[Talk at Bhakti Lounge, Wellington, New Zealand]
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Websites from the ISKCON Universe
[Talk at Bhakti Lounge, Wellington, New Zealand]
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[Seminar at Wellington, New Zealand]
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The post How spiritual life relates to our material Life 2 – Work not for or against your nature, work with your nature for Krishna appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Seminar at Wellington, New Zealand]
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The post How spiritual life relates to our material Life 1 – Rejection, Complementation, Redirection appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Applying Principles of Forgiveness in our practical life as Sadhaka.
I am paraphrasing the following principles taught in this Chapter “Brahma satisfies Lord Siva” with respect to forgiving someone :
1) Observe Paramātmā in each and every being and do not differentiate between one living being and another.
When someone praises me, I may feel, “He is my friend.” When someone finds fault with me, I may feel, “He is my enemy.” These conclusions arise due to false ego and identification with superficial observations. If I see the reality that every living entity has a Supersoul in his heart and are offered Remembrance, Knowledge, Forgetfulness as per their surrender, then I can easily ignore the `mistakes’ of others, which they commit with the sanction of Supersoul; I can avoid giving too much feedback to others, after all I should allow some feedback for his Supersoul to give, instead of posting myself as a second Supersoul in others’ lives. Also I will respect all devotees and even non-devotees, because they are accompanied by their Supreme father, the Supreme Lord as Supersoul in their hearts. I will try to see all souls to be of one quality, but only with different degrees of material coverings, that makes me see them as friend or enemy wrongly.
2) Never become overwhelmed by anger like animals, who can see nothing without differentiation.
I’ll try to remember the good qualities, great services rendered, the spiritual stature of devotees with whom I had an unpleasant encounter. By gratefully remembering these, I can avoid holding a negative opinion about them. I will try to see the reality that I have 8.4 million brothers and sisters, only wrapped up in different types of dresses. One brother wears a squirrel dress, another wears a plant dress, a third one wears a cow dress etc. This vision will help me see everyone as a child of God. Remembering the pure qualities of great Vaisnavas can help me to emulate their model of peaceful disposition, calmness, kindness, courtesy, benevolence even to enemies.
Although I theoretically understand that we should forgive those who act enviously towards us due to their minds infected by illusory energy and their attachment to fruitive activities, it will take me many years of practice to learn unconditional love, especially towards those who behave inimically. It is possible for me to have working relationship with even such people, but to have a open heart and sweet relationship, as if nothing has gone wrong is difficult. Probably I have to dissolve my false ego by sincere and pure chanting to be able to see everybody as a lover of Krishna and thus lovable.
3) When unexpected situations come our way, we should not find fault with Lord for sending adversities.
4) Mean-minded people cannot tolerate flourishing condition of others and thus they utter harsh and piercing words to cause pain to them; such people are already killed by providence (due to the anxiety and envy in their hearts); there is no need to take revenge.
5) A Vaiṣṇava is described as para-duḥkha-duḥkhī because although he is never distressed in any condition of life, he is distressed to see others in a distressed condition. Vaiṣṇavas, therefore, should not try to kill by any action of the body or mind, but should try to revive the Kṛṣṇa consciousness of others out of compassion for them. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement has been started to deliver the envious persons of the world from the clutches of māyā, and even though devotees are sometimes put into trouble, they push on the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement in all tolerance. “trinad api sunicena” [Cc. Ādi 17.31]
6) Knowing that the materialists are overpowered by illusory energy due to which they commit offenses, a devotee of the Lord should feel sorry for them and not show his prowess to counteract them.
7) The un-bewildered devotee should be merciful and forgiving towards those who are under the clutches of illusory potency and also attached to fruitive activities. A Vaiṣṇava should take care of those who are bewildered by this māyā instead of becoming angry with them, because without a Vaiṣṇava’s mercy they have no way to get out of the clutches of māyā.
