Preaching program in Tirana, Albania’s capital city (Album…
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Preaching program in Tirana, Albania’s capital city (Album with photos)
Ananda Tirtha: We had a really, really wonderful six days in Tirana, Albania. The city is pleasant. People are super pleasant. We managed to sell 500 books. Bhakti-grantha and Nayananda Prabhus distributed almost all of them. I managed to meet up with the Indian consul in Tirana, a man in his 60s with moist and lively eyes, a successful businessman of a warm and unassuming nature. He helped us with our mission. I gifted him a copy of the Sri Isopanisad in Albanian, a copy of the Bhagavad-gita in English, and a copy of the Atma magazine in Albanian. We also met a vibrant woman, a yoga teacher, who without thinking twice invited us to give a lecture at her studio. That proved to be a great gathering. One of the men in attendance even offered his help to initiate an Iskcon center in Tirana and translate the Bhagavad-gita into Albanian. We look forward to our next visit to Tirana.
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New York Supreme Court Declares Historic Decision in favor of Hare Krishna Movement

The case began in 2004 in Freeport, New York, when persons from outside Long Island, through deception and subterfuge, took control of the Long Island ISKCON Temple board of trustees. Those persons opposed GBC authority and taught a philosophical system called ritvik, which the GBC declared a deviation from traditional Hare Krishna, or Vaishnava Hindu teachings.

Dauji, The Older Brother! (Album with photos) Indradyumna…
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Dauji, The Older Brother! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Dauji is a name for Lord Balarama meaning ‘older brother.’ It is also the name of a village in greater Vrindavan, where a very ancient deity of Lord Balarama is worshiped with great love and devotion by the citizens. It’s one of my favorite places in all of Vrindavan. Yesterday we took our parikrama party of 350 devotees to Dauji to see Dauji!
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Rebirth According to the Bhagavad-gita; Epistemology, Ontology and Ethics
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Ishvara Krishna Das

This paper is engaged with the topic of reincarnation in the Bhagavad gītā, better termed “rebirth”. It first looks into the epistemological aspects of rebirth, and highlights the type of knowledge or terminology underlying the vision of rebirth, as opposed to a different type of knowledge that is not suitable for this purpose, and which leads to a different vision of reality. It then looks into the ontological aspects of rebirth, and having highlighted some Upaniṣadic sources, it highlights major Bhagavad gītā sections describing the soul and rebirth. Finally, it looks into the ethics derived from the concept of rebirth; it first characterizes these as “ethics of equanimity”, and then expands these into the “ethics of enlightened action”, which refer to action grounded in the idea of rebirth. Continue reading "Rebirth According to the Bhagavad-gita; Epistemology, Ontology and Ethics
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Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple Damodar AartI Darshan 5th October…
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Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple Damodar AartI Darshan 5th October 2017 Live from ISKCON Chowpatty (14 min video)
Watch it here:
After He had snuggled into Yasoda’s embrace, Krsna had become both the victim of neglect and the beneficiary of bliss. It was an extraordinary experience, one that He continued to enjoy until His rebellious mind thought,
“She has left Me for some milk.”
Following the experience of separation came thoughts of being neglected, and from those thoughts emerged corresponding feelings that stoked the anger of love. Burned thus by the fire of indignation, Krsna boiled like a baby-volcano.
Mother Yasoda was also a beneficiary of a similar but even more intense sweetness.
Upon feeding Krsna she had tasted the heavenly nectar of His touch, and when she put Him down she drank the abysmal poison of His absence. But as she rushed to save the boiling milk, her ecstasy amazingly increased step by step. Like Krsna, she too was intoxicated by the love of separation. However, because He was the object of love and she the subject because He was unlimited and she limited, her pleasures, both nectarean and poisonous, were a hundred times greater than His. So when divine love forced Yasoda to rush to the stove, she was so disoriented that in an invisible way Yogamaya had to guide her.
Knowing that His mother’s bliss exceeded His own, Krsna felt further deprived.
“Another injustice!”
Pierced thus from multiple directions, His mounting anger finally erupted.
Although a little boy of three, Krsna was the origin of anger, material and spiritual. The forms of Virabhadra and Nrsimha may have appeared ferocious by comparison to baby Krsna, but the fierceness of the anger that He felt was no less than theirs.
In this way, frustration at being neglected, jealousy of the boiling milk, and the injustice of being spiritually short-changed caused a host of bodily symptoms.
His hands clenched and unclenched, His little chest heaved with rapid breathing, and His black complexion became tinged with red. Eyes reddish, eyebrows flitting, and lips trembling, Krsna glared in the direction of the kitchen, bit His lower lip, and vowed,
“I will get revenge.”
Sri Damodara-janani
(HH Sivarama Swami)

Gita 14.16 Piety purifies, craving torments and intoxication stupefies

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Vedic Sociology Seminar at ISKCON Juhu. ‘Varnasrama Dharma is…
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Vedic Sociology Seminar at ISKCON Juhu.
‘Varnasrama Dharma is the society of Vaisnavas in their conditional stage.’ (Bhaktivinod Thakur in Sajjan Toshani)
A 3-day seminar on Vedic Sociology was held at ISKCON Juhu under the aegis of IDVM-India on 1st - 3rd of October 2017. The seminar was given by His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaj. Posters of the event were displayed in the temple premises. Information about the same was also circulated on social media. There was a lot of excitement amongst devotees for the seminar.
The first day of the seminar was an introduction to Vedic Sociology. His Holiness explained that the Vedic Society is primarily an agrarian society and encouraged devotees to lead a more natural life based on land, cows and Krishna. His Holiness also mentioned that cities are supposed to be our preaching bases and villages our living bases. The presentation had many direct statements from past acharyas emphasizing the importance of Varnasrama Dharma. His Holiness explained about the ISKCON’s four movements. His Holiness explained that Srila Prabhupada wanted Krishna Consciousness movement to be not only Religious movement, Cultural movement, Educational movement, but also a social movement.
The presentation was based on Kautilya’s Arthasastra.
The second day of the seminar dealt with another very important topic of Varnasrama Education. His Holiness first explained about the three types of vidyas and then about the five pillars of education. He also explained about the qualities which student and teachers should possess. Maharaja gave the seven pillars of success under the science of politics wherein His Holiness compared the Vedic perspective and their counterpart in a modern organization. Then, Maharaj explained about the char vidyas namely Vedic Philosophy, Vedic Education, Vedic Politics and Vedic Economics. There was an interesting topic about how to determine one’s varna. At the last phase of the seminar on day 2, Maharaja showed an interesting video by Srila Prabhupada on education and politics.
The third day was on Varnasrama Economics. Due to bad health, His Holiness could not present the seminar. His Grace Vishnunam Prabhu, Vice President ISKCON Ahmedabad presented the seminar. Prabhu started with many direct quotes from Srila Prabhupada on cow protection. In his presentation, he shared his own experience with ISKCON Ahmedabad goshala and his experience with the cows. It was interesting to know that milk production could be increased by allowing calves to stay with their mother cow for 12 hours every day. He explained about the animal impact on the land through planned grazing of cows. He also gave few quotes from Vedas regarding taking care of Gomata. He explained how cows help in increasing organic matter of land and thus enables the soil to hold more water. Another interesting point he made was if we eat grains, vegetables etc made out of cow dung and urine, we do not need medicines made out of cow dung and urine.
Devotees attended the seminar in large number. They were very happy to gain holistic vision of Vedic sociology with the seminar and wanted more such kind of seminars to broaden their horizon of thinking. The audience also asked many interesting questions on the topic.
The seminar will be soon uploaded on the youtube channel ‘Varnasrama Media service’. Interested devotees may subscribe the youtube channel to watch full seminar.
Shubhananda Hari Das
To read the entire article click here:

Book distribution in Vrindavana. Kavicandra Swami: This is my…
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Book distribution in Vrindavana.
Kavicandra Swami: This is my God Sister, Radha Kunda dasi. She was Book Distributor par excellence in the 70’s. She inspired me in my early days of book distribution.
She moved to India and helped to establish ISKCON in Gujarat.
She started the Mataji book distribution party in front of Krsna Balaram Mandira. They distribute hundreds of book daily. Note the name tag, made in USA. That is to save time since everyone asks about that.

Bhaktimarga Swami Completes 3,550-Mile Walk Across U.S. for…
→ Dandavats

Bhaktimarga Swami Completes 3,550-Mile Walk Across U.S. for ISKCON 50.
On Friday September 15th, Bhaktimarga Swami, “The Walking Monk,” crossed the finish-line for his 3,550-mile walk across the USA in San Francisco, beneath shining blue skies and rolling white clouds.
It had been two years since he set off.
This wasn’t the Swami’s first adventure on foot. He has walked across Canada from coast to coast four times; and he has trekked across Ireland, the Fiji Islands, Mauritius, Trinidad, Guyana, and Israel, to promote a more simple, healthy and spiritual lifestyle.
But this latest walk, in honor of his guru A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the 50th anniversary of Prabhupada’s International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has been the most personally meaningful to him.
To read the entire article click here:

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

North York, Ontario

Clean and Shine

My mind is most peaceful when things are clean, and so, gradually, I’m going about the ashram and mandir (temple) where I live, and addressing the accumulated dust, dirt, crumbs and misplacements.  There is so little help these days.  Few young men reside in the ashram.  They’re better off travelling anyways, which is what they are doing.  The few able ones who do reside with us are, for the most part, off at work or school.

I see it as a glorious service to pick up a broom, dust pan, then mop and water bucket and work away.  Naturally when visitors come by and they see a swami at labour, they may volunteer.  That’s also a good feeling for me—engaging others.  It’s about as sweet as seeing all the dirt wash away.  Therapeutic–it is.

I also had the good blessings to see siblings.  My sister Pauline is a hair dresser for the rich and she invited me to her home where Connie, another sister, and bro Jerry also happened to drop by.  Connie teaches.  Jerry’s a photographer.  The gathering was actually a pre-birthday party for me.  At this full moon, I’ll be 65.

Pauline checked out, online, Hare Krishna cake recipes and came out with something rather successful.

To get to her home, I took the subway to Sheppard and Yonge.  Then, not knowing which way and being greeted by an ominous dark cloud above, I asked for directions because the western sun was not visible.  It’s funny that people don’t have their directions quite right in their own city.  I was misled and went the wrong way through some rain, but that’s okay, I got some walking in.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Tilsonburg, Ontario

Most Welcome

Our morning class discussion was centered around a verse from the Bhagavatam, 10.20.20, which goes as follows: “The peacocks became festive and cried out a joyful greeting when they saw the clouds arrive, just as people distressed in household life feel pleasure when the pure devotees of the infallible Supreme Lord visit them.”

How then to improve our hospitality when people come to visit the temple and ashram? Visitors may not necessarily fit into the category of “pure devotee” but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt that their intent is good. People come on a daily basis for some comfort and serenity. How can we make their stay the most welcoming?

The simple answer that came from the group was to acknowledge their presence with:
1)    A smile
2)    Some words of welcome
3)    Offer some prasadam, even a small piece
4)    Inform them of upcoming sangas—gatherings
5)    Answer their questions
6)    Offer them literature, a take-home bit of information
7)    Inform them as to where they may find water and a washroom

This can be expanded upon, of course.

The demonstration of the above kindness came from Kelly and Ramachandra when Nimai took Wade and I on the drive to Tilsonburg at the Indigo Lounge.  In its yoga room, we met with local folks interested in hearing “Tales From Trails,” the Bhagavat philosophy, and some chanting.

It was nice to see the enthusiasm from the group, in terms of the good questions coming my way and the response to the literature, CD’s and japa beads we made available.

We felt most welcome.  Kelly’s final word was, “Let’s do it again!”

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Vrindavana full of pilgrims for Kartika (Album with…
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Vrindavana full of pilgrims for Kartika (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “The essence of all Vedic knowledge—comprehending the three kinds of Vedic activity, the Vedic hymns, and the processes for satisfying the demigods—is included in the eight syllables Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. This is the reality of all Vedanta. The chanting of the holy name is the only means to cross the ocean of nescience.” (Narada-pancharatra)
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Monday, October 2nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

’Twas Awesome

It was a fast train, only four hours to get from Ottawa to Toronto. Once I arrived at the downtown Union Station, I decided, because it was an awesome day weather-wise, that I would walk to the ashram. Are you inspired?

