the Yamuna River from Kesi-ghata. Be it as it may, he took bath and came out in the form of a gopi.

When Krishna was about to enjoy His rasa-lila with the gopis, this new gopi appeared. The other gopis took note—“Oh, a new gopi has come”—and gathered around her. They asked, “What village are you from?” She didn’t know what to say. “What is your husband’s name?” “How many cows does he have?” “Who are your children?” She had no answers. So the other gopis thought, “This is not a gopi. She is not one of us. This is an imposter.” They were ready to beat this imitation gopi when Mother Paurnamasi appeared and said, “This is Mahadeva Siva. He is a great demigod. Do not take any action against him.” She told Lord Siva, “No one can participate in the rasa dance without being a gopi. You can observe it from a distance, but you cannot actually enter it.” And she gave him a service: he could guard the arena of the rasa dance. One of Lord Siva’s regular services is to be ksetra-pala, protector of the dhama, and he serves as such in Vrindavan, Navadvipa, Jagannatha Puri, and other holy places. Paurnamasi gave Mahadeva the authority to restrain the unqualified and to admit the qualified. But beyond that, he would have the power to give someone the qualification to enter. So devotees, Vaishnavas, in Vrindavan pray to Gopisvara Mahadeva to enable them to enter the pastimes of Krishna with the gopis.

The deity of Gopisvara Mahadeva is worshiped as a regular siva-linga during the day, but every evening at about four the pujaris dress the siva-linga like a gopi. They cover the linga with a sari and ornaments and decorate it to resemble a gopi, with a crown on it or a shawl draped over its top. And devotees come and worship Gopisvara Mahadeva to attain the favor of Radha and Krishna.

In his Sankalpa-kalpadruma (103) Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura prays:

vrndavanavani-pate jaya soma soma-
  maule sanandana-sanatana-naradedya
gopisvara vraja-vilasi-yuganghri-padme
  prema prayaccha nirupadhi namo namaste

“O gatekeeper of Vrindavan! O Soma, all glories to you! O you whose forehead is decorated with the moon (soma), and who is worshiped by the sages headed by Sanandana, Sanatana, and Narada! O Gopisvara! Desiring that you bestow upon me limitless love for the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava, who perform joyous pastimes in Vraja-dhama, I offer my obeisances unto you again and again.”

Sri Gopisvara Mahadeva ki jaya!

Once, as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men went to Ambikavana to observe Siva-ratri. The Bhagavatam uses the word ekada, “once.” Srila Prabhupada explains, “Between the Dola-yatra ceremony [Holi] and the rasa-lila ceremony there is an important ceremony called Siva-ratri, which is especially observed by the Saivites, or devotees of Lord Siva. Sometimes the Vaisnavas also observe this ceremony because they accept Lord Siva as the foremost Vaisnava. But the function of Siva-ratri is not observed very regularly by the bhaktas, or devotees of Krsna. Under the circumstances, Srimad-Bhagavatam states that Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men ‘once upon a time desired.’ This means that they were not regularly observing the Siva-ratri function but that once upon a time they wanted to go to Ambikavana.” (Krsna, Chapter 34) And what was the result? “They had come to worship Lord Siva and Ambika, but the result was that they became more and more attached to Krishna.”

Are there any questions or comments?

Rasaraja dasa: I have a question about Lord Siva and impersonalists. Although many of his statements and songs are in the mood of bhakti, Lord Siva is normally worshiped by impersonalists. How is the impersonal philosophy associated with him?

Giriraj Swami: The first answer is that Lord Siva has a planet that is situated on the border of the material sky and the spiritual sky. And it is said that the impersonalists who want to merge end up there. It is the borderline between matter and spirit.

