There are techniques!
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Websites from the ISKCON Universe
The post Daily Darshan: December 16, 2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Also asks about unsteady smaranam, what counts as spiritual in things that we do and are tastes eternal.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, Evening Class)
There are techniques to book distribution. Vaisesika Prabhu is not only a leading distributor in our society but Vaisesika has demystified it. Book distribution has always been sort of a mystical thing! How do you do it – is it hypnosis OR is it just being assertive OR do you sweet talk people into it, “Hi, are you from here or out of town? Well, you are the lucky one! Congratulations, only a hundred people today get a promotional copy of this book. There you go… ”
Then comes that point when you have to ask them for money, “You know, maybe you can help out a little with the printing costs. In the shop, a book like this goes for a lot more but today on the streets, we are only asking for the printing cost and whatever extra you give, it goes for the good work. You have a good heart!” All kinds of things; just trying to talk people into it.
Some people just naturally sell books but others struggle. There seemed to be some kind of mystic power that some people had whereas others did not. Of course, some people can sell anything, they are just salesmen but is that what it takes?
Anyway, Vaisesika did not just give pep talks but he started to do seminars where he explained what to do and one technique that he presented was ‘asking a question’. A question is a hook. That is one major principle he has, to keep on asking questions. Try not to tell things but ask questions. That is a good tip, it is something not all of us knew.
“Are you from Cape Town or are you from out of town?” Keep them busy. “Are you a student or are you are working? What do you do? Something academic? You look very intelligent.”
Flatter; there is no such thing as flattering too much, Vaisesika says. You think that you would have to be a little subtle about it. No. He says the more you flatter, the better.
I do not know if you can deal with all these technical things but it is very interesting. On YouTube, there are some of his seminars. He is now the international leader of book distribution who can really teach us how to do it. His approach is that we are not only trying to sell a book but we are trying to keep the relationship positive at every stage. He has definitely got it down. I am not that smooth a salesman. I am sometimes too strong, sometimes too overpowering a presence for people. Apparently. What to do? Such is life.
On November 5th, under the guidance and mercy of Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari, Their Graces Jananivas (Mayapur Head Pujari) and Vraja Vilas (TOVP Global Fundraising Director) prabhus set off for a month long TOVP fundraising tour to Australasia (Australia, New Zealand and Fiji). Their Graces Ambarisa and Svaha prabhus joined them in Melbourne, Australia.
Several similar tours have already been successfully completed around the world and the Lord’s direction is always seen as the guiding hand in this service. The conviction of the fundraising team is that by serving the Holy Dhama of Sri Mayapur all temples will benefit in the same way that rising water raises the level of all boats and ships floating within it. Srila Prabhupada confirmed this esoteric principle when he said:
“The more you help develop Mayapur, the more Lord Chaitanya will bless your area of the world and it will flourish.”
Letter to Hari-sauri
The tour stopped in the cities and communities listed below and achieved great success, being met by enthusiastic and supportive devotees who made small and large financial sacrifices according to their means for the project. The total amount of pledges exceeded $3 million U.S., an astounding amount considering the small size of some of the communities. All these devotees are to be thanked.
Perth, Australia | November 7th | $270,000 |
Adelaide, Australia | November 8th | $165,000 |
Melbourne, Australia | November 11t | $500,000 |
Sydney, Australia | November 18t | $165,000 |
New Govardhana Farm | November 20th | $85,000 |
Brisbane, Australia | November 21st | $350,000 |
Auckland, New Zealand | November 23rd | $300,000 |
Nadi, Fiji | November 24th | $30,000 |
Lautoka, Fiji | November 24th | $130,000 |
Sigatoka, Fiji | November 25th | $35,000 |
Suva, Fiji | November 26th | $650,000 |
Naosori, Fiji | November 26th | $220,000 |
The following leaders are to be thanked for their cooperative and dedicated spirit in helping to make this tour a success, as well as all the general devotees who helped them to organize the events.
Ramai Swami
Devamrta Swami
Bir Krishna Goswami
Sitaram das
Adi Purusha Krishna das
Aniruddha das
Vijay Gopikesha das
Ajit das
Jaya Vijay das
Varshana Radhe devi dasi
Kalasamvara das
Visvanath das
Jayram das
Parasuram das
Gita Kirti devi dasi
February 7th, 2018 will mark yet another milestone in the progress towards the completion of the TOVP. The two remaining Chakras will be placed upon the Domes above Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s altar and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s altar. This will be an historic event and a once-in-a-lifetime occasion to attend.
To sponsor an abhisheka for one or both Chakras please go to:
The post TOVP Australasia Tour Report appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
[Brahmachari class at ISKCON, Nasik, India]
The post Dealing with insecurities – Hindi appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
SB 01.14.01-2 TIME Magazine Test 2013-03-26
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 1.14.1-2 TIME Magazine Test 2013-03-26 Radhadesh
SB 05.04.07 Expert Discrimination 2013-03-22
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 5.4.7 Expert Discrimination 2013-03-22 Vrindavan
[Gitamritam class at ISKCON, Nasik, India]
Podcast Summary
The post From fictional enjoyment to spiritual enjoyment through explanations, exponents and experiences – Hindi appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Bhagavatam study circle at Nasik, India]
Podcast Summary
The post Understanding various ways Krishna protects – Bhagavatam characters analysis appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam on 11.23.46 at ISKCON, Nasik, India]
Podcast Summary
The post The mind is like a madhouse – 4 strategies for managing it – Hindi appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.28.23 at ISKCON, Perth, Australia]
Podcast Summary
The post For meditation, we need the right object and the right conception appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
New York Supreme Court for Kings County Room was filled with Krishna devotees opposing a petition seeking approval of the sale of their temple in Brooklyn. Also appearing in court to oppose the proposed sale were attorneys for ISKCON's Governing Body Commission (GBC), an attorney for the newly reconstituted Bharati Center board, and a New York Assistant Attorney General.
“Farewell Wonderful Mexico” 2017 (Album with photos)
We ended our two-month Harinama tour of South America in my favorite city. One last week of totally amazing Harinama’s and book distribution. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better place. People are friendly, inquisitive, generous and love taking part in the Harinama. Huge Christmas crowds greeted us every day in the city, what to speak of the packed Subway trains to and from. My sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of the sweet devotees who took such good care of us, especially my dear daughters, Sakhi Vrinda and her wonderful sister, Syama Priya Thakurani and their loving parents, Mahasankarshan and Amrtananda prabhus! By the grace of Srila Prabhupada, my book score was close to 400 small books.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/iDEtaz
Life Beyond Borders - Radhanath Swami | Veda London (video)
We were honored to host our keynote speaker Radhanath Swami, who explained that “there can be no darkness in the presence of light”, and “our true success is in how we sustain our values.”
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/q857HD
Chosica Mandir Darshan, Lima Peru (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Devotee means very liberal and kind to everyone, always...
TOVP: Preparing for Gaura Purnima (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: Kindly see some images of the works going on in the ToVP in preparation for the Gaura Purnima Festival time.
Between painting and installing the dome’s ribs, stars, works on Chatris and assembling the Chakra, there are many things happening.
Everyone is working around the clock to bring this marathon to success.
Stay tuned for the second part of our update - the Domes and Kalash!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/vX5TLz
The post Daily Darshan: December 15,2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of November, 2017. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN November 2017 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
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Starting today, Friday December 15th, the Hare Krishna! film will begin screening in theaters throughout India! Here are some reviews and notifications: (please note: the Times of India is India's largest English language newspaper with a circulation of almost 3 million) Continue reading "The “Hare Krishna!” film screens throughout India and creates a sensation across the nation
→ Dandavats"
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, Evening Class)
There are always people who will say no to a book today. In their mind, they had to make the choice and they said no. However, some attachment, some curiosity has been awakened and the next time you offer it, again they may say no but then one day, they will come on their own. They say, “Excuse me. Can I have one of those books?” People like that come out of nowhere. Those are the people who got the ajnata-sukrti (unknown spiritual benefit). Those who say NO today are the ones who will say YES tomorrow. So we should not be discouraged when people say no. Of course, easier said than done, it is discouraging but at least people get purified a little.
The post Daily Darshan: December 14,2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.