TOVP Bell Test Rings Loud and Clear

Recently, we tested an electronic bell sound from the Main Dome of the TOVP. We are planning to install a permanent electronic bell in the near future to ring every hour of the day in the Holy Dhama of Sridhama Mayapur.

Kindly watch this video with the actual sound and Sadbhuja’s commentary, along with stunning aerial footage of the TOVP.

The post TOVP Bell Test Rings Loud and Clear appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Why should we hear Krishna Katha?
→ Servant of the Servant

Our very existence is in an atmosphere of non-existence. Why, especially when we are not supposed to be threatened by non-existence? To simply put, we should always exist, we are eternal beings.

Our spiral to non-existence begins by 'misusing' our minute free-will by using it independently of Krishna or God. This is what Bhagavad Gita says. This misuse of free-will is termed as kama or desires free of Krishna. Independent desires entangle and bind us in the three gunas (or ropes of nature). These ropes of nature create cyclical reality thus perpetually binding us.

How to get rid of this perpetual cycle of bondage?

The solution is to connect back to Krishna by always remembering Him and never forgetting Him. This is possible only through constant hearing about Krishna. By constant hearing we can successfully accomplish the following;
  1. Hearing cultivates knowledge, leads to vairagya (free from passion/ignorance) and fixes one in devotional service (BG 6.35 and 7.1 purport)
  2. Hearing attracts Krishna within one’s heart (Sri Isopanishad, mantra 13 purport)
  3. Hearing leads to Spiritual trance. (Nectar of Instruction, text 8 purport)
  4. Hearing cultivates love of God (CC Adi 7.141 purport, SB 4.12.42 purport)
The beginning of cutting the bondage begins by cultivation of knowledge through hearing. If we do enough hearing, it will eventually transpire into practice. As we practice gradually the ropes of guna associated with passion and ignorance loosens and we reach the rope of guna associated with goodness. 

Once there, Krishna shows His mercy and guides us from within. As the hearing intensifies, Krishna reveals more and as a result our remembrance and meditation becomes constant without break. This leads to a state of trance or bhava eventually invoking our love for Krishna. 

This final point of love will seal our case in the sense any remaining taste to misuse our free-will not be there and we will voluntarily use our free-will properly. In other words, our first problem of misuse is overridden by proper use. That proper use of free-will happens in an atmosphere of love and service. All of this begins with hearing!

Hare Krishna

Priyavrata Loves Apple Slices and Leaves

Priyavrata is a lover of sliced apple treats and tree leaves. Although there is plenty of grass to eat Priya likes to add to his diet. Priya has been quite peaceful and relaxed although he is king of the herd and has the personality to go with that position. He is also healthy and happy at the ISCOWP Sanctuary. A video by ISCOWP.

In Memoriam. Indradyumna Swami: My dear Braja Vallabhi, Please…
→ Dandavats

In Memoriam.
Indradyumna Swami: My dear Braja Vallabhi, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Though you have departed this world I pray that through the transcendental medium my words will be communicated to you wherever you are serving—be it in this world, or at the lotus feet of Radha Syamasundara in the spiritual world. I am convinced it is in the latter, for Srila Rupa Goswami writes in his Mathura-mahatmya, quoting Skanda Purana:
sarpa dastah pasu hatah
pavakambu vinasitah
labda pamrtyavo ye ca
mathure mam loka gah
“Those in Vraja-maṇḍala who are bitten by a snake, killed by animals, killed by fire, water or any other unnatural cause certainly become residents of My very own spiritual planet.”

[ Skanda-purnam, Margasisa-mahatmya, chapter 17, verse 50 ]

My dear spiritual daughter, although I am your spiritual master, supposedly learned in sastra and fixed in devotional service, nothing could prepare me for your sudden and unexpected departure. This is not a weakness, rather it is the nature of love; the love of a guru for his disciple, and a disciple for her guru.

In a letter on September 28, 1966, Srila Prabhupada wrote:

“At his first sight of me my spiritual master also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsan of him that I learned how to love. It is his boundless mercy that he has engaged an unworthy person like me, in fulfilling some of his desires. It is his causeless mercy to engage me in preaching the message of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha.”

In the same way, Ballabhi, it was from your love for me, demonstrated through your continuous selfless service, that my appreciation and love for you as my spiritual daughter, manifested. Because of your inherent talents, recognized by one and all, you were instrumental in the organization and running of all my major preaching programs for many years; from the Festival of India in Poland, to Krishna’s Village of Peace at Woodstock, throughout the grand festivals in Gujarat and Maharashtra and here in Vrindavan during Kartika. I can honestly say I would not have been successful without you. I was fully dependent on your service in helping me preach Krishna consciousness around the world. What will I do now that you are gone?

It was in this mood that Srila Prabhupada wrote to a disciple on January 22, 1976:

“You cannot survive without my mercy and I cannot survive without your mercy. It is reciprocal. This mutual dependence is based on love – Krishna consciousness.”

Indeed, I was always aware of your excellence in service. Whenever a difficult task came up, such as organizing the Sacred Sounds kirtan mela at New Govardhana, it was enough to simply say to you, “Ballabhi, please get it done.” Things won’t be so easy now that you’re gone—and not as relishable, either. It was your joyful smile, your enthusiasm, and your determination to please others that made performing devotional service such a pleasure in your association. My dear spiritual daughter, I cannot properly express how much I will miss you!

Once again, the wisdom of the poet George Eliot rings true: “Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.”

