Reading Srila Prabhupada’s Books
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Keshava Bharati Das Goswami

The readers of your books also become deserving of worship. And the active principle that underlies hearing with proper consciousness—with complete faith, without argument, in rapt attention—is the blessing of an eternal associate of the Lord. Srila Prabhupada, you are the eternal associate of the Lord who made it possible for the world to taste real relief from the sufferings of the degraded Age of Kali and to feel true happiness by reading your books, especially out loud. Continue reading "Reading Srila Prabhupada’s Books
→ Dandavats"

Surrender to Krishna conscious principles
→ Dandavats

Surrender to Krishna conscious principles.
Srila Prabhupada letter to Rayarama, Oct. 22, 1971
My Dear Rayarama,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11th October 1971 and have noted the contents. I welcome you for your coming back to our society and you are feeling very nicely the association of devotees.
Srila Rupa Goswami has described that devotional service can be advanced by six processes. Perhaps you know them. They are as follows: enthusiasm, patience, conviction, following the regulative principles, being honest in one’s profession, and in the association of devotees.
So this Krishna consciousness society is especially meant for giving people the opportunity to associate with devotees. Devotees means who are following the regulative principles. One cannot be independent and at the same time become a devotee because all devotional activities are based on surrender.


The Epitome of Love – Purity and Simplicity of Gopis’ Love for Krishna
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Gauranga Darshan Das

Every living entity is a part and parcel of God, and thus has an eternal relationship with Him. Although one has relationships with many others in this world, they begin when one enters a material body and end while leaving the body. But one is eternally related to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna. The source of the love within all of us is Krsna and Krsna is the ultimate object of our love too. Therefore, everyone loves Krsna the most, and it is Krsna who loves a person the most. Just as the living being is eternal, his love for God is also eternal. If we love someone, we love the things and people related to that person. Thus, understanding one’s eternal relationship with God and loving Him doesn’t make one indifferent to friends and family members, but makes one love them in true spirit. Continue reading "The Epitome of Love – Purity and Simplicity of Gopis’ Love for Krishna
→ Dandavats"

Caring devotees of Gita Nagari Dham
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mathura Lilesvari Devi dasi

I am writing this note to thank all the wonderful devotees of Gita Nagari Dham in Port Royal, Pennsylvania USA and to exhibit the beauty and importance of association in a devotional community. Immediately after my injury, long time Gita Nagari residents, my mother in law and sister in law, Syama Gopa Rupa Dasi and Prema Sankirtana dasi both arrived in our home to help me. Prema decided to stay on until I can walk again. She gave up the comfort of her home and decided to help me even before I asked for help. Such was her training. As the bathroom at our home was on the first floor, I decided to stay there. Going up and down the stair was a torture. So Prema would bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. She was so good in understanding exactly what I wanted. Continue reading "Caring devotees of Gita Nagari Dham
→ Dandavats"

If we learn to depend on mentors, but then they aren’t available when needed, what can we do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

Transcription :

Transcribed by: Keshavgopal Das

Question: If we learn to depend on mentors, but then they aren’t available when needed, what can we do?

Answer: An ideal counsellor is one who progressively make himself redundant. In Gita, Krishna does not decide for Arjuna. However, he provides Arjuna a framework based on which he should take decisions on his own even when Krishna is not around.

Srila Prabhupada also wanted that his disciples be independently thoughtful. He also wanted that his disciples continue with Krishna bhakti even when he is not there. For a mature disciple, the teachings and wisdom of a spiritual master or mentor become internalized based on which he can continue to guide himself in the absence of the spiritual master.

We do not necessarily see the spiritual master just as one person. Rather we see him as external representation of the paramatma. The same Supreme Lord, who is guiding us internally as chaitya guru, is also guiding us as diksha-guru or shiksha-guru or patha-pradarshaka-guru. Absence of a specific physical mentor does not necessarily mean that we do not have a mentor.

Also, we need to understand that every time we may not have to make a right decision. Sometimes, we may have to make a decision right. We may take a decision at times and in case we find some shortfall in that decision we can do course correction. Krishna can help us even in situations when we have made a mistake. For example, when using google maps, in case we take a wrong turn, the google map quickly reroutes us and shows us the other path so that we can make a correction.

End of transcription.

