Historic day!
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Parasuram Das

Yesterday was a historic day in Prasad Distribution, it was the first day cooking at "Krishna's Castle", the new Prasad Distribution kitchen/ Temple in the City of London. The City of London is a one mile area, established by the Romans in 45AD. Only 9,000 people live here but over 300,000 people come here to work everyday. In other words this is a seriously important place to spread the mission of Lord Caitanya. And according to our Srila Prabhupada the best way to spread the mercy to the fallen souls is through Book distribution, Prasad distribution and Harinam Sankirtan. Presently we are distributing 1,200 plates of free Prasad to university students and homeless community, we will be increasing this to 2,500 meals by next week. Another rickshaw will be used as a book exhibition, with video and diary as. And Harinams in London are famous. Continue reading "Historic day!
→ Dandavats"

Srimad Bhagavatam Class in Mayapur, 16 Feb 2018
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Lokanath Swami

Tamal Krishna Maharaj had come back to Bombay and in the meantime something happened with me. I was getting ready for marriage, it was arranged, temple president was involved and my parents were very happy, thinking that I became normal so they also had come and everything was but then, on the day of the ceremony, the girl’s parents came and then they parked the car, some distance away from the temple. They said jewelleries and sarees for you, please come to the car, they brought her to the car, and made her sit down in the car and (actioning they drove the car away), they kidnaped her. I was very much down thinking why bad things are happening to good person like me? Continue reading "Srimad Bhagavatam Class in Mayapur, 16 Feb 2018
→ Dandavats"

Motel-Gita: Amazing comment from a thankful receiver – Jon…
→ Dandavats

Motel-Gita: Amazing comment from a thankful receiver - Jon Rodriguez - Guest at Best Western, Memphis.
Jon Rodriguez: The Bhagavad-gita is a profound literature.I thank the motel authorities who allowed me this opportunity.
It has helped me to understand who am I and what is this life about.
Life is much happier and less stressful. I still can’t believe my luck. Thank you!
More photos of MOTEL Owners, happy to receive Bhagavad-gitas in their motels here: https://goo.gl/yXMw6G

Gita 17.07 Food, sacrifice, charity and austerity represent broad patterns of the soul’s interaction with its encasing circles
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Everyone’s mind tell them different stories – don’t be judgmental, be purposeful
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Class at Govardhan Eco-village, Wada, India]



Podcast Summary


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Fundraising event for Food For All and cow protection.
→ simple thoughts


Dear devotees.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Great news! The spring time program “Here Comes The Sun ” is happening! This is a fundraising event, primarily to help FFA (food for all). Also twenty five per cent of the takings will be going to help the cows and oxen at the goshallla.

As you’re probably aware, Parasurama prabhu and the FFA devotees have now built the “Krishna Castle” in Holborn, central London. Parasurama is now aiming to feed up to 2500 a day, people in need and students. Also, he has taken over Gokula cafe pure vegetarian cafe in central Watford. Both of these spiritual ventures,especially FFA require a lot of manpower, physical work and energy, and of course, as most things in this world they require laxmi. Para was telling me that the price, just in paper plates, cups, spoons for one week can be up to as much as £800.00.

So that’s where we’re coming from. We have a whole afternoon of entertainment lined up for you. There will be music from six different groups, drama, poetry, Srila Prabhupada and George Harrison remembrances, dance, magic show and film. Plus kirtan and a sumptuous feast to end off the day. There will be free refreshments and snacks for everyone on arrival.

We have one hundred and twenty tickets for sale at £6.00 each. Okay, in comparison to the overheads that FFA incur on a weekly basis this is just a drop in the ocean and might not seem much, but every little helps. Parasurama prabhu is very happy about this program and has given it his full blessing. In reciprocation for your £6.00, you are getting a whole day of entertainment and a free feast. Generally, when we give to charity we don’t get to anything back other than knowing that we’ve somehow helped in some small way.

As well as being a community program where devotee’s can get together, our aim is to hopefully have many new people in attendance. People can learn more about Krishna consciousness. Also, there will be a talk about FFA, and a talk about the importance of cow protection. There will be a book table, so if people show an interest then they can buy a book or take a leaflet.

