A visit to Singapore or Simhapura (Album of photos)…
→ Dandavats

A visit to Singapore or Siṃhapura(2018) (Album of photos)
Singapore is a sovereign city-state in Southeast Asia. The name of the place was derived from Sanskrit Siṃhapura (siṃha is “lion”, pura is “town” or “city”). It is one of the world’s most prosperous countries which lies just one degree north of the equator and boasts the world’s busiest port. Combining the skyscrapers and subways of a modern, affluent city with a medley of Chinese, Malay and Indian influences along with a tropical climate, this Garden City makes a great stopover into the region for tourists. We had a wonderful time there with the devotees of Jagannath Mandir which is located at the heart of Little India region. We visited Gardens by the Bay and were amazed to behold the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest. We visited Mariamman Temple, which is Singapore’s oldest temple since 1827. The iconic Merlion Park and Helix bridge in Marina Bay were great places of tourist attraction. At Singapore Airport we saw Butterfly garden and Sunflower garden.

Gita Yoga in Bali, Indonesia – Gita Jayanti National
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Nila Kamala das

On Sunday 16th December, devotees in Bali, Indonesia celebrated one of the biggest events of the year. Gita Yoga was the event and preparation for this event had taken months of determination and dedication. What is Gita Yoga? Gita Yoga is an attempt by ISKCON Indonesia to share the teachings and importance of the Bhagavad Gita to the public. The event was held in the famous Bajrasandi Park. The day started early at 6am where the general public who flocked in by the hundreds laid down their yoga mats and performed various yoga postures following the instructor on the stage. The idea was to encourage the public of a more simple and natural life. After the exercises, devotees explained about yoga from the Bhagavad Gita. Continue reading "Gita Yoga in Bali, Indonesia – Gita Jayanti National
→ Dandavats"

NASN November 2018 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of November 2018. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN November 2018 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

How can motivate us to move on in our spiritual life – can the saints’ realizations inspire – don’t we need our own experiences?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Sunday, December 16th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Cleveland, Ohio

Moving Around in Cleveland

Kaustubha and I walked to Olmsted Falls while morning was dark.  We were charmed by the rustic beauty of this little enclave with rushing river, covered bridge, antique shops and other shops selling stuff you don't really need.  It's a place for the rich, except for a couple of paupers like ourselves.  The place has a "Silent Night" feel to it and that's for everyone.

Now, every Sunday, followers of bhakti meet at Lakewood Young Filmakers Academy on Madison.  At exactly 11:08 a.m., I began speaking, not about film-making but of the wellness that comes from spirit-walking.  By that I mean chanting and striding along.  I told of my trekking adventures across the U.S. and Canada. Also in the quaint space, we chanted and did rock-dance.

Over in another end of town, the east end, Michael and Paurnamasi took me to the home of Krishnanandini and Tariq.  I spoke from the GIta, verse 15.14 where Krishna identifies Himself as the “fire of digestion”.  The word "fire" was significant because a fire was ignited in the fireplace from twigs gathered from the backyard.  We call this ceremony a havan and the group of people who came were there to partake in the diksha or initiation of Jake who's sixty-six.  I explained that the event is not really an initiation but more of a confirmation that the mantras he's been chanting will now be a life commitment.  Congratulations!

We followed this ritual with a wonderfully wild kirtan/chanting session.  The talk was conducted in a mood of sobriety but not without some jokes here and there.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

Saturday, December 15th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Columbus, Ohio

Having A Focus

I flew to Columbus and was then driven to a community hall in Dublin for an appreciation banquet dinner.  Prema Vilas—Prema means "love" so I refer to him as "Mr. Love"—organized the event and asked that I speak about the value of community.  From the spiritual perspective, I did.

"The basis of common unity, as the name implies, is to have a common goal.  Let us picture a very young Krishna who has been playing and herding in the pasture grounds of Gokula.  It's lunch time and He sits in the middle of the circle of His friends.  They enjoy looking at Him eat, talk and joke.  He is the whorl of the lotus and they, the boys, are the petals.  The petals have a centre on which they are hooked.  Krishna was popular with these boys, the gopas, and also with the girls, the gopis, as well as the adults of the village.  The point is we must have a central focus for there to be a strong community."

I was so happy to be in a room of what I consider a strong community for Columbus.  They are raising funds for a seven-million-dollar temple facility.  I was also glad to see my godbrother and godsisters, Yadhavacharya, Kamagiri, Krsnanandini and Malati.

There is a lot of material out there that delineates the concept of strong community.  It is good material but I believe it misses on one thing and that is the spiritual component in life.  Life is like an empty shell when the spirit is absent.

Michael, Paurnamasi and I then drove through rain-driven madness all the way to Cleveland.  It was Day 2 for no walking.

May the Source be with you!
0 km / mi

Friday, December 14th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Etobicoke, Ontario


Despite the mild weather of today and the willingness to experience the +3°C, destiny had it that I was to be temple-bound all day long.  For me the high point of the day entailed the morning discussions at the Bhagavatamclass led by Hara Kumar on yogis who took to spontaneous combustion.  Examples of people who passed on in their life by invoking the fire from within are Sati, the wife of Shiva, as well as King Dhritarastra, who was blind from birth and who decided to terminate with his Queen, Gandhari.  These fascinating stories are found in the books of Prabhupada.

How the topic came about was from the tale of Muchakund who burned to ashes with his laser eyes the barbarian, Kalyavana.