Dearest Ballabhi, some of my fondest memories will be of our time spent here in this holy abode of Sri Vrindavan dhama. For many years you assisted Rasika Siromani dasi and her husband, Govinda caran dasa, in organizing large Kartika parikramas. It was an overwhelming task to say the least, but nevertheless you always found time to sit and hear the lectures and relish the kirtans of the holy names. mJust the other night you said to a friend during a particularly enthusiastic bhajan, “I would be happy to leave my body in the midst of such beautiful singing of the holy names.”

And, in essence, that’s exactly what you did. On that fateful day you departed, you were on your way to the Holy Name retreat at Govardhan Hill. Devotees who were in the vehicle with you told me you were enthusiastically chanting japa all the way when, just minutes away from sacred Radha Kunda, the accident happened. You left your body immediately. Though it was a tragic demise, it enabled you to achieve your heart’s desire. Such is the all-merciful nature of Sri Vrindavan. Srila Rupa Goswami writes in Utkalika-vallari:

“O handsome, fragrant tamala desire tree blooming in the Vrindavan forest and embraced by the madhavi vine of the goddess ruling this forest! O tree, the shade of whose glory protects the world from a host of burning sufferings, what wonderful fruits do the people find at your feet?”

[ Srila Rupa Goswami, Utkalika-vallari, A Vine of Hopes, text 66 ]

You were born into a family of devotees, you lived a fully Krishna conscious life and you departed in the holy dhama of Sri Vrindavan chanting the holy names. Let me now describe in detail your journey from that point on. Most surely it corresponds with Srila Rupa Goswami’s description of entering into the eternal realm of Vrindavan in his famous poem, Uddhava-sandesa. Krishna is speaking to Uddhava:

“Oh my brother, the path you will follow to faraway Nadisvara Hill is said to be beautiful, straight and good. When you fall into the ocean of bliss in Gokula I will become very happy. When a friend becomes happy, good persons think themselves happy too. “

“First you should go to the place named Gokarna, where Lord Siva, who captains the ship that leads people out of the ocean of troubles stays. O wise one, nearby you should go to the place where the Yamuna meets the Sarasvati, a place that fulfills the living entities’ desires.”

“It is this place that I first entered Mathura. There I was kissed by waves of sidelong glances from a host of beautiful women who said, ’O slender friend, we have become most fortunate, for the graceful flutist whose music made the gopis’ garments slip now walks on the pathway of our eyes.’”

“From that place, flooded with bliss, please take the nearby path to Ambikavana, where, rescuing Nanda from a snake in Kaliya lake, and delivering a Vidyadhara, I gave a festival of happiness to the cowherd girls of Vraja.”

“O wise one, don’t take your chariot on the path that goes by the hilly place on the Yamuna’s bank where Kuvavalapida again and again attacked Me with his tusks. Saintly persons never take the paths where the demoniac walk.”

“Avoid the southern path. Go north to the king of holy places, a place beautiful with many blossoming sumanah flowers and graceful birds, the place where, by My mercy, Akura first saw the world of the gopas.”

“Even if you don’t wish to pass by the doors of the yajnika-brahmanas who because they slighted Me are not dear to you, you should still glance at the brahmanas’ wives, who are always singing my glories. If you do not wish to see them, your eyes will be cheated of something very valuable.”

“Then please quickly go to the place named Kotika, which is near Mathura city, and which is filled with a great circle of blossoming trees. When I walked through that place, a girl picking flowers uncovered part of her shoulder and smiled at Me.”

Dearest Vallabhi, Srila Rupa Goswami’s beautiful description of a pilgrim’s journey into Vrindavan continues in his poem, as will the Lord’s mercy upon you as He guides you further on this path of pure devotion to His lotus feet. As such your love for Vrindavan and the Divine Couple will blossom day by day. Such things are attainable for those who follow our beloved Srila Prabhupada, as he indicated to one of my godsisters early in our movement:

“As your devotional service becomes mature you shall see Krishna more and more, and more and more you shall realize the qualities of the holy land of Vrindavan.”

[ Letter to Hladini dasi, January 28, 1973 ]

Dear Vallabhi, I once asked my godbrother, Tamal Krishna Goswami, what is the most important characteristic of a disciple. He immediately replied, “Guru-nistha, faith in the spiritual master.” You embodied that faith, and it was your most endearing quality. I then asked him, “What is the greatest challenge in becoming an initiating spiritual master?” He paused for a moment and then replied softly: “Sometimes you are obliged to accept disciples who are more advanced than yourself.”

I am so fortunate to have you, and so many others like you, as my disciples. I will never forget you. Your final words to me, in a prophetic message texted only minutes before you left this world, will always remain with me. We had been discussing how we’d soon be serving in different countries. Little did we know it would be different worlds.

You wrote:

“I will be waiting to serve you Srila Gurudeva.”

Please be patient Ballabhi. I’ll be Home soon enough. And as Srila Prabhupada said, “One day we’ll have our ISKCON in the spiritual world.”

