Response to Allegations
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Hare KrishnaBy the Secretary GBC EC

Many years ago, a relatively small group of devotees claimed that some of Srila Prabhupada's devoted servants had poisoned their beloved guru and caused his disappearance from this world. These conspiracy theorists accused dedicated Vaisnavas of the greatest evil, and they did so with no credible evidence. No reliable science or witnesses supported their ghastly accusations, and so the Vaisnava community in general rejected their unjust claims. Continue reading "Response to Allegations
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The Distress Of Mother Earth…
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Padma devi dasi: We are all touched by the pastime of Mother Earth approaching Lord Vishnu for protection from “conceited demons dressed like kings” (SB 10.1.17) at the end of the last Dvapara-yuga. At that time, Mother Earth, known in the Vedas as Bhumi, was overburdened by “unnecessary military arrangements”, which threatened the peace, sanctity and religiosity of all the devas.
Needless to say, this threat to the Earth has only increased as Kali-yuga has progressed. In the 12th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhumi describes how kings, politicians and materialistic persons will attempt to conquer her, due to their excessive desires for political power and sense enjoyment. All we need to do today is watch our daily news to behold this phenomenon taking place. But what does this all mean, in terms of our own personal spiritual lives? What are the implications for our own Krishna consciousness?


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December 4, 2017 - By Adi Guru Dasa
The devotees of ISKCON Vallabh Vidyanagar Temple successfully completed our second padayatra on September 13th. The five-day walk started on September 9th from the Sri Sri Radha Giridhari temple in Vallabh Vidyanagar in Gujarat, and ended at the Sri Ranchor Rai temple in Dakor. During his vyasa-puja celebrations in Pandhapur, Lokanath Swami had inspired us to organize regular padayatras. Later, with this is mind we approached Siddhanta Dasa, a very experienced padayatri who once served on the ‘All India Padayatra’ team and who now serves at the Vallabh Vidyanagar temple. He took charge of organizing the event –trying out various routes months before the walk before finally settling on one that would take us five days. Last year we did a three-day padayatra but this year we decided to extend this walk in honour of ‘World Holy Names Week.’ After putting together a plan we presented the idea to Sachinandana Dasa, president of the Sri Sri Radha Giridhari Temple. As soon as he approved of the walk we began to advertise it as ‘The World Holy Names Padayatra’.
First day: September 9th
On the first day we installed the Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on Their simhasana and offered Them bhoga and arati. Saccidanand Prabhu led the kirtana and with a joyful heart all the devotees started dancing as the procession was proceeding. Our team consisted of temple devotees, congregation members and ‘ISKCON Youth Forum’ students who all participated with great enthusiasm. We covered 12 kms and reached the village of Narsanda. After taking a little rest we did harinama and invited all the villagers for Gaura Arati and pravachan. When the harinama party returned to our camp so many villagers had joined our procession. At the end of the program we distributed khichari prasadam to all the villagers.

Second day : September 10th

We started the day with mangala arati at 4:30 a.m. and left the village of Narsanda at 6 a.m. Three hours later our team reached the village of Uttarsanda, where Sachinandana Dasa to give a wonderful morning class on the importance of harinama and padayatra. After the pravachan we all had breakfast and headed towards the city of Nadiad, having walked 12 kms. Later that evening we performed harinama in the market and surrounding residential areas.

Third day: September 11th

After walking 15 kilometres we reached the village of Selun. There we heard that Asit Krishna Maharaja would be joining us and would give the evening class. He joined us for our harinam after which he gave a simple but delightful class –everyone was very happy. Maharaja encouraged us very much on our mission and said that padayatra is a very important program for all of humanity.

Fourth day: September 12th Realization session

It was a very hot day as we walked 14 kilometres to the village of Lingda, and all the padayatris had become quite tired. As soon as we reached the village rain started and welcomed Sri Sri Gaura Nitai with pleasing weather, much to everyone’s relief. Like usual we performed harinama and Gaura arati.

During our walk everyone had started talking about how the next day would be, as it would be our last day on padayatra. We decided that we would hold a small isthagosthi that night to share our padayatra realizations. Everyone shared amazing insights. Two elderly matajis said that previously they could not walk long distances but, now due to the mercy of Sri Gaura Nitai, they had completed the entire padayatara. Another mataji recounted how she distributed Bhagavad-Gitas to three Muslims who promised her that they would read it daily. Another lady said that she would never forget this wonderful experience. Afterwards we were all filled with feelings of separation and we decided to sing the ‘Parama Karuna Pahui Dui Jana’ (Sri GauraNityanandaDaya) bhajana written by Locana Dasa Thakura. We were all sitting in a small room of a primary school with just one low hanging light bulb and even though we could not physically see very well at that moment our internal vision -the vision of our heart-, was clear. We all prayed together: ‘Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundar, please accept us in Your eternal sankirtana yatra–we are not interested in doing any other yatra if You are not present.’

Fifth and last day: September 13th

Early that morning, right after mangala arati, we started walking towards Dakor Dham so we could reach on time to have darsana of Sri Ranchor Rai during the raj bhoga arati. At 9 am we arrived in Meethi Leemada, the place where Lord Dwarkadish had once stayed. It is said that there He touched the branch of a neem tree and that that branch had become sweet due to the Lord’s touch. We all know that neem is known for its bitter taste, but the sweetness of the Lord is such that whoever and whatever comes in contact with Him becomes sweet. There we received the balya bhoga maha-prasadam of Lord Ranchor Rai; after honouring prasadam we continued on our way ,enthusiastically performing sankirtana in the city till we reached the temple of Lord Ranchor Rai. When we reached the temple the ‘Narasimha Sankirtana’ party performed a special kirtana for the pleasure of the Lord. We also did a parikrama of the temple while chanting the holy names before taking darsana of Sri Ranchor Rai. Afterwards all the padayatris honoured the deities’ raj bhoga maha-prasdam together.

