Radhanath Swami leads Diwali prayers at Westminster, UK. In…
→ Dandavats

Radhanath Swami leads Diwali prayers at Westminster, UK.
In mid-November, Radhanath Swami spoke alongside Phillip May, husband of Prime Minister Theresa May, at the “Number 10 Diwali Celebrations”. The event was scheduled to be at Downing Street, but was relocated to the beautiful Durbar Court at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office because of Brexit negotiations. Radhanath Swami delivered the invocation prayers and
spoke about the lessons from Diwali that we can all apply in our lives.

Sri Krishna Haveli project update – Bhaktivedanta…
→ Dandavats

Sri Krishna Haveli project update - Bhaktivedanta Manor.
Construction work on Bhaktivedanta Manor’s new Haveli has begun and is in full swing with a date of completion
for Janmashtami 2019.
• Secondary steel work complete
• Waterproofing complete
• Pumping station installed
• Underground attenuation tank complete
• Brick work started
• Playground design/user consultation running
Works have also started on the
• Electrical substation
• Ladies ashram
• Roof and first floor slabs
• Base course around building
• Timber work

Community member honored by the Queen of England. Krish Raval, a…
→ Dandavats

Community member honored by the Queen of England.
Krish Raval, a member of the community at Bhaktivedanta Manor since childhood, has been awarded an OBE by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
It was for “Services to leadership education and interfaith cohesion in the UK”.
Krish is the Director of the Senior Faith in Leadership Programme (SFLP), which enables current and future leaders to explore their own faith and the faiths of others
in order to create partnerships that will make a difference for the common good.

Sri Nathji and Nathdwara Yatra. In Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta we…
→ Dandavats

Sri Nathji and Nathdwara Yatra.
In Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta we find that the deity Gopala, the same Deity known as Sri Nathji, told Madhavendra Puri, “In My village, no one goes hungry.” Now, here in Nathdwara, where Gopala has come, we see that this is true. Prasadam is available all through the day and in countless varieties different kinds at different times. After the midday raja-bhoga offering one can get a leaf-cup full of tasty vegetables at a minimal price. There are many kinds of chutneys, pickles, fruit salads and a unique raita made with chopped fruit in thin yogurt spiced with mustard seeds. There are big chapatis full of ghee size. You will find rice, dal, curry sauce, fried vegetables and samosas so huge that one is practically enough for a meal. Then there are milk sweets and sweets made with grains and sugar, rich with ghee. You can buy big blocks of laddu, made with grain, ghee and sugar. Some sweets include such costly ingredients as musk and saffron.
To read the entire article please click here: https://goo.gl/Aomjr5

Devotee Men and the Contexts that Shape (and have Shaped) Our Lives
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Burke Rochford

For in the end, I was reminded that the future of Prabhupada’s movement is progressively transitioning into what appears to be the capable hands of ISKCON’s second and third generations. Because these devotees have made family life central to their identities, Krishna Consciousness promises to thrive as part of a new and healthier matrix—that is a new and healthier grhastha ashram. This realization makes me hopeful. It also reminds me that those of us who are older have a special obligation to help these devotees. They are the future. Hare Krishna. Continue reading "Devotee Men and the Contexts that Shape (and have Shaped) Our Lives
→ Dandavats"

TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting (2018)
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy TOVP staff

On Monday, November 26th the TOVP Management Team held their all important end of the year meeting in Sridham Mayapur headed by TOVP Chairman, His Grace Ambarisa prabhu who flew to India especially for this occasion. Devotees from various departments of the TOVP attended as well as our representatives from Cushman and Wakefield, the world-renowned Project Management Consultancy now working closely with us to complete the TOVP by 2022. Continue reading "TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting (2018)
→ Dandavats"

Bhaktivedanta Manor president’s resignment
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Srutidharma das

I have been serving at Bhaktivedanta Manor for almost four decades now. Over those years I embraced whatever services were given to me. As you may know my health remains a challenge, it all came very unexpected and now it is taking most of my time and energy. As such I now have to resign as Temple President and Trustee of the temple. I ask for your prayers and whatever blessings I may have, I give them all with a humble generosity for the future. Continue reading "Bhaktivedanta Manor president’s resignment
→ Dandavats"

