[Bhagavatam class at Connecticut, USA]
Podcast Summary
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[Bhagavatam class at Connecticut, USA]
Podcast Summary
The post Even if we have problems, we don’t have to be problems appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Dr. O.B.L Kapoor narrated a story about Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada who was once a pharmacist, gave him a tonic at the pharmacy. When the doctor asked for his tonic to Krishna Prem, Srila Prabhupada replied, “I do not have a tonic, but I have a formula”. This formula was the topic of the seminars during the two day retreat organized for the Wellington devotee community at Otaki, New Zealand. Drawing upon the teachings given by H.G. Radheshyam Prabhu, H.G. Ambarish Maharaj Das gratefully shared his carefully collated knowledge with devotees thirsty for spiritual wisdom. Continue reading "Tonic to Transcendence
→ Dandavats"
One of the most enlivening times for me was when devotees used to lead the chanting of Hare Krishna in the barn for the pleasure of the cows. They all seemed to enjoy the chanting as they happily chewed on their bunches of hay. Milk production increased and we became overwhelmed with surplus amounts. Some cows even gave two full buckets per milking. The Deities were offered many nice milk products made with butter, ghee, curd and whey—so the devotees never went hungry. By serving the Lord and His cows, we all got a taste of what life in Vrindavan must have been like when Krishna Himself lived there 5,000 years ago. It was simple yet sublime. Continue reading "Life on Krishna’s Farm in the ’70s
→ Dandavats"
Ниже мы расскажем о благоприятной природе месяца Пурушоттама.
Каждые несколько лет, когда наступает месяц Пурушоттама, отдел ХВП по сбору пожертвований призывает спонсоров внести более крупные ежемесячные платежи или полностью выплатить всю сумму своих пожертвований, поскольку совершение пожертвований на духовные цели и исполнение подобных врат (обетов) в этот месяц увеличивают бхакти, любовь к Господу.
Если вы уже выплатили всю сумму своего пожертвования или сделали разовое пожертвование ХВП, мы призываем вас в течение этого благоприятного времени пожертвовать еще. Те же, кто еще жертвовал, также могут воспользоваться этим месяцем, чтобы внести свой вклад в строительство храма.
Мы хотели бы напомнить читателям, что до завершения нашего грандиозного проекта осталось четыре года. Мы назвали этот марафон «МИССИЯ 22», и на всех нас лежит ответственность за его исполнение для удовлетворения Шрилы Прабхупады и Махапрабху. Следующие два года имеют решающее значение в достижении желанной цели, и для реализации проекта нам каждый год потребуется по 10 миллионов долларов США. Мы можем достичь этой цели благодаря вашей постоянной помощи. Пожалуйста, отнеситесь к нашей просьбе со всей серьезностью и поддержите проект в соответствии с вашими возможностями.
Месяц Пурушоттама или адхика-маса (дополнительный месяц) также называется мала-масой, что означает «скверный» или «бесполезный месяц». В Индии садху, садхаки и благочестивые люди всех сампрадай (вайшнавскских и самрпадай-адвайты) в течение месяца Пурушоттама налагают на себя суровые епитимьи и аскезы (враты). Сейчас же давайте поговорим о названии, истории, благах и способе соблюдения этого извечного и истинного «короля всех врат», или месяца епитимий.
Потому что все виды пудж и ягий, совершаемых для получения плодов (карма-канда), не дают в этот месяц никаких результатов. Однако ачарьи нашей гаудия-вайшнавской сампрадайи не согласны с этим, утверждая, что данный месяц называется мала-масой, потому что преданное служение, выполненное в этот месяц, легко и быстро разрушает грязь и скверну, накопившиеся в результате грехов, невежества и апарадх.
Пурушоттама-маса или адхика-маса – дополнительный месяц в ведическом календаре, который был введен, чтобы сохранить совпадение между лунным и солнечным календарями. Но он главным образом назван так, потому что Шри Кришна вложил в этот месяц все Свои энергии, милость и благословения и также, потому что в этот месяц человек получает несравнимо большие результаты от духовной деятельности. Таким образом, в месяц Пурушоттама только действия в преданности (Кришна-бхакти) дают результат.
Во-первых, в Пуранах утверждается, что месяц Пурушоттама – ЛЮБИМЫЙ МЕСЯЦ Бхагавана Шри Кришны. Шри Кришна не только лично создал этот месяц, но также назвал его Своим именем. Вспомните, лишь Шри Кришна – это Верховная Личность Бога, Пурушоттама. Как Сваям Бхагаван Шри Кришна является самым великодушным, высшим источником всех аватар и воплощений, также и месяц Пурушоттама – наивысший среди всех двенадцати месяцев: наилучший, вознаграждающий самыми могущественными духовными благословениями. Месяц Пурушоттама – самый священный месяц, намного превосходящий такие благоприятные месяцы как Магха, Вайшакха и Карттика, прославленные в Ведах как три лучших месяца в году, одаривающих людей благами. Месяц Пурушоттама почитается не только на земле, но во всей вселенной. Ему поклоняются все преданные, мудрецы, полубоги и даже Сама Лакшми-деви.