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Gita 01.19 The Pandavas win the mental battle before the physical battle
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Loneliness – Why, what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Mantra Lounge, San Francisco, USA]



Podcast Summary


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FEAR acronym – How to find inner security
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Stanford University, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Understanding God’s role in our life
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Sacramento, USA]



Podcast Summary



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When life hurts 3 – When our good deeds causes problems – Prahlad pastime analysis
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at San Jose, ISKCON Silicon Valley, USA]



Podcast Summary



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When life hurts 2 – When people attack us – Gajendra pastime analysis
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON Silicon Valley, San Jose, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Surdas and the sweeper
→ Dandavats

Surdas and the sweeper.
There once lived a seeker of God called Surdas. He was eager to study and understand Spirituality (knowledge about God). He approached a Guru and requested that the Guru teach him spiritual practice so that he could get close to God.
The Guru was well aware of Surdas’ defect of anger. He knew that this would prevent Surdas from feeling closeness with God. So the Guru decided to first prepare Surdas before teaching him serious spiritual practice. So the Guru replied, “Dear Surdas, chant the Lord’s Name during all your activities, for a month. Then take a bath and come back to me.”
Starting the very next day, Surdas chanted the Lord’s Name during all his activities. After a month, he went to a river, took a bath and put on fresh clothes to visit the Guru. On the way to the Guru’s ashram (hermitage), his clothes got dirty as a sweeper was sweeping the street carelessly. Surdas was furious and shouted at the sweeper, “What you are doing, you fool? Now I have to go back, wash and dry these clothes and bathe again! Such a waste of time!”


Bhagavatam is the Answer
Giriraj Swami

I have been rereading the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam and receiving great illumination and inspiration from it. Srila Prabhupada said that he was not sure how long he would live, so he put everything into the First Canto, and Ramesvara Prabhu told me that whenever he told Prabhupada that the BBT had money and asked what they should print, Prabhupada would reply “Reprint the First Canto.”

Reading the First Canto yesterday, I came across the solution to the political problems we are facing in the US and throughout the world: the voters and leaders must be educated in spiritual culture, in the principles of Srimad-Bhagavatam. “An administrative head or king like Maharaja Pariksit, with full majestic authority, well equipped with weapons to chastise miscreants, can challenge the agents of the Age of Kali. Then only will it be possible to counteract the degraded age. And in the absence of such strong executive heads, there is always disruption of tranquility. The elected show-bottle executive head, as representative of a degraded public, cannot be equal with a strong king like Maharaja Pariksit. The dress or style of royal order does not count. It is one’s actions which are counted. . . . In the Age of Kali, the poor helpless animals, especially the cows, which are meant to receive all sorts of protection from the administrative heads, are killed without restriction. Thus the administrative heads under whose noses such things happen are representatives of God in name only. Such powerful administrators are rulers of the poor citizens by dress or office, but factually they are worthless, lower-class men without the cultural assets of the twice-born. No one can expect justice or equality of treatment from once-born (spiritually uncultured) lower-class men. Therefore in the Age of Kali [the Age of Quarrel and Hypocrisy] everyone is unhappy due to the maladministration of the state. The leaders of modern human society are not twice-born by spiritual culture. Therefore the people’s government, administered by people who are not twice-born, must be a government of Kali in which everyone is unhappy.” (SB 1.17.4, 5 purports)

So, we must distribute Srimad-Bhagavatam—its knowledge—as widely and quickly as possible. “This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Krsna to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the Age of Kali shall get light from this Purana.” (SB 1.3.43)

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

The Gita tells us to do karma, but also asks us to understand karma – what karma does it refer to?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Tuesday, October 16th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Dark Night, Bright Day

My first day in Kanpur was a sweet/sour one. First of all, this place is another one of those sacred spaces. Emperor Dhruva, famous at the age of five, a Puranic hero, ruled in this area.  Only ten kilometres from the new ISKCON Centre is the spot from where he reigned.

I am also informed that nearby—a mere 100 kilometres away—is the site of Canto Six character, Ajamil.  So to land a project here with a gorgeous temple is simply justified.