Amazing Pastime of Lord Narasimhadeva!
→ Mayapur.com

Hare Krishna. My name is Andharupa dasi initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1975 at Miami Florida. I was asked to tell my story of my cure from Hepatitis C. The summer of 2004 His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja visited New Ramana reti temple in Alachua Florida. I approached Maharaja and asked him for his blessings for […]

The post Amazing Pastime of Lord Narasimhadeva! appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Would a Prabhupada-bot, an artificial intelligence system that knows all of Prabhupada’s works, be equivalent to him or his books?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post Would a Prabhupada-bot, an artificial intelligence system that knows all of Prabhupada’s works, be equivalent to him or his books? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Understanding how God is equal even when he seems partial
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at Govardhan Eco-village, India]



Podcast Summary



The post Understanding how God is equal even when he seems partial appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Srutidharma Prabhu honored for services by Harrow Mayor
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Asian Voice: On behalf of the Harrow Borough Council, the Mayor of Harrow Cllr Kareema Marikar presented His Grace Sruti Dharma Das a special award, in acknowledgement of ‘His exceptional and distinguished services to Harrow Council and faithful devotees of Harrow'. During his years as Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor, Sruti Dharma was also Chaplain to Harrow Council for two Mayors and an important faith leader in the Borough and beyond. On receiving the award His Grace said 'I am humbled and honoured for having the opportunity to serve. It has been the foundation of my life and happiness'.

Совещание руководства ХВП по итогам 2018 года
- TOVP.org

В понедельник, 26 ноября, в Шридхаме Майяпуре прошло самое важное совещание по итогам года руководящего состава ХВП во главе с председателем проекта, Его Милостью Амбаришей прабху, который прилетел в Индию специально для этой цели. На совещании присутствовали преданные из разных отделов ХВП, а также наши представители из Cushman & Wakefield, всемирно известной консалтинговой компании по управлению проектами, которая теперь тесно сотрудничает с нами для завершения строительства ХВП к 2022 году.

Целью совещания было официально представить Cushman & Wakefield команде ХВП, обсудить продвижение в строительстве и план действий на следующие три года, прослушать отчеты строительной команды о ходе наружных и внутренних отделочных работ, а также сформировать совместные, целенаправленные и хорошо скоординированные усилия для завершения ХВП. Совещание началось с вдохновляющей вступительной речи Амбариши прабху о проекте, его общем развитии за последние девять лет, а также о его всемирном охвате и влиянии.

Затем все члены команды ХВП ознакомили представителей Cushman & Wakefield с работой своих отделов, включая Садбхуджу прабху, который рассказал о продвижении строительства, и Враджа Виласа прабху, предоставившего финансовый отчет. Поле этого была проведена обзорная экскурсию по храму, где нашим партнерам детально рассказали обо всех аспектах строительства.

Обращаясь к сосредоточенной и преданной своему делу команде, Амбариша завершил совещание трогательными и волнующими словами Шрилы Прабхупады о том, что его желание и мечта – сделать ХВП самым важным центром ведического образования и обучения в мире. Как сказал Шрила Прабхупада:

«Мы собираемся показать ведическую культуру по всему миру, и они приедут сюда. Так же как они приезжают, чтобы увидеть Тадж-Махал, архитектурную культуру, они приедут посмотреть цивилизационную культуру, философскую культуру, религиозную культуру, наглядно продемонстрированную макетами и другими вещами… На самом деле, это будет нечто уникальное. Такого нет во всем мире. Это мы и сделаем. И не просто покажем музей, но будем давать людям образование, обучать их этой идее. С помощью фактов, книг, а не выдумок».

По окончании совещания все почувствовали, что их приверженность проекту и энтузиазм возросли, и они обрели твердую уверенность в то, что благодаря непрекращающейся помощи преданных со всего мира, марафон «МИССИЯ 22» по исполнению мечты Шрилы Прабхупады увенчается успехом.

TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting 2018 - group disscusion



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The post Совещание руководства ХВП по итогам 2018 года appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting (2018)
- TOVP.org

On Monday, November 26th the TOVP Management Team held their all important end of the year meeting in Sridham Mayapur headed by TOVP Chairman, His Grace Ambarisa prabhu who flew to India especially for this occasion. Devotees from various departments of the TOVP attended as well as our representatives from Cushman and Wakefield, the world-renowned Project Management Consultancy now working closely with us to complete the TOVP by 2022.

