Thursday, January 17, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Round Rock, Texas

To The Heart of Texas

I was air-bound to reach Austin, Texas, and while waiting at the airport gate in Toronto, I could hear behind me two young women conversing casually, stumbling on the word “like” very frequently.  To me they sounded like caricatures.

Next, three tall fellows, quite loud in their expressions, came by to sit next to me where there was available seating.  One had on a cowboy hat.  Considering the flight, that was a give-away that they were Texans.

In the queue for boarding, a young oriental guy and I began chatting about weather and walking.  “Of course, walking is best in summer,” he expressed.

I mildly argued the point.  “Walking is good in all seasons.”

I was scheduled to give a talk, “Tales From Trails” and that happened at a community centre in Round Rock, just outside of Austin. A group of bhakti-yogis of the south-east Asian community were focused  on hearing of my U.S. pilgrimage.  I was personally proud of the fact that I did not have to merge-in any of my Canadian pastimes.  There is enough material there for both nations individually.

I also read a section of Chaitanya Bhagavat, about the life of traveler Chaitanya, followed by dance and song lessons for a kirtan. Chaitanya was a monk from the early 16thcentury, who trekked a lot, chanted, and danced with his companions, enthusing people from all walks of life.

As I have expressed in previous entries, I have remorse when I cannot fit in time for walking.  At least some leg movement occurred this evening in the form of dance.

I thank Rupasagara and Maha Sundari for hosting me.

May the Source be with you!
0 km  

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

I Ventured Alone in Memory

I ventured out alone after leading a song in the temple.  I more or less burst out the door after an intense but good day.  Out I went into -9 Celsius weather, in my thick polar orange suit, prepared for the chill.  It was an exhilarating blast of cold, much to my liking for a brisk walk.

I walked along on Bloor and Robert Street where I noticed a church emptying out.  Trinity St. Paul’s Church is often a venue for great performances.  The people pouring out were a delighted audience who heard “The Harlequin Salon.” I went inside for a peek.  The original pipe organ is still set in the back area. Nice exterior building as well.

Some years ago, when Professor Joseph T. O’Connell, of U of T’s religious department, had gone to hear a concert, he and I happened to converge in the street.  He was with his wife, Kathleen.  He was a great scholar and had majored in Gaudiya Vaisnava history and culture. The Hare Krishna were his friends. He has passed on.  I attended his funeral services.  He always stood up for us in our early years.,3280/

Anyway, it was interesting meeting him outside St. Pauls.  I had just returned from another type of concert—a Straight Edge music display by the rock band “Shelter” with singer Raghunath.  O’Connell had come from a sophisticated music ensemble, and I had just emerged from Lee’s Palace, up the street, where heavy music blares out. They were two different worlds of music genres, although I really do have a taste for classical instrumental music personally.

Professor O’Connell, the scholar, asked our guru, Srila Prabhupada, when visiting Toronto in June of 1976, whether there were any female gurus in our tradition.  In short, the answer was, “Yes!” 

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Tuesday, January 15, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Nippy Fingers Nippy Legs

“My fingers are getting numb. I can hardly feel them,” said Narahari, who obviously was affected by the January evening chill. He fussed around with his Japa meditation beads, before sliding them into his coat pocket on the right side. We were walking through the residential area of Rosedale, and subsequently, I said, “I figured that one out years ago.  When your fingers get cold remove the beads from the pouch they’re in, and make your pocket the pouch (bead bag).

Narahari was chanting quite attentively in the course of our short walk, as we snaked our way through the curvy walkways of Rosedale. It’s really quite pleasant here despite the nippiness of the night.  The chill is no problem for a Canuck like me, but for Narahari, who hails from India, it was a new experience, so it seemed.

Narahari was remarking about the expensive homes, some of them mansions, and how none of them are acquisitions he would be interested in.  ‘Keeping it simple’ was what he was getting at.  I was thinking he was more like a monk than a householder.

We swung around in the direction heading back to the ashram where the day had been most interesting.  To catch a thief is more like what we went through, today, as it was Narahari who was the victim of theft two weeks ago.  Police came over to ask questions and give directions to a group of us should the thief reappear. 

