SB 11.07.20 – To benefit from our guru, we have to become our own guru
SB 11.07.19 – We need to become intellectually responsible to benefit from Krishna’s mercy
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.23.47 – Seek God’s power to break free from the godlike power of the autocratic mind
→ The Spiritual Scientist
When the music stops!
→ KKS Blog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.20.12)
Many artists are only recognised for their greatness once they are dead but Beethoven was famous during his life - a famous composer, you know, like the complex symphonies. But then, he went deaf. Can you imagine that? It was practically the one thing, the worse thing, that could affect him. For a musician, the ear is essential. People who cannot sing, it is not that they cannot sing – they cannot listen! That is the problem, they cannot listen and they just do not listen. It begins with listening actually. Music begins with listening. So that is all about the ear, really!
Beethoven, with the perfect ears, who he could perfectly hear different tones and notes, went deaf. So, it was a set up, he became bigger and bigger, he was the greatest and then he went deaf, lost it! He had to go through the agony of everything he had being taken away!
In spiritual life, it is also like this. In spiritual life, in the course of our service we may get recognition; we may get so many facilities and so on, many external attributes. Over the years, you collect a library of your books, your fancy chadaars and everything. But in a spiritual crisis, all that we have is the Krsna consciousness within! Therefore, you have to make commitments within. Internally, we have to say, “Yes Krsna, I will put you first. I will put you before my senses. I will put you before my mind. Yes, whatever you say.”
Please Join The Japa Group
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home again
→ everyday gita
It has been ages since I've written. Although numerous legitimate reasons can be given as to why I haven't been able to dedicate the time, it doesn't matter. The effects of not writing are resoundingly clear - I feel totally empty.
Yet coming back to the Gita today doesn't feel awkward or foreign. Instead, I feel welcomed back home! Just like a soft-hearted friend who finds a sweet way to tell us what we need to hear, today's verse is doing the same for me.
The word sacrifice has taken on a new relevance after having stepped away from writing this past month. I realize now that writing was a sacrifice I was performing on a daily basis - one of time and thought. And by taking that sacrifice for granted, I minimized its value.
As we've heard before:
Bhakti is all about attitude and intention.
The moment something becomes routine or automatic, it's time to take a step back and really check in to see where we stand. Have we become complacent? Where and how have our priorities changed? Is there something that is preventing us from experiencing the resolve and determination that we had when our enthusiasm was high?
It's often said that it's much easier to begin something than to maintain it. This phrase takes on a new meaning for me as I can see now how directly connected it is with sacrifice.
In order to maintain and sustain anything, it is impossible to do so without some sacrifice.
Whether it is a sacrifice of energy, time, money or mental resolve, it requires us to do a little bit more, push a little bit harder and give more than we may be willing to in that moment. But for anyone who has put in that sacrifice, they know how sweet the results can be.
In this instance, I'm not speaking about external results that can be measured visibly (although those too may come), but rather I speak to the internal growth one makes. That growth which helps us in our journey of discovering who we really are and becoming spiritual warriors.
27 Oct 2013 – Appearance Day of Radha Kunda, Snana Dana
→ ISKCON Desire Tree
27 Oct 2013 – Bahulastami
→ ISKCON Desire Tree
Worry Surgery
→ Seed of Devotion
I reach for Radharani's garland and place it around Her neck. Too long. I take it off, tie it to make it a little shorter. Still too long. I take it off and tie it again.
Now I can barely fit it over Her head. When it finally goes over, the garland is so small that it looks like some strange flower necklace. Radharani looks a little miffed.
"Oh no," I mutter. My face flushes. I shimmy the garland back over Radharani's head, murmuring my apologies.
I rush back to the pujari room and get out a pair of scissors. Maybe I can cut the string, retie it at a longer length... but the flowers are delicate and keep slipping off, the garland is getting shorter and shorter. The thread is slippery and the knots are not staying.
I'm starting to sweat. I feel like I'm in the midst of a surgery gone awry.
My friend Ghanashyam, who is offering worship to the smaller deities this morning, comes into the altar room loaded down with several trays.
"Ghanashyam," I say with a note of panic. "Radharani's garland... I tied it too short, and now I don't know what to do,"
Ever equipoised, Ghanashyam puts down his trays and says, "Oh really?"
"Yes," I say. We both peer down at the garland and discuss a plan of action. "This is garland surgery," I say.
Ghanashyam is working on the garland and then says quietly, "Scissors,"
I get the scissors and hand them to him, grinning, "Scalpel,"
We both laugh.
But even with Ghanashyam's attempts, the garland still seems to not be working right.
"Go do what you need to do," Ghanashyam says. "I'll handle this,"
"Okay," I say, relieved. Radha Murlidhar still need so much more in Their dressing today.
I rush back to the altar. Only fifteen minutes left to make Murlidhar's turban and finish dressing. The clock is ticking. At this point, I realize that Radha Murlidhar are dressing Themselves. There is no way that I could be doing this.
I head back to the altar room, where Ghanashyam holds up the garland, "It's okay now,"
"Really?" my eyes widen. The garland is perfect. "How?"
"I called in the reinforcements - Murali Gopal. He fixed it. Don't know how, but here it is,"
Relief rushes through me. "Thank you," I say reverentially. We both head to the altar, and Ghanashyam hands the garland to me to place around Radharani's neck.
"I'm nervous, why don't you do it," I say.
"Go ahead, it'll be fine."
I gingerly take the garland and gently place it around Radharani.
"Great," Ghanshyam says.
"Thank you," I say again. I continue with dressing. My hands seem to move on their own accord, tying Krishna's turban, placing Radharani's crown, tying up sashes and veils. Ghanashyam and I clean up everything and when I look at the clock to blow the conch shell, it's 8:30 - smack on time. I am in shock.
I blow the conch. Open the curtains.
When I offer the small arati to Radha Murlidhar, I observe how They're dressed from an artistic stance. Although I see so many areas that could be improved, for some reason They simply look perfect. I surrender to how the imperfection is Their perfection.
Back in the pujari room, Ghanashyam remarks to me, "That was a close call with that garland,"
"My God, I know," I reply.
"You were totally in anxiety," He laughs. "Even I began to get in anxiety."
"Amazing." I say. "You know, I've been experiencing so much worry lately about my life, it's almost ghostly. Just constantly plagued with anxiety about where I'm going to live, what I'm going to do. But this... this was worry for Krishna. Strangely enough, I found it almost almost liberating. Like, whew, I can breathe now. I feel clean. Does that make sense?"
"Yes," Ghanashyam replies. "Actually, a pujari is in the parental mood, to take care of Krishna and to worry for Him. Our worry for Him can actually be purifying,"
Ever since that morning of dressing Radha Murlidhar and worrying about God, the worry about my own life seems to have dissolved away. Trust remains.
Seems like Krishna did surgery on my worry.
Radha Kunda Appearance – Bathe in the grateful remembrance of the supreme mercy of the supreme devotee
→ The Spiritual Scientist
If Padma Purana is written by Vyasadeva then how can the Damodarashtakam in it Purana be composed by Satyavrata Muni?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
While glorifying Damodara why do we say Radha-Damodara and not Yashoda-Damodara?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Relevant Reference
In the Bhavisya Purana, Uttara Khanda, it is said:
sanketavasare cyute pranayatah samsaj jaya radhaya
prarabhya bhrukuti hiranya rasana damna nibaddhodaram
kartikyam janani krtotsava vare prastavana purvakam
catani prathayantam atma pulakam dhyayema damodaram
"One day on the full moon night of Kartik, Krsna arrives too late at the place where He was supposed to met Radha. Angry Radha frowns Her eyebrows and binds Him with a girdle with golden ropes. Then Krsna cleverly tells Her that He was late because He attended His mother's autumn festival. At this, Radha was pleased and unbound Him. Let us meditate on this ecstatically horripilating Damodara (He whose belly was bound by Radhika's golden ropes)."
(This is the explanation of the name Damodara in Madhura rasa upasana).
Should devotees be promoting any particular candidate during political elections?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
As Prabhupada wanted ISKCON to be non-political, how should we respond when some devotees send emails promoting a particular political party?
HG Visvambhar Prabhu / SB 10.48.31
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
Syamananda Prabhu asks about tips to put on dramas from Venu-gita
Gaura-krsna about the meaning of ‘beginingless karma’, Toth Sandor about how everyone is following Krsna’s path.
What is the meaning of the Gita 6.44 statement that the advanced yogi goes beyond the range of Vedic sound?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
When adharma continues to exist in the world, what does it mean to say that the Lord’s mission is complete?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Towards the end of the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Chaitanya Charitamrita, the devatas or the Lord's associates inform the Lord that his mission is now complete. But when adharma continues to exist in the world, what does it mean to say that the Lord’s mission is complete?
A visit to the 7 Goswami Temples of Vrindavana (Album 145 photos)

