Follow in the footsteps
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 September 2017, Mauritius, Arrival Lecture)

Then we have to take inspiration from our previous acaryas. Advaita Acarya was around 85 years old when he was given the role as one of the main dancers in Lord Caitanya’s Harinama Sankirtan party and Haridas Thakur was in his 70s and he was another one of the main dancers. They danced in ecstasy, out of taste and spiritual strength. Vakreshwar Pandit would dance for 72 hours.

Then we have the six Goswamis. When people would just see Sanatana Goswami, they would become ecstatic. He was always speaking about Krsna and he was always himself, no strategy was needed for him to preach.

Krsna Das Kaviraj Goswami dreamt of how Lord Nityananda was always moving like an elephant, he was decorated with pearls and diamonds, he was chewing betel nut and was chanting, “KRSNA KRSNA!” and around his feet were a swarm of little gopas who were also chanting, “KRSNA KRSNA!” Then Krsna Das Kaviraj fell to the ground to pay obeisances to Lord Nityananda and Lord Nityananda ordered him to go to Vrndavan, which he immediately did. He was at that time in his 90s and he wrote, “It is a miracle that I am writing. I have become half blind and my memory is finished!” In such a state, he wrote the Caitanya Caritamrta which is full of ecstasy. He also said that whether something is religious or irreligious, if it is not Krsna Conscious, it is sinful.

Srila Narottam das Thakur took his inspiration from Krsna Das Kaviraj Goswami and got completely absorbed in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya.

Then, we skip many generations and we find Srila Visvanath Chakravarthy Thakur who took his inspiration from Srila Narottam das Thakur and the Srila Baladev Vidhyabhusana took inspiration from Srila Visvanath Chakravarthy Thakur and explained how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is connected to Madhvacarya. Then he described how Nanda Maharaj’s house had waterfalls on the walls and so he could look directly into the spiritual world. Jagannatha das Babaji Maharaj would chant for 72 hours on ekadasi. For us 16 rounds are exhaustive. It takes just two hours and we complain. Now imagine chanting for 72 hours. These personalities were just amazing!

Then we have Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, who was a district magistrate, at the same time wrote books and also had 13 children whom he brought up in Krsna Consciousness.

We also have Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur who was so learned and intelligent and dedicated his life to setting up and establishing what is right and what is wrong. Then comes Srila Prabhupada, the Spiritual master of all of us.

If we think about Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the previous acaryas and see where we are today, there is a huge difference. We all have different moods of service but chanting should be there always and we have to be faithful devotees of the Lord.

Coming up! Odana Sasthi: 24 Nov.

On 24th November, Odana Sasthi festival will be celebrated in grandeur at Rajapur Sri Jagannath Mandir. Odana Sasthi is a festival that marks the beginning of winter. During the Odana-sasthi festival the devotees dress Lord Jagannatha and Balarama with starched cloth. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given […]

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Thursday, November 16th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Buenos Aires, Argentina

A Decision Made

I had no time to walk the streets today.  I arrived by plane and there was greeted by Markendaya, who drove me through an ocean of cars.  A warm homecoming took place in the form of kirtan, at Ciudad de la Paz 394, the Hare Krishna Centre.  This is one of my homes.

I realized I hadn’t much time to assemble the play of my choice, a play called “Many Mothers, Many Fathers.”  There’s not enough actors, or leading men and women, to carry a good show for the weekend’s “Chariot Festival.”

I sat down with our meagre crew and looked at options of three in number: No. 1- Work on the play that was planned, with high hopes that spontaneity would take its course and volunteers would come in at the last minute.  No. 2- Work on something the group has already performed, with some tweaking done from the director—that’s me.  Or we have No. 3- Start with something fresh.  New.  From scratch.  Something that is doable and practical.

I just finished writing an article for the official magazine of the Krishnas, the BTG, and it details the adventures of the U.S. walk I just completed.  Everyone was for that one.  It would be contemporary, have live music by Seva Kunj.  Yes!  That would be the decision.  So, we started practice and we’ll see how it evolves over the next two and a half days.  Show time is Sunday.

Wish us luck readers!

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Seminar – False Ego: Our Companion & Trouble Maker
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

Please join us for a special Tuesday Sanga Seminar on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the False Ego: Our Constant Companion and Trouble Maker. This seminar will be given by our special guest, Hayagriva das. Some topics that will be addressed in this seminar:
  • The more we give up our false ego and identify as true servant, the more we will feel relieved from anxiety and find peace
  • Most subtle part of the subtle body is carried with us for many lifetimes
  • Feeding the false ego vs. dissolving it

Join us for what will be a very educational and inspiring evening!