The day was long, and at the end I was forwarded an article from the Toronto Observer on the topic (with pictures) of “The Walking Monk’ by journalist Doha Hanno.

May the Source be with you!
4 km 

Monday, January 14, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

The Before and Now

It was in that same queue at the Vancouver Airport that the fellow next to me asked another curious question, after I told him I was a Southern Ontario kid raised on a farm, and that I became a monk in 1973.

“So what’s behind a boy from small-town Canada becoming a Hare Krishna monk?”

My answer was: “I was drawn to the simple life and to spirituality.  It came so naturally, and no doubt, it had something to do with my previous life and how I lived that out.  My inclinations from then spilled over into my current life.”

The man was intently listening and with a smile. It was just too bad our line was moving, and that we boarded the Air Canada plane, with him having his secured seat way in the back and mine being fairly close to the front on Flight 126. We could have had an ongoing dialogue.

Back at home in the ashram, I worked hours in a sedentary fashion on the phone and with pen on mission-oriented projects. It was fun, but in the evening, our ashramdwellers came together for our weekly gathering over Russian potato salad and a reading/discussion from Prabhupada’s Nectar of Devotion.  The topic was about fructified and unfructified seeds of karma,in regard to living out life reactions from our former lives, both good and bad.

In the discussion with Madhu and Andrey, we identified four positive assets that a person reaps from pious actions in the past—wealth or comfortable living, intelligence or common sense, good parentage, and physically wholesome features.  It was an interesting theme.

My last thoughts of the day, as I stood in the temple, were of the image of Radha’s, whom I refer to as the Queen of Toronto.

May the Source be with you!

Sri Ramacandra Kaviraja Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Ramacandra Kaviraja, the son of Sri Ciranjiva Sena (eternal associate of Lord Caitanya), appeared in Sri Khanda. “Ramacandra Kaviraja was especially earnest, beautiful, intelligent, energetic, and enthusiastic,” said one biographer. 

Although married, Ramacandra and his wife, Ratanala, had no material attachments. They stayed fully engaged in the loving service of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. They had no children. 

With steadfast devotion he served his spiritual master, Srinivasa Acharya. In Vrindavan, Sri Jiva Goswami gave him the title, kaviraja, “king of poets.”

In the form of Karna manjari, he serves Srimati Radharani in Vraja lila. His samadhi is in Dhira Samira Kunja next to Srinivasa Acharya. 

Srimad Bhagavatam :HH Subhag Swami

Srimad Bhagavatam Verse: 9.11.18-19 Date: 23 Jan 2019 Speaker: HH Subhag Swami Text 18: After mother Sītā entered the earth, Lord Rāmacandra observed complete celibacy and performed an uninterrupted Agnihotra-yajña for thirteen thousand years. Translation 19: After completing the sacrifice, Lord Rāmacandra, whose lotus feet were sometimes pierced by thorns when He lived in Daṇḍakāraṇya, placed those […]

The post Srimad Bhagavatam :HH Subhag Swami appeared first on

Death and Dying from the Vedic Perspective, January 19, Houston
Giriraj Swami

Giriraj Swami gave the keynote presentation on his book Life’s Final Exam: Death and Dying from the Vedic Perspective at the Bhaktivedanta Medical Retreat in Houston.


Live from Bhaktivedanta Medical Retreat in Houston, where Giriraj Swami is giving the keynote presentation on his book Life’s Final Exam: Death and Dying from the Vedic Perspective.

Posted by Anish Pillai on Saturday, January 19, 2019

Death and Dying From the Vedic Perspective – Keynote Presentation

New logo to commemorate ISKCON UK’s 50th anniversary unveiled
→ Dandavats

By Mina Sharma

A new logo to commemorate the 50th anniversary of ISKCON UK has today been unveiled by the organisational team.Designed by Anantacarya Das, the striking logo encompasses the colours of the Union Jack and features a map of the UK in the background.Speaking today, Praghosa Dasa, UK GBC Chairman said:“The 50th anniversary is an historic milestone for ISKCON UK, where we lookback at the incredible story of how our first temple and deities were established in London, to today where the movement is thriving and going onto bigger and better things.“This logo is an important symbol for us as a UK yatra, bringing together all the wonderful work each of our centres do and will continue to do for the next fifty years and beyond.”. Continue reading "New logo to commemorate ISKCON UK’s 50th anniversary unveiled
→ Dandavats"