The focus of the meeting was to officially introduce Cushman and Wakefield to the TOVP Team, discuss progress updates and plans for the way forward during the next three years, hear construction team reports on exterior and interior finishing work, and create a combined, focused and well-coordinated effort to complete the TOVP. The meeting began with an inspiring opening message from Ambarisa prabhu about the project and its overall progress over the last nine years, and its worldwide scope and influence.

The representatives of Cushman and Wakefield then received an orientation from all the TOVP Team members. A site tour was then underway with detailed updates about every aspect of the construction.

With everyone focused and dedicated to the cause, Ambarisa ended the meeting with a moving and emotional statement of Srila Prabhupada’s vision and desire to make the TOVP the most important center for Vedic education and training in the world. As Srila Prabhupada said:

“We are going to exhibit the Vedic culture throughout the whole world, and they’ll come here. Just like they come to see the Taj Mahal, the architectural culture, they’ll come to see the civilization culture, the philosophical culture, the religious culture by practical demonstration with dolls and other things… Actually it will be a unique thing in the world. There is no such thing all over the world. That we shall do. And not only simply showing museum, but educating people to that idea. With factual knowledge, books, not fictitious.”

Everyone left the meeting with an increased sense of commitment and enthusiasm, and firm confidence that, together with the continued help of all the devotees worldwide, the MISSION 22 MARATHON will succeed in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s dream.

TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting 2018 - group disscusion



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The post TOVP End of the Year Management Meeting (2018) appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

All glories to Prabhupada Marathon!
→ Dandavats

All glories to Prabhupada Marathon!
By Vikramini devi dasi
People are like kids – they love fairy tales. And fairy tales can be different – there is the Big Bang one, the Evolution one, the one about stepping on the Moon, the one about Big Love, Capitalism, Communism, Liberalism and so many other things. But when you tell them that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called Krishna, that we are part and parcel of Him and our purpose is to serve Him, most people begin to stubbornly oppose it just like little children, arguing that this is not true because there is no evidence. While the evidence is all around us.

God and Smog Conference Promotes Environmental Action in…
→ Dandavats

God and Smog Conference Promotes Environmental Action in Religious Communities.
About 150 students, professors and other interested persons attended a one-day open conference at Utah State University on October 18th entitled “God and Smog – The Challenge of Preserving our Planet.”
Subtitled “Scholars and Religious Leaders Confront the Issues,” the event was organized by USU’s Religious Studies Program, headed by Director Dr. Ravi Gupta (Radhika Ramana Das).
In the afternoon, a separate panel of religious leaders spoke, including a senior leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; a Reverend from the Episcopal Church; a monk from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition; and ISKCON Communications Director Anuttama Das, representing Vaishnava Hinduism.
Each leader was asked to answer the questions: why is environmental stewardship an imperative in your tradition? And what theological resources does your tradition offer to support care for the earth.
To read the entire article please click here: https://goo.gl/sM17Eb

If Krishna’s love is unconditional, why didn’t he help Draupadi till she raised both her hands in surrender?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If Krishna’s love is unconditional, why didn’t he help Draupadi till she raised both her hands in surrender? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

TOVP #Giving Tuesday Fundraiser a Grand Success
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna This year, U.S. based Facebook and Youtube teamed up to match donations given through the U.S. Facebook portal up to $7 million. And although we got a late start, not being familiar with the #Giving Tuesday program, our TOVP fundraiser raised $25,829 for the MISSION 22 MARATHON. Almost one hundred devotees stepped up to the plate and gave their might to help with the understanding that their donations would be matched. We are most grateful for their enthusiasm and support.

Vrindavan Braj Parikrama – Day 9
→ KKSBlog

Day 9 – 21 November 2018

Written by Rukmini devi dasi

Sri Giriraj stretches out before us as if in an early morning yawn, so close we could reach out and touch Him. Kadambavan, a path of the softest sands cushions our feet. Oh feet, sink deep in the holy dust of Govardhan and let it rise up and purify your existence. We walk against the flow of the pilgrims, a quirk of the buses that spew us out somewhere in Vraj and leave us scrambling to find our location. But all is auspicious with the ample darshan of Giriraj adorning our eyes. A large troupe of monkeys out number us as we enter Surabhi Kund.  On the left bank we settle down and Maharaj begins the mangala caran. The prayers to the previous acaryas resound as monkeys and humans, bow to drink the sacred waters.

