Radhastami flower dress @ ISKCON Vrindavan (108 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

“Srimati Radharani is the mother of the universe, the spiritual mother of all souls. And the concept of mother is the most sacred symbol—that of purity, selflessness, caring, sharing, nurturing, and love. That is why our sacred mantra is the holy names. It is the holy names in the vocative. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Read more ›

Sri Radhastami Morning Program and Abhishekam in Mayapur (75 photos)
→ Dandavats.com

An abhisheka is a religious bathing ceremony. The word abhisheka means a sprinkling. It is derived from the root sic, to wet, and with the prefix abhi, "around," abhisheka is literally, "wetting around." An abhisheka is the bathing part of a puja that usually is done with sacred water. In puja, a Deity is called, seated, greeted, bathed, dressed, fed and praised. The bathing of the Deity is the abhisheka part of the puja. In some cases, the main focus of the puja is the bathing ceremony itself. Read more ›

Giri’s Mechanic Shop
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

(next to Nityo’s house on the road to the old Vrindaban farmhouse)

Giri provides the following auto services:

Brakes, shocks, struts, bearings, bushings, some exhaust welding, starters, alternators, ball joints, tie rod ends, radiators, cv boots and joints AND just about any other mechanical problem that may occur.



304 843 1765

How can an IAS officer help in sharing Krishna consciosness since India is a secular country?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From: Rishi
Please tell how can an IAS officer serve Srila Prabhupada and his mission.
How can he help in preaching and book distribution ?? As India is a secular country and IAS officer in his public life is expected to be secular and not promoting any particular religion. Despite all that, if an IAS officer is a vaishnava, how can he help in preaching activities and book distribution especially, with all the resources and power he possess ?

Answer Podcast

Can a scientist who accepts evolution practice Krishna consciousness?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

I have a doctorate in biology and have studied evolution for many years. I find the evidence for it quite strong and the arguments that devotees give against it childish. But whenever I bring up the issue with devotees, conflicts erupt and they brand me as faithless. How can I practice Krishna consciousness without such conflicts?

Answer Podcast

Renewable Energy Provides 14% of US Electrical Generation During First Half of 2013
→ View From a New Vrindaban Ridge

WASHINGTON, D.C. — According to the latest issue of the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) “Electric Power Monthly,” with preliminary data through to June 30, 2013, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) provided 14.20 percent of the nation’s net electric power generation during the first half of the year. For the same period in 2012, renewables accounted for 13.57 percent of net electrical generation.

Moreover, non-hydro renewables have more than tripled their output during the past decade. They now account for almost the same share of electrical generation (6.71 percent) as does conventional hydropower (7.49 percent). Ten years ago (i.e., calendar year 2003), non-hydro renewables provided only 2.05 percent of net U.S. electrical generation.

Comparing the first six months of 2013 to the same period in 2012, solar thermal & PV combined have grown 94.4 percent (these additions understate actual solar capacity gains. Unlike other energy sources, significant levels of solar capacity exist in smaller, non-utility-scale applications – e.g., rooftop solar photovoltaics). Wind increased 20.1 percent and geothermal grew by 1.0 percent, while biomass declined by 0.5 percent while hydropower dropped by 2.6 percent. Among the non-hydro renewabes, wind is in the lead, accounting for 4.67 percent of net electrical generation, followed by biomass (1.42 percent), geothermal (0.43 percent), and solar (0.19 percent).

The balance of the nation’s electrical generation mix for the first half of 2013 consisted of coal (39.00 percent - up by 10.3 percent), natural gas and other gas (26.46 percent - down by 13.6 percent), nuclear power (19.48 percent - up by 0.2 percent), and petroleum liquids + coke (0.66 percent - up by 15.6 percent). The balance (0.21 percent) was from other sources and pumped hydro storage.

Every year for the past decade, non-hydro renewables have increased both their net electrical output as well as their percentage share of the nation’s electricity mix. Moreover, the annual rate of growth for solar and wind continues in the double digits, setting new records each year.

Filed under: Cows and Environment

Journal Roulette
→ Seed of Devotion

72 volumes. 72 volumes of putting my soul on paper. My journals now take up several shelves of a bookcase in my room, silently containing the history of my life since I was 11 years old.

I'm going to conduct a little experiment.

I'm going to open up several random journals and open to a random page. I'll then copy down a paragraph or two from those pages. Let's call it Journal Roulette, shall we?

You ready?