I had my luggage with wheels and so I rolled it all the way for the 4.4 kilometres. I went north on York Street, and then through Nathan Phillips Square. I was captivated by a sculpture there. Suspended rather high was the image of a lion and a lamb looking fairly contented at each other.

Immediately I thought, “This is biblical. Now let me see….”  I began to speculate.  In truth, I should have read the plaque. This is a depiction of the heaven where there is no fear; prey and predator are one.  ’Twas awesome!

I looked up on Google some reference to the lion and lamb. Apparently the two sculptured animals are more to do with a representation of Jesus. The question is, “How should we understand the lion and the lamb passage?”

Answer: Typically, when someone is thinking of the “lion and the lamb,” Isaiah 11:6 comes to mind due to it often being misquoted. “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.”  The true “Lion and the lamb” passage is in the book of Revelation 5:5-6. Christ is both the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah and the lamb who was slain.  There are two aspects of the nature of Christ.

Anyway, it was cool to see a beautiful work of art, with some divine message behind it, in the downtown of a corporate-culture section of town.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Sunday, October 1st, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Ottawa, Ontario

On Top of the Hill

The police officer, a female, approached us out of sheer curiosity.  It was Parliament Hill and our small chanting party had made our way to one of those historic sculptures with armed figures, representations of early settlers to the New World as well as some natives of the First Nations.  I had our group posed and interspersed with the sculptured heroes, ready to take a photo of our group holding our weapons of drum, tambourine and cymbals, when the police officer asked, “What are you doing?  We have groups coming up here protesting at times.  I don’t know anything about you.”  To me she asked, “Are you the leader?”

“Yes, I’m a leader amongst us—a visitor to Ottawa, but I can answer your question.  We are from the Hare Krishna group which has roots in India—an ancient tradition that pre-dates Buddhism and Christianity.  We represent peace.  We have no violent or aggressive intent here.”

Then Krishna Dulal, our drummer, added, “As a matter of fact, we come here every Sunday to share our music and spread the peace.  We have a free feast, vegetarian, at our Centre on Somerset.”

“What do you call yourselves?”

“Hare Krishnas!  Here’s my card.”  I pointed to the mantra. She accepted the card but refused our literature.

By now she was convinced that we were harmless.  I do believe she was more inquisitive for her own sake than just doing her job.  We shook hands and were on our way.  Dozens of cameras from tourists moved in.  People thought us to be colourful, after all.  We were.

May the Source be with you!

9 km

Saturday, September 30th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Ottawa, Ontario

Different Ways of Walking

My fingers were walking over my mala—beads.  It is a life-long commitment I made to do those rounds—one hundred and eight beads on a strand to make one round—times sixteen.  A vow made to our guru, Prabhupada, it assists in keeping maya, life’s illusions, at bay.

My eyes were walking over words of recent history from the book Chasing Rhinos.  The contents are about a revolution in consciousness.  John Lennon’s song about revolution suggests change.  This evolution begins with a purging of the self.  I was sitting on a park bench, at Sandy Hill, reading.

My ears were walking over the sounds of the loud students at the game nearby.  They were happy sounds, but flavoured with the two words “like” and the “F” word.  This is so common.

My lips and tongue were walking over the savoury morsels of ‘dinner’, as Vinodini put it, actual prasadam, blessed food.  Inside the gymnasium of the community centre, participants also enjoyed this great potluck food.  And I always like the veggies best.

My senses were walking over the delivery of the presenters who were honouring a saintly lady who passed away recently—Guru Prasad’s wife, Vinodini’s mum.  Her name was Niranjani.  She was resilient and always soft and smiling.

Overall, I did some walking with varying instruments, all but for the legs.  Then time allowed five minutes on Highway 7 as Kasyap, the driver, was chanting his gayatri mantra.  To do gayatriyou walk your thumb over your fingers.  That’s the best way I can describe it.

May the Source be with you!

No reporting of km today.

