“One Day Krishna May Kiss You” Saradiya Dasi: Once I…

“One Day Krishna May Kiss You”
Saradiya Dasi: Once I asked Prabhupada, “Are there senses in the spiritual world?” Prabhupada looked at the audience and said, “Look at this little girl. She wants to go back to Godhead.”
And in the course of the answer, Prabhupada said, “One day, Krishna may kiss you.” At that, everyone in the audience laughed
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/r2yQAY

The Most Sacred Walk (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…

The Most Sacred Walk (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday we happily walked around sacred Govardhan Hill. Offering respects to the hill, the sadhus living there, the cows, the trees, the d…ust and the sacred water tanks, we purified our hearts on the path back home, back to the spiritual world.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/GRXLoR

Parijata IC: Wishing a happy 10th Liver Transplant Anniversary…
→ Dandavats

Parijata IC: Wishing a happy 10th Liver Transplant Anniversary to Shyamasundara and Gopinath Prabhus (Sam Speerstra & Amol Kulkarni). So grateful that both are in good health, happy, & blissfully engaged in service of Srila Prabhupada & Krishna. Praying both of you have many more such years of extraordinary service & good health.
Giriraj Swami: Gopinath Prabhu (Amol Kulkarni), you deserve a share of the credit for all the wonderful service Shyamasundar Prabhu (Sam Speerstra) had done since the transplant.
Yasoda-dulal Das: It took a lot of courage and surrender to have Gopinath volunteer to give part of his liver to Shyamsundar prabhu. And for you, Parijata IC, as his wife to have willingly gone along with it, with a then very young son in your lives! All glories to you both.
I am happy and proud to have you both in our life as dear friends.

“YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!”This is what a freshman at…
→ Dandavats

This is what a freshman at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis said after he accepted Bhagavad-gītā & a few smaller pieces of literature from us last week. He was so nice that after expressing his interest in reading this philosophy, he spent a few minutes thanking us for coming to his campus. He said he understood it must be a great sacrifice for us to travel & preach, & he offered his respects repeatedly.
A girl who received BG from us a year ago at IUPUI happily received a few other books this time.
While I was showing the BG to one student, another student enthusiastically interrupted & asked, “Is that the original BG w/ Sanskrit? I’ve been wanting to find that book in its entirety!” Both students accepted a copy.
An older-looking student walked by, stopped, & asked what I was doing. He ended up taking a BG & admitted, “I have no idea why I was walking down this path. I never come this way, for I have no reason to.” I told him nothing happens by chance. 😃
Next we visited the Univ. of IL. One of the first persons to accept a BG from me was an articulate young man. He explained that he grew up in the Muslim tradition but felt dissatisfied w/ its theology. He also felt dissatisfied w/ modern science’s claim that consciousness is a product of matter. Thus in addition to the BG, he eagerly took a copy of the magazine “Origins–Higher Dimensions in Science,” which has an interesting article entitled “The Mystery of Consciousness.”
More than other campuses we visit, we also find staff & faculty members at the U of I taking home some of our literature. This trip was no exception, as three professors accepted a copy of BG.
The first was in the department of Earth Sciences. She expressed her interest in meditation & Eastern thought & gave a generous donation. The second was in the department of Geology. She said, “Oh, BG. I’ve always wanted to read that book.”
The third professor was from Africa & teaches Linguistics. He speaks a half dozen languages & has high regard for Sanskrit. He graciously accepted the BG.
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

In a galaxy far far away Luke Skywalker (Mark Hammel) gets…

In a galaxy far far away Luke Skywalker (Mark Hammel) gets Prabhupada’s books! (Album with photos)
Brajananda Das: This past weekend was the annual NYC comic con which I have attended the last 3 years. I met a lot of wonderful people there. In my album’s first picture is a nice fellow from Peru, he was very grateful to get the books. The second is from Dharmaraja, he gave a book to Mark Hammel who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. The third is Kermit the frog (not the original one, hah). The others are a bunch of other great people who value knowledge. It was a successful, yet stressful weekend (NYC is a tough place to get around for this monk, especially if you’re hauling a lot of books and can’t park a big van near the event.) but Krishna always reciprocates, so it was well worth the endeavor. Hare Hare!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/hEhjVC

Gita 14.18 Goodness leads to elevation, passion to stagnation, ignorance to degradation
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Questions About Prema and Changing Gurus
→ The Enquirer

Q1:- Possessiveness of Krishna happens at Prema, but is the seed of it in Sādhana?

In sādhana our relationship to Krishna is only a theory that we try to emulate or live up to. Maybe we have a theory that Krishna should be our sweetheart, for example. It is just a theory, not a reality. And we practice seeing the world and ourselves through that theory. In prema, it becomes a manifest reality.

Q2:- As you mentioned that Hanuman doesn’t lack anything but then in comparison to Gopi Prema there is lack. But then isn’t Prema a completely subjective thing, so how can we objectify the different Rasas?

Sugarcane is sweeter than coconut. That doesn’t mean everyone likes sugarcane more than coconut.

Objectively sugarcane is sweeter. Subjectively, some like coconut better.

