Sraddha Nrsimha asks about Bismadeva’s knowledge of Krsna’s rasa dance at the time of his death
The universality of what Srila Prabhupada is offering.
→ Dandavats
The universality of what Srila Prabhupada is offering.
While distributing at Richland College in Dallas, I met a couple who came to my table enthusiastic to hear about the teachings of the Gita, which they saw on the table. Both of them had heard of it. I showed them the illustrations and explained a little. Then they became more enthusiastic to take one. The young lady was happy to take one and give a donation, but the young man said he would get it another time.
A half hour later they came back to the table. They had been reading it for that half hour, and the young man said, “This is so interesting that I want one now.”
Meanwhile, the young lady was looking in my box of books. She said, “I’m intrigued by all the books you have.” I told her a lot of them are in different languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic.“
As soon as I said Arabic, the young man said, "You have Arabic? That’s my mother tongue.” He’s from Saudi Arabia. So he received the Bhagavad Gita and an Arabic book, “Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers.” She also received more books.
Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa
Recently, a harinama was taking place at the Atlantic Ave./Barclays subway station in New York City. While sitting at our harinama book-table, I had two nice encounters within fifteen minutes, before the police asked us to remove the table.
A friendly Muslim lady, dressed in a black gown, with a large percentage of her head covered, stopped by. She mentioned that she had been to our temple in Brooklyn and liked it. She said that her daughter is a vegetarian, and she gave a donation for a Higher Taste.
A few minutes later, a jovial Jewish man, dressed in black and having a kippah over the center of his head, came to look at the books. He was attracted to Journey of Self-Discovery, especially after I said that it is a collection of essays. He said he already had Science of Self-Realization, and he liked it.
He was impressed when I told him that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken five thousand years ago. He was proud of his Jewish tradition, which has also been around for thousands of years, and mentioned that there must be truth in the traditions for them to last so long.
He ended up giving a donation and accepting the Journey of Self-Discovery. It impressed me that these two people, so much committed to their own traditions that they wore their traditional dress, had an appreciation for Srila Prabhupada’s temples and his literature. It shows the universal nature of what Srila Prabhupada is offering.
Your servant,
Krishna-kripa Dasa
Govardhan Retreat-2017 (6 min video)In the sublime atmosphere…
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Govardhan Retreat-2017 (6 min video)
In the sublime atmosphere of Giriraja Govardhana, devotees immersed themselves in the magical world of Krishna’s pastimes in the association of HH Sacinandana Swami, HG Bhurijana Prabhu, HG Jagattarini Mataji, HG Madhavananda Prabhu and HG Adi Purusha Prabhu during the annual VIHE Govardhana Retreat.
Watch it here:
UNESCO Recognises India’s Kumbh Mela As ‘Intangible Cultural…
→ Dandavats
UNESCO Recognises India’s Kumbh Mela As ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ Of Humanity. PM Modi has applauded the move saying that it is a well-deserved recognition for this iconic festival.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Thursday said the recognition was accorded by the Inter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, an entity which works under UNESCO. The decision to recognize the Kumbh Mela was taken at its ongoing meeting in Jeju, South Korea.
The inscription of the Kumbh Mela was recommended by the expert body which examines the nominations submitted by member states. The committee observed it was the largest peaceful congregation of pilgrims on earth.
“The Inter-governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage under UNESCO inscribed the ‘Kumbh Mela’ on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity during its 12th session held at Jeju, South Korea,” the MEA said.
The session, which started on 4 December, is to end on 9 December. It said the inscription was the third in two years following 'Yoga’ and 'Nouroz’.
While recommending the Kumbh Mela, the expert committee observed it was the largest peaceful congregation of pilgrims on earth.
“The committee observed that 'Kumbh Mela’ is the largest peaceful congregation of pilgrims on earth. The festival, held in Allahabad, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik, represents a syncretic set of rituals related to worship and ritual cleansing in holy rivers in India,” the MEA said.
“As a religious festival, the tolerance and inclusiveness that Kumbh Mela demonstrates are especially valuable for the contemporary world,” the MEA said in its statement.
The committee also took note of the fact that knowledge and skills related to the 'Kumbh Mela’ were transmitted through the Guru-Shishya parampara (teacher-student relationship) by way of saints and sadhus teaching their disciples about traditional rituals and chants.
Reacting to the recognition, Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma said it was a proud moment for India.