Another answer is that Lord Siva, for a very specific purpose, appeared as Shankaracharya, the great proponent of Mayavada philosophy. Earlier, because the so-called followers of the Vedas had been misusing the Vedas to support animal slaughter, Lord Krishna incarnated as Buddha, out of compassion for the innocent animals and to save these so-called Vedic followers from the sin of killing them. Buddha preached the philosophy of ahimsa, non-violence. He said, “Don’t follow the Vedas. If the Vedas say that you can kill animals, then don’t follow the Vedas. Just follow ahimsa.” Thus the Lord’s purpose was served: people stopped killing animals in the name of Vedic sacrifice. But then the Lord wanted to reestablish the authority of the Vedas, and because the Buddhist philosophy was nontheistic, followers would not immediately accept the correct, theistic understanding of the Vedas. So He wanted someone to reestablish the authority of the Vedas with a nontheistic interpretation—Advaitavada—which admits no difference between the individual soul and the supreme soul. In other words, it advocates impersonal monism. But when Lord Narayana approached His assembly of servants, no one was willing. They said, “Advaitavada? No, no—not Advaitavada. Ask anything but that. We don’t want to touch Advaitavada.” Only Lord Siva, the greatest of the Vaishnavas, agreed. It was like when the demigods and demons were churning the ocean and it turned into poison, Lord Siva was the one who came forward and said, “All right, I will drink the ocean of poison.” In this case, he spit out an ocean of poison in the form of Advaitavada, or Mayavada, as Shankaracharya. Shankara is a name for Lord Siva, and so he became Shankaracharya. Because of the connection between Shankaracharya and Shankara, or Siva, Mayavadis often are inclined toward Lord Siva. But whether Mayavadis worship Siva or Krishna, their goal is to merge and become one with Brahman.

Even Shankaracharya on occasion revealed his inner mood as a devotee. The most famous expression of his devotion was his parting words before he left this world: bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam mudha-mate. He advised his followers,

bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam mudha-mate
samprapte sannihite kale na hi na hi raksati dukrn-karane

“You fools and rascals, all your grammatical word jugglery of suffixes, prefixes, and philosophical speculation will not save you at the time of death. Just worship Govinda! Worship Govinda! Worship Govinda!”

There are other expressions as well. When Shankaracharya saw the Deity of Krishna, Vitthala Thakura, in Pandarapura, he recited many wonderful prayers to the Lord, which are inscribed in marble in the temple, the most famous and popular in Maharashtra. Similarly, Shankaracharya visited the temple of Guruvayurappan in Guruvayur, the most famous temple in Kerala. It is said that with his mystic powers he was flying over the temple and saw the devotees worshiping, and he thought, “What is this? What are these people doing? What is going on here?” As soon as that thought entered his mind, his power to fly was withdrawn and he came crashing down to the ground right in front of the Deity. Then he saw, “Oh, it is Lord Narayana, Lord Vishnu.” He recited many beautiful prayers, which are inscribed in the temple there. And in his Gita-bhasya commentary on Srimad Bhagavad-gita, he admitted, narayana paro ’vyaktat: “Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond the material creation.”

Lord Siva, even as Shankaracharya is a devotee, but he has different services. As Lord Siva, he is the demigod in charge of destruction. He is in charge of the mode of ignorance, and he gives shelter to people in ignorance—to ghosts and hobgoblins. He is merciful even to them. But his true feature, his inner mood, is as a devotee of Krishna.

On this occasion we pray to Lord Siva that out of his immense compassion and love he may be merciful to us and help us to attentively chant the holy names, respect and honor all devotees, and serve his Lord and master, the Lord of the gopis, Sri Krishna.

Hare Krishna.

Sri Gopisvara Mahadeva ki jaya!
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
Nitai-gaura-premanande hari-haribol!

[A talk by Giriraj Swami on Siva-rati, March 7, 2008, Dallas]

Detachment is absence of emotional dependence, not absence of emotion
→ Dandavats

Detachment is absence of emotional dependence, not absence of emotion.
Chaitanya Charan Das: Some people fear, “If I become detached, will I become emotionless, uncaring, stone-hearted?”
No, detachment empowers us to care truly for others, for it frees us from emotional dependence on them. When we are emotionally dependent on someone, we make decisions based on considerations of their pleasure, without considering any higher principles or purposes. Being driven by such narrow considerations, we often act against their best interests and even our best interests.

HG Ambarish Prabhu On Cover Page
→ Dandavats

HG Ambarish Prabhu On Cover Page.
Why are the Jindals of JSW group of companies, the Goenkas of Welspun group and Goels of Essel group making a beeline to the world headquarters of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) at Mayapur in West Bengal, the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? It is raining US dollars here from all over the globe — with USD 30 million from Alfred Ford, the great grandson of Henry Ford, another USD 30 million from international volunteers and more expected in the days and months to come. All this, towards setting up the Sri Chaitanya Cultural World Heritage Centre (SCCWHC).