Another high point was having a frank talk with someone who felt the weight of depression.  Somehow my counselling bore fruit.  Spirits were raised.  Hope appeared to be restored.  It was such a good feeling when the session was over.

One anxiety for me was missing the visit by Vaisesika, a highly-powered devotee of bhakti, who was scheduled to come to Toronto for a sankirtanfest.  My schedule was set a while back and so I would not be able to take advantage of his stay, which involves very enlightening classes.

The final high point was a visit to a household located near the Toronto Airport.  Every Friday six families come together for a study of the Gita.  Discussions opened up regarding science and how it plays out to our advantage or to our detriment.  It was a fun debate.

It was a full day except for missing out on walking.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Thursday, December 13th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Oshawa / Castleton

Water, Marsh, Trail

I consider myself to be in good hands—God's—when trekking a trail.  East of Toronto, just south of Oshawa proper, I was able to explore the Waterfront Trail and Oshawa Second Marsh.  It is a winding trail fit for pedestrians and cyclists.  At this time of year, you can expect solitude if that's what you want. I do.  There are plenty of people-needs to tend to as a Hare Krishna monk, so an hour of shanti, peace, is better than a prescription drug; better than an Ayurveda healing procedure.  Walking tops it all.

My first steps began right at the open lake, Lake Ontario.  

"This is a lake?" asked my support person, Ananda, from India.  "Is it sweet water?"

"Yes, sir.  It's an incredible massive lake which offers a harsh breeze."  

Ananda drove ahead as I went east into a more break-from-the-wind area of marsh, ancient trees and once again shanti, all on the Waterfront Trail.

At 2:10 p.m., it was time to move onward to Prince Edward Township and to Cold Shelter Valley Road.  There, on the farm, we met Jai and Rasa, and their family—which also refers to the shaggy ones in the barnyard.  My purpose in visiting them was to discuss the spring farm conference for Vaishnavas.  I wanted to drum up some interest for this noble but rural lifestyle, something encouraged by our guru, Prabhupada.

Ananda and I had the opportunity to feed goats, cows, and bulls.  When I saw their eagerness, I felt that this zeal, when applied to spiritual life, can bring success.   https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXrWZmAo3_/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=mquncsudggdq

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Walking In Appreciation

Around the fence barriers of the under-construction park I went.  I'm happy when taxes go to public space improvement, even though at this season—winter—sitting at a park bench for any length of time is unfavourable.  I felt comfortable knowing that in the season ahead this green space will be enjoyed.  I'll be back on foot just for that.  Oh, by the way, the park I'm talking about is Queen's Park, where the provincial legislative building is located.

In the writings of our guru, Prabhupada, we learn that pious kings in Vedic times would arrange for green space, trees, lakes and wells for drinking, in their grandiose cities.  Architecture was made of beautiful craftsmanship—pleasing to the eyes.  I had the good fortune to visit Kuruksetra where ancient artifacts are on display from ruins from the city Dwarka, in India. Dwarka was under siege by nature's way. A tidal wave came to envelope the fortress established by Krishna Himself.  The disaster is explained in the epic Mahabharat.

I have expressed, in the past, of my disappointment with modern architecture.  The drab, squarish nature of many of today's structures often does little to bring pleasure to the eyes.  They seem like heaps of greed.

The edifice south of Queen's Park is a handsome looking building made of a type of red stone.  The legislative decision-making that goes on inside may not always be so appealing, but the exterior is something expressing optimism and hope.  It's nicely looked after.

My walking is over for the day.  It is night.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

How I got my first Bhagavad Gita
→ Servant of the Servant

It was late spring of 1998 and i was traveling south in the state of Tamilnadu with my parents on a road trip. A road trip inspired by the journey of the four great nayanmars. They were called the 'naalvar' or 'the four'. These great saints lived more than thousand years ago in south India and traveled extensively in Tamilnadu state spreading the glories of Lord Siva. Their songs and poetry are still sung today in devotional forums.

I am writing this as a way to recollect my memory and appreciate the moment I received the sacred book Bhagavad Gita. Unfortunately, I do not remember the details but I will recollect in brief what I remember. My father rented a car and we started our trip south from Chennai. I was having an illness and despite the illness, i have to say looking back, the spiritual journey visiting Lord Siva temples prevented my illness from getting worse. The illness was rather serious and I was hoping it wouldn't get any worse. By Siva's mercy I did not get any more issues than I had.

Our itinerary went something like this, we would drive to a famous temple in a city. Book a hotel room, stay for the night. Wake up in the morning, visit the temples in that city and in the vicinity before noon. Then check out from the hotel and head to the next destination. Like this, we were in one Siva temple called 1000 linga temple (cannot remember where). I entered the temple and the priest welcomed us and performed the pooja. He was very confident in that anyone who sees the 1000 lingas will immediately be cleared of any bad karma of the past. Being the cynic that i was, i internally scoffed the idea. I finished my perfunctory prayers and headed off to the next temple.

There, I took darshan of the Lord and was returning to the car when my father stopped at a rather insignificant shopkeeper who was sitting on the floor with some books from different authors. My father perused the different titles and pointed to a red colored hard bound book entitled "Bhagavad Gita As it is". My first thought was one of curiosity - why is he buying this book? He murmured "for his library". If my memory serves me right, the rather poor shopkeeper had just one Bhagavad Gita. My father handed me the book and off we went to the car.