Если человек искренне поклоняется Радхе и Кришне в месяц Пурушоттама, он получит все, что пожелает. Тот, кто соблюдает Пурушоттама-врату, сожжет дотла все последствия своей плохой кармы и достигнет непосредственного служения Радхе и Кришне. Месяц Пурушоттама – лучший месяц для духовного роста, поскольку Кришна не принимает в расчет никаких оскорблений. Пребывание в Святой Дхаме в этот месяц приносит благо, увеличенное в тысячекратном размере.
Все эти цитаты содержатся в «Падма-пуране» и «Сканда-пуране»:
Господь Шри Кришна сказал: «Месяц Пурушоттама наделен всем могуществом, каким обладаю Я, когда он дарует благословения соблюдающему его. Следующий Пурушоттама-врате уничтожит все последствия своих прошлых греховных деяний. Без соблюдения этой враты человек не сможет выполнять чистое преданное служение. Этот месяц гораздо ценнее, чем все виды аскез и религиозной деятельности, упомянутые в Ведах. Любой, кто соблюдает Пурушоттама-врату, в конце жизни отправляется в Мою обитель, Голоку».
Дурваса Муни сказал: «Принимая омовение в святой реке в месяц Пурушоттаму, человек становится безгрешным. Слава всех других месяцев не равна и 16-ой части славы месяца Пурушоттамы. Омовение в святом месте, раздача милостыни и воспевание святого имени Кришны в этот месяц уничтожает все несчастья живого существа. Оно достигает всего совершенства и исполняет все свои желания».
Вальмики Муни сказал: «Соблюдая Пурушоттама-врату, живое существо получает большее благо, чем от выполнения ста жертвоприношений коня. Все святые места обитают в теле того, кто соблюдает Пурушоттама-врату. Любой, кто с верой исполняет эту врату, отправится на Голоку Вриндавану».
Нарада Муни сказал: «Месяц Пурушоттама – лучший среди всех месяцев, врат и аскез. Просто с верой слушая славу этого месяца, живое существо обретает Кришна-бхакти и незамедлительно избавляется от последствий своих грехов. Исполняющий Пурушоттама-врату должным образом обретает безграничное сукрити (духовные благочестие) и отправляется в духовный мир».
Мудрецы Наймишараньи сказали: «Милостивый месяц Пурушоттама – как древо желаний. Он исполняет желание преданного».
1. Проснувшись в брахма-мухурту (за полтора часа до рассвета), вскакивайте с постели со словами «Джая Радхе!».
2. Воспевайте Харе Кришна маха-мантру и медитируйте на прекрасные божественные формы, качества и экстатично очищающие и волнующие сердце трансцендентные игры Радхи и Кришны в Шридхаме Вриндаване. На протяжении всего месяца ежедневно воспевайте фиксированное количество дополнительных кругов – 24, 32, 64, 108, 192.
3. Максимальное благо и блаженство получает тот, кто соблюдает эту врату во Вриндаване, Майяпуре или другой Святой Дхаме.
4. Ежедневно совершайте полную пуджу или, по меньшей мере, предлагайте светильник на гхи Божествам Радха-Кришны или Их изображению. Ежедневно предлагайте 33 светильника или, по меньшей мере, предложите их в один из благоприятных дней этого месяца (экадаши, санкранти, пурнима и т.д.)
5. Ежедневно проводите арати и обходите Туласи-деви.
6. Ежедневно обходите храм Господа 4 раза.
7. Ежедневно предлагайте розы, цветы лотоса и 100 000 листьев Туласи (или столько, сколько можете) Божествам Радха-Кришны или Их изображению.
8. Ежедневно читайте главы «Шримад-Бхагаватам», описывающие лилы Радха-Кришны. Ачарьи говорят, что необходимо ежедневно читать молитвы Господа Бхахмы (Брахма-стути) в 14 главе десятой песни «Шримад-Бхагаватам».
9. Слушайте Радха-Кришна-катху от возвышенных гаудия-вайшнавов.
10. Ежедневно пойте «Шри Джаганнатхаштаку», потому что эта врата названа именем Господа Пурушоттамы, Господа Джаганнатхи, главенствующего Божества Пурушоттама-кшетры Джаганнатха-пури, и преданные часто проводят ее в этом месте. Особенно рекомендуется в этот месяц петь аштаки, молитвы и бхаджаны, прославляющие Радха-Кришна-югалу.
11. Примите обет на протяжении всего месяца быть умиротворенным и на абсолютно правдивым.
12. Остерегайтесь хулить какого бы то ни было преданного, брахмана, святого, корову, писание и особенно того, кто соблюдает Пурушоттама-врату.
13. Ни у кого ничего не просите, будьте удовлетворены тем, что имеете, и не предпринимайте усилий к приобретению в этот месяц любых материальных вещей.
14. Приложите все усилия, чтобы доставить удовольствие Радхе и Кришне исполнением своих аскез. Примите обет в соответствии с вашими возможностями, и не нарушайте его посредине месяца. Будьте целеустремленными, горячо молитесь о милости и терпите свой ум, который подобен бешеной обезьяне. Не слушайте свой ум, по меньшей мере в этот месяц.
