ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 09/23/2018
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens Prabhupada ISKCON

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 09/23/2018

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes cow protection, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON New Vrindaban’s Founder-Acharya.

Participating Directors: Anuttama, Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Makara, Olivia, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Kripamaya.

1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

Lalita Gopi – Temple Barn:

  • There are currently 12 cows here. We are milking seven cows: Jamuna, Surabhi, Subhadra, Lakshmi, Anjali, Sriya, and Malati who are producing approximately 24 gal of milk per day.
  • Usha, who is about seven months pregnant, is also residing here waiting to come fresh. Also, there are also four calves: Lalita, Gaurangi, Gopi-Katyayani, and Jayasri.
  • We have dried Sita and she is now at the Valley Barn with Dharma to be bred.
  • Anandavidya is making 15-20 lbs of butter weekly, and 15 gal of yogurt. He is not making ghee this month.
  • Dr. Mores visited Lalita who had a nail in her hoof. She is walking with a slight limp but improving greatly.

Ray (General Farm Hand):

  • In addition to normal duties, he continues harvesting hay as the weather permits. Pippalada has been moving hay into the barn while training Rama, who has also been raking hay. To date 468 800-pound round bales have been harvested and stacked in the barn for storage, in addition to the 210 bales from last year.
  • He completely rebuilt the cow loading chute at Bahulaban so we are ready to move cows from there to the Valley Barn next month as winter approaches.
  • He is working with Suchandra’s crew, harvesting potatoes at the Community Garden. The potatoes are being brought down to the valley storage building to be washed and bagged on the wash line there.

Caitanya Bhagavat – Nandagram:

  • He and Rama have been taking care of Lalita’s hoof at the Temple Barn and caring for Saraswati at the Valley Barn, who has an infection in her udder.
  • He and Rama are working daily with the new oxen Bhadra and Sesa at Bahulaban, and Hari and Priya at Nandagram.
  • Preparing for winter by clearing the dung out of the Nandagram barn.
  • Cutting trees off the fence line at Nandagram.
  • Mowing and weed-whacking weekly at the Nandagram and Bahulaban farms.
  • Daily cow care for the 18 cows in Bahulaban, and 17 cows in Nandagram

Suchandra – Community & Teaching Gardens:

  • Suchandra’s crew consists of: Monique, Moriah, Madri, Ryan, and Shyama.
  • Moriah, Monique, and she mostly worked at the Community Garden harvesting and weeding, and made plans for next year.
  • They helped clean up tomatoes and marigolds, and harvested at Vidya’s garden
  • Pippalada, Moriah, and Ryan mowed the grass at the Community and Teaching Gardens.
  • Madri deadheaded marigolds, watered, weeded, and maintained the area at the Teaching Garden. Also, she planted some mums to replace the marigolds that had become too blighted.
  • Shyama picked marigolds, zinnia, and dahlias everyday. Also, she helped with some harvesting at the Community Garden.
  • Harvest Totals for the Community and Teaching Gardens for August:
    • Large Marigolds – 5,900 pcs
    • Small Marigolds – 2,165 pcs
    • Dahlias – 300 pcs
    • Zinnias – 200 pcs
    • Cucumbers – 726 pcs
    • Green Beans – 70 lb
    • Tomatoes – 200 lb
    • Zucchini – 26 pcs
    • Green Peppers – 20 lb
    • Hot Pepper – 6 lb
    • Yellow Squash – 103 pc
    • Bittermelon – 32 pc
    • Okra – 45 pc
    • Carrots – 40 lb
    • Beets – 50 pc
    • Lettuce – 10 lb
    • Butternut Squash – 3 pc
  • Vidya’s Garden, Harvested by Suchandra and Crew in August:
    • Green Peppers – 2 lb
    • Hot Peppers – 2.5 lb
    • Large Marigolds – 18,050
    • Small Marigolds – 8,950

 Lila (Nandagram Garden)

