Thursday, September 1, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

The Annex, Toronto

Reflect on High Character


Mitch poked his head in the doorway of the temple room when we were engaged in drama practice. He just had a nutritious meal at Govinda’s Restaurant along with his companion. I haven’t seen Mitch for quite some time (due to covid), when he would bring his philosophy students to hear from us about the Gita. He just retired, doesn’t look 65, in fact he’s energetic and has a youthful zest. His companion, Tyler, will take over the course. Tyler possesses the same kind of enthusiasm as Mitch. I think we will be seeing him again.

Our play, “Demon” is in its preparatory stage, poised for the upcoming MANtra retreat. Female parts are given to the males from our Bhakti Academy group. I’m happy that we have some versatility amongst us.

I received an email from a Mayapur resident that I’m highly missed in India for the thespian presentations I conduct each February. I hear from other sources that the community there is starving for enlightening entertainment. Whatever I have been able to assemble in the way of drama is basically community theater, a mix of amateur/professional/devotional presentation.

Apart from the rich rehearsal, I was blessed to deliver two classes from both the Bhagavatam and BhagavadGita today, covering the subject matters of detachment from the world, equal position in happy and stressful conditions, and cultivation of love as in the tradition of heroes like Arjuna, Draupadi and the very aging Bhisma, etc. It is important to reflect on individuals of high character.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Wednesday, August 31, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Seaton Village, Toronto

The Best Reading Material


Of all reading material that comes my way in a natural devotional setting – the Gita, the Bhagavatamand anything else which is a publication of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, I also include the occasional more secular material (even an occasional newspaper) – I confess to my favorite amongst all.

I just love hearing or reading of the past times of Prabhupada. There is a wealth of material out there on the subject of His Divine Grace, the founder and acharya (teacher) of the great bhakti movement of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness. I really enjoy all that’s been written about him from different authors such as Mukunda, Shyamasundara, Gurudasa, Yamuna, and there’s Yogeswara – all students of his who spent quality time with him. The one publication that has become a permanent fixture in our Hare Krishna society is Prabhupada Lilamrta by Satsvarupa Goswami.

At noon the head of our Bhakti Academy, Brhat Mrdunga, reads from this great literature while all participants take their lunch. Well, I had the opportunity to read several pages on his early time in New York. All were attentive. All were enjoying.

It’s a sweet little gesture that endears us to Prabhupada. A sample: “Once Prabhupada was talking with Mrs. Ferber about Indian cuisine, and she mentioned that she especially likes samosas. The next time he paid her a visit, he brought a tray of samosas, which she enjoyed.”


May the Source be with you!

5 km


Tuesday, August 30, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Christie Pits, Toronto

Priceless Encounters


The light winds aroused the spirits of people as I walked on Bloor St., West. It was a struggle at intersections to get my dhoti (lower robes) to behave. But I was having fun with pedestrians.

The first one to approach me was like an elder hippie who came up beside me and said, “Are you on the path of enlightenment?”

“I’m on it,” I said. “It’s truly a work in progress. How about you? Are you taking steps to get there?”

To this he responded, “I’ve taken them.” We reached a red light and he made a sudden about face when our communication ended.

Not but five minutes later came another elderly person, bearded and partially bald, who stopped his bicycle to ask, “What do you think of the world?”

“It’s polarized. We need to step up on our dharma.” He wanted clarification. “I mean to say we need to get back to basics; back to obligation.”

“Even 20, 30 years ago people were not like they are now,” he noticed.

I proceeded Westerly when a smiling, middle-aged woman with a son and a partner halted, “How are you, walking swami?”

“I’m talking to people. They want to see a better world.” Just then a motorcyclist recklessly whizzed by. His music was pumped up to the max and he was actually gyrating with his bike quite precariously.

The woman asked me to bless her son, so I uttered a mantra and placed my right hand on his head.

“I used to hang out with you guys when I was at York U, in my anthropology class. I love it at your temple.”