The big thick English language book…
Some Burmese doctors…
→ Dandavats
The big thick English language book…
Some Burmese doctors were attending a medical convention in New York City and got a book from a devotee on the street. The book distributor showed them the Dasavatar painting in the Gita, pointed out Lord Buddha, and the doctors bought the book.
When they got back to their hotel and looked through the Gita, they thought “Wait a minute. This is not about Buddhism” but as they bought the book, they decided to take it back to Burma and give it to a Hindu doctor friend. The Hindu doctor friend turned out to be a staunch follower of Sankharacharya. He thought “Ah, this is a book about Bhakti. I have no interest in this” and he put it in one corner of his office, in a pile with so many other medical journals etc.
One day, the Hindu doctor’s son was visiting his father’s office. The young college student son wanted to learn English. He saw the big thick English language book sitting in the corner and thought “Hey, I will take this book. Look up all the words in a dictionary and teach myself English.” The son had no interest in the philosophy or studying the Gita. He simply saw it as a means to learn English.
Moving slowly, looking up every second or third word, by the time the young man finished the 6th chapter he had learned English–and become a devotee. He is now initiated as Srivas Pandit prabhu, the regional secretary for Burma, and has made waves of devotees and opened multiple temples and preaching centers all over Burma. He will tell you that it all came from one Gita distributed thousands of miles away in New York City. And I should mention–his father is now an initiated devotee as well.
Such is the potency of book distribution.
PS: I have attached a photo of a beautiful new temple the devotees are building and a group photo of the devotees from one of the temples in Burma – all from just one book.
Your servant,
Badrinarayan Swami
Vrindavan Braj Parikrama 2017: Audio Recordings
→ KKSBlog
Please find below audio recordings of kirtans and lectures by Kadamba Kanana Swami captured during the Vrindavan Parikrama 2017. Video recordings will follow soon.
Download ALL (Zip file, 2.5 GB)
Day 1
Day 2
Lecture and Kirtan – outstanding recordings
Day 3
Day 4
Initiation ceremony and Damodarastakam – outstanding recordings
Day 5
Day 6
Kirtan at Srila Prabhupada’s house – outstanding recording
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
KKS_Vrindavan_24thNovember2017_Lecture_SB 7.9.19
Feeling Separation from Krishna.
Sacinandana Swami: “O Govinda!…
→ Dandavats
Feeling Separation from Krishna.
Sacinandana Swami: “O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, a moment feels like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.’ (Sri Siksastaka, Verse 7)
For devotees of Krishna, the world feels empty in the absence of their beloved Lord. In affairs of love there is no substitute for the beloved—no other person, toy, or material object can replace one’s beloved. Without Krishna the world seems like a playroom filled with meaningless toys—toys that hold no fascination. A devotee wants only Krishna.
Because the devotees desire Krishna intensely, they cry tears. There are two kinds of tears—hot, angry tears and cool, happy tears—but the tears devotees shed when crying for their Lord are of a different type. These tears have a special potency because they wash away whatever contaminations remain over the eyes that block them from seeing Krishna. These tears actually make the devotees’ eyes clear so that they can always see Krishna. So what are we to make of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s wonderful verse that he composed while experiencing the highest ecstasy? Will we forever close our ears and hearts to his urgent message, fearing that we will never ourselves be able to experience exclusive longing? While it is, of course, a mistake to imitate exalted Krishna-conscious states, it is certainly favorable when we hanker for the day when we too will enter the mood of separation from Krishna. When we feel separation in this world, we feel only abject misery. We feel forsaken, forlorn, depressed. But if we can feel separation from Krishna, this separation will create the highest ecstasy in us. How? If we think of Krishna, Krishna will be present. Thoughts of Krishna are identical with Him. If we can think only of Krishna, intensely, then Krishna will be with us intensely. Truly feeling separated from Him and wanting nothing except His association certainly qualifies as intense thoughts of the Lord. In his Padyavali Srila Rupa Goswami cites this verse:
“If I have to choose between union with Krishna and separation from Him, I would choose separation, because when I am with Krishna I see only one Krishna, but when I am separated from Him, then I see Krishna coming toward me from every corner of the universe.”
If while in this world we can actually awaken to the fact that we are now separated from Krishna, we will not feel relaxed about our state. Especially when we are chanting Hare Krishna with an awareness of how we are separated we will begin to feel a deep necessity to reconnect with Him.
