Giriraj Swami and Devamrita Swami, Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.42, August 28, Dallas
Free Audiobook
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homogenous vs heterogenous cosmology
→ Servant of the Servant
Homogeneity indicates that the same evidence is observed if we collect data from any part of the universe. Isotropy indicates that the same evidence is observed if we collect data from any direction in the universe implying the laws of physics are the same throughout the universe. Although cosmologists use observational data as verification for this theory still we only observe what we observe from earth and cannot verify non-earthly observations. So to generalize at the universal scale purely and primarily on earthly calculations is a bit presumptuous and even dogmatic.
Non-earthly observations are given in vedic literature about the structure and design of the universe. It does not match modern observations or calculations or theories. Beyond the earth, according to vedi ccosmology, are variety of environments (not just gaseous or solid states) with different types of flora, fauna and living beings. There are planes of existence, planets and star systems that have life all over it. There is also non-globular structures in our universe (more like flat planes). In our current understanding of cosmology, space equals spherical geometry (or close to spherical), however, we get information from vedic cosmology, that there are non-spherical environments. All this indicates that the universe is certainly not homogenous and isotropic. Modern cosmology provides a lifeless picture of the universe and vedic cosmology gives a universe full of variety of species and life forms.
I will end with a quote from a famous philosopher of science Karl Popper on his attitude towards modern cosmology;
I once was an enthusiastic admirer of (Friedmann’s) Big Bang. I am now a disgusted opponent. As to the “steady state” theory, it is insufficiently developed, and Ryle’s criticism insufficiently discussed. And the “cosmological principles” were, I fear, dogmas that should not have been proposed. - Karl Popper
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Hare Krishna
Janmastami is coming
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 August 2014, Goloka-dhama, Germany, Janmastami, Srimad Bhagavatam 10.41.6-10)
We remember the pastime of when Krsna first came to Mathura and he met a garland-maker, Sudama, who offered Krsna many nice garlands, sandalwood and other things. That garland-maker actually used go to Vrindavan regularly to collect flowers, so he had previously met Krsna and made offerings to Krsna with flowers, so that garland-maker was already recognized by Krsna as a devotee. At the end, he adorned Krsna and Balarama with beautiful garlands and they looked very beautiful. Then the two Lords offered to the surrendered Sudama, who was bowing before them, whatever benediction he desired. Sudama asked the Lord for unshakable devotion – devotion that could not be destroyed by anything. Then he asked the Lord for friendship with the Lord’s devotees and for transcendental compassion for all living beings. So this garland-maker was very intelligent. What would we ask for if we would suddenly, unexpectedly meet Krsna? What would we ask? It would not be so easy, ‘Well, Krsna, okay, give me love of God!’ But we can see the example of Sudama who was thinking much deeper about the matter than we are. Love of God is very good but Sudama asked to be given unshakable devotion, as he knew maya is very strong and did not want be affected by anything. Unshakable devotion means love of God!
This is very nice – this garland-maker who seems to be, in a way, a background personality; there is not a whole chapter in Srimad Bhagavatam dedicated to the garland-maker who offered some garlands to Krsna. But just see how profound his thinking is and how important unshakable devotion is, how important friendship with the devotees of the Lord are and how important transcendental compassion for all living beings is.
To approach Krsna we require blessings. Janmastami is an opportunity to approach Krsna and to really enter into Krsna’s reality. We are going to spend time remembering various pastimes of Krsna over the next few days and all these activities are actually taking us into Vrindavan because it is through remembering the activities of Krsna that we are getting entrance; as Jiva Gosvami explains, Vrindavan is a state of consciousness. So we are looking for blessings just as Sudama received benedictions from the Lord and asked for the unshakable devotion. Like this, we are gradually preparing ourselves so may we all be blessed by such a meditation of Sudama.
The fact is that by committing ourselves to Krsna, by focusing, by giving ourselves, by making offerings to Krsna – even if only for a day: chanting, cooking, hearing, intensely focusing on Krsna the entire day – then we will find that our relationship with Krsna has become so much nourished and strengthened that we realize that this Janmastami is not just a festival where we get enlivened by the association of devotees and a wonderful program until the next enlivening festival. No, we actually realize that if we really make a commitment to focus on Krsna, to really get serious, just for a day, then this Janmastami makes a permanent change in our spiritual life. We are permanently coming closer to Krsna, so in this way, each Janmastami is another step closer to Krsna.