Reflections on the Bhakta Program for 2018 at Rupanuaga Vedic College, Kansas City, USA
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Krishna Bhagavan dasa

In recent months RVC has added many new preaching programs including "Bhakti Vriksha" - a weekly program for congregation and temple members, First Friday Art gallery event in downtown Kansas City, and monday evening drum circles at a local park. RVC has taken up as its top priority to upgrade and update: many of the temple and bhakta ashram facilities, kitchen, prasadam*dining* room, basement hall, and other needs and requirements of the devotees. During 2018 the temple installed a completely new roof, installed a new AC system, updated the restrooms, and fixed other maintenance issues. At RVC, we are making our best efforts to make the "bhakta program" more enlivening, comfortable, and fulfilling.” Continue reading "Reflections on the Bhakta Program for 2018 at Rupanuaga Vedic College, Kansas City, USA
→ Dandavats"

→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti-latā Dasi

Sending and receiving a letter to an inmate is just as exhilarating and rewarding: connecting one-on-one with a receptive soul, even more so one who is suffering and conscious of his/her suffering and seeking help, is the most rewarding activity I have ever experienced. Given that I have in my possession the key that will unlock their prison, the knowledge that will end all their suffering, it follows naturally that it is my duty—and privilege—to make sure that as many inmates as possible get hold of it too. Continue reading "CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR LONG
→ Dandavats"

The age of forgiveness
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 02 January 2015, Simhachalam, Germany, Caitanya Caritamrta Antya 7.16)

We must not blindly follow but always use our intelligence to deeply understand our philosophy and all the stories from the different ages. In previous ages, quite outstanding things were possible. In those times, sages had amazing powers and piety was a big thing.

But now, we live in a different age. The first principle of this age is forgiveness, ksama; that is the essence. If there is no forgiveness – forget it! If you cannot forgive then you cannot be a devotee, as it is not going to work that way. So many people do things to us and sooner or later, it is a devotee. Have you thought about the things that devotees have done to you? Devotees, you know, tilak and neckbeads, how they have treated us sometimes!? But forgiveness is required because how can we live amongst the vaisnavas without forgiveness? How can we preach without forgiveness? The fact is that everyone is so sinful, so fallen, so learning to forgive is a very deep thing.

In Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhismadev says that to conquer anger one must learn to forgive, as without forgiving, some anger remains. There are different types of anger –  first there is a hot anger, the fist on the table type, ‘And now, it is enough!!’  Then there is the other anger, the cold one, where the heart freezes and one says, ‘For that one, there is no mercy!’  Ice-cold anger in a frozen heart.

So we need to see others through our own example and ask ourselves who is actually perfect amongst us, who has never made a mistake? Who has not done anything wrong to anybody? If there is an angel amongst us, please show us your wings! So we can see it is not that feasible. Therefore, if we approach others through our own life and through how we have dealt with others, then it is easier to forgive.

We are filled with weaknesses, so to forgive means to accept weakness in others, that they make mistakes and that they are not perfect. It is actually to be expected in this age of kali because in this age, weakness of character is our biggest problem. We are weak – we have no determination, we have no piety, we are proud, we cannot tolerate very much, we are lazy and we do not want to work very hard, we are not very learned but at the same time, we think that we know everything.

These are all the typical things that everybody has – everybody! It is not that somebody is different, but everybody thinks, ‘I know very well! Why they are telling me this, when I already know it? What can I do, when Krsna gave it to me, to know things!’  The root cause of our material disease is manifested in thinking, ‘I know!’ Because we think that way, it becomes such a habit to just do our own thing and not accept a proper guidance.

The article " The age of forgiveness " was published on KKSBlog.

Kids Bhagavatam (Chapter 2) by LightOfGodhead
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaPlease find the Kids Bhagvatam summary video for Canto1, Chapter 2 - "Divinity and Divine Service". We pray this inspires some of you to try this teaching methodology with your kids at home/Sunday school etc. Please write to me personally if you would like to use any of the resources. We seek your blessings to continue this journey of learning Srimad Bhagavatam.