In 1969 Srila Prabhupada instructed the devotees to cry prayerfully for Krishna while chanting His name:
“So we are addressing, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna: ’O the energy of the Lord, O the Lord, please accept me.’ That’s all. ’Please accept me.’ We have no other prayer. ’Please accept me.’ Lord Caitanya taught that we should simply cry, and we shall simply pray for accepting us. That’s all. So this vibration is simply a cry for addressing the Supreme Lord, requesting Him, ’Please accept me. Please accept me.’”
It is said that separation is the best mood in which to perform bhajan. Srila Prabhupada once said,
Actually, meeting Krishna is possible through the attitude of separation taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When the feeling of separation becomes very intense, one attains the stage of meeting Sri Krishna. (Caitanya Caritamrita. Adi 4.108, purport) Many of you know how difficult it is to instruct the mind to think something particular. It is just as difficult to instruct the emotions what to feel. When we are unable to feel separation from Krishna and we either think we are doing all right or we remain disturbed by our material problems – that is, we do not long for Krishna – we should know something’s wrong with us. Sri Krishna is the source of all life and happiness. Why don’t we hanker to attain Him? Even a tree feels thirst when it does not rain and an animal feels hunger when there is no food. Isn’t God more to the soul than the food and drink that sustain the gross body? Still, there is hope on the horizon. The realized words of the great acharyas form a stream of sweet water to refresh our tired hearts and awaken in us feelings of devotion. Let us eagerly listen to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his song Kabe ha’be bolo as he makes his appeal:
1. Please tell me, when, o when, will that day be mine when my offenses will come to an end and a taste for the pure holy name will be infused in my heart by the power of divine grace?
2. Feeling myself lower than a blade of grass, welcoming the quality of forbearance into my heart, giving honor to all living beings, and becoming free of false pride, when will I taste the essence of the liquid nectar of the holy name?
3. Wealth, followers, beautiful women as described in worldly poetry—I do not want these bodily pleasures. O Lord Gaurahari! Please give me unmotivated devotion to Your lotus feet birth after birth.
4. When, while articulating the divine name of Sri Krishna, will my body thrill with ecstatic rapture, my words choke with emotion, and my body lose color and tremble ecstatically? When will streams of tears flow constantly from my eyes?
5. When, in the land of Navadvipa, on the banks of the celestial Ganga, will I run about innocently calling out, “O Gaura! O Nityananda’? Dancing and singing, I will wander about like a madman, giving up all consideration of proper social behavior.
6. When will Lord Nityananda be merciful to me and release me from the illusion of worldliness? When will he give me the shade of his own lotus feet and bestow on me the qualification necessary to enter the marketplace of the holy name?
7. Somehow or other I shall buy or steal the mellows of the name of Lord Hari. Becoming thoroughly intoxicated by those liquid mellows I will become stunned. By touching the feet of those great souls who are expert in relishing those mellows I will be constantly immersed in the sweet nectar of the holy name.
8. When will there be an awakening in me of compassion for all fallen souls? Then this Bhaktivinoda will forget his own happiness, and with a meek heart he will set out to propagate by humble solicitation the sacred order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
I once met a devotee to whom I confessed the hard state of my heart: “I never feel any longing for Krishna. Rather, I feel satisfied with the present state of my life. What can you recommend so that I can enter the world of spiritual feeling?” The devotee’s answer surprised me: “If you cannot hanker for Krishna, then hanker that one day you will hanker for Krishna. If you cannot hanker for that day, then hanker for the day when one day you will hanker for Krishna.” He went on until his point was clear: start somewhere.
“Please accept me. Please accept me.”
→ Dandavats
HARINAM Sankirtan by the ISKCON Sigatoka Devotees, Fiji (12 min…
→ Dandavats
HARINAM Sankirtan by the ISKCON Sigatoka Devotees, Fiji (12 min video)
The devotees there perform Harinama every Sunday.
Srila Prabhupada: “As a result of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one makes such great advancement in spiritual life that simultaneously his material existence terminates and he receives love of Godhead. The holy name of Krishna is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.28)
Watch it here:
ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2018 Registration has begun!