Janmastami is particularly meant for us as it is an opportunity to connect in a very serious way with Krsna and in service to him, because then it will be a great source of strength that will benedict us in our spiritual life. We build on that and then we surrender again and in this way we build up our spiritual strength.
Scriptures recommend performing of naimitika kriya – exceptional devotion practice, or special spiritual activity during special occasions that brings new life and that we bring back to our everyday routine devotional practices of nitya kriya. So doing something special on this Janmastami can renew our everyday practice, bring new life and at the same time because we have for one day functioned on a higher level of surrender than usual, we have come one step closer to making that permanent and that has the lasting effect. With this meditation we can begin our Janmastami celebration and get ready to come before Krsna. We are anticipating with great eagerness Krsna’s appearance day and hope everyone will have a wonderful Janmastami. Janmastami that will make all the difference!
The article " Janmastami is coming " was published on KKSBlog.
Otaki retreat center New Zealand 2018 (Album of photos)
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Otaki retreat center New Zealand 2018 (Album of photos)
Bhakti Explosion Retreat.
A wonderful weekend with HH Vedavyasapr...
First annual report of Bhaktivedanta Academy Mayapur.
We are…
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First annual report of Bhaktivedanta Academy Mayapur.
We are very happy to present our annual report on the 2017-18 school year, corresponding to the Gaurabda year 531. Inside you can find the latest information about the development of the Bhaktivedanta Academy project on all its fronts. The report includes the following: Introduction Dean’s Letter Pedagogy and Didactics Leadership Curriculum Development Academic Results Year Highlights Varnasrama College Financial Report Student Testimonies
Bhaktivedanta Academy provides spiritual education through academic classes and hands-on activities in a natural outdoor campus which could rival a botanical garden. Our holistic experiential approach inspires students to become leaders in preaching Krishna consciousness.
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A very nice choreographic Harinama in Kurgan Oblast, Russia (3 min video)
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A very nice choreographical Harinama (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: While the body is fit, why should we not chant the holy n...
The Out of Africa Theory Versus the Vedic View
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Many geneticists view that modern man developed and came out of Africa where they migrated across lands to settle in ancient India. From there they spread out in all directions, even into Europe. This is called the “Out of Africa” theory. This certainly helps contradict the Aryan Invasion Theory, which proposes that the Vedic Aryans were not indigenous to the region of India, but came from the Caucasus Mountains, bringing their culture into India. However, over the past several years, an increasing number of finds have been made that suggest modern humans also lived in other regions besides Africa, and at older dates. Continue reading "The Out of Africa Theory Versus the Vedic View
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Bhakti Comes from Bhakti
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Someone could question, “Why should Krishna listen to the prayers of a devotee? So many people are praying to Krishna; why should Krishna listen especially to a devotee? Is that not also partiality?” Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that of all of Krishna’s qualities, the quality of being affectionate to His devotees, bhakta-vatsalya, is considered the supermost, the emperor that conquers over all the Lord’s other qualities and reconciles all contradictions. So, being partial to His devotees is not a fault (dusanam) in Krishna, but an ornament (bhusanam)—His most exalted quality. He has no desire other than to please His devotees. Just as the devotees have no desire other than to please Krishna, Krishna has no desire other than to please His devotees. Continue reading "Bhakti Comes from Bhakti
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Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Mandir, Vrndavana
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Caturmasya and Monsoon is upon us, and the Samadhi Dome is quite damp inside because there was leaking from the Kalash base at the top. We repaired that. But we needed a de-humidifier, which is not a cheap. The Museum roof leaked too, because of damage during a hailstone storm some months before, aggravated by monkeys sporting up there. We’ll have to replace the fiberglass. Vyasa Puja is coming up soon. Srila Prabhupada is sitting right here in Vrndavan in his divine eternal resting place. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Mandir, Vrndavana
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Srimad Bhagavatam reigns supreme!
On Monday Divya Naam Das and…
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Srimad Bhagavatam reigns supreme!
