29th annual Festival of India in Poland: Up And Running!
→ Dandavats

Up And Running! (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Our 29th annual Festival of India is in full swing here on the beaches of the warm Baltic Sea coast in Poland. 250 devotees from numerous countries around the world have assembled for 2 months of harinam and festivals introducing people to our Krsna conscious movement. If the weeks and months ahead are anything like the first few days of our programs, we’re in for some real nectar.

Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, Cordially Invites Locals to Ratha Yatra Festival
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Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, Cordially Invites Locals to Ratha Yatra Festival (video)
San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg with an official invitation to our inaugural “Festival of Chariot” at Woodlawn Lake this Saturday from 4pm to 9pm! Don’t miss the free food and fun for the entire family at no cost! Thank you Mr.Nirenberg and the city of San Antonio for your support!

A Society Free From Envy
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Hare KrishnaBy Devaki Devi Dasi

Envy is a very subtle and deep-rooted anartha within our hearts. It comes about because we want to be the supreme enjoyer, proprietor and controller. Therefore we tend to use any relationship for the purpose of establishing our superiority-no matter whether it is in relation to a superior, equal or junior. It is a certain state of heart and consciousness which externally manifests in any relationship. We have been carrying these tendencies with us in the subtle material body for many life times. After all, this is why we are still here in this material world: because we want to be supreme. In Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.18.9 in the word-for-word translation Srila Prabhupada gives the meaning to khalah as being 'the envious', and he adds in brackets "almost everyone". We all have the experience how envy is such an ugly quality. And Srila Prabhupada in a humorous way reminds us that it also includes us, even though we might rather like to keep ourselves in the illusion that it doesn't concern us, but only others. However, it is almost everyone who is affected by envy. To admit that we are envious is not easy, yet the first step to become free of it. Continue reading "A Society Free From Envy
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Panihati Cida Dahi Festival, Bali 2018
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Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana das

It needed great effort to organize such great festival to make it successful. The committee of the festival had made preparations since three months back. The committee felt confidence to do the festival because devotees from around Indonesia gave their support to the festival. it was completely because of the causeless mercy of the Lord. Continue reading "Panihati Cida Dahi Festival, Bali 2018
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Outreach Initiative in Perth Western Australia
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Hare KrishnaBy Sita Rama Lakshmana Das

Australians or colloquially known as Aussies, are known for their laid back, easy going and predisposed to be friendly attitude even in the grim circumstances. According to the most recent census conducted by Australian Bureau of Statistics 33% or one third of Aussies do not affiliate to any religion or God. But none of the above wide spread and pre conceived generalizations seem to effect the audience in connecting with Krishna conscious philosophy. The group of attendees was comprised of wide spectrum of people from mid 20s to early 50s with different ethnic backgrounds. Continue reading "Outreach Initiative in Perth Western Australia
→ Dandavats"

Gita 18.14 God is the fifth factor as well as the foundation of all factors
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Bhagavatam study 90 1.17.7-12 – When in a position of material responsibility, act responsibly
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Monday, July 2nd, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Mississauga, Ontario

Victory to Dracon

I received an e-mail message from Dracon, the Chinese chap whom we met on the Bruce Trail back in Queenston Heights on June 3rd. His message was he finished the Bruce from its southern start, to the northern-most point in Tobermory—a distance of 890 kilometres.  All victory to him in his solo effort.  We would factor in the paramatmapresence—God in the heart.  I know little of the details but I should ask him about challenges along the way, the ups and downs of the journey, both physical and psychological.  Where did he get food?  Etc.

I am encouraged also to get back on that trail.  Duties have me bound. Such as today, I held a seminar on guru/discipleship, or shall I say guru / sishyawhich are actually the more traditional terms.  It was important as some people are aspiring to take that next step—not in terms of walking but advancing spiritually.

With us still sunk in a sweltering summer, Karuna and I decided a walk was nevertheless necessary for the day, but we would only consider the task when a cooling had taken place.  By 8:30 p.m., we left for Christie Pitts Park.  It seems everyone had the same target in mind—evade the heat, bathe in the night.  Bloor Street became full with humans and all that’s good and bad which goes along with them.