If Jesus came today, he would not be a Christian – should we avoid organized religion?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If Jesus came today, he would not be a Christian – should we avoid organized religion? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Srila Prabhupada’s Transcendental Sweetness and Beauty
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Yamuna Devi Dasi

Two months later, on Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-puja day - 9 September 1966 - Srila Prabhupada held the first initiations in ISKCON. Michael Grant became Mukunda Dasa and Jan became Janaki Dasi, Srila Prabhupada's first woman initiate and one of three ISKCON trustees. Three days later, Prabhupada performed a marriage ceremony for them. In those early years, Prabhupada established a personal, warm rapport with each of his disciples and nurtured them in spiritual life. This was true of both men and women. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada’s Transcendental Sweetness and Beauty
→ Dandavats"

Vrndavana – Land of No Return
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Brahmananda Dasa

The transcendental land of Vrndavana is always spiritual. That spiritual land is populated by goddesses of fortune, who are known as gopis. These are all beloved of Krsna, and Krsna is the only lover of all those gopis. The trees of that land are kalpa-vrksa, wish-fulfilling trees, and one can have anything he wants from them. The land is made of touchstone and the water of nectar. In that supreme abode, all speech is song, all walking is dancing, and one's constant companion is the flute. Surabhi cows flood the land with milk, and everything is self-luminous, just like the sun in the material world. Since every moment there is spent in loving service to Krsna, there is no past, present or future. Continue reading "Vrndavana – Land of No Return
→ Dandavats"

Vaishnava Etiquette
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti Caru Swami

Folding his hands, Sanatana Gosvami said, "My Lord, You ordered me to write a directory about the activities of Vaishnavas. I am a most lowborn person. I have no knowledge of good behavior. How is it possible for me to write authorized directions about Vaishnava activities?" Sanatana Gosvami then requested the Lord, "Please personally tell me how I can write this difficult book about Vaishnava behavior. Please manifest Yourself in my heart. If You would please manifest Yourself within my heart and personally direct me in writing this book, then, although I am lowborn, I may hope to be able to write it. Continue reading "Vaishnava Etiquette
→ Dandavats"

Sun Love Feast – Jan 20th, 2019 – Vedic discourse by His Grace Jambavan Das Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton

About His Grace Jambavan Das:
Jambavan Dasa joined ISKCON in Detroit in 1994 and took initiation from H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami in 1995. Within ISKCON, he has served as a book distributor, pujari, manager, and speaker in Detroit, Gita-nagari, Potomac, and in India. He and his family now are a part of the Harmony Collective devotee community in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Outside of the institution, he has worked mainly in banking, and he has a Bachelor's degree in Finance. He recently completed a second degree in English so that he can teach as well. He studied Sanskrit for many years under the instruction of H.H. Gopiparanadhana Prabhu and has translated much of Sri Visnu Purana and multiple other smaller works. He and his wife Samvit dasi have 8 children who are educated at home, the oldest is now at college. Jambavan currently works as a High School English teacher and frequently travels to perform weddings and other yajnas, with help from his sons.

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

And Be Happy!!

ayur harati vai pumsam
udyann astam ca yann asau
tasyarte yat-ksano nita

Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
 ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.17

11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Sat-tila Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Thu Jan 31st,  2019
Breakfast................  on Fri Feb 1st, 2019 b/w 7:35am – 8:32 am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or
simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures
and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through
regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Adult Education At The Temple
ISKCON Brampton offers various courses and Seminars for adults. The courses take a personal approach to learning. It encourages the student not only to study thoroughly the contents of Srila Prabhupada’s books but also to clearly understand the philosophy and practically apply it. The course focuses on behaviour and character, nurturing students in appropriate Vaishnava values.
Professionally designed and presented, it draws on the principles of Krishna consciousness
and the best of progressive education. In this way, it is true to ISKCON’s heritage and at the
same time relevant to its mission in contemporary society.

For further information, please contact HG Prema Gaurangi Devi Dasi @

Sunday School

To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates,
quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed
to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna
consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make
Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your
loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your
visit. It offers textiles, jewelry, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs
inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

Sunday, January 13th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

New Westminster, British Columbia

Eagles and Planes

An eagle soared high above us.  Nitai Ram and I were taking a stroll by Meadow Avenue when I saw the large-winged fellow looming up in the sky, before he perched upon the leafless branch of a towering tree.  "The eagle population has been on the rise," I said to Nitai. "It's a good sign."