Your ever well-wisher,
Indradyumna Swami

Lord Chaitanya’s teachings to Nagpur’s entrepreneurs…
→ Dandavats

Lord Chaitanya’s teachings to Nagpur’s entrepreneurs (Album with photos)
On 14th Oct 2017, Gaur Gopal das gave an inspirational talk for Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) Nagpur members at Nagpur.
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a Global business network of 12,000+ leading entrepreneurs in 170 chapters and 53 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO enables business owners to learn from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life.
Find them here:

GitaWise Bhakti Vrksha Group Wisely Supports the TOVP. GitaWise…
→ Dandavats

GitaWise Bhakti Vrksha Group Wisely Supports the TOVP.
GitaWise – is a Bhakti Vrksha program in Cumming, Georgia, U.S.A. that involves many families in devotional activities and learning experiences through the teachings of Bhagavad Gita As It Is and Srimad Bhagavatam. Part of the education is to learn to contribute to worthy causes. They have donated previously to the TOVP, and recently they sponsored a Chakra abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Madhava at the Chakra installation ceremony on February 7th, 2018.
Please read more below about this inspiring group of devotees and what they are doing to make a difference in the world by learning and teaching the principles of Krishna consciousness from Bhagavad Gita.
Click here to read it:

My idea is to attract the entire world to Sri Mayapur!

Srila Prabhupada expressed on his vision for Mayapur as, ” My idea is to attract the people of the entire world to Mayapur!” Now, day by day, visitors coming to Mayapur are increasing manifold compared to the previous years. Prophecy of Srila Prabhupada is blossoming now! Recently, a group of 80 guests from Coal India […]

The post My idea is to attract the entire world to Sri Mayapur! appeared first on

In Memoriam / В память
→ Traveling Monk

My dear Braja Vallabhi, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Though you have departed this world I pray that through the transcendental medium my words will be communicated to you wherever you are serving—be it in this world, or at the lotus feet of Radha Syamasundara in the spiritual world. I am convinced it is in the latter, for Srila Rupa Goswami writes in his Mathura-mahatmya, quoting Skanda Purana:

sarpa dastah pasu hatah

pavakambu vinasitah

labda pamrtyavo ye ca

mathure mam loka gah

“Those in Vraja-maṇḍala who are bitten by a snake, killed by animals, killed by fire, water or any other unnatural cause certainly become residents of My very own spiritual planet.”

[ Skanda-purnam, Margasisa-mahatmya, chapter 17, verse 50 ]

My dear spiritual daughter, although I am your spiritual master, supposedly learned in sastra and fixed in devotional service, nothing could prepare me for your sudden and unexpected departure. This is not a weakness, rather it is the nature of love; the love of a guru for his disciple, and a disciple for her guru.

In a letter on September 28, 1966, Srila Prabhupada wrote:

“At his first sight of me my spiritual master also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsan of him that I learned how to love. It is his boundless mercy that he has engaged an unworthy person like me, in fulfilling some of his desires. It is his causeless mercy to engage me in preaching the message of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha.”

In the same way, Vallabhi, it was from your love for me, demonstrated through your continuous selfless service, that my appreciation and love for you as my spiritual daughter, manifested. Because of your inherent talents, recognized by one and all, you were instrumental in the organization and running of all my major preaching programs for many years; from the Festival of India in Poland, to Krishna’s Village of Peace at Woodstock, throughout the grand festivals in Gujarat and Maharashtra and here in Vrindavan during Kartika. I can honestly say I would not have been successful without you. I was fully dependent on your service in helping me preach Krishna consciousness around the world. What will I do now that you are gone?

It was in this mood that Srila Prabhupada wrote to a disciple on January 22, 1976:

“You cannot survive without my mercy and I cannot survive without your mercy. It is reciprocal. This mutual dependence is based on love – Krishna consciousness.”

Indeed, I was always aware of your excellence in service. Whenever a difficult task came up, such as organizing the Sacred Sounds kirtan mela at New Govardhana, it was enough to simply say to you, “Vallabhi, please get it done.” Things won’t be so easy now that you’re gone—and not as relishable, either. It was your joyful smile, your enthusiasm, and your determination to please others that made performing devotional service such a pleasure in your association. My dear spiritual daughter, I cannot properly express how much I will miss you!

Once again, the wisdom of the poet George Eliot rings true: “Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love.”

Dearest Vallabhi, some of my fondest memories will be of our time spent here in this holy abode of Sri Vrindavan dhama. For many years you assisted Rasika Siromani dasi and her husband, Govinda caran dasa, in organizing large Kartika parikramas. It was an overwhelming task to say the least, but nevertheless you always found time to sit and hear the lectures and relish the kirtans of the holy names. Just the other night you said to a friend during a particularly enthusiastic bhajan, “I would be happy to leave my body in the midst of such beautiful singing of the holy names.”

And, in essence, that’s exactly what you did. On that fateful day you departed, you were on your way to the Holy Name retreat at Govardhan Hill. Devotees who were in the vehicle with you told me you were enthusiastically chanting japa all the way when, just minutes away from sacred Radha Kunda, the accident happened. You left your body immediately. Though it was a tragic demise, it enabled you to achieve your heart’s desire. Such is the all-merciful nature of Sri Vrindavan. Srila Rupa Goswami writes in Utkalika-vallari:

“O handsome, fragrant tamala desire tree blooming in the Vrindavan forest and embraced by the madhavi vine of the goddess ruling this forest! O tree, the shade of whose glory protects the world from a host of burning sufferings, what wonderful fruits do the people find at your feet?”

[  Srila Rupa Goswami, Utkalika-vallari, A Vine of Hopes, text 66 ]

You were born into a family of devotees, you lived a fully Krishna conscious life and you departed in the holy dhama of Sri Vrindavan chanting the holy names. Let me now describe in detail your journey from that point on. Most surely it corresponds with Srila Rupa Goswami’s description of entering into the eternal realm of Vrindavan in his famous poem, Uddhava-sandesa. Krishna is speaking to Uddhava:

“Oh my brother, the path you will follow to faraway Nadisvara Hill is said to be beautiful, straight and good. When you fall into the ocean of bliss in Gokula I will become very happy. When a friend becomes happy, good persons think themselves happy too. “

“First you should go to the place named Gokarna, where Lord Siva, who captains the ship that leads people out of the ocean of troubles stays. O wise one, nearby you should go to the place where the Yamuna meets the Sarasvati, a place that fulfills the living entities’ desires.”

