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From Lilaprem P
From Lilaprem P
Dear Brijabasis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the community members and temple devotees who made the Janmastami Festivals, Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day and Labor Day weekend a big success. Many pilgrims approached me to express their heartfelt thanks for the experience New Vrindaban offered them.
I will not name each individual devotee herein as I am unable to recall each and everybody who has served so nicely over the last week and do not wish to risk omitting anyone.
I would especially like to thank the Pujari Department for the exquisite dressing of Their Lordships on Janmastami morning – the darshan was mind blowing. Thanks also for the wonderful Flower Outfit at midnight. It was simply overwhelming.
Thank you to those who created the astonishing set up for Srila Prabhupada’s vyasasana on his Appearance Day. At 2 am in the morning of Vyasa Puja, I was thinking that I am the last one wandering around the temple, only to be surprised a small crew of dedicated devotees who were hard at work decorating the vysasana.
Thank you for the hard work in the Kitchen over these days. Dear Community Members, please accept our sincere apologies that we were unable to cook a proper feast on Srila Prabhupada Appearance Day. As a result, we hear with pleasure that some of the extraordinary NV Maharathi Cook Elder’s (heroes) have agreed to take care of Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day feast.
Thank you to the CD department for their hard work in contacting so many donors for the Janmastami Festivals, for the incredible program on the festival days as well as the team spirit they have developed. A number of guests recognized and appreciated the nice cooperation.
Thank you to the Lodge crew and manager who handled all challenges very smoothly over the festivals and made our guests feel comfortable.
A round of applause to the Restaurant Crew who once more managed to properly serve a very large number of guests, keeping them satisfied.
The Palace of Gold crew has done a fantastic service by giving an incredible number of tours. I do not remember seeing so many cars parked around the Palace over the last three years.
The Rose Garden and the flowers around the Palace are currently in full bloom and touch many hearts. Thank you the glorious garden crew for this wonderful gift to Srila Prabhupada on his Appearance Day.
Last, but not least: the Goshalla Team of cow herds has shown their wonderful care by presenting our new baby bull, Pundarikaksa, with his mother Surabhi to our guests on different festival days.
Thanks to all of you for participating in the festivals. Many devotees and Prabhupada disciples (a new record over the last three years) participated in his Appearance Day celebrations in the morning at the temple as well as at his Palace of Gold later in the evening.
I am very grateful that more community members are participating in festival celebrations, contributing to a new team spirit that is slowly developing at the temple.
I request your blessings that I may continue as your servant,
Jaya Krsna das
Community President
ISKCON New Vrindaban
Please view the following galleries: Abhishek Darshan As the glorious festival celebrating Srimati Radharani comes to a close we have lovely pictures of this years abhishek, and darshan for you. The festival was packed with devotees more than any previous year. We all celebrated with gift giving, drama, abhishek, kirtan-mela, and distribution of srimati radharani’s [...]
The post Radhastami Photos appeared first on Mayapur.com.
The post Radhastami Abhishek Gallery appeared first on Mayapur.com.
From Krishna Dhan P
2013 09 08 Radhashtami Festival Reason for Radharani’s Appearance Bhakti Purshottam Swami ISKCON
Sometimes we see a picture of Atlas holding the globe on his shoulders; he seems to be very tired, holding this great earthly planet. Such an image should not be entertained in connection with Krsna’s upholding this created universe. He says that although everything is resting on Him, He is aloof. The planetary systems are floating in space, and this space is the energy of the Supreme Lord. But He is different from space. He is differently situated. Therefore the Lord says, “Although they are situated on My inconceivable energy, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead I am aloof from them.” This is the inconceivable opulence of the Lord.
When things go wrong, we may appeal to Krishna for help. If no help appears forthcoming, we may doubt Krishna: “Why doesn’t he help me?”
The problem is not that Krishna doesn’t help, but that we demand his help on our terms. We overestimate our intelligence and underestimate his intelligence.
When faced with problems, we often assume that we know the solution. All we need from Krishna is to implement that solution. We want him to use his omnipotence to fix things up as per our plan. Thus we seek only Krishna’s power and not his intelligence. By overestimating our intelligence, we deprive ourselves of the growth opportunities hidden in problems.
Problems come upon us due to our own past karmic misdeeds. But Krishna expertly orchestrates problems so that they can also become growth opportunities. Provided we make the right choices, of course.
If we are to make those right choices, we need to open ourselves to Krishna’s guidance internally and externally. Empowered by his guidance, we can unleash our latent potentials as spiritual beings and grow.
In the Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter, Arjuna wanted to solve his problem on his terms. He wanted Krishna to support and implement his plan. But soon Arjuna realized that his own intelligence was getting him nowhere. So in the Gita (02.07) he surrendered to Krishna and asked for guidance. And thus he was blessed by Gita wisdom, which enabled him to discover his hidden potentials as a spiritual being, as a part of Krishna. By tapping into both Krishna’s intelligence and power Arjuna gained emotional and spiritual strength to use his abilities for individual and social wellbeing.
We too can similarly discover of our hidden potentials if we stop seeking Krishna’s help on our terms and instead open ourselves to his guidance.
02.07 - Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.
The post September 13th, 2013 – Radhastami Darshan appeared first on Mayapur.com.
His Holiness Bhakti Purushottam Swami Maharaj, An Author of book name “Srimati Radharani”, speaks on the significance of the appearance of Radharani, on this auspicious Radhastami day. www.bpswami.com
The post HH Bhakti Purusottama on Radhastami appeared first on Mayapur.com.