How conscious intention raises bhakti to the level of a relationship
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Congregation program at Melbourne, Australia]


Podcast Summary

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Gita Jayanti 2017

Participate in the Gita Jayanti Book Sponsoring Marathon. Live on

We plan to distribute 5000 Bhagavad-gitas with the help of book sponsors.

You may sponsor the following book-packets with Bhagavad-gitas and other Srila Prabhupada books:

  1. 18 books 12.000 HUF / 40 EUR
  2. 26 books 20.000 HUF / 65 EUR
  3. 21 books 30.000 HUF / 100 EUR
  4. 27 books 31.000 HUF / 100 EUR
  5. 55 books 50.000 HUF / 165 EUR
  6. 108 Hungarian hard bound Gitas 108.000 HUF / 350 EUR
  7. 108 Hungarian soft bound Gitas 120.000 HUF / 400 EUR
  8. 108 Hungarian hard bound delux Gitas 200.000 HUF / 650 EUR

Budapest Temple: 02 Dec, Saturday from 10.30am and 5pm Live webcasts!

You are welcome to participate in the reading, the blessings that go with it and the feast after the yajna. If you wish to attend any of the above programs or would like to just sponsor books for free distribution or for any further information please contact Asta Sakhi devi dasi:
tel.: +36 30 600 1459,

Strengthening the bonds that liberate
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Hall program at Melbourne, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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How small conflicts become big – Daksha Pastime analysis 2 – Ego causes desensitization
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.4.28 at ISKCON, Melbourne, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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How small conflicts become big – Daksha pastime analysis 1 – Unprocessed resentment causes explosion
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.4.28 at ISKCON, Melbourne, Australia]


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Maha-Mantra Featured at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow….
→ Dandavats

Maha-Mantra Featured at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow.
Married couple and Krishna devotees Vadim Eremeev and Kira Sergeeva delivered a beautiful, soaring acoustic performance of the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, the bhajan “Jaya Radha Madhava,” and the chant “Sarva Mangalam” at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow this October.
The songs soundtracked a collection by well-known fashion designer Ksenia Seraya on October 25th, showcasing spring-summer 2018 fashions.
Seraya is good friends with Vadim and Kira, who are members of the indie/hard-rock/trip-hop band Shakti Loka, and met devotees in the 1990s and 2000s respectively
To read the entire article click here:

Do not become angry! Kadamba Kanana Swami: In the chapter of…
→ Dandavats

Do not become angry!
Kadamba Kanana Swami: In the chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.25 about the passing away of Bhismadev, in the purport to the verse there is a list of challenges for society at large to improve their quality of life. The first challenge is, “Not to become angry!” We remember Upadesamrta, the Nectar of Instruction Verse 1, vaco vegam manasa krodha vegam, one must control the pushings of anger. So even when anger is pushing, one must somehow or other subdue it. Bhismadev also said that in order to conquer anger, one must learn to forgive because it is very difficult to judge with two types of measurements – measurement for others and different measurements for ourselves. For ourselves, there are so many explanations for our mistakes, “It wasn’t really my fault. It was just circumstances. I didn’t intend it that way…” whereas for others, “How could they do that! This is outrageous.” We judge them different and the same extenuating circumstances are not being considered so Bhismadev points out that we must learn to forgive. We have to see that others make mistakes because then we can overcome anger.

Forgiving is not necessarily the same as forgetting. If someone has committed an abominable activity, we may forgive but it does not mean that we forget. We will remember but we will also keep a special eye – if someone puts his fingers in the money box then after that we keep him at a distance from the money box obviously. So forgiving and forgetting is not necessarily the same. Also, there may be a point when we forget, it depends on the seriousness of the offence.

Sometimes though, anger is required. Sometimes, it is necessary to send out a signal that from now it is too much. This has to stop. BANG, fist on the table! Everyone needs that also. It is not that anger per se is bad. Those who are envious sometimes deserve anger. Those who are envious of devotees, we need to sometimes check it with anger. That is also there. But Bhismadev is referring to uncontrolled anger. Controlled anger has a place. Srila Prabhupada would also get angry at times but his anger was always related to Krsna and to whatever was favourable to Krsna. When there was neglect, Prabhupada was not tolerating that. He would point it out!

