Haribol dear devotee’s.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Free food Monday was another great success this week, 26th March, with over thirty people coming along and having a hot nutritious meal. Free food Monday (FFM) has been running since January from Gokula pure vegetarian cafe in Watford. FFM is now unofficially a part of FFA (Food For All) because as you know, Parasurama prabhu has now taken over the cafe.

The object is to help the homeless and those who are socially excluded in society. The people that come are welcome to stay all day, in a warm and friendly environment. Hot drinks are provided, and a hot food take away service is also available. Also, people can take away fruit, vegetables, bread, cake and whatever else is available. Also when available, toiletries are given to those who may want them.

Unofficially, advice and emotional support is available to anyone who may be in need of it.

This week on the menu was freshly cooked cauliflower, potato and cabbage sabji in a rich yogurt sauce. Toor dal with tomatoes in a mild spiced masala. Plain white rice with cumin seeds and freshly made hot chapatis. Everything was cooked using ghee, and then offered to Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai. Salad is also available, as well as homemade cakes and biscuits.

I had the great fortune to have Jagat Bhandu Das prabhu (ACBSP) who came along to help me cook, and he made rice and the chapatis. His chapatti’s are just divine! It’s such a blessing that more and more devotee’s are showing an interest in coming to help me cook. On another note, the FFA van made the ITN six o’clock news again two weeks ago as the news reported that homelessness in London is on the increase.

If you would like to help out in anyway on a Monday then please let me know. Or if you find yourself in Watford town on a Monday, then please pop in to see us. This is only a small service, but I am very happy to be somehow engaged. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Krishna is very kind.

Hare Krishna.
Ys and friend Matty.