WSN January 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

By Vijaya Dasa

There's a temple in Europe that's a relic of ISKCON's past. It's in Czech Republic and is called Prabhupada Bhavan. There are about fifteen brahmacaris whose main service is book distribution. This is the No. 1 temple in Europe in the Small Temple category in January, with 3,149 book points. Continue reading "WSN January 2019 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister issues “Best Translator Award” to Tamil BBT Editor
→ Dandavats

By Sri Giridhari Dasa

19 February 2019, Chennai: Tamil Nadu Government has issued "Best Translator Award 2019" to Sri Giridhari Dasa, for translating Srila Prabhupada's Sri Caitanya Caritamrta into Tamil. The government has recognized that the translation work of over 8,000 pages was done in fine language with elegance. In the function held in Chennai Secretariat Office, the Honorable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr. Edapadi K Palaniswami issued the award along with a certificate, and a cheque for INR One Lakh. The Honorable Deputy Chief Minister Mr. O Panner Selvam, Tamil Language and Cultural Development Minister Mr. K Pandiyarajan, Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary Mrs. Girija Vaidyanathan, Several IAS officers and many other high officials were present during the function Continue reading "Tamil Nadu Chief Minister issues “Best Translator Award” to Tamil BBT Editor
→ Dandavats"

Krishna–The Ever-Loving God
→ Dandavats

By Sri Nandanandana dasa

When it comes to humanity’s conception of God, it seems that each religion and culture describes the character of God differently. In some we find God described as an angry and jealous God. Or we find the God of the Old Testament of the Bible with lots of rules but little mercy. Or in other religions we read about a God who is heartless to any nonbelievers, even if they merely lack understanding. In other cultures, God recommends killing all that do not wish to surrender to the local faith. Others may describe that there is a just and loving God watching over you. So, what are we to believe? Continue reading "Krishna–The Ever-Loving God
→ Dandavats"

Uploaded transcriptions for QA on 2nd March 2019
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The post Uploaded transcriptions for QA on 2nd March 2019 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Detachment is not absence of emotion, it is absence of emotional dependence
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at ISKCON, Brisbane, Australia]



Podcast Summary



The post Detachment is not absence of emotion, it is absence of emotional dependence appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Sri Isvara Puri
Giriraj Swami

Today is the disappearance day of Sri Isvara Puri. He was such a perfect disciple of Sri Madhavendra Puri that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Krishna Himself, was pleased to accept Isvara Puri as his spiritual master. Later, Lord Chaitanya visited Isvara Puri’s birthplace at Kumara-hatta and collected some earth from the birth site, which He kept very carefully and ate a small portion of daily. Thus He showed us how a faithful disciple worships a spiritual master who has faithfully served his spiritual master perfectly.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Krishna–The Ever-Loving God, by Stephen Knapp
→ Stephen Knapp