8) Beauty of a tapasvī, or saintly person, is forgiveness. Even if a saintly person is unnecessarily harassed by someone, a saintly person tolerates. Parīkṣit Mahārāja was the emperor and was full in power both spiritually and materially, but out of compassion and out of respect for the brāhmaṇa community, he did not counteract the action of the brāhmaṇa boy but agreed to die within seven days. Because it was desired by Kṛṣṇa that Parīkṣit Mahārāja agree to the punishment so that the instruction of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam would thus be revealed to the world, Parīkṣit Mahārāja was advised not to take action. A Vaiṣṇava is personally tolerant for the benefit of others. When he does not show his prowess, this does not mean that he is lacking in strength; rather, it indicates that he is tolerant for the welfare of the entire human society.
Radheshyam Dasa
[Srimad Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Wellington, New Zealand]
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Devotees experience bliss during Harinama Kirtan near Giriraj Govardhan: 10-11-2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The ...
TOVP: Lord Nrshimha Dev’s Dome progresses towards completion (Album of photos)
Sadbhuja Das: Nrshimha Dev Dome’s middle Tier Arch and Columns are being installed.
Beautifully designed and made in-house, they will consist of the GRC Cornices (top and bottom) and Timber Wooden windows with concealed lighting which will wash the Dome.
Marble cladding will be executed on the back walls.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/X4PpeZ
The post Daily Darshan: November 11,2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Krishna conscious presentation in Mumbai’s Institute of Engineers (Album with photos)
On 11th Oct 2017, Gaur Gopal das gave a keynote speech at awards function of ‘The Institute of Engineers (IEI),’ Local Nasik Centre.
IEI celebrated Engineers Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of the eminent engineer and statesman, Bharat Ratna Sir M. Visvesvaraya. On this occasion, they arranged a grand celebration by a gathering of prominent engineers, businessmen and other eminent personalities from diversified Engineering fields.
As a part of this event, selected engineers were awarded under different categories such as “Outstanding Engineer”, “Engineering Achievement”, “Lady Engineering Achievement”, “Promising Engineer” and “Lady Engineer”.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/dQG4XT
Dear Devotees, friends and well-wishers,
Here is the most recent update on Agnideva Prabhu:
By Krsna’s mercy he is doing much better. Wednesday was the first day he ate several times. They were tiny portions, but more than previous days. He is very conscious, aware and cognizant and speaks a lot about Lord Nityananda’s mercy. Yesterday, using a walker bar as support, he stood up and moved his feet forward and backward 10 times. This is significant progress because only last week he was on a ventilator with a collapsed lung and fluid in both lungs. He has a long slow road to recovery but doctors feel he will make progress. Now he gets a nutritional drip only at night and during the day has a protein shake prescribed by a nutritionist in addition to light prasadam.
Now that his respiratory system is stabilized and his digestive, urinary and neurological functions are working doctors performed an ultrasound to check on the faulty Mitral Valve in the heart. The results confirmed that the irregularity of the regulating valve flaps makes Agnideva prabhu very prone to heart failure. His Cardio-Thoracic surgeon recommended surgery to replace this valve and commented that such surgery is urgent. Australia has world class facilities and are leaders in minimal invasive surgery. Agnideva prabhu understands what needs to be done and he and his family have decided to proceed with the doctor’s recommendations.
An angiogram was done today to eliminate any possible complications in the surgery. Unfortunately, a chest CT scan showed Agnideva prabhu has pneumonia in the lower lungs. The doctors are giving him strong antibiotics. Tonight he did not eat as he was nauseous.
Close to bedtime, as a devotee chanted Nrsimhadeva prayers, Agnideva prabhu’s eyes widened and he chanted along with gusto.
Please keep him in your prayers as the doctors perform the medical procedures mentioned above.
Thank you everyone for your donations and prayers!