Sitting in the back seat, I opened the book expecting some "ananda" name to popup because that was my only exposure to spirituality - some chinmayananda or vivekananda type personality. Instead, I stammered through the name "P..r..a...b..h...u...p...a..d..a" and thought his name is so hard to pronounce and that I have never heard of such a spiritual name. Like this I thought who is this man? Thankfully, I did not criticize him. However I was intrigued by the paintings. I turned the pages admiring the different colors and pictures. The book was made of high quality glossy paper as it was the centennial edition. After flipping through few pictures, I closed the book and distinctly remember saying to myself "I will never touch this book again" and put the book in the back of the car.

Of course, Krishna had other plans. On this auspicious day of Gita Jayanti, I want to thank Lord Siva for allowing me to come to His 1000 linga temple and help me remove my previous karmas upon where I got some merit to touch the great and sacred book Bhagavad Gita! I should also thank the shopkeeper for having the book. I want to thank my dad (despite our theological differences) for buying Krishna's book and thus unknowingly becoming an instrument in my journey to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.

My entry into Krishna consciousness in this life began by studying this centennial edition of the Bhagavad Gita few months later, after my father bought the book somewhere in an ancient Siva temple in south Tamilnadu.

Hare Krishna

Gita Jayanti—The Advent of the Bhagavad-gita
Giriraj Swami

An address by Giriraj Swami to leaders of Hindu organizations in Houston, October 23, 2009.


The Bhagavad-gita is also known as the Gitopanisad and is considered one of the Upanishads. The title Bhagavad-gita is sometimes translated as “The Song of God.” Gita mean “song.” God, Krishna, is so sublime that whatever He speaks is music and poetry. The word bhagavan has been analyzed by Vedic authorities. Bhaga means “opulence” and is related to the word bhagya: “good fortune.” And van means “one who possesses.” So bhagavan means “He who possesses all opulence in full.”

aisvaryasya samagrasya
  viryasya yasasah sriyah
jnana-vairagyayos caiva
  sannam bhaga itingana

“Full wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge, and renunciation—these are the six opulences of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” (Vishnu Purana 6.5.47)

All of us possess some wealth. I may have ten dollars, but if I look further I will find someone who has a hundred dollars. And if I look still further, I will find someone who has a thousand dollars, and a million, and a billion. But no one can say that he has all the wealth in all creation, that no one is equal to him or greater than him in wealth. When we come to that person who has all wealth—no one is equal to or greater than him—that is Bhagavan, Krishna.

The Bhagavad-gita was originally spoken by Krishna to Arjuna. As stated in the Gita (4.1),

sri-bhagavan uvaca
imam vivasvate yogam
  proktavan aham avyayam
vivasvan manave praha
  manur iksvakave ’bravit

“The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.” Lord Krishna originally spoke the Gita to Vivasvan, the sun-god, who spoke it to his son Manu, who in turn spoke it to Iksvaku. In this way, the knowledge was passed on through disciplic succession from one to the next to the next. But in the course of time, that chain became broken.

evam parampara-praptam
  imam rajarsayo viduh
sa kaleneha mahata
  yogo nastah parantapa

“This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost.” (Gita 4.2) Nasta means “spoiled.” You may have a nice plate of prasada, but if you leave it aside and it becomes old and contaminated, it becomes nasta, spoiled. It is food, but you don’t get the benefit. To get the real benefit of the Bhagavad-gita, one must receive it through parampara (evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh).

Five thousand years ago, Lord Krishna detected that the chain was broken and that, consequently, the knowledge was lost. So He came again and spoke the Bhagavad-gita again, to Arjuna: “Now, Arjuna, you become the first recipient of this knowledge in the new chain, so that the knowledge is received and presented as it is.” Srila Prabhupada called his translation of the Gita the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. “As it is” means as Krishna spoke it five thousand years ago and as Arjuna understood it.

How did Arjuna understand it? First, he accepted Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead:

   arjuna uvaca
param brahma param dhama
pavitram paramam bhavan
purusam sasvatam divyam
  adi-devam ajam vibhum

“Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original person, the unborn, the greatest.” (Gita 10.12)

And he accepted everything that Krishna said as true: sarvam etad rtam manye yan mam vadasi kesava—“O Krsna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me.” (Gita 10.14) “I accept whatever You say, in toto.” He did not discriminate that he liked some parts of the Gita and not other parts. Sarvam etad rtam manye: “I accept in toto everything that You have said.” If we begin to discriminate, “I like this portion, but I don’t like that portion,” we become implicated in ardha-kukkuti-nyaya, “half-hen” logic.

A farmer had a hen that was laying eggs. But the farmer thought that only the hind portion was valuable, because that part was giving eggs, but that the neck portion was simply troublesome, because it just ate food. He concluded, “I will cut the neck portion, which is just a botheration, and keep the hind portion, which gives eggs.” And when he did, of course, the hen died and there were no more eggs.

One verse in the Bhagavad-gita that is popular among some people states, karmany evadhikaras te: “You are entitled to do your duty.” They think, “I can do my duty. I can go to work. I can make and spend money. I can take care of my family, live with my family, enjoy with my family and friends. That is a precious instruction.” But when they come to sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja—give up all varieties of religiousness and surrender to Krishna—that is a little troublesome, and they want to cut that part: “We don’t really need it. We’ll just keep the really valuable part: I can do my duty.”