We’re hoping to make this event an annual program where we can all come together as a community. Please come along and show your support. I know that the month of May may seem along way away, bit it will soon be here!

On a final note, your support is very much needed and deeply appreciated. We really hope to see you there! Please tell all your friend’s and family, and please forward this email to anyone who you think might like to come along.

Hare Krishna.

Your servant Matty

Food For All; Moving On
→ simple thoughts


Dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Today was a historic day in Prasad Distribution, it was the first day cooking at “Krishna’s Castle”, the new Prasad Distribution kitchen/Temple in the City of London.

The City of London is a one mile area, established by the Romans in 45AD. Only 9,000 people live here but over 300,000 people come here to work everyday. In other words this is a seriously important place to spread the mission of Lord Caitanya.

And according to our Srila Prabhupada the best way to spread the mercy to the fallen souls is through Book distribution, Prasad distribution and Harinam Sankirtan.
Presently we are distributing 1,200 plates of free Prasad to university students and homeless community, we will be increasing this to 2,500 meals by next week. Another rickshaw will be used as a book exhibition, with video and diary as. And Harinams in London are famous.

“Bhima the Giant” engages students in preparing the vegetables at the Castle.
A tug is needed to pull the rickshaws up the hill to the main road.

Your servants
The Prasad Distribution Team

2018 Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 5 (Album of photos)…
→ Dandavats

2018 Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 5 (Album of photos)
“Arkadeva (the sun god), being merciful upon me, will appear in front of me with his reddish complexion, wearing saffron-colored cloth, his whole body smeared with sandalwood and tears flowing from his eyes while he chants the holy name of Gaurahari.” Hare Krishna, After traveling though Ritudvipa and Jahnudvipa, today the international party has arrived in Modadrumadvipa. First devotees took darshan of Vasudeva Datta’s deities, which are ever so charming. Then they visited the birthplace of the celebrated Vrindavan das Thakur the compiler of many books, out of which Sri Caitanya Bhagavat stands out. He is an incarnation of Srila Vyasadeva, who came in this age to narrate Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. He was the last disciple of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. After listening about his sublime character as well as pastimes of Lord Ramachandra who wanders through Modadrumadvipa accompanied by mother Sita and Laskhman. Next devotees came to Vaikhuntapur, Mahatpura and Arkatila where HG Pancaratna Prabhu and HG Sikhi Mahiti Das together put a spontaneous drama about Narada Muni and this place. Tomorrow there will be a boat ride, which is everyone is waiting for. Tonight after Priti Vardhana Prabhu’s lecture all devotees drink their evening milk and head toward their camp… waiting for one more wonderful day. Nityananda prabhu said, “This place, which is situated in one corner of Navadvipa-dhama in the shape of an eight-petalled lotus, is undoubtedly Vaikunthapuri. Lord Narayana resides in this Sri Vaikuntha, which is situated in the spiritual sky, Paravyoma. Vaikuntha lies beyond the Viraja River. Maya or illusion has no influence upon this place. Here Lord Narayana is served by Sri-devi and Bhu-devi, and the brahmajyoti is the effulgence of this spiritual land. With their material vision, people cannot understand the transcendental nature of this place. In his Narayana-dhama, Narada muni once saw the Lord with his transcendental vision. Narada saw the Narayana form turn into the form of Gaurasundara. After seeing this, Narada Muni stayed here for some time. ” Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya, By Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Find them here: https://goo.gl/wmwywK

Even when we accept a spiritual purpose, spiritual practice remains difficult – what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Gita 17.06 Defying scripture, be it for pandering the body or tormenting the body, is demonic
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 17.06 Defying scripture, be it for pandering the body or tormenting the body, is demonic appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Srimad Bhagavatam Class in Mayapur by HG Partha Das on 21-02-2018
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Partha Das