At Surabhi Kund

Indra had an anger management issue. After his attempt of mass assignation during the Govardhan lila failed he approaches Krsna at Surabhi Kund, knowing that he blew it big time.

‘I thought you were a devotee. How could you attempt to murder the residents of Vraja?’  Krsna says.

‘I was proud,’ Indra admits.

‘Why didn’t you check your pride with intelligence?’ 

‘I was angry, so I lost all intelligence.’ 

‘Pride sets us up,’ Maharaj explains. Consumed by the need to be worshipped, Indra forgot that he was simply a representative of Krsna. If we hang around long enough we automatically become ‘senior’ and be tempted by the side benefits of devotional service. ‘We will always find something to be proud about, if we claim ownership instead of offering it to Krsna.’ This is our first meditation.

Maharaj shifts gear and zooms in on our weakness as residents of kali yuga. After many days of meditations drawn from Krsna’s pastimes he does a reality check as to who and where we are in spiritual life. We fall short. Even after taking vows it is common to break them. On some level, either gross (breaking principles or neglecting to chant) or subtle (becoming disrespectful and loosing taste) we may fall down.

‘Surabhi Kund is a place significant for forgiveness of our mistakes,’ he establishes the meditation for today. But forgiveness is not cheap. We come to Surabhi Kund remembering all our mistakes but then we must learn what not to do. We will be slapped down if we flirt with the material energy. ‘I didn’t tell any sweet stories of Krsna, but life is not always so sweet, mistakes are not sweet, Indra was not sweet. He messed up. But he took shelter of a devotee (Surabhi cow).  If you make mistakes, be humble and take shelter of a devotee.’ He sets the second meditation.

The Nrsimhadev Temple (Pauncari)

After a hide and seek breakfast with the monkeys we continue to the tail end of the peacock shaped Govardhan. The villagers, in a jovial spirit have gathered together to encircle the entire Govardhan with clay lamps! The kids are serious about their service, inspecting each lamp for defects before lining them up.

At the very tip of Govardhan is a high temple of a black stone

Lord Nrsimhadeva. On the roof top, to the side of Nrsimhadeva we gather.

Yasoda is putting Krsna to sleep. He won’t sleep without a bed time story. She tells him of little Prahlad and the giant Lion Lord. Lord Nrsimhadeva appears out of the pillar with nails and teeth like thunderbolts.  He rips out the intestines of Hiranyakasipu, spraying blood on His golden mane, and wraps them around his neck as a garland. At this point baby Krsna sleeps peacefully.

‘Therefore, I look at Lord Nrsimhadeva as the personification of softheartedness.’ He appears in a full ‘sad aswariya purna’ form to protect a single devotee. Why worship Lord Nrsimhadeva for spiritual protection? Can’t Krsna, the Supreme Lord bestow protection? Did He not protect all the residents of Vraja from Indra’s devastating downpour? Krsna fulfils many purposes at once but Lord Nrsimhadeva has a single focus; to remove the demons from within the heart. As kali yuga residents we are in the remedial class of human beings; human beings with animal tendencies. We come with these animalistic tendencies, special weaknesses, and we pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva for His special  Mercy. Maharaj sets the Nrsimha meditation.

The view of Govardhan is breath-taking from above with every path way and kund lined with double rows of clay lamps. The vrajbasi s put wicks and oil jugs in our hands eager for us to do a little seva.

In the holy land of Vraja, between the pigs and sewage and plastic, exists such devotion that it tugs the heart and reveals a peephole of the spiritual reality.

Lota Baba

Passing Apsara kund, we turn towards a bustling section of Govardhan at a small temple with large orange gopa standing with an outstretched hand and hopeful eyes. Lota Baba is a cowherd boy who caught Krsna just before He left Vrindavan with a palmful offering. ‘I ‘m just now comming ,’ Krsna said. And 5000 years later Lota Baba is still rooted to that spot, waiting for Krsna.

