→ Gita Coaching

Jump-start your every day with these Excellent Questions:

1. What am I most grateful for in my life?
2. What am I happiest about in my life?
3. What am I most enthusiastic about in my life?
4. What I would like to focus most in my life?
5. Who and what am I most committed to in my life?
6. Who do I love? Who loves me?
7. What great ideas can help me succeed?
8. What are my best strengths, talents, skills and abilities?
9. What would my ideal life? What is my dream?
10. What's the best in me that I can offer to people I love and to the world?

stepping out of the comfort zone…
→ everyday gita

Verse 4.18: One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities.

I remember exactly how I felt when I first read this verse - confused! It seemed so convoluted and complicated. What exactly is Krsna trying to say here? That being said, my confusion also lead to appreciation as it was only then that I realized how important it is to learn the teachings of the Gita from one who is trying to practice it.

Breaking it down, this verse is giving the secret to performing akarama, or performing actions that result in no karma. That's what "seeing inaction in action" means. Although one may be performing so much work, because their internal consciousness is one of detachment to the results and one of offering them in gratitude to the Divine, they don't incur any karma.

Conversely, one may mistakenly think that by sitting still and doing nothing that they will incur no karma. If only it were that easy! That's what the phrase "seeing action in inaction" means. Although it may seem that nothing is going on externally, we may forget that what goes on inside has a direct effect on what happens outside. Meaning, although we may be able to sit still for sometime, the mind which is so demanding will ultimately force us to act, even if it's against our will. At that time, if our attitude is self-centered, those actions will naturally result in good or bad karma.

Readers may be reflecting that these concepts of unattachment and attitude keep coming up over and over again. You're not alone! Although I've read the Gita before, I too am struck by how often these themes are highlighted.

But the time comes where the reading ends and the application begins. Be sure that if you are sincere at heart and are reading the Gita that you will be tested. I give fair warning! Since yoga is ultimately about connecting to the Divine, He takes special notice. Situations will arise and your mettle will be tested.

The good (bad?!) thing is that no matter how many times you fail, the opportunities will keep on coming.

In fact, if you think about it - the opportunities are coming right now.

That's the beauty of the Gita. It puts into perspective how we can positively transform the challenging situations that we face on a daily basis. Just these two things:

1. Detachment to the results of our activities and
3. Transforming our consciousness to offering everything we do with affection and gratitude to the Divine...

can work miracles in our lives.

Instead of seeing everything through the lens of "Why is this happening to me?" this shift promotes a sense of "Wow! I'm getting a chance to practically apply spiritual knowledge that I've gained." Granted, those feelings may not come soon...but it will! It may come sporadically at first - maybe once in a couple of years or every couple of months! LOL. That's ok. It will come though. It just takes practice.

Life is a series of lessons and bhakti is the path of self-empowerment. We can choose to learn from the lessons that surround us and benefit or continue to fight the lesson and drown in self pity. So join us as we step out of our comfort zones and into the stretch zone. You can change your consciousness today!

15.10 – Strive not to look good in the eyes of the world; strive to get good eyes to look at the world
→ The Spiritual Scientist

People often worry whether they look good in the eyes of the world; they fuss about being in tune with the latest fashions.

However, the world’s eyes are ever changing. What it cheers today, it jeers tomorrow. Fashions are notoriously short-lived.

Moreover, the world has many eyes – different people consider differing, even opposing, things as good. Looking good in everyone’s eyes is impossibly frustrating.

The obsession to look good sentences us to perpetual insecurity – we never know whether the world will find us good enough or what it will demand next. Worse still, under the spell of this obsession, we drag ourselves away from ourselves. We become disconnected from our core values, our inner essence, our true identity.

Situating ourselves in our actual identity is the only way to lasting security. For that, we need to get good eyes to look at the world. These good eyes are the eyes of knowledge (jnana-chakshu) provided by Gita wisdom, eyes that show us reality as it is. The unchanging reality is that we are souls meant for an eternal life of love and joy with Krishna. This world is but one station in our multi-life journey towards Krishna. People trying to ape the latest fashions are simply deluded souls dancing to the tune of the three modes, as the Bhagavad-gita (15.10) indicates.

The eyes of knowledge revise our vision of the world: It’s not a judge we need to satisfy, but a practicing ground we need to use for reviving our real life as devoted souls. Once we start serving Krishna and get a taste for the resulting fulfillment, then the obsession to look good ends – and we become free to live for our ultimate good.


15.10 - The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.

Tangible Proof
→ Tattva - See inside out

Every year we offer some heartfelt words of appreciation to our founding spiritual teacher. For me, the lives of the saints settle all the doubts. Their stories are tangible proof that God really does exist.

Dear Srila Prabhupada

I close my eyes and picture the scene. It’s April 1966. Homeless, penniless and alone, you’ve relocated to the Lower East Side in search of “better opportunities” to preach. This is Skid row; the lowest of the low. Here you live, worship, study and teach. Its early evening, and your new residence, the rat-ridden 94 Bowery, is filled with buzzing acidheads, bearded bohemians, ruined alcoholics and disillusioned dropouts. The assembled participants have wandered into this makeshift temple in living protest against America's good life of materialism. Sex, music, LSD, and meditation is what makes them tick. Half-a-dozen unconscious bums block up the foyer. A few of them have urinated on the floor while one is actually dead. You nonchalantly step by them, enter the room and seat yourself at the front. These confused souls are looking for real love, real happiness and real spiritual experience. Your expression exudes bottomless depth. You are not phased in the slightest. You know your mission. You know you have what they’re looking for. You know Krishna is on your side.

What a historic scene! Absolutely incredible! This has to be the ultimate exhibition of compassion, conviction and courage. Could such a thing ever be repeated? Srila Prabhupada, if you do embark on such a transcendental adventure again, please permit me to tag along. I’m ready to do whatever it takes.

On the order of your spiritual teacher, