Master, when will I see God?
→ Dandavats

Master, when will I see God?
Master: When you are as desperate with longing as a man who craves for water after he has been lying for ten days and nights in the desert near the pyramids.
Pine for Him in the same way, feeling that you can’t live for even one more second without Him.
Then only, when your intense eagerness for Him will drive away your lust for the senses, will He come to you.[1]
Student: I ask myself – do I have enough determination to pursue this path?


How To Cooperate When You Can’t Mahatma Das: Learning to…
→ Dandavats

How To Cooperate When You Can’t
Mahatma Das: Learning to cooperate and develop good working relationships is a vital skill for the health and continued expansion of Iskcon.
We perform many austerities in Krsna consciousness: we rise early, we live simply, and we often serve despite difficult physical or external challenges. We may go out on Harinam in freezing weather, get harassed by unfavorable people when we preach or spend nights without sufficient rest in order to organize programs or festivals or travel to a new preaching venue. And we often end up with more service than we can handle or are given services that seem to be beyond our abilities - or both!
But I think the greatest austerity is to work well with devotees.
If the day comes when robots are used to perform tasks that only humans can do now, I believe people will prefer dealing with robots over humans. After all, people get upset; people get moody; people misunderstand you. Sometimes people can’t even carry out simple instructions, or they do stupid things. And some people just can’t seem to get along with anyone.
Then there are those who will gossip about you, talk behind your back and even try to pull you down. Others will make up stories about you. (I can’t wait to hire a robot!).

Our austerity is to come together with all different kinds of devotees - the ones we like and the ones we don’t - and work harmoniously and synergistically in Prabhupada’s service.

If we don’t cooperate well, thousands of innocent people who want and need Krsna consciousness won’t get it. When Prabhupada implored us to work well together he was really telling us to, “Work together even if you can’t.”

This is can be a huge challenge. But it is a simple truth that qualified people who can’t get along well only accomplish a fraction of what is possible for them. When we don’t work well together it is common to lose inspiration, become frustrated and or feel like giving up. The expansion of the movement thus suffers because of our inability to work well with others.

Prabhupada said, “The movement can only be stopped from within.” That is a scary thought. But even if we don’t stop it completely, we can certainly slow it down dramatically by our negative attitudes and unwillingness to work well together.

We all have a responsibility to become a supportive and encouraging force in Iskcon. But how can we do this when we are confronted with the mistakes and faults of others?

There is only one person who can help make Iskcon better, and that is each one of us. It is not about others changing and becoming better, it is about each and every one of us becoming better.

I believe improving yourself should be a top priority and a life-long process. And unless you live in a cave, you relate with people every day. Having good relationship and communication skills based on spiritual understanding is one of the most valuable assets you can have, both for your spiritual progress and for the success of Iskcon.

Connecting You to ISKCON Worldwide- MayapurTV

In any location, at any time of day, anywhere in the world, transcendental katha, kirtan, and darshan can be accessed through MayapurTV.  This service makes it possible for anyone to attend ISKCON programs and festivals from all over the world virtually. MayapurTV began life as a congregational preaching resource in 2004, under the name of […]

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Krishna conscious presentation in Deere & Company (Album…
→ Dandavats

Krishna conscious presentation in Deere & Company (Album with photos)
On 11th November 2017, Gaur Gopal das addressed the marketing team of John Deere on the topic of leader’s role in change management, cross-functional team alignment for a bigger purpose, and talent development.
John Deere is the brand name of Deere & Company, an American corporation. Over the years John Deere has made significant progress in India by introducing various products and programme needed by the Indian farmers in various segment of the Ag value chain including, seeding, harvesting, and post-harvesting equipment.
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Gita Jayanti celebrations in Vrndavana
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Parvati devi dasi

This November 30th, our Vrndavan Krishna Balarama Mandir celebrated its 18th Annual Recitation of the Sanskrit verses of the Gita Mahatmya and the entire Bhagavad Gita in the temple courtyard. It was a wonderful Community Event and we thank everyone for their participation, including the chanters and those who helped set things up. We began by 9:30 a.m. with a short aroti to the Bhagavad Gita, and finished the ecstatic recitation 12 noon, followed with Ekadasi Makana (lotus puff) Prasad, a big draw! At least 800 Bhagavad Gita's were distributed in the temple that day. As Rohini Suta prabhu led the 18th chapter's very last verse, the conch blew for Sri Sri Krishna Balarama's noon arotik (Watch it on the video below). It was such a stunning thing that he recited that last verse thrice to the blowing each of the 3 conches. Adbhut! Our hairs were already standing on end for this chanting. Thrilling at every moment! Continue reading "Gita Jayanti celebrations in Vrndavana
→ Dandavats"

Implication of Various Names of Lord Krishna and Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Gauranga Das

5000 years ago, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, the Supreme Lord delivered the most confidential and topmost knowledge of devotional service to His lotus feet in the form of the Bhagavad-gita to His dearmost devotee Arjuna, and to humanity at large, in order to help all devotees understand the purpose of life and the way to surrender to Him. This day is also called Mokshada Ekadashi. It generally comes in the month of December Continue reading "Implication of Various Names of Lord Krishna and Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita
→ Dandavats"

Prabhupada Marathon Message
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Giriraj Swami

This is parampara. Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami and all the Gosvamis wrote books for the enlightenment of the general populace, and that instruction and practice came down through parampara to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who wrote many books and instructed his disciples to write books. And Srila Prabhupada faithfully followed those instructions and also wrote many books. In fact, it is inconceivable that anyone could write so many books in such a short time. Srila Prabhupada came to America in 1965, and from the very beginning in New York City he was selling his books. Years later, when devotees were doing research about Prabhupada’s life, they went to some bookstores where he had sold his books, and the shopkeepers remembered, “Oh yes, a very nice Indian gentleman came, and he would always give us samosas.” He would give them samosas when he went to sell them his books. Continue reading "Prabhupada Marathon Message
→ Dandavats"

When we are frustrated, is it possible to think logically as explained in classes?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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TOVP Melbourne, Australia Fundraising Event

On November 11th the TOVP Tour Team brought Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari to the original Capital City of Australia, Melbourne. Although Canberra is now the Capital, Melbourne is one of the largest cities in Australia and this showed by the incredible response of the devotees who pledged over $500,000 U.S. to the TOVP.

The BBT’s Training Program Is Transforming Book Distribution in Latin America

Since 2007, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust’s training center for new book distributors – Colegio Bhaktivedanta in Mexico – has been gradually strengthening book distribution culture in Latin America. Now, with visible results all over the continent and two new centers on the way, this innovative idea seems to be reaching its turning point.

Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar receives Srila…
→ Dandavats

Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar receives Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is by H.G. Govind Krsna Das on the behalf of ISKCON at the same Land where Lord Krishna Spoke the Bhagavad Gita (Kurukshetra, India) & on the same day when it was spoken (Gita Jayanti - The Advent of Bhagavad Gita)!
She had nice exchanges with the devotees and chanted the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

H.G.Srutakirti Prabhu’s recent talk in Vrindavana, about…
→ Dandavats

H.G.Srutakirti Prabhu’s recent talk in Vrindavana, about merciful Srila Prabhupada (video)
Srutakirti Prabhu joined in the early days of the Hare Krishna explosion. Soon he was secretary to Srila Prabhupada. He would travel with Srila Prabhupada to various countries. He noted the details of his travels and thus he is one of the greatest speakers on Srila Prabhupada’s pastimes. He has been widely preaching everywhere in the world fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s mission.
Watch it here:

Hindu-Catholic Dialogue Discusses Love of God and One’s…
→ Dandavats

Hindu-Catholic Dialogue Discusses Love of God and One’s Neighbor.
Around 125 people from both traditions attended the third annual Hindu-Catholic Dialogue, held at the Shiva Vishnu temple in suburban Washington D.C. on Saturday November 11th.
Participants included Catholic bishops, priests and several dozen Catholic laypeople. From the Hindu community, there were leaders from local Hindu temples, along with a number of congregational members. These included about a dozen from the ISKCON temple in Potomac, Maryland; among them ISKCON Communications Director Anuttama Das, one of the founding organizers of the Dialogue.
This year’s discussions shed light on the topic “Love of Neighbor in the Catholic and Hindu Traditions: Reflections on Nationalism, War and Poverty.”
Beginning the Dialogue via a pre-recorded video speech was Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, who describes herself as a “Vaishnava Hindu.”
“If we truly want to “love our neighbor” and solve the problems of nationalism, war, and poverty, it’s going to take each of us cultivating our love for God and others,” she said.
To read the entire article click here:

Harinama in a cold Moscow (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
→ Dandavats

Harinama in a cold Moscow (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although a Vaishnava is the most exalted person, he is prideless and gives all respect to everyone, knowing everyone to be the resting place of Krishna. If one chants the holy name of Lord Krishna in this manner, he will certainly awaken his dormant love for Krishna’s lotus feet. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 20.25.26)
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10th Disappearance anniversary of Vibhu Chaitanya Prabhu
→ Dandavats

Deena Bandhu Das: Today we celebrated the 10th Disappearance anniversary of my very dear Godbrother Vibhu Chaitanya Prabhu. (Album with photos)
A real Vaishnava, but unknown to most devotees. He worked tirelessly from 2 am to 10pm in Krishna Balarama’s kitchen for many years singing all the while. In fact, Srila Prabhupada told him that he didn’t have to chant his rounds, just sing and cook. His kachoris were out of this world!! When he couldn’t cook anymore due to old age, he distributed caranamrita with incredible devotion! He would grab your hand and a surge of devotion would enter your body!
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Reducing the Burden Of the World
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Those who are eating animals are animals; they are not human beings. Although they have the form of a human being, they are not considered human beings. When a person is civilized, cultured, then he’s a human being. If he’s not civilized, if he’s not cultured, if he simply has two hands he’s an animal. Civilized culture begins in the Aryan families. Therefore they are called Aryans, which means “advanced.” Continue reading "Reducing the Burden Of the World
→ Dandavats"