In order to get the full benefit of the Bhagavad-gita, it is essential to accept it as it is. Devotees who have accepted it as it is and applied its principles in their lives have undergone extraordinary transformations. This knowledge can really help people. And any genuine person who gets something good will naturally want to share it with others. Anyone who has really imbibed the nectar of the Bhagavad-gita, gotten the benefit of the Bhagavad-gita, will want to share the knowledge with others. It is natural. If you are eating a nice plate of prasada and taste something really good, it is natural to say, “You should try this; it’s really good.” Or, “You should try this with this; it’s a really good combination.” Anyone—any child—will do that. So, when you actually experience the benefit of the Bhagavad-gita in your life, you will naturally want to share the knowledge with others so that they too can benefit and become happy.

Now, why did Krishna choose Arjuna to be the first student of the Bhagavad-gita? Arjuna was not a sannyasi. He was a married man. And he was not a brahman. He was a warrior. Why Arjuna? Krishna explains,

sa evayam maya te ’dya
  yogah proktah puratanah
bhakto ’si me sakha ceti
  rahasyam hy etad uttamam

“That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science.” (Gita 4.3) The main qualification for understanding the Gita is bhakto ’si me, to be Lord Krishna’s devotee. And later Krishna says that one should hear the Gita with faith and without envy (sraddhavan anasuyas ca srnuyad api yo narah). (Gita 18.71) This is a most important point: to get the true benefit of the Gita, one must be a devotee.

What does it mean to be a devotee? Sometimes the word devotee is used quite broadly. To begin, let us understand devotee in contrast to karmi, jnani, and yogi. These are all technical (as well as general) terms. A karmi engages in fruitive work. He works for personal gain: “I have worked and earned. Now I have the right to enjoy the fruit.” That is 90 percent of the world. People work, and they feel, “I have earned the money, so I have the right to spend it—on myself, on my family, on my community, on my country” (or whatever limited or extended concept of sense gratification they have). But the Gita says no. Karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana: “You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action.” (Gita 2.47) The fruits belong to Krishna.

If you invite a carpenter to your house and give him wood and nails and glue—everything he needs—and say, “I want you to build me a cabinet,” in the end, to whom does the cabinet belong—to the carpenter or to you? It belongs to the proprietor, not the worker. The worker has assembled the ingredients supplied by the proprietor, but that doesn’t make him the owner.

This entire material creation, this entire cosmic manifestation—the elements are provided by Krishna. The earth we tread; the water we drink; the air we breathe; the fire, or electricity, we use—everything belongs to Him, and we cannot rightly claim any of it for ourselves. We may assemble the elements in different ways, but it all belongs to Krishna and is meant to be used for His purposes.

A karmi engages in work and wants to keep the fruits for himself. A karma-yogi engages in work but gives the fruits to Krishna. A man may grow a tree that produces fruits. A karmi will keep the fruits for himself, whereas a karma-yogi will give the fruits, or some of the fruits, to Krishna. The sakama-karma-yogi has selfish desires, but he still gives something to Krishna. If the tree produces a hundred mangoes, he may give one or two or ten or twenty to Krishna. And as he becomes purified, as he develops more faith and becomes more attached to Krishna, he will give more to Krishna. Eventually he may give all one hundred mangoes to Krishna, without any selfish desire (niskama-karma-yoga). But he will not be the loser. Krishna will give him His prasada, His mercy.

The jnanis and often the yogis are impersonalists; they believe that God is ultimately impersonal—nameless, formless, without qualities, without activities. They may even go so far as to think that Krishna’s form is material, that just as we have a physical body made of flesh and bones and blood and stool, so does Krishna. And according to them, if Krishna is material, then His name, form, qualities, and activities are also all material. People may chant His name, but ultimately they have to go beyond that. People may worship His form, but they have to go beyond that. People may talk about His qualities and activities, but they have to go beyond that. Ultimately, according to them, we have to go beyond all these illusory forms and names and come to the all-pervading impersonal light and merge and become one with it. Then there is no you, no me, no Krishna—nothing. Just oneness.

In theory, that is also a possibility. But it is very rare to achieve that state, and very difficult. Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad-gita (12.2–7):

mayy avesya mano ye mam
  nitya-yukta upasate
sraddhaya parayopetas
  te me yuktatama matah

“Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect.

ye tv aksaram anirdesyam
  avyaktam paryupasate
sarvatra-gam acintyam ca
  kuta-stham acalam dhruvam

  sarvatra sama-buddhayah
te prapnuvanti mam eva
  sarva-bhuta-hite ratah

“But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, fixed and immovable—the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth—by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me.

kleso ’dhikataras tesam
avyakta hi gatir duhkham
  dehavadbhir avapyate

“For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied.

ye tu sarvani karmani
  mayi sannyasya mat-parah
ananyenaiva yogena
  mam dhyayanta upasate

tesam aham samuddharta
bhavami na cirat partha
  mayy avesita-cetasam

“But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Prtha—for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death.”