Your Servant,
Indradyumna Swami
ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission has appointed a new GBC authority for the Greater New York Area. At the GBC Midterm Meeting in Ujjain (U.P.), India on Oct. 9, the GBC Body added Radhanath Maharaja, Devamrita Maharaja and Vaisesika Prabhu as co-GBC members for the Greater New York Area. The new GBC team intends to help stop the pending sale of the Radha Govinda temple in Brooklyn, prevent the temple from being pulled out of ISKCON, and give new life to the Krishna consciousness movement in New York. Further discussions about ISKCON in the Greater New York Area are expected in February at the GBC’s annual general meeting in Mayapur. Continue reading "New GBC Authority Appointed For Greater New York Area
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Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 15.11 What we see depends on what we want to see appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post If our attitude is determined by our modes, then how much can we change our attitude? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
There is no loss or diminution (video)
Srimad Bhagavatam class by H.G.Tattvavit prabhu, November 9, 2017, in ISKCON Vrindavan.<...
Selfishness Is the opposite of Compassion (6 min video)
Mahatma Das: As we advance in Krishna consciousness we become more comp...
The principle of gratitude - the most exquisite form of courtesy.
Radheshyam Das: Gratitude is like gunpowder in a gun or fuel in a Car, without which there is no further action. All great souls have felt deep gratitude to Lord and His devotees who have contributed to their KC.
(Eg) Kunti maharani submitted a long list of protection offered by Lord Krishna for the Pandava children
(Eg) Prahlad remembered his Guru, Narada and aspired only service to him, when Lord Nrsimha appeared
(Eg) Draupadi reminding Arjuna of Dronacarya’s training him and asking Arjuna not to kill Ashwattama.
(Eg) Yudhishthira Maharaja considering Dhrtarastra to be the protector when Pandavas were fatherless children
(Eg) Prabhupada remembering Beatles George Harisson’s help and sending him a ring from his own finger
We could add innumerable examples of gratitude from scriptures.
In the context of Dhruva, Suniti was the one who guided him to go to Jungle to search for Lord Visnu. Similarly in our lives many devotees have contributed to drawing us into association of vaishnavas; some have saved us when we were again trying to return to maya; some others have provided us warmth, guidance and support when we were bewildered about some aspect of philosophy or incidents within ISKCON society; some have shed sweat and toil in purifying our anarthas painstakingly tolerating all the hue and cry we made, as they elevated us!
When we honestly consider the contribution of various vaishnavas in our life, our heart would soften and cry. Imagine what we would be now without such support. I would be headlong be marching into material civilization of West like a moth entering fire. More worse is that I would have become proud of my material accomplishments or flying here and there and filling pocket with dollar notes! I would have become an example of what Bhakti Vinod Thakura rightly says, “Vidyara gaurave bhrami deshe deshe, dhana upaarjana kari”. We can look back and see how devotees have saved us, sheltered us and empowered us to be what we are today! Now by honest examination I can say, “I am here still in ISKCON as a practicing devotee because so many devotees have mercifully carried me along and prayed for my spiritual wellbeing.”
The post Daily Darshan: November 10, 2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Vrindavan Braj Parikrama - Prema Sarovara and Barsana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: As stated in the Padma Purana: “One cannot understand the transcendental nature of the name, form, quality and pastimes of Sri Krishna through one’s materially contaminated senses. Only when one becomes spiritually saturated by transcendental service to the Lord are the transcendental name, form, quality and pastimes of the Lord revealed to him.”
Find them here: https://goo.gl/4HGMfK
Opening Ceremony of the Vaishnava Academy in Vrindavan (Album with photos)
Grand opening of the Vaishnava Academy courses in Krishna Balarama mandir.
On 8 November the grand opening of the Vaishnava courses was held in mandir. At The Prabhupada Hall of the Russian house, students of all three courses were gathered: Bhakti programs, BHAKTI-SASTRI AND BHAKTI-Vaibhava, as well as guests and residents of Vrindavan.
