Prasadam – Krsna’s Special Mercy

One time Srila Prabhupada described prasadam as Lord Caitanya’s ‘secret weapon.’ When properly cooked with love and devotion, prasadam has an amazing ability to purify the heart and awaken love for Krsna. On our festival tour in Poland this summer we focused on preparing first-class foodstuffs for our guests who purchased them from our restaurant […]

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→ Traveling Monk

Глава 6   Время летит, когда ты занят любимым делом. Преданные любят распространять сознание Кришны, так что и лето летело быстро. Расписание наше было плотным, каждый день по фестивалю, но мы были вознаграждены: люди танцевали и пели с нами.  Этого было достаточно, чтобы мы продолжали – и мы ежедневно получали эту награду. Как-то вечером во […]

Meditation On Radhastami

On this auspicious day of Radhastami I long to be in Vraja, celebrating the Queen of Vrindavan’s appearance with all the beloved Vrajavasis. Instead, I find myself on the remote steppes of Mongolia, sharing the message of Lord Caitanya with the people of this isolated country. Despite the many austerities involved in traveling and preaching […]

A Rain Of Mercy In The Gobi Desert

Yesterday was an historic day in the Mongolian yatra. We performed harinam samkirtan for the first time in the country since 1992. In the early morning, when the Gobi desert sun was still tolerable, we took to the streets of Sainshand, a town of 23,000 people, with mrdungas, kartalas and the sweet chanting of Krsna’s […]

Serving Lord Gauranga’s Devotees

“Nityananda Prabhu is more merciful than Mahaprabhu. Unless you get the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu you cannot get the mercy of Mahaprabhu, and unless you get the mercy of Mahaprabhu you cannot approach Radha-Krishna. This is our process. Moreover, guru is the manifestation of Nityananda or Balaram, so guru is more merciful than Krishna. He […]