15. Ешьте из листьевых тарелок сидя на полу (если можете).
16. Не стригите ногти и волосы (если можете).
17. Не готовьте на растительном масле и не умащайте маслом тело.
18. Не ешьте горчичное масло и не умащайте им тело.
Диета: Выберите для себя питание в соответствии с вашими возможностями. Главная врата и аскеза – ежедневно, находясь в сознании Кришны, общаться с серьезными преданными, вместе слушая и прославляя лилы Радха-Кришны во Вриндаване.
Лучше всего есть раз в день (после заката или в полдень) в соответствие с одним из следующих вариантов:
1) только молоко; 2) только фрукты (без молока и овощей); 3) пищу без зерна (определенные овощи, фрукты, орехи, молоко); 4) определенные продукты (всех категорий по стандарту чатурмасьи).
В «Хари-бхакте-виласе» (Виласа 16, стих 437) говорится: «В течение Пурушоттама-адхика-масы человек должен, памятуя о Господе Кришне, пожертвовать 33 молочных десерта, приготовленных на гхи, брахманам-домохозяевам, знатокам шаст. Пренебрегая этим, человек теряет всё благочестие, накопленное за предыдущий год».
Комментарий: Вайшнавы Вриндавана обычно соблюдают это предписание, жертвуя два килограмма хорошего молочного десерта из кондитерской нескольким пандам или пуджари-вайшнавам или хорошим храмовым преданным.
1. Ачарьи говорят, что следует ежедневно повторять какое-то количество раз мантру Каундиньи Муни:
говардхана дхарам ванде / гопалам гопа рупинам
гокулутсава ме ишанам / говиндам гопика приям“Я поклоняюсь тому, кто поднял холм Говардхана, тому кто в обличье прекрасного мальчика-пастушка всегда играет с гопами. Он властелин Гокулы, где каждый день подобен празднику”.
2. Ежедневно предлагайте 33 поклона (дандавата для прабху) Бхагавану Шри Кришне или вайшнавам.
Соблюдайте нирапекша-врату, то есть 30 дней полного сосредоточения на поклонении и служении Радха-Говинда-югале, слушая, воспевая и памятуя Их божественные имена, формы, качества и игры.
Днем и ночью слушайте о Бхагаване Шри Кришне, воспевайте Харе Кришна маха-мантру, вкушайте махапрасад.
Экадаши, двадаши, пурнима, амавасья, день шравана-накшатры. ЖЕРТВУЙТЕ деньги, золото, одежду, обувь, фрукты и т.д. Также предложите брахманам и вайшнавам 33 платана или манго вместе с даной и дакшиной. Очень важный момент: когда вы жертвуете брахману дану (то есть различные предметы, такие как ткани, земля, золото, коровы, книги, сладости, цветы, одежда, обувь, зонты), вы должны вместе с этим предложить и дакшину (то есть равный этой вещи денежный эквивалент). Например, если вы кому-то жертвуете новую пару обуви стоимостью 300 рупий, вы должны дать тому же человеку и 300 рупий.
1. День и время: посмотрите в календаре для вашей местности.
2. Совершите омовение в брахма-мухурту.
3. Совершите поклонение Божествам Радха-Шьямасундаре, личным Божествам или изображению.
4. Произнесите эту мантру:
“О Верховный Господь! О Санатана! О Пурушоттама! О Господь Хари! Я приношу Тебе свои поклоны. О мой Господь, о Шримати Радхарани, пожалуйста, примите мое подношение. Я вновь и вновь приношу поклоны Шьямасундаре, возлюбленному Радхики, чье прекрасное тело покрыто сияющими желтыми одеяниями”.
5. Предложите пушпанджали (пригоршни свежих ароматных цветов или лепестков) и поклоны Божествам Радха-Шьямасундаре, личным Божествам или изображению.
6. Накормите и раздайте как можно большие и лучшие пожертвования 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 брахманам или вайшнавам (например, новую одежду, две пары обуви, зонт, гхи, йогурт, сладости, гамчхи, лоты и тарелки) и равный им денежный эквивалент.
7. Лучшее пожертвование – подарить “Шримад-Бхагаватам” достойному брахману-домохозяину. Это пожертвование вознесет всех ваших предков в духовный мир и подарит им общение с Господом Пурушоттамой!
1. Если вы ели фрукты, гхи, рис, пшеницу и т.д., то же самое раздайте брахманам.
2. Если вы спали на полу, пожертвуйте кровать и подушки брахману.
3. Если вы ели из листьевых тарелок, накормите брахманов гхи и гуром.
4. Если вы не подстригали ногти или волосы, пожертвуйте брахману зеркало.
5. Если вы предлагали светильники гхи, пожертвуйте брахману новые светильники и горшки.
6. Если вы нарушили какое-либо правило или предписание во время соблюдения Пурушоттама-враты, напоите брахманов разными сладкими соками.
7. Махадев, Господь Шива говорит, что лучшая благотворительность – это «наполнить бронзовый горшок тридцатью малпуа (сладкими оладушками приготовленные в гхи), перевязать горшок семью новыми нитями и отдать достойному брахману».