August 1st, 2011 (age 24)
Baja, Mexico [summer Bus Tour]
I write this late at night in the front seats of the bus. We're parked on the cliff, and the ocean waves crash far below in whispers. Everyone's sleeping.

December 24th, 2005 (age 18)
Oaxaca, Mexico [winter Bus Tour]
I pull plants out of the bag... and pull out the ugliest coconut head I have EVER laid eyes on. It's carved and painted to the likeness of a pirate with an eye-patch and an ugly grin.

I fight the urge to drop it and scream through the numbness. Hoots and raucous laughter erupt around the bus...

Why couldn't I have gotten a pair of earrings???

December ?, 2008 (age 21)
Tirupati, India
I stormed off to Brindavan, the mystical garden of Anantalvar, the place where his soul resides. There, I found my solace at the lake. A sadhu was chanting his gayatri on the ghat steps, and his presence soothed me. Otherwise the entire garden and ghat was empty in the cool evening.

November 1st, 2011 (age 24)
Gainesville, Florida
I'm sitting here in the eveningtime writing this on the Plaza of the Americas, and a young man just walked by me with a wave and a smile. [Puzzled], I called out to him, "Do I know you?"

He turned around and smiled. "No. You just look happy and peaceful. That's all."

I beamed. "Why, thank you!"

He waved again, turned around, and kept walking.

May 1st, 2013 (age 26)
Mayapur, India
Last night I spent time with Jahnavi at her place. We shared such deep secrets and realizations with each other. Shame, guilt... I feel so deeply grateful to have shared with someone this secret of shame that has been in my heart for many months now. We actually discussed it - not that I just said it and it was over. Wow. I feel like I was cleaning out and letting go of a burden. Last night I slept very peacefully; I had simple and peaceful dreams.

July 26th, 2001 (age 14)
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
I have been through major ups and major downs, but you - a journal that reflects my own thoughts - are a patient friend who is always there to help me see the light. It is almost as if Krishna himself was guiding me. I could not have found anyone more dependable than a piece of paper, a pen, and my own soul.

Radhastami Morning, September 12, New Dvaraka, Los Angeles
Giriraj Swami

“Srimati Radharani may be in the most intense throws of ecstasy in separation from Krishna, but still She thinks of the welfare of others. For us fallen souls in the material world Her compassion is vey important because we are in need of mercy, and to the extent that we cry out to Her through chanting the maha-mantra—’Hare’ is a form of address for Radharani—Her heart will melt. It is already melted, but it will melt even more and She will shower Her mercy upon us. In The Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada writes that because Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is difficult to approach Him, but He has a compassionate side, and that compassionate side is represented by Srimati Radharani. Therefore we can approach Krishna through His compassionate side—Srimati Radharani. And we do that when we chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. As Srila Prabhupada said, the chanting should be like “the genuine cry of a child for its mother”: ‘O Mother Hara, please help me attain the grace of the Supreme Father, Krishna’—and “the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantra sincerely.”

Radhastami Morning

The Lord reciprocates as is our mentality and sincerity
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The devotees are constantly engaged in the Supreme Lord’s service. The Lord understands the mentality and sincerity of a particular living entity who is engaged in Krsna consciousness and gives him the intelligence to understand the science of Krsna in the association of devotees. Discussion of Krsna is very potent, and if a fortunate person has such association and tries to assimilate the knowledge, then he will surely make advancement toward spiritual realization.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is 9.1 purport

07.03 – Focus on how close you are, not how far you are
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Our struggles as a devotee-seeker may dishearten us: “I have no love for Krishna. Even when I pray, chant or take darshan, my mind goes off in nasty directions. I am so far away from Krishna.”

Yes, we have a long way to go in our journey to Krishna. But that’s only a part of the story.

The other part is that we are so close to Krishna. The Bhagavad-gita (07.03) underscores that those who have made even a little headway on the journey to him are rare and special – they are one among thousands. By Krishna’s inconceivable and causeless mercy, we are among those few souls.

If we look at the vastness of material existence and the sheer number of mazes in which souls can stay lost in forgetfulness of Krishna, we can realize how fortunate we are to have found the way to Krishna and to be moving forward along that way. Considering that we too have probably wandered among those mazes in various nonhuman and human bodies, we are actually so close to Krishna.

Far closer than most living beings in material existence.

And far closer than what we have ever been since the start of our material existence.