  • Pulled out old plants and cover with hay.
  • Cut along fence for mower.
  •  Trained plants to keep them away from mower.
  • Weeded.
  • Brought harvest to temple kitchen and Valley Barn.
  • August harvest from Nandagram:
    • Kale – 1.5 lb
    • Hot pepper – 4.5 lb
    • Yellow Summer Squash – 15.75 Lb.
    • Bitter-melon – 26.5 lb
    • Green Beans – 18.25 lb
    • Small Roma Tomato – 138.5 lb
    • Cherry tomato – 9.25 lb
    • Okra – 2.25 lb
    • Green Bell Pepper – 1.75 lb
    • Big Rutger Tomato – 152 lb
    • Zucchini squash – 1 lb
    • Basil – 1.25 lb

Radhanath Das (Vidya’s Garden)

  • For the month of August, Govinda harvested hundreds of pounds of bitter melon.
  • Radhanath das did maintenance, clean up, and organization at the garden sheds and storage areas, and made plans with Vidya for next year
  • The garden received two dump trailer-loads of manure from Nandagram that will be spread and tilled in to the beds.
  • Ranaka, Radhanath and Vidya are planning a 10’ x 16’ greenhouse built on skids with electric heat, city water, and grow lights that would allow for Vidya to continue her service of starting over 60 flats of flowers and vegetables to be grown for Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra, and many devotees in the area. ECO-V would be able to relocate the greenhouse in the future, if need be.
  • Vidya brought produce to sell at a table by temple on some weekends.
  • With the help of Anandavidya and his trailer, Ray was able to fix our riding lawn mower.
  • 200+ lbs of tomatoes were brought to Ranaka and Josh to process into puree.
  • Due to the rain and other factors, the marigolds have reached the state where the blight is in every flower and are no longer offerable.
  • Basil was also planted in overabundance
  • Total produce from Vidya’s Garden, delivered to the temple kitchen in August:
    • Lilies – 827
    • Gladiolus – 106
    • Sunflower – 5
    • Marigold – 825
    • Bitter Melon – 511
    • Tomatoes – 103
    • Green Beans – 95
    • Green Peppers – 39
    • Hot peppers – 43
    • Loki – 50
  • 100 additional pounds of bitter melon and 100 pounds of tomatoes were harvested. The tomatoes went to the Valley Barn for processing and the karela (bitter melon) was sold to community members.


  • Elena and Joshua Rama continue to process the tomatoes from the three ECO-V garden areas (Nandagram, Vidya’s, and the Community Garden) in the ECO-V processing room at the Valley Barn. We now have two 15-cubic foot chest freezers full of green beans and tomatoes. To date the ECO-V team has processed and frozen 138.75 gallons of tomatoes and 23 gallons of green beans from our garden.
  • Interfacing with Tejo on the complete revamping of the 35-year-old Valley Barn water system, which includes purchasing and burying two new 1,500 gallon storage tanks on the hill above the barns, locating and repairing water leaks, adding meter pits and new shut off valves, and installing a new water pump and its controls, etc.

2. Report on DeLand, FL Meetings

Jamuna Jivani reported on the ISKCON Ministry for Cow Protection & Agriculture organizational meetings in DeLand Florida in June:

Setting: Bhakti Caru Swami sponsored the meetings at the Veda Foundation, situated on a beautiful piece of land in a rural setting in central Florida. While the project is new and the buildings are old, the dedicated team were able to accommodate the group very nicely.

Attendees: Approximately 18 devotees from LA/Ojai, The Bhakti Center, New Talavan, Alachua, The Harmony Collective (Ypsilanti), Veda Foundation, and ECO-Vrindaban. Also, Gita Nagari and ISKCON Silicon Valley gave virtual presentations.

Facilitators: Kalakantha dasa, Bhaktin Allegra, and Jamuna Jivani


Networking and Awareness: connecting with and deepening relationships between devotees whom are engaged in related services; sharing about achievements, current projects, and future plans. Also, introducing the North American Farm Organization team to the various projects.
North American Vision and Plan: bringing together the leaders in the field to devise a vision and a strategy for the promotion and development of agriculture and goraksa throughout NA. For the Ministry, it represents identifying central areas of focus for agriculture and cow protection in North America and presenting the policies and action lines that the ministry is working on.
Biennial Conference in 2019: to discuss a theme, topics and ideas for the 2019 North American ISKCON Farm Conference, and to begin its planning process.