Presenting Krishna consciousness (Album with photos) On 23rd…
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Presenting Krishna consciousness (Album with photos)
On 23rd September 2017, Gaur Gopal das was invited to speak at SBI - SBICAPs Conclave.
SBI Capital Markets Ltd, a subsidiary of State Bank of India, organized a Conclave, which was attended by senior officials of State Bank of India, SBI Capital Markets limited, RBI and other corporates.
Gaur Gopal das spoke on the topic “Secrets to renew Energy and Enthusiasm.”
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How I came to Krishna consciousness
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Hare KrishnaBy Niranjana Swami

We never experienced anything else in Prabhupada’s presence other than his burning desire to give Krishna, and that’s what captured our hearts, and that’s what makes us want to make this life successful by doing something to make Prabhupada smile. And if some day we can become so blessed to be able to do that which he wants us to do, then that’s the only reason why we live in this world. There is nothing else. Continue reading "How I came to Krishna consciousness
→ Dandavats"

Belief in Reincarnation and Some Unresolved Questions in Catholic Eschatology
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Hare KrishnaBy Bradley Malkovsky

There are two strong arguments advanced by reincarnationists against the teaching of one earthly life. The first argument regards reincarnation as a more reasonable expression of divine mercy and love than the disproportionate and unfair infliction of eternal punishment by God upon a human being for a single morally corrupt lifetime. The second argument finds reincarnation to be necessary for the continued exercise of creaturely freedom required for true moral and spiritual maturation. Catholic teaching, by contrast, asserts that a single earthly life followed by purgatory is sufficient for the perfection and completion of the human person. However, in both the satisfaction and sanctification models of purgatory the human person is entirely passive, not actively contributing to its own completion. Such an approach would seem to devalue free human participation in the process of perfection. Continue reading "Belief in Reincarnation and Some Unresolved Questions in Catholic Eschatology
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The Reincarnation(s) of Jaya and Vijaya: A Journey through the Yugas
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Hare KrishnaBy Satyaraja Dasa

Reincarnation, of course, is accepted as a given in India’s mystical literature, and, according to Eastern sensibility, its truth undergirds any genuine metaphysical understanding of life. We are spirit-soul, say texts like the Bhagavad-gītā (2.13, 21, 22, among others), and not the material body. We are a quantum of energy, and energy, we learn from the natural sciences, is never created or destroyed. It continues to exist in some form. God, too, is spiritual substance, and He/She/It reincarnates as well.1 But whereas regular souls are forced to incarnate according to their karmic activity—for every action there is an equal and commensurate reaction—God appears in various forms according to His sweet will, for the sake of play (līlā) and to educate. Continue reading "The Reincarnation(s) of Jaya and Vijaya: A Journey through the Yugas
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Sri Damodarashtakam Traditional ISKCON Bhajan for Lord Damodara…
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In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodarashtakam along with offering a Lamp twice a day. Damodar Ashtakam has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata which attracts Lord Damodara. Very naughty yet blissful pastimes of Lord Krishna are beautifully narrated in this Ashtakam. Sri Damodarashtakam Traditional ISKCON Bhajan for Lord Damodara By Madhavas Rock Band (11 min video)

Gita 14.15 The modes are not just psychological constructs, they are also post-mortem destination shapers
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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Our survival instinct tells us to avoid pain, whereas austerity means to accept pain – how to decide what to do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Should we be simply attached to the principle of service or to specific services according to our nature?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Damodara lila analysis – Going beyond cultural conceptions to spiritual revelation
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class at Bhakti House, Jacksonville, USA]


Podcast Summary

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How our vision alters our perception – Gita study 01.24-36
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhakti Shastri Class at Krishna House, Gainesville, USA]



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Overcoming negative emotions 2 – Depression
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at North Florida University]


Podcast Summary


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Is Krishna-bhakti universal when it is so specific?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on 1.2.28-29 at Krishna House, Gainesville, USA]


Podcast Summary


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Devotee Who Grew Up in New Vrindaban Returns to Serve His Community
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON New Vrindaban Communications



Born to a devotee family in New Vrindaban, West Virginia in 1977, Bhagavan Bauer lived and attended gurukula there until the age of eighteen.

While he developed great friendships with the other gurukula students and has good memories of fun times with them, he also endured the kind of traumatic abuse and neglect that was unfortunately all too common in many of ISKCON’s ashram-based gurukulas at the time.