Srila Prabhupada said the chanting of Hare Krishna is the panacea for all material problems and all diseases. But at least for myself I find it's very hard to chant attentively day after day, month after month, year after year. It's very easy to take it for granted. The mind is continually thinking of things in the past, is thinking of things in the future that we have no control over, so by the influence of passion and ignorance we're being robbed of that opportunity to associate with the Holy Name! Srila Prabhupada was once questioned by a devotee, he said sometimes devotees they have a hard time chanting because of the mind and Prabhupada said it is not a question of the mind, you simply chant and hear, simply chant and hear. It's something so simple yet so immensely profound! Continue reading "Srimad Bhagavatam Class in Mayapur by HG Partha Das on 21-02-2018
→ Dandavats"

The frailties of old age
→ SivaramaSwami.com

  • Indradyumna Swami’s kidney stone operation
  • Despite a sattvic lifestyle material bodies ultimately wear out
  • It is good to start spiritual life young so that one can accomplish something by an older age
  • We should not waste time
  • Śrīla Prabhupāda’s health difficulties
  • Leaving the world can be a very extrapolated or dramatic thing
  • Only Kṛṣṇa consciousness can help at the time of passing from the world

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 02/11/2018
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 02/11/2018

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Olivia, Makara, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Jaya Krsna

1. Welcome New Directors and Advisors

The ECO-V Board welcomes three new directors: Jamuna Jivani, Makara, and Olivia; and one new advisor: Kripamaya.

2. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

  • Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi are currently milking 5 cows: Jamuna, Surabhi, Laxmi, Sita, and Malati.
  • Milk production is holding steady at approximately 20 gal. per day.
  • Sriya and Anjali are both due in February. Subhadra is due the end of May.
  • There are three heifers residing at the Temple Barn: one-year-old Vamsika, four-month-old Lalita, and one-month-old Gopi Katyayani.
  • Parvati has been moved from the Temple Barn to the Valley Barn for breeding with Dharma.
  • Jaya Radhe and Usha are still residing in Nandagram with Madhu for breeding.
  • Ananda Vidya continues to produce approximately 15 lbs. of butter, 15 gal. of yogurt, and half gallon of ghee on a weekly basis, and delivers them to the temple.
  • Ananda Vidya is getting good results producing skim milk soft-pressed American cheese and Colby cheeses on a small scale.
  • Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi are gradually clearing out the old lumber from the upstairs of the Temple Barn.
  • The siding around the front entrance to the school building remains about halfway finished. The material to finish the job, along with lumber to finish the loading chute at Nandagram, was ordered this week and will be delivered on Friday. Work will resume on both projects when the weather permits.
  • Greenhouse repairs at Vidya’s and Nandagram still need to be finished.
  • Ray is moving hay from the Valley Barn to Nandagram to keep them supplied through the rest of the winter.
  • Caitanya Bhagavat continues working with Hari Chand in the ox program for an hour each morning, along with daily Nandagram herd care.
  • Caitanya Bhagavat, Ray and Ranaka decided on a proper fencing scheme to divide up the barns and pastures at Nandagram, along with upgrades for the bullpen and shed area. Ray and Caitanya Bhagavat have completed approximately 70% of a permanent loading chute, and repaired one of the sliding doors and floor at one of the barns.
  • Suchandra and Vidya have been putting in seed orders and determining their ground cover needs for the upcoming season. Suchandra has also been removing old mulch and plant residue, along with putting down some ground cover in walkways at the Community Garden when the weather permits.
  • Suchandra, Ray, and Ranaka are planning a walkthrough at the Community Garden to discuss manure spreading and tillage plans for that area.

3. 2017 Finalized Operating Budget Approval

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to review ECO-V’s income and expenses for the previous year.

RESOLVED: The Board approves a finalized operating budget of $296K for 2017.

4. 2018 Operating Budget Approval

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to set projections of ECO-V’s income and expenses for the upcoming year.

RESOLVED: The Board approves an operating budget of up to $350K for 2018.

5. External Funding Request: IMCPA 2018 Grant 

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to support self-sufficiency and cow protection throughout ISKCON.

RESOLVED: The Board approves a grant up to $5,000 to the ISKCON Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture, towards its expenses for 2018.

