European Religious Leaders Hold Annual Conference and Visit…
→ Dandavats

European Religious Leaders Hold Annual Conference and Visit Krishna Temple in Budapest, Hungary.
Between May 7-10th 2018, the European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) holds its annual conference in Budapest, Hungary.
The European Council of Religious Leaders consists of senior religious leaders from Europe’s historical religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam together with Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and Zoroastrians. ECRL is one of five regional Interreligious Councils within the Religions for Peace global network. Religions for Peace – accredited to the United Nations – is the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition advancing common action for peace since 1970.
To read the entire article click here:

Higher Taste (Album of photos) Ramai Swami: ISKCON Wellington’s…
→ Dandavats

Higher Taste (Album of photos)
Ramai Swami: ISKCON Wellington’s Higher Taste restaurant has been operating for many years and is still going strong. There are lots of people who come throughout the day, right up until 8.00pm, Monday to Saturday.
TP Jagjivan took me in one evening and even though it was late, there were people having their dinner there. I was fortunate enough to get a sample serving of the delicacies on offer, which I enjoyed very much.
Find them here:

Preaching program in St. Petersburg, Russia (9 min video)
→ Dandavats

Preaching program in St. Petersburg, Russia (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Towards the end of our Russian tour we visited the devotees in St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of the country. In 6 weeks we had traveled over 10,000 kilometers from the far eastern city of Vladivostok. St. Petersburg was built over 300 years ago by Peter the Great. Our devotees have been active in the city since the late 1980’s. As everywhere we immersed ourselves in Krsna katha and endless kirtans!

Radha Kunda Seva: April 2018 Photos and Updates (Album of…
→ Dandavats

Radha Kunda Seva: April 2018 Photos and Updates (Album of photos)
Along with the summer heat comes storms! We had two devastating storms this month, first a hail storm with golf ball sized hail, and then a dust storm! Somehow, by Srimati Radhika’s mercy, our crew, ladies, and facilities were unscathed despite the many fatalities, injuries and damage in the area. Cleaning and prasadam distribution steadily continued, and we are making plans to start feeding up to 150 ladies starting in July. Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Sri Arjuna dasa, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
Find them here:

A new Film about New Vrindaban – ‘The Land of Krishna’
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Vrsabhanu dasa

Since the very beginning of ISKCON Srila Prabhupada encouraged the devotees to set up farm communities and become self-sufficient, depending on the land. Two of his disciples responded to an ad about a rural ashram in West Virginia and subsequently purchased an old farmhouse there. This was the start of New Vrindaban. It was meant to be a replica of Vrindavan in India. The community has gone through many different phases and at present the temple is a very busy place with lots of activities, especially during the summer months. Two hundred devotees now live within ten minutes of the temple. Each year 30 - 40.000 people come to New Vrindaban. There are about thirty major festivals and over one million plates of sanctified food are served. The cow protection programme has been running since 1967. It plays a very important part in Srila Prabhupada's vision of 'simple living and high thinking'. New Vrindaban is this year celebrating its 50th anniversary. Millions of dollars have been invested in the infrastructure to create facilities for hundreds of guests. This programme is the first in a series of films about the community. Continue reading "A new Film about New Vrindaban – ‘The Land of Krishna’
→ Dandavats"

TOVP Euro Tour Days 11 & 12: Italy
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy TOVP staff

The temple programs, though attended by a small number of devotees due to the holiday season in Italy, were still most ecstatic and inspiring. Greeting the Padukas and Sitari, we were met by bight faced devotees who enthusiastically chanted the Holy Names, bathed the Deities and listened attentively to talks by Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus. Once again, the response from the small number of devotees was overwhelming and the total pledges for both temples was 81,000 Euros/97,000 USD. With hearts fixed on the service of the Lord, these devotees gave their best. Continue reading "TOVP Euro Tour Days 11 & 12: Italy
→ Dandavats"

Higher Taste
→ Ramai Swami

ISKCON Wellington’s Higher Taste restaurant has been operating for many years and is still going strong. There are lots of people who come throughout the day, right up until 8.00pm, Monday to Saturday.

TP Jagjivan took me in one evening and even though it was late, there were people having their dinner there. I was fortunate enough to get a sample serving of the delicacies on offer, which I enjoyed very much.