On Monday Divya Naam Das and his family went out door to door in Pinner. Given that it was the first day of the month of Bhadra they went out with the specific objective of wanting to try and glorify Srimad Bhagavatam to some receptive souls. It was not long before they met one such family to whom they presented the glories of Bhagavatam and the family immediately welcomed a full set of the Srimad Bhagavatam including the golden throne into their home. It was an exhilarating experience to see the magic of Srimad Bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada work in front of their eyes. The wonderful family gave £199 donation for the set and throne.
6 Hour Kirtan – 2 Day Special!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
We will be chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra for 6 hours in variety of melodies. It will be a wonderful opportunity for both music lovers and aspiring yogis to keep their senses engaged in the Holy Name of the Lord!
Janmastami 2018! All the Information You Need!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
Krishna appeared over five thousand years ago in Mathura. His name means the all attractive one. He is transcendental, all-knowing and possesses all the qualities of all the avatars yet He remains as an ever-youthful cowherd boy. His beauty and sweetness know no bounds. Lord Krishna is the spiritual master and friend to all.
To set the mood for this most auspicious day we will have two 6 hour kirtans on Sunday and Monday starting at 12:30pm. The temple will be buzzing with activity on Janmastami day starting at 4:30am with Mangala arati. The main festivities will start at 6pm and go until midnight. The evening will be filled with kirtan, bhajans, discourses, dances and an abhishek (bathing ceremony). The highlight is of course the countdown to midnight. A special arati will be performed to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha who will be dressed in an exquisite flower outfit!
We are pleased to announce that world-renowned kirtaneer Amala Kirtan prabhu will be attending our Janmastami celebrations. You can be sure to expect the temple room to be filled with lively energetic kirtan!
We have found some nearby overnight parking options for your convenience. These parking lots are about 10 minutes walking distance from the temple.
55 Avenue Road (Whole Foods/Underground)
251 Macpherson Ave
1010 Yonge Street
15 Price Street
The following is the schedule for the festival on Sunday, September 2nd(subject to change):
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Arati and Kirtan
6:30pm - 6:45pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:45pm - 7:30pm: Class
7:30pm - 8:00pm: Prasadam
8:00pm - 8:45pm: Arati and Kirtan
The following is the schedule for the festival on Monday, September 3rd(subject to change):
12:30pm - 6:30pm: 6 Hour Kirtan
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Arati and Kirtan
6:30pm - 6:45pm: Welcome and Announcements
6:45pm - 7:30pm: Kids Presentation
7:30pm - 8:00pm: Class
8:00pm - 8:45pm: Arati and Kirtan
8:45pm - 9:00pm Special Announcements
9:00pm - 10:00pm: Donor Abhishek
10:00pm - 10:15pm: Presentation by Temple Council
10:15pm -11:00pm: Special Musical Presentation
11:00pm - 12:00am: Maha Abhishek
12:00am - 12:30am: Midnight Arati with Special Flower Darshan!
Please join us with your whole family on this very special occasion!
Does God suffer?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Gita 18.67 Though ultimately every heart longs for divine love, not every heart is presently ready for divine love
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
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Bhagavatam tenth canto study 24 – 10.4.25-37 Kamsa’s change of heart doesn’t last for long
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 24 – 10.4.25-37 Kamsa’s change of heart doesn’t last for long appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Sunday, August 26th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Saturday, August 25th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Friday, August 24th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Initiation ceremony in Prabhupadadesh, Italy (Album of…
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Initiation ceremony in Prabhupadadesh, Italy (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “As fire burns dry grass to ashes, so the holy name of the Lord, whether chanted knowingly or unknowingly, burns to ashes, without fail, all the reactions of one’s sinful activities. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.18)
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Newcastle Retreat, UK (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami:…
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Newcastle Retreat, UK (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: We had a very nice retreat near Newcastle in England. It was o...
TOVP Fountains Underway!
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TOVP Fountains Underway!
Sadbhuja Das: Recently, we were visited by one of the best custom-made fountain manufacturing compani...