“It is this place that I first entered Mathura. There I was kissed by waves of sidelong glances from a host of beautiful women who said, ’O slender friend, we have become most fortunate, for the graceful flutist whose music made the gopis’ garments slip now walks on the pathway of our eyes.’”

“From that place, flooded with bliss, please take the nearby path to Ambikavana, where, rescuing Nanda from a snake in Kaliya lake, and delivering a Vidyadhara, I gave a festival of happiness to the cowherd girls of Vraja.”

“O wise one, don’t take your chariot on the path that goes by the hilly place on the Yamuna’s bank where Kuvavalapida again and again attacked Me with his tusks. Saintly persons never take the paths where the demoniac walk.”

“Avoid the southern path. Go north to the king of holy places, a place beautiful with many blossoming sumanah flowers and graceful birds, the place where, by My mercy, Akrura first saw the world of the gopas.”

“Even if you don’t wish to pass by the doors of the yajnika-brahmanas who because they slighted Me are not dear to you, you should still glance at the brahmanas’ wives, who are always singing my glories. If you do not wish to see them, your eyes will be cheated of something very valuable.”

“Then please quickly go to the place named Kotika, which is near Mathura city, and which is filled with a great circle of blossoming trees. When I walked through that place, a girl picking flowers uncovered part of her shoulder and smiled at Me.”


Dearest Vallabhi, Srila Rupa Goswami’s beautiful description of a pilgrim’s journey into Vrindavan continues in his poem, as will the Lord’s mercy upon you as He guides you further on this path of pure devotion to His lotus feet. As such your love for Vrindavan and the Divine Couple will blossom day by day. Such things are attainable for those who follow our beloved Srila Prabhupada, as he indicated to one of my godsisters early in our movement:


“As your devotional service becomes mature you shall see Krishna more and more, and more and more you shall realize the qualities of the holy land of Vrindavan.”

[ Letter to Hladini dasi, January 28, 1973 ]

Dear Vallabhi, I once asked my godbrother, Tamal Krishna Goswami, what is the most important characteristic of a disciple. He immediately replied, “Guru-nistha, faith in the spiritual master.” You embodied that faith, and it was your most endearing quality. I then asked him, “What is the greatest challenge in becoming an initiating spiritual master?” He paused for a moment and then replied softly: “Sometimes you are obliged to accept disciples who are more advanced than yourself.”

I am so fortunate to have you, and so many others like you, as my disciples. I will never forget you. Your final words to me, in a prophetic message text ed only minutes before you left this world, will always remain with me. We had been discussing how we’d soon be serving in different countries. Little did we know it would be different worlds.

You wrote:

“I will be waiting to serve you Srila Gurudeva.”

Please be patient Vallabhi. I’ll be Home soon enough. And as Srila Prabhupada said, “One day we’ll have our ISKCON in the spiritual world.”


Your ever well-wisher,

Indradyumna Swami



Моя дорогая Враджа Валлабхи, пожалуйста, прими мои благословения. Вся слава Шриле Прабхупаде.

Ты покинула этот мир, но я молюсь, чтобы мои слова дошли до тебя посредством трансцендентной реальности, где бы ты сейчас не служила — будь это наш мир или же лотосные стопы Радхи-Шьямасундары в мире духовном. Я убежден в последнем, поскольку  Шрила Рупа Госвами пишет в «Матхура-махатмье», цитируя «Сканда Пурану»:

сарпа даштах пашу хатах

павакамбху винашитах

лабда памртйаво йе ча

матхуре мам лока гаха


«Те, кого укусила змея, кто убит животным, погиб в огне, воде или другим неестественной смертью во Враджа-мандале, непременно становятся жителями Моей собственной духовной планеты».

[«Сканда Пурана», Маргашиша-махатмья, глава 17, стих 50]

Дорогая моя духовная дочь, несмотря на то, что я твой духовный учитель, вроде бы и знающий шастры, и утвердившийся в преданном служении, ничто не смогло подготовить меня к твоему внезапному непредвиденному уходу. Это не слабость, скорее это природа любви — любви гуру к своему ученику и ученика — к гуру. В письме от 28 сентября 1966 г. Шрила Прабхупада пишет:

«С первого своего взгляда на меня мой духовный учитель смотрел на меня с такой любовью. Это было на моем самом первом даршане с ним — тогда я научился любить. По своей безграничной милости он привлек такого недостойного человека, как я, к исполнению некоторых своих пожеланий. По своей беспричинной милости он занял меня в проповеди послания Шри Рупы и Шри Рагхунатхи».

Точно так же, Валлабхи, из-за твоей любви ко мне, явленной в непрерывном бескорыстном служении, проявилась и моя благодарность и любовь к тебе, как к моей духовной дочери. Благодаря присущим тебе талантам, очевидным всем и каждому, ты стала инструментом при организации и проведении всех моих основных проповеднических программ на протяжении многих лет: от фестиваля Индии в Польше до «Мирной деревни Кришны» на Вудстоке; начиная с масштабных фестивалей в Гуджарате и Махараштре и заканчивая фестивалями здесь, во Вриндаване на Картику. Сказать по правде, без тебя у меня не было бы такого успеха. Я полностью зависел от твоего служения, твоей помощи в распространении сознании Кришны по миру. Как же мне быть теперь, когда ты ушла?