Art of resolving conflicts amicably
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Radheyshyam Dasa

SP writes : “When the Lord came, He was pleased with everyone; therefore it is stated here, krtsna-prasada-sumukham. The Lord knew that even the offensive doormen were His pure devotees, although by chance they committed an offense at the feet of other devotees……..On the part of the Lord there was no offended mood because He does not accept any offense created by His sincere devotee. But a devotee should be very cautious of committing offenses at the feet of another devotee. The Lord, being equal to all, and being especially inclined to His devotee, looked as mercifully at the offenders as at the offended. This attitude of the Lord was due to His unlimited quantity of transcendental qualities. His cheerful attitude towards the devotees was so pleasing and heart-touching that His very smile was attractive for them.” [SB 3.15.39 purport] Continue reading "Art of resolving conflicts amicably
→ Dandavats"

Taking Responsibility To Move Forward Dhirasanta Das Goswami:…
→ Dandavats

Taking Responsibility To Move Forward
Dhirasanta Das Goswami: Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes. One day he decided to get the sweetest mango available, from the very top of the tree. Mangoes which are most exposed to the sun are the sweetest. So he climbed up to the top, where the branches were thin, he managed to pick up a few sweet reddish fruits, but in attempting to go back down, he slipped and started falling towards the ground.
Fortunately, he caught a branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree. Then he started to call nearby villagers for help, they immediately came with a ladder and sticks but could do little to help him.
Then after some time one calm and thoughtful person arrived - a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut nearby. People were very curious as to what he would do, since he was very famous for solving many people’s problems in the area, sometimes very complicated ones. He was silent for a minute and then picked up a stone, and threw it, hitting the hanging man.
Everybody was surprised. Hanging mango lover started to shout, “What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?”
Sage was silent. Then again, he took a stone and threw it so that it hit the man in the tree. The man was furious, “If I could just come down, I would show you…!” That’s what everybody wanted, that he comes down, but how?
Now everybody was tense, what would happen next. Some wanted to chastise the sage, but they didn’t. The sage picked up another stone and threw it again at the man, even more forcefully. Now the man in the tree completely flipped out and developed a great determination to come down and get revenge. He then used all of his skill and strength and somehow managed to reach the branches which were safe enough for him to climb down, and he made it! Everybody was amazed.
“Where is the sage?” - exclaimed the rescued man.
“Oh, he is a wise man, so he didn’t wait for you to beat him,” said the villagers.“I will really smash him completely when I get hold of him,” said the man.
“Hey, wait a minute, he is the only one who helped you, he is the one who provoked you, who induced you to help yourself,” said one of the villagers.
Mango freak stopped for a second, thought a little and admitted, “Yes, all your good intentions and compassion didn’t help me, but the sage expertly induced me to do my best and save myself, I should be thankful rather than angry.”
So this is an instructive leadership story. A real leader (teacher) helps you, sometimes in strange ways, to take initiatives in your life. You have to move forward. You have to make your best effort if you want extraordinary results. The best leader helps you to be responsible for your life.

Jagannath Ratha Yatra on Bandung Light Festival 2017
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Hari Narayana Das

Our ever grateful obeisances are due to HH Kavichandra Swami and HH Ramai Swami, the GBCs of Indonesia, for their support and guidance to always look for new avenues for sankirtan. Our humble obeisances to HH Subhag Swami for his inspiration and always reminding us of the importance of the Sankirtan movement of Mahaprabu and for inspiring us with the dedication of Sriman Jayananda Prabhu, for bringing us closer to Srila Prabhupada and keeping us united in family of ISKCON. Continue reading "Jagannath Ratha Yatra on Bandung Light Festival 2017
→ Dandavats"

UK Radio Station Broadcasts Krishna’s Peace Formula
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Visnupriya devi dasi

Krishna's peace formula was presented in the form of a song called "The Peace Formula," which was written and sung by ISKCON devotee, Sankarshan Das Adhikari. It's interesting to note that Sankarshan Prabhu is joined on the chorus by members the Island Baptist Church from South Padre Island, Texas who sing along with great enthusiasm and energy. The Peace Formula was very much appreciated in 2015 by Barack Obama when he was president of the United States. Continue reading "UK Radio Station Broadcasts Krishna’s Peace Formula
→ Dandavats"

Lessons on life
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.25)