It was really pleasant.  A sit-down at a picnic table at Christie Pitts for gayatrichanting was just a perfect ending.  The sun came down and so did the last of the relentless heat.  Meanwhile, sections of B.C. are receiving snow.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

Sunday, July 1st, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Ottawa, Ontario

The HH and the CC

I woke up at approximately 1:00 a.m., not because of the hype of the celebration in the air—it’s Canada’s birthday today—but because it was unbearably hot and humid.  HH.  I took a cold shower, for obvious reasons, and then snuck out of the house where I was accommodated—thank you, Surinder—for an hour-long walk.  The experience was like never before.  I came back drenched in sweat and went again for a second COLD shower, and then some more sleep.

The second installment of walking was from the ISKCON Centre on Somerset to near the Parliament buildings.  It was brutal—the weather.  Upon the arrival of our good-sized procession of men, women and children, we instantaneously decided to head for the trees and cancel the idea of snaking around through the crowds, which were noticeably down in number this year.

It was the HH factor, I’m sure, that made people hesitant to come to downtown Ottawa.  Perhaps the evening crowd would be more voluminous.

I met great people, in the course of our sitting there under the trees, while engaged in kirtan. The public was delighted by the bubbly presence of our chanters.  Most folks came in white and red attire, the colour of the Canadian flag.  Someone came dressed as Charlie Chaplin—CC—in red and white.  He looked spiffy, and to see him lightened the burden.

Our guru, Srila Prabhupada, liked Charlie Chaplin stunts. He was humoured by him.

I had never experienced such a dripping day here at 35°C, but feeling like 47°, or being in Delhi, India, as far as temperature is concerned.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

Rathayatra Pastimes by Lokanath Swami
→ Dandavats

Rathayatra Pastimes by Lokanath Swami.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spent His later years in Jagannatha Puri, Orissa, immersed in love of Godhead and absorbed in wonderful pastimes with His intimate associates and with the Deity of Krsna in Puri, known as Jagannatha, “the Lord of the universe.” This was nearly five hundred years ago.

Tamal Krishna Goswami: If they are loyal to me, I’ll be loyal to them
→ Dandavats

Tamal Krishna Goswami: If they are loyal to me, I’ll be loyal to them
Giriraj Swami: On Saturday, Hridayananda das Goswami, Rtadhvaja Swami, and many other devotees gathered at our ashram in Carpinteria to celebrate Sripada Tamal Krishna Goswami’s Vyasa-puja. Rtadhvaja Swami quoted a statement that Tamal Krishna Goswami had made about his disciples: “I don’t mind where they are at or what they have done; if they are loyal to me, I’ll be loyal to them—to the end.”

Appreciating Bhakti Tirtha Swami
Giriraj Swami

On July 5 we celebrate the divine disappearance day of Sri Srimad Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja, who left our world on this date on the Vedic calendar in 2005.

Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Four, Chapter Twenty-eight: “Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life,” discusses the disappearance of the spiritual master:


uttisthottistha rajarse
  imam udadhi-mekhalam
dasyubhyah ksatra-bandhubhyo
  bibhyatim patum arhasi


O best of kings, please get up! Get up! Just see this world surrounded by water and infested with rogues and so-called kings. This world is very much afraid, and it is your duty to protect her.

PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada

Whenever an acarya comes, following the superior orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His representative, he establishes the principles of religion, as enunciated in the Bhagavad-gita. Religion means abiding by the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Religious principles begin from the time one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is the acarya’s duty to spread a bona fide religious system and induce everyone to bow down before the Supreme Lord. One executes the religious principles by rendering devotional service, specifically the nine items like hearing, chanting, and remembering. Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svamis, yogis, philanthropists, welfare workers, and so on. Actually, human life is meant for executing the orders of the Supreme Lord, and this is stated in the Bhagavad-gita (9.34):

man-mana bhava mad-bhakto
  mad-yaji mam namaskuru
mam evaisyasi yuktvaivam
  atmanam mat-parayanah

“Engage your mind always in thinking of Me and become My devotee. Offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.”

The main business of human society is to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at all times, to become His devotees, to worship the Supreme Lord, and to bow down before Him. The acarya, the authorized representative of the Supreme Lord, establishes these principles, but when he disappears, things once again become disordered. The perfect disciples of the acarya try to relieve the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master. At the present moment practically the entire world is afraid of rogues and nondevotees; therefore this Krsna consciousness movement is started to save the world from irreligious principles. Everyone should cooperate with this movement in order to bring about actual peace and happiness in the world.

