Leaving Melbourne, Australia after a few days of no travel, the TOVP Tour made its way to Sydney, also one of the largest cities in Australia.
The management there, under the outstanding direction and leadership of Temple President Vijay Gopikesh and Varanayaka prabhus, and inspired by His Holiness Ramai Swami, rented a separate hall for the TOVP fundraising event. On November 18th a wonderful program ensued with the Padukas and Sitari receiving abhisheka and arati as usual along with kirtan and prasadam. 150 devotees attended and when all was said and done over $165,000 U.S. was pledged.
We thank Ramai Swami, Vijay Gopikesha and Varanayaka prabhus for their support and enthusiasm.
To make a donation and sponsor an abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s and/or Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Chakra during the installation ceremony on February 7th, please go here: https://tovp.org/donate/once-in-a-lifetime-chakra-abhisheka-seva-opportunity/
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