Special Thanks

We are all very thankful to Lokanath Swami, Asit Krishna Swami and Sachinandana Dasa for inspiring and guiding us. We would also like to thank the ‘Narasimha Sankirtana’ party comprising of Prayas Dasa, Yoga Narasimha Dasa, Partha Dasa and ShyamDasa for the wonderful kirtanas they performed at every village during every evening program. Last but not least we want to thank all the devotees who participated in this padayatra.

Sri Sri Gaura Nitai ki Jai!

World Holy Names Week ki Jai!

Sankirtana Padayatra ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!
More photos here:

PADAYATRA LITHUANIA: Making plans to please Lord Jagannath by…
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PADAYATRA LITHUANIA: Making plans to please Lord Jagannath by organizing more Padayatra/Ratha-yatra festivals
December 5, 2017 - By Ananda Gaurangi Dasi.
The 2017 Padayatra Lithuania took place on June 13-18. We were blessed with the presence of Niranjana Swami for the second time and of Dhirasanta Das Goswami for the first time as well as of our regular special guests: Bhakti Caitanya Swami, Bhakti Saran Santa Goswami and Bhakti Svarupa Caitanya Swami. Madhavananda prabhu joined us for a couple of times during the Padayatra week. It was such an incredible opportunity to hear the glories of Lord Jagannath from this Vaisnava. He gave an enlightening class about Lord Jagannath at the beginning of the festival, and all of them were really inspired by his talk during the whole padayatra.
Taking risks with a new Ratha-yatra in the small city of Mazeikiai
Our program was as usual: Ratha-yatra in Vilnius, the capital city, in Kaunas, the second biggest city, in Siauliai, and the final festival in Palanga, a beautiful resort city. This year, however, the first Ratha-yatra organized in the small town of Mazeikiai was the highlight; it was also the most impressive of many padayatras we had done in the past. For a couple of years devotees of the Mazeikiai yatra had been desiring for Padayatra to come and have Ratha-yatra in their city. As it is a really small city, we were having some doubts whether we should go there or not because usually in smaller cities we meet only few people during the procession. Devotees from Mazeikiai also were having fears whether they were able to organize everything properly or not. Guided by Bhakti Caitanya Swami we decided to take the risk.

All our doubts vanished in seconds as soon as we entered the square with the Ratha-yatra chariot. Some devotees were thinking that our Ratha-yatra was taking place at the same time as some other local event. Others were simply shocked to see so many people. It seemed that the whole city had gathered there for the Ratha-yatra. And if that wasn’t enough of a shock for us, the local devotees had organized tents with prasadam, henna tattoos, sari photo shoots, books and yoga stands and a tent for children. It was the festival of Indian culture in this small Lithuanian city. Something they had never seen before.

Actually, it was something that we also had never seen before. It was everything we dreamed to have in all the cities for so many years but couldn’t achieve due to the lack of different resources. The Mazeikiai yatra had done it! In such a small city we even had doubts about visiting our own festival! The local devotees demonstrated the power of blessings, the power of cooperation, and the power of friendship and love! When we asked devotees how they achieved such a result, that so many people not just came to the festival but also joined the procession by pulling ropes of the chariot, dancing on the sidewalks and just staring from their windows, they told us, that everything they did was done by the mercy of Guru and senior devotees. They were really united in purpose and were so eager to make this happen and share this mercy with the people of Mazeikiai.

We haven’t seen so many lucky souls in any other town that we visited, especially taking in consideration the number of population of the bigger towns. So, proportionally, there were the biggest number of people, who got the mercy of Lord Jagannath for the first time and who had never even seen devotees in their lives before.

Niranjana Swami: “This is what Prabhupada really wants”

In his class the next morning Niranjana Swami shared his experience and realizations:

“I was thinking about yesterday. Yesterday we were in Mazeikiai. It was the first time I was coming to Mazeikiai. I was asking Bhakti Svarupa Caitanya Maharaja, ‘what’s the population in Mazeikiai?’ And I was guessing. Is it about 20 000? He said it was about 40 000. I asked what’s the population in Siauliai? 60 000. What’s the population in Vilnius? 700 000. So I was just asking about the populations trying to get the picture of Lithuania. And then we walked to the festival side… And we saw all these people! Why? I was thinking, ‘What is the event going on here?’ I turned to Maharaja and asked him what all these people were doing there. ‘We’re having a Ratha-yatra and this event?’Then Maharaja told me, ‘No, this IS the Ratha-yatra!’ With all these people! They all came for Ratha-yatra! I was thinking, ‘Wow, this is amazing! How did this happen?’ It just happens because there were some devotees who really wanted to glorify the Lord of the Universe. And they engaged so much of their energy to glorify the Lord of the Universe. I’ve been to other cities before on Ratha-yatras but I’ve never seen so many people come to see Lord Jagannath for the first time, take the ropes and join the whole procession. Usually I NEVER take pictures, but this time I pulled my mobile phone out and took those pictures. All those people! They are pulling Lord Jagannath! Then I went to the side and watched all those people who were walking on the sidewalk with Lord Jagannath. I just started crying. This is what Prabhupada really wants!

Actually I was just reading last week how much Prabhupada wanted that first Ratha-yatra in San Francisco. I was reading Syamasundar’s book “Chasing Rhinos with the Swami”. Syamasundar was telling the whole story about Prabhupada, how he drew the picture of the cart he wanted Syamasundar to make. First it was a truck, then it was a cart. And then he had Syamasundar carve the Deities of Lord Jagannath. Prabhupada was just so eager to give others the opportunity to come in contact with the Holy Name of the Lord and to serve the Lord by pulling His cart. Certainly there is an inner mood that a devotee meditates on with Ratha-yatra: Krishna leaving Kuruksetra and going to Vrindavan. This inner mood is also relished by the devotees. But also, devotees are so eager to give others the opportunity to come in contact with the Lord of the Universe. Devotees should be meditating in all these different cities how to have an event like Mazeikiai. How to bring those unfortunate conditioned souls who don’t know anything about the Lord of the Universe. How to bring them out and get the mercy. 40 000 people in Mazeikiai! There are big cities with hundreds and thousands of people. They need mercy too. Who is going to be meditating on this? Doubtless there were some devotees who were meditating on this in Mazeikiai. My gratitude knows no bounds. Plan a ratha-yatra in every city. That’s what householders have to be doing: planning how to get people to bring Lord Jagannath’s mercy. Tell everybody what they have to do to contribute, to take part in this wonderful pastime. They should plan to please the Lord, they should plan to glorify the Lord.