*   *   *

This section of Srimad-Bhagavatam describes a king and his devoted wife, who have entered the forest as vanaprasthas to perform austerities and realize God. At a certain stage, the king leaves his body, and feeling great anxiety in his absence, his widow begins to cry piteously. Srila Prabhupada, following the previous acharyas, explains in his purports that figuratively, the queen is the disciple of the king, or spiritual master.

So, here the widow is praying for her husband to get up and protect the world from rogues and so-called kings. Of course, because he actually has left his body, he will not return, at least not in the same form in which she had known him. But still, the principle of being protected by the instructions of the acharya continues even after his disappearance, and the essence of those instructions is that one should surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, and become His devotee, always think of Him (man-mana), worship Him (mad-yaji), and bow down to Him (mam namaskuru).

In the purport, Srila Prabhupada states, “It is the acarya’s duty to spread a bona fide religious system and induce everyone to bow down before the Supreme Lord.” Not only does the acharya present the system, but it is also his duty to induce people to actually follow. Thus the acharya thinks of ways and means by which he can induce people to surrender unto the Supreme Lord.

One example that is prominent in our line is that of Lord Caitanya. He was a teacher in Navadvipa, but His own students misunderstood Him and criticized Him. So He thought, “As long as they disrespect Me, as long as they criticize Me, they will not be able to be delivered.” And, as described in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, the Lord, after full consideration, accepted the sannyasa order of life, because followers of Vedic culture in every varna and ashrama respect a sannyasi.

Srila Prabhupada explains that an acharya must think of the ways and means by which he can spread Krishna consciousness, that preaching methods are not stereotyped. His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami, following in the same line, also considered how to induce people to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. Like every acharya, in doing so he preserved the basic principles of Krishna consciousness, but he adjusted the presentation to attract people and induce people to actually take up the process of bhakti-yoga.

When I first heard of some of Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s preaching, specifically to members of the black community, I was a little surprised, because I’d never heard anyone preach like that. Srila Prabhupada, at least superficially, never preached like that. So I wondered what was going on. But then I had the opportunity, with His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami, to visit Maharaja’s institution in Washington DC—the Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology (IFAST)—and we met some of the devotees who had come to Krishna consciousness by his preaching. I was very impressed by them—extremely impressed. They were very intelligent, sincere, competent, and respectful—they were just wonderful. It was so nice to be there with them. After attending the morning program and seeing the devotees there, seeing the organization, we had breakfast and later lunch with His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and he explained some of his unique approach. He told us that he had people chanting sixteen rounds and following the four principles, engaging in the service of Krishna and the worship of Krishna, for months, if not years, before they knew that such a thing as the Hare Krishna movement even existed. So I thought, “Wow! How did he do that? How does he do that?” Continue reading "Appreciating Bhakti Tirtha Swami
Giriraj Swami"

How Studying Science Strengthened My Faith
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Hare KrishnaBy Samita Sarkar

The Srimad Bhagavatam frequently refers to the universe as "the cosmic ocean," with the planets as "islands." This analogy was used countless times in my astronomy textbook, since outer space is composed mostly of, well, space. Although we know how our universe began, our astronomy textbook concluded that modern scientists are not sure how (or if) our universe will come to an end. Will it expand forever? Will it end with a "big crunch"? Scriptures reveal that our universe will eventually be absorbed by Mahavishnu's inhalation. Continue reading "How Studying Science Strengthened My Faith
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In Touch With Eternity (Almost)
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Hare KrishnaBy Vishakha Devi Dasi

Longevity attracts me because I’m an eternal spiritual being, an imperishable soul. In my natural state I don’t transmigrate. So, since I’m not meant to be helplessly, traumatically dragged from one body to another, I crave permanence in this life. But I don’t really want the permanence of a giant Sequoia. Although by comparison to mine, the length of its life is awe-inspiring, to stand in one place, immobile and incommunicative, would be awful. I’m not meant for that. I’m meant to serve Krishna, without interruption and without motivation. By such devotional service I’ll rejoin Him eternally in His eternal home in a blissful, eternal, spiritual body. Unfortunately, my present service to God is both interrupted and motivated. So I don’t qualify to regain an eternal body. I’m stuck with temporary ones unavoidably accompanied by birth and death. My attitude reminds me of that of my two-year-old, who blithely answers “no” to the most reasonable requests: “Sit down and eat your dinner.” “No.” “Let’s put your shoes on.” “No.” And so forth. “No” to her is an easy answer that saves her the trouble of stopping whatever she’s doing to do something else—even something better. Continue reading "In Touch With Eternity (Almost)
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Awareness, Aspiration, Action – From standard of living to standard of loving
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk to doctors at KLE Hospital, Belgaum, India]



