Why We’re Alive
→ Seed of Devotion

Here at the Bhakti Center, we have a community meeting every two weeks to simply connect and cultivate relationships. Last Friday we gathered. 

With each person who spoke into the open space of the circle, I could feel something special build. Then Ghanashyam shared his reflections on living here for the past decade - that the building was nothing without the people. Nothing. Even though people may come and go, relationships formed here in the fire of service to God are somehow different, special, eternal.

After he finished sharing, a long silence fell. His words seemed to hang in the air like spun glass. 

Later that evening I walked up to the rooftop to chant my japa meditation. Manhattan sprawled around me in every direction in all of its glittering, silent splendor. The cold air chilled my skin and I pulled my shawl tighter. I chanted the holy name and Ghanashyam's words circled through my mind in quiet spirals.  

The entire world looks to New York City for the next trend, the next wave. Srila Prabhupad knew this - that's why he came to Manhattan, and that is how the entire worldwide movement of Krishna Consciousness began.

When I reflect upon that night of walking on the roof of the Bhakti Center, I realize that although I was surrounded by the glory of buildings of the most powerful city in the world, they were nothing without the people inside of them. Nothing. They were just cement, steel, and glass.

It is so easy to get lost in the insanity of New York City. But within a certain building on First Avenue, I have found shelter within the people who have devoted themselves to God, to Krishna. I am coming to realize that there is nothing more of value in this world than these relationships.

Whether we're in Raxaul, Nepal or New York City, this is why we are all alive, this is what we're all searching for - purpose, service, love. 

(photo by mypostcardfrom.com)

(photo by dnainfo.com)

Open Letter and Clarification of Facts
→ simple thoughts


Dear UK GCB, UK Management and UK ISKCON Community

Over the past few weeks sadly I have been sent upto 100 Instant Messages via Facebook per day, it wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the content or the fact that they are sent anonymously; although I have been able to locate several to their source the individuals concerned have made sure that I have no way of replying.
However it does enhance my understanding of Cyber-Bullying as several messages have asked me to either kill myself or they will kill me; I have also been described as a lover of child molesters. I can understand why we have seen a state of suicides given the personal way these messages are written, the fear they create and after receiving so many it appears to be the only way out to stop such emotional hurt.
Can I respectfully answer the main points of these Cyber-Bullies

1, I do not condone nor will I allow abuse of children in any form
2, I will if see such abuse, report and even go to court over this

As these cyber-bullies are relating to one particular case I would like to respectfully point out some key facts.

1, That as requested my video footage was checked and no incriminating evidence was on it
2, My details was given and I was told that the Police would contact me, they didn’t and I found out subsequently the case had been dropped
3, That upon request I submitted a full statement both to the families solicitor and to the relevant authorities within ISKCON.
4, That when a copy was sent back for me to sign it had been changed and included a passage that I personally had not witnessed and thus felt unable to sign
5, I discussed the changes with the families solicitor, who had neither seen my original nor was aware of any changes, we discussed the legal ramifications of such changes and upon her advice withdrew the statement from the legal process; given the nature of the changes and again on the advice of the families solicitors was given little option of also withdrawing it from the relevant ISKCON authorities.

So I am a little bemused that who ever has been discussing the case has not also forwarded on these small but vital facts, and am saddened that it has led to individuals targeting myself suggesting that the best thing I can do for society is to hang myself.

Sadly the few I have managed to trace turned out to be initiated devotees which is of greatest disturbance.

It would their-fore be helpful if there is also built in safeguards for those who report or submit statements that they are neither:
1, pressured or asked to submit false information into their witness statements.
2, that if a statement has to be withdrawn upon the advice of a solicitor or member of the legal profession that this be duly noted including the reasons why
3, if there is a resultant cyber-bullying or personal bullying that this be dealt with quickly without delay; and if necessary a general statement by the management of the individuals character and that they are not siding with or helping to protect child molesters

On a personal note it has given me great insight into how cyber-bullying works and the psychological effects so will help me be better able to help those who find themselves a victim of such crime.
And that hopefully those few who are targeting me will take on-board these few additional bits of information and desist from such attacks.