If past mental impressions stay despite a long practice of bhakti, what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Duryodhana character analysis 3 – Envy perpetuates dissatisfaction and invites destruction
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Perth, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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Duryodhana character analysis 2 – Ambition distorted by envy becomes cancerous
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Perth, Australia]



Podcast Summary


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Gita Jayanti class – The Gita brings a message of fearlessness to a fear-filled world
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Festival class at ISKCON, Perth, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 December 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 7.8.34)

Let us be devotees but let us not punish ourselves, “I am a failure, I am not humble! I can’t chant properly, I am a failure…”

When we punish ourselves and then our Krsna consciousness becomes black and gloomy because we have a standard and day-by-day we are failing that standard. Therefore, “I am so sinful… loser! My whole spiritual life is just stress.”

We need not bring this type of mentality into Krsna consciousness. It is not required. We just pick up from we left off and go back to the standard. That is the system of spiritual life.

I often stress the point of rising early because it gives us so much time for spiritual activity because the day is full of so much activity and passion, therefore it is nice to read and chant in the morning. I am recommending that one is strict in trying to rise early but what does it mean to be strict with oneself?

Strictness means that when sometimes our health is really bad or exhaustion goes into the red, at that stage it may be wise to take rest. Strictness means that we should take shelter of the standard of rising early and no matter what happens, we will always go back to it. Then at one stage it becomes a culture, a habit. Like for me, these days rising at 4am I consider sleeping in but there are different cultures. My point is that in spiritual life there is STRICTNESS but not FANATISM. Strictness in the mode of goodness. Spiritual life is joyful!

Gita Jayanti
→ Ramai Swami

On this day, 5000 years ago, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, the Supreme Lord Krsna delivered the most confidential and topmost knowledge of devotional service in the form of Bhagavad-Gita to His dear devotee Arjuna.

The Bhagavad-Gita is also meant to help humanity at large, in order that all understand the purpose of life and the way to surrender unto Krsna.

Gita Jayanti is celebrated by reading the Bhagavad Gita and discussing it. Devotees  fast on this day as it falls on Ekadasi. The main purpose of celebrating Gita Jayanti is to recall the words of the Gita and apply them in our daily lives.


Chakra Installation Update

This is a brief update on the progress of the preparation work for the historic Grand Installation Ceremony of the Chakras onto Sri Radha Madhava’s and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s domes on February 7th, 2017, and the sponsorship of Their abhishekas.

1. Current abhisheka sponsorships:
Lord Nrsimhadeva Chakra – 402 sponsors
Radha Madhava Chakra – 312 sponsors

2. The preparation of the domes for the installation of the Chakras is full-steam ahead with a three month marathon underway. Below is a video update by Sadbhuja prabhu, the TOVP project Managing Director, about the marathon and other progress in the temple construction.

3. Due to so many donors sponsoring abhishekas we will not be able to accommodate everyone to personally bathe the Chakras. Instead, all ISKCON gurus will perform the bathing on behalf of their disciples who have sponsored the abhishekas. We will also read the names of all donors during the Maha Sudarshana Yajna, place their names at the base of the Chakra(s) they sponsored, and provide the special gifts mentioned in our original announcement.

If you haven’t yet sponsored a Chakra abhisheka and would like to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, please visit the TOVP website here:

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Bhagavatam describes the universe in more detail
→ Servant of the Servant

Bernard Haisch is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. Based on his life long study of the universe, below are his inferences;
  • Special properties of our universe point to an underlying intelligence.
  • God is defined as consciousness and that parts of that consciousness are embedded in us.
  • Our reality and the laws of physics is like a vast simulation within God consciousness.
  • The universe is like a virtual reality developed and advanced over millions of years.
  • Fine tuning of the laws of nature strongly meant to the idea that our universe was meant to be lived in and that near-death experiences allude to a spiritual reality. All of this he says points to God's existence.
Interestingly, all of the above points can be found and agreed upon with much more detail in the Srimad Bhagavatam. We do not have to spend our adult life studying mundane books like Bernard and come to the rudimentary conclusions of the Bhagavatam. Instead, under the guidance of a pure soul, if we simply take to the study of Bhagavatam, we can come to the same conclusions as Bernard and better yet get a more deeper insight into the workings of our universe. Unfortunately, Bhagavatam is dubbed as a religious text and hence not given the due respect the book deserves. 

Hare Krishna

Hindu-Catholic Dialogue Discusses Love of God and One’s Neighbor

Around 125 people from both traditions attended the third annual Hindu-Catholic Dialogue, held at the Shiva Vishnu temple in suburban Washington D.C. on Saturday November 11th.Participants included Catholic bishops, priests and several dozen Catholic laypeople. From the Hindu community, there were leaders from local Hindu temples, along with a number of congregational members