В этом же настроении Шрила Прабхупада написал одному ученику 22 января 1976:

«Ты не выдержишь без моей милости, а я не выдержу без твоей. Это обоюдно. Это взаимозависимость, основанная на любви – сознании Кришны».

Вне всяких сомнений, я всегда понимал безупречность твоего служения. Какой бы сложной ни была задача, например, организовать киртана-мелу «Священные звуки» в Нью Говардхане, мне было достаточно только сказать: «Валлабхи, пожалуйста, сделай это». Теперь, когда ты ушла, это больше не будет столь же простым – и столь же приятным. Благодаря твоей радостной улыбке, твоему энтузиазму и стремлению угодить другим, служение в твоем обществе было одним удовольствием. Моя дорогая духовная дочь, я не могу должным образом выразить, как сильно я буду скучать по тебе!

В очередной раз мудрость поэта Джорджа Элиота подтверждает истину: «Только в страданиях разлуки мы постигаем глубину любви».

Дорогая Валлабхи, некоторые самые теплые мои воспоминания будут о времени, проведенном здесь, в святой обители Шри Вриндаван-дхамы. Многие годы ты помогала Расике Широмани даси и ее супругу Говинда Чарану дасу устраивать большие Картика-парикрамы. Дело это, мягко говоря, чрезвычайно сложное – но ты всегда находила время сесть, послушать лекцию и насладиться святыми именами в киртане. Как-то вечером на очень уж вдохновенном бхаджане ты сказала подруге: «Мне было бы за счастье оставить тело среди такого великолепного воспевания святых имен».

По сути, ты это и сделала. В роковой день своего ухода ты ехала на ретрит, посвященный святому имени на Говардхане. Преданные, которые были вместе с тобой (in the vehicleв рикше ? – м.б. опустить), сказали мне, что ты всю дорогу вдохновенно повторяла джапу, и всего через несколько минут после того, как вы проехали священную Радха Кунду, произошла авария. Ты тут же оставила тело. Это был трагический случай – но благодаря ему ты смогла достичь желанья сердца. Такова всемилостивая природа Шри Вриндавана. Шрила Рупа Госвами пишет в «Уткалика-валлари»:


«О великолепное благоуханное древо желаний тамала, цветущее в лесу Вриндавана, увитое лозой мадхави богини-повелительницы этого леса! О дерево, сень славы которого защищает мир от несметного множества жгучих страданий, – какие же удивительные плоды находят люди у Твоих лотосных стоп?»

[ Шрила Рупа Госвами, Уткалика-валлари, Лоза надежд, текст 66 ]


Ты родилась в семье преданных, жила в полном сознании Кришны и ушла в святой Шри Вриндавана-дхаме, повторяя святые имена. Позволь мне теперь описать в деталях твое путешествие с этого момента. Несомненно, оно совпадет с описанием Шрилой Рупой Госвами вхождения в вечные пределы Вриндавана в его знаменитой поэме «Уддхава-сандеш». Кришна говорит Уддхаве:


«Брат мой, говорят, дорога, которой пойдешь к далекому холму Надишвара, красива и легка. Лишь только ступишь в океан блаженства Гокулы – я стану очень счастлив. Коль счастлив человек – становятся счастливыми его друзья.

Сначала отправляйся в место, что называется Гокарна; там будет Шива главным на корабле, что вызволяет всех из океана бед. Затем, мудрейший, – туда, где исполняются желанья джив: Ямуна там встречает Сарасвати.

В этом самом месте впервые Я вступил в Матхуру. И волны поцелуев, украдкой брошенных во взглядах множества красавиц, мне говорили: «О грациозный друг! Воистину, удача с нами: изысканный флейтист, чья музыка приводит в беспорядок одежды гопи, теперь пересекает путь наших глаз».

С этого места, полного блаженства, держись дороги к Амбикавану – туда, где избавляя Нанду от змея с озера Калии, Я Видъядхаре дал свободу, устроив для пастушек Враджа праздник.

О мудрый, не направи колесницу к холмам по берегам Ямуны, где Кувалайпида без устали бросался на Меня своими бивнями. Святые никогда не следуют путями демонов.

Избегай южного пути. Следуй на север – к царю среди святейших мест, туда, где множество цветов сумана и трели птиц, туда, где милостью Моей Акрура впервые увидал мир пастухов.

Если не хочешь проезжать мимо дверей браминов, вершащих ягьи, которые впали в твою немилость, проигнорировав Меня, всё же взгляни на тех, кто постоянно поет Мне славу – их жен. Не захотя увидеть их, упустишь нечто дорогое.

Затем скорее поезжай в Котику неподалеку от Матхуры. Туда, где целый ареол деревьев в цвете. Я проходил по тем местам, и девушка, что собирала там цветы, открыв плечо, Мне улыбнулась».


Дорогая Валлабхи, великолепное описание Шрилы Рупы Госвами путешествия паломника во Вриндаван продолжается в поэме дальше, как и милость Господа к тебе. Пусть Он и дальше направляет тебя на этом пути чистой преданности Его лотосным стопам. И твоя любовь к Вриндавану и Божественной Чете будет расцветать день ото дня. Такие вещи достижимы для тех, кто следует за нашим возлюбленным Шрилой Прабхупадой – он обозначил это одной из моих духовных сестер на заре нашего движения:

«По мере того, как твое преданное служение будет становиться все более зрелым, ты станешь все больше и больше видеть Кришну, и все лучше и лучше будешь понимать, что такое святая земля Вриндавана».