        When it comes to humanity’s conception of God, it seems that each religion and culture describes the character of God differently. In some we find God described as an angry and jealous God. Or we find the God of the Old Testament of the Bible with lots of rules but little mercy. Or in other religions we read about a God who is heartless to any nonbelievers, even if they merely lack understanding. In other cultures, God recommends killing all that do not wish to surrender to the local faith. Others may describe that there is a just and loving God watching over you. So, what are we to believe?
        Naturally, God will reveal Himself differently to those who are more devoted. He will reciprocate to the degree in which we love Him. But we are all parts and parcels of Him, so He is our Supreme Father who should have unconditional love for His children, even if we do go astray or get confused. So, it makes no sense how a God who is supposed to be all loving and merciful can send His children to an eternal hell or some damnation without the means of retribution or correcting themselves. Of course, we often find mankind putting his own fears and tendencies into the character of God, without true understanding. However, we find a very different and more loving God in the Vedic tradition in the form of Lord Krishna. So, let us find out the nature of this more loving form of the Supreme Being.
        Lord Krishna describes His ever-loving nature towards one and all, but especially for those who engage in loving Him. This is not favoritism but a natural reciprocation with those who are filled with loving feelings for Him. Lord Krishna explains Himself this way:
        “I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him. Even if one commits the most abominable actions, if he is engaged in devotional service, he is considered saintly because he is properly situated. He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti [Arjuna], declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes. Those who take shelter in Me, even though they be of lower birth, or women, or simple merchants, or ordinary workers, all can approach the supreme destination.” 1
        This is further explained by Narada Muni in his talks with Maharaja Yudhisthira. He says that Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Personality, is the supreme controller and Supersoul within all living beings. Because He has no material body, he has no false conception of who He is, or of “I” and “mine.” So, it is not accurate to think that He feels pain when blasphemed or happy if offered prayers. This is impossible for Him. He has no enemy and no friend in that respect. When He chastises the demons or the envious it is for their own good. When He accepts the prayers of the devotees, it is also for their own good. He is affected neither by prayers or blasphemy. Therefore, by enmity or by devotional service, by fear or affection, or even lusty desires, if the materially conditioned soul can concentrate his mind on the Lord by any method, the result is the same for one’s benefit. The Lord, because of His blissful position, is never affected by enmity or friendship. 2
        So, if the conditioned souls somehow or other think of Krishna, who is sac-chit-ananda-vigraha [the eternal form of knowledge and bliss], they will become free from their sins. Whether thinking of Him as their worshipable Lord or enemy, because of constantly thinking of Him they will regain their spiritual bodies. 3
        In this way, it does not matter how we think or focus our attention on Krishna, He is nonetheless all powerful and purifying. His form alone and any thoughts of Him will uplift our spiritual awareness and purity.
        When Akrura was praying to Lord Krishna, he also asked what learned person would approach anyone but Him for shelter, since He was the affectionate, grateful and truthful well-wisher of His devotees. To those who worship Krishna in sincere friendship, He rewards them with everything they desire, even His own self (which is the rarest of attainments). 4
        It is explained by Sri Havir to King Nimi that the Supreme Personality is so kind to the conditioned souls that if they call upon Him by chanting His holy names, even unintentionally or unwillingly, the Lord is willing to destroy innumerable sinful reactions in their hearts. Therefore, when a devotee who has directly taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord chants the holy name of Krishna with genuine love, the Supreme Lord will never give up the heart of such a devotee. One who has captured the Supreme Lord within his heart is most exalted, and called a bhagavata-pradhana devotee. 5
        Sudama, the garland maker, also prayed to Lords Krishna and Balarama when They went to see him at his house because They are the well-wishing friends and Supreme Soul of the whole universe. They regard everyone with an unbiased vision. Although They reciprocate Their devotees’ love and worship, They always remain equally disposed toward all living beings. 6
        As Lord Krishna says in this regard, “To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.” 7
        Lord Krishna loves His devotees so much that He doesn’t descend into this world without them. They all appear in the world to make preparations whenever He is ready to descend. And they all leave this world whenever the Lord again wraps up His pastimes. He gives Himself to them in such a way that no one feels neglected, and they actually feel that they are getting extra and exclusive attention from the Lord.
        In His instructions to Durvasa Muni, the Lord explains how much He loves His devotees. He says that He is completely under the control of His devotees. He is not independent of their love. Because His devotees have no material desires, He sits within the core of their hearts. But not only His devotees, but those who are devotees of His devotees are very dear to Him. Without the saintly persons, for whom He is the only destination, He has no desire to enjoy His own transcendental bliss or supreme opulences. Since these devotees give up so much for Him, such as homes, families, even riches and their own lives if need be, how can He give up such devotees at any time? So, just as a chaste wife brings their gentle husbands under their control by service, such pure devotees also bring Him under control.
