Royal Military Academy consults leading devotee. Kripamoya Das…
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Royal Military Academy consults leading devotee.
Kripamoya Das was invited to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to attend a workshop staged by the British Army’s Centre for Conflict Research. The event attracted participants from the fields of religion, academics, and the Army. The day featured panel discussions with serving British Army officers as well as practitioners from a wide range of faith traditions in the UK.

Sacred Sounds Retreat 2018 (14 min video)
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Sacred Sounds Retreat 2018 (14 min video)
The annual Sacred Sounds Retreat at New Govardhan, Australia attracts devotees from all over the country. The unique and beautiful forested area around New Govardhan provides a perfect background setting for kirtans that go on for hours and hours. Aside from the morning program, the festival is focused wholly and solely on chanting the holy names with some of ISKCON’s most renowned kirtaneers. Everyone agreed this year’s festival was the best ever!

EastEnders star ( a famous British TV programme) visits…
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EastEnders star ( a famous British TV programme) visits Manor.
EastEnders’ new star Madhav Sharma, who plays the part of Arshad Ahmed, paid a visit to the Manor. He discovered that he shared the same school as Srila Prabhupada, namely the Scottish Church College in Calcutta. Madhav, a Royal Academy trained actor, enjoyed standing on the Manor theatre stage and decided to recite a portion of one of William Shakespeare’s plays!

Ombudsman Programme for ISKCON UK. It’s one thing for an…
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Ombudsman Programme for ISKCON UK.
It’s one thing for an organization to say they care for its members, and another to act on such statements. ISKCON UK is establishing an Ombuds program so devotees can raise concerns, dealing with interpersonal conflicts and find clarity on ISKCON policies and practices.
Vraja Vihari das from ISKCON Resolve, has been training up a team to work in this capacity. They are from different parts of the UK and are a diverse group of devotees, including His Holiness Dayananda Swami, Prabhupada Prana dasa, Chandra dasi, Gomati dasi, Guru Carana Padma dasi and Ananta Vijay dasa.
The idea is to work towards “zero barriers”- so that members of ISKCON should be able to raise, in good faith, concerns they have, and discuss how they can be addressed.
ISKCON UK Ombuds are totally confidential (except imminent risk), independent of management in their capacity of Ombuds, neutral, and informal (conversations are off the record).

ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry Standing Annual Presentation to GBC Body
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Hare KrishnaBy The GBC

Whereas when Deity worship is done properly following the rules of worship and maintaining strict cleanliness and punctuality, the worship is enlivening to devotees; Whereas, it has been seen that in temples where the worship is below the required minimum standard, it is often a result of zonal leadership, temple management, and/or the head pujari not knowing the proper standards of worship; Whereas GBC members and other leaders of ISKCON may not have the time to learn appropriate standards for ISKCON centers; Whereas, the maintenance of public Deity worship in an ISKCON center is the responsibility of the management of that center, under the supervision of that center's zonal authorities, but ultimately it is the responsibility of the GBC Zonal Secretary and the GBC Body; Whereas Deity worship is one of the five primary angas of bhakti and therefore of primary importance in a sadhaka’s progress in spiritual life; Whereas other primary activities of ISKCON, such as book distribution, have standing annual presentation time to the GBC and discussion on ISKCON Deity worship at our centers is similarly worthy of the GBC Body’s attention and awareness; Resolved: Each year at the AGM in Mayapur, the ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry will be allocated a minimum of 1 hour, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, to present a report of Deity worship in ISKCON, particularly with a focus on Radha-Krsna worship. Continue reading "ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry Standing Annual Presentation to GBC Body
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Radha Krsna Deity Worship Standards
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Hare KrishnaBy The GBC

Resolved: That the ISKCON Law governing the commencement of worship of Deities in ISKCON centers shall be amended to include the following: ISKCON centers proposing to commence worship of Radha-Krishna Deities must ensure that their proposed head pujari is well-versed and sufficiently trained in required minimum standards of worship for Radha-Krishna in ISKCON. In order to achieve this, the candidate for head pujari must be a graduate of the Mayapur Academy. Continue reading "Radha Krsna Deity Worship Standards
→ Dandavats"

Establishing The ISKCON International Office for the Prevention of Leader Misconduct (PLM Office) as a permanent ISKCON managerial entity
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Hare KrishnaBy The GBC

Resolved: 1. The ISKCON International Office for the Prevention of Leader Misconduct (PLM Office) be established as a permanent ISKCON organizational entity subject to review by the GBC Body (as with other Offices and Ministries). The PLM Office Director will be responsible to the GBC EC through the ISKCON Executive Secretariat. 2. The immediate goals of The PLM Office will be to draft a document of ISKCON International Policies and Procedures for a) preventing Leader Sexual Misconduct b) responding to complaints and c) conducting investigations. 3. The PLM Office will collect and provide educational resources, assist Zones in establishing investigative teams to respond to and manage complaints, and research successful programs for education, support and recovery. 4. The Policies and Procedures document shall be developed for review by the GBC at the 2018 Midterm General Meeting. The Deputies will be requested to review this document before it is submitted. At the 2019 Annual General Meeting, a final version of the Policies and Procedures document will be submitted for approval by the full GBC Body. Continue reading "Establishing The ISKCON International Office for the Prevention of Leader Misconduct (PLM Office) as a permanent ISKCON managerial entity
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Gita 17.15 Speech is meant not just for commnication but also for purification
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Sadbhuja Das: We recently began fixing the stars and ribbons on…
→ Dandavats

Sadbhuja Das: We recently began fixing the stars and ribbons on the domes, starting with the Planetarium dome.
Works are happening fast and we have already completed 3 segments.
Each segment has been sealed and waterproofed. They have been so well executed we won’t ever have to go there again!
Premavatar Gauranga Prabhu is working on the next 3 segments.

THE CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE: Thanking Jayasri and…
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THE CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE: Thanking Jayasri and Pratapana.
Vinod Bihari dasa: With great pleasure and a sense of deep appreciation, we would like to thank Jayasri devi dasi and Pratapana dasa for their support of Srila Prabhupada’s gurukula at New Govardhana and their desire to see the school being equipped with all the necessary facilities to ensure a high standard of education in the senior school years.
Our gurukula is currently undertaking the construction of the high school facilities that include eight classrooms and study spaces, the art studio, the science lab, the full-size outdoor basketball field, play areas, pathways, gardens and a new toilet block. This project will assist our students in learning and our teachers in providing a top quality education in both the conventional sciences and Krishna consciousness – helping our students to become compassionate, competent and confident people within the society at large. At the same time, this nurtures their connection with Krishna and engagement in devotional service.
To assist with the construction of the high school facilities, Jayasri and Pratapana have decided to donate $100,000 towards the building project. They will also provide the school with a friendly loan to cover our required contribution towards the project.
Jayasri says, “It is our strong desire in helping support this initiative that the new school has sufficient resources to continue to attract and maintain dedicated passionate teachers who can bring out the very best in every student. Success attracts success. If the students reach their potential on all levels, if they are happy, peaceful and flourishing academically and spiritually, society in general will take note and want to know our formula. It is such an inspiring project.”
On behalf of all the students, parents and staff, we express our sincere thanks to Jayasri and Pratapana for their generous support.

Harinama in Moscow, Russia (4 min video)
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Harinama in Moscow, Russia (4 min video)
Mahamsa: Also another party of five devotees, they have started on the bullock cart sankirtana, going village to village. And one person came to the temple in Hyderabad and met me. He said that “After your devotees had a program in our village, the farmers in the evening they were coming and doing kirtana instead of just…” Previously they were not doing anything, but now they are coming after farming. In the evening they are collecting and they are doing kirtana together. Prabhupada: Just see how quickly there will be response. Therefore I was insisting, “Go village to village, town to town.” Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction, prthivite ache yata nagaradi. Morning Walk – November 21, 1975, Bombay
Watch it here:

From state of the art to state of the heart
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at Columbus, Ohio, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Life Of A Devotee – Karuna Sindhu Das (28 min video)
→ Dandavats

Life Of A Devotee - Karuna Sindhu Das (28 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: Actually, this world is like a hospital. We are all like sons of rich men running mad in the streets. Our Father, Krishna or God, is the wealthiest father, and we are all His sons gone mad. Someone is thinking, Oh, give him food, that will help, or give him house, or clothes, this or that – but the madness is still there. Actually, they have got sufficient of everything from their Father, but they have run off mad. So this kind of bodily welfare work will not help. The world is supposed to be a place for curing men of their varieties of diseases of madness and sending them back home, like a hospital. But men have now got the mistaken idea to make a permanent settlement in this madhouse! Just like the hog is eating stool and he is thinking, Oh, I am enjoying like anything, and when I am finished, then sex with any she-hog – wife, daughter, sister, it doesn’t matter – and for so many children I shall have to have big house, and on and on like this, all because of his madness that he thinks “I am enjoying.” So preach like this, and I think many people will appreciate our philosophy and gain respect for this Krishna Consciousness movement. Do everything very cleanly and nicely. Srila Prabhupada, letter – 18 February, 1972

Vraja-kumara asks why Kaviraja Gosvami and Srila Prabhupada don’t quote Sanatana Gosvami, and what is the Grantha-samadhi

  • Sanātana Gosvāmī’s Hari-bhakti-vilāsa is quoted in Caitanya-caritāmṛta and Bṛhad-Bhagavatāmṛta is quoted in Prabhupāda’s purports
  • According to oral tradition the Grantha-samādhi contains books written by the Gosvāmīs that are only suitable for liberated souls
  • Gīta-Govinda is very popular due to its wonderful poetry but brings ordinary people misconceptions and ruins their spiritual lives

Western Kenya’s first Lord Jagannatha Rath Yatra
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Hare KrishnaBy Iskcon Nairobi