Комментарий: многие смиренные нишкинчана-вайшнавы не могут позволить себе одарить брахманов в достаточной мере. В этом случае просто поднесите достойной личности какие-то небольшие денежные пожертвования или новую вещь в соответствии с вашими возможностями, прося его о милости и благословениях. А в уме вы можете щедро раздать пожертвования многим хорошим преданным (манаси-сева). Помните, что в шастрах написано, Кришна – «бхава-грахи джанардана» – Его удовлетворяет чистота и искренность подносящего, любовь, с которой сделано подношение, а также чистота намерений. Просто постарайтесь выйти из враты, пожертвовав что-то в соответствии с ваших возможностями.
The post ХВП и Пурушоттама-врата, 16 мая – 13 июня appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
The following is an explanation about the auspicious nature of the month of Purusottama.
Every year the TOVP fundraising department encourages donors to consider making larger pledge payments or completing their pledges during this month since donating to spiritual purposes and making similar vratas (vows) increases one’s bhakti and love for the Lord when offered during Purusottama month.
We would like to remind readers that there are four years left to complete this grand project by 2022. We have called this marathon MISSION 22 and all of us together are responsible for its fulfillment for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Mahaprabhu. The next two years are especially critical to achieve our desired goal and we require $10 million U.S. annually for this purpose. With your continued help this can be achieved. Please consider the above request seriously and do the needful according to your capacity.
Purusottama month, or adhika masa (extra month) is also called mala masa, which means dirty or useless month. In India the sadhus, sadhakas and pious people of all sampradayas (Vaisnava and Advaitan) undertake serious penances and austerities (vratas) during Purusottama Month. Now let us examine the name, history, benefits and method of practice of this age old, scripturally bonafide “King of All Vratas” or month long penances.
This is because all forms of karma-kanda (reward seeking) pujas and yajnas don’t give any results this month. Our Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas, however, disagree, saying it is called mala masa because devotional activities performed in this month quickly and easily destroy the dirt and contamination caused by sins, ignorance and aparadhas.
Purushottam Masa or Adhik Masa is an extra month in the Vedic calendar that is inserted to keep the lunar and solar calendars aligned. But it is mainly called this because Sri Krsna has placed all His potencies, mercy and blessings in this month, and also because one gets more results from any religious spiritual activities. Thus, only works of devotion (Krsna-bhakti) give results in Purusottama month.
Firstly, the Puranas say that Bhagavan Sri Krsna’s FAVORITE MONTH is Purusottama Month. Sri Krsna has not only personally created this month, but He also named it after Himself. Remember, Sri Krsna alone is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purusottama. Just as Swayam Bhagavan Sri Krsna is the most magnanimous, topmost origin of all the avataras and incarnations, similarly Purusottama Month is the topmost, super best, most powerful spiritual reward giving month among all the twelve months. Purusottama Month is the holiest month, far superior to the pious months of Magha, Vaisakha and Karttika, which the Vedas praise as the three best, reward blessing months of the year. Not only on the earth, but all over the universe the Purusottama Month is honored and worshiped by all devotees, sages, demigods and even Laksmi Devi Herself.
If one sincerely worships Radha and Krsna in Purusottama Month, he will attain everything he wants. One who observes Purusottama vrata will burn up the reactions of all his bad karma and attain the direct service of Radha and Krsna. Purusottama Month is the best month for all spiritual advancement because Krsna overlooks all the aparadhas. Residence in the holy dhama in Purusottama Month yields 1000 times the benefit.
All these sastric quotations are from the Padma and Skanda Puranas:
Lord Sri Krsna: “Purusottama Month has all the power I have to bless its observer. One who follows Purusottama vrata will destroy all his past sinful reactions. Without performing Purusottama vrata, one cannot perform pure devotional service. The value of Purusottama Month is far more valuable than all other types of austerities and religious activities mentioned in the Vedas. Anyone who observes Purusottama vrata will return to my abode, Goloka, at the end of his life.”
Durvasa Muni: “Just by bathing in a holy river during Purusottama Month, one becomes sinless. The glory of all other months is not equal to one-sixteenth of the glory of the Purusottama Month. By bathing in a holy place, giving charity and chanting the Holy Name of Krsna during Purusottama Month, all miseries are destroyed, one attains all kinds of perfection and fulfills all his desires”.
Valmiki Muni: “By observing Purusottama vrata, one attains more benefit than performing one hundred horse sacrifices. All holy places live within the body of a Purusottama Month vrati (an observer of this penance). Anyone who faithfully performs Purusottama vrata will go to Goloka Vrndavana”.
Narada Muni: “Purusottama Month is the best of all months, vratas and austerities. Just by faithfully hearing the glories of Purusottama Month, one attains Krsna-bhakti and immediately nullifies his sinful reactions. One who performs Purusottama vrata properly will attain unlimited piety and spiritual merit (sukrti) and go to the spiritual world”.
Naimisaranya Sages: “Merciful Purusottama Month acts like a desire tree to fulfill a devotee’s desire”.