His only goal was to infect as many people as possible with love of Krsna
→ Dandavats

This was one of Srila Prabhupada's qualities. He was very careful not to discourage anyone through criticism. If they were capable of dealing with it then he would chastise them. Otherwise, he was the greatest transcendental diplomat there ever was. His only goal was to infect as many people as possible with love of Krsna. Continue reading "His only goal was to infect as many people as possible with love of Krsna
→ Dandavats"
Parenting as Service to God
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The best parents are good role models for their children. They demonstrate the spiritual way of life through words and deeds, understanding that children learn what they live. They seek out other parents or families trying to raise God-conscious children. In this way, they create a much-needed support system. Truly “It takes a village to raise a child.” (Ancient African Proverb). Continue reading "Parenting as Service to God
→ Dandavats"
The Best Benediction
→ Dandavats

Some people fantasize about accumulating immense wealth and dream of what they would buy if they only had enough. To them, happiness hovers elusively on the other side of that new car, that big house, that diamond necklace. While many of us will say, "Money can't buy happiness," do we really believe it? If not money, what is the solution to our hankerings? What is the greatest treasure that will bring true happiness? And how do we acquire that treasure? Srila Prabhupada answers these questions in one of his purports, which recounts the story of a fortunate brahmana who sought the best benediction from Lord Siva Continue reading "The Best Benediction
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Pershore Plum Festival & Rathayatra – 27th Aug 2018 (Album…
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Pershore Plum Festival & Rathayatra - 27th Aug 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.” If one practices chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, he is naturally expected to chant Hare Krishna when he meets with some accident. Even without such practice, however, if one somehow or other chants the holy name of the Lord (Hare Krishna) when he meets with an accident and dies, he will be saved from hellish life after death. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.15 Purport)
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Sri Balarama Jayanti 2018 Radhadesh (Album of photos)
The form…
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Sri Balarama Jayanti 2018 Radhadesh (Album of photos)
The form of Lord Balarama Powerful Lord Balarama is sixteen years old, full of the luster of youth and has a fair complexion the color of crystal. He wears blue garments and a garland of forest flowers. His handsome hair is tied in a graceful topknot. Splendid earrings adorn His ears and His neck is splendidly decorated with garlands of flowers and strings of jewels. Splendid armlets and bracelets ornament Douji’s graceful and very strong arms and His feet are decorated with splendid jeweled anklets. Lord Balarama’s beauty is enhanced by the earrings touching His cheeks. His face is decorated with tilaka made from musk, and His broad chest is ornamented with a garland of gunja. Balarama’s voice is very grave and His arms are very long, touching His thighs
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Photos from Balarama Purnima 2018 at ISKCON-London.
Please find…
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Photos from Balarama Purnima 2018 at ISKCON-London.
Please find below photos from Balarama Purmina 2018 at the ISKCON-London R...
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 23 – Others’ past bad karma doesn’t rationalize our present misdeeds towards them
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 23 – Others’ past bad karma doesn’t rationalize our present misdeeds towards them appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Are all of God’s names the same or are there gradations of intimacy?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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Gita 18.66 The call to rise above dharma is not a call to slip below dharma
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Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
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Sunday Krishna Fest, August 26, Dallas
Giriraj Swami
Strive for bhakti yoga
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 07 January 2018, Brisbane, Australia, Q&A Programme)
In this age, which path of yoga (karma, jnana or bhakti) should we follow?
Karma yoga basically means that we engage the work of our desires in the service of the Lord. So here, we perform our prescribed duty as we desire through our karma, but offer the fruits of that work to the Lord. The motivation here is however mixed, as some is for the Lord and some is for ourselves. For instance, if someone loves to cook, they cook prasadam for the Lord, but then they leave the cleaning aspect after the cooking for someone else because they do not want to do that. This shows that the person’s devotion is not pure and has some mixed intentions.
Jnana yoga involves looking at the world in a philosophical way where one is to recognise that all things in this world are temporary, except for the eternal soul. Here, we always remember, through all the ups and downs of life, that we are eternal, and this also greatly assists in coping through life. Here, we are also trying to connect this detachment to the Lord as when we are detached, we are more free. When we are attached however, we are more entangled and think of a thousand things… anxiety permeates the mind constantly! So in jnana yoga, we are trying to cut such strings of attachment and focus on the fact that the Lord and all of us are eternal.
