The storm in Pobierowo the day before had stolen our usual crowd. Only a few hundred people had showed up for the festival. But yesterday the prayers of the devotees kept the dark clouds above from unleashing their torrents of rain and thousands of peo…
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
Sweet Revenge
Raincoats And Umbrellas
One hundred kilometers from our festival in Pobierowo a storm had torn roofs off of houses, knocked down trees and utility poles and left a trail of destruction. Somewhat weakened by the time it reached us, it nevertheless caused serious problems. Two …
The Lighthouse
The lighthouse in Niechorze, Poland on the Baltic Sea guided sailors safely to shore for centuries. Now Lord Caitanya’s samkirtan movement, in the form of our transcendental festival, is helping people to cross over the vast ocean of material existence. The two days we spent with our program next to the lighthouse attracted thousands and […]
Rightly Said
A great flood of mercy inundated the town of Rewal, Poland yesterday as our samkirtan party descended in all its glory upon the town’s beaches. Chanting and dancing in great ecstasy we distributed thousands of invitations to our festival that evening. Upon receiving an invitation one gentleman smiled and rightly said, “By the appearance of […]
Auspicious Beginning
This year we began our 28th annual summer festival tour in the town of Dzwirzyno, Poland on the Baltic Sea coast. It began auspiciously with numerous people approaching the harinam party thanking us for bringing the festival to the town again. The fest…
Kurma Rupa Prabhu
Just this morning Srila Prabhupada’s disciple, Kurma Rupa prabhu, passed away in Sri Vrindavan dhama due to cancer. He took care of Krsna’s cows in Vraja for many, many years. Below BB Govinda Maharaja recounts his visit to Kurma Rupa prabhu a few days back. Thank you Kurma Rupa prabhu for showing us how to […]
The Positive Alternative
“Here in France … they are chanting Hare Krsna also village to village in buses, so the propaganda work is going on nicely.” [ Srila Prabhupada letter to Bon Maharaja, August 11, 1975 ] Srila Prabhupada, I was heading up one of those buses in France ( actually large vans ) that you refer to […]
Mercy In Moldova
Thousands of people attended the first day of our festival in Chisinau, Moldova. Held at the prestigious MoldExpo grounds near the center of the city the event attracted people of all ages. Our ‘larger than life’ puppet theaters thrilled both parents and children alike and our Bhagavad Gita play brought forth a resounding applause from […]
Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtan Festival In Moldova
Today I begin my journey to Moldova, a landlocked country between Romania and Ukraine in Eastern Europe. Moldova is the poorest country in Europe. Sixty devotees [ from 8 countries ] are coming by bus from Poland, where they have been rehearsing, and w…
Build Up
As a build up to our festival this coming weekend in Chisinau, Moldova we did harinama on the streets of the capital in the morning. In the afternoon we were featured live on the most popular television talk show in the country. Over one million people…
A Mountain Retreat
Two thousand devotees in Ukraine are enjoying a week long festival of kirtan and seminars in the tiny hamlet of Slavske, in the Carpathian mountains. Staying in log cabins and other rustic buildings, they are basking in the first warm days of summer an…
Lamenting The Departure Of Brahmananda Prabhu
I am lamenting the departure of Brahmananda prabhu as he was instrumental in bringing me to Krsna consciousness and the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. In the autumn of 1970 I met him, Visnujana Swami, Gargamuni prabhu and Subal dasa on the lawn of the…
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Signature
A precious jewel: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s signature in his autobiography entitled, “Svalikhita Jivani.”
Merit Of Chanting The Holy Names Of Krishna
“All rituals and fasts associated with Vedic sacrifice, all bathing in holy places around the world, all penances and fasts within this world, thousands of recitals of Vedic literature, and hundreds of circumambulations of the entire surface of the earth cannot match even a sixteenth portion of the merit acquired by chanting the holy name […]
One Thousand Six Hundred
1.600 devotees enjoyed many hours of kirtan at the Sadhu Sanga Retreat in North Carolina over Memorial Day weekend. Words cannot begin to express the deep joy and satisfaction everyone experienced. Perhaps the following photos of Damodar-rati das can h…
Three Blissful Days
On the way to the Sadhu Sanga Retreat we spent 3 blissful days at New Raman Reti in Alachua, Florida. We also visited the Krsna House in Gainsville. [ All photos by Damodar-rati dasa ]
Our Main Business
“If you have got some time, the best thing would be to chant Hare Krishna more and more. Because our life is very short we have to finish our Krishna Consciousness in this life very quickly. We do not know when we shall meet our next death, our next exit from this platform. But before […]
The Highest Award For Bravery
This is a photo of Vladimir, a highly decorated Russian soldier, who by chance walked into our hall program in Yekaterinburg. He fought for years with Russian special forces in both Afghanistan and Chechnya. After listening to my lecture he approached me and said, “Thank you for coming to our country. Yours is a message […]
A Step Forward In St Petersburg
Welcoming new initiates into the family of ISKCON. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Krishna Consciousness In Sochi
Sochi is located on the Black Sea in southern Russia. It is Russia’s largest resort city. It hosted the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. ISKCON has an attractive temple in a forested area 15 minutes from the city center. Devotees regularly do harinama and book distribution throughout the beautiful city.