‘And Krsna will come!’ Maharaj says emphatically.

5000 years and He is still coming?

‘You may not believe it but He will come.’ 

Lota Baba does not just manifest the quality of patience, but strong faith that makes patience possible.

And where do we place our faith? Only where we believe happiness resides. Maharaj’s simple equation reveals our knots of distrust and faith in fake happiness. We pray for patience grounded in faith. ‘And then success is guaranteed because Krsna is kind.’

Raghava Pundit’s Cave

 We walk now in the flow of the pilgrims to a not-so-well- known cave of Campakalata Saki which hosted pastimes of Radha and Krsna. She appears in Caitanya Lila as Raghava Pundit who returns to this cave, as confirmed in the 5th chapter of the Bhakti Ratnakara. The remnants of the cave are tiny as the heads of some tall devotees discover.

We offer quick obeisances and proceed long the side of Sri Giriraj. We spot some ‘brown Nila Gai’ (blue deer) on the hilltops. Maharaj says that they are free spirited. As so is he. But where are the buses? After 4km one way and then 3km another way, we do an almost half Govardhan parikrama in unorthodox fashion before sinking back into our seats. One more glimpse of Giriraj and away we go.


The article " Vrindavan Braj Parikrama – Day 9 " was published on KKSBlog.

Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession
→ Mayapur.com

Saturdays around 5:00 pm in Mayapur… Magical moments of Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession. Mystical sounds could be heard by every single living entity anywhere near ISKCON Mayapur campus. Very intense thundering of large drums beating to the rhythm of two elephant’s hearts, was the best way to bring back to mind some very sweet pastimes […]

The post Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession appeared first on Mayapur.com.

Srimad Bhagavatam class: HH Bhakti Vidya Poorna Swami
→ Mayapur.com

Verse number:SB:9.8.24-30 Date: 2 Dec 2018 Speaker: HH Bhakti Vidya Poorna Swami praśānta māyā-guṇa-karma-liṅgam anāma-rūpaṁ sad-asad-vimuktam jñānopadeśāya gṛhīta-dehaṁ namāmahe tvāṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam Translation: O completely peaceful Lord, although material nature, fruitive activities and their consequent material names and forms are Your creation, You are unaffected by them. Therefore, Your transcendental name is different from material […]

The post Srimad Bhagavatam class: HH Bhakti Vidya Poorna Swami appeared first on Mayapur.com.

How to present spiritual principles amidst changing times
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Chowpatty, India]



Podcast Summary



The post How to present spiritual principles amidst changing times appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Destiny – Do we make it or does it make us?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Prerana festival at ISKCON, Chowpatty, India]



Podcast Summary




The post Destiny – Do we make it or does it make us? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

If Krishna takes hundred steps towards us when we take one step towards him, is he partial or impartial?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If Krishna takes hundred steps towards us when we take one step towards him, is he partial or impartial? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Jagannatha Gauranga Temple
→ Ramai Swami

Indonesia has so far around twenty temples, some big and others smaller in size. In Bali there are six main temples and one is the Jagannatha Gauranga temple, which has a very sweet atmosphere.

I visit regularly and it’s always a pleasure to attend festivals, lead kirtans and give lectures there. The devotees in Bali love kirtan and sometimes the chanting goes on for hours and hours and at the end there is, of course, wonderful prasadam.

It Is a Great Art – How to Criticize, November 11, San Diego
Giriraj Swami

Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.8.6.

“Dhruva Maharaja was pleasing to everyone. He was pleasing to his brother who was the threat to his kingdom, to his father, even to hos step-mother who was so mean to him. Srila Prabhupada was like that to. He spoke about the art of criticizing. He quoted a Sanskrit sloka; Instead of saying the tree is dead and dry one should say. ‘The beautiful tree that is full of luxuriant foliage and producing so many fruits and flowers and that provides people shade, has lost its juice. Its the same as saying that it has dried up but that is an example of how one can criticize in a palatable way.

On one morning walk in Varda Srila Prabhupada said. ‘It is a great art how to criticize and unfortunately you do not know that art’. In a way he was criticizing us but the way he led into it by saying that it is a great art and not that it is a simple thing, made it palatable.”

Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.8.6