My last encounter was with a Kolkata man who said from behind me, “Hare Krishna!” I turned around and we shot the breeze for a while.


May the Source be with you!

6 km


Monday, August 29, 2022
→ The Walking Monk

Forest Hill, Toronto

Taking in a Short Stroll


The evenings appear to be the only favorable time for taking that stroll, and even then, you start sweating within ten or even five minutes of movement. It’s the moisture in the air. If someone says humidity brings about humility then I wouldn’t argue the point.

I found that at least there was a breeze where I sat, on a bench on the grounds of the Toronto City Archives. This is the time of year for heat and also dryness. In the night crickets are abound. In wet areas frogs make their presence known. A lovely skunk came nearby. It held up its tail in defense of my presence. I was fortunate not to be hit by any of those spraying creatures. Apparently, the spray released is called “thiol,” something that contains a sulfur/hydrogen bond. I’ve been lucky. The smell can be quite repulsive.

Today was the last day of Vaisesika and Nirakula’s visit. In the class Vaisesika offered some advice or direction for the temple residents to follow. These helpful guidelines are as follows:

1) Look at your ATTITUDE. I live to be corrected. I bear no grudges.

2) Work on INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENT. Even beginning with the smallest commitment, progress can be made

3) CONTROLLING THE TONGUE. Don’t talk behind someone’s back. Also, don’t over eat.

Good concepts and practices!


May the Source be with you!

2 km


The Book Under My Pillow
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mangala Arati Devi Dasi

One morning in the glittering city of Mumbai, India, a small girl, barely seven years old, woke up without knowing that on that day she would make a journey she had been awaiting for many millions of lifetimes. That afternoon, in 1984, she held her grandfather’s hand and walked into the complex of a gorgeous temple. Under a beautiful clear sky, she beheld sprawling gardens and heard strange yet sweet-sounding chants. She walked around the gardens, holding her grandfather’s hand and looking curiously at every passerby. Continue reading "The Book Under My Pillow
→ Dandavats"

Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in US – Markine Bhagavata-dharma
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON Desire Tree

50 years back, Srila Prabhupada landed in Boston, USA (September 17th, 1965) Before Srila Prabhupada was our Srila Prabhupada, he was a sannyasi struggling alone, trying desperately to fulfill the desire of his spiritual master to share Krishna Consciousness in the west in the English language. He struggled tremendously to single-handedly write, publish, and distribute his Back to Godhead magazine. He established the League of Devotees in an attempt to begin a worldwide movement in India. However, his attempts were unfruitful; India simply was not accepting the message of Lord Caitanya on the scale that he was imagining. Continue reading "Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in US – Markine Bhagavata-dharma
→ Dandavats"

Celebration of Janmastami festival at many Places in Bangladesh.
→ Dandavats

by Srigarbha das Hare Krishna, this year Janmastami festival was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm in Bangladesh. Thousands of devotees gathered together for a huge extravaganza. Janmastami festival is celebrated as the holy appearance day of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. Srimad Bhagavatam told, Krishna is the only God and all

Resolving Contentious Issues
→ Dandavats

By Krishna Dharma Das

When instructing Yudhisthira, Narada said that in any endeavour, one must start with the end in mind. In our case, it is always the same, to please our Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada. I am sure all parties in this conflict share this aim and are convinced that their desired outcome would be most pleasing to him. However, I would suggest that the overarching consideration is that we work together harmoniously. As we know, Srila Prabhupada famously said that our love for him will be shown by how well we cooperate. He warned us that in-fighting would “spoil everything”, and he repeatedly asked us to work together under the authority of the GBC as the ultimate arbiters of any managerial matter. Continue reading "Resolving Contentious Issues
→ Dandavats"

ISKCON Mayapur Presents Pitrupaksha Seva Opportunity!

Dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Mayapur dhama. The period from the full moon of Shukla Paksha Bhadrapada month (10th Sept) to the new moon day (25th Sep) of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is called Pitru Paksha. It is recommended in the sastras that […]

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