I was giving the talk in Moscow and the whole lecture was about how Prabhupada was talking about making plans. Prabhupada was explaining how everybody in this world has to live by making plans. And he said everybody is making plans for happiness in this world. This is the symptom of life, making plans. And we were quoting the verse from the commentary on Bhagavatam where Prabhupada talks about how in the material world people are making plans for their own happiness. But he said that this is like a person who goes to a river and is being swept away by the waves of the river. Because no matter how many plans one makes for his own happiness in this world he is going to be driven by his own material desires. And there is no stopping of these material desires. Therefore people are making plan after plan after plan how to be happy and it only leads to frustration. But Prabhupada said, when the waves of the river go down to the ocean and enter the ocean, then the waves of the ocean become more powerful and they push back the waves of the river. Since plan making is the symptom of life, devotees make plans for Krishna’s pleasure. And by making plans for Krishna’s pleasure the small waves of the river are pushed back by the waves of the ocean. We should be making plans for Krishna’s pleasure. Everybody should have a plan of what they are doing for Krishna’s pleasure. But it’s not realized immediately. It may take some time to realize. But a good plan is the plan that keeps one absorbed and that is satisfying the Lord.

In the same way devotees have to make plans how to glorify Lord Jagannath. Lord Caitanya told Kurma the brahmana that there would be no obstacles in his household life, that they would meet again and that he would never loose His company. This is the way to satisfy the Lord. This Ratha-yatra is a very wonderful festival which gives so many devotees the opportunity to plan from one year to the next how to glorify the Lord. I thank all of you for giving me this opportunity, and I pray that all of you would also be encouraged and inspired to expand it unlimitedly and give Lord Jagannath’s mercy to everyone.”

We really hope that this example, by seeing what a strong desire to please Guru, Krishna and devotees can do, will inspire devotees all over the world to join their local padayatras by helping with its organization and, most importantly, by taking part in it. They will feel unlimited bliss and dive into the spiritual realm, which will keep them enthusiastic during the whole year. Until the next Padayatra.

Our Padayatra Lithuania 2018 will take part from June 25 to July 1st. Please, come and join us. More information will be posted soon on our Facebook page:

English Bhakti Sastri 2017 closing ceremony (Album with…
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English Bhakti Sastri 2017 closing ceremony (Album with photos)
Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE: The last day of the course is the time for all the students and teachers to gather together and exchange their realizations. Students are receiving further blessings from teachers and senior devotees. And teachers in response are being filled with enthusiasm seeing the graduates full of determination to share all they have gained during the last four months carefuly studying and living Srila Prabhupada’s books here in Vrindavan Dham
Find them here:

We Are All God’s Children
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Hare KrishnaBy Indradyumna Swami

Yesterday we participated in “Color Splash” a multi-cultural festival in Durban, South Africa. Various ethnic groups showed off the best of their music, dance and theater. It began with a parade along the beachfront with Zulu warriors, Scottish bagpipes, boy scouts, a marching band and of course our blissful harinama. At the festival site we were prominent with kirtan, prasadam distribution and a Holi festival; throwing colored dyes to the accompaniment of a blissful kirtan. My address on social cohesion – a hot issue in South Africa – was well received. I stressed that social harmony will only come to the people’s of South Africa when everyone realizes what they have in common. That essential truth is that we are all God’s children – brothers and sisters in the real sense. Continue reading "We Are All God’s Children
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The Essential Principles Of Lord Gauranga’s Kirtan
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Hare KrishnaBy Sacinandana Swami

Do you want to live? Then come to drink from the nectarine river of the Holy Name. According to the Upanisads, we are all born in the ocean of nectar. We are not meant to be satisfied with anything else but nectar. This is our birthright. By appearing in the land of Navadvipa, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed the chanting of the Holy Names as the means of obtaining this nectar of immortality and by taking on the role of a teacher He has revealed how to chant the Holy Names for the best results. Continue reading "The Essential Principles Of Lord Gauranga’s Kirtan
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Are there are any “o”‘s anywhere in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra?
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Hare KrishnaBy Palaka das

I remember when it started, quite innocently, after devotees who had attended the Mayapur Festival when they had kirtan contests with Bengali Vaishnavas who chanted ramo... putting an o at the end of words that have an a is just a particular Bengali accent... just like in every country, there are accents from various areas... in the UK, someone from Manchester speaks much differently than someone from London or Scotland... in the US, the southern accent is very different from the New York or New England accent... i remember wanting to immerse myself in everything Bengali, since our movement and our dear Srila Prabhupad were from there, and trying to adopt the ramo and krishno accent for a day or so after hearing it... but right away, it didn't feel right Continue reading "Are there are any “o”‘s anywhere in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra?
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If we use our extrovert nature to serve Krishna, are we functioning in the mode of passion?
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Prabhupada life-story 14 – Incorporating ISKCON – The seven visionary purposes
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Bhikshu Gita series transriptions uploaded.
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Interview with Rasalila
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Where is your hometown?
I am a New Yorker by birth. I was born in Brooklyn and brought up in the rural area of Rockland county, near very small town called Spring Valley. At the age of ten, I moved back to NY and lived in Queens.