You may already know what an amazing event ISKCON Leadership Sanga is, with over a thousand ISKCON leaders and potential leaders, like yourself, from around the world attending. Many will share their skills and knowledge through a wide variety of presentations, seminars, and workshops. This spectacular event will run from February 4 – 11, 2018 at Sri […]
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Why do the Vedas give all rights to men and no rights to women, who simply have to obey men?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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Sunday Love Feast – Dec 10th, 2017 – Vedic Discourse by HG Radha Gopinath Prabhu
→ ISKCON Brampton
Fasting.....................on Wed Dec 13,2017
Breakfast................ on Thu Dec 14 ,2017 b/w 7.35am-10.30am
Every fortnight, we observe Ekadasi, a day of prayer and meditation. On this day we fast (or simplify our meals and abstain from grains and beans), and spend extra time reading the scriptures and chanting the auspicious Hare Krishna mantra.By constantly ‘exercising’ our minds through regular japa we can train our senses to push the threshold of contentment.
Christmas For Kids
Celebration on Mon Dec 25th at 11am
Next date is to be announced shortly!
The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His Energy to give protection to the conditioned soul.japa, when performed with focus and attention, can subdue the agitating effects of one’s mind and senses. The senses, of which the mind is also one, are constantly being stimulated by the external world - by gross and subtle matter.
If you have not chanted before, and would like to participate in this program, we will be very happy to show how you can do this.
All welcome. We’ll loan you a set of Beads!
Sunday School
Food for Life Vrindavan Starts Major Environmental Campaign
Chile beach Harinama, Vina del Mar (Album with photos)
My dear…
→ Dandavats
Chile beach Harinama, Vina del Mar (Album with photos)
My dear King, congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord is th...
Daily Darshan: December 09, 2017
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TOVP: Amazing time-lapse video of the Kalash and Chakra…
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TOVP: Amazing time-lapse video of the Kalash and Chakra installation on the Planetarium Dome (2 min video)
A Ray of Vishnu (video)
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A Ray of Vishnu (video)
A class by H.G.Bhurijan Prabhu about the Disappearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.
Srila Prabhupada: “You know, they think we’re CIA in…
→ Dandavats
Srila Prabhupada: “You know, they think we’re CIA in Bengal.”
Sravanananda: During one Ratha-yatra in New York where both Prabhupada and Jayananda attended, I hired a professional film crew to document the entire event.
It was a random thing I did just so I could take it back with me to India and show everyone there.
In India we had a portable briefcase projector called a Fairchild that was ideal for viewing.
It would pop open and people could watch movies right on their desk or we could flip the lens and reflect it on a large sheet for the villagers.
When I did return to Madras with the film I was able to show it to Srila Prabhupada and he really liked it.
I was very happy I could please him.
The first thing he said was, “You know, they think we’re CIA in Bengal.”
Prabhupada said, “How would people think we’re CIA and put on a Ratha-yatra in Manhattan? What CIA would put on a Ratha-yatra in Manhattan?”
Prabhupada said to me, “Would you mind going to Bengal and show this in every town and village?”
I never thought of that since I was totally entrenched in Madras.
When Prabhupada asked me to go Bengal I said, “Srila Prabhupada, whatever you want.”
The way Prabhupada asked me was just the epitome of humility.
It wasn’t a directive, “Go to Bengal.”
I went to Bengal and went village to village from the Bay of Bengal, to Darjeeling to Assam.
We showed the movie on screens and had reporters attend as well.
We were traveling on the boat program and we were also distributing Gitar Gans.
I wrote a letter to Srila Prabhupada that said we had just distributed sixteen thousand Gitar Gans in one month.
Prabhupada wrote a letter back stating, “That is very results.”
I will always remember that, “That is very results.”
We were ecstatic that we could please him and serve him in separation.
Prabhupada’s instructions in his books were extremely powerful and his desire to save every living entity within the universe by the distribution of not only his books, but prasadam and all the paraphernalia that he introduced was all inspiring.
Prabhupada was also always gracious.
When he was a guest at someone’s house, he wasn’t a king.
He was always a servant.
He was always there to serve even his own disciples.
I felt his greatest kindness when I listened to the audio of Prabhupada on morning walks in Bombay with Dr. Patel.
Dr. Patel would always ask aggressive, somewhat condescending, irritable questions to Srila Prabhupada.
I never saw Prabhupada upset with him once.
I sometimes have to turn off my audio when that man is talking.
It just seems so offensive to me.
But Prabhupada liked that combative mood because he knew the whole world was challenging this philosophy and he was letting us see how to deal with this type of person.