6. Internal Funding Request: March 2018 Appreciation T-shirts & Plaques

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to acknowledge key community members, as well as offer a token of appreciation to the INV and ECO-V staff and volunteers.

RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $4,000 as a budget for plaques and t-shirts to distribute during the March meeting weekend.

7. Celebrate the Cow Festival

ECO-V board members are interested in organizing and hosting an annual festival as a way of honoring our cows, as well as educating others about them. Olivia volunteered to develop a proposal for this festival.

8. Tattva’s Property Purchase 

On January 16th, 2018 ECO-V purchased the property formerly owned by Tattva, Amritanam & family for $252K. The property includes 61.8 acres along with a house, barn, and outbuildings. More discussion is necessary to decide how to best utilize this new asset, but the intention is to use it in the development of future homesteads.

9. Annual Grant for Gopal’s Garden 2017-2018

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to support the educational needs of the youth in New Vrindaban.

RESOLVED: The Board approves $15,000 for the Gopal’s Garden School 2017-18 academic year.

10. Director Commitment Agreement

WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to clarify the roles and responsibilities of its directors.

RESOLVED: The Board adopts a Director Commitment Agreement, which all directors are requested to sign and submit to Ranaka for official ECO-V records.

For regular updates please visit and like the ECO-V Facebook page.

Iskcon Center Navasari Ratha Yatra And Books Distribution Report…
→ Dandavats

Iskcon Center Navasari Ratha Yatra And Books Distribution Report (Album of photos)
So selling books is the best preaching activity. Sell books, hold the kirtana in public places like schools and colleges, preach–if you practice these things, and try to improve them more and more simply by your practicing sincerely, that simple programme will please Krishna the most and you will see that very soon.
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudama,25th November 1972

Step Back and Reconnect
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Sacinandana Swami

"One should become like the ocean. The ocean is filled by many thousands of rivers, and millions of tons of its water evaporates into clouds, yet the ocean is the same unagitated ocean. The laws of nature may work, but if one is fixed in devotional service at the lotus feet of the Lord, he is not agitated, for he is introspective. He does not look outside to material nature, but he looks in to the spiritual nature of his existence; with a sober mind he simply engages in the service of the Lord. Thus, he realizes his own self without false identification with matter and without affection for material possessions." (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.24.44) Continue reading "Step Back and Reconnect
→ Dandavats"

“Hare Krishna!” the movie in Botswana. Yadubara das:…
→ Dandavats

“Hare Krishna!” the movie in Botswana.
Yadubara das: Successful screening of HARE KRISHNA last night in Gaborone, the capital city of Botswana a country bordering South Africa. Influential people attended including the police chief and prominent businessmen.
Members of multiple races and religions turned out and appreciated Prabhupada’s message of our spiritual oneness as children of God.
The theater owner in Gaborone, a nice lady of Muslim faith, offered her theater free of charge for another screening! She loved Prabhupada’s story and the audience it attracted.
Review from Gaborone - A University Head of Christian faith, exited the theater and showed me his arms. “Goosebumps,” he said. “I still have them!”
More photos here: https://goo.gl/Rvt6Lk

Europe – The TOVP World Tour 2018
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Sukanti Radha Dasi

The TOVP World Tour continues and is now being organized to visit nine European Countries in the Spring of 2018. Led by Lord Nityananda Prabhu’s divine lotus shoes (Padukas) and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s sacred helmet (Sitari) from the Mayapur Chandodaya Mandir, They will be accompanied by His Grace Jananivas prabhu (head pujari of Mayapur), His Grace Ambarisa das (TOVP Project Chairman) and his wife, Her Grace Svaha mataji, and His Grace Vraja Vilas Das (Global Fundraising Director). Continue reading "Europe – The TOVP World Tour 2018
→ Dandavats"

Museum of Sacred Art: 25 majestic paintings depicting the main moments of the Mahabharata. (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Museum of Sacred Art: 25 majestic paintings depicting the main moments of the Mahabharata. (Album of photos)
On March 18, 2016, the book “Mahabharata” was published in a retelling of Krishna Dharma dasa with illustrations by the Italian artist Giampaolo Tomassetti.
Giampaolo Thomasetti is a famous artist, portraitist, illustrator and restorer. He began his artistic career with the restoration of old buildings, frescoes and making copies and reproductions of famous paintings in European museums.