What initially attracted you to Krishna Consciousness?
I was in high school when Srila Prabhupada was setting up the first ISKCON temple in the East Village. I was initially attracted to the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. After reading some Buddhist writings called the Diamond Sutra, which I found to be interesting but not that enlightening, my reading created further questions without producing much in the way of answers.

In early 1973, I received a copy of the Back to Godhead (BTG) magazine from a very kind monk who was distributing them in the French Quarter of New Orleans. After reading only two paragraphs of Srila Prabhupada’s lecture, I felt very sure that this was it – the real thing! I knew I needed to find out more.

When did you first meet Srila Prabhupada, and take initiation?
I didn’t have the opportunity to follow up until the November of 1973 when I realized there was a temple in Coconut Grove/Miami. I was staying with my friends in Fort Lauderdale and upon request, they agreed to take me to the temple. I went there with a hope of meeting the person whose lecture I had read in the BTG. I was unsure about whether or not this would be possible but it seemed like the most important thing. I went there with this goal in mind and without any idea of what to expect. As it turned out, I never left, and I met his Divine Grace for the first time in July of 1974 – when he gave me initiation in New Vrindaban.

Can you please tell us something more about your first initiation?

Sure. My first initiation was, of course, wonderful. Whenever and wherever Srila Prabhupada visited on his US tours, there were usually large-scale initiations at that point in time -Advaita, Nirmala, and myself. We all received 1st initiation, and I believe Varsana Swami, and Kasyapa das, received second initiation.

I want to say that many, if not most of the initiates, were from other temples. His Divine Grace presided over the ceremony from a Vyasasan which had been placed on the stone steps above the “driveway”/road which ran between the temple and the hill.

Brahmananda Prabhu gave the lecture and performed the fire sacrifice. I was extremely nervous and unnerved by the thought of having to approach Srila Prabhupada in order to receive my beads- this would be my first close encounter. I was pretty shy, this was a very large group of people when you consider that so many were in New Vrindaban to see His Divine Grace- the largest devotee gathering I had ever been in. I was still quite new and easily intimidated. The walk up to the Vyasasan from my place in the arena seemed endless and climbing those few steps leading up to the Vyasasan, seemed like ascending a great mountain! It may sound dramatic but that is how it felt to me.

Once in front of Srila Prabhupada, I could see his mouth moving but really could barely understand the words he spoke (partly due to the reverberation in the sound system). And, when Prabhupada announced my new name, I was unsure of what he had said. All I could hear was the oohs and aahs from the audience.

When he was uttering my name, I flashed on that passage from the Krsna Book, “Description of the Rasa Dance” where Srila Prabhupada describes that the attractive features of Krsna and the Gopis combined together to appear “…like thunder, clouds, snow and lightning” so, it was quite mystical and I was transported to another realm. Being dazed and delighted, somehow or other, I made it back to my seat. In order to have confirmation of the name I had just received, I had to ask someone sitting next to me.

Also, when did you get 2nd initiation?
I was given the option to receive second initiation along with first initiation, but I declined it due to not feeling ready. My letter of acceptance for 2nd initiation is dated for 11/24/74, however, the fire sacrifice did not take place until a few months later- I want to say February of 1975. I believe that Bimbadhara received 1st initiation at that time.

When did you get married?
I got married to Narada Muni in May of 1974 in Miami. We moved up there in June of 1974, within a month of being married.

When/where did you hear about New Vrindaban?

I was not so aware of New Vrindaban or what was happening there. I had heard of it from the other devotees, who tended to speak about it in a sort of romantic way – open spaces, cows, beautiful deities. So that made me curious to know more about New Vrindaban. Narada on the other hand, was well acquainted with the project and the devotees there – he had previously worked with both Kirtananda swami and Kuladri during the roadshow days. He was an older devotee who knew a lot of people in the movement and was himself, very well known.

When did you move to New Vrindaban?
The Miami temple was in chaos at that moment and Narada wanted to go to New Vrindaban in hopes of finding spiritual stability and I basically agreed! It seemed like a good idea and Miami was becoming unbearably hot!

What were your main services in each decade, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and currently?
In the very beginning, I was assigned to serve breakfast prasadam and then afterwards, clean the prasadam room. In those early months, after initiation, I went on to do things like rolling chapatis and then cooking them on the old wood stoves, dressing chota Gaura Nitai. I was assigned to help Kutila to prepare for Srila Prabhupada’s upcoming visit – to re-do the Vyasasan decorations and to also decorate the Deity srngasana which, at that time, was made of wicker. You can, of course, see it in some of the older Deity photos from Bahulaban.

At one point, I was in charge of picking ALL the flowers and making ALL the garlands for ALL the farms. Amrita Prada was just very new and she was my only helper – and it was summer, so no store-bought flowers!!! We had only wild flowers and whatever was available in the rather small garden of the day.

In the fall of 1974, Narada and I started traveling for raising money by wholesaling Spiritual Sky incense. Later we would sell a jewelry line (Jagannatha Jewelry ) that was produced in Pittsburgh. I believe this continued for the next several years, primarily in the summertime.  This was the main service until the end of ’77.

Then later on, Narada was asked to be Temple President of the Columbus center and he opened a very successful Govinda’s restaurant. I became the baker for all the bread and also prepped some other basic menu items – was staying up all night to do this. I would then chant, attend mangal arotik, bathe and dress big Gaura Nitai, and take rest until it was time to start over and go to the restaurant!

The next major service change came when I was summoned to become part of the Palace crew. Myself and Mother Rupa were the only two women on the crew at that time. We started out working with Sudhanu in the casting department, helping prepare the models for casting. These were carved pieces that were going to be installed in the interior of the Palace as baseboards, cornices, window and door frames, etc.  Once these were put in place in the interior rooms of the Palace, I was engaged in “touch-up” finishing work – filing in seams and repairing any broken and damaged areas. The idea was to make them look perfect as possible and prepare them for the next step of gold leafing, which I went on to do – EVEN ON THE MAIN DOME (myself, Bhaktiniddhi, and Kuladri). That was pretty crazy, but seemed perfectly normal at the time, OMG!!!

