ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 02/11/2018
Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.
Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Jamuna Jivani (board secretary), Olivia, Makara, Ranaka, and Vraja.
Participating Advisors: Jaya Krsna
1. Welcome New Directors and Advisors
The ECO-V Board welcomes three new directors: Jamuna Jivani, Makara, and Olivia; and one new advisor: Kripamaya.
2. Ranaka’s Monthly Report
- Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi are currently milking 5 cows: Jamuna, Surabhi, Laxmi, Sita, and Malati.
- Milk production is holding steady at approximately 20 gal. per day.
- Sriya and Anjali are both due in February. Subhadra is due the end of May.
- There are three heifers residing at the Temple Barn: one-year-old Vamsika, four-month-old Lalita, and one-month-old Gopi Katyayani.
- Parvati has been moved from the Temple Barn to the Valley Barn for breeding with Dharma.
- Jaya Radhe and Usha are still residing in Nandagram with Madhu for breeding.
- Ananda Vidya continues to produce approximately 15 lbs. of butter, 15 gal. of yogurt, and half gallon of ghee on a weekly basis, and delivers them to the temple.
- Ananda Vidya is getting good results producing skim milk soft-pressed American cheese and Colby cheeses on a small scale.
- Ananda Vidya and Lalita Gopi are gradually clearing out the old lumber from the upstairs of the Temple Barn.
- The siding around the front entrance to the school building remains about halfway finished. The material to finish the job, along with lumber to finish the loading chute at Nandagram, was ordered this week and will be delivered on Friday. Work will resume on both projects when the weather permits.
- Greenhouse repairs at Vidya’s and Nandagram still need to be finished.
- Ray is moving hay from the Valley Barn to Nandagram to keep them supplied through the rest of the winter.
- Caitanya Bhagavat continues working with Hari Chand in the ox program for an hour each morning, along with daily Nandagram herd care.
- Caitanya Bhagavat, Ray and Ranaka decided on a proper fencing scheme to divide up the barns and pastures at Nandagram, along with upgrades for the bullpen and shed area. Ray and Caitanya Bhagavat have completed approximately 70% of a permanent loading chute, and repaired one of the sliding doors and floor at one of the barns.
- Suchandra and Vidya have been putting in seed orders and determining their ground cover needs for the upcoming season. Suchandra has also been removing old mulch and plant residue, along with putting down some ground cover in walkways at the Community Garden when the weather permits.
- Suchandra, Ray, and Ranaka are planning a walkthrough at the Community Garden to discuss manure spreading and tillage plans for that area.
3. 2017 Finalized Operating Budget Approval
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to review ECO-V’s income and expenses for the previous year.
RESOLVED: The Board approves a finalized operating budget of $296K for 2017.
4. 2018 Operating Budget Approval
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to set projections of ECO-V’s income and expenses for the upcoming year.
RESOLVED: The Board approves an operating budget of up to $350K for 2018.
5. External Funding Request: IMCPA 2018 Grant
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to support self-sufficiency and cow protection throughout ISKCON.
RESOLVED: The Board approves a grant up to $5,000 to the ISKCON Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture, towards its expenses for 2018.
6. Internal Funding Request: March 2018 Appreciation T-shirts & Plaques
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to acknowledge key community members, as well as offer a token of appreciation to the INV and ECO-V staff and volunteers.
RESOLVED: The Board approves up to $4,000 as a budget for plaques and t-shirts to distribute during the March meeting weekend.
7. Celebrate the Cow Festival
ECO-V board members are interested in organizing and hosting an annual festival as a way of honoring our cows, as well as educating others about them. Olivia volunteered to develop a proposal for this festival.
8. Tattva’s Property Purchase
On January 16th, 2018 ECO-V purchased the property formerly owned by Tattva, Amritanam & family for $252K. The property includes 61.8 acres along with a house, barn, and outbuildings. More discussion is necessary to decide how to best utilize this new asset, but the intention is to use it in the development of future homesteads.
9. Annual Grant for Gopal’s Garden 2017-2018
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to support the educational needs of the youth in New Vrindaban.
RESOLVED: The Board approves $15,000 for the Gopal’s Garden School 2017-18 academic year.
10. Director Commitment Agreement
WHEREAS: The ECO-V Board wishes to clarify the roles and responsibilities of its directors.
RESOLVED: The Board adopts a Director Commitment Agreement, which all directors are requested to sign and submit to Ranaka for official ECO-V records.
For regular updates please visit and like the ECO-V Facebook page.