For the first time in the history of the Kenyan Yatra, the Lord of the universe Jagannatha along with His brother Baladeva and sister Subhadra devi came out in a beautiful procession to bless the jubilant and colorful people of Eldoret city, which is the principal city in western Kenya. This Rath Yatra was made possible by the joint effort of ISKCON KISUMU which is about 118km from Eldoret and ISKCON Nairobi which is about 318km away. The Main person behind organizing the event is the local Member of Parliament Dr.Swarrup Mishra who is originally from Orrisa, India and had a long cherished desire to bring Lord Jagannatha to his town Eldoret. The Jagannath deities with the chariot were brought from ISKCON Kisumu. More than 1000 devotees from across the country attended the Yatra, with guest of honor being the Governor of the area Mr. Jackson Mandago along with the Member of parliament Ms. Janet Sitienei. The G.B.C for West Africa H.G. Srinivasa Das from Ghana also graced the occasion. The maha mantra was heard vibrating through all the major streets of the city bringing joy and happiness to one and all. The Yatra culminated with a sumptuous feast for everyone. Continue reading "Western Kenya’s first Lord Jagannatha Rath Yatra
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Jagannath Ratha Yatra on Festival of Art and Cultural Carnival and Ogoh-Ogoh, Semarang
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Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana Das

Festival of art and cultural carnival and ogoh-ogoh annual parade enliven the streets of Semarang, Sunday (25/3). Spatter rain did not dampen the intention of residents and tourists to enjoy the event. The purpose of this event is one, stimulating creativity of art and culture across religions, and the most important thing is to knit togetherness in diversity. Because those who join here were not just Hindus, just because ogoh-ogoh is their specialty. But there were also Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Catholics, Khong-hucu and Believers who were represented by MLKI (Majlis Luhur Pengha-Yat Kepri against God YME) and also Jagannath Ratha yatra participated on the event. All belong to Indonesia. Continue reading "Jagannath Ratha Yatra on Festival of Art and Cultural Carnival and Ogoh-Ogoh, Semarang
→ Dandavats"

Bhagavatam study 73 – When we apprehend the worst-case scenario, we look for alternatives
→ The Spiritual Scientist



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By engaging our material nature in bhakti, are we constructing our spiritual nature or reviving it?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Gita 17.14 Austerity enables us to use our bodily vehicle constructively, not destructively
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Srila Prabhupada on Jesus
→ Ramai Swami

Christian, Mohammedan, Hindu – it doesn’t matter. If he is simply speaking on behalf of God, he is a guru. Lord Jesus Christ, for instance. He canvassed people, saying, “Just try to love God.” Anyone – it doesn’t matter who – be he Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, is a guru if he convinces people to love God. That is the test. 

The guru never says, “I am God,” or “I will make you God.” The real guru says, “I am a servant of God, and I will make you a servant of God also.” It doesn’t matter how the guru is dressed. As Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Whoever can impart knowledge about Krsna is a spiritual master.” A genuine spiritual master simply tries to get people to become devotees of Krsna, or God. He has no other business.

Program with vlog followers in Delhi

  • Surabhi Swami ISKCON architect started the first temple in Punjabi Bhag
  • Prabhupāda finding Indians disinterested went to the West to spread the message of Lord Caitanya
  • The yuga-dharma of Kali-yuga is nāma-saṅkīrtana
  • Kṛṣṇa’s name is non-different from Him
  • Finding the balance of our obligations in life: put first things first
  • Attachment can be either beneficial or a hindrance in life
  • Birth in India is most glorious if one follows the path of dharma
  • Education should be based on śāstra and make us better human beings
  • To advance in meditation we need to make an effort, practice and have a conducive lifestyle
  • Controlling the mind is oly possible when the heart is pure
  • A good investment is in eternal things
  • How and why I came to spiritual life
  • There is power and there is the powerful
  • Saffron color stands for celibacy
  • We are chanting to a person
  • Village lifestyle is more conducive to spiritual development

Please find below the link for the photos from this week’s…
→ Dandavats

Please find below the link for the photos from this week’s London Saturday Night Harinama Sankirtan, which happened to fall on Hanuman’s Appearance Day.
Slideshow (please turn on sound):
With best wishes, Hare Krishna, David

Is anxiety a disorder?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Congregation program at Columbus, Ohio, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Vaisesika Dasa: A letter to my dear false ego…
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Vaisesika Dasa: My dear false ego,
It has taken me quite some time to find the courage to write you this letter, and I realize that it may come to you as a surprise since we have been together for so long and we’ve been through so much.
I know also that I’m the one who started this relationship in the first place, but I’ve changed. I now know that what we had was unhealthy: especially my depending on you to watch and appreciate every move that I made, and your telling me that I was great, wise, clever and so on, even when I wasn’t.


Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park! Saturday, March 31st …
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Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park!
Saturday, March 31st (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: We are creating so many centers. We are teaching how to become bhagyavan, fortunate, how to go back to home, how he can be happy. Now, if one is fortunate, they will take this instruction and turn his life. Therefore this is mission. But without becoming bhagyavan, nobody can go. Srila Prabhupada – October 18, 1975, Johannesburg
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