Not only is the impersonal path difficult, but the result is also not very satisfying, because ultimately everyone wants happiness and love. The two most basic human needs are to love and be loved. We want friends, we want family, and we want community, and we are not happy without them. If you were a billionaire but could never see another living being, would you be happy? No. You would be so desperate for company, for relationship, that you would say, “I don’t want this wealth. I just want to be with people I love and who love me.” In a way, this was Arjuna’s thinking at the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita. He considered, “What is the use of winning a kingdom if in the course of the battle all my friends and family die? What’s the use? With whom will I enjoy my kingdom?” The thought of being without family and friends so overwhelmed Arjuna that he said to Krishna,

na hi prapasyami mamapanudyad
  yac chokam ucchosanam indriyanam
avapya bhumav asapatnam rddham
  rajyam suranam api cadhipatyam

“I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to dispel it even if I win a prosperous, unrivaled kingdom on earth with sovereignty like that of the demigods in heaven.” (Gita 2.8)

There is much truth to what Arjuna said at the beginning of the Gita, but that truth is on a lower level. And by the mercy of Lord Krishna, after hearing the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna was elevated to a higher, better understanding. He realized that perfect happiness and love were to be realized in relation to Krishna, and so Arjuna surrendered unto Him.

Krishna gave Arjuna the choice. Krishna did not force him, because true surrender, or true love, must be voluntary. Krishna gave Arjuna the freedom to deliberate and then decide:

iti te jnanam akhyatam
  guhyad guhyataram maya
vimrsyaitad asesena
  yathecchasi tatha kuru

“Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.” (Gita 18.63) Yathecchasi tatha kuru—“You can do whatever you like.” We all have free will, given to us by God. But after hearing the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna immediately responded, karisye vacanam tava: “I will do whatever You say.” That is the position of the surrendered devotee.

  arjuna uvaca
nasto mohah smrtir labdha
  tvat-prasadan mayacyuta
sthito ’smi gata-sandehah
  karisye vacanam tava

“Arjuna said: My dear Krsna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.” (Gita 18.73)

Now we may be a little worried. We are back to that troublesome sloka, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me.” And we may wonder, “What are the implications of karisye vacanam tava: ‘I am prepared to act according to Your instructions’? What if Krishna tells me to give up my wife, my children, my business, my home? Then what?” This is a problematic question, and some people may not want to pursue the course of surrender to Krishna, because they are afraid of the consequences.

But there is some leniency here, some considerateness. Lord Krishna gives us a gradual process to come to the stage of surrender, because surrender is based on faith. When we have faith in someone or something, we can surrender. And if we don’t have faith, we won’t surrender. In this present Age of Kali, genuine faith is rare; it is very difficult to come by. Society is materialistic, and everyone is cultured in the idea that they are independent, free to think and do whatever they like, without restriction. In fact, they are envious. Material life means envy—first of Krishna. People think, “Why should I surrender to Him? I am also intelligent. I also know things. I can also speak and argue. Why should I surrender?” And people find fault with Krishna: “Why did He tell Arjuna to fight? Why did He cause so many people to die?” In particular, people who are envious find fault with Krishna. They can never understand the Bhagavad-gita. Therefore Lord Krishna says,

idam te natapaskaya
  nabhaktaya kadacana
na casusrusave vacyam
  na ca mam yo ’bhyasuyati

“This confidential knowledge may never be explained to those who are not austere, or devoted, or engaged in devotional service, nor to one who is envious of Me.” (Gita 18.67) One must be a devotee, a bhakta. Only devotees are without envy.

Still, Krishna, like a loving father, wants to bring all His sons and daughters to the highest perfection, even though He knows that it may take some time. A parent will want his child to grow to be strong and healthy and happy and intelligent and competent, and to take over the family business. A genuine, loving parent will want to give everything to the child, but the parent first wants to see that the child is responsible enough.

As I grew up, my father gave me a weekly allowance. My first allowance was five or ten cents. I was just a child, and he wasn’t sure how I would use the money. Eventually he raised my allowance to twenty-five cents. And I felt so proud: “My father really trusts me.”

So, parents want to give to their children, but they also want to see that their children are responsible enough to take care of what they give them. In a similar way, Krishna wants to give us everything—even Himself—but He wants to see that we are qualified.

Another analogy is a teacher in a classroom. The study of math begins with one plus one equals two. There is much more, but the students proceed step by step: addition, then subtraction, then multiplication, then division—so many processes they have to learn.

In the Bhagavad-gita, the first instruction is that you are not the body but the soul within the body. Aham brahmasmi. That is the beginning, and if we understand even one line of the Bhagavad-gita, from the very beginning, our lives will change.

dehino ’smin yatha dehe
  kaumaram yauvanam jara
tatha dehantara-praptir
  dhiras tatra na muhyati

“As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.” (Gita 2.13) If we just understand that we are not the body but are the atma, the jivatma, within the body, that alone is enough to change our whole life. We will no longer act on the basis of the body, for sense gratification, but on the basis of the soul, for self-realization. In today’s materialistic society, one’s whole endeavor is to get things for the body—my body, my wife’s body, my children’s bodies, my parents’ bodies—to make the body comfortable. But the body is just like a dress for the soul. And which is more important—the clothes or the person inside the clothes? The person, of course. The body itself is just a dress, which changes. The real person is the soul, who exists always.

vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
  navani grhnati naro ’parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
  anyani samyati navani dehi

“As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.” (Gita 2.22)

If we understand just this one point, from the very beginning of the Bhagavad-gita, our entire life will change. We will work for the benefit of the soul, which is our actual self and is part and parcel of the Supreme Self, God, Krishna, knowing that our real relationship is with Him, not with the body. And then, gradually, step by step, we will come to the conclusion of the Bhagavad-gita:

man-mana bhava mad-bhakto
  mad-yaji mam namaskuru
mam evaisyasi satyam te
  pratijane priyo ’si me

“Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.” (Gita 18.65)

sarva-dharman parityajya
  mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
  moksayisyami ma sucah

“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.” (Gita 18.66)

Man-mana—always think of Krishna. If you do that, you will naturally become His devotee (mad-bhakto). You will worship Him (mad-yaji) and offer obeisance unto Him (mam namaskuru). It is so simple.