1. Rise and jump out of bed, chanting Jaya Radhe! at brahma-muhurta. (1½ hours before sunrise)
2. Chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra and meditate on Radha-Krsna’s beautiful divine forms, qualities, and ecstatically purifying and heart stirring transcendental pastimes in Sridhama Vrndavana. Daily chant fixed number extra rounds for entire month: 24, 32, 64, 108, 192.
3. Maximum Benefits and Bliss by Observing Vrata in Vrndavana, Mayapur or a holy dhama.
4. Daily offer full puja, or at least a ghee lamp to Radha-Krsna Deities or picture. 33 lamps daily, or at least for one auspicious day this month (ekadasi, sankranti, purnima, etc.).
5. Daily aratika and parikrama of Tulasi Devi.
6. Daily mandir parikrama (4 times).
7. Daily offer Radha-Krsna Deities or picture roses, lotus flowers and 100,000 Tulasi leaves (or as many as you can).
8. Daily read Srimad Bhagavatam – Radha-Krsna lila ; the acharyas say it is a rule to daily read SB Tenth Canto Chapter 14, Brahma Stuti.
8. Hear Radha-Krsna katha from advanced Gaudiya Vaisnavas.
9. Daily chant Sri Jagannathastakam because the vrata is named after and often performed in Purusottama Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama. Especially focus on chanting and singing astakams, prayers and bhajans glorfying Radha-Krsna Yugala.
10. Take a vow to remain peaceful, and 100% truthful throughout the month.
11. Be careful not to blaspheme any devotees, brahmanas, saints, cows, sastras or especially anyone observing the Purusottama Month vrata.
12. Don’t ask anyone for anything; be satisfied with whatever you have, and don’t endeavor to acquire any material thing during this month.
13. Try your best to please Radha and Krsna by performing devotional austerities according to your abilities. Don’t break your vow in the middle of the month. Be determined, pray intently for mercy and tolerate your crazy monkey mind. Be deaf to your mind, at least this month.
14. Eat on leaf plates sitting on the floor (optional).
15. No cutting of hair or nails (optional).
16. No cooking in oil or rubbing of oil on your body.
17. No eating or rubbing of mustard oil.
Diets: Be your own guide and choose an eating program that is realistic within your means. The main vrata and austerity is to everyday Krsna consciously associate with serious devotees around the platform of hearing about and glorifying Radha-Krsna in Vrndavana.
Best to eat once a day after sunset or at noon the following diets:
i) only milk ; ii) only fruits (no milk, no veg.); iii) no grains (selected veg., fruits, nuts, milk); iv) selected foods (all categories as per caturmasya standards).
Hari-bhakti-vilasa (Vol 4, Vs 437): “During Purusottama Month, one should remember Lord Krsna, and then donate thirty three milk cakes cooked in ghee to grhastha Vaisnava brahmanas, who are well versed in sastras. Failing to do so, one loses all the piety he accumulated in the previous year.”
Comment: Vrndavana Vaisnavas usually observe this by donating two kilos of good quality milk cake from a sweet shop to a few Vaisnava pandas or pujaris or good temple devotees.
1. The Acharyas say chant daily some japa of Kaundinya Muni’s mantra:
govardhana dharam vande, gopalam gopa rupinam
gokulutsava me isanam, govindam gopika priyam.“I worship the lifter of Govardhana Hill, Who has the beautiful form of a cowherd boy, and who continually plays with the gopas. He is the Lord of Gokula wherein everyday is a festival”.
2. Daily offer 33 dandavats to Bhagavan Sri Krsna or the Vaisnavas.
Perform the Nirapeksa Vrata, which means 30 days of concentrated, one–pointed worship and service to Radha-Govinda Yugala by hearing, chanting, remembering Their divine names, forms, qualities, pastimes.
All day and night, hear about Bhagavan Sri Krsna, chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra, take mahaprasada.
Ekadasi, Dvadasi, Purnima, Amavasya, Sravana Naksatra Day. DO offer money, gold, cloth, shoes, fruits, etc. Also offer 33 plantains or mangos plus dana and daksina to Brahmanas and Vaisnavas. Very Important Point: When you give dana (i.e. different items like cloth, land, gold, cows, books, sweets, flowers, clothing, shoes, umbrellas) to a brahmana, you must simultaneously donate daksina (i.e. money equal to the monetary value of the dana). For example, if you give a 300 rupees pair of new shoes, then you must give 300 rupees in laksmi or money to that same person.
1. Day and Time: consult local calendar.
2. Bathe in brahma-muhurta time.
3. Perform Deity Worship: Radha-Syamasundara Deities, personal Deities or picture.
4. Chant this mantra:
“O Supreme Lord, O Sanatana, O Purusottama, O Lord Hari ! I offer my obeisances unto you. May you and your beloved Radhika, please accept my offerings. I offer my repeated obeisances unto Syamasundara, who wears effulgent yellow garments on His beautiful body”.
5. Offer puspanjali (handfuls of fresh fragrant flowers or petals) and then dandavat obeisances to Radha-Syamasundara Deities, your personal Deities or picture.
