Why does sometimes Jaganatha appear alone without his brother and sister?
Upadesamrta overview #1
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Turkish Sadhu-sanga.
Gita 14.07 Passion is composed of attachment, gives rise to craving and binds us to work
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
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Jagat Pavani Gaura Ganga Mandir!
→ Mayapur.com
On the occassion of 6th anniversary of Ganga Puja, Mayapur Ganga Puja Committee organised a grand Ganga Puja, Arti, Kirtan, Lecture and Mahaprasad distribution at the new temple of JAGAT PAVANI GAUR GANGA MANDIR on the banks of Ganges at Mayapur. HG Prem Caitanya das of Ganga Puja Seva Committee recalls the inauguration of Ganga […]
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Prabhupada life-story 07 – Seeking to reach the Western mind
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Audio Podcast :
Video :
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Seeing ourselves clearly through others’ eyes
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Sometimes you can’t see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others.
– Ellen DeGeneres
Download by “right-click and save”
When we want to know how we look, we need a mirror. Similarly, when we want to understand ourselves better, we need an appropriate mirror. One such mirror is others who know us well.
Of course, just anyone who knows us well can’t act as a useful mirror – they need to be intelligent and benevolent. That is, they need to be perceptive enough to see our potentials and our blind spots, and they need to be favorably disposed, wanting to help us. From our social circle, we need to carefully shortlist such people, or we may need to expand our social circle till we find such people. And once we have identified such intelligent and benevolent friends, we need to cherish and nourish our relationship with them.
Do we need others for understanding ourselves? Can’t we understand ourselves through introspection? Yes, we can. By observing ourselves, especially in situations that foster emotions of comfort and in situations that trigger emotions of discomfort, we can better understand our strengths and our limitations.
However, when our mind is attached to something and agitated because of an opportunity or threat related with that thing, we can’t easily calm it by our own efforts. The ruffled mind makes our inner world like a turbulent pond that we can’t see through. Amidst such inner murkiness, introspection becomes not only difficult but also dangerous. Our mind becomes a distorter of our vision instead of a channel for our vision. The more we try to think about that thing, the more our mind misleads us towards misperceptions and mistakes. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (06.05) cautions that our mind can act as our enemy.
In such situations of attachment and agitation, we need trustworthy others who can look at things objectively. For issues in which we are too emotionally invested and others are not, they can give us a healthy balancing perspective that we can’t get by introspection. This is one critical role played by spiritual friends. When they can understand our mind and can help us to understand our mind, they serve as vital mirrors and invaluable mentors.
According to modern psychology too, accountability partners are especially important in fostering self-awareness and facilitating self-improvement, especially for addicts whose minds often sabotage introspection with rationalization.
Additionally, others can also act as sounding boards, wherein we test our ideas and get feedback. By thus better appreciating the strengths as well as the limitations of our ideas, we can process them appropriately, by rejecting, refining or developing them.
In spiritual circles, introspection and association are both considered important for fostering growth. The Bhagavad-gita (17.16) recommends silence as an austerity of speech. Simultaneously, it stresses that devotees joyfully enlighten each other through spiritual discussions (10.09).
Our spiritual friends are mirrors who help us see both the best within us as well as the worst within us. They help us understand our essential spirituality, our dormant divinity as eternal parts of the supreme divinity, and our capacity to unleash that potential. And they help us to see the conditionings and contaminations that we keep hidden so deep in our inner closet that we try to deny their existence not just to the world but even to ourselves. The opportunities coming from our higher side and the threats coming from our lower side – both of these we can process better by opening ourselves to heart-to-heart communication with our spiritual friends.
By seeing ourselves through their eyes, we feel inspired to purge out our worst and to bring out our best.
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Vyasa-puja Celebration, September 24, Carpinteria
Giriraj Swami
“Srila Prabhupada wrote to one disciple, ‘You cannot survive without my mercy, and I cannot survive without your mercy. It is reciprocal. This mutual dependance is based on love—Krishna consciousness.'”
Special thanks to Gaudacandra Prabhu for the beautiful photographs.