The critical point is man-mana, to always think of Krishna. And how can we always think of Him? In the ninth chapter of the Gita Krishna says,

satatam kirtayanto mam
  yatantas ca drdha-vratah
namasyantas ca mam bhaktya
  nitya-yukta upasate

“Always chanting My glories, endeavoring with great determination, bowing down before Me, these great souls perpetually worship Me with devotion.” (Gita 9.14) Satatam kirtayanto mam—if we always (satatam) engage in glorifying Krishna, chanting His holy name (kirtana), we will always think of Him.

We are Hare Krishna devotees, and we are speaking about the Bhagavad-gita. What is the connection? The chanting of Hare Krishna is the real way to follow the instructions of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the incarnation of Krishna for the present Age of Kali, who inaugurated the Hare Krishna movement five hundred years ago, taught, kirtaniyah sada harih: “Always chant the holy name of Hari [Krishna].” And in the Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna gives the same instruction: satatam kirtayanto mam—always engage in kirtan, chanting the holy name of Krishna. So, the chanting of Hare Krishna is really the fulfillment of Lord Krishna’s ultimate instruction in the Bhagavad-gita: man-mana—always think of Krishna. Chanting is the best—and easiest—way to think of Krishna.

Of course, we think of Krishna when we hear about Him from the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, but for that we need a book or a reader. We think of Krishna when we see His Deity form, His murti, but for that we need a temple, a mandir, with a murti. There are so many ways of thinking of Krishna, but the beauty of chanting, either kirtan or japa, is that we need only our tongue and ears. In the Bhagavad-gita (10.25) Lord Krishna recommends, yajnanam japa-yajno ’smi: “Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa].” This anyone can do. Young or old, black or white, man or woman, educated or uneducated—anyone and everyone can chant Hare Krishna and fulfill Krishna’s instruction in the Bhagavad-gita.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, the authorized biography of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, relates an instructive story. While touring South India, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to the holy place of Sri Ranga-ksetra, where, in front of the temple, He saw a brahman holding the Bhagavad-gita and crying, surrounded by people who were laughing and criticizing him. Sri Chaitanya asked the brahman, “Why are these people laughing?” And the brahman replied, “I am holding the Bhagavad-gita, but I am more or less illiterate. I don’t know how to pronounce the words properly, and I do not know what they mean. But my guru ordered me to read it, and so I read all eighteen chapters every day.” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu inquired, “Why are you crying?” And the brahman replied, “When I hold the Bhagavad-gita I see before me Krishna and Arjuna on the chariot. Krishna is acting as Arjuna’s chariot driver. Taking the reins in His hands, He appears very beautiful. While seeing Lord Krishna instructing Arjuna, I weep in ecstatic happiness.” Then Lord Chaitanya told the brahman, “You are the true authority in the reading of the Bhagavad-gita. You know the real purport of the Bhagavad-gita.” And He embraced him.

Proud people may think, “Oh, these Hare Krishna people can’t understand much. They don’t know Sanskrit. They don’t have the samskaras. Let them chant. It is good.” But actually, by chanting the holy name of Krishna one awakens one’s love for Him, which is the real purport of the Bhagavad-gita. By chanting, one fulfills the Lord’s instructions in the Bhagavad-gita to always think of Him and sing His glories. Although some who chant may not be very learned or knowledgeable in a certain sense, if they are genuine devotees of Krishna, they are fulfilling the real purport of the Bhagavad-gita.

aho bata sva-paco ’to gariyan
  yaj-jihvagre vartate nama tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuh sasnur arya
  brahmanucur nama grnanti ye te

“Oh, how glorious are they whose tongues are chanting Your holy name! Even if born in the families of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable. Persons who chant the holy name of Your Lordship must have executed all kinds of austerities and fire sacrifices and achieved all the good manners of the Aryans. To be chanting the holy name of Your Lordship, they must have bathed at holy places of pilgrimage, studied the Vedas, and fulfilled everything required.” (SB 3.33.7)

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness not only presents the knowledge of the Bhagavad-gita but also gives the practical means by which one can fulfill its purport—to become a devotee of Krishna, always think of Him, worship Him, offer homage to Him, and preach His message. After personally surrendering to Krishna (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja), one can go further and teach this knowledge. This is Lord Krishna’s last instruction:

ya idam paramam guhyam
  mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati
bhaktim mayi param krtva
  mam evaisyaty asamsayah

“For one who explains this supreme secret to the devotees, pure devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me.

na ca tasman manusyesu
  kascin me priya-krttamah
bhavita na ca me tasmad
  anyah priyataro bhuvi

“There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.” (Gita 18.68–69) The real conclusion of the Bhagavad-gita, built upon one’s full surrender to Krishna, is to spread this message and become most dear to Krishna.