Gita 17.05 Our body is not ours to abuse by arbitrary austerity
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 17.05 Our body is not ours to abuse by arbitrary austerity appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Saturday, February 17, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Mayapura, West Bengal

Soon To Close the Gate

Today was our last full day in Mayapura.  It is wrap-up time, in terms of getting my luggage together, the last day of voting amongst the Governing Body members, and there was one last piece of business to deal with.

A young man from Trinidad, Omkara, has been faithfully following the regimen of Krishna Consciousness for two years.  Now it was time to award him diksha initiation.  For all his studying  endeavours, and sticking to a monk’s principles, this morning he sat by the ceremonial fire, accepted new neck beads, new japa meditation beads, and also a new Sanskrit name, Umpati.

A small group of us were stationed at the bhajan kutir, the straw hut inhabited by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, in the early seventies.  Mantras were recited, seeds and spices were offered to a fire fuelled by ghee.  I asked Medhavi, a godbrother originally from Tennessee (now South Africa), to say a few words in addition to mine.

As is the usual case, I spoke about the importance of communicating with the Divine and in the purest way possible.  The culprit to all pure chanting is when contempt or jealousy sets in.  It is referred to as the first aparadh or offence.

I also stressed the importance of seeing the founder of our mission as everyone’s guide.

Being Saturday, the place gets packed.  Pilgrims come from all around. The elephants, highly decorated, draw the multitudes, and the procession with resounding drum beats, keeps everyone riveted,

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Friday, February 16, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Mayapura, West Bengal

Good Formulas

Kitchari is just the best food for many cures.  It is simple, tasty, medicinal and has everything in it.  Believe me, it beats pizza.  I’m taking kitchari to address my illness.

Kitchari is a a combination of rice, dahl, veggies and a host of healthy items, such as ginger, turmeric, and a dab of great ghee.  It’s what I’m consuming.  It is offered to Krishna and is transformed as prasadam, consecrated food.

At the Lotus Building on campus, kitchari is served at lunch along with an entire additional array of quality food, but I’ve been sticking to just my kitchari. Bael juice, also known as wood apple, I find to be most helpful for a cold.  That drink sustains me and pushed me through five hours of meetings.

Special today was kirtan.  First it was kitchari, then it was kirtan.  I was slotted to lead kirtan, chanting, and as usual, I encouraged the dance.   

Many kirtaniyas resort to sitting on the floor and chanting, swaying perhaps to the sound of the drum, the mesmerizing harmonium and a catchy tune.  The tradition of Chaitanya and the Gaudiyas is to get off the laurels and to dance and sing.  It’s a smooth workout.  When kirtan starts off slow and mellow, you can move almost as if doing tai chi.  https://instagram.com/p/BfRyBSvl2kW/

Try it! You’ll like it!

May the Source be with you!
4 km 

Devotional service is key
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 September 2017, Flacq, Mauritius, Lecture)

The mind fluctuates but we cannot do anything about that but everything is overcome by devotional service. Some people say that spiritual life is a struggle. No, that is not the problem. The problem is that we don’t do enough service. The gap between service gives rise to lust, anger and greed. How difficult it is to overcome envy!? So many difficulties and we struggle to overcome them. The solution is always to do more service and more chanting. Developing attachment to service and chanting is key.

6 Hour Kirtan – Saturday, March 3rd, 2018!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

ISKCON Toronto will be hosting a 6 Hour Kirtan
on Saturday March 3rd, 2018 from 2:30pm to 8:30pm to celebrate the Appearance Day of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Please join us for a wonderful Kirtan and prasadam (vegetarian feast) to celebrate the glories of Lord Caitanya!

We will be chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra for 6 hours in a variety of melodies. It will be a wonderful opportunity for both music lovers and aspiring yogis to keep their senses engaged in the Holy Name of the Lord!