From eagles we can learn to look up high and also to aim high with our dreams.  Thank you Eagle.  We can all set our target for a better world with high values.

In that regard, both of us then departed to Ami's place for the ultimate joyful thing to do.  Two items, well, maybe three, which are optimum, as far as human engagement is concerned.  They are: 1) honouring blessed food (prasadam),  2) engaging in chanting (kirtan), and  3) taking in the company of spiritual people (sangha).

I wish the world could be more engrossed in such activities.  I was thrilled being in the company of members of Kirtan Vancouver.  Also by evening, after I delivered a class from the Gita to a Sunday crowd at ISKCON in Burnaby, I partook of the feast with the Canadian Federal NDP party leader, Jagmeet Singh.  Who knows? He could be the next Prime Minister of Canada.  A pleasant person he is.  He was very curious about my walks, so I expressed how powerful it was to connect with ordinary people along the way.  Good luck Jagmeet Singh.

Now it was time to fly (not like the eagle) back to the direction of eastern Canada, and in the queue, a tall young Caucasian asked a string of questions: "Are those swirling clothes comfortable?"

"Yes," I said, "and if there's an emergency and we have to jump out, my robes act like a parachute."  

To which he asked, "Is this like a Scottish kilt dynamic?" meaning, "Do you have anything on underneath?"

"Sure do."

The guy then said, "If there's an emergency and we jump, I'll hold onto your feet."

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Saturday, January 12th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Burnaby, British Columbia

Step In Sync

The assignment of being an administrator of sorts, as I am, can be a mountain to climb like the mountains I see in the distance. My walking, my presentations—be it chanting, giving a Bhagavatam class or doing a theatre production—are relatively easy.  But the issues with people present complexities. Nevertheless, the job must be done.

At our local ISKCON council meeting, I spoke passionately to our small group about becoming more relevant to the public.  We all know people who are frozen in the past, those who suffer from a time warp; who live a bit too much in the past. Some of those people are in the position of leadership but don't belong in such a post because progressive thinking has not been allowed to enter into the brain waves.

I've been in Vancouver now for a few days. It's a trail-blazing city in many respects, world-class, and is a popular destination, with its relatively clean atmosphere of lakes and scenic mountains.  Our group here needs to step up and get more in sync with the world around them.  I don't think they mind me saying this from an objective viewpoint.  We continue to lose a younger generation because we’ve become irrelevant.  Anyway, there's work to be done and I'm there to help in my limited capacity.

I dined at Janaki and Nandi's place.  Great aloo gobi!  I then met with some younger generation guys at a full-on veg restaurant on the Kingsway. I walked back on Marine Drive contemplating how a higher conscious community could become more relevant.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Friday, January 11th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Venables Valley/Kitsilano, British Columbia

Dance, Dance, Dance

Much pleasure came from sharing a morning class with the students at Saranagati's school.  Our topic was about creation from the Vedic perspective.  I continued with a workshop on devotional dance.  Of course, everyone had a great time.

Then, off Jaya Govinda and I went to Vancouver, allowing ourselves enough time to reach a borough within the Greater Vancouver Area.  Kitsilano is described as a laid-back residential area known for the huge saltwater pool and mountain views from the beach.  Stores on West 4th Avenue, the main drag, sell yoga wear and outdoor gear. Vegetarian eateries are popular.

It is in the heart of Kitsilano that a fellow by the name of Abeeru, from Quebec City, has been running ecstatic dance sessions in the Russian community centre for twenty-six years.  A band of bhakti-yogis and myself were the guests.  The event went beyond midnight.  I was given two slots to lead.  One consisted of leading the crowd in similar dance steps as was done earlier in the event called, Just Dance.  Lights were low except for the myriad splashes of colour projected on the walls, ceiling and floor. When Abeeru, was setting the music as the DJ, I was asked to insert Sanskrit mantras over the beat.  It was beautifully outrageous.  The free-spirited crowd let loose with dance.  It was a clean group.  No alcohol, but cannabis on some breath, for sure.  Some participants are committed to visiting our Burnaby ISKCON branch on Sunday.  Fun!