  • Bhakti Caru Swami’s presentations on the Veda Foundation and his vision for a gosadana program, as well as his general participation
  • Special messages submitted by:
    • Devamrita Swami – shared the vision for Gita Nagari by Srila Prabhupada, presented the city/farm relationship and how the direct experience with cows is a great transformational tool for outreach, and spoke of a strong trend in society of being “re-enchanted” by nature.
    • Mukunda Swami – produced a booklet about cow protection that can be customized for any project.
    • Krsna Ksetra Swami – writing a book on Cow Care, which will be published by MacMillan Palgrave.
  • Inspiring presentations by the participants on their various projects
  • Deepening relationships and new connections made
  • A warm, supportive atmosphere where devotees felt comfortable to share their frustrations and difficulties
  • Discussions on the challenges and areas of focus for North America on agriculture and cow protection
  • Also, Lalita Gopi and Jamuna Jivani gave a brief presentation on ECO-V’s activities and projects.

Based on her report, Jamuna Jivani was requested to continue developing a plan for networking within and outside of ISKCON, which she will continue to do.

3. Request from Varsana Swami to Use Stones from Madhuban

Previously Madhava Gosh had purchased some stones that have been sitting unused at Madhuban. Varsana Swami would like to use stones to build a replica of Govardhana hill. The Board agreed. Ranaka will inform Nityodita who made the request on Maharaja’s behalf.


The next board/staff meeting will be on Sunday, October 14, 2018.

The October board meeting will be on Sunday, October 21, 2018.

The Autumn weekend gathering will be November 2-4, 2018.

Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.

For regular updates, please visit, like and follow the ECO-V Facebook page.

Exceptional Magnificence At The GBC Meeting
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Radha Sakhi Dasi

The fifth day of the GBC Meeting was evoked with the auspicious spiritual initiation ceremony by Bhakti Charu Swami and it marked the fourth installation ceremony of the ISKCON Kanpur temple. Four years ago, it was on Dussehra or Rama Vijaya Dasami day, that the splendid Kanpur temple was inaugurated and the deities were installed with grandeur and pomp. Zonal Secretary of ISKCON Kanpur, Devakinandan Das recalled, ‘Srila Prabhupada always desired a temple to be erected in Kanpur. This did not just enter through my ears and hit my head but it touched my heart and inspired me to work towards fulfilling Prabhupada’s desire. Keeping Srila Prabhupada and his teachings at the centre of everything always, celebrating the fourth anniversary amidst the GBC Meetings felt ecstatic.’ Continue reading "Exceptional Magnificence At The GBC Meeting
→ Dandavats"

If someone is depressed and suicidal, how can we help them?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

Transcription :

Transcribed by: Raji Nachiappan

Question: If somebody feels depressed or suicidal, how do we help them?

Answer: If people feel that we can non-judgmentally understand them, then people open up. The biggest burden, in actuality, is the burden of a mask. Sometimes, when we have to carry a heavy bag, we may consider it a burden. Yes, it can be. However, when we wear a mask out of fear of judgement by others, we conceal ourselves, our struggles, our problems and fears. Such a mask is a much bigger burden. Of course, to some extent, we all have lower desires and we need to discipline them. This is required in a civilised society. However, if certain issues are troubling us and we have nowhere to share that, then that becomes a burden.

If we can somehow give people the faith that we are not going to judge them, then they can open their heart. Once they open, then we can direct their thoughts in a particular way and offer suggestions. However, what can happen is that people can live in denial. Or sometimes, they specify they are depressed and make a show of their depression. In cases where people make a show of their depression, they are in denial of the possibility that they can come out of it. They have accepted that this is how they are. They think that if they try to change but are unsuccessful, then people may judge and condemn them. As a result, they stop trying itself.

