First Ever One Day Padayatra Organized By Iskcon…
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First Ever One Day Padayatra Organized By Iskcon Jalgaon.
January 18, 2018
By Paramatma Dasa and Saranga Thakur Dasa.
The devotees of Jalgaon, under the guidance of Caitanya Jivan Dasa, organized a first ever one day padayatra on December 16th, 2017. Jalgaon is a major city in western India, located in the northern part of the state of Maharashtra within the region of Khandesh. We have a small ISKCON center there, of which, I, Paramatma Dasa is the president.

Kirtan and preaching program at Krishna Village, Australia – 17…
→ Dandavats

Kirtan and preaching program at Krishna Village, Australia - 17 January 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When one is free from offenses in chanting Hare Krishna, he develops the ecstatic bodily features called pulakasru. Pulaka means “symptoms of happiness,” and asru means “tears in the eyes.” The symptoms of happiness and tears in the eyes must appear in a person who has chanted the holy name offenselessly. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.15.25 Purport)
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The new KKSBlog page on Facebook
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At some point, you become too famous, even for Facebook! Our Facebook account has grown steadily and reached the limit of 5000 friends over a year ago. For some reason, only known to Mark Zuckerberg, we cannot accept more friends. And after reaching this limit, Facebook starts “suggesting” that you create a page. After months of getting those “suggestions”, we decided to breathe life into an official KKSBlog Facebook Page.

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Closet Catholic
→ Seed of Devotion

I entered the church and the vaulted ceilings lifted my breath and my gaze and my mind.



The morning light filtered through the high windows and stained glass. Warm pools of light illuminated wooden pews, cream-colored pillars, and the massive murals of Saint Brigid and Saint Emeric. The cloth of their painted robes billowed in an unseen breeze, their faces gentle.   

That day was our School Mass for the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which takes places several weeks before Christmas.

Although filling with children from ages seven to fourteen, the Church echoed with only quiet shuffles and murmurs. I paced down the center aisle then directed my eighth grade class to file down the wooden pews. When everyone had settled, I took a seat and gazed up at the giant effigy of Christ on the cross.

The service for this special day was filled with devotions for Mother Mary, songs and prayers in her honor. Towards the end of the service, I rose to direct my students to file out of their pew to receive the Eucharist, the sacred wafer that represents the body of Christ. I approached the priest and folded my arms across my chest, which is a sign that I won't receive the Eucharist itself as I am not Catholic, but I would like to receive a blessing. (As a note, one may receive the Eucharist even if one is not Catholic but for now this is my preference.) With a soft smile, the priest put down the wafer and placed his hand on my head in blessing. I felt warm all over. 

I walked back to my pew and took a seat. I could see many students had taken to kneeling again. Their elbows were placed on the pew in front of them, their palms folded, heads bowed in silence.

I swung down my kneeler with a soft clunk and knelt on the padded bar. I followed the lead of my students and also placed my elbows on the pew in front of me and clasped my hands together. I bowed my head. Sudden tears came to my eyes.

Thank you, Mother Mary.

Thank you for bringing me to this school to serve and to learn about you and your son, Jesus Christ.

Thank you, Lord, for always protecting me with your loving arms. 

I cannot escape You. You will always come for me, even if I do not ask you to come. You have come for me in the form of this position as the English Language Arts and Religion teacher. Every day I get to talk about you and learn about you and share your love. I didn't ask for this, but you guided me here.

That is grace. 

What an unexpected, undeserved gift. 

Thank you Lord, for showing up in my life, unconditionally. No matter the form you may take, you are here, you are here. 

Monday, January 15th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Montreal, Quebec

Some People

I spent some time conversing with my Quebec friends, including Gokul, Bhakti Lata from Jamaica, Gord from northern Ontario and a few more.  Anubhava is one of my favourite Canadian leaders.  He administrates, but maximizes more on ‘doing’.  Currently, he’s doing carpentry and making extra space above the auditorium stage.

Madri came to Krishna Consciousness about four years ago.  She arrived with plenty of insecurities in life but much of that is now behind her.  She has built up so much confidence.  She keeps herself occupied.  She’s blossoming.  I'm happy for her.

Gokul and I lunched together.  They make good prasadam here in Montreal—although eggplant curried veggie preps don’t always hit the mark for me. It was something I consumed in the evening.

I was satisfied to deliver two talks today here in the ISKCON temple/ashram, the second one concentrating on one of those beautiful flowing verses from the Bhagavad-gita.  From Chapter 2, verse 20—I will avoid the Sanskrit or Roman transliteration for brevity’s sake and in English, not French. Sorry.

“For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time.  He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being.  He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval.  He is not slain when the body is slain.”

The verse was discussed.  We had our eggplant and we went to rest.