This is the opportunity we all have now. On Gita Jayanti we think of Krishna, recite the Gita, and perform the yajna, but the real essence of the celebration is to bring more people to Krishna, to the wisdom of the Gita. As devotees, we want to bring others to Krishna, and when we do, Krishna is even more pleased. And that is what Gita Jayanti is really meant to do: to please Krishna, to bring the Bhagavad-gita to more people and bring more people to Krishna—and make us dear to Krishna.

It is a wonderful, wonderful opportunity. I have been chanting Hare Krishna and reading the Bhagavad-gita for forty years, and it is ever-fresh. Once, Srila Prabhupada told a New York Times interviewer, “Every day your employer is printing so many newspapers. On Sunday especially the paper is so big that one can hardly carry it. But after reading it for an hour, people throw it away. Here is this book—the Bhagavad-gita—and people keep it and read it for a lifetime, and in this way it has been read for the past five thousand years. Give people such literature that will be taken and kept forever.” And the reporter laughed—and agreed.

I am very grateful to all of you for having come this evening, after what was probably a long, hard day at work, braving the rush-hour traffic. I am grateful that you came and spared your valuable time. And I look forward to working together with all of you on this wonderful project, which will be so beneficial to so many people. Srila Prabhupada’s guru instructed him to preach the message of the Bhagavad-gita in English all over the world, telling him, “This will do much good for you as well as your audience.” So, it is win-win-win. It will be beneficial for you, it will be beneficial for the people in general, and ultimately Krishna will be pleased. And that is our goal—that is what bhakti means—to please Krishna. When Krishna is pleased, our life is successful and we are naturally satisfied and pleased.

Thank you very much.

Hare Krishna.

Serving the Deities at Soho Street

A look at the inclusive model of Deity service at the London Radha Krishna Temple in Soho Street. Community members are encouraged to take an active part in a wide range of services to the Deities. This video looks at the ways in which different devotees are engaged in this service and how it helps them. A video by Barnaby Booth.

Ambika Kalna Visit (2018) (Album of photos) Ambika Kalna is most…
→ Dandavats

Ambika Kalna Visit (2018) (Album of photos)
Ambika Kalna is most famous among the Gaudiyas as the place of Gauridasa Pandita’s Deities of Gaura Nitai, which were the first ever of Their Deities. Many other ancient marvels are there.
Arjun Bhattacharyya: Kalna is located at the East Burdwan District of West Bengal. Named after a very popular deity, Goddess Ambika, the town is more popularly known as Ambika Kalna. The place has numerous historical monuments and temples but it also has an important chapter in our Gaudiya history. Sri Gauridas Pandit used to reside in Ambika Kalna. Before taking sanyas, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu along with Lord Nityananda came to visit Gauridas Pandit by boat paddling Themselves. Lord Caitanya kept the oar in His hand, and when He entered Gauri dasa’s house He gave it to him and told him that with the oar he should cross over the ocean of material existence, taking all the living entities with him. We were very fortunate to take darshan of the oar along with Mahaprabhu’s original writings which are kept very nicely at Sri Gauranga Mandir. At the request of Gauridas Pandit, Mahaprabhu gave him life-size Deities, which are the first Deities of Gaura Nitai. Unfortunately, photography was not allowed there. We also visited the spot where Mahaprabhu rested in Kalna and saw His lotus footprint there. Then we paid a short visit at Suryadas Pandit’s Sripath where Lord Nityananda got married and took darshan of His stick. We were charmed by the amazing Gaura-Nitai Deities there. Before leaving we were very fortunate to visit some of the historical monuments such as Rajbari temples and Nava Kailash or 108 Shiva Temples which all are built around the 17-19th Century. We were amazed to see the Terracotta plaques on many of them.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/3wXkPx

“Encourage them more and more.”
→ Dandavats

Visakha Devi Dasi ACBSP: Be personal. Honor each individual for who he or she is. This principle was repeatedly exemplified by Srila Prabhupada throughout his time with us. As he saw how everyone is spiritually equal and should have an equal opportunity to participate in his movement according to his or her qualifications and propensities, so can we. As he encouraged everyone, so can we. In the world today, there’s a dire need for this cutting-edge, spiritual vision, a vision that’s resonant with Krishna’s teachings, that’s attractive, and that’s natural. Implementing it would be an enormous contribution to the world, a contribution that could set the example of how to see past externals and evoke each person’s genius. Srila Prabhupada was an expert encourager. He sometimes insisted that Yamuna lead kirtan, Himavati speak, Kausalya recite the Isopanisad. As he wrote to Satsvarupa Dasa in a letter, “Encourage them more and more.” One who’s encouraged can move mountains.


Alachua Eco Farm’s First Field Trip a tremendous success!
→ Dandavats

Alachua Eco Farm’s First Field Trip by Outside School.
Sukhada devi dasi: The first grade class of the Expressions Learning Academy was our first customers for an Eco Teaching Farm field trip. The fifteen first graders arrived bright and early and Mother Akuti began by helping them all on to the truck filled with hay bales for a bouncy hayride over to the farm. She stopped briefly to talk to the students about how sugar cane syrup is produced right here on the farm.