In essence, people need a sense of connection with others. There are some areas in which people feel safe to open up. For example, if we happen to be living alone in a locality with a high crime rate and if someone knocks on the door, we do not immediately open the door. We might have a look through security window, or we might just open the door slightly to have a look. In the same way, people through their words open their hearts a little bit. If at that time, we can act in a non-judgemental and helpful way, then they will open their heart. At that time, especially, if we can connect them with some spiritual wisdom, then even if we are not there, the spiritual wisdom will be there for them.

Therefore, first we try to establish a personal connection with them and then try to give them a spiritual connection. If somebody is very seriously depressed, then it is best to seek help from someone who is trained. If they are ready to take that help, then we can try to be the medium in between. However, we cannot ourselves become too caught in somebody else’s world. When we are trying to help others, we can’t help them unless they want to be helped. The door to personal change can only be opened from inside. Unless there is a spark for change from their side, we will only be beating ourselves. Unfortunately, it will only hurt us. For example, if a car does not start, the driver usually asks for help. People from outside push the car. Driver from inside steers the car and together they get the car started. Suppose, if people from outside are pushing the car but the driver has kept the brakes pressed, then there is no point in pushing.

Therefore, sometimes people are just not in a position to be helped. And in trying to help them we may get agitated and we may get depressed. Hence, we have to be careful that we protect our own health and ensure we do not get too emotionally entangled in other people’s issues. When they are ready to be helped, we should be there to help them.

End of transcription.

The post If someone is depressed and suicidal, how can we help them? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Child Protection Initiative
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

On a sunny Saturday in September ISKCON Toronto hosted a Child Protection Awareness training for devotees serving with the greater Toronto area centers including Scarborough, Toronto, Brampton and the newest addition, Milton.
Management, Child Protection Team members and youth serving staff spent the day increasing their understanding of the various forms of child maltreatment, red flags and practicing how to respond when someone reveals a concern.
Practical ways to enhance safety for children at their respective centers was a significant take away from this event. Perhaps you have noticed ways your temple is making changes to increase safety for children? If you are the caretaker of a young child coming to the temple, to ensure a safe and positive experience for all, the primary thing that you can do is arrange adult supervision for your child at all times.
On Sunday the CPO gave child protection presentations to the congregation in Brampton as well as Toronto. Old and young from diverse populations expressed gratitude for the straight forward and preventative approach to this universal issue that effects so many.

For more information visit:

Get the TOVP App and Stay in Touch

Every devotee should have the TOVP App on their phone. With over 2,000 users to date receiving regular news and updates through Push Notifications, access to the TOVP website, Facebook Page and Youtube Channel, everyone can stay in touch with this most important ISKCON project on a daily basis.

The MISSION 22 MARATHON is full steam ahead to complete the TOVP by 2022 and we need to all work and pray together for the fulfillment of this combined offering to Srila Prabhupada of his dearmost desire to manifest the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. Become a TOVP Ambassador and tell all your devotee friends and relatives to get the TOVP App also.

Simply go to Google Play on your phone, type in TOVP and download the App. At this time the App is only available for Android and iPhone.


“It’s amazing to get up to date developments, shows great efforts made for service and enthusiasm.”

“It gives real life experience. Wonderful. Thanks Srila Prabhupada & his dedicated servants.”

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“TOVP I’m keeping this app.”

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“Totally awesome.”

To download the App to your Android phone go to the Google Play store on your phone and search TOVP or use the following link:

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The post Get the TOVP App and Stay in Touch appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Preparing for Kartik (10 min video)
→ Dandavats

Preparing for Kartik (10 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: For the past few days I have been going around Vraja-mandala with a small group of devotees scouting out places to take our larger parikrama party of 350 devotees during the month of Kartika. As always, we’ve met with so many wonderful transcendental adventures. The people and places of Sri Vrindavan Dhama are superior to any other holy places in the universe. All holy places find their origin in Vrindavan. In fact, Srila Rupa Goswami writes that anyone who leaves Vrindavan to go to other holy places achieves nothing but the trouble it takes to get there. All glories to Sri Vrindavan Dhama!

Preparing for Kartik / Приготовление к карттике
→ Traveling Monk

Фотоальбом с FB – Great Expectations!