Podcast Summary



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Gita 18.13 The journey from illusion to illumination requires philosophical education
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Vakresvara Pandita Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Sri Vakresvara Pandit was present with Sriman Mahaprabhu during His pastimes in Navadwipa and after his acceptance of Sannyasa he also accompanied Him to Jagannath Puri.

During the time of the Lord’s residence in Puri he continued to live with Him there as well. Sri Vakresvara Pandit took birth in the village of Guptipara near Triveni. He was an especially proficient dancer and kirtaniya and could dance continuously for 72 hours.

When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began His pastimes of congregational chanting of the Holy Name of Sri Hari in Navadvipa, Sri Vakresvara Pandit was an important singer and dancer in that assembly.

Vakresvara Pandit’s worshippable deity is Sri Sri Radha-kanta, whom he worshipped in Kasi Misra’s house, which was also the residence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Gambhira).These Deities are still being worshipped there to this day.

My dream
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 25 April 2015, Radhadesh, Belgium, Culture Festival Lecture)

I think it would be really nice if my disciples would have real, genuine relationships amongst each other – positive vaishnava relationships. It would be something that would have power; power for ourselves. Such relationships would nourish us and it would attract people from everywhere, because the whole world is looking for deep and genuine relationships.

I have always looked for friendships in ISKCON, for real friendships. Sometimes in our movement, people ask, “Is that your colleague?” But if we become like colleagues, I think we are not acting on the platform that we should be. We should have warm, loving, personal, appreciative vaishnava relationships where we would generally be happy to see each other. If such relationships could exist between my disciples, between all godsisters and godbrothers, that would fulfill my dream!

The article " My dream " was published on KKSBlog.

Spiritual wealth
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2011, Sydney, Australia, Lecture)

If you come to the temple once a week, that is spiritually poor! It’s a poor lifestyle. You don’t get much spiritual wealth. We must seek out devotees all the time. We must be eager to be with devotees. Even if it is at a distance, somehow or other, we must be there all the time as much as possible. That is eagerness.

The article " Spiritual wealth " was published on KKSBlog.

42GB of a complete library of kirtans ready for free downloading
→ Dandavats

42GB of a complete library of kirtans ready for free downloading.
Nimai Sundar: I am finally able to share all my recordings of Aindra Prabhu’s Live Kirtans. They are mostly arranged by YYYY.MM.DD, have Album Artwork and metadata that matches.
I have been collecting Aindra’s Kirtans for many years now and it’s been a pain having duplicates, different naming formats and different album names.
So I downloaded all the recordings from 24hourkirtan.com, VIHE.org and Gauravani.com. Then added them to the recordings sourced from Aindra Himself. I then sorted them according to the year as much as possible.

Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Niranjana Swami

As we all know from various understandings of Kṛṣṇa consciousness philosophy, our life is going to move just like this also. Sometimes when we realize how quickly our life is passing by, we begin to analyze: “Where am I going?” These are good thoughts, “Where am I going? What direction am I moving towards?”, because as we know, everybody by nature has to have some goal, some aspiration in life. Sometimes we get caught up in immediate goals, and sometimes even we hear an expression: “I am just taking it from day to day.” It is very common in America. I know that people often times will say like that when you ask them how they are doing. “Well, I am just taking it day by day.” Their goal is simply to make it to the next day. And usually ‘just to make it to the next day’ means ‘just so I can survive’. If I’ve survived to the next day, at least the next day I can have my goal for the following day. Continue reading "Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting
→ Dandavats"

Coordinated, Connected and Committed- Retreat to Re- treat
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Hare KrishnaBy Radhapadma Devi Dasi

It was truly a re- treat from the busy schedule of hustle bustle, traffic and time constraints to fresh air, dense forest, tall green mountains and vast expanse of water around, so much to experience it in essence. The valuable subject matter of our life is the true connection with the Absolute Truth. As Srila Prabhupada quotes, "Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter.” Continue reading "Coordinated, Connected and Committed- Retreat to Re- treat
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