Cleveland, Ohio
To the Prison and the Trees
Arjuna has been in prison for fifteen years and has a short time left to complete his sentence for manslaughter. Those details are interesting and he's been doing extremely well as an inmate. They loved him at Trumbull Correctional Institute and now he stays at a new facility where it proves the same. He gets along with everyone.
Arjuna was not always "Arjuna." He added that spiritual name to his family and given name which is Aaron, some eight years ago. My friend from Salem, Ohio, is Akilananda, and he is a chaplain who introduced me to this young(er) man. He steadily chants his mantras and works out.
"I try to get outside (within the fence) as much as I can," he told me today.
He's in good shape on the physical and spiritual level. We are proud of him.
"Krishna's looking after me."
Adios, Arjuna, and good luck with your upcoming welding career.
Michael and Paurnamasi, my hosts in Cleveland, are a fine couple, and after the trip to prison, the three of us ventured over to the Metro Parks System in Cleveland for a walk in this diverse deciduous-tree haven. The leaves are on the forest floor leaving it easy to spot a deer, woodpecker, chickadee and various other forms of wildlife. Rocky River is a river vein that attracts the wild wonder. On one rock, there is inscribed a quote from John Muir. "But in every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
This is absolutely true. Thank you, Divine Couple, and thank you Akil, Kaustuba and Dhananjay. Good to meet you Jason.
May the Source be with you!
4 km