6. Feed and give charity to 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 brahmanas/ Vaisnavas to the best of your ability (e.g., new clothes, two pairs of shoes, umbrella, ghee, yogurt, gumsas, sweets, lotas, plates) and then equal value in Laksmi or money.
7. The best charity is to give Srimad Bhagavatam to a qualified grhastha Vaisnava brahmana. This act will deliver all your ancestors to the spiritual world and award them the association of Lord Purusottama!
1. If you ate fruits, ghee, rice, wheat etc, donate the same to brahmanas.
2. If you slept on the floor, give a bed and pillows to a brahmana.
3. If you ate on a leaf plate, feed brahmanas with ghee and sugar.
4. If you didn’t cut nails or hair, donate a mirror to a brahmana.
5. If you offered ghee lamps, give new lamps and pots to a brahmana
6. If you broke any rules or regulations during Purusottama vrata, feed different sweet juices to brahmanas.
7. Mahadeva, Lord Siva says that the best charity is to: “Fill a bell metal pot with thirty malpuas (a pancake like sweet), bind the pot with seven new threads and give to a worthy brahmana.”
Comment: many humble niskincana Vaisnavas have no money or sufficient wealth to donate substantially to brahmanas. But according to your means, donate some small laksmi or some new object to a qualified person, begging for his mercy and blessings. And in your mind (manasi-seva) you can sincerely donate generously to many good devotees. Remember that sastra says, “bhava grahi Janardana”, Bhagavan Sri Krsna is pleased with the purity and sincerity of one’s attitude, mood of love and purity of purpose. Try your best to break your vow by donating something within your means.
The post The TOVP and Purusottama Month Vrata, May 16 – June 13 appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
[Science and spirituality seminar, part 4, at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]
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[Science and spirituality seminar, part 3, at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]
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Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 15, we begin the auspicious Purusottama-adhika Masa (extra month), which is considered three times more powerful than Kartik. One year, Srila Prabhupada was in Juhu during that month, and Dr. C. P. Patel, Srila Prabhupada regular companion on his morning walks on Juhu Beach, prevailed upon him to take bath in the sea before the end of the month. In an article published in Back to Godhead, Dr. Patel wrote:
“Every third year an extra month is inserted into the lunar calendar to bring it into line with the solar calendar. As per astronomical calculations, one year sacred Sravana was the month that came twice. The first month of the double month is called purusottama-masa, and devotees of Lord Krishna observe it by fasting, praying, and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. The last day of this month was somavati-amavasya, a very auspicious occasion. On this day all religious people take a bath in the early morning in the sea, or in a river or sacred lake.
“I proposed that on that auspicious day Srila Prabhupada take a dip in the sea along with me and the others. He agreed at once. We all planned to go to the sea with extra clothes, take a bath, and change. He accompanied us, but just near the edge of the water someone suggested that he not take a bath in the sea, since he had had a coronary episode some time back. So he halted then and there and would not enter the water. He pondered for a while and then suddenly asked me to bring some water in my palm and pour it on his head. He said, ‘That is as good as a bath on this auspicious day.’ Very intelligently, he found the means, and I obliged him. He was pleased. I touched his feet and felt satisfaction at having taken a bath in the sea with him on a very auspicious day.”
By Srila Prabhupada’s grace, I may take a similar bath in the Pacific Ocean before the month’s end.
Hare Krishna.
Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami
“We should do what Krishna or His devotee instructs us to do.”
BB Govinda Swami: I think it is one thing to join the Krishna consciousness movement, it is one thing to just sort of float on whatever is happening within the Krishna consciousness movement and it’s another thing to actually take control of the situation and have the determination to advance in Krishna consciousness.
As we mentioned before it appears that some people come to Krishna consciousness and they just float in whatever is going on and then there is some type of awakening process and you realize you’re in the middle of something big, something which is sort of demanding, something which is quite powerful, something which you really have to give up everything else to participate in.
And then people may find themselves in a marginal position, they don’t know if they really want to surrender themselves fully to that energy or not, or whether they want to not surrender and reserve energy for independent identity. Sometimes it becomes a crisis for people.
What to do? Our acarya Srila Raghunatha Goswami, he is giving an instruction here. He is saying “Push everything to the side. Push everything else to the back and move ahead in the process of surrendering to Krsna.” The person may say “Well, I keep my body working in service and I follow this and that principle”. But Srila Raghunath Das Goswami is saying “Surrender your mind”.
That is a nice thing that your body is engaging in some service activity. But take your mind and surrender your mind. Body is one thing, the mind is something else. Surrender your mind to the service of the Lord. Keep always in your mind topics that are related to Krishna.
That’s a crisis that many people come to. And then often times depending on how clever is the person he can present different reasons why not to surrender the mind.
Arjuna was very clever. He was a very intelligent person, he was presenting many arguments to Krishna why not to surrender, see, but Krishna cut them all. And ultimately Krishna brought the argument to the point that the mind should always be fixed in Krishna, and then there is a science how to fix the mind on Krishna, which practically is based upon doing what Krishna says. And the way that Krishna has presented it, is that we do what Krishna says based on what our authorities say. You see, that’s basically the way Krishna consciousness works.