[ письмо Хладини даси, 28 января 1973 ]

Дорогая Валлабхи, однажды я спросил своего духовного брата Тамала Кришну Госвами, какое качество преданного самое важное. Он тут же ответил: «Гуру-ништха, вера в духовного учителя». Ты была воплощением этой веры, и это покоряло в тебе больше всего. Тогда я спросил его: «В чем самая большая проблема у инициирующего гуру?» Он задумался на секунду и мягко ответил: «Иногда приходится принимать учеников, более продвинутых, чем ты сам».

Мне очень повезло, что ты и многие похожие на тебя преданные – мои ученики. Я тебя никогда не забуду. Твои последние слова ко мне в пророческом сообщении, отправленном за несколько минут до того, как ты покинула этот мир, останутся со мной навсегда. Мы обсуждали, как вскоре будем заниматься служением в разных странах. Разве знали мы, что это будут разные миры.

Ты написала:

«Я буду ждать служения вам, Шрила Гурудева».

Валлабхи, пожалуйста, запасись терпением. Я буду Дома уже скоро. И как говорил Шрила Прабхупада: «Однажды у нас будет свой ИСККОН в духовном мире».

Твой вечный доброжелатель,

Индрадьюмна Свами

Shakuni Character Analysis 1 – The mind rationalizes selfishness as selflessness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Seminar at ISKCON, Brisbane]


Podcast Summary


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Spiritualizing our work through IAC – intention, action and contribution
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.36 at ISKCON, Brisbane]


Podcast Summary


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how to handle feelings of hurt?
→ Servant of the Servant

Everyone of us at some point in our lives would have been hurt by the words and the actions of others. The closer the individual is the painful we feel the hurt. The pain if not processed properly can offshoot to other emotions like anxiety, fear, guilt,anger, revenge, sadness, depression etc. Therefore it is important to process emotions and flush them out properly. Otherwise, it remains in the system and creates toxins in the form of hormones and thoughts.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advised Arjuna to 'tolerate' the dualities of life. Lord Chaitanya says that false-prestige does not allow the seed of love of God to fructify in our hearts. Our scriptures also focus on virakti or detachment as a key ingredient to life. In plain sight for the un-initiated, tolerance, lack of false-prestige and detachment etc can come off as cold encouraging to reject our natural feelings such as hurt or pain. Because pain from other's words or actions can arise due to less tolerance and more attachment. The more prestige or ego we possess, the more we will feel pain. So it seems hurt and pain are in conflict with values prescribed in the scriptures. In one sense it is true. However, it is more important to deal with our emotions honestly than lofty spiritual values.

When Abhimanyu was murdered illicitly, Arjuna lamented tremendously and Krishna consoled him with soft words. When Subhadra and Draupadi heard of Abhimanyu's death, the queens cried pitifully and Krishna was standing there consoling them with soft words to take heart that Abhimanyu had attained a higher destination. Similarly, when Mother Sita was abducted by the evil Ravana, Lord Ramachandra cried in separation from His beloved wife. Lord Chaitanya's mother cried pitifully when she heard that her son is about to take sanyas. Like this we hear many stories where the Supreme Being Himself reacts to the miseries of this world as if He was an ordinary human.

It is interesting that in all the examples cited, emotions were not checked or controlled but rather expressed. This is the first step. When we are hurt or sad, we should grieve or express our emotions so we can process it. Keeping it inside (unless we are mature) will only cause more pain.

The second step is to react to the pain using knowledge. Krishna responds to the death of Abhimanyu by saying that great warriors who die in battle are glorious and reach a higher destination. Lakshman also pacifies Ramachandra by giving Him assurance of victory over Ravana. Mahaprabhu also assures His mother by giving her sound reasons for sanyas. So knowledge is necessary to deal with the situation. We have to step-back from our emotional state and look at the situation with a less emotional state. This will give clarity and aid more with the processing of pain.

The third step is affirmative action. Krishna requests Arjuna to take rest so next day they can plan in a strategic way to fulfill the vow. Ram and Lakshman made alliance with Sugriva for fulfilling their vow of getting back Sita. Mahaprabhu also decided to settle in Puri to assuage Mother Sachi's pain. Affirmative action actually helps us get past the pain in our heart. In other words, we use our intelligence and knowledge and make necessary 'next step' arrangements to deal with the crisis in a diligent manner.

All these three steps are necessary to deal with difficulties or pain in our life.

  1. Expressing and processing our emotions
  2. Step-back and seek intelligent counsel using knowledge (sadhu/shastra)
  3. Affirmative action following intelligent counsel
As part of seeking counsel and knowledge (step 2), we have to see through the lens of tolerance,false prestige and attachment etc. In other words, our step 2 of intellectual processing happens through the counsel of advanced souls and/or scriptures. Our actions next (step 3) will therefore also be as a result of this counsel and can help us heal our pain and aid us to get back on track.

One can imagine how valuable spiritual culture and values are that even difficult times can help us attain a higher state. Today, unfortunately, we live in a materialistic culture and the result is suppressed emotions of fear of being judged and more chemical dependency. 