Initially, it was just myself doing this work, then I had one helper and later as the marathon to finish Prabhupada’s Palace progressed, I was organizing the crews of dedicated souls who would come up to the Palace in the evenings, after putting in a full day of service. We had evening crews doing mostly gold leafing or preparing surfaces and mouldings on the exterior of the Palace.

I loved this service best of all. It was a wonderful and sublime meditation on His Divine Grace! I was able to connect with him in very intensely focused manner.

After a bit of a break (and a breakdown from exhaustion), I returned to full-time Palace service to work on the portico, the terrace walls, and all the things that were manifested in the years following the Palace opening.

There was still some traveling sales work going on intermittently as well until spring of 1981 when Narada was diagnosed with cancer and I was simultaneously expecting a child. My main service became taking care of my husband and then the newborn child!

As every New Vrindaban mother can tell you, if you had a baby you would probably end up working in the nursery if you did not wish to surrender to putting your child in there. So I had nursery service for a few years and then came out of retirement to work on the construction of the Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra temple in the months before the temple opening in 1983.

Also during that time period, Narada was in charge of life membership and started overseeing the guesthouse and was involved with development of the guest cabins as a timeshare program WOW! I almost forgot about that.

There was so much going on during this period of explosive growth and development! It was phenomenal, and you may want to consider Narada to be honored at some point – he was such a powerhouse.

So, I was charged with buying all the curtains and accessories for the cabins. I was responsible for hiring and supervising the cleaning staff for the Temple opening event – that is ALL the cleaning, and set-up of ALL the rooms in the new Temple building. EVERY ROOM, including the prasadam rooms, was set up to accommodate guests with either foam mats, cots or both. And there were about 15 janitors/cleaners working day and night over that festival weekend!

Every guest room in the lodge, every cabin, every room in the new temple building – every room, everywhere was full and I think there were also some tents set up outside. The guesthouse service continued until we ended up leaving the community at the end of 1985. This was originally meant to be a sabbatical, a period recuperation for Narada who had never fully recovered from his bout of cancer. But sadly, things started getting weird in New Vrindaban, Narada fell out of favor with management and we did not return.

In 2001 or 2002, I began attending Festival of Inspiration, helping out with registration and started reviving my New Vrindaban connection then in the next year or so. Gauranga Kishore, our son who took initiation from Radhnatha Swami, returned there to live and serve as a bramachari so I continued to visit more regularly. My major connection with New Vrindaban was revived in 2013 when I came to work for the summer in the guest services department – I was assisting Vasudeva in various ways but mainly as cleaning supervisor. Then I returned for the 2014, and 2015 guest seasons.

Anything specific you’d like to mention about your family? (spouse, children, siblings, parents, etc.) 
Gaura Kishore das is my only son and he has a daughter, Rati Keli, who is 7 years old. They now live in Athens, Ohio, and for this reason I am currently living there as well. He is teaching various courses in Philosophy and Ethics at 3 different colleges in the area.

Anything in particular you’d like us to highlight not yet covered? 
..I would really like to emphasize that I could only accept any “service award” on behalf of my god brothers and god sisters who were all part of an amazing community effort to make Srila Prabhupada’s vision for New Vrindaban a reality.

I felt like I was just trying to keep up. I felt I was part of something so much bigger than myself and being in the company of so many extraordinary, dedicated souls provided the inspiration that powered (and empowered) us – we were the inmates of New Vrindaban! And the community was everything for us, at that time.

Any advice to newer and future residents? (super important!)
It is important to never take anything for granted such as our service and association with devotees, to remember that this place is not ordinary, and the opportunity to perform service in the holy dhama is something very rare and special.

Keep in mind that, Krsna – Sri Sri Radha-Vrindaban Chandra, is the actual in-charge here, and He will always be the one in control! Even when it may seem otherwise. Please take care of the Deities and They will take care of you. Take care of one another and also take care of yourself – try to maintain a healthy balance between body, mind, and spirit.


QA transcriptions uploaded on 04-Dec-17
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The post QA transcriptions uploaded on 04-Dec-17 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

→ Dandavats

By Sacinandana Swami
Step 1:
Watch your posture and more important your pronunciation. Sit in a supportive environment (before the deities, sacred pictures, tulasi, in the company of the devotees and whoever and whatever else helps). Make sure you chant the entire mantra without missing even one syllable. If you chant on your prayers beads (japa), make sure you complete each round in the proper time, not missing any mantra.
Step 2:
In order to concentrate on the sound vibration of the holy name, “enter” or totally connect with the mantra through the first “Hare”. After bringing the mind back to the first “Hare” again and again, you will find that your mind has developed the ability to stay with the entire mantra—each single name! Be patient - it will work! Give it your best—the Lord rewards those who try and surrender.
Step 3:
Attentive chanting can bring blessings to your life that are hard to imagine. By such chanting all obstacles to the pure name (shuddha-nama) can be effectively removed if one more thing (the most important) is added. Namacharya Haridasa Thakura says (Hari-nama-cintamani, chapter 12):
Simply by one’s own endeavor, no one in this world can overcome distractedness. Such victory can only come about by your merciful blessings. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to beg for your grace.
After all, deep experiences can only happen if the heart is involved. Thus chanting in a devotional and prayerful mood will attract the mercy of the Lord in his magnanimous form of the holy name. Please don’t be hesitant to give your heart to the chanting.
In one of his songs, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura praises the mercy of the holy name by saying that just like the sun which rises in the East destroys all darkness, the holy name in his mercy, continuously rises on the horizon of the heart of the chanter and thus removes the beginningless avidya (inner darkness), which is the source of material existence.