A thought came to mind, as crazy as it was.  I had the image of Napoleon; his right hand concealed in his waistcoat.  Was he secretly chanting on japa meditation beads?

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Sunday, January 14th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Montreal, Quebec

Transit to the East

I had booked a train because experience tells that in the days of extreme winter weather, a train has no delays.  The ‘iron horse’ (the train) plows through it all.  However, my trip to Montreal saw something different.  There were delays.

During those delays, and otherwise, I peered out the window from seat 15A, Car 6 of Via Rail, quite often.  For anyone who knows this route, you get some pretty good views of massive Lake Ontario.  There’s abundant trees and fields, and I could see cleared walking trails alongside bush and creek areas.  It was enticing.  The sun shone and all of nature looked clean.  I even viewed young boys on a natural ice rink where they were skating and carrying hockey sticks.  How endearing!  How Canadian!

I saw, through my window frames of peace, 19thcentury buildings—at least the backs of them—and to a past with the vision of towns of long before. Very Victorian! I appreciated the train stations themselves. Before the automobile, they meant everything to people. It was nostalgic to see it all.  A former life—or lives, and there perhaps—made me fall in love with those former hubs of activity.

I arrived in Montreal to be greeted by Dhruva.  I took a shower, ate some wraps and was rushed to the main temple hall at Pie IX Blvd., a snow-occupied world.  By morning, the snow will be removed for ample parking.  Each and every one of us are required to remove the snow from our hearts, as well as the street.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Study scripture as an existential seeker, not as a historical…
→ Dandavats

Study scripture as an existential seeker, not as a historical investigator!
Chaitanya Charan Das: Some people study scripture largely, if not entirely, from a historical perspective – they focus on when it was written, what was the general culture then, and what were the specific contexts for its statements.
Such a history-centered approach, though useful in understanding some aspects of scripture, misses its essence. Scripture essentially is divinity’s guiding revelation to humanity, offering wisdom on life and living whose relevance extends throughout history. The Bhagavad-gita (03.31) declares that its insights are eternal (avyayam) – they can offer liberation and life eternal to one and all at all times.
A trans-historical disposition is evident in the Gita itself – in the words of both the seeker Arjuna and the seer Krishna. Arjuna is confronted by a confounding historical context: indecision at the start of a fratricidal world war. Yet despite the pressures of the situation, his merely question to Krishna (02.07) is not contextual but existential: not “What should I do now?” but “What is my dharma now?” Dharma, as we know, refers to time-independent principles and practices of living.
Krishna responds to Arjuna in not historical but existential terms. He doesn’t analyze the historical context to drive home the socio-political necessity of the war. In fact, a direct call to fight occurs in the whole Gita less than half a dozen times, with no reference at all in its last six chapters. It focuses unrelentingly on perennial existential questions of identity, activity and destiny. The dharmic worldview delineated in the Gita answers the deepest questions that underlie our very existence: “Who am I? What is life? What am I meant to live for?”
If we approach the Gita in the mood of an existential seeker, not a historical investigator, we will discover it to be an unending mine of jewels of ever-fresh wisdom.

Goodbye My Friend (Album of photos) Indradyumna Swami: Three…
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Goodbye My Friend (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Three days ago I flew to Australia to pay my final respects and say goodbye to my godbrother, Venu Gopal dasa, who is dying of cancer. A senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Venu Gopal prabhu has been instrumental in pioneering the Krsna conscious movement in Australia since the early 1970’s. Each day a steady stream of devotees visit his home, situated near the beautiful New Govardhana farming community, to show their love and appreciation for this most wonderful devotee. Everyone remarks how fearless he is in the face of death and how jovial he remains despite the fact that he has only a couple of weeks to live. He is setting such a wonderful example for all of us. I brought him a very special gift from Vrindavan; a beautifully carved Tulasi necklace with numerous transcendental items contained in a box attached to it, including: the 700 verses of Bhagavad Gita, water from 1,108 kunds in Vrindavan, dust from many holy places in Vrindavan, the names of many great devotees of the Lord, remnants of clothes from the dresses of Radharani from all the prominent temples in Vrindavan, maha prasadam from Lord Jagannatha in Puri, clothes from Lord Jagannatha in Puri, the Chatur-slokas of Srimad Bhagavatam, dust from the forest of Naimisaranya and prayers in glorification of Srimati Radharani. The necklace was made by a famous devotee of the Lord who lives at Varsana. Venu Gopal prabhu was so happy to receive the gift. Venu, we’ll all miss you more than you’ll ever know ….

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Vaikunthanath: The Montreal temple was going very well, but we…
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Vaikunthanath: The Montreal temple was going very well, but we always had a difficult time paying the monthly rent, and there was some danger that they would lose the temple at one point because they just didn’t have the rent money.
Prabhupada actually proposed the idea to me and Pradyumna that we should go out and meet people in the Indian community and explain to them that we are trying to establish this Radha-Krishna temple here and maintain this temple and that we would like their support and help.