Harinama at Pushkar, Rajasthan, the home of the only major temple of Lord Brahma in India (Album 126 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

Pushkar, in Rajasthan, is the home of the only major temple of Lord Brahma in India. As Brahma is the head of our sampradaya [ Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya ] we visited his temple and asked his blessing's to carry on the mission of our disciplic succession. In that spirit we held a blissful harinama samkirtan party throughout the town, much to the delight of Pushkar's residents. [ Photos by Ananta Vrindavan das ] Read more ›

Fremantle Ratha Yatra
→ Welcome to the official site of ISKCON Perth


posterDear Devotees and Friends

Please accept blessings of Sri Sri Radha Krishna. All glories to Srila Prbahupada.

The annual Fremantle parade is taking place this Sunday the 10th of November. As in previous years we will be participating in it by taking our Ratha Yatra cart and the Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra . We are inviting you all to come along and help pull the cart .

Fremantle parade is organized by the Fremantle council and there will be many other floats. We also take our Rath cart along with the Deities of Jagannath , Baladeva and Subhadra and do Ratha yatra in the streets of  Fremantle. It will be very nice and very Joyful. Please come and join us

H H RAMAI SWAMI will be joining us for the Fremantle parade
This year the parade has a starting point IS NEW LOCATION

Parade will start from “CLIFF STREET” and follow the following route:


This year the parade will be begin at the Roundhouse/Car parks 19 & 19a and end at Car Park 20 (Marine & Essex Street). Please see Parade Route Maps.
The route:
Start at Roundhouse
Straight into High Street
Right onto Market Street
Left onto South Terrace
Right onto Essex Street
Finishing at Car Park 11 (Marine & Essex Street)
It is in ONE Direction

To participate in the parade you need to assemble at Cliff Street Car park by 2.30 PM . Please wear devotional attire.

Please contat Yadusrestha prabhu on 0423 696 537 or myself on 0422 045 525 if you need any more information.

Event: Fremantle Parade
Date : 10 November
Day: Sunday

Assembly Time: 2.30 PM
Parade Starting point: Cliff Street, Fremantle

Parade Starting Time: 4 PM
Parade Finishing Time: 5 PM

Contact: Yadusrestha Prabhu — 0423 696 537
Sita Rama lakshmana das – 0422 045 525

Sita Rama Lakshman Dasa

PS: There is no reserved parking for the participants, you have to make your own arrangement or please take a train to Fremantle station.


Fremantle Festival Parade 2013 maps-page-001 Fremantle Festival Parade 2013 maps-page-002 Fremantle Festival Parade 2013 maps-page-003


Invitation – Srila Prabhupad Disappearance Day celebration – Thursday – 7th November 2013
→ Welcome to the official site of ISKCON Perth


SPDisappearanceDay2013[4] copy-page-001Dear Devotees and Friends,
We would like to invite you all for the Disappearance day celebrations of our founder Acharya His Divine Grace Abhay Caranaravinda Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada ( Srila Prabhupada ).
Date: 7th November 2013
Day: Thursday

The program is as follows
4.30 AM Mangala Arati led by Srila Prabhupada
7.00 AM Darshan arati and Gurupuja
7.30 AM Damodara Arati — offering lamp to Sri Damodara
7.45 AM Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Srila Prabhupada

10.30 AM Vaisnava Bhajans
11.00 AM Glorification of Srila Prabhupada ( Offering Homages )
12.00 Noon Bhoga Offering
12.30 PM Pushpanjali ( offering Flowers )
12.45 PM Gurupuja and Kirtan to Srila Prabhupada
1.30 PM Honoring the feast prasadam

Special Evening Program:
6.30 PM Bhajans
7.20 PM Special Arati to Srila Prabhupada
( The time of his departure from this world)

Please come and join in glorifying Srila Prabhupada “Who built a home where the whole world can live”.
If you like to sponsor the feast or the flowers and receive unlimited blessings from Srila Prabhpada please contact
Shyama Saran dasa — 0439 969 002
Sita Rama Lakshmna dasa — 0422 045 525
Sita Rama Lakshman Dasa


Sri Radharaman With Flute, Diwali Darshan! (Album 26 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

The self manifested deity out of the Saligram Shila, over 500 years old heritage temple where standards of worship are highest in Vrindavan. Radha Raman Temple was established by Gopal Bhatta Goswami. He is one of the six Goswamis of Vrindavan who followed the principles of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu strictly. This beautiful Deity is self-manifested from a saligram sila and has a mystic smile on his face. Read more ›

Friday, November 1st, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

No Costume

Mississauga, Ontario

Last evening the wind had been howling.  Trees and branches were astir with leaves hissing.  It was a perfect sound effect and atmosphere for Halloween.  My dear godbrother Krishna Das explained that the Pagan event had to do with the honouring of coming together of two worlds, and that a thin veil existed between them, the evil and the good.  People would mask themselves hoping to stave off the evil forces.