        The Lord explains that His devotees are simply satisfied by engaging in service to Him. They are not even interested in liberation, though this is automatically achieved by their service. And they are certainly not interested in the perishable happiness of reaching the heavenly planets that exist within this universe. The pure devotees are always in the core of His heart, and He is always in the heart of His pure devotees. His devotees do not know anything else but Him, and He does not know anything else but them. 8
        When instructing the brahmana ladies who came to render service to Him, Lord Krishna said that those expert personalities who can see their own true interest in life, render unmotivated and uninterrupted devotional service to Him, because He is the most dear to the soul. 9
        In discerning Krishna’s love for us in this life, it is said that if Krishna likes us, He will give us everything. But if Krishna loves us, He will take everything away from us. This does not necessarily mean that He leaves us with nothing. But what gets in the way of our devotional life and spiritual advancement may be taken away. As Krishna Himself explained to Indra, the proud King of Heaven, that a man who is blind with the intoxication of power and opulence cannot easily see Him with the rod of punishment in His hand. If He desires someone’s real welfare, He will drag such a person down from his materially opulent position. 10
        When a person is deprived of unnecessary material benefits, he will at first become morose, but then he will have little else to distract him from understanding his real position in life and the spiritual purpose behind it. This is extremely fortunate, otherwise a person with power and money is often preoccupied with the materialistic aspects of life all the way until the moment of death. Then he still loses everything. So, it is better to be deprived of such preoccupation before then so that a person can make inquiries into the Self and thus have a chance to prepare oneself for leaving the body. That way one can take care of death before death takes care of him. The joyful process of spiritual advancement is the real benefit that Krishna wishes for everyone, and not the blindness that comes from the preoccupation of a materialistic lifestyle. As Lord Krishna Himself says, “the wealthy hardly ever worship Me.” 11  In other words, having many dollars or many rupees usually means many lives. An intelligent person will try to prevent that.
        Krishna continues to explain this aspect of His display of love in His instructions to the gopis, the cowherd girls of Vrindavana. He explains that the reason He does not always immediately reciprocate the affection or worship of living beings is that He wants to intensify their loving devotion. Then they become like a poor man who had gained some wealth but then loses it, and who then becomes so anxious about it that he can think of nothing else. This does not mean that Lord Krishna stops loving us, and we should certainly not harbor any bad feelings toward Him. 12
        We need to understand that in the broader picture of things, He never stops loving and caring for us, but He understands what is best for us and what we need to learn through the experiences that are sent our way. Our progress toward higher understanding is all that we take with us into the next life, while everything else must be given up or forcibly taken away. For most people it is hard to understand this, which is why we sometimes must learn it by force of nature, or the deliberate arrangement of Krishna.
        Lord Krishna further explains this point wherein He says that if He especially favors someone, He gradually deprives that person of his wealth, at least if it is getting in the way. Then someone who was wealthy but becomes poverty-stricken will be abandoned by his relatives and friends. So, he suffers one distress after another. When he becomes frustrated in his endeavors to make money and instead befriends the Lord’s devotees, then the Lord bestows His special mercy on him. Such a person then can become sober and fully realize the Absolute as the highest truth. Realizing the Supreme Truth as the basis of his own existence, he is freed from the cycle of birth and death. However, Krishna admits that because He is difficult to worship, people often avoid worshiping Him and instead worship the other demigods who are more easily satisfied. Then when such people receive rich opulences from these deities, they become arrogant and intoxicated with pride, and then even neglect their own duties. They may even offend those who gave them their blessings. 13
        One point to remember is that Lord Krishna’s teachings are for anyone. His love and affection showers down like the sunshine from the sun planet. Yet, if someone persists in living in a cave, the sunshine cannot reach that person. Similarly, if someone insists on living in ignorance of the Lord, or without devotion to Him, how can such a person feel the Lord’s love?
        The Lord showed everyone the path of spiritual progress, which is the way to follow dharma, the balanced path to righteousness and personal well-being and development. Lord Krishna never exhibited special attachment toward one person over another. When Duryodhana wanted Krishna’s army to fight for him, Krishna gave it to him. And when Arjuna wanted only Krishna on his side, Krishna accepted that but told Arjuna He would not take up arms during the battle. He would only act as Arjuna’s charioteer. But that was enough for Arjuna.
        The same thing goes for the reason why Lord Krishna killed Kamsa, the demon king, even though Kamsa was Krishna’s own uncle. Kamsa used everyone for his own agenda and terrorized the area of Vrindavana. He could not stand the thought of dharma. He made so many arrangements in his attempts to kill Krishna until finally Krishna killed him. But ultimately only the body was destroyed while Kamsa’s soul not only lived on but was purified by Krishna’s touch and attained immortality. So, this is also Krishna’s ultimate level of mercy and care. If Krishna gave His mercy even to the demoniac like Kamsa, then we can understand how much more He will give His love and care to His devotees. So, all we really have to do is to become and act as one of Lord Krishna’s devotees, and soon we will experience Krishna’s loving nature.
1. Bhagavad-gita 9.29-32
2. Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.1.25-26
3. Ibid., 7.1.28-29
4. Ibid., 10.48.26
5. Ibid., 11.2.55
6. Ibid., 10.41.47
7. Bhagavad-gita 10.10-11
8. Srimad-Bhagavatam 9.4.63-68
9. Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.23.26
10. Ibid., 10.27.16
11. Ibid., 10.60.14
12. Ibid., 10.32.20-21
13. Ibid., 10.88.8-11