It was almost like Prabhupada was doing the Chinese water torture on him because I met that man after Prabhupada left, and he was crying like a child when the talked about Prabhupada.
Prabhupada wore him down because he never got angry with him.
He just kept answering his questions beautifully.
I never once had a doubt to this day about Srila Prabhupada and I’m just so happy I found Prabhupada or he found us.
That is the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.
Devotees to Feed 3,000 London Refugees, Homeless and Students…
→ Dandavats
Devotees to Feed 3,000 London Refugees, Homeless and Students Daily in the UK.
Charity organization Food For All, run by Parasurama Das and other ISKCON devotees, is set to move out of its previous home at Bhaktivedanta Manor and into two purpose-built kitchens in London. The move will see Food For All triple its prasadam distribution.
The first kitchen will be a multi-storey building just down the road from the four-star Kingsway Hall Hotel in the University Area of Holborn, where over forty thousand students study. The building will be a temporary location until Food For All moves into its own kitchen in the Kingsway Hall Hotel itself.
The new kitchen will be kitted out with the best industrial cooking implements, including two 370 liter stainless-steel pots.
Members of Food For All’s fifteen devotee staff will cook rice, subji, salad, cake, and herbal tea daily.
Meet Drumila: A devotee who puts a smile in everyone’s face and a SP book in their hands
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Two Essential Keys To Increase Our Attraction To Sri Krishna
→ Dandavats
Our greatest problem is that we have turned away from Krishna. This one action has turned into our existential dilemma. We are lost servants. But strangely we think, at least unconsciously, that it is Krishna who has abandoned us. Only when we become eager to meet Krishna again, and serve Him with body, mind and heart – as eager as a drowning man is eager to breathe again – can we attain our spiritual success. Real love, however, will only flow when we move out of the center and put Krishna there. For that, hearing about Krishna’s divine characteristics, activities and His sweet relationships with the devotees, is essential. Lila or Krishna’s pastimes, is defined by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur as that which nourishes and protects us and then gives us an intense desire to attain Krishna (samvardhanam samposanam laulyam dadati lila). When we are fully nourished with Krishna consciousness, we do not feel the need to go to maya in search of false shelter. Krishna affords us with the best protection. So as a result of hearing again and again about Krishna, an intense desire to attain Him is installed in our heart. That is the potency of Krishna-lila. It works for sure. Continue reading "Two Essential Keys To Increase Our Attraction To Sri Krishna
→ Dandavats"
Strolling Through Vrindavan / Прогуливаясь по Вриндавану
→ Traveling Monk
I arrived back home in Sri Vrindavan dhama yesterday. This afternoon I strolled through the town of Vrindavan proper, visiting old friends and making new ones. The sights, sounds and colors of Vrindavan all helped to remind me of my good fortune to once again be present in Lord Krsna’s eternal playground.
“My life and soul is the most opulent land of Vrindavan, which is overwhelmed by the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, which is decorated with many groves and fountains, which is beautified by khadira and sandalwood forests on the banks of the Kalindi River, which is decorated with many beautiful caves at Govardhan Hill, where eternal good fortune is constantly showering, and where Sri Sri Radha and Krsna constantly perform the most wonderful pastimes.”
[ Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Sri Vrindavana Mahimamrta, Sataka three, Text 60 ]
Вчера вернулся домой, в Шри Вриндаван-дхаму. Сегодня прогуливался по Вриндавану, навестил старых друзей и встретил новых. Виды, звуки и цвета Вриндавана, – все извещало об удаче вновь побывать на земле вечных игр Кришны.
«Цветущая земля Вриндавана, жизнь и душа моя. Исполнена Шри Радхи-Кришны лилами, украшенная родниками, рощами, лесами из акаций и сандаловых деревьев по берегам Калинди и множеством пещер на Говардхане. Здесь вечная удача льется ливнями. Здесь Шри Шри Радха-Кришна вечно исполняют изумительные лилы».
[ Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати, «Шри Вриндавана Махимамрита», шатака третья, текст 60 ]
Is Kali really the culprit?