The opening ceremony was attended by dignitaries such as the disciples of Srila Prabhupada - HG Dina Bandhu prabhu and HG Vayasaki prabhu, also the president of the krishna consciousness society in Russia (CRO COSKR), leader of the community of the city. St. Petersburg HG Acutatma prabhu, member of the governing council cro coskr HH. Bhagavatamrita Keshava Maharaj.
HG Dina Bandhu prabhu noted in his statement that he was very pleased to see an initiative such as the opening of the vajšnavskih courses, which would include an in-depth study of chastre: “ it is very important for each loyal to listen to the Lord from the mouths of pure So we get good ”.
HG Ваясаки Prabhu has repeatedly stressed in his statement that we are capable of something only by mercy of a spiritual teacher, we must not accept honor and glory, as the true credit belongs to our guru. He also said that the concept of “BHAKTI-Sastry” does not mean that we should be able to learn, receive information and recount it. “BHAKTI-Sastry” means we have to live according to šastrami every moment of our lives.
Е.С.Бхагаватамрита Keshava Maharaj focused attention on the importance of the education course in the holy dhame - in mandir. Vrindavan is the center of krishna consciousness around the world.
In conclusion, е.м.ачьютатма prabhu shared his observation that the consciousness of krishna remains only those who have a deep faith in species: “it is important that the ship does not fall off course, and for that we have guru, sadhu and species”. and Recommended that students find a specific purpose for which they came to study species, only in this case the training will be successful.
After welcoming words and blessings of senior loyal, е.м.дина bandhu prabhu held guru-Šrile Prabhupade, and every student offered rose petals in the footsteps of Ačarʹe-FOUNDER ISKCON.
After that, the solemn part ended with a holiday. And after a little rest, the students gathered in the classroom to continue with their curators.
In 18.00, a festive concert was held in the Russian house.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/UDa1uK
Hare Krishna free vegetarian meals for Penang flood victims (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-s...
New Vrajadhama Warms Hearts This Autumn.
Autumn is upon us, and for many that means Halloween, pumpkin spice lattes, and fall ...
This seventh issue of the Sannyasa Newsletter includes a variety of information about sannyasa and sannyasis, ancient and modern. In this issue, Srila Prabhupada explains the practical side of how an ISKCON sannyasi should engage his energies in diverse services in Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan movement, while Kripamoya Prabhu’s article gives us a history of the various aspects of etiquette and austerity that classical sannyasis in the varnashrama system were expected to follow. Ekalavya Prabhu's article tells us something about the present organization of the Sannyasa Ministry and then we are also told about the services and qualities of one of ISKCON’s senior sannyasis, Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja. Continue reading "ISKCON Sannyasa Ministry Newsletter Volume 7, Sept-Dec 2017
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The overarching theme of the ILS 2018 will be “keep the wheels moving” an expression Srila Prabhupada took from the Indian Railway. He noted, “it is the business of every employee, whether a train driver, a fireman or a clerk in the office, to do their bit so that the wheels never stop. If the wheels stop, business stops.” He wanted our ISKCON movement to keep the wheels moving and thus provide an opportunity for people all over the world to receive the mercy of Lord Caitanya. Continue reading "ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2018 Registration Has Begun
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Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 15.10 We need knowledge to see our vulnerability in material existence appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post How can we balance our limited controllership over our children with our responsibility to guide them? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Bhaktivedanta Institute founding member Sadaputa Das’ first book, Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science (1981), is finally back in print. The work’s cogent critique of materialistic reductionism received attention from numerous recognized scientists, including Nobel Prize winners Eugene Wigner and Brian Josephson.
Six young people in India discover a major ecological disaster that we all unknowingly contribute. A documentary by Kristina Danka, Ph.D. For more information please visit www.stolenriverfilm.com
In the non devotional world, where sex is the norm, the divorce rate, in many nations, is around 50%. So from that angle, the answer is no, sex does not assure one a successful marriage. And within ISKCON, where sex is discouraged, some estimate divorce rates are even higher. So, that begs a much larger question.