I was given a spacious room on the second floor, a quiet one for gaining a rest, finally.  However, the night turned darker than usual.  At 10:30 p.m., I was stricken by an intense fever, then dizziness.  I couldn’t raise myself to reach out for the phone to call for help.  The vertigo was too much.  Vomit came next.  I crawled out of the room to Pancharatna’s room for help.  He was not hearing my knock at the base of his door.  My only comfort was to lie there in the corridor on the cool marble floor, hoping someone would come.  After an hour of that, I knocked again.  This time louder and finally he came to the door.  He was in a kind of shock.

“I can’t get up,” I said, “I’m dizzy.  Some food poisoning maybe.  Can you get help?  I’ve been calling for help but nobody hears me.  I’m sorry.”

Pancharatna was quick to act as I held tight in my hand the phone number of my assistant.  I told him I’d crawl to the room but that I left my thrown-up food on the floor. About three men came.  I don’t really know how many. They cleaned and one stayed.  I had a good sleep.  I felt great again with the energy of Iron Man.  I attended a full day of meetings.  I was back to normal, thanks to you-know-who—the flute player.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Monday, October 15th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Monday, October 15th, 2018
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Walking – A Poem

English poet and clergyman from the 17thCentury, Thomas Traherne, wrote a beautiful poem, “Walking.”  Complements of Kaustubha.

To walk abroad is, not with eyes, 
But thoughts, the fields to see and prize; 
Else may the silent feet, 
Like logs of wood, 
Move up and down, and see no good 
Nor joy nor glory meet. 

Ev’n carts and wheels their place do change, 
But cannot see, though very strange 
The glory that is by; 
Dead puppets may 
Move in the bright and glorious day, 
Yet not behold the sky. 

And are not men than they more blind, 
Who having eyes yet never find 
The bliss in which they move; 
Like statues dead 
They up and down are carried 
Yet never see nor love.

To walk is by a thought to go; 
To move in spirit to and fro; 
To mind the good we see; 
To taste the sweet; 
Observing all the things we meet 
How choice and rich they be. 

To note the beauty of the day, 
And golden fields of corn survey; 
Admire each pretty flow’r 
With its sweet smell; 
To praise their Maker, and to tell 
The marks of his great pow’r. 

To fly abroad like active bees, 
Among the hedges and the trees, 
To cull the dew that lies 
On ev’ry blade, 
From ev’ry blossom; till we lade 
Our minds, as they their thighs. 

Observe those rich and glorious things, 
The rivers, meadows, woods, and springs, 
The fructifying sun; 
To note from far 
The rising of each twinkling star 
For us his race to run. 

A little child these well perceives, 
Who, tumbling in green grass and leaves, 
May rich as kings be thought, 
But there’s a sight 
Which perfect manhood may delight, 
To which we shall be brought. 

While in those pleasant paths we talk, 
’Tis that tow’rds which at last we walk; 
For we may by degrees 
Wisely proceed 
Pleasures of love and praise to heed, 
From viewing herbs and trees.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Sunday, October 14th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Some Ideas at the Airport

I chatted with a hippy artist from Berlin at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. He’s on his way to Haridwar in the Himalayan Foothills.  He will be meeting other comrades of the same guru.  Going to India to retreat with a like-minded fellowship is rather common for a category of travellers.  India has that reputation for being a spiritual magnet, although the approaches to spirituality may differ.

That is certainly the case of my friend, Andrew, who has his loyalties to his Berlin-born master while I hold an allegiance to my guru, Prabhupada, and to his institution.  We basically agree on many fronts—philosophically, socially and ethically, perhaps because we both draw from the same source—the Vedas.  We hit common ground on several points.

1)   Beyond all the noise, dust, humans and chaos in India, there is a deep spiritual essence.

2)   We all have an obligation to cooperate with nature and the elements.

3)   A major objective in life is to get clean / pure in our heart.

4)   The words of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita are powerful and relevant but can be complex for the ordinary person. 

In the course of the great talks with Andrew, the shoes on my feet gave off an awful stench after having recently been drenched by rain and wet grass.  I searched for one of those cosmetic boutiques and picked up “Ritual of Sakura,” a fragrant spray for the shoes and feet. That took care of that.

So, I'm learning airport survival skills starting with nice talks and nice scents.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Saturday, October, 13th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Mississauga, Ontario

Rain and Grass

I invited our few guests to try a simple walk in the neighbourhood.  We received a fresh and fine rain shower that inspired. My guest from Florida declined, “It’s too cold.”  It was on the defense.  It was a decent 7° Celsius.