May the Source be with you!
3 km

How Lord Krishna is the Source of all Avatars, by Stephen Knapp
→ Stephen Knapp

In spite of the fact that everything comes from the Supreme Being, He is still aloof from it all. He does not disengage Himself from His eternal pleasure pastimes with His devotees in the spiritual realm. So, in the process of creating the material worlds, the Supreme expands Himself into various forms, which are His plenary parts. Krishna is the primeval Lord, the original Personality of Godhead, so He can expand Himself into unlimited forms with all potencies. They are no different from Him, but may exhibit differences in form.

He first expands Himself into Baladeva, or Balarama, who is considered Krishna’s second body and brother. Balarama assists in Lord Krishna’s innumerable spiritual pastimes in both the spiritual and material realms.

Lord Balarama is also Lord Sankarshana, the predominator of the creative energy. He creates and is the shelter of the material and spiritual worlds. By the will of Krishna and the power of the spiritual energy, Lord Balarama creates the spiritual world, which consists of the planet Goloka Vrindavana and the Vaikuntha planets. 1

Lord Balarama especially assists Lord Krishna in the creation of the material worlds. After Balarama has expanded Himself into Lord Maha-Sankarshana, He expands Himself into four different forms, including: 1) Karanadakashayi Vishnu [Maha-Vishnu], 2) Garbhodakashayi Vishnu [the expansion in each universe], 3) Ksirodakashayi Vishnu [the Supersoul in each individual], and 4) Sesha, also called Seshanaga. These first four plenary portions assist in the material cosmic manifestation. Sesha is Balarama’s form who assists in the Lord’s personal service. He is also called Ananta, meaning unlimited, because He assists the Lord in His unlimited variety of pastimes. 2

* * *

To explain more clearly, all expansions of the Lord begin with Sri Krishna. For His pastimes in one of the highest levels of the spiritual realm, called Dvaraka, Sri Krishna expands Himself into Balarama, who then expands Himself into Pradyumna and Aniruddha. These four expand into a second quadruple which is present in the unlimited Vaikuntha planets of the spiritual sky. The second quadruple is known as Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. They are changeless, transcendental expansions of the Supreme Lord, Krishna. In this second quadruple, Vasudeva is an expansion of Krishna, and Sankarshana is a representation of Balarama.

In the Vaikuntha sky there is the pure, spiritual creative energy called Shuddha-sattva that sustains all of the spiritual planets with the full opulences of knowledge, wealth, power, beauty, etc., all of which pervade the entire spiritual kingdom and are fully enjoyed by the residents there. This energy is but a display of the creative potencies of Balarama, Maha-Sankarshana. It is also this Sankarshana who is the original cause of the Causal Ocean where Karanodakashayi Vishnu (Maha-Vishnu) sleeps, while breathing out the seeds of innumerable universes. When the cosmic creation is annihilated, all of the materially conditioned, although indestructible, living entities merge back into the body of Maha-Vishnu where they rest until the time of the next creation. So, Balarama as Sankarshana is the origin of Maha-Vishnu, from whom originates all of the potencies of the material manifestation. 3

So, to summarize, for His spiritual pastimes in the Vaikuntha realm, Lord Krishna has four original expansions, namely Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Maha-Vishnu is an expansion of Sankarshana; Garbhodakashayi Vishnu is an expansion of Pradyumna; and Ksirodakashayi Vishnu is an expansion of Aniruddha. 4

* * *

To begin explaining the purpose and function of these expansions, the Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.6.42) describes that, “Maha-Vishnu (Karanadakashayi Vishnu) is the first incarnation of the Supreme Lord in the process of creating the material worlds. He is the master of eternal time, space, cause and effects, mind, elements, material ego, the modes of nature, senses, the universal form of the Lord (Garbhodakashayi Vishnu) and the sum total of all living beings, both moving and nonmoving.”