Devotees’ appreciations (right-click, save as to download)
1.Balaram Chandra das
2. Sarvatma das
3. Yudhisthira das
4. Radha Priya dasi
5. Sri Murti dasi
6. Balarama das
7. Krsangi dasi
8. Gaudacandra das
9. Sri Vallabha das
10. Rajani Priya dasi
11. Siddhi-lalasa dasi
12. Varsabhanavi dasi
13. Syamananda das
14. Apsara Kund
15. Abhay Charan
16. Purusottama Ksetra das
17. Revati dasi
18. Bhakta Rob
19. Vrajesvari dasi
20. Shyam Gopal das
21. Gandharvika Haulkhory
22. Tulsi Manjari dasi
23. Parvata Muni das
24. Sita dasi
25. Giridhari Priya das
26. Lavanga Manjari dasi
27. Aditi dasi
28. Visnupriya dasi
29. Hari Bhakta das
30. Adilakshmi Nanduri
31. Shyama Chandra das
32. Bhaktin Vivian
33. Radhika Bhuckory
Mexico City Devotees Feeding 2,500 Earthquake Victims A Day
Daily Darshan : September 28, 2017
→ Mayapur.com
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If devotees can donate towards this project they will be doing service to Yamuna Devi and that will be appreciated by Radha Syama
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Every bit helps. http://bit.ly/2yIKUWa
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Monday, September 25th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Sunday, September 24th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Nectar drops: 28 September 2017
→ KKSBlog
The best kirtana of the year – except its from 2010
→ SivaramaSwami.com
A special experience in New Mayapura
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Good leadership
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, January 2012, Radhadesh, Belgium, Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.9)
I visited a temple during my travels last year. For quite a number of years, that temple was emptying out. Everyone was leaving! Then suddenly, they found a new president who was young, enthusiastic and kind of nice in human relationships. That was his strongest point and this had changed the mood so much that now everyone is moving towards the temple. People were telling me, “Can I talk to you? I am thinking of moving into that temple!”
So it is like that. Good leadership is certainly important. Especially leadership centred around the behaviour of a sadhu – a person who is gentle; who is an example; who is spiritually strong and who is kind in his dealings. People look up to that kind of leader.
It is still a fundamental principle. In India, they still say, “Ram raja… Ram raja!” The rule of Lord Ramachandra from one million years ago is relevant still today – very relevant in India today. They all want that.
In our Movement, this is required but it also requires that we all come forward. I read a book about management and it mentioned, “Three hundred sixty degree leadership!”
It means that everyone on every level must be in a role of leadership. It is not that the person who is at the top position has to be a perfect example and a leader. No, everyone has to take his share of leadership! Everybody has to be a leader in his own field – three hundred sixty degrees means all around! Everyone has to be an example, everyone has to lead and take the initiative! No one can just wait for someone to make it happen!
Daily Darshan: September 27,2017
→ Mayapur.com
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Pictures of Gopaswami and his wife’s “Little India” residence
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The Gita Contest – December 2, 2017
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
Krishna's Funskool at ISKCON Toronto is pleased to announce the Gita Contest 2017– Bhagavad Gita competitions for children.
Event Date: Saturday, December 2nd, 2017
Venue: The Hare Krishna Temple, 243 Avenue Road, Toronto
Category 1: Age 3-5 years - Recitation and Translation
Category 2: Age: 6-8 years - Recitation and Translation
Category 3: Age: 9-12 years - Recitation, Translation and application
Category 4: Age: 13-17 years - Chapter study - MCQ and Short answer quiz
Please note: The selected verses will be sent by email to the participants on completion of registration
- Assured prizes and Certificates of Participation for all contestants
- For Gita verses and translations, please refer only to Bhagavad-gita As it is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
- Contestants should bring proof of age (preferably copy of birth certificate/ photo ID card with age on the day of the contest
- Registration fee is $20 per child (can be paid online at torontokrishna.com, or at Krishna's Funskool, ISKCON temple, Toronto on Sundays between 6:15 and 8:30 p.m.)
For details about content for Bhagavad Gita contest, registration and other information, contact kids@torontokrishna.com
Puerto Rico Temple “Almost Completely Destroyed” In Hurricane Maria
Reconnection – Multi-Award-Winning Film About Vrindavan Premieres Online
Reconnection, a multi-award winning film by ISKCON filmmakers Maxim Varfolomeev (Shyam Gopal Das) and Olga Avramenko (Vijay Radhika Dasi) has premiered online on Tuesday, September 26th. Reconnection is a coming of age story of a Western young man, Sean, who ends up in the sacred town of Vrindavan and goes through a transformative experience.
A coming of age story of a Westerner to the sacred town of Vrindavan. An multi-award-winning film by ISKCON filmmakers Maxim Varfolomeev and Olga Avramenko. For more information visit the film's website: https://five.pictures/reconnection/
Sita Rama Prabhu describes the successful development of Ahimsa Milk (Part 2)
→ SivaramaSwami.com
New Mayapura #3
Daily Darshan : September 26,2017
→ Mayapur.com
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This Sunday – Insights from a World Travelling Teacher
→ The Loft Yoga Lounge Auckland
Don’t miss out! This Sunday 5pm (1st October) @ The Loft. Comes with an incredible vegetarian/vegan meal as usual.