Команда ХВП поздравляет с Гаура-пурнимой 2019

В Гаура-пурниму 2022 года или ориентировочно в это время все члены ИСККОН будут с упоением вместе праздновать открытие величественного Храма Ведического Планетария во всемирной штаб-квартире ИСККОН в Шридхам Майяпуре в честь 50-ой годовщины его учреждения, и наши возлюбленные майяпурские Божества наконец-то переедут в Свой долгожданный новый дом.

После двенадцати лет планирования, строительства и сбора средств, а также крови, пота и слез многих преданных, мы наконец-то совершим это совместное подношение Шриле Прабхупаде, возвестив о его величии и триумфе по всей вселенной.
В этом году мы празднуем Гаура-пурниму именно с таким устремлением в наших сердцах. Хотя явление Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху преследовало множество целей, в его основе лежало желание Господа освободить все души через харинама-санкиртану. В своих молитвах, обращённых к Господу, Шри Адвайта Ачарья просил Его, чтобы Он сошел на Землю именно с этой целью. ХВП также будет выполнять множество задач, но, в первую очередь, в храме будет располагаться самый большой в мире зал для киртана, который сможет одновременно вместить 10 000 преданных. Несомненно, все, кто посетит ХВП, смогут ощутить могущество Нама-аватары, и после этого, погруженные в трансцендентное блаженство, разъедутся по разным частям света, чтобы привести больше падших душ к лотосным стопам Господа.

В это время года команда ХВП призывает всех преданных оказать финансовую помощь и воспользоваться этой возможностью, которая выпадает раз во много жизней, чтобы помочь нам проявить этот храм. Мы просим тех, кто еще не жертвовал, внести свой вклад. Если вы ещё не выплатили полностью своё пожертвование, пожалуйста, выплатите его или сделайте очень крупный платеж. Если вы уже жертвовали, то прислушайтесь к своему сердцу, возможно, вы решите поддержать нас снова. Мы рассчитываем на то, что каждый внесет свою посильную лепту, маленькую или большую, для осуществления этой цели, и мы выражаем всем свою признательность за вашу помощь.

Не так давно мы запустили кампанию Столпы Преданности, чтобы предоставить спонсорам возможность профинансировать одну из 108 колонн внутри храма. Если к вам пришло такое воодушевление, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь этой возможность служения во время Гаура-пурнимы. Среди прочих видов пожертвований – кирпичи Махапрабху и Гуру-парампары и другие уровни участия.

Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже и сделайте пожертвование уже сегодня:




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Happy Gaura Purnima 2019 from the TOVP Team

On or around Gaura Purnima 2022 all of ISKCON will ecstatically celebrate together the Grand Opening of the magnificent Temple of the Vedic Planetarium at the World Headquarters of ISKCON in Sridham Mayapur on its 50th Anniversary, and our beloved Mayapur Deities will at last be moved into Their long-awaited new home.

After twelve years of planning, execution and fundraising mixed with the blood, sweat and tears of many, we will finally make this combined offering to Srila Prabhupada, increasing his glory and victory further throughout the universe.

This year, we celebrate Gaur Purnima with that objective embedded in our hearts. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance, while having many purposes, has at its core the deliverance of all souls through Harinama sankirtana. The prayers of Sri Advaita Acharya were specifically for the Lord to descend for this purpose. The TOVP will also have multiple purposes, but foremost it will be the grandest kirtan hall in the world, capable of holding 10,000 devotees at any one time. The power of the Nama Avatar will assuredly be felt by all who visit the TOVP, and they will one and all leave for other parts of the world inspired with transcendental bliss to deliver more fallen souls to the Lord’s lotus feet.

During this time of the year the TOVP Team calls on all devotees to give their financial assistance and participate in this once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity to help manifest the temple. We encourage those who haven’t yet donated to please do so. If you have an outstanding balance on your pledge, please pay it off or make an extra-large payment. If you’ve already given, search your heart and consider giving again. We are counting on one and all to do their part, large or small, towards this purpose, and we gratefully acknowledge everyone for their help.

Most recently we launched the Pillars of Devotion Campaign to offer donors the opportunity to sponsor one of the 108 pillars inside the temple. If you feel so inspired, please take advantage of this seva opportunity during Gaura Purnima time. There are also the Mahaprabhu and Guru Parampara bricks, and many other levels of offering.