→ Dandavats
If Parikshit maharaja had killed Kali instead of forgiving him, we wouldn’t be suffering the effects of Kali now.’ Isn’t this a sensible argument? Let’s analyze… Parikshit maharaja, wanted to protect his citizens from the onslaught of Kali, but at the same time, he did not want to act against Lord’s will of allowing Kali yuga to take its own direction of destiny. Also it is said, that Parikshit did not become envious of Kali, but he kept Kali in bay by administrating his praja in such a way – by utilizing all gold for Sankirtana and prohibiting all sinful activities of animal slaughter, gambling, prostitution and intoxication. Continue reading "Is Kali really the culprit?
→ Dandavats"
Rathyatra festival 2017 – ISKCON Auckland NZ (Album with…
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Rathyatra festival 2017 - ISKCON Auckland NZ (Album with photos)
Down the Main Street in Auckland where the street is closed fo...
A video – Hari the Ox Star
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ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2018 (Early Registration Discount extended to Dec. 24th)
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ILS 2018 will play a critical part in setting the stage for ISKCON’s future. Speakers will explore the challenges and opportunities ISKCON will face as it continues to shift into the hands of the next generations. The ILS provides a unique opportunity for a cross-pollination of thoughts and best practices. It gives a chance for devotees to observe the ISKCON world from a global perspective. In this atmosphere devotees can expand their frame of reference and become invigorated by hearing from and sharing with leaders and devotees serving Srila Prabhupada under many different circumstances. Make new friends from around the world while taking prasadam, hearing Krsna Katha, chanting bhajan and kirtan and enjoying a drama together all in Sri Dhama Mayapur! – the potential benefit for everyone involved cannot be measured. Continue reading "ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2018 (Early Registration Discount extended to Dec. 24th)
→ Dandavats"
Tribal Care, An Initiative of Love and Care
Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu predicted: pṛthivīte āche yata nagarādi grāma sarvatra pracāra haibe mora nāma “In every town and village, the chanting of My name will be heard.”– Sri Caitanya-Bhagavata, Antya-khaṇḍa, 4.126 To fulfil the desire of Lord Caitanya, Srila Prabhupada globalized the chanting of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and his disciples spread it in cities […]
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When we have to choose between two ways of serving Krishna, what should we do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post When we have to choose between two ways of serving Krishna, what should we do? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, appeared in Sri Ksetra Dhama, (Jagannatha Puri) on February 6th 1874 as the son of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. In his childhood he quickly mastered the Vedas, memorised the Bhagavad-Gita, and relished his father’s philosophical works. He became known as “The Living Encyclopaedia” for his vast knowledge.
He preached convincingly against casteism and philosophical deviations from Gaudiya Vaisnavism. He tried to unite the four Vaisnava sampradayas by publishing their teachings. Srila Sarasvati Thakura earned the title Nrsimha Guru for his fearless and powerful delivery of the Vaisnava siddhanta.
On January 1st 1937, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati left this world at the age of 63. In Radha-Govinda’s eternal pastimes in Goloka Vrndavana, Srila Sarasvati Thakura serves as Nayana-mani manjari. His puspa samadhis are at Radha-kunda and Radha Damodara temple.
Devotees to Feed 3,000 London Refugees, Homeless and Students Daily
Response to Poison Allegation
Radha Krishna Kirtan – Vijay Krsna (Kirtaniyas) & Vraj Mohan
Hari the Ox Star
This video shows Balabhadra (ISCOWP president William E. Dove) with students Chaitanya Connor and Hari the ox. The location is at our old farm in West Virginia now owned by ECOV-Vrindaban. The occasion was the meeting of the North American ISKCON Farm Conference. Showing what Hari can do in his first stages of training was the emphasis of the Ox Training Seminar Balabhadra gave. The purpose of training oxen is to defeat the widespread opinion that the ox/steer is useless unless sold for meat. A video by ISCOWP.
Inauguration of ISKCON Ganjoni Temple, Mombasa, Kenya
UNESCO Recognises India’s Kumbh Mela As ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ Of Humanity
Easy meditation for everyone
Little Nimai Illustrated Story – Enchanting Nimai’s Astrological Predictions
New BBT Book Inner Yoga Takes Practitioners Deep Into the Spiritual Core of the Yoga Tradition
With yoga’s popularity ever on the rise, there’s a huge potential audience for the book. Enter Inner Yoga author Jayananda Das (Janne Kontala), a practitioner of ashtanga-vinyasa yoga since 1992 and an experienced yoga teacher teaching in Helsinki, Stockholm, and now the U.S. Jayananda knows his audience and their needs well.