Kirtan Simha Festival in Germany (Album with photos) Srila…
→ Dandavats

Kirtan Simha Festival in Germany (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Srimad-Bhagavatam is the easiest way of directly approaching Krsna. Isvarah sadyo hrdy avarudhyate ‘tra krtibhih susrusubhis tat-ksanat (SB 1.1.2). Diverting even a little of one’s attention toward Krsna and activities in Krsna consciousness immediately enables one to achieve the highest perfection of life. This is the purpose of the Krsna consciousness movement. Lokasyajanato vidvams cakre satvata-samhitam (SB 1.7.6). The secret of success is unknown to people in general, and therefore Srila Vyasadeva, being compassionate toward the poor souls in this material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given us the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-bhagavatam puranam amalam yad vaisnavanam priyam (SB 12.13.18). For Vaisnavas who are somewhat advanced, or who are fully aware of the glories and potencies of the Lord, Srimad-Bhagavatam is a beloved Vedic literature. After all, we have to change this body (tatha dehantara-praptih [Bg. 2.13]). If we do not care about Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, we do not know what the next body will be. But if one adheres to these two books – Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam – one is sure to obtain the association of Krsna in the next life (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna [Bg. 4.9]). Therefore, distribution of Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the world is a great welfare activity for theologians, philosophers, transcendentalists and yogis (yoginam api sarvesam [Bg. 6.47]), as well as for people in general. –From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to SB 10.12.7-11
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Damodar Prabhu – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People…
→ Dandavats

Damodar Prabhu – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (video)
Steven Covey’s 7 Habits and how they apply to Japa and Krishna consciousness in general
How Srila Prabhupada exemplified the 7 Habits
Prioritising your life
Avoiding distractions
The power of routines
What is a Private Victory and why is it important
Watch it here:

Faith of a different kind
→ Servant of the Servant

Faith means to believe as we do not have a direct experience of the subject in question.  Faith is the beginning of Krishna Consciousness philosophy because we do not have direct experience or perception of Krishna.  Therefore, we put faith in scripture (shastra) revealed by great saints and great saints (sadhu). This is the process.

It is unlike other religions or processes because in other religions/paths, faith means direct faith upon God. God from our material position is not accessible, henceforth, such direct faith upon God will be at best sentimental for the entire life of the believer. Such sentimental faith is not a good idea since it will succumb to material temptations and will be without deeper realizations. Such sentimentalist will invariably live a material life with a dogmatic belief of a God or supernatural being. Such faith is dogma and not recommended.

Therefore, the process of putting faith in the intermediary/pure via medium is more objective and experiential and deepens our realizations. So although we are in the business of faith like other paths and religions,  still our faith is based on direct perception (not sentimental) of the pure via medium (Guru, Sadhu and Shastra) and using them as a springboard we try to experience the Transcendent Lord. When we have a direct experience, at the juncture faith becomes a fact!

Hare Krishna

Kadamba Kanana Swami: Holland is known as a free haven for…
→ Dandavats

Kadamba Kanana Swami: Holland is known as a free haven for everyone. That is well known, but why is not well known.
The Catholics controlled the North of Europe and forced people to pay a tax. England, Germany, and Holland rebelled, and because Holland was smallest, it was attacked by Spain in a war which lasted 80 years. People were born during the war, and they died during the war.
William of Orange liberated the country. Orange became the color of the freedom. Thus the Dutch are attached to their orange and their freedom. Holland thus became a haven for those who were oppressed and seeking freedom.

In Russia there was one criminal who understood that very soon…
→ Dandavats

In Russia there was one criminal who understood that very soon he would be caught by the police. He decided to take shelter of a Hare Krishna temple and pretend to be a new person interested in Krishna consciousness to avoid being caught. He followed the devotional program strictly so he would not be suspected, and after several months he decided he actually wanted to become a devotee after all. He told the devotees his story, and they said he could become a devotee, but that he would have to turn himself into the police first. When the judge heard his case, he was given a minimal sentence and allowed to live with the devotees.

(This post has been viewed 490 times so far)

Евротур ХВП, день 11-ый и 12-ый: Италия

Простившись с Шри Шри Панча-таттвой в Нью Йога-питх Дхаме в Словении в среду, 25 апреля, мы отправились в 3,5 часовое путешествие до Прабхупада-деши в Альбеттоне, Италии, а 26 апреля проехали еще 2 часа, чтобы попасть на программу в Милан. Как всегда, мы ощущали, что Господь руководит каждым нашим шагом.

Хотя в связи с отпускным сезоном в Италии программы посетило небольшое число преданных, оба мероприятия были крайне экстатичными и вдохновляющими. Падуки и ситари встретили сияющие вайшнавы, с энтузиазмом воспевавшие святые имена. Они омыли Божества и внимательно выслушали презентации Джананиваса прабху и Враджа Виласа прабху. Мадху Севита прабху, Джи-би-си и президент миланского храма, выступил в роли переводчика на итальянский язык.

