SB 11.07.13 – To make meditation relishable, redirect the inner inquisitiveness from the world to Krishna
→ The Enquirer
The Mercy Of The Dhama
SB 11.07.12 – Meditation is a vital necessity for realignment and the resulting best contribution
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Supporting A Loving Godbrother
SB 11.07.11 – Don’t mistake spontaneity to be whimsicality
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.10 – Relishing our spiritual glory keeps us undisturbed amidst disturbances
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07-09 – Subordination to the Lord brings supreme satisfaction
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Kartik meditations – Part III
→ KKS Blog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 October 2011, Melbourne, Australia, Home Program)
The pastime of binding of Krsna is interesting. We remember that Yasoda was trying to tie up Krsna and each time, the rope was two fingers short. She added more ropes, still two fingers short; more ropes, still two fingers short - no matter how many ropes she brought!
Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur said that she asked neighbours for ropes; she asked everyone in Vrindavan for more ropes. She was tying more and more ropes and in the end, there were just no more ropes to be found in Vrindavan. She was exhausted from running around and getting all that ropes and tying them together. When she was getting exhausted, pearls of perspiration began to form on her forehead. At that time, Mother Yasoda sort of reached the limits of her endeavour. She took it really to the limits and THEN Krsna’s mercy made up.
So, one finger is for the endeavour of Yasoda and one finger is for the mercy of Krsna. And suddenly Krsna was bound! So, if one wants to capture Krsna, there are these two elements. The endeavour from our side – which has to not just be half-hearted but one has to give everything. Complete! Yes, everything we have, we have to give and sacrifice to Krsna. That is actually the endeavour. So this month is a special month, it is the month for making a special endeavour.
Japa Must Be An Intense Endeavor
→ Japa Group
SB 11.23.46 – With mind control everything else is unnecessary; without mind control everything else is useless
→ The Spiritual Scientist
An avalanche of nectar from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu attracting thousands to chant and dance in ecstasy in Mexico (Album 32 photos)

SB 11.07.08 – Disconnection with the supremely meaningful makes us seek meaning in the meaningless
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.07 – Don’t upgrade material reality disproportionately
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.06 – Withdraw from the world to solidify spiritual renewal
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.05 – More important than saving the world is saving oneself
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.04 – Kaliyuga’s degradation is a part of the Lord’s plan as is redemption through the holy name
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.03 – Disaster is also a part of the Lord’s plan
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.02 – The Lord’s mission is to not just set things right here but to show us the right way out of here
→ The Spiritual Scientist
SB 11.07.01 – The Lord solaces us in his absence through his message
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Tips On Writing
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das
HG Srinivas Acarya Prabhu / SB 10.48.26
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
HG Cakri Prabhu / SB 10.48.27-30
→ Kalachandji's Audio Archive
→ Gita Coaching
The Ladies’ Ashram

Gopicandra asks whether souls in santa-rasa fall from Vaikuntha
Are we responsible for acts performed against our will, and whether demigods tend to vegetable gardens in heaven – and other questions by B. Marcel and Srinivas.
One Woman’s Road to Krishna

Tsunami of Service and KARTIK nectar! Come drown with us:) (Album 187 photos)

Organised Chaos
→ Tattva - See inside out
Our modern culture is often the complete opposite: orderly on the outside, but chaotic on the inside! We have complex infrastructure, documented rules for everything and refined social niceties that govern day-to-day dealings. External social intercourse may be prim and proper, but many individuals experience huge chaos within. People are often inhibited from revealing their hearts, and instead lock up things within, causing destructive emotions to brew up and eventually surface in unhealthy ways. While modern culture may have succeeded in organising society into a well-oiled machine, there are clear deficiencies in the areas of community, relationships and meaningful human interaction. We’ve learnt how to live a life of organised chaos; bottling everything up, it’s often a case of smiling faces but parched hearts.
A self-development guru once held up a glass of water in front of her audience. While everyone was expecting the usual “half empty half full” exercise, she instead asked them how heavy the cup was. The answers varied from 3 oz to 10 oz. She then explained that the weight and volume of the water is not what makes it heavy – rather it’s the length of time for which we hold it. Similarly, everyone goes through challenges, anger, frustration and unrest in their life (the water in our cup). The problem is when we carry these things and fail to let go. Good social structures allow people to ‘get things off their chest’ and get on with living life. The freedom of expression helps keep things in perspective. We need to free up some internal breathing space, lest we choke our consciousness.
Sravanam Kirtanam In The Heart of Vrindavan (Album 160 photos)

7th Annual Cow Festival @ New Talavan (Album 87 photos)

Kartik meditations – Part II
→ KKS Blog
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11 October 2011, Melbourne, Australia, Home Program)
In the Bhagavad-gita 10.35, Krsna says that of all the months, “I am marga-sirsa,” which is a name for the November-December period. It is said that before Krsna, first comes Radha – Radha-Krsna, Radha-Syam, Sita-Ram, like that. First the consort of the Lord is mentioned. Therefore the month of Kartik, which comes before this month of marga-sirsa, is a month of Radharani. It is a month when we are meditating on pure devotional service because she is the proprietor of pure devotional service! No compromise at all, no self-interest whatsoever, only the interest of Krsna in mind and nothing but the interest of Krsna.
That is pure devotional service and that is found in Srimati Radharani, so this month of Kartik is about that. So everyone who is ordinarily sort of compromised in his devotional service, in the month of Kartik, will try for pure devotional service. In this month, one can take vows to perform some special service because this month is the month of Srimati Radharani. She is especially noticing the service that we render and when she recommends us to Krsna, then Krsna will also be inclined towards us. Radharani is very compassionate and soft-hearted. Therefore, this month is especially a very favorable time to try and attract the mercy. In that way, we prepare for the month of Kartik and see what special service can we offer?
The Bhaktivedanta Players of Iskcon UK

Video From New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit
Video from New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan – June 15th, 2013. Thanks to Bhakta Vatsala Dasa for posting on Youtube.
Radhadesh, Daily Darshan 22-10-2013 (Album 42 photos)

In The Heart of Vrindavan
HH Kadamba Kanana Swami – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.2.36
→ Gouranga TV - The Hare Krishna video collection
HH Kadamba Kanana Swami – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.2.36
Monday, October 21st, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
There was a high concentration of saffron at our morning sadhana program. This simply means that monastic fellows were in good attendance. The venue was the conference room at Ram Sukh Resort. We enjoyed singing in gratitude to guru, to Krishna, to His pleasure potency Radha - Female Divine. And for meditation on the Earth green we praised Tulasi, the sacred herb mentioned over and over in ancient texts of bhakti (devotion).
Sunday, October 20th, 2013
→ The Walking Monk
The Way The Mind Works
→ Japa Group
“In life, some of the most dangerous enemies cannot be seen, we don’t even know they are there; we may even consider them as our friends. That is the way the mind works.” Radhanatha Swami