So it was no surprise that he left in 1995 to create a new life for himself. During his twenty years away, Bhagavan gained a well of experience. He worked in New York City at several different jobs, including fitness trainer, construction worker and electrician. He married his wife Ananga Manjari, and they had two sons, Nava Kishor and Nitya, now 14 and 12.

As a father, still healing from his own negative childhood experiences and looking to give his children a more wholesome upbringing, Bhagavan studied parenting techniques. To pass on his knowledge, he then became a parenting coach and educator himself – a service he still offers.

More recently, after suffering the loss of several relatives, he and his wife sought more stability in their lives. And they felt that New Vrindaban, where Bhagavan’s mother Sukhavaha lives, was the place to find that.

In August 2015, Bhagavan and his family moved back to a very different New Vrindaban – one with a revitalized focus on Srila Prabhupada’s vision, improved devotee care, and increased infrastructure maintenance. He also found dramatically better treatment of children at the local Gopal’s Garden school, where his sons now study and his wife teaches.

When he first returned to New Vrindaban, Bhagavan struggled with what he described as an unhealthy sense of entitlement towards the community due to the trauma he had previously experienced there.

“But I decided to work through it and learn to love New Vrindaban while here,” he explains. “And that, I felt, would help me heal.”

Bhagavan says he is now reconnecting with the community he grew up in – and is at the forefront of efforts to transform it and pioneer the next wave.

Since moving back two years ago, he has been serving as the construction and maintenance manager for ISKCON New Vrindaban, overseeing a team of seven. Together they are assisting the effort to physically revitalize key parts of New Vrindaban, much of which had received little maintenance over the previous thirty years.

In his two years there so far Bhagavan and his team have already done an impressive number of upgrades.

They have upgraded all the floors in the temple prasadam room and hallways with vinyl plank flooring; put in a new sink and cabinets for dishes in the prasadam room; and upgraded the guest kitchen.

The team also helped Gopisa Das finish a host of new apartments for resident devotees near the New Vrindaban Community Gardens. They built the brand newYoga Shala in a record time of four months – a 2,000 square-foot building with a sloped cathedral ceiling, windows on three sides, and a beautiful view of the swan lake. And they built the wittily named “Vishnu Maintenance Workshop” to consolidate all their own tools and make their work more efficient.

Meaningfully to Bhagavan, they also transformed the Palace Lodge ground floor rooms – which had been gurukula ashrams in the 1980s – into comfortable, modern motel rooms.

“Demolishing the old ashram was a cathartic process for me,” he says.

Currently, Bhagavan is redoing the siding on the guest lodge and upgrading the chattras and walkways around the swan lake.

Next, he and his team plan to renovate the old farmhouse at Vrindaban, where the community was originally centered, and where Srila Prabhupada stayed in 1969 – restoring a wonderful piece of history.

After receiving feedback from community members on the details, Bhagavan is also eager to help make a big improvement – upgrading the entire outside of Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra’s temple to give it a fresh, more attractive look.

The challenge in working for the New Vrindaban construction department, according to Bhagavan, is that one doesn’t have the luxury to specialize but has to be able to do everything. So tasks can have a learning curve.

“But I like that we have a dynamic team who work together cooperatively; that we’re constantly upgrading and making New Vrindaban more beautiful; and that I get to help create nice relationships with the devotees,” says Bhagavan, who is well-respected by his team.

As the name of the department’s new workshop suggests, Bhagavan is a big believer in the “Vishnu principle” of maintenance. “The Brahma and Shiva phases might be more fun – but it takes more energy and effort to maintain, which is why Vishnu is the Supreme Being,” he says. “We want to maintain everything nicely so that the beauty of New Vrindaban can be there for years to come, and attract new generations.”

In this vein Bhagavan is also a member of New Vrindaban’s recently elected Village Council, which is working to develop a more appealing environment for families and individuals by providing community members with a stronger voice in running their community.

“New Vrindaban is ever-growing and developing, and we’re working on shifting towards a focus of how to care best for the community member,” he says. “We hope this will encourage younger generations of families to move here and help New Vrindaban grow towards fulfilling Prabhupada’s mission.”