A rare gem
A page from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s personal handwritten song book. A rare gem! How fortunate we are to see it.
Catherine’s Gift
Krasnodar is located on the Kuban River about 148 kilometers northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk in Russia. It was founded on January 12, 1794 as Yekaterinodar, meaning “Catherine’s Gift” in recognition of Catherine the Great’s grant of land to the Black Sea Cossacks. ISKCON has a bustling community of over 300 devotees […]
The Final Moments Of Hiranyakashipu
The Final Moments of Hiranyakashipu From the Subhasita-ratna-bhandagara [When Hiranyakashipu saw his servant running towards him in fear, he spoke as follows:] Hiranyakashipu: “What is it? What is it?” Servant: “O Lord! It is a lion!” Hiranyakashipu: “So what?” Servant: “O Lord! He has a human body! I have never seen such a strange creature.” […]
Activities Of Devotees
“In the midst of the age of quarrel, devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu hear songs glorifying the bonefide spirtual master. With much enthusiasm they sing the maha mantra of Lord Hari’s names. They adore their spiritual masters and all saintly devotees of the Lord.” [ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sri-Susloka-sloka-satakam, sloka 81 ]
All Perfections Come From The Holy Name
“I am overjoyed to hear that your enthusiasm for chanting is increasing. As our contaminations are removed by chanting, the Lord’s form, qualities, and pastimes will be revealed to us in the holy name. There is no point in making a separate effort to artificially remember the Lord’s form, qualities, and pastimes. The Lord and […]
Heart Deep Japa
“Japa must be heart deep and not only with the lips like something mechanical – in other words, chanting with the heart is our goal.” [ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura ]
The Vow
” It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me saying, ‘My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours,’ and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on.” [ Lord Ramacandra, Ramayana, Yuddha-kanda 18.33, quoted […]
Burden And Blessings
“Srila Prabhupada was visiting Bombay for what turned out to be one of the last times. Although the building was still under construction, his quarters, at his request, had been hastily prepared and he had moved in. Srila Prabhupada was in poor health by this time, and everything was a great effort for him, but, […]
Rasada Prabhu
Dear Devotees: Today at 10:05 in the morning in the holy land of Vrindavan, Rasada dasa, a dear godbrother and friend of mine, left this world to join Srila Prabhupada in his eternal pastimes. A number of prominent devotees were present at his side. Ra…
Tough Town
Rostov-on-Don is known as one of the toughest cities in Russia. Add to that the constant flow of military vehicles, Russian troops and weapons across the nearby border with Ukraine and you have a very volatile situation. As a result, Krsna consciousnes…
Srila Prabhupada
Loved you once, Love you still, Always have, Always will.
Chanting All Thirty-Two Syllables
Chanting All Thirty-Two Syllables “As Srila Prabhupada’s secretary and more than once in any case, I sat before Srila Prabhupada chanting my japa. Sometimes we hear people, and myself, saying, ‘Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram Ram, Hare Hare. Srila Prabhupada would stop me, and more than once, say to me. ‘Chant the entire mantra,’ and […]
The Real Medicine
Lots of time to chant as I recuperate. The real medicine. “Just always chant Hare Krsna. Never mind whether you are in a factory or in a hell, in a shack or in a skyscraper – it doesn’t matter. Just go on chanting: Hare Krsna, HareKrsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama […]
Eager For Sankirtana
Being in and out of hospitals the last few weeks I have seen alot of people suffering. I am eager to get back on samkirtan and chant the holy names for the benefit of the fallen souls. “If the surface of the globe is overflooded with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, the people […]
Grateful For Prayers And Realizations
Dear devotees, Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I would like to thank all of you for your concern, your care and especially your prayers during these last few days. As my dear friend Govinda Swami reported, I wa…
Tatarstan Devotees
It was with great sadness that we left Tatarstan yesterday. The small group of devotees pushing on Lord Caitanya’s samkirtan movement there – so far away from the rest of the world – are the sweetest devotees you could ever imagine. Please everyone send them your blessings!
Leaps And Bounds
Krsna consciousness continues to grow in leaps and bounds throughout Russia, 44 years after Srila Prabhupada visited Moscow. I never cease to be amazed at the number and quality of people joining. This was especially evident when myself and Bada Haridas did last Sunday’s love feast program in Moscow. Easy to love these devotees with […]
By dint of circumstances I have been forced to think of my own welfare this past month. Having been saved, I am now free to travel again and think of the welfare of others. My dear Lord, thank you! I will serve You well. “‘He He Krsna! O ocean of mercy! Protect! Please protect these […]
Rainy Days
Attendance was down at this year’s Durban Ratha Yatra because of heavy rain. Nevertheless, thousands braved the wet weather to enjoy 4 days of transcendental festivities. A high point was when national television came and interviewed us. The interviewer, a young lady who dressed in a sari for the occasion, chanted and danced with us […]
27 Years
Thousands of people turned up for Durban’s 27th Ratha Yatra festival along the beachfront yesterday. The 5-hour parade captured the attention of both locals and tourists as 3 large chariots rumbled through the streets. The festival continues for 3 more days with attractions in an assortment of tents, large and small, not far from the […]