10,000 fluent speakers of Sanskrit in the United States! New…
→ Dandavats

10,000 fluent speakers of Sanskrit in the United States!
New York: With a long red “tilak” on his forehead, lighter skin and rare name, Bhima-Karma Saragrahi was a cynosure of many eyes at a recent Sanskrit residential camp-cum-convention held in Parsippany, New Jersey. Though it was his first time at such an event, the 40-year-old felt at ease because of his familiarity with the ancient language.
After studying up to the 10th grade and undergoing a course on the Bhagavad-Gita, he left the US for India at age 21. Saragrahi believes that the “esoteric and deep culture” of Hinduism required the study of Sanskrit. He spent several years in India learning Hindi and further improving his Sanskrit.
Based in Boston, he makes a living working in real estate. He is good with Indian musical instruments, including “mridangam” which he played at the convention last month. During his spare time, he offers music lessons.
His parents converted to Hinduism through ISKCON founder Swami Prabhupada when they were teenagers. “I am the second-generation follower of the Sanatana Dharma,” Saragrahi says
To read the entire article click here:

Another gift to humanity by Srila Prabhupada’s…
→ Dandavats

Another gift to humanity by Srila Prabhupada’s arrival.
The story was told by one Russian devotee, whose uncle was a Soviet Army officer. In 1965 there was a cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union. At some point it was going to become a real war. Ballistic Missiles were ready from both sides to attack. Everything was set up - which missile flies to which part of the US. For each missile a separate red button. This devotee’s uncle said they had been told that the war would start 99,99%. They were ready, sitting at the control, not sleeping for 24 hours. His hair got white that night. Finally, they got an order - the missiles launch canceled. It was a great relief!!! Later his nephew became a devotee and gave him Prabhupada Book. He started reading it and at one moment called his devotee nephew in great excitement. He said he remembered that day at the missiles controls very vividly. And just now in Prabhupada book he read that the very day missiles launch was canceled - it was the day Srila Prabhupada first stepped on the land of the US!!

New Raman Reti’s first Community Development Conference
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy CDI Team

Along with the recently completed Community Survey, the objective of this conference was to create a platform that allows the community’s voice to be heard, deepen our relationships, and build a shared vision for New Raman Reti going into the future. This exciting event took place at the Alachua Woman's Club, Sunday, December 3, 2017, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. and followed by sumptuous lunch Prasadam. The overall Vision of the Community Development Initiative (CDI) is a loving and well connected family of Krishna devotees, spiritual aspirants, and friends fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s Mission. Both senior and second generation devotee speakers facilitated the conference with presentations on New Raman Reti’s history and the survey results. They also invited further feedback from the audience on how to enrich our already amazing NRR Community. An important community event. Continue reading "New Raman Reti’s first Community Development Conference
→ Dandavats"

Sant Tukaram’s Dehu Dhama and Pune Yatra
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Chandan Yatra Das

Sant Tukarama (AD 1609-1650) was a saint-poet of towering stature. Tukarama was among the most prominent saints to have come out of the holy land of Maharashtra. He hailed from the village of Dehu, near Pune, and was born in the Warkari community who are devotees of Lord Vitthala (or Panduranga). Srila Prabhupada occasionally referred to this great saint, “The great saint of Maharashtra known as Saint Tukarama was also initiated by the Lord Caitanya. Saint Tukarama, after initiation by the Lord, over-flooded the whole of the Maharashtra Province with the sankirtana movement and the transcendental flow is still rolling on in the southwestern part of the great Indian peninsula.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam - Introduction) Continue reading "Sant Tukaram’s Dehu Dhama and Pune Yatra
→ Dandavats"

From Aligarh to ‘Hari’garh!
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mohan Sunder Das

From West Virginia to New Vrindavan; Lord Krishna has spread His causeless mercy through Srila Prabhupada in every part of His creation. Now, it was time for Aligarh to become Harigarh. Lord Sri Hari sent His representative, HH Kratu Das ji Das Ji Maharaj to carry out this most auspicious task and materialize or better so spiritualise the words of Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada who prophesied the existence of Krishna’s temple with the echoes of Harinaam in every town and village of the world. Continue reading "From Aligarh to ‘Hari’garh!
→ Dandavats"

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10/29/2017
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens Prabhupada

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 10/29/2017

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Kripamaya, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Bhima, Jamuna Jivani (secretary), Jaya Krsna, Kalakantha, Makara, and Olivia.

1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

  • Ananda Vidya is milking six cows. Milk production is approximately 19 gallons per day.
  • The veterinarian checked Malati and now estimates her due date between November and December. Sriya and Anjali are both due in February.
  • There are three heifers residing at the Temple Barn: two-month-old Lalita, 10-month-old Vamsika, and 19-month-old Jaya Radhe. Subhadra has been moved to Nandagram for breeding with Madhu.
  • Ananda Vidya continues to produce 10-12 lbs. of butter, 15 gallons of yogurt, and 1/2 gallon of ghee on a weekly basis, and delivers them to the temple. He purchased a small cheese press and has been experimenting with making colby cheese. This may be one way to process excess milk during the winter months.
  • The children from Gopal’s Garden came to the Temple Barn on Govardhan Puja to decorate the cows and feed them molasses balls, and drank warm milk.
  • During the farm conference, six or seven participants came over to the barn to assist with morning milking and become familiar with the cows.
  • The 2017 North American Farm conference was held at New Vrindaban on the weekend of October 13-15. We had a good turnout with approximately 40 people over the three days. Everyone seemed quite satisfied, as old relationships were rekindled and new acquaintances were made.
  • The potato harvest, washing, and storage is complete for the year, although with a disappointing approximate yield of only 1,000 lbs. due to an exceptionally wet spring.
  • Ray completed replacing of the underground electric line to the Nandagram pasture cabin and now the electricity has been restored. Also, he has made progress on Dharma the Bull’s outside pen expansion project at the Valley Barn, as well as on pressure washing and painting the valley board fences, when the weather has allowed. Spreading manure, chisel plowing, and disking areas in the Temple Garden still need to be done and will be pursued if the ground is dry enough. Otherwise, they will have to wait until spring.
  • Nila Gopala and his family departed for Hungary last Friday, leaving on good terms. He had completed about 80% of the work on Madhu the Bull’s shed and pen project at Nandagram. Caitanya Bhagavat (and Ray, if needed) will finish the project.
  • Caitanya Bhagavat and Balabhadra prabhu gave a ox training demonstration at Nandagram during the recent farm conference. Hari Chand showed he had been well-trained and well-cared for.
  • Caitanya Bhagavat continues to work with the ox, Hari Chand, for 1.5 hours every morning, along with Nandagram herd care, fence maintenance, and completing Madhu’s pen and shed.
  • Robert and Ranaka, along with input from Suchandra and Lila, have been working on compiling the end of the year flower and vegetable harvest totals, as well as pricing for the 2017 INV billing. The figures should be ready by the next monthly board meeting.
  • Robert has expressed an interest to learn how to operate farm equipment along with general building and fence maintenance, etc. Currently, he is assisting Ray with Dharma’s outside fence expansion project at the Valley Barn. Also, he is receiving training on operating farm equipment, and on milking.
  • Suchandra and Vidya will be giving a presentation at the upcoming joint board meeting