Chant Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna

Why take sankalpa (a goal) for book distribution? Sankalpa makes…
→ Dandavats

Why take sankalpa (a goal) for book distribution?
Sankalpa makes it easy for us to turn to Krishna in surrender, to achieve our goal. And thus two things are achieved: increased surrender to Krishna and achievement of goal.
I will share two incidents that demonstrate this.
“I want to distribute 25 Gitas in this building,” I prayed, while walking up the steps of the LIC office in Pondy Bazaar.
Very soon a young man told me to meet Mr. Rajesh on the second floor. Rajesh was not in his office, and I went about the two-floor building and distributed books. I checked on Mr. Rajesh again, but he still had not returned to his office. I was disappointed that I could do only 11 Gitas instead of the 25 I wanted.
Just then the young man came up the steps and anxiously asked me, “Did you meet Mr.Rajesh?” I explained that he was not in his office. Then he said, “There he is.” On the steps, with people walking up and down, I showed Rajesh the Gita, and he booked 14 books right away (12 English and 2 Hindi). Total: 25!
That’s the glory of sankalpa: Krishna fulfills the devotee’s desire.
Part 2: “I will not miss Sunday.”
During one period of my life, my sankalpa was door-to-door book distribution every day for an hour or until my books were exhausted. I carried only 15 to 20 small books in a bag. For door-to-door book distribution, Sunday is best, because the men are at home. On other days, when only women are home, they don’t come up so easily with the money. If they don’t take books, I give them japa cards and request them to chant.
One particular Sunday I had a bad headache. I wondered whether I should go out on book distribution or just take rest. Since it was a Sunday, I did not want to miss the opportunity. So I stepped out.
At the first five doors I knocked on, there was no response. It was a hot morning, around 10:00 AM at the sixth house, a young man came out, made me show him all the books I had, and took all the books in one shot!
I was back home in fifteen minutes to take rest.
Sankalpa helps us do our service to Srila Prabhupada without giving maya a chance to lure us in her direction. And it opens to us the amazing love of Krishna in fulfilling the desires of His devotees.
Take sankalpa bravely and share with us your realisations of how Krishna helped you achieve your goals!
Going on book distribution is like going on a walk with Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. Don’t miss it!
Your servant, Tarini Radha-devi Dasi

TOVP Marathon update (Album with photos) Sadbhuja Das: We would…
→ Dandavats

TOVP Marathon update (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: We would like to give you an update on our marathon to complete certain areas by February the 7th.
You can see by our images we are progressing very rapidly on all of the major works.
The Russian team will complete the Nrshimha Dev Kalash in 10 days time, they are ahead of them self.
Which is good news for us, they will soon begin the titanium nitride panels on the Main Dome Kalash.
The blue tiling and the ribs on the Nrshimha Dev’s dome is also going very fast and very smoothly, without major obstacle.
We are also working on the superstructure of the Kalash on the Main Dome, please see in the images.
Find them here:

Vice President of India calls Prabhupada as Ambassador of Indian civilization
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Yudhistir Govinda Das

The Vice President of India, Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, inaugurated ISKCON's East West Cultural Festival in New Delhi yesterday. The event also saw the Indian premiere of the film Hare Krishna! directed by Yadubara Prabhu. Dr. Bibek Debroy, one of world's well-known economist and Indologist, executive member of India's Planning Commission (NITI Aayog) and Chairman of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council participated as the Guest of Honour. The audience of more than 1800 guests comprised of businessmen, diplomats, government officials along senior ISKCON leaders, 38 disciples of Srila Prabhupada, devotees and members of ISKCON. The Vice President of India was welcomed by the Chairman of ISKCON Bureau Sripad Gopal Krishna Maharaj and was greeted on stage by the fellow speakers Sripad Sivarama Maharaj and Sriman Yadubara Prabhu. Continue reading "Vice President of India calls Prabhupada as Ambassador of Indian civilization
→ Dandavats"

Choosing Your Authority
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Kesava Krsna Dasa

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was most obedient, towards His Mother, His seniors and the wise counsel of all others, young and old. With this obedience, the Lord did not have it all His way. If He desired something and His superiors decided against it - with kind pleading of course - He would abide by that. Lord Chaitanya would seek permission and blessings before doing many things. How does this type of obedience feature within our lives and ISKCON? One thing was certain for Lord Chaitanya; all those He sought permission and blessings from, were pure, perfected Vaishnavas. He had comfort in that. His desire to go to Vrndavana for instance, could be put off or delayed, because He knew it was done out of love and affection of His devotees. The Lord’s faith and trust in them ensured happy Vaishnava dealings. Cooperation was a natural way of life. This is easy when surrounded by loving devotees. How can we transfer this into ISKCON? Continue reading "Choosing Your Authority
→ Dandavats"

NASN October 2017 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of October, 2017. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN October 2017 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Agnideva Prabhu’s condition. Dear Devotees, friends and…
→ Dandavats

Agnideva Prabhu’s condition.
Dear Devotees, friends and well-wishers,
The following is an update on Agnideva prabhu’s condition. Unfortunately, the news is not good.
A recent CT scan showed that fluid had started to accumulate in his lungs again. Two days ago when he vomited the nurses discovered a large clot of blood. His doctors became concerned and stopped all intake of food and liquids, and put him back on an IV drip.
The next day they did an angiogram and discovered that in addition to the faulty Mitral Valve in his heart, he has a clogged LAD artery [ the main artery serving the heart. ] They also discovered another smaller blocked artery in his heart as well.
Understanding the urgency of his condition, the cardio thoracic surgeons, the respiratory team, the neurologists and the intensive care team met. At the conclusion of the meeting they transferred him back to ICU. They have scheduled open heart surgery for this coming Friday morning. They will replace the Mitral Valve and conduct a double bypass surgery. They will also, if required, take same samples of his lungs and heart for a further biopsy analysis.
Agnideva prabhu’s condition remains very serious. As we had not anticipated the costs of open heart surgery and a prolonged recovery period in our initial fundraising campaign, we are humbly requesting devotees to continue donating. The estimated cost of open heart surgery and recovery expenses is $80,000.
Please keep Agnideva prabhu in your prayers.
Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami

Gita 15.14 The world’s origin and operation points requires something beyond the world
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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The Gita as a book of love – The significance of the first and last words spoken by Krishna and Arjuna

[Bhagavad-gita class at ISKCON, Brisbane, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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To rise from karma to bhakti, change your benchmark of reality from the world to Krishna
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Srimad-Bhagavatam class on 1.5.34 at ISKCON, Brisbane, Australia]


Podcast Summary


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Utpanna Ekadashi : November14,2017

Today is Ekadashi- Fasting from grains and beans and a day to increase one’s practices in devotional service! Today’s Ekadashi is called as UTPANNA EKADASHI. At Mayapur, 24 hr harinam shall take place at Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir.You can also offer tulasi archana or pooja to Sri Radha-Madhava or Lord Narasimhadeva & or feed the Cows […]

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Who is a pure devotee?
→ Servant of the Servant

ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānu-
śīlanaṁ bhaktir uttamā

When first-class devotional service develops, one must be devoid of all material desires, knowledge obtained by monistic philosophy, and fruitive action. The devotee must constantly serve Kṛṣṇa favorably, as Kṛṣṇa desires - CC Madhya Lila 19.167

The basic criterion to fulfill the above verse is that a devotee must know what Krishna wants Him to do. Krishna's desires can be boiled down to three core points (vide Srila Prabhupada purport);
  1. One must take shelter of a spiritual master who comes in the disciplic succession from Kṛṣṇa - ādau gurv-āśrayam
  2. The first business of the serious and sincere disciple is to satisfy his spiritual master. The spiritual master's only business is to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness.-yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādaḥ.
  3. The serious devotee will only be interested in satisfying Krishna. Krishna wants everyone to be His devotee and not the devotee of a demigod - Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru
These are the desires of the Supreme Lord, and one who fulfills His desires favorably is actually a pure devotee.

Hare Krishna

Priya Loves Apple Slices and Leaves
→ Life With the Cows and Land

Priyavrata is a lover of sliced apple treats and tree leaves. Although there is plenty of grass to eat Priya likes to add to his diet. Priya has been quite peaceful and relaxed although he is king of the herd and has the personality to go with that position. He is also healthy and happy at the ISCOWP Sanctuary. By the way, Priyavrata is his full name but we call him Priya for short.

Thursday, November 9th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Calgary, Alberta

A Bit About Dharma

It is the dharma of a sannyasi, a monk, to travel, and that is what I'm doing, but by jet.  Once arriving at my destination I schedule myself for some period to walk.  And this I did with the ‘Festa’ family, of Gaurachandra, Vani Priya, and Jagannatha, in what is now a winter wonderland.

Yes, that season of whiteness has set in and I don’t mind, provided I’ve got the clothing to cover.

Out in the east end of Calgary, we meandered through the streets and crescents to put in an hour of much-craved-for loosening of the limbs.  Some thought went into the weekend and the anticipated retreat with ISKCON Canadian leaders for brain/brahmanstorming sessions. 

We will ponder the following:

How do we vaishnavas or bhakti yogisbecome relevant in a very compacted, mundane and secular world?  How do we share the goods of Krishna Consciousness effectively so others will come to listen and observe?

Anyone who inherits the gift of Krishna, feels he/she has struck gold and then wishes to disseminate it.  I am of that mindset and those who will attend are also of that spirit.  There is eagerness.  I know them.

It is the dharma of a devotional practitioner to share the lifestyle.  Our guru, Srila Prabhupada, defined dharma as “occupational duty” and in the context of the soul, which is in essence what we are, the obligation or “duty” of the soul is to serve humanity, nature and the Creator.

My evening closed with a visit to the home of Bharat, where I read and discussed dharmawith other guests, eager recipients of tasty prasadam, blessed food.

May the Source be with you!

5 km

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario


I am inspired by cleaning, as I’ve mentioned before, and today was one of those days to get down to business, roll up sleeves and pull up socks, by tackling the balcony of our temple.  It’s been a part of the building under major neglect, in my opinion, but I got the help I needed from Mahaprabhu, visiting us from D.C. and Bhakta James from Montreal.

I put to work several muscles, which may not get the full attention from the almost perfect exercise, walking, by bending, lifting and so on.  I don’t become very conscious of this until the end of the day when I feel not sore, but just great.

After seeing the result of the cleaning, and then hearing the chanting by the regular Wednesday youth who come to do just that—chanting—it is like heaven!  Usually you hear the melodies of ISKCON’s legendary kirtanleader, Aindra, being executed.  I do have fondness toward this American monk; I had lunch with him, chats with him and of course, sat in with him when he would lead a chant.  Well, I couldn’t actually sit, but dance in ecstasy along with a host of Bengali brahmacaris—monks.  It was a group effort.

This brings me back to the point of team work that goes behind the purification of a building, most notably the place where Sri Krishna is being worshipped.  I personally get enthused, very much, when thinking about the divine efforts of the ultimate monk, Sri Chaitanya, who excited his followers in the dust-gathering, water-splashing event of the Gundica Temple cleansing in Puri, India, some five hundred years ago.

May the Source be with you!

0 km