“Now this air is fresh.  It has much prana! Prana means living force,” I explained.  Indeed it was a fresh trek—one I’ve done many times.  He missed out.

I was so happy to see Murari Gupta, our doctor-friend and devotee from Miami, who then got onboard a van destined for Mississauga from Toronto. The Grover family hosted a team of us to a grand meal.  That was fine too.  They went all out with masterful preps.  Then I was off to the airport!

While waiting at Pearson Airport I delighted in a good read.  Mukunda’s book, “Miracle On Second Avenue,” details the first temptation to come to him after making vows to the Swami, especially “no intoxication.”

“The others joined in.  Wolf and his friends were enthusiastic about the chanting… They obviously knew something about Indian mantras…  They sang loudly and clapped along, pausing only to take a few deep tokes on the pipe. 

‘Wow.  That mantra’s powerful,’ Wolf said when we finished.  He shook his head back and forth fast…  ‘Here,’ he said, thrusting the saliva-soaked water pipe hose at me, ‘have a hit now.’

‘No thanks.’

‘OK, I get it,”’ Wolf said.  ‘So, you guys don’t need grass to get high.  OK.  OK!’

Everyone laughed.”

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Friday, October 12th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

A Day of Polishing Up

I gave a crash course in acting to Lautaro.  I’m always looking for prospective actors for future dramatic productions.  Lautaro has that classic yogic body.  He’s young and bears this ksatriya(warrior) knot at the top of his head.  It’s a great profile for a common Vedic character, a sage perhaps.

This were happening at the temple.  Govinda’s Dining Room was busy.  Items were piled up high in the hallway, ready for loading into the van for another one of those Yoga Wellness shows, this time held at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE).  The public goes for our food.  They love it.

So, two food distribution outlets at one time were going on.

What else? Well, Tamohara and Meramala came from South Africa to offer services.  Polishing the brass became Mera’s task while Tamohara took to putting a shine to all wood surfaces in the building.  Oh and yes, everything became brighter and glowing with the help of some pledge.

Our building improvement committee pooled together to discuss and plan for a better use of the building.  We came up with some good ideas for new classrooms and an improved men and women’s ashram.

Finally a party was thrown.  I turned sixty-six, the other day.  The community came by to observe.  We also pulled in Subha Vilas, a godbrother whose birthday was today.  The event went on happily—always another excuse for a roaring kirtan, a joyful chant.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Thursday, October 11th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Grimsby, Ontario

Two Guests on the Trail

Karuna and I began a second section of the Bruce.  Known as the Iroquoia Section it is very scenic, especially now with autumn trees, cliffs that overlook Lake Ontario and fun switchbacks along cascading creeks.  The overnight light rain invoked that great scent of fallen leaves.  This is what Tamohara and Merumala from South Africa had not experienced before.

Yes, their companionship became a surprise.  Savya from Brampton brought them along to see, hear, feel, smell and touch what is Canadian.  Other hikers were also encountering the same.  This was the first time that we saw a good number of walkers since our start, which was only eighty-six kilometres back.  We traveled at three kilometres per hour to do the trail—somewhat below the speed I'm used to.

Checking out apples and wild grapes is a continued pastime when roaming along a road, and when an abandoned fruit tree offers itself.  Wild grapes give us vitamin C and they grow in various areas. Our group was curious to also check out the beach at Port Dalhousie, after the short walk.  I think summer’s now gone, because a cold gale came in, and even created a haze of sand when it blew through the area.

Thanks go to Vaishnava and Janaki, local devotees, who supplied us with wraps and corn rolls.  You know, The Guardian News is putting out a lot of information about the vegan/veggie diet which is increasing substantially in the West.  Recently I was told India is 30% vegetarian.  She and the world could do better.

May the Source be with you!
6 km

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Orange Is the New Black

I am the proud owner of a pair of shocking orange Nike Sneakers.  They could blind you when set against any flora or fauna, dirt, carpet or any floor.  Wildlife in the forest will flee in fear at their intensity and I, the bearer of these shoes, look pale when sporting them.  My orange robes are upstaged.  They are indeed a head-turner and a show-stopper, if I were to have them on the stage.