Please go to the link below and make your donation today:




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The post Happy Gaura Purnima 2019 from the TOVP Team appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Latest edition of the Journal by HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
→ Dandavats

Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: This edition of the Journal begins by discussing how, in my old age, I am accepting personal service from a disciple (vapu) for health reasons, while in my relationship with Srila Prabhupada I chose to serve his vani, even while he was here. I typed his Srimad-Bhagavatam tapes and began the Boston center on his behalf, and even when called to serve as his servant in 1974, I became restless and volunteered to lead the BBT Library Party.

Pujari Training Course at the London College of Vedic Studies (ISKCON-London)
→ Dandavats

By London College of Vedic Studies

Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara are some of ISKCON’s famous Deities, in fact Srila Prabhupada’s Lilamrita recalls the story of Their installation with great affection. Therefore as a result the Deity worship department at our Temple is always striving to serve Their most beautiful Lordships with ever increasing love and devotion. One way in which this endeavour is manifest is through constant training. As such, we recently held the course ‘Introduction to Pujari’, facilitated by the our Head Priest HG Murli Manohara dasa. Continue reading "Pujari Training Course at the London College of Vedic Studies (ISKCON-London)
→ Dandavats"

The New Newsletter
→ KKSBlog

You might have noticed that our “Daily Newsletter” was not delivered daily anymore over time. More and more “live action” is happening on the big social platforms. WhatsApp and other message services are eating away at traditional media like e-mail and Instagram blows us away with an explosion of photos ?

Times are changing and that is definitely the case in the digital age. We had two different newsletters available; a daily and weekly edition. And we decided to merge both editions into one shiny newsletter!

If you were subscribed to the daily or weekly newsletter then your subscription is now merged. Whenever new articles are published on KKSBlog you will receive a newsletter the next day. And if you miss a newsletter you will find it on our Facebook page and Twitter!

Didn’t know we had a newsletter? Sign up below!

The article " The New Newsletter " was published on KKSBlog.

Divya’s Kitchen: Where Your Feelings Matter As Much As The Food

Meet Divya Alter, the chef, cookbook author and co-owner of Divya's Kitchen, the first Ayurvedic restaurant in New York City, operating in the East Village at the ground floor of the Bhakti Center, fully devoted to your feelings. Feelings matter in food. Moreso, Divya explains, they matter when it comes to digestion. Many of us suffer or have suffered after a meal because we did not honor this simple rule: Eat for how you feel. Meaning, eat mindfully for balance to maximize wellness.

Dare to Think of Krsna as Your Friend!
→ Dandavats

Dare to Think of Krsna as Your Friend!
HH Sacinandana Swami: For many devotees in our movement, Krsna is anything but a friend. They do not dare to think in this direction. Some feel it is sahajiyaism, or taking things too lightly, while others think, “He is so far away and inaccessible. A friend is someone I can call with my smartphone or write a whatsapp to. Krsna is a friend? Is this just a swami-hype? How can we relate to this?” My dear devotees, you can only find peace in your life if you become aware that:


Panca Tattva Maha Abhiseka
→ Ramai Swami

Every five years the Mayapur devotees organise a Maha Abhiseka for Sri Panca Tattva during the festival time. There were so many devotees and guests who came that they couldn’t all fit into the temple but spilled outside by the thousands.

This year I was most fortunate because I was asked by the management to help bathe Sri Gadadhara Pandit. We all climbed up stairs at the back of the deities onto a large platform just behind Them so we could perform the abhiseka.

Become Prabhupada?
→ Dandavats

By Navina Nirada Dasa

"So you want to become Prabhupada?" These words of a senior devotee rang in my ears, and I started pondering. He had asked me about the purpose of my stay in Mayapur. I told him that I'm attending the Bhaktivedanta Course. Although appreciating his fervor, I have mixed feelings regarding the connotations of his question, some of which I'll address in this thesis. Reflecting on his undertone, I conclude the topic must be worthy to explore, if it stirs up such a reaction. As devotees in ISKCON we often casually use the term "Bhaktivedanta" dozens of times daily. Are we doing this simply mindlessly, or do we fully understand the real meaning and significance of Bhaktivedanta? Continue reading "Become Prabhupada?
→ Dandavats"