Some intelligent people may say “No, I will only do what Krishna directly tells me. And other people say, well He was here 5000 years ago, He spoke, but He is not here anymore. But Krishna says "You hear from me and hear from my devotees, follow their instructions”. But! Because we are so intelligent, we can create so many different ideas.
But despite whatever we create, the essential truth is still the essential truth. That If we wish to absorb our mind in thinking about Krishna we should do what Krishna or His devotee instructs us to do.
HH Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami
Japa Retreat in Siberia (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: I just returned from a japa retreat near Irkutsk in Eastern Siberia. The weather was cold, but the devotees’ hearts were warm, and we had a wonderful time.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/db2BuL
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 April 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.16.26 – 30)
We really have to take responsibility for our own Krsna consciousness; to make arrangements for it. If we say, “Oh, I find it very difficult to be a devotee. I find it difficult to avoid the influence of maya.” In such an instance where it is difficult to resist maya, we must be careful and consciously keep a safe distance from such maya.
Sometimes, we have devotees who are also professionals. They have their jobs which require them to perform all kinds of activities, but then they are also devotees. If one can manage that successfully, that is good! However, if one cannot do that, there is still no need to be ashamed. There are many people who cannot do that. It is very difficult to wear a tie at work and then take that thing off when you come home. If you are struggling to do this, then it is best to surround yourself with devotees. So in this way we are taking responsibility, by taking into consideration who we are and protecting our own Krsna consciousness. We have to watch out for maya as she is very strong! Maya does not always come with a boxing glove. No, sometimes maya comes very subtly, little by little. So we must be very careful to cut all the material connections to which we have attachments. We have to trim it back!
So this is what responsibility means; by taking responsibility for our own Krsna consciousness, protecting it and making the necessary arrangements for it. If one takes a job in a city where there is no temple and there are only two families of devotees living there, then it is going to be tough, as it is going to be them and their mind. And we all know how hard it is to live with our mind. So therefore, knowing that our mind is strong and that we are weak, we must make arrangements to protect ourselves. That is called being responsible. Such responsibility means that we have to be a bit realistic and honest about ourselves and our limitations, and accordingly deal with our Krsna consciousness.
The article " Protecting ourselves " was published on KKSBlog.
Everybody needs somebody they can trust! (1 min video)
Love and Trust.
Srila Prabhupada put a lot of emphasis Love and Trust.
We heard He said our movement will be built on Love and Trust.
Love: that’s for Lord Krishna and “Prabhupada”.
Trust: that’s between us, the conditioned souls.
Recently found archival photo. Krishna children in Australia met Princess Diana in 1983.
Gauragopala Dasa: Princess Diana is given Radharani’s flower garland by 9 year old Sri Prahlada dasa and Jai dasa.
Back In The USSR - Moscow (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Our visit to Moscow was the last stop on our preaching tour of Russia. There we discovered literally thousands of devotees, the fruit of Srila Prabhupada’s visit to the capitol in 1971. We arrived on Victory Day, a celebration by the Russian people of their victory over the Nazis in World War II. Red Square was alive with a show of military might. As we stood there we pondered that Srila Prabhupada also came to the same square during his visit to Moscow. In our heart’s we quietly celebrated his victory in bravely and boldly establishing Krsna consciousness in the country many years ago.
Pankajanghri Prabhu Lecture on Glories of Purshottam Month at ISKCON Chowpatty on 13th May 2018 (video)
D.M. (Mathura) - Shri S.R.Mishra and M.P. (Mathura) - Srimati Hema Malini visited ISKCON Vrindavan (Album of photos)
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Devotees speaking on the 35th anniversary of the installation of Sri Sri Radha Madhava in ISKCON Leicester. With HH Jayadvaita Swami, Praghosa Prabhu, Shaunaka Rishi Prabhu and many others. So many sweet memories of Radha Madhava’s installation 35 years ago! Continue reading "Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s 35th anniversary, ISKCON Leicester
→ Dandavats"
[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]
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[Science and spirituality seminar, part 2, at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]
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[Science and spirituality seminar, part 1, at ISKCON, Connecticut, USA]
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[Seminar at ISKCON, Towaco, USA]
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Anjeyanadri Hill is surrounded by lovely plantain and paddy fields. The hill has 572 steps to reach the top and offers a lovely view of the valley and of the Tungabhadra River. The Hanuman Temple at the summit is one of the attractions of the Anjeyanadri Hill, a sacred pilgrimage center for Hindus. The temple is a white-washed structure with a pyramidal roof and a mall red dome at the top. A red flag flutters in the air and is easily visible from a far-off distance. This simple temple has an image of Hanuman carved from a rock. There is a small shrine for Lord Rama and His wife Sita inside the temple. Continue reading "All India Padayatra Visits Hampi, The Birthplace Of Hanuman In Karnataka
→ Dandavats"
One day I met Akhila Dhara Prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, who told me boldly, “If you want to experience the real nectar, then go on Padayatra”. So I decided to go, thinking, “If I am not going for ever, then at least I should go for a week.” So, on March 13th I joined the Padayatra India party, then in Bangalore, Karnataka. First I saw the magnificent oxen of the Kankrej breed, and I immediately paid my obeisances to them. They are huge and have well shaped body and horns. The two devotees taking care of them, Damodar Lila and Janardan Prabhus, allowed me to help feed and give water to the five oxen. I was told their names were Krishna, Nandulal, Kaliya, Jaya and Narasimha. Having walked 10 years with the padayatra, Narasimha is the senior. Continue reading "My First Experience Of Padayatra In India
→ Dandavats"
Answer Podcast
Transcription :
Transcribed by: Dr Suresh Gupta
Edited by: Raji Nachiappan
Question: To protect ourselves, we sometimes become insensitive to others – how to avoid?