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Scenes from ELM and RGB meeting in New Mayapura
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Saturday, September 23rd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Friday, September 22nd, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Govindas and Lotus Room
→ Ramai Swami
Govindas restaurant and the Lotus Room in Darlinghurst are still going strong after more than twenty years of operation.
The restaurant, run by devotee couple Pratapana and Jayasri, is pretty much packed out every night.
The Lotus Room hosts kirtan evenings headed by local devotees, however, many well known international devotees come through to lead kirtans, which are also well attended.
TOVP Announces A Once-in-a-Lifetime Chakra Abhisheka Seva Opportunity
- TOVP.org
Opportunities to be part of history in the making, especially spiritual history related to the mission of the Lord, are rare in the material world. With the advent of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu we have been given the most rare chance to develop our love for Krishna and also return to Him. Rarer still is to be part of the building of the Lord’s “adbhuta mandir” in the Holy Dhama of Navadvipa from which the waves of Krishna prema will spread throughout the world.
The TOVP Fundraising Team announces yet another incredible seva: A Once-in-a-Lifetime opportunity to participate in the simultaneous grand installation ceremonies of the remaining two Chakras on the Radha Madhava and Nrsimha Domes in Sridhama Mayapur. We are offering devotees the unique seva to personally bathe the Chakras that will be mounted on these two domes! 1008 sponsorships will be available for each Chakra. And the needed funds will go directly to pay for the Chakras.
On February 7th, 2018, during the GBC meetings in Mayapur prior to Gaur Purnima, we have scheduled the official TOVP Chakra Installation Day to install the Chakras on top of the Radha Madhava and Lord Nrsimhadeva domes and you or your temple can participate by sponsoring the abhisheka of one or both of the Chakras. A Maha Sudarshana Yajna will be performed along with an abhishek and other auspicious ceremonies. If you are coming to Mayapur you can personally attend and bathe Lord Sudarshana with your family, or we will perform the service on your behalf and in your name. Your name will be read during the Maha Sudarshana Yajna and also placed at the base of the Chakra(s) you sponsor. You will also receive a very special gift from us. Nrsimha Chakra abhisheka donors will receive a beautiful silver colored Nrsimha Yantra. Radha Madhava Chakra abhisheka donors will receive a gold colored plate with the impression of Radha Madhava’s lotus feet. Sponsors of both abhishekas will receive both gifts. All gifts will be personally offered to the Deities first by Jananivas prabhu. If you are not personally present we will ship it to you anywhere in the world.
This unique opportunity is completely separate from all other previous pledge programs and is available for a contribution of either $501 (25,000 rupees) for Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Chakra abhisheka or $1,001 (51,000 rupees) for Radha Madhava’s Chakra abhisheka, or $1502 for both. These contributions will be used directly for the Chakra fund to pay for Their production. The payment can be made in full or paid in five installments. The installment option works out to only about $3 a day for the Nrsimha Chakra abhisheka, about $6 a day for the Radha Madhava Chakra abhisheka, and about $10 a day for both, for five months. This is a limited time offer as we expect a large, enthusiastic response and each Chakra abhisheka will be for only 1008 devotees. So act soon before it’s too late. And remember, temples can also participate in this opportunity to sponsor an abhisheka as a combined effort of many devotees. Contact your temple president and let him know.
EXTRA SPECIAL SEVA OPPORTUNITY! For devotees with the financial means and desire, we have a very special offer to sponsor the Victory Flags that will be raised onto both the Radha Madhava and Nrsimha Domes during the installation ceremony. The Planetarium Dome Victory Flag was previously sponsored and now these two flags are available for sponsorship for $25,000 for the Nrsimha Dome flag (11 ft./3.50 m. long) and $50,000 for the Radha Madhava Dome flag (16 ft./5 m. long). The flag along with a beautiful, decorative storage box will be given to you as a gift for your sponsorship. If you are interested in this most auspicious service opportunity please contact Vraja Vilas das directly at:
Phone – + 91 963 599 0391
Email – *protected email*
Please watch this video of the first Chakra installation onto the Planetarium Wing Dome:
To make your installment pledge or full payment, please do the following:
DO THIS FIRST: Send an email to *protected email* and register for this seva opportunity by providing your personal contact information, your sponsorship choice (one or both Chakra abhishekas), and whether you will be paying in full or through installments for five months for the Radha Madhava or Nrsimha Chakra Installation Abhisheka Seva Program either by Paypal, bank transfer or Axis Bank General Donation (India only).