Q3:- Shouldn’t a Dasya Bhakta be getting complete satisfaction in relation with Bhagvan as much as a Madurya Rasa Bhakta?

Yes, just as a coconut fan gets complete satisfaction from eating coconuts, and isn’t wanting for the taste of sugarcane.

Q4:- Can the initial interest/attraction for Krishna be just very generic meaning one is just attracted to His sweetness or may be greatness or some other aspect, like Bhakti is the best thing that one can do?

Yes, while knowledge of Krishna is vague, attraction is vague. The more knowledge increases, the less vague. The more knowledge matures into experience, the more concrete.

Even in prema, the rasa can go first into śuddha-svacca-rati (a generic love) and later mature into something more specific. We will cover this when we cover the sthayi-bhavas.

Q5:- Can the initial attraction(Shraddha) to Krishna be an attraction to experience the Bhakti of a Vrajavasi – to how that particular Vrajavasi feels for Krishna and experiences Krishna on account of that feeling; rather than being attracted to a specific Guna or Rupa of Krishna?

Technically this is OK, and is rāgānugā-śraddha. But they way many people think of this is a lot like saying you want to know what a sugarcane fan experiences, but you are not interested in sugarcane.

Q6:- If someone gets attracted to say Prasadam or some other feature of an organisation promoting Krishna Bhakti, then could such an attraction be categorised as Shraddha in Krishna Bhakti?

They have śraddhā for prasādam, not for bhakti or anything else. If their understanding of prasādam is very deep, śraddhā for it can be the gateway for śraddhā for bhakti and Krishna.

Śraddha for Thing A is Śraddha for Thing A. Maybe it will lead to Śraddha for Thing B, but unless and until it does, there is no Śraddha for Thing B.

Q7:- If at a particular point one finds that one is not able to nurture one’s Krishna Bhakti in a particular organisational set up, though one may have started from there, then can one switch tracks?

Yes. Best to do it with blessings from the persons in the organization you are leaving. That may not be possible (due to their attachments), but we should at least make a sincere effort for it.

Q8:- Would such switching of tracks be tantamount to being an Apradhi thereby not letting one experience Bhakti? 

Don’t unnecessarily use round-about logic – determining A by evaluating B. Use direct logic whenever possible: Evaluate A to figure out A. Evaluate B to figure out B.

Being an aparādhī is being an aparādhī, switching organizations is switching organizations. A person may be one, the other, both, or neither.

If you realize you made a mistake in identifying your guru, try to get that person’s blessings for your change. As I mentioned, its unlikely that you will get such blessings without a great deal of equivocation and strife. This just confirms that you were correct about their spiritual stature, as this reluctance to bless and wish well is a clear symptom of a petty self-concept still plagued by personal and socio-political attachments and ambitions. However we should sincerely try to make it an unoffensive transition, done with blessings from the person formerly considered the guru.

Q9:- How can it be decided if a person is an Apradhi? 

Aparādhā as a noun means “hate.” If you feel hatred towards bhaktas or bhakti, that is anartha, and if you express it, that is aparādhā as a verb.

People who have a lot of anartha are very easy to offend, because they have much self-interest. We should try to tiptoe around them, or even humiliate ourselves to placate them, but it is too exhausting and distracting to do that forever, so we should try our best to leave their company on amiable terms.



What is the difference between believing a half-man half-lion and believing a half-man half-spider?

Answer Podcast

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Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma – 5
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Retreat in Breckenridge, USA]


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Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma – 4
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Retreat in Breckenridge, USA]


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Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma – 3
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Retreat in Breckenridge, USA]


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Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma – 2
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Retreat in Breckenridge, USA]


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Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma – 1
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Retreat in Breckenridge, USA]

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Friday, October 6th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Milton, Ontario

The Start of Another One

Rajasuya, Ananta, young Gopal and I headed down the Bruce Trail, just a short 5 kilometre stretch of this long 840 km footpath, the oldest of its kind in Canada.  I guess you could say it’s an official start of another walk, one that I plan to tackle in spurts, by way of day walks.  http://brucetrail.org

In any event, off we went to the area of Lake Kelso, which, at the start by Old Bell School Line, was naturally adorned with red sumac.  We were greeted by a host of birds seeming to have a party.  These Canada geese made for a landing at a fish habitat, and at the base of a cliff along the Niagara escarpment. A frog, a snake, a squirrel, chipmunk and blue jays were also about to give us some companionship outside of our own inner circle.

Oh, and there were enough of those mountain bikers—seems to be a guy thing—who whizzed by, always with a verbal “Hi!” while they were getting ‘high’ on their adrenalin rush.  No doubt this trail has its ups and downs, rocky in places while roots of maples, oaks, and more are exposed, giving hiccups to a cyclist and less-so to a walker.

In fact, this kind of path is the best; not regular in its texture, not flat but bumpy.  You can’t get better than this.  There are look-out spots that offer awesome vistas.  It’s like being in a kind of heaven, really.

Oh Krishna, thanks for this day, for these companions and a most exhilarating place to be.

May the Source be with you!

5 km