40 YEARS LATER… Remembering the Bhagavad-Gita
→ Dandavats

By Bhakti Raghava Swami

I was walking down Rideau Street in the city of Ottawa some time during the summer of 1973. Although I had still not found what I really wanted in life, I was somewhat relieved that I had been able to walk out of the expected social pressures of modern day society Continue reading "40 YEARS LATER… Remembering the Bhagavad-Gita
→ Dandavats"

A Day Of Reconciliation (Album of photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
→ Dandavats

A Day Of Reconciliation (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Today was a national holiday in South Africa officially called, “The Day of Reconciliation.” It is meant to help reconcile grievous misunderstandings that exist between different ethnic groups in the country. In a spirit of goodwill, we took a harinama party to an outlying township near Durban where African people live well below the poverty line. We chanted Hare Krsna with them and danced in ecstasy altogether. We distributed healthy, nutritious food offered to Krsna. We gave out Srila Prabhupada’s books in Zulu. We spoke with the people and embraced them. We saw no differences between us and them, for we are all spirit souls, part of the greater family of God. Our journey into the township was not without risks. We saw one sign that read, “Whites Keep Out.” As a precaution, we were escorted everywhere by a well-armed police force. They were vigilant. But in the end, love reigned supreme and Krsna stole everyone’s heart. As we rode back home in our vehicles I was thinking, “Good Lord, I could do this every day of my life!”
Find them here: https://goo.gl/d4TtKE

Celebrate Krishna’s Eternal Song
→ Dandavats

By Vaisesika Dasa

For those whose lives have been forever improved by meeting Lord Krishna personally in the pages of the Gita, Gita Jayanti is not only a day of celebration but also a chance to express their gratitude. And the best way to do so is to share the Gita with others. Krishna Himself says, “There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.” (Bg. 18.69) The Gita teaches the essence of spiritual knowledge, purely and succinctly, in a way that anyone – in any situation of life – can practically apply its instruction and wisdom. And since Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, resides within the heart of every living being, He is always there to help the reader understand the Gita’s profound message. Many people in the world are innocent; and when they hear the message of the Gita from a devotee, they at once embrace it and attain perfection. Continue reading "Celebrate Krishna’s Eternal Song
→ Dandavats"

Radha Madhava and Radha Gopinath Temples
→ Ramai Swami

Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temples in Bali are both very beautiful with a large community devotees living just nearby.

This is ideal because the grhasthas, although working in day jobs, are close enough to attend most programs and render temple services like dressing the deities, cooking and cleaning etc.

I always enjoy visiting both places to lead kirtan and give class.

God of Abrahamic faith?
→ Servant of the Servant

In the Bible (old and new testament) and Koran, we find that God volunteers to talk to man. The stories begin with God talking to Abraham in the old testament and an angel talking on behalf of God to Mohammed in the Koran. There are similar stories connected to Moses as well. In all of this, God takes the first step or at least that is the impression we get reading the Abrahamic scriptures.

In the Srimad Bhagavata purana, we find the opposite. For God to appear, the great devotees of the Lord undergo severe austerities. Devotees like Dhruva, Kardama muni, Prahlada,Prshni & Sutapa etc undergo tapasya (austerity) to see Krishna face to face. We all know the caliber and quality of such exalted souls. They were in full control of their body and mind, were peaceful and completely focused in the service of the Lord for many many years.

If it takes such austere practices and conditions to see the Lord, then how come Abraham or Moses or Mohammed had contact with the Lord without tapasya? We do not have information that they practiced severe austerities. In fact we learn that they were just regular householders. Krishna Himself proclaims in the Gita (BG 7.3) that even amongst perfected beings, rarely one can know Him. Certainly, I do not think Abarham or Moses or Mohammed were perfected beings at the time they were contacted by God.

Considering all of these points, it is difficult to comprehend for me that Krishna is the God mentioned in the Abrahamic faith that He would have contacted the patriarchs of the Abrahamic faith. So if the God of the Abrahamic faith is not Krishna, then perhaps it may be some demigod giving instructions to elevate the consciousness of the people outside Bharata khanda?

Hare Krishna

Empowering instead of imposing “topiary”
→ Dandavats

Visakha dasi ACBSP: Think of a topiary. A topiary is a shrub clipped to create a particular shape. When we look at a topiary, we don’t see the plant’s natural shape but the shape that’s been imposed on it. Topiaries may be visually entertaining, but when that “clipping” is applied to people and they are forced to function in ways that may be artificial for them, it leads to misery. To prevent someone from serving Krishna according to his or her personal proclivities is a kind of violence. No one wins – not the persons involved, not the Hare Krishna society, and not the promotion of Krishna consciousness. It’s a lose-lose-lose scenario.


Krishna devotee’s restaurant (Divya’s Kitchen) named…
→ Dandavats

Krishna devotee’s restaurant (Divya’s Kitchen) named as one of the 50 best restaurants for vegetarians in America! (http://divyaskitchen.com/)
With plant-based diets on the rise, the online restaurant-reservation service Open Table has complied a list of the 50 best restaurants for vegetarians in the U.S. based on more than 12 million diner reviews. These scrumptious spots are located across 15 states and Washington, D.C., and offer a range of cuisine from American to Indian to Mediterranean. New York was the most represented on the list, with 11 restaurants. California came in second with nine, and Washington, D.C., followed with seven.
Read more: https://goo.gl/kX1E5Y

Ekachakra Holy Name Retreat : Dec 22 to Dec 26,2018
→ Mayapur.com

Please come and chant with us…..in japa as well as in kirtan. * Deepen your relationship with the Holy Name. * Spend these days in seclusion in beautiful Ekachakra – away from all usual distractions. * Hear about the glories of the Holy Name in the association of like- minded devotees and practically apply what […]

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