Answer: Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura says that aggressive intellectualism is coward atheism. When we are very aggressive that we are right and they are wrong, that is actually because we are ourselves insecure about whether we are right. If we can prove that we are right to someone or if we can convert a person to our path, then we feel vindicated. If someone is doing something different, then that is perceived as a threat to one’s faith. To the extent our faith is insecure, to that extent we will be aggressive in our inter-personal dealings with people of other faiths. This is just a coward way to seek security. However, we need to understand that in actuality, there are different people at different levels in their spiritual evolution and what is right for us now, may not be right for someone else at their level of spiritual maturity.
Krishna says in the Vedic scriptures, that there are many different ways people can grow spiritually. He also says not to disturb the minds of those who are attached.
na buddhi-bhedaṁ janayed
ajñānāṁ karma-saṅginām
joṣayet sarva-karmāṇi
vidvān yuktaḥ samācaran (Gita 3.26) –Do not disturb the minds of those who are attached, even if they are wrong and we are right. Encourage them to engage themselves in a spiritual direction wherever they are. Krishna acknowledges that there are different people at different levels and not everybody will be taking significant leaps forward in their spiritual life. If they cannot take a leap, we do not have to kick them down. We need to encourage them to take baby steps and that will also help them move forward.
Therefore, if we become more secure in our own faith, then we do not have that insecurity within us pushing us to prove to the other person that we are right and they are wrong. Secure faith will come by our own serious practice, systematic scriptural study, and our own strong devotional connections. Once we have this secure faith, we can understand that Krishna has different plans for different people and ultimately Krishna has plan for everyone. Hence, if we are a part of Krishna’s plan for another person taking up spirituality, then Krishna will use and give us the right words and he will also give the person the right receptivity by which our words will be received. However, if Krishna has a plan to uplift someone spiritually, which is not through us but through somebody else, then that is also fine.
There is a beautiful prayer of Bhaktivinoda Thakura in the Chaitanya Sikshamrita where he describes his mood if he goes to a place where they are worship God in a way different from what he knows. He says that we should be there in a mood of reverence and appreciating the mercy of God for manifesting there in a form that is different. Therefore, although we cannot appreciate whatever they are doing and what the exact manifestation and practices are, still we can appreciate the compassion of the Lord for the fact that he has reached out to the people in this manifestation. Therefore, our devotion to the Lord in the manifestation that we know increases, knowing how compassionate the Lord is. This way, if we can become secure in our own faith and understand that different people may be going in different directions at different times, then we do not have to become aggressive and insensitive to them.
Education initially is given in terms of black and white, where there are clear distinctions between right and wrong. Therefore, moral categories are drawn very clearly in the initial stages. However, as we grow when we see morality intercepting reality, then we understand that moral categories are not so rigid. For example, generally lying is considered wrong. However, if someone is in a situation where they will be killed if they do not lie or if we do not speak a lie then that can lead to somebody else being killed, then we do speak a lie at that time. The point is that initially education is given in black and white but then we learn to see the shades of grey. In the beginning, students are told three minus five is not possible but then, later they are taught how three minus five is possible. In the same way, initially when we get our spiritual education, the moral boundaries are drawn very rigidly. This may work for our protection initially, but this does have a tendency to make us very judgemental and insensitive. At present, we live in an age where any kind of judgemental attitude is very much frowned at. Hence, we have to recognise that there are many shades of grey in between and as a result we do not have to become judgemental about others.
Therefore, by both recognising that Krishna has many different ways of getting people to him and that between black and white there are many shades of grey, we can do what is best for others, without necessarily judging them based on what we are doing or not doing.
End of transcription.
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“Krishna’s methods of training”
BB Govinda Swami: One should feel oneself meek and humble and also has to tolerate. Tolerance without any limits. Krishna will do this to us because that’s the standard. He’ll do it to us. It’s not that He dislikes us for a moment. But He will test our tolerance until the end of our ability to tolerate anything. We think: “After this point I’m gonna go crazy”. And Krishna says “Ok” and will push us a few kilometres beyond that point, to make us see that we have to tolerate everything without limit.
“Compassion” by HG Mahatma Prabhu - May 8, 2018 (5 min video)
Compassion means showing people more kindness, tolerance and affection than they may deserve.
Srimad Bhagavatam Class by H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami at Iskcon Vrindavan, 12.05.2018 (video)