Then Maha-Vishnu lies down in the Viraja River, which is the border between the spiritual and material worlds. 5

Lord Maha-Vishnu is the source of thousands of avataras in His thousands and thousands of subjective portions. He is the creator of countless individual souls. He is also known by the name of Narayana, meaning the shelter of all the individual jiva souls. From Him springs forth the vast expanse of water known as the spiritual Causal Ocean. Maha-Vishnu then reclines in the waters of the Causal Ocean in a state of divine sleep, called yoga-nidra. Thus, it is said that the universal creation is but the dream of Maha-Vishnu. 6

Since the waters of the Causal Ocean, known as the Karana Ocean, come from the body of Maha-Vishnu, it is completely spiritual. The sacred Ganges is but a drop from that ocean, which can purify the fallen souls. 7

Lord Balarama also expands into the great serpent known as Ananta, or Seshanaga. He reposes on the Causal Ocean and serves as the couch upon whom Lord Maha-Vishnu reclines. 8

That Ananta-Sesha is the devotee incarnation of God who knows nothing but service to Lord Krishna. With His thousands of mouths He always sings the endless glories of Lord Krishna. He also expands Himself to serve as Lord Krishna’s paraphernalia, including such items as the umbrella, slippers, bedding, pillow, garments, resting chair, residence, sacred gayatri thread, and throne in the pastimes of Lord Krishna. Thus, He has attained and exhibits the ultimate end of servitude to Lord Krishna. 9
At the time of creation, after the Supreme has been sleeping for some time, the first emanation from the breathing of Lord Maha-Vishnu are the personified Vedas who serve Him by waking Him from His mystic sleep. They begin to enthusiastically sing His glories, pastimes, and praises, just as a King is awaken in the morning by poets who recite his heroic deeds. 10 This shows the eternal nature of the Vedic literature. They are not merely the writings of men, but they are spiritual vibrations that exist before and after the material creation, and which emanate from the Supreme Lord.

Once the Lord is awoken, He casts His glance upon the material energy of maya. Then she becomes agitated. At that time the Lord injects the original seeds of all living entities. This glance is how the Supreme impregnates material nature with all the living entities. Thus, the Lord does not personally touch the material energy, but by His functional expansion He places the living entities into the material nature by His glance. 11 This functional expansion of the Lord takes the form as Shiva, which will be explained later.

After agitating material nature into three qualities, which are the modes of nature in the form of passion, goodness, and ignorance, they become active and material nature begins to give birth to the total material energy known as the hiranya-mahat-tattva. This is the sum total of cosmic intelligence. Thus, material nature becomes agitated by the destinations of the conditioned souls as determined by the influence of the modes of nature. 12

Simply by the glance of Maha-Vishnu consciousness is created, which is known as the mahat-tattva. The predominating Deity of the mahat-tattva is Lord Vasudeva, another expansion of Lord Krishna. This explains how the material energy is like the mother of the living beings while the Lord is the Supreme Father of everyone. Just as a woman cannot give birth without the contact of a man, or at least his seed, so material nature cannot create without the contact of the Supreme Being.

So, first the total material energy is manifest, and from this arise the three types of egotism, which are the original sources of all the demigods [the minor controlling deities], the senses, and material elements. By combining the different elements, the Supreme Lord creates all of the unlimited universes. Once the material elements have been manifested, and the full potential for creating the universes has been established, the innumerable universes begin to emanate from the pores of the body of Maha-Vishnu, and from His exhalations. They appear just like atomic particles that float in sunshine and pass through a screen. When Maha-Vishnu inhales at the time of the universal annihilation, they return to His body. In this way, Maha-Vishnu is the Supersoul of all the universes. 13

Brahma, the demigods, and each universe remain alive for the duration of one of His exhalations. 14 However, there is no limit to the exhalations of Maha-Vishnu. 15

Once all of the universes are created, which are unlimited, Maha-Vishnu expands Himself into unlimited forms and enters each universe as Garbhodakashayi Vishnu. Once He is in each universe, He sees that there is no place to reside. Then, after some consideration, He fills half of the universe with water from His own perspiration. He then lays down on the water, again supported by the bed of Seshanaga. 16

Garbhodakashayi Vishnu, who is known within the universe as Hiranyagarbha and Antaryami, the Supersoul, is glorified in the Vedic hymns. He is the master of each and every universe and shelter of the external or material energy. However, being transcendental, He is completely beyond the touch of the external energy.