Bhakti yoga encompasses the recognition that whatever activity we do and whatever austerity we perform, we dedicate all of that to the Supreme Lord. Here, we understand that Krsna is the proprietor and we are his servants. There is no selfish element about pursuing our own desires or staying away from attachment altogether; it is all about service to the Lord. We worship Krsna not to get rich or to promote our own interests. No, we worship him because he is wonderful! Krsna says it himself (Bhagavad-gita 6.47):
yoginam api sarvesam
sraddhavan bhajate yo mam
sa me yuktatamo matah
The yogi that truly dedicates himself or herself to Krsna, he is the top-most. The path of bhakti yoga is repeatedly emphasised in all scriptures as the path to attract Krsna. So this is what we must strive for. Karma yoga and jnana yoga are both preliminary paths that will ultimately lead us to pure devotion. Such pure devotion is free from all karma or jnana – it is just pure selfless love for Krsna! Bhakti yoga therefore is the means and the goal!
The article " Strive for bhakti yoga " was published on KKSBlog.
Charlie Chaplin and Hare Krishna! (1 min video)
→ Dandavats

Charlie Chaplin and Hare Krishna! (1 min video)
A famous scene Krishna-ized. Just perfect!!
New Mayapur, France, Mellows + Lord BALARAM´s appearance day…
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New Mayapur, France, Mellows + Lord BALARAM´s appearance day 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krishna is everywhere. Simply you have to catch Him. And He’s also ready for being caught. Yes, if somebody wants to catch Him. Suppose you are a devotee. If you want to catch Him, He comes forward ten times than your desire. He’s so kind. Therefore, we have to simply receive Him. London, August 21, 1973.
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A mridanga made of …glass! (1 min video)
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A mridanga made of …glass! (1 min video)
A glass mridanga drum made by a glass blower in Newcastle, UK. Clay, plexiglass now glass!
Balaram Purnima 2018 in New Raman Reti, Alachua (Album of…
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Balaram Purnima 2018 in New Raman Reti, Alachua (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: It is the special mercy of the Supreme Lord that as soon as He knows that one is glorifying His name, fame and attributes, He personally helps cleanse the dirt from one’s heart. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.12 Purport)
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Motel Gita (Album of photos)
Mr. Harish Agarwal and Nandini…
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Motel Gita (Album of photos)
Mr. Harish Agarwal and Nandini Kishori dd recently attended Nashville AAHOA Regional convention. The response was stellar. Mr. Pete Patel stopped by. He is really touched by MotelGita project and donated nicely! We feel that we’ve found a Motelgita advocate in Nashville, TN area. Mr. Chip Rogers, AAHOA CEO, stopped by at the booth and appreciated the non-profit work we do. A college student stopped by, he said his parents (motel owners) had shown him Motelgita TV interview. Another hotel owner stopped by, he said he has read all Gitas, Vinoba Bhave, Gandhi etc, however, there is no Gita as clear and concise as Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Therefore Srila Prabhupada is the most intelligent person on the planet. Met Ms. Nancy, who has already read Gita, so I informed about Srimad Bhagavatam. She emailed me today that she is definitely going to buy it. Mr. Vinay Patel (current AAHOA secretary and future AAHOA President) stopped by and really appreciated MotelGita project. His wife Tina Patel had stopped by at an annual convention and had placed an order for all of their hotels. See the enclosed photo, which was posted on Facebook by another Hotelier (Mr. Naresh Bhakta).
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What’s Wrong with Sex?
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When the media assault our eyes with images of half-naked bodies, lawmakers fight back with anti-obscenity laws, and the media complain that the government is policing personal morality. "Who are you to restrict our sexual enjoyment?" cry the libertines. "Ubiquitous sexuality," say the cultural conservatives, "degrades society." Everyone cherishes the right to enjoy life, and libertines, to defend themselves, appeal to this right. But could they be defeating the very purpose they claim to champion? Could moral restrictions on sexuality uphold, rather than impede, our right to enjoy life? Continue reading "What’s Wrong with Sex?
→ Dandavats"
The Extra Plants
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I am only starting to understand that I was an enemy to the gardener. Whatever prestige I maintained in the garden is just so much rotten mulch. I hereby permanently drop it as garbage! Pride which is not for the satisfaction of Krishna is only a false path of repeated self-defeat, with an ugly tree named Fear at the end of the trail. I am fascinated by all that has happened, the way the garden is transformed, the sounds of soft sweet praises for God as given by the spiritual expert. The gardener’s voice grows very satisfied and forgiving at this time. I am surrounded by sweet mellows and I am disarmed. Continue reading "The Extra Plants
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