2. New Board Candidates

Currently, the Board has two open seats. In January, the Board will vote on the seats of the directors whose terms are expiring and review candidates for available seats. Individuals interested in getting involved with ECO-V can contact Ranaka.

3. Employee Manual

Vraja proposed an employee manual which will provide job descriptions for the various positions and outline company policies. She will work on a draft, to which others are invited to contribute and offer feedback.

4. Improving Community Culture

The Board discussed concerns over devotees, including those involved in ECO-V, leaving the New Vrindaban community due in part to considerable negativity within its culture. Several ideas were offered on how we can help to create a more positive atmosphere, both as an organization and as individuals.

5. ECO-V Website

Previously, Jamuna Jivani collected and wrote content for the website. Also, Sukhayanti contributed photos and text. Jaya Krsna and Makara are contributing photos to use.

6. Communication Person for IMCPA

Kalakantha requested Jamuna Jivani act as a liaison between ECO-V and the ISKCON Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture. The Board agreed to this arrangement.

7. 2017 Farm Conference Recap

Jamuna Jivani reported on the North American ISKCON Farm Conference that took place in New Vrindaban earlier in the month. New Vrindaban created a very pleasant setting for the conference with incredible support and service, and a beautiful facility. The whole conference ran smoothly, and the interactions among the participants were inspired. There were approximately 40 participants from USA, Canada, and Guyana. From ECO-V, Ranaka gave a tour of the Valley Barn facilities and spoke about New Vrindaban’s history of cow protection. Makara gave an informative seminar on water bath canning. Both Lalita Gopi and Ranaka were panelists in the Ahimsa Dairy Equation panel discussion.

The plan for future years is to have a similar, but larger, biennial conference, with small organizing conferences in between. IMCPA is currently scouting locations for future events. ECO-V offered to host again in 2019, which will mark the 50th anniversary of cow protection in New Vrindaban.

8. Autumn 2017 Joint Board Meetings

The upcoming joint board meetings in New Vrindaban will be held the weekend of November 10-12.

For regular updates please visit and like the ECO-V Facebook page.

If devotees use certain statements to demean other bhakti traditions, what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If devotees use certain statements to demean other bhakti traditions, what to do? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Thursday, November 30th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Matanzas, Cuba

Connections in Cuba

“Are you Musulman?” asked one of the employees at the Starfield Resort.

“No, we are not Muslim,” Hayagriva answered back in Spanish.

Another employee asked if we were monks and the answer was positive.  A woman approached us about setting up an appointment to discuss reincarnation.  We are booked then for tomorrow morning.

Oleg, a Russian, came up to us by the ocean front and began to recite the pranatis (prayers) to our guru, Srila Prabhupada.  Quite amazing!  He happens to know the big shots amongst our swamis from the eastern block—Bhakti Vijnana and Indradyumna Swamis.  Unfortunately Oleg is well acquainted with the product of breweries.  We felt for him and pray he will take up the fight.

Some of the Russian and Canadian tourists have had a good experience with Krishna monks from their homeland.  They may even break into a jig upon seeing us, all in good fun.

Behind the work-out gym in downtown Matanzas, there lives Gonsalez, a seventy-four-year-old Reiki master, and he was host to our talk tonight.  He requested the topic: How energies can help transition a person’s higher consciousness! Basically, we spoke then on the transformation of shakti (energy) to the realm of bhakti (devotion).

We cited Arjuna as an example of someone whose enthusiasm toward duty was low; it was his guru, Krishna, who suggested he channel all talents and energies into love, and to transcend duty.

Life’s mission is to bring our lower nature to oblivion and permit elevated consciousness to prevail.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Varadero, Cuba

At the Edge of Cuba

It was some seven years ago, or so, that I sat on the grass outside our resort, called Memories, teaching the verse from Chapter Nine of the Bhagavad-gita.  Actually it was a memorization of raja vidya regarding the potent message of the Gita itself being the “king of knowledge” and the secret of all secrets.  When assimilated and put into practice, or into the world of action, it is joyfully performed.

The group, my students, memorized it well.  They rolled their Rs very well and found the Sanskrit language to be very mystical.  Pronunciation was just tops.

Since it is the day to celebrate Gita Jayanti, the anniversary of when the sacred dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna was spoken, I reflected on the event of five millennia ago.  Temples around the world call on congregants to come together and recite, in union, the seven hundred verses that contain actual secrets to life’s success.