In this chapter, the passing away of Bhismadev, in the purport to this verse there is a list of challenges for society at large to improve their quality of life. The first challenge is, “Not to become angry!” We remember Upadesamrta, the Nectar of Instruction Verse 1, vaco vegam manasa krodha vegam, one must control the pushings of anger. So even when anger is pushing, one must somehow or other subdue it. Bhismadev also said that in order to conquer anger, one must learn to forgive because it is very difficult to judge with two types of measurements – measurement for others and different measurements for ourselves. For ourselves, there are so many explanations for our mistakes, “It wasn’t really my fault. It was just circumstances. I didn’t intend it that way…” whereas for others, “How could they do that! This is outrageous.” We judge them different and the same extenuating circumstances are not being considered so Bhismadev points out that we must learn to forgive. We have to see that others make mistakes because then we can overcome anger.  

Forgiving is not necessarily the same as forgetting. If someone has committed an abominable activity, we may forgive but it does not mean that we forget. We will remember but we will also keep a special eye – if someone puts his fingers in the money box then after that we keep him at a distance from the money box obviously. So forgiving and forgetting is not necessarily the same. Also, there may be a point when we forget, it depends on the seriousness of the offence.

Sometimes though, anger is required. Sometimes, it is necessary to send out a signal that from now it is too much. This has to stop. BANG, fist on the table! Everyone needs that also. It is not that anger per se is bad. Those who are envious sometimes deserve anger. Those who are envious of devotees, we need to sometimes check it with anger. That is also there. But Bhismadev is referring to uncontrolled anger. Controlled anger has a place. Srila Prabhupada would also get angry at times but his anger was always related to Krsna and to whatever was favourable to Krsna. When there was neglect, Prabhupada was not tolerating that. He would point it out!

Villaggio Hare Krsna ceiling mural (Album with photos)…
→ Dandavats

Villaggio Hare Krsna ceiling mural (Album with photos)
Rudradeva Das: “This large ceiling mural, comprised of 56 wooden panels, each approximately 200cm X 150cm X 1cm, has been my most ambitious painting project to date. It also took the longest amount of time to complete, around 5 years. The process went like this: After staining all panels with a terra-cotta colored gesso, I employed a small opaque projector in my darkened studio, to project my miniature drawings onto the proper positions of all panels, and then laid out the design with white pencil. Next it was time to block in the underpainting for all 56 panels. Unlike the ceiling I did in Prabhupadadesh 10 years earlier, where I used oil paint for all layers, this time I employed fast-drying acrylic from jars to get the underpainting laid-in. This worked well, in that this acrylic under-layer dried very fast, and if I blocked-in one panel, it was completely dry and ready for adjustments or changes within 20 minutes time. In the final steps of the overpainting and details, I used artists’ grade oils from tubes, Rowney and Winsor-Newton mostly. When all my painting work was finished, the panels were then affixed to the ceiling by Krsna-ksetra prabhu, employing an ingenious method of using scaffolding, beams, lifts, and precise measuring of spacing in between the panels, to achieve, with a minimum of touch-up by the artists, the appearance of a nearly-seamless mural spanning the entire length and width of the temple ceiling.

All-in-all, this lengthy project provided wonderful substance for meditation for an artist. On one-half of the mural: Krsna & Gopis, Krsna & His cowherd friends, baby Krsna & His parents, and Krsna accepting service from His devotees. And on the other half: The Six Goswamis, The Panca-Tattva, the modern Parampara, and modern-day devotees on Harinam sankirtan. So although ambitious and not always easy, this project was one of the best and most enjoyable services I’ve performed.

During the process, the temple president-GBC-overseer Madhusevita prabhu set deadlines for completion a couple times, but I was unable to meet them, so he kept giving me extensions. But the last one, to have it ready for Janmasthami 2014, was very tight and could not be again compromised. So when I saw that my pace was still too slow to meet this final deadline, we decided to audition some artists to assist me in the final stages. In this way, we finished in time, and the panels were mounted on the ceiling when guests arrived for Janmasthami Day. The aftermath of the project was me and my main assistant, Bhakta Francesco, climbing the scaffolding and touching up all the screw holes, joins, and last-minute corrections and minor improvements. This was done in the 2 months after Janmasthami. Below are some excerpts from an article in "Movimento ISCKON”, the devotee newsletter of the Italian community, Published a few months prior to the unveiling, by Vasudeva datta and Lalita devi dasi:


This is how Srila Prabhupada defined the conscious art of Krishna: a chance to look beyond the material. The name, the form, the pastimes and qualities of Krishna are situated on the absolute level. The artistic expression that translates painting a picture of Krishna and His devotees encompasses all these revelations and only a matter of realization divides us from receiving these gifts. Rudradeva Prabhu is undertaking a large painting service, with the collaboration of Bhakta Francesco, producing 56 panels that will occupy the area of ​​about 200m2 of the temple of Sri Sri Radha Ramana ceiling. The ceiling will be divided lengthwise into two halves: in one of these halves, there will be a further division of four parts to represent the four main rasas: Madhurya, Vatsalya, Sakhya, and Dasya. The other ceiling half will be comprised also of four equal divisions: The Panca tattva, the six Goswamis, the Parampara, and an ecstatic modern-day Harinam procession, staged in front of Srila Prabhupada’s present-day Samadhi Building, at ISKCON Vrndavana’s temple complex. Rudradeva prabhu humbly hopes that the final work will help devotees and people in general, to become inspired to continue or increase their spiritual quest, and upon entering the temple room and viewing these depictions on the ceiling, feel compelled to learn more about Srila Prabhupada, and Krsna and His associates.
Find them here:

Harinama at Coolangatta (the southernmost suburb of City of Gold…
→ Dandavats

Harinama at Coolangatta (the southernmost suburb of City of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) - 12 November 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even if one unconsciously or consciously they imitate; “Hare Krishna.” They have no intention to chant the holy name of Krishna, but they imitate or criticize, “Hare Krishna.” That also has effect. Calcutta, January 10, 1971.
Find them here:

A devotee from Radhadesh, disciple of Prahladananda Swami, left…
→ Dandavats

A devotee from Radhadesh, disciple of Prahladananda Swami, left his body.
Hrdaya Caitanya Dasa: Dear devotees, Hamsa Avatara Prabhu left his body today at 2 am, Indian time, in the hospital of the auspicious Mathura Vrindavan Dhama, while the devotees in Radhadesh were doing kirtan on his behalf.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu’s mother, on the advice of the doctors, agreed to stop the life support machine, this was done yesterday at 10 pm Indian time, four hours later he left his body. For the last four hours he was constantly listening to Srila Prabhupada bhajans. He was in the ICU ( Intensive Care Unit ) but on the request of Madhavi Mataji they had moved Hamsa Avatara Prabhu to the next room so that they could chant for him freely. They were also informed by the doctor just before 2 am that he had only a few minutes to live. He left this world in the presence of his mother, Madhavi Mataji and two doctors.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu joined ISKCON in the early 90’s, took initiation from Prahladananda Swami and dedicated himself for many years to book distribution in the Benelux.
He also took pleasure in studying Srila Prabhupada’s books and was invited in the different preaching centers and Namahatta centers to give lectures. He was very close friends with Prema Siddhi Ananda Prabhu from Radhadesh and Premarnava Prabhu who is now serving ISKCON Soho.
Later on he was requested to serve as Temple President in Amsterdam, in difficult circumstances, where he met Bhaktin Paula, who became his wife and they have three nice children ( Mira, Maya and Abhaya ). He was also a member of the ISKCON Dutch Council.
Recently, in the month of August, when he got to know that he had cancer and that the cancer was already in a developed stage, he became very serious about his spiritual life. He was so happy to meet his Spiritual Master in Radhadesh, on the 26th of September, he had a long meeting that really pacified his heart and he was now ready to go to Vrindavan with his blessings.
Nobody had thought that his last journey would be so short but some or other, he had rented an apartment near the ISKCON tempel and three days ago his health was deteriorating so fast that the guards informed the devotees and they brought him next day to the hospital on the way to Mathura where he was only for last two nights.
Devotees in Vrindavan, this morning after Mangala Arotika announcement chanted loudly the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra for his spiritual benefit.
Madhavi Mataji ( sister of Pitambara Mataji from Den Haag ) was looking after him in the hospital and she is also making arrangements with the authorities for the cremation, she thinks that things will be clarified with the Dutch Embassy and the FRO tomorrow and that the cremation should be taking place on Tuesday morning.
Hamsa Avatara Prabhu did a lot of service for the ISKCON Benelux and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy is with him. Krsna reciprocated so much with him to allow him to leave his body in Vrindavan Dhama in auspicious circumstances. Our prayers are with him.
Your servant,
Hrdaya Caitanya dasa