Govinda’s Restaurant among top vegan food places in…
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Govinda’s Restaurant among top vegan food places in London
Our restaurant, Govinda’s has been listed as one of the best vegan food places in London by London Evening Standard. If you haven’t tried it, check it out the next time you visit us.
“Tucked away in Soho Square, just around the corner from the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street, Hare Krishna restaurant Govinda’s is known for serving a wide range of delicious vegan curries. Its location makes it a pretty ideal lunch spot for shoppers in the area and the healthy, affordable menu is one to try out. 10 Soho Square, W1D 3DL​”

Sriman Kedarnath Dutta’s (Bhaktivinoda Thakur) Govt. Service records from 1866 – 1896
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Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktivedanta Research Centre

Sriman Kedarnath Dutta, later known as Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur (1834-1914), belonged to the kayastha community of Bengali intellectual gentry that lived during the Bengal Renaissance and attempted to revive key strands of Hindu tradition and practice. In his youth he spent much time researching and comparing various religious and philosophical systems, both Indian and Western, with a view of finding among them a comprehensive, authentic and intellectually satisfying path. He tackled the task of reconciling Western reason and tradition by exploring religion in its phenomenal and transcendent aspects, thus accommodating both modern critical analysis and the core tenets of Vaishnavism in his writings. KedarnathDutta's spiritual quest led him at the age of 29 to become a dedicated follower of Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486–1533). He applied himself to a deep study and committed practice of the teachings of the Chaitanya school, soon emerging as a reputed leader within the Caitanya Vaishnava movement of Bengal. Continue reading "Sriman Kedarnath Dutta’s (Bhaktivinoda Thakur) Govt. Service records from 1866 – 1896
→ Dandavats"

NASN December 2017 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
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Hare KrishnaBy Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of December 2017. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN December 2017 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Mayapur – Where every word is a song and every step a dance
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Purushottam Nitai Das

The stars are still smiling in the sky, the birds are still sleeping in their nests, the big trees and the small plants are curiously looking around enjoying the spectacle, the water in the nearby Ganges are resting peacefully, the cool breeze is singing shyly occasionally touching the sacred river gently and immediately racing to catch up with the devotees who are quickly walking towards the temple. Men, women, children walk briskly lest they miss the momentous opportunity. When clock calls 4:30 a.m., pujari blows the conchshell reverentially and opens the gigantic curtain hurriedly. Hundreds of devotees raise their arms in jubilation when Sri Sri Radha Madhav along with eight gopis and Panca Tattva appears to enjoy the celebration. Their looks are from the spiritual sky, they are always full of smile, their stunning glance give devotees immense joy. Continue reading "Mayapur – Where every word is a song and every step a dance
→ Dandavats"

Recordings – Australia, December 2017
→ KKSBlog

Please find below, audio recordings of lectures and kirtans by Kadamba Kanana Swami captured during December and January in Australia.

Download ALL (Zip file, 2.4 GB)

















KKS_Australia_26Dec2017_Govinda_Valley _Initiation_Lecture

KKS_Australia_25Dec2017_Govinda_Valley _Kirtan





Saturday, January 13th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Vaughn, Ontario

Application of Our Faculties

As Doctor prescribed, I need to relax those legs, apply the Ayurvedic oil and take digestive aid in capsules (organic).  “With that, you’ll get better.”  And so I’ve been complying.

In the meantime things must go on.  Correspondence.  Counselling.  Planning.  Leading a chanting session before a crowd in Vaughn.  Also, there was an appreciation lunch for the cast of “Many Mothers, Many Fathers.”  We watched a video of the January 1st performance.  Not bad.  A one camera angle shooting doesn’t do justice but we thank Sati for putting it together.  We see the embellishments that the play carries, and many saw where there is need for fine tuning.

For the pleasure of guru and God, one puts their best effort forward and keeps striving for excellence.  Endeavouring toward improvement keeps a person alive, otherwise you are facing dry routine.  It’s a matter of application of the heart that brings us beyond the mechanics.

When leading the chant at the large home of one particularly sizeable and extended family, we asked participants to use their voice, hands, heart and smile.  That combination of our faculties seems to work.

We also applied leg power—dance—and got the crowd to form circles of fun.  After all it was Saturday and you’re supposed to have a fever—“Saturday Night Fever,” is how the Toronto Star described our ecstatic dance procedures at the Sunday Love Feast back in the early 80s.  A John Travolta film, if I'm not mistaken.

May the Source be with you!