This kind gift of Vraja Kishor from New Vrindavan was given from his heart.  It was a birthday gift.  Also, more than one person informed me, “You will be the coolest invogueswami in town.”  

“Flash at the feet is where it’s at,” said one, when he detected that my more conservative side expressed itself when wearing them while in the crowd during a kirtan.

I’m going to break in the shoes and, in the course of walking, see the reactions from folks in the city.  It should be interesting.  I will brave it soon, next time I hit the streets.

However, I must confess, today was not a day for an outside experience.  Let’s say it was nominal.  At noon today, Brian Carwana brought his group of religious curiosos to our temple and Govinda’s Restaurant. Many were members of “Road Scholars,”    and I wasn’t sure how inquisitive they were about the spirit as they were about culture.  They were nevertheless a lovely bunch of men and women, seasoned in their senior years.  I got them singing and dancing, but forgot to show them my newly acquired shockers.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Sun Love Feast – Oct 21st, 2018 – Vedic discourse by HG Amal Bhakta Swami
→ ISKCON Brampton

Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

And Be Happy!!

ayur harati vai pumsam
udyann astam ca yann asau
tasyarte yat-ksano nita

Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one
who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead.
 ~ Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.17

11.00 - 11.15      Tulsi Puja
11.15  - 11.30     Guru Puja
11:30 - 11:55     Aarti & Kirtan
11.55  - 12.00    Sri Nrsingadeva Prayers
12.00 - 1:00     Vedic discourse
  1.00 - 1.30      Closing Kirtan
  1.30 - 2.00     Sanctified Free Vegetarian Feast


Rama Ekadasi
Fasting.....................on Sat Nov 3, 2018
Breakfast................  on Sun Nov 4th, 2018 b/w 6:58am – 10:21 am

Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or
simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures
and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through
regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
English audio glorification of all Ekadasis is available here 


Adult Education At The Temple
ISKCON Brampton offers various courses and Seminars for adults. The courses take a personal approach to learning. It encourages the student not only to study thoroughly the contents of Srila Prabhupada’s books but also to clearly understand the philosophy and practically apply it. The course focuses on behaviour and character, nurturing students in appropriate Vaishnava values.
Professionally designed and presented, it draws on the principles of Krishna consciousness
and the best of progressive education. In this way, it is true to ISKCON’s heritage and at the
same time relevant to its mission in contemporary society.

For further information, please contact HG Prema Gaurangi Devi Dasi @

Sunday School

To register,contact us

The Sunday School provides fun filled strategies through the medium of music, drama, debates,
quizzes and games that present Vedic Culture to children. However the syllabus is also designed
to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him.
The Sunday School follows the curriculum provided by the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC).

Monthly sankirtan Festival(MSF)
“One who has life can preach, and one who preaches gets life.”(Previous Acaryas)
Every member of ISKCON should have the opportunity to make advancement in Krishna
consciousness by preaching.We encourage everyone to come out and participate and make
Srila Prabhupada happy.

Please contact:
Dharma Dasa- and Brampton regions)

The Mentorship Program

Please note that registration in the Mentorship System is now a mandatory requirement for all initiation requests at ISKCON Brampton.It

1.Facilitates  and nurtures devotees aspiring for first and second Initiation.
2.One-on-One personal follow up on a regular basis.
3.Systematic training to devotees in matters of Philosophy, Sadhna, Vaishnava behavior, etiquette, Lifestyle and attitudes.

To find details please click here

Gift Shop

Are you looking for some amazing gift items which are less expensive and more beautiful for your
loved ones for festivals or many other occasions??
Our boutique is stocked with an excellent range of products, perfect for gifts or as souvenirs of your
visit. It offers textiles, jewelry, incense, devotional articles, musical instruments, books, and CDs
inspired by Indian culture.We're open on all Sundays and celebrations marked in our annual calendar.