“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?” Pragosh…
→ Dandavats

“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?”
Pragosh (ACBSP): When I was introduced to Prabhupada in Washington, Hari Sauri said, “Prabhupada, Pragosh was trying to learn how to sell your books like full sets like an encyclopedia.”
Prabhupada asked, “So how did that go?”
I said, “Well, Srila Prabhupada, Tamal Krishna Maharaj and I had attempted this but it was pretty clear that the BBT didn’t have all the full sets in stock. Also, generally speaking, the common man is not going to be able to buy this many books at one time.”
Then he said, “So what are you doing now?”
I said, “Well, I went right back to the airport, Srila Prabhupada, like I was for the last few years.”
Prabhupada looked at me for a second and he kind of smiled and said,
“Yes, whatever increases book distribution, we accept. Whatever decreases it, we reject.”
It was a simple statement and I took it as a sort of a very specific instruction, which I look back on my life and I realize that I made many decisions that really didn’t increase my book distribution.
Another thing that Prabhupada said in that particular time was when he asked about prasadam distribution in New York.
He asked, “So they are selling prasadam in New York City on the street?”
I said, “Yes, Srila Prabhupada.”
He said, “What are they selling?”
I said, “I don’t know Srila Prabhupada. I’m not sure.”
Then he looked at me and asked, “Kachoris? They are selling kachoris?” His eyes got big.
I said, “I don’t know Srila Prabhupada if they are selling kachoris.”
Prabhupada said, “Oh, they must, they must. First class kachoris cooked in ghee. Then the meat eaters will lose their taste for meat naturally.”
We had all heard about Srila Prabhupada as “kachori mukha” as a child liking kachoris.
Then he asked me, “Do you stay here in Washington?”
I said, “No, Srila Prabhupada, I am living in New York.”
He said, “Oh, I began in New York”, again very childlike.
Then he asked, “Are you coming to Ratha-yatra?”
I said, “I wouldn’t miss it for anything, Srila Prabhupada.”
He said, “Yes, Ratha-yatra in New York City has always been my dream. America is the most important country in the world, and New York the most important city in America. And 5th Avenue is the most important street in New York.”
It was just a very warm and friendly kind of revelation.
It was a very personal interaction.
Previously when I told Srila Prabhupada about the soldier who had given me eighty dollars and took four books, the soldier asked me,
“Could I be Krishna conscious and still be a soldier?”
Srila Prabhupada looked at me and asked, “So how did you answer?”
I said, “I told him that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken to the greatest warrior in human history.”
Prabhupada was charmed because he looked over at Hari Sauri as if to say,
“This guy really knows how to lay it on.” (laughs)
Then he looked back at me, waited for a second and then said,
“You have answered rightly. Arjuna was a military man.”
Just like that.
He was enlivened by the simple frankness of it.
And Prabhupada confirmed it.

Grammy Academy Award for Havi das
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Admin

Havi das (Ilan Chester), a disciple of Srila Prabhupada received recently a Grammy Award in Las Vegas for his extraordinary musical career as a musician, singer and composer. Millions of people attended or watched the ceremony while Havi das took the opportunity to include Krishna conscious messages in his speech of acceptance, translated into English in this report. Continue reading "Grammy Academy Award for Havi das
→ Dandavats"

A Belated Appreciation Of Srila Prabhupada’s Spiritual Daughter And Disciple – HG Gayatri Devi Dasi
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Hare KrishnaBy Amarendra Das

While in Gainesville, Gayatri convinced countless students and young people to join Krishna consciousness. Simultaneously, she made more true friends than I can ever recount. However, it was after we moved to the Los Angeles in July, 1982, that Gayatri’s true character fully blossomed. In addition to the hundreds of friends that Gayatri had made in Gainesville and all over the world, including and especially Srila Prabhupada’s sister, Pishima (who often referred to Gayatri as her “daughter”) she made hundreds of new friends on the West Coast, and developed a special bond with devotee children. She was also the “Inventor” of the modern version of Gauranga Potatoes, and is famous for the renowned “4:00 offering” that she would cook everyday for Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai when the Gainesville Temple was located on Depot Avenue. Continue reading "A Belated Appreciation Of Srila Prabhupada’s Spiritual Daughter And Disciple – HG Gayatri Devi Dasi
→ Dandavats"

If bhakti doesn’t protect us from troubles, then what is the point of practicing it?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

The post If bhakti doesn’t protect us from troubles, then what is the point of practicing it? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.