Like most things these days, traditional events take on a heavy commercial edge.  I had walked to “Theatrics Plus” on Yonge Street.  It’s a popular ghoulish costume store run by a good family whom I consider good friends over many years.  I’ll actually go there sometimes to buy costumes and other props for upcoming dramas staged at the ashram.  Sanjita, the owner, looked a little worn out serving customers up ‘til 1 AM.

“Now, Halloween is bigger than Christmas and Santa Claus,” she said.

It seems that people must have something to celebrate, to have something to go crazy over.  We need something to do.

In any event I ended up purchasing what I needed – outfits to portray a male and female cakora bird, for a Ramayan pastime.  After the purchase I readied myself for a gathering of great souls at Toronto’s west end in Mississauga.  The couple hosting the event at their home had a major purpose in mind for my visit. Recently, home owner, Dharan Dev, who hails from Madurai from South India, received a shipment of an entire Bhagavatam book set in the Tamil language.  It sounded like a purposeful event to me.  I felt honoured to attend.  I was to cut the ribbon which was actually a plastic strap binding a cluster of books together.  So I cut it (applause).

Then I spoke from chapter 1, verse 3:

“Oh expert and thoughtful souls, relish the Bhagavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures.  Its message emanates from the lips of Sukadeva Goswami…”

Who is Sukadeva Goswami?  He is an incredible monk who left home at age 16 and he sustained a renounced disposition, and is also the orator of this book.  Wherever he travelled on foot he did so unclothed, as he had no attachments.  No costume for him – ever.

May the Source be with you!

5 KM

Thursday, October 31st, 2013
→ The Walking Monk

Humour’s Okay

Scarborough, Ontario

Recently I pulled out one of those Christian tracks, you know, a small fold out that promotes the Jesus stuff.  I have no qualms with Jesus.  He’s totally cool.

This particular fold out has 101 of the world’s funniest one liners.  You’re supposed to get a good laugh and then you warm up to their message at the end.  The copy was given to me six years ago from a newspaper reporter in a town in eastern Ontario while I was on my third trek across Canada.  He came out to the street to interview me.  I felt him to be a bit biased, he asked, “Why did you get into this?”  Meaning Bhakti Yoga, Krishna Consciousness.  Anyways, I thought to share a selection of these one liners.  It’s Halloween, you can scream if you want.

1.       Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.
2.       Never answer an anonymous letter.
3.       I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
4.       No one is listening until you make a mistake.
5.       Campers: nature’s way of feeding mosquitoes.
6.       Always remember that you are unique; just like everyone else.
7.       Consciousness:  that annoying time between naps.
8.       There are three kinds of people:  those who can count, and those who can’t.
9.       I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
10.   Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
11.   Out of my mind.  Back in five minutes.
12.   As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.
13.   Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep.
14.   You can’t have everything; where would you put it?
15.   Okay, who stopped the payment on my reality cheque?
16.   We are born naked, wet and hungry, then things get worse.
17.   Eat right, stay fit, die anyway.
18.   God made mankind.  Sin made him evil.
19.   Don’t steal.  The government hates competition.
20.   For every action, there’s an equal and opposite criticism.

And by the way, monks can laugh.  I hope you do too.  If you’d like a second installment, let me know.

May the Source be with you!

5 Km

Psychology of Desire
→ Load Film in Subdued Light

Camera: Imperial Savoy Film: FujiChrome Provia 100D RDP (expired mid 90s)

Camera: Imperial Savoy
Film: FujiChrome Provia 100D RDP (expired mid 90s)

Going into western Oklahoma, I had certain shots that I knew I wanted to get. My previous travels through left me with a slew of digital photos that I wanted to retake with film – specifically expired slide film shot through the Imperial Savoy.

I’d drive miles upon miles to take a photo of an abandoned post office. The one in Bridgeport is all the more perfect because it still announces itself as a post office, even though it’s spent decades as an abandoned building.