Go Puja at the farm today, Hare Krishna Valley in Melbourne…
→ Dandavats

Go Puja at the farm today, Hare Krishna Valley in Melbourne (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This is not the idea, to keep cows and get milk and produce yogurt and cheese and ghee and by selling them to become fat, rich capitalists. The idea is to please Krsna. That is bhakti. (From “Watering the Seed,” by Giriraj Swami, p. 240. Torchlight Publishing, 2010.)
Find them here:

Auckland city Diwali (Album of photos) Festival performance,…
→ Dandavats

Auckland city Diwali (Album of photos)
Festival performance, Harinam and Prasad distribution! Srila Prabhupada: I read your sankirtana newsletter with great relish. Europe and America are in great danger; this Hare Krsna movement is enveloping them. The sankirtana devotees are very, very dear to Krsna because you are doing the field work of distribution, Krsna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the front, immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere effort. So Krsna immediately recognizes a preacher of Krsna consciousness who takes all risks to deliver his message. It is called drdha-vrata—determination. These boys and girls are mahatmas: mahatmanas tu mam partha, daivim prakrtim asritah; bhajanty ananya-manaso, jnatva bhutadim avyayam ‘O son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible.’ This verse is applicable here, if these boys were under material nature they would not take so much risk, they are mahatma, they are real mahatma, not that long beard and saffron cloth mahatma. They are unswerving in their determination—drdha-vrata. All glories to the American devotees! Letter to Uttamasloka dasa, 11th December, 1975
Find them here:

Get the benefit of leaving your body in the Ganges by reading…
→ Dandavats

Get the benefit of leaving your body in the Ganges by reading this!
[It says that one who hears the pastime, when they leave the body they will get the benefit of leaving in the Ganges.]
Lord Caitanya’s father, Jagannath Mishra, he would go to his guru’s ashram regularly. So one night he came back and suddenly got a high fever. So Sachi Mata started crying and she didn’t know what to do. At that time Lord Caitanya was still a small boy, maybe nine years old. He said everybody in this world leaves, as a human being everyone dies. So why are you lamenting? Call your relatives, call his friends, they should gather around him and chant Hare Krishna. What else are friends for? When you leave the body, they should be chanting. So she called their friends and relatives, they sat around Jagannath Mishra and began to chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Two brahmanas were at the doorway discussing that this is very serious. So what should we do now? 500 years ago they did not have an ambulance to rush them off to hospital. No pharmacist. But they had physicians. Basic first aid. They thought the best thing was to lower him in the Ganges and the cool water would either take away his fever, otherwise if he left his body in the Ganges then he would go back to Godhead. Of course he could go any time he wanted, he could go, come back, he is an eternal associate of the Lord. But they didn’t know that and he was playing the pastime with the Lord.

So they took him down in procession to the Ganges. And mother Sachi said that, where are you going? Take me with you. I spent my whole life serving you, cooking your prasadam, you know, she made her plea that if you are going take me with you. At this time Lord Caitanya, He said, father, if you go who will hold My hand and take Me to school? When I call out father, who will be there to answer? So then they were about to move him into the Ganges and told Lord Caitanya, because he is in the mood that he is the father and Lord Caitanya is his son, he doesn’t think that Lord Caitanya is Lord Krishna.

He says there is one thing I have to tell you, I prayed to Lord Rama to take care of you and so you have nothing to worry about. You are under the protection of Lord Rama. So they lowered him in the Ganges up to his neck and they were all chanting Hare Krishna. Above his head came a divine chariot with two attendants. Then after some time he left his body and his spiritual form transferred to the spiritual airplane and then he went back to Godhead.

So they took his body out from the Ganges and Lord Caitanya then cried in separation. Big tears, black tears, the size they call it elephant prose, gajamani. These tear droplets formed like a pearl white necklace on the chest of Lord Caitanya. So then Lord Caitanya did all the final rites for his father, He did the yagna and everything. It says that one who hears the pastime, when they leave the body they will get the benefit of leaving in the Ganges.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

(This post has been viewed 408 times so far)

Photos from the last day of the GBC meetings in Kanpur,…
→ Dandavats

Photos from the last day of the GBC meetings in Kanpur, India.
Srila Prabhupada: Train up your mind, God, godly mentality. Then you’ll be transferred next life, back to home, back to Godhead. That is required. This Krsna consciousness movement is training the people for being promoted to the highest standard of life. This Krsna consciousness movement is so important. We are giving chance to the people not to become next life cats and dogs and vultures. But associate with Krsna. To become a cowherd boy, to play with Krsna, or gopi, to dance with Krsna. This much facilities we are giving. So everyone should consider how much welfare movement is this Krsna consciousness movement and they should follow the instruction of Krsna and the acaryas and make their life successful.
From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.4 – Paris, August 12, 1973
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