И вновь отклик небольшого числа преданных был ошеломительным: общая сумма обещанных пожертвований в этих двух храмах составила 81 тысячу евро/97 тысяч долларов США. Поглощенные служением Господу, эти преданные постарались изо всех своих сил.

Мы хотим поблагодарить Джи-би-си Италии, Мадху Севиту прабху, и президента храма Прабхупада-деша, Гуручарана даса, а также Читрарупини деви даси (ученицу Шрилы Прабхупады), за организацию храмовых программ. Своими вдохновением и примером они пробудили в сердцах всех преданных удивительный дух служения Святой Дхаме Шри Майяпуру.

Вся слава Господу Нитьянанде! Вся слава Господу Нрисимхе! Вся слава всем преданным Господа!
Следующая и последняя программа нашего тура пройдет в Цюрихе, Швейцарии в субботу, 28 апреля.

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Прабхупада-деша в Альбеттоне, Италия

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Милан, Италия

[See image gallery at]

The post Евротур ХВП, день 11-ый и 12-ый: Италия appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

TOVP Euro Tour Days 11 & 12: Italy

Departing New Yoga Pitha Dhama, Slovenia and Sri Sri Pancha Tattva on Wednesday, April 25th, we drove 3½ hours for the program at Prabhupada Desha in Albettone, Italy, and then another 2 hours to Milan for the program on April 26th. As usual, we felt the Lord guiding us every step of the way.

The temple programs, though attended by a small number of devotees due to the holiday season in Italy, were still most ecstatic and inspiring. Greeting the Padukas and Sitari, we were met by bight faced devotees who enthusiastically chanted the Holy Names, bathed the Deities and listened attentively to talks by Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus. Madhu Sevita prabhu, the GBC and temple president of the Milan temple assisted by translating into Italian.

Once again, the response from the small number of devotees was overwhelming and the total pledges for both temples was 81,000 Euros/97,000 USD. With hearts fixed on the service of the Lord, these devotees gave their best.

We want to thank the GBC of Italy, Madhu Sevita prabhu and temple President of Prabhupada Desha, Gurucaran das, as well as Citrarupini devi dasi (ACBSP) for organizing the temple programs. Due to their inspiration and leadership they have invoked a wonderful service attitude towards the Holy Dhama of Sri Mayapur in the hearts of all the devotees.

All glories to Lord Nityananda! All glories to Lord Nrsimha! All glories to all the devotees of the Lord!

Our next and last program on the tour will be Zurich, Switzerland on Saturday, April 28th.

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Prabhupada Desha in Albettone, Italy

Milan, Italy

The post TOVP Euro Tour Days 11 & 12: Italy appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Knowledge for the entire world
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 February 2013, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 9.1.34)

It is very interesting how Vrindavan is the abode which can offer pure devotional service. Both qualitatively and quantitatively, Krsna consciousness is established (in Srimad Bhagavatam) and therefore Srila Prabhupada wanted us especially to distribute Srimad Bhagavatam. He said that Srimad Bhagavatam should be placed in every house on the planet. To really make the Bhagavat the knowledge of the entire world, the basis, the foundation of knowledge of the world.

It is also said in Caitanya Caritāmṛta, completely in line with Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, that Lord Caitanya and Lord Niyananda will drive out the five influences of nescience through the Bhagavat. Then Krsna Das begins to invoke the catuḥ-ślokī Bhagavatam which is the whole Bhagavatam as it was received by Lord Brahma which is stated in the commentary of Sridhara Swami.

So in this way, we can see that Lord Caitanya is truly a representative of the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya. He is a representative of Lord Brahma. When he found the Brahma Samhita in South India, he danced in ecstasy and then distributed it amongst the devotees and it became very famous. It is still establishing very clearly, the same conclusion as the Srimad Bhagavatam. So the Bhagavat is our message – Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam is our message.


The article " Knowledge for the entire world " was published on KKSBlog.

Does spirituality come from without within or within without?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Brampton, Toronto, Canada]



Podcast Summary



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Destiny determines our situations and emotions, we determine our intentions and actions
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Toronto, Canada]



Podcast Summary



The post Destiny determines our situations and emotions, we determine our intentions and actions appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

When life doesn’t seem fair, three reflections for self-empowerment
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Youth meeting at ISKCON, Toronto, Canada]



Podcast Summary



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Managing the voice inside the head 2 – Identification, Direction, Transformation
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Program at ISKCON, Montreal, Canada]



Podcast Summary



The post Managing the voice inside the head 2 – Identification, Direction, Transformation appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Evolve – Rising towards contribution and satisfaction
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Concordia State University, Montreal, Canada]



Podcast Summary



The post Evolve – Rising towards contribution and satisfaction appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.