Jaipur! Part 2
→ travelingmonk.com

We created quite a stir as our party of 300 devotees visited the famous deities and holy places of Jaipur. People were impressed that so many foreigners have seriously taken up Krsna consciousness. It is all the desire of Lord Caitanya and the mercy of our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna and the cows
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 7 November 2010, Vrndavana, India, Govardhan Puja Lecture)

There are so many pastimes concerning the cows. Krsna’s name is Govinda. Krsna was protecting the cows and calling the cows. Yesterday, we were hearing from Gopiparanadhana Prabhu who was explaining that in the Govardhan pastime, at the end of the Govardhan Lila, at one point, Indra came before Krsna to beg pardon. At that time, he was afraid so he did not come alone but brought Surabhi, the wish fulfilling cow, along as well.

goverdhan hillSurabhi prayed to Krsna and she desired that Krsna would become their Indra – not the demigod Indra, after all the name Indra is a post rather than a personality. Surabhi wanted Krsna to become the Indra because he is the real maintainer therefore she wanted to crown Krsna as Indra or the king of the universe. Therefore she started bathing him with milk and Indra was forced to go along with it, although it hurt him to crown Krsna as the Indra of the universe. He ordered his elephant Airavata to also start bathing Krsna with water from the heavenly Ganges, named Alakananda.

Within the Sanskrit verse it says, ‘Indra gava,’ so Gopiparanadhana Prabhu explained that Indra gava is from the original word Govinda. He said gava and Indra becomes gavindra which then becomes Govinda.


→ Gita Coaching

Ramiya is a holistic nutritionist, copywriter and internet marketer. For more then fifteen years, Ramiya is studying holistic nutrition, aromatherapy, Ayurveda and herbalism and is sharing her knowledge with others. You can access her blog at www.alternativa-za-vas.com What is the goal of your your project? The goal of our project is to educate people about various natural solutions for their

Happy Diwali from ISKCON Toronto!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

“To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.” 
Bhagavad-gita As It Is 10.11 

Wishing you and your family a Happy Diwali!

The story of Diwali stems back to ancient times when inhabitants of Ayodhya celebrated the return of Lord Ramachandra. Lord Rama was in exile, away from His kingdom, for many years. The joyful day on which He finally returned is observed as Diwali, or Dipavali as the residents of Ayodhya lit many lamps to welcome Lord Ramachandra home (“dipa” means candles, and “vali” means numerous). Click HERE for a small video that tells the wonderful story of Diwali! This time of year, the month of Kartik/Damodara, provides a very special opportunity to celebrate various festivals and events at the Hare Krishna Temple!

Please join us for Diwali Celebrations tonight (November 3rd; 6-9pm) and Govardhan Puja tomorrow (November 4th; 6-9pm)!

Word Is Out
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

In the last two months since publication the response to my new book, Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest  has taken off. Word is getting around, and  I have even gotten orders from Ireland and Australia (from the world wide storytelling community which I am involved in) where they are paying as much for the shipping as they are for the book itself.  The verdict is that it’s a great read whether you’re familiar with the story or not.

 Sacinandana Swami had this to say -
“Wonderful!  Your storytelling art – which quickly gets to the essence of everything – has opened  the world of Mahabharata to me , for it has opened up the world of the feelings and emotions of Mahabharata.” 

At this time of year people are naturally thinking about gifts for the holidays. This month I am offering FREE shipping in USA for all orders placed in November. [adjusted the prices at my site for November: 1 Book – $16;    2 Books – $32;    3 Books – ONLY $45;  5 Books ONLY $70] For more info check out my site www.Mahabharata-Project.com  where you can order through Paypal OR order directly from me at story108@juno.com

Tips On Writing
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

In Spark - a book about creativity by Julie Burstein, the painter Chuck Close is quoted: "Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work."

Woody Allen puts it this way: “Eighty percent of success is showing up.

And Neil Gaiman: “You have to write when you’re not inspired. And you have to write the scenes that don’t inspire you. And the weird thing is that six months later, a year later, you’ll look back at them and you can’t remember which scenes you wrote when you were inspired and which scenes you just wrote because they had to be written next.”

It’s so true. Some scenes or characters may not be easy to approach. You hesitate  because you’re afraid that it won’t come out right and you’ll be exposed as a fool.  But you just have to do the work and  start writing. Allow one thought to lead to another and for one sentence to lead to another. The next day much of it looks like crap. But that’s what I like about writing: you get a second chance and a third chance and a forth chance if you want it. But the writer has to take advantage of those new chances. Don’t depend on the muse. Study your craft.

For more On Writing visit my site www.Mahabharata-Project.com