1 km

Naimisharanya Yatra – (Day-4) (Album of photos) ISKCON…
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Naimisharanya Yatra - (Day-4) (Album of photos)
ISKCON Kurukshetra extends blessings & best wishes to all its viewers & supporters straight from the land of penance - Naimisharanya. Today we’re sharing pictures from that exact place from where Lord Krishna’s Shakta Vesha Avatar (Knowledge distributor) Srila Veda Vyasa started to preach. Srila Veda Vyasa compiled the entire Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads etc. in Badrinath, Uttrakhand, India As He completed compiling all the Vedic scriptures He came to this place in order to spread this topmost Knowledge for the benefit of the entire human mankind. Let’s all fall in the lotus feet of Srila Veda Vyasa & beg that we may all become powerful preachers in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.
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Why are we not fainting when we see the Deities? Kadamba Kanana…
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Why are we not fainting when we see the Deities?
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Another point that I find is very nice in the purport of Gajendra, the elephant, is how Srila Prabhupada speaks of when Gajendra assumed a spiritual body when his body was touched by the Lord. We see how Srila Prabhupada’s mind works as he describes, “Gajendra assumed a spiritual body when his body was touched by the Lord,” and immediately he writes, “Similarly, Dhruva Maharaj assumed his spiritual body in this way,” and then goes to the arcana-paddhati, the process of deity worship. He is thinking of the deity and we can see that he is so much appreciating that the deity is the Supreme Personality of Godhead that he immediately makes the association that in deity worship, we are allowed to touch the lotus feet of the Lord. For example, when waking up the deity, one can touch the lotus feet of the Lord and thus attain a spiritual body. Prabhupada is consistent. When one touches the deity, one touches the Lord; the deity is non-different from Krsna – there is no hesitance in Srila Prabhupada on this matter.

Whereas in our case, although we know that the deity is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are not fainting! Maybe we would faint if Krsna personally would step in front of us. We are just taking darshan in this kind of casual way. Do we really believe that the deity is the Supreme Personality of Godhead? Yes and no, if we really think about it. But for Srila Prabhupada, there is absolutely no question, there is no hesitance in Gajendra being touched by the Lord is similar to arcana-paddhati – touching the deity’s feet in devotion. I thought it was nice to see here how Srila Prabhupada’s mind worked and how the purity is just coming through; these things have just struck me in that way. Then Prabhupada expands on it and says, “Not only by touching the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead but also hearing his pastimes, chanting his glories, offering worship and any other type of devotional service is sufficient to purify us from material contamination. And we might again attract the mercy of the Lord.” So, this is wonderful!

Invitation to the VIHE International Vaishnavi Retreat….
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Invitation to the VIHE International Vaishnavi Retreat.
Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE), is heartily inviting you to take part in the forthcoming 8th Annual International Vaishnavi Retreat, which will be held on March 20-25, 2018 at Govardhana.
Our beloved teachers for this year will be Her Grace Yasomati Devi Dasi, Her Grace Kisori Devi Dasi, Her Grace Damodara Priya Devi Dasi and Her Grace Prasanta Devi Dasi
The aim of the event is to facilitate spiritual association among women in bhakti. Focused on hearing and chanting, it offers a wonderful opportunity to female sadhakas from all over the world who are eager for sadhu-sanga. The program is enhanced by the participation of many disciples of Srila Prabhupada, who generously share the lessons they have learned from him. The retreat is held under the banner of “Celebrating Srila Prabhupada’s Mercy.”

We wish to encourage you to come and experience for yourself the marvel of Vaishnavi association in this intimate and safe setting, in the Holy Land of Vrindavana. You may come for the entire program or for a few days. We shall stay all together at a welcoming guesthouse right on the lap of Sri Giriraja at Jatipura, overlooked by the temple of Gopala once established by Srila Madhavendra Puri.

Krsna-katha, philosophical presentations and practical workshops by senior vaisnavis, sharing of realizations by Srila Prabhupada’s disciples, kirtana, inspirational readings before japa, mridanga and karatala lessons, dramas, dance and more have been the regular highlights of the previous retreats.

This year the theme of the retreat is “The Art of Deity Worship.” Her Grace Damodara Priya Devi Dasi, who has been for many years the head pujari at the ISKCON temple of Goloka Dhama in Germany, will lead us through classes, demonstrations and workshops. In connection with this theme we are preparing an exhibition of pictures of Deities worldwide.

We hope that it will be possible for you to attend and are looking forward to your association.

Creating Empowered Spiritual Leaders. One of the most ambitious…
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Creating Empowered Spiritual Leaders.
One of the most ambitious and universal purposes Srila Prabhupada set for ISKCON is the very first one “To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all peoples in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world”
How can this be realized?
Creating partnerships and alliances with emerging spiritual networks, government, corporate and non-governmental organizations, providing spiritual solutions to material problems. Become instrumental in establishing the Golden Age in the social, educational, cultural, environmental, spiritual and welfare fields around the globe.
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