Hayagriva and I honoured the Gita’s descent to the world at the Atlantic shore in Cuba.  We came to a volcanic cliff edge and sat/stood in meditation on the ocean’s might and how it is indeed one of Krishna’s opulences.  The ocean, its waves, and power of current, opened up our chakras of thought.  It brought to mind Chapter Ten, which highlights nature’s prominence in this world.  We also swam in the welcoming waters.  Both of us have been on a marathon of bhakti and felt that the swim and the sun was a way to oil our machines—bodies—and prepare for a helluvahectic week, teaching the Gita’s wisdom.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Before Cuba

I took some time in packing and readying myself for the annual trip to Cuba.  There’s really not much to pack, to be honest.  Between myself and travelling companion, Hayagriva, we have our clothes, toiletries, bhakti books in Spanish, Indian spices to leave with Krishna devotees, and our own reading and writing material.  Hayagriva, of course, has his computer.

While it’s a day for placing installments into my carry-on suitcase, I also took the time for people.  There’s an actor friend who came to see me.  He’s been struggling with an addiction but is making headway into pulling away from his attachments.  Good for him.  He’s taking more refuge of Krishna.

There is also a woman, blonde, who has that striking resemblance to Joni Mitchell.  I had a few words with her, as well as Fred, who comes by almost every day to our Govinda’s for a great meal.  Fred works in retail and shows up quite exhausted after dealing with the Christmas madness.  Fred is from Timmins and has his connections with celebrity Shania Twain.

“She had a rough upbringing and lived for a while eating mustard sandwiches,” he said.

Anyway, I don’t really known Shania, only that she’s famous and was after my time.  I became a monk in ’73 so I missed a lot of the entertainment material.  Perhaps, I didn’t miss much.

What do you think, readers?  After Joni Mitchell was there much to listen to from the musical, secular point of view?

May the Source be with you!

3 km

Monday, November 27th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

A PM Trek

“Let’s take to walking to or through the Brickworks,” I suggested to Marshall and Mahaprabhu.  This is a section of the city I’ve mentioned before as my place of training.  Training is actually an awkward word to describe walking, because it comes natural to all of us.  It’s the endurance part of it, the marathon scope, which requires some mind over matter dynamics and qualifies this motion as some form of training.

Our trek to the ravine which led us to the old brick factory off of Bayview became a two hour pleasant endeavor.  It was actually a pleasure in the 4° C weather with sun upon us which made it a treat.  To confirm, at the onset, a stenciled message painted on the sidewalk read, “Be Kind to Yourself.”

Okay, we are, because merely by walking you are kind to yourself.  When we say ‘self’ we should refer to the whole being—body, mind, intellect and soul.  Ultimately the soul is the real ‘me’.  The body is a layer that you shed.  You, the soul, continue a journey at death.

The three of us became embodied by the tan-roofed warehouse at the Brickworks.  We approached the old edifice, as it was part of our route; we entered it, walked through and came out before reaching the ponds or wetlands.  In this way, we go through life entering bodies, make a temporary stay and then exit.

After the second hour, we arrived back from where we departed at 243 Avenue Road, the ISKCON Temple.

May the Source be with you!

10 km

Sunday, November 26th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Top Monks

Tapasa brahmacharyena
Samena ca dhamena ca

The above is a quote from the Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.1.13, and it is in reference to life as a Vedic monk.  Tapasa is defined as austerity.  Brahmachari means celibate practitioner.  Sama refers to control of the mind.  Dhama refers to a harnessing of the senses.

The above qualities are the natural semblances of an ascetic who accepts voluntary inconveniences for a higher end.  These austerities form the basis or foundation for a “good man.”  A healthy restraint of the mind and senses is a great way to prepare for the second phase of one’s life, the ashramcalled grhasta or householder lifestyle.

I raise this topic because a little extra saffron cloth came to visit us in Toronto today.  My support team for the U.S. walk, Hayagriva and Marshall, came to visit in the morning before our launch to Cuba on Wednesday.  It is a pleasure to have them.  Hayagriva has been giving a series of talks in the area—talks based on bhakti.  Yes, talks on bhakti basics.

By the way, my favourite brahmacharis, monks, from the Vedic literatures are Bhisma, whom we can hear about in the epic Mahabharat, and Hanuman, who is detailed in the Ramayana.  Incidentally they are both warriors, famous for their fortitude in protecting the vulnerable.  They are loyal, faithful and demonstrate the highest level of servitorship.

Narada Muni is another favourite.

May the Source be with you!

2 km

Saturday, November 25th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Happy Times?

When you step outside in the dark you are liable to see lights, not necessarily the luminaries of the sky, galaxies or the milky way, like the twinkle twinkle little stars the skies above Utah.  It’s actually all those Christmas lights which pump up the bucks for the optimum cash flow of the year.

The lights of November and December don’t always get me “lit.”  I’m a Scrooge in spirit for the commercial hype.  I do love Jesus but not the Christmas that is not his.

Anyway, may we tolerate the yuletide.  I can think, however, of the optimism just around the corner. In four days there is something called Gita Jayanti, the birth of the ‘words’ spoken by Krishna and Arjuna.  Vaishnavas will celebrate the occasion.

As I walked from Rasesvara’s condo, at Richmond and Spadina, to home, I was witnessing the fluff of this season and it came to mind that I hope Gita Jayanti will not rise and fall like “All Saints Day,” which has become almost completely lost in the ghoulish Halloween we now know.  I hope that Easter might return to Jesus and take the Easter eggs from the bunnies’ hands.

I’ll admit that the stroll was pretty, and Queen West remains as one of the most hip streets of the nation.  It’s dominated by the youth and here, on Saturday night, you’re likely to feel some kind of hope.  It’s hard, though, when you hear that Sufis in the number of over 300 were killed by ISIS in Egypt.  Our guru, Prabhupada, had admiration for this group of devotional people, the Sufis.

It’s tragic really.  Very, very tragic!

Thanks, Corry, my cousin, for coming to visit after so many years.

May the Source be with you!

7 km