For U.S., U.K. and other International Payments Outside India
1. Go to https://tovp.org/donate/seva-opportunities/ and click on the Square Foot option.
2. Click on Donate Now.
3. Select the Country and Payment Method (except India – see below)
4. In the Other Donation Amount section enter your payment amount, either the full amount or the portion of your pledge. The Total Amount box will show the amount you are paying. If you wish to set this up on a recurring schedule for five months check the “I want to contribute this amount every ______” box and select the week or month option. If you do not set up the recurring payment option you will need to remember to make your payment each month for four more months.
5. Enter all your personal data.
6. VERY IMPORTANT: In the Notes section under the personal data be sure to indicate that this donation is for the Radha Madhava/Nrsimha Chakra Installation Abhisheka Seva Program and whether you will be sponsoring one or both abhishekas.
Bank Transfers Outside of India
If you live outside of India and wish to pay in full or monthly through a bank transfer, follow the instructions in DO THIS FIRST above and then go to:
You will need to remember to make your payments each month for four more months if choosing to pay in installments.
For India Payments
1. If you are an Indian citizen and wish to pay in full or in installments through a bank transfer, go to: https://tovp.org/donate/bank-transfer-details/
You will need to remember to make your payments each month for four more months if choosing to pay in installments.
2. If you are an Indian citizen and wish to pay through the Axis Bank General
Donation option (you will need a PAN number for this option), go to:
Enter the amount of your payment, either the full or installment amount, enter your email address, and enter all your personal data.
VERY IMPORTANT: In the Notes section under the personal data be sure to indicate that this donation is for the Radha Madhava /Nrsimha Chakra Installation Abhisheka Seva Program and whether you will be sponsoring one or both abhishekas.
“If the devotee offers something to the Lord, it acts for his own interest because whatever a devotee offers the Lord comes back in a quantity a million times greater than what was offered. One does not become a loser by giving to the Lord; one becomes a gainer by millions of times.”
Srila Prabhupada; Krishna Book, Chapter 21
The post TOVP Announces A Once-in-a-Lifetime Chakra Abhisheka Seva Opportunity appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
Jahnavi-jivana: The development and form of Kirtan London
→ SivaramaSwami.com
New Mayapura #5
Krpamoya Prabhu: The Eternal essence of Kirtan in a Changing World
→ SivaramaSwami.com
New Mayapura #4
Sita Rama Prabhu describes the successful development of Ahimsa Milk (Part 1)
→ SivaramaSwami.com
New Mayapura #3
Reconciling opposing statements of sastra (Part 2)
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Sivarama Swami’s class. New Mayapura #2
Different but the same
→ KKSBlog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 05 August 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.3-4)
Every devotee is an individual. We are not all stereotypes – all walking the same and all saying Hare Krsna in the same way. No, we are individuals who have a role to play and a contribution to make. That is what we are meant for. That is the higher plan. But when Prabhupada said, “Please, just give me this one life,” instead of just trying to be what we want, what we dream to be, what we’re always hoping for… for one life, just be the instrument of Krsna.
Daily Darshan: September 25, 2017
→ Mayapur.com
The post Daily Darshan: September 25, 2017 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Thursday, Sept 21st, 2017
→ The Walking Monk
Giriraj Swami’s Vyasa-puja, September 17, London, via Skype
Giriraj Swami
Giriraj Swami read and spoke from Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.25.
“When one is free from all ten of these offenses in chanting the holy name of God, he develops the ecstatic bodily features called pulakasru. Pulaka means “symptoms of happiness,” and asru means “tears in the eyes.” The symptoms of happiness and tears in the eyes must appear in a person who has chanted the holy name offenselessly. Here in this verse it is stated that those who have actually developed the symptoms of happiness and tears in the eyes by chanting the glories of the Lord are eligible to enter the kingdom of God. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that if one does not develop these symptoms while chanting Hare Krsna, it is to be understood that he is still offensive. Caitanya-caritamrta suggests a nice remedy in this connection. There it is said in verse 31, Chapter Eight, of Adi-lila, that if anyone takes shelter of Lord Caitanya and just chants the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna, he becomes freed from all offenses.” SB 3.15.25 purport.
Chitra Devi – The Compassionate-Hearted One
→ Mayapur.com
Today is Chitra Devi Sakhi’s divine appearance day. At Mayapur, she is adorned with colorful garlands and special decorations and her divine qualities are displayed, for everyone to glorify & pray to her for mercy to serve the divine couple. In the year 1992, Chitra Devi was one of the last of the four Asta-sakhis, […]
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