Despite our conditionings, despite our half-heartedness, against all odds, Krishna has got us so close. He will take us all the way across the finishing line back to him – if we just let him.

If we obsess on how far we are, we will give up and ruin our chance of returning home. A chance that we have got after so many lifetimes.

If instead we focus on how close we are to the finishing line, we will stay encouraged and enthused to keep pressing on – even when the finishing line seems far away.


07.03 - Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.




Bliss In Israel
→ travelingmonk.com

After visiting numerous holy places in Israel we returned to the streets to share our own spiritual tradition with others. As the nectar of Krsna’s sweet holy names permeated the land, people chanted and danced with us in great jubilation! They also enthusiastically accepted the prasadam we distributed and bought Srila Prabhupada’s books as a [...]

Festival of Colors Service Opportunity in New Vrindaban – 09-14-13
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Hare Krsna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 
I am writing you in hopes of resolving a quite difficult situation. 
The whole group of 15 volunteers today announced that they will not be able to come and help as earlier agreed and had been agreed upon for a long time. They had agreed as they did in many previous festivals before to transfer and serve prasadam, and did such wonderful service. This time there will be 4,000 visitors, the largest recent Prasadam distribution program at New Vrindaban! 
I know this is very short notice and am reluctant to even dare to ask about coming to help at this festival here at New Vrindaban again. But if you see any chance you might be able to make it and come, it would actually be the greatest and most appreciated help, especially since these previous 15 volunteers cannot come!
Please let me or Vrindavan dasa know and I will immediately book rooms for as many volunteers as we get and need (of course free of charge). 
Thanks for giving it a thought. Please write emails since I do rarely use phones. My email: lauberjosef@me.com
PS: everybody will have a great time playing Holi!
PPS: This is your chance to distribute Krishna’s Prasadam to mostly all new people who have never been in touch with Krishna Consciousness before! They will come hear and sing the Holy Names for a whole day and YOU have the Rare Opportunity to serve them Prasadam!
Is there any service you know of that would please Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu more? 
Come and get the mercy and have fun! 
This is definitively a unique opportunity! Carpe diem!


Your servant
Bhakta Josef
Josef A. Lauber
ISKCON New Vrindaban
3759 McCrearys Ridge Road
Moundsville, WV, 26041

The Mongoose and the Brahmin’s Wife
→ Gita Coaching

Once upon a time, there lived a Brahman by the name of Deva Sharma with his wife. His wife delivered a son and they were happy to have their first child. The Brahmin wanted to have a pet animal to protect the child which would also be a companion to the child. The Brahmin kept his proposal before the Brahmani. She found the proposal acceptable and the Brahmin went to bring a pet.

Deva Sharma went round the village and after much toil, got a mongoose as an escort to his child. Brahmani didn’t like the idea to keep a mongoose for her child. But as the pet was already brought, so she accepted it. Now, both of them started loving the mongoose as their own child. Yet, the Brahmani never left her son alone because she did not trust the mongoose, fearing that it could harm her son.

One day, the farmer and his wife had to go out of the house leaving the child at home. The farmer confirmed that the mongoose would take care of the child while they would be away. So, they left the mongoose and the child at home and went out. Soon after they left, a cobra entered the home. Finding danger to the son of the Brahmin, the mongoose attacked the cobra. They had a bloody combat and the mongoose succeeded in killing the cobra.

After this, mongoose heard the footfalls of Brahmin’s wife and went at the door to greet her. Brahmani was trembled to see the blood stained mouth of the mongoose. She inferred that the mongoose had killed the child. Without a second thought, she threw a heavy box on mongoose and the mongoose died at the spot. Brahmani quickly entered the house to see her child and to her great surprise, she found her child sleeping quietly in the cradle.

As soon as, she saw a snake bitten into pieces lying near the cradle, she realized that the mongoose had saved her child. The Brahmani was struck by grief that she had killed the mongoose that was like a sibling to her son. She cried loud at her hasty action.

Lesson: Don’t pre-judge. Think before you act.

- Pancatantra

Mayapur Institute 2013-2014 Winter semester
→ Mayapur.com

It is winter time again. Time to spend months in the serene atmosphere of Mayapur Dham, diving deep into Srila Prabhupad’s purports. Time to come together to be guided by expert devotees who are eager to open for you the treasure house of Srila Prabhupada. Yes, it is time to sit down at the lotus [...]

The post Mayapur Institute 2013-2014 Winter semester appeared first on Mayapur.com.