Is the Brahmastra Brahma’s weapon? Why is it considered so special?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
The Mercy Of The Dhama (Album 111 photos)

Can a homosexual become a brahmachari?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Can a homosexual comfortably adjust and become brahmachari? I have been practicing KC for the past 4 yrs and now about to join GS- but the wall is that I am homosexual. Could you please explain what can be the pros and cons of this? Could you please elucidate on this?
SB 11.07.18 – Be intelligent enough to cooperate with the supremely intelligent doctor
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhaktivedanta Manor Communications: To better understand and be unterstood!

SB 11.07.17 – Singular surrender to the Lord alone enables us to taste the sweetness of his mercy
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.16 – Seek instruction to apply instruction
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 08 – The Lord’s pastimes offer us the supreme spiritual opportunity
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 07 – Seek not to be liberated from misery but to be liberated into love
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Wave of Harinam sankirtan in Iskcon Indonesia (Album 33 photos)

Damodarashtakam Verse 06 – To attract the Lord’s mercy, show not one’s qualifications; admit one’s disqualifications
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 05 – The Lord reveals a form according to the devotee’s desire
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 04 – Krishna is Krishna’s greatest blessing
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 03 – How Krishna reveals his sweetness to those who are absorbed in his greatness
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 02 – The Lord can be bound by nothing but love
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Damodarashtakam Verse 01 – How the Supreme Controller becomes fearful and controlled
→ The Spiritual Scientist
New Vrindaban’s Monthly Joint Boards’ Meeting Minutes – 10/17/13
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Monthly Meeting Minutes of the Boards of Directors
for ISKCON New Vrindaban & ECOV - 10/17/13.
ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV) Vision Statement: Founded in 1968, Srila Prabhupada boldly envisions New Vrindaban as a sacred place known worldwide for Cow Protection, Self-Sufficiency, Holy Pilgrimage, Spiritual Education, and, above all, Loving Krishna.
ECO-Vrindaban Mission Statement: ECOV (Earth, Cows, Opportunities & Vrindaban Villages) is dedicated to cow protection, sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and simple living — all centered around loving service to Sri Krishna, as envisioned by the ISKCON New Vrindaban Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Present from ISKCON New Vrindaban (INV): Dayavira, Jaya Krsna, Gopisa, Ranaka, Chaitanya Mangala
Present from ECO-Vrindaban (ECOV): Madhava Gosh, Ranaka, Chaitanya Mangala
Recording Secretary: Laxmi Honest
The first item was a discussion about adding new members to the INV and ECOV boards. Previously, both boards agreed on the importance of encouraging Second Generation devotees to take on more active roles. Based on preliminary conversations, both Keval Patel and Bhima Walker have expressed interest in volunteering their time and expertise in this capacity. It was agreed that they be invited to participate in the upcoming November face to face meetings. It was further agreed that the boards authorize covering reasonable travel expenses as well as meals and lodging during their stay.
The second item was a conversation regarding the itinerary for the November meetings. Chaitanya Mangala provided a suggested format for the agenda items received so far. The categories were agreed upon, but some items may be shifted in the schedule depending on practical applications. It was agreed that Dayavira, Navin Shyam and Chaitanya Mangala will continue to develop the agenda and share it with the rest of the joint board members for final approval.
Madhava Gosh gave an update on anticipated royalty payments from the Snyder H1 gas well. He noted that his research indicates West Virginia does not have any laws governing the prompt payment of mineral proceeds. Many states have such laws and there is apparent reason for this since the gas company seems to be stalling. Madhava Gosh suggested that any new contracts should include a stipulation that payments be made timely. Gopisa agreed to contact the company and encourage them to act on this.
The INV board finalized funding for Gopal’s Garden 2013-2014 academic year. There was a unanimous vote that INV will contribute the requested $12,000. On behalf of Gopal’s Garden, Ranaka will inform INV when the funds are needed.
There was a general discussion about publicly reporting compensation for key management positions. There wasn’t a conclusion, but the board members are aware it is an issue that requires additional consideration as we continue to develop our overall strategy for improved transparency.
Madhava Gosh raised a concern about a recent public statement made to guests that if they contributed in a certain way their whole family would be absolved of all sinful activities. It was agreed that this is not the way we want to present ourselves and Jaya Krsna will address this privately with the devotee who was overheard making the statement.
SB 11.07.15 – Don’t make spiritual life unnecessarily difficult by obsessing with saying no
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Iskcon Moscow devotees thrown in the street by government authorities! Can they resolve it?

HH Devamrita Swami – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.2.12
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
HH Devamrita Swami – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.2.12
→ Welcome to the official site of ISKCON Perth
Dear Devotees and well-wishers,
It gives us great joy to invite you and your loved ones to the first Perth Hare Krishna spiritual event for 2014 THE HOLY NAME SEASIDE RETREAT.
Come and join with your friends, fellow devotees and special guests to get their sublime association in the tranquil settings of the Indian Ocean, whilst participating in a spiritual feast of activities ranging from transcendental kirtans, spiritually uplifting workshops on the Holy Name, international cuisine prasadamc cultural and beach activities, japa walks and more!
Everyone’s welcome and if you book and have paid in full by 31 October 2013, you will also get Early Bird Discount!
We request a donation of only $120 per adult and $70 per child (under 16) for the whole retreat including accommodation and prasadam. Early bird donations are only $108 per adult and $60 per child (under 16) for the whole retreat it includes accommodation and prasadam.
If you are unable to join us for all the days, you can also come on a daily basis on the days you can attend and the donation request for each day is only $60 per adult and $30 per child and it also includes prasadam for the day you are attending.
Venue: Alfred Hines Seaside Camp, Hymus Street, Point Peron, Rockingham
Dates: 24 -27 January 2014
Arrival Time: Friday from 5pm
Register now, by simply completing the attached registration form and returning with full payment into the following bank account:
Account Name: ISKCON Inc
BSB Number: 036041
Account Number: 120564
Bank: Westpac
Reference: HNSR Don (insert your name as stated on registration form)
Hand in this form duly filled to Jane or scan and email to
For more information or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jane on 0430810 800 or email
Your servants,
The Holy Name Seaside Team