Next is the third expansion of Vishnu, called Ksirodakashayi Vishnu, who is the incarnation of the quality of goodness. He is the universal form of the Lord and expands Himself as the Supersol within every living entity. He is known as Ksirodakashayi Vishnu because He lies on the ocean of milk on the island of Svetadvipa. These are the three expansions of Lord Vishnu who oversee and make the creation of the material world possible. 17

In this way, we can see how all of the expansions of the Lord, and also all of His energies that are manifested to bring forth the cosmic creation, all originate from Lord Krishna. Therefore, the reason why Lord Krishna is considered the ninth incarnation is only because this is the order in which He displays His avatars before He displays His own pastimes. Basically, if we can further understand this description, everything is but a pastime of the Lord.

A few additional verses that clarify this topic include the 3rd chapter of the 1st Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam which describes the principle incarnations of the Supreme Lord. Having done that, verse 28 says:

ete camsha-kalah pumsah
krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
indrari-vyakulam lokam
mridayanti yuge yuge

“All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri Krishna is the original Personality of Godhead. All of them appear on planets whenever there is a disturbance created by the atheists. The Lord incarnates to protect the theists.”
Also in Brahma Samhita (5.1) Lord Brahma says:

isvarah paramah krishnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam

“Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.”
In this way, the Vedic literature agrees that Krishna is the source of Brahma, Shiva and all other demigods. In the Atharva Veda (Gopala-tapani Upanishad 1.24) it is said, yo brahmanam vidadhati purvam yo vai vedamsh cha gapayati sma krishnah: “It was Krishna who in the beginning instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge and who disseminated Vedic knowledge in the past.”
Then the Narayana Upanishad (1) says, atha purusho ha vai narayano kamayata prajah srijeyeti: “Then the Supreme Personality Narayana desired to create living entities.” The Upanishad continues, narayanad brahma jayate, narayanad prajapatih prajayate, narayanad indro jayate, narayanad ashtau vasavo jayante, narayanad ekadasha rudra jayante, narayanad dvadashadityah: “From Narayana, Brahma is born, and from Narayana the patriarchs are also born. From Narayana, Indra is born, from Narayana the eight Vasus are born, from Narayana the eleven Rudras are born, from Narayana the twelve Adityas are born.”
This Narayana is an expansion of Krishna as previously explained.
It is further said in the Narayana Upanishad 4, brahmanyo devaki-putrah: “The son of Devaki, Krishna, is the Supreme Personality.”
In the Moksha-dharma Sri Krishna Himself says,

prajapatim cha rudram chapy aham eva srijami vai
tau hi mam na vijanito mama maya-vimohitau

“The patriarchs, Shiva and others are created by Me, though they do not know that they are created by Me because they are deluded by My illusory energy.”
Lord Brahma continues to pray and explains in his Brahma Samhita (5.46) how the potency in Krishna’s expansions spreads from one form to another:

diparchir eva hi dashantaram abhyupetya
dipayate vivrita-hetu-samana-dharma
yas tadrig eva hi cha vishnutaya vibhati
govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami

“The light of one candle being communicated to other candles, although it burns separately in them, is the same in its quality. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda who exhibits Himself equally in the same mobile manner in His various manifestations.”
Thus, the Vedic knowledge clearly accepts Sri Krishna (Govinda) as the original independent causeless fountainhead of all of His various personality manifestations known as the various Vishnu avataras (forms/personalities).

1. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila, 20.255-6
2. Ibid., Adi-lila, 5.4-6, 8-11
3. Ibid., Adi-lila, 5.41 & purport
4. Ibid., Adi-lila, 2.56, purport
5. Ibid., Madhya-lila, 20.268-271
6. Brahma-samhita, 5.11-12
7. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila, 5.54
8. Brahma-samhita, 5.47
9. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila, 5.120-124
10. Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.87.12-13
11. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila, 20.272
12. Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.26.19
13. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila, 20.275-282
14. Brahma-samhita, 5.48
15. Chaitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila, 20.324
16. Ibid., Madhya-lila, 20.284-6
17. Ibid., Madhya-lila, 20.292, 294-5

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