For the past fews days I have been going around Vraja-mandala with a small group of devotees scouting out places to take our larger parikrama party of 350 devotees during the month of Kartika. As always, we’ve met with so many wonderful transcendental adventures. The people and places of Sri Vrindavan Dhama are superior to any other holy places in the universe. All holy places find their origin in Vrindavan. In fact, Srila Rupa Goswami writes that anyone who leaves Vrindavan to go to other holy places achieves nothing but the trouble it takes to get there. All glories to Sri Vrindavan Dhama!

A short look into life in Vrindavan as we make final preparations for our upcoming Kartika parikrama. Yesterday in the morning we visited Radha Vallabha and Gopiswara Mahadeva temples. Then we offered prayers at the samadhi’s of Srinivasa Acaraya, Ramchandra Kaviraja and Hemlata Goswami, asking for their blessings as we traverse the land of Krsna.

How to Live on a Farm in the 21st Century
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Bhakti Raghava Swami

There are several existing Hare Krishna communities around the world that have established “Vedic villages” in their own way. Although we may aspire to live in an ideal Vedic village, I don’t believe there is any one model that can be copied everywhere because the local conditions and culture in each country will present its own set of challenges and will require specific solutions. Continue reading "How to Live on a Farm in the 21st Century
→ Dandavats"

Gita 01.18 The Pandavas lost Pandu but gained Drupada as a father figure
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 01.18 The Pandavas lost Pandu but gained Drupada as a father figure appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Kanpur GBC meeting
→ Ramai Swami

The GBC has a meeting midyear and for the last 10 years it has been at one of temples in India. Devotees come from all of the world to participate in either the general meeting or subcommittee meetings.

Our hosts, Devakinandana prabhu and the management of ISKCON Kanpur, provided fantastic facilities and looked after everyone wonderfully. The schedule was full with subjects concerning ISKCON around the world, present and future.

Kartik and the TOVP
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy the TOVP staff

There are many transcendental ways of interpreting the Lord’s most special lila as Damodar, the child Krishna Who is bound by the belly to a wooden grinding mortar with rope by Mother Yasoda. This article focuses on the significance of Mother Yasodas’ rope always being two inches too short, no matter how much rope she kept adding. And how the TOVP, like Lord Damodara’s own body will only be bound and finally completed by great endeavor, devotion and love on our part, and the final mercy of the Lord. Continue reading "Kartik and the TOVP
→ Dandavats"

Lord Krishna: “I am too hungry! Just give Me anything to eat”
→ Dandavats

Lord Krishna: “I am too hungry! Just give Me anything to eat”.
“Durvasa arrived at the Pandavas’ cottage hungry with his ten thousand disciples just after Draupadi had finished her meal. King Yudhisthira greeted him respectfully and offered obeisances to the exalted sage. He then invited him and his disciples to lunch. When the sage accepted the invitation, King Yudhisthira asked Durvasa to go and bathe at the nearby Devanadi (Vimala Kunda, at Kamyavana). But when King Yudhisthira learned that Draupadi had already eaten from her magical pot, he became worried. If Draupadi had eaten, her mystical pot, a gift from the sun god, would produce no more that day. If the Pandavas were unable to feed their ten thousand guests after they had been invited, the wrathful Durvasa would certainly curse them. A distressed Draupadi prayed to Lord Krishna to save them. At the time, Krishna was lying on Rukminidevi’s bed, and she was fanning Him with a camara. Although for His pastimes it seemed that Krishna was present only in Dvaraka, as the Supreme Lord He is always present everywhere, so He heard Draupadi, whose heart was full of devotion, and appeared before her immediately.

(This post has been viewed 672 times so far)

Explore Gita – Autumn 2018 (Album of photos) ISKCON Birmingham:…
→ Dandavats

Explore Gita - Autumn 2018 (Album of photos)
ISKCON Birmingham: Last Sunday, we started our Explore Gita course with over 80 new students in Walsall who all received a Bhagavad Gita each. Here is some feedback from our students:
‘My friend and I came to class today and wanted to give our feedback; we really enjoyed and cannot wait to get to it. I was in a class with P and she had one of the other teachers. We wanted to let you all know we’re grateful you put on such a course and look forward to the upcoming weeks!’ - A & D

'Excellent delivery and amazing jewels of knowledge from Bhagavad Gita. Can’t wait for next week!’ - G

'This is what I just needed, life is hard at the moment and just being in contact with you and Gita all has helped me so much. Bless you all.’ - N
Find them here:

Iskcon Kanpur (Album of photos) Aniruddha Dasa: ISKCON Kanpur is…
→ Dandavats

Iskcon Kanpur (Album of photos)
Aniruddha Dasa: ISKCON Kanpur is a big temple. The guest house, from which I took the first shot last night, is very comfortable. We are being looked after better than I deserve. I am again stunned by our Founder Acarya’s vision. Śrīla Prabhupāda’s desires are being fulfilled all over the world. Very much so here in Kanpur.
Smara Hari: This temple was fully constructed…..from foundations to first Aarti in only 18 months.
60 brahmacharis were brought in from other temples simply to perform street harinam. This daily activity enabled the collectors to successfully solicit donations from businesses and individuals.
Devakinandan from Mumbai coordinated the entire effort. The extremely fast construction is none-the-less excellent in finish and aesthetic yet practical in layout and design.
Find them here:

Kartik mood in Vrindavana (Album of photos) Srila Prabhupada: If…
→ Dandavats

Kartik mood in Vrindavana (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If we become pure devotee of Krsna, then my love will be extended to everyone. Not only my society, but to everyone. It is not that “This is my children; that is other’s children.” All children. All human being. Not my countrymen – all other countrymen. Not only human being, but even animals also. That is sneha. It is not that “I am safe, and let the animals be killed in the slaughterhouse.” No, that is not love. Love means for everyone. Samah sarvesu bhutesu. Equality to all living entities. That is real love. That is real concern, Krsna consciousness. A lover of Krsna will hesitate to kill even one ant. You know the story, Mrgari. That is love.
Find them here:

Media filled with wonder in ISKCON Kanpur
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Radha Sakhi Dasi

Local media in past few weeks, has been mostly reporting news about political, sports and social events with paprazzi, but this time while covering the GBC Meeting, they were not just amazed and awestruck but they were deeply touched. Kurma Avatar Das has been in touch with the local media for quite some time now, and an event of this stature being hosted in Iskcon Kanpur obviously attracted a lot of media attention. He is mediating and coordinating the media coverage of the event. While interacting with a journalist, at one point he exclaimed, ‘Where are these swamis from? They are such unique people with such varied ethnicity. Each of their lives are so different yet they have Lord Krishna, their devotion, their struggles and Srila Prabhupada in common. Whether it is the travelling swami (Bhakti Marg Swami) who travelled all over Canada or the Kirtan Maharaja (Lokanath Swami), they are all amazing personalities’. Continue reading "Media filled with wonder in ISKCON Kanpur
→ Dandavats"

Braja Parikrama 2018
→ KKSBlog

The Braja & Vrindavan parikrama’s are the perfect opportunity to delve deeply into the pastimes of Krishna, Radharani, the cowherd boys and the gopi’s. And again, in 2018, you can join the transcendental tours of Braja with Kadamba Kanana Swami. Find the schedule below for an overview. Registration is required to join as it helps us organizing it smoothly.

In less then a month the Braja parikrama’s will commence but you can already relive the experiences; 2017 and 2016.


Register Braja Parikrama’s *

The costs of a parikrama is 130 Rupees per day. Kamyavan and Badrinath will be 220 Rupees per day.

* Limited seats available!!! Be sure to register quickly.

Vrindavana Pairikrama Schedule 2018

  • 12 Nov Madhuvan & Talavan
  • 13 Nov Varsana Parikrama
  • 14 Nov Puncari,Nrsimha Temple, Raghava Pandita’s Cave
  • 15 Nov. Radhakunda, Mukherai
  • 16 Nov Vrindakunda, Pavana Sarovara, Moti Kund
  • 17 Nov Prema Sarovara, Sanket, Anjanokha.
  • 18 Nov Kamyavan, Vrindadevi, Dharmakund, Lanka, Chaurasi Kambha, Vyomasura’s Cave
  • 19 Nov Ekadasi – by bus to Dauji, Raval
  • 20 Nov Manasi Ganga – Tribhuvanatha’s Samadhis, (Kusum Sarovara) Uddhava Kund, Narada Kund
  • 21 Nov Break (initiations)
  • 22 Nov Vrindavana
  • 23 Nov Ghantoli , Badrinatha

Practical notes

Some parikrama’s will start very early and end late. Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather, take enough water with you and make sure you have a breakfast and/or lunch pack with you! Be mindful of your luggage and valuables during the trips. The management is not responsible for lost luggage, theft and other misplaced items.

Contact info

Your contact person for the Braja parikrama’s in 2018 is Charu vinda prabhu. You can find his details below.

Cel. number +919082271007
WhatsApp +971555435545

Registration form


The article " Braja Parikrama 2018 " was published on KKSBlog.

Kartik and the TOVP

There are many transcendental ways of interpreting the Lord’s most special lila as Damodar, the child Krishna Who is bound by the belly to a wooden grinding mortar with rope by Mother Yasoda. This article focuses on the significance of Mother Yasodas’ rope always being two inches too short, no matter how much rope she kept adding. And how the TOVP, like Lord Damodara’s own body will only be bound and finally completed by great endeavor, devotion and love on our part, and the final mercy of the Lord.

The comparison is not hard to understand; even material things require much endeavor and the permission of the Paramatma for their success. There are five factors in all action according to the Lord in Bhagavad Gita and the fifth and most important is the Supersoul. And in the case of devotional service and the Lord’s lila, He is certainly the main contributing factor, utilizing His yoga-maya to bring about His pleasure pastimes. But endeavor, emotion, and devotion on the part of the devotee are an intrinsic part of that lila to increase the Lord’s pleasure. The Lord must taste the struggle of the devotee to achieve his service objective, to make His pleasure complete.

The construction of the magnificent, immense, historic and expensive Temple of the Vedic Planetarium is the epitome of devotional endeavor for ISKCON as an Institution. It is the fulfillment of a long-standing order coming through the disciplic succession of Gaudiya acharyas and the deepest desire of our Founder-Acharya, Srila Prabhupada to “make it (the Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir) rise, bigger and bigger until it becomes the full moon. And this moonshine will be spread all over the world.” Once satisfied by our hard endeavor, the Lord will be pleased by our mutual endeavors, complete the temple, and bless us with complete satisfaction and His unlimited mercy.

This 2018 Kartik is a month to make a vow of charity and sacrifice to help the MISSION 22 MARATHON to complete the TOVP. It is a month to remember Sridhama Mayapur with every lamp offered. The TOVP Team have rolled out yet another donation option that is ideal for all devotees during this month, whether they have already given to the TOVP or not: The Daily Victory Flag Seva Opportunity. Our goal is to stretch our limits and raise $500,000 during this Kartik.

Please go to the link below and offer a Victory Flag with your Kartik lamp and give the Lord your whole heart of love and devotion. In the end you will experience the greatest satisfaction and bliss of assisting His lila in the final manifestation of the TOVP.


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Balancing material and spiritual life
→ Dandavats

Balancing material and spiritual life - B.B Govinda Swami (3 min video)
King Pariksit continued: “The ability to talk can be perfected only by describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord. The ability to work with one’s hands can be successful only when one engages himself in the service of the Lord with those hands. Similarly, one’s mind can be peaceful only when one simply thinks of Krsna in full Krsna consciousness. This does not mean that one has to have very great thinking power: one has to understand simply that Krsna, the Absolute Truth, is all-pervasive by His localized aspect of Paramatma. If one can simply think that Krsna, as Paramatma, is everywhere, even within the atom, then one can perfect the thinking, feeling and willing functions of his mind. The perfect devotee does not see the material world as it appears to material eyes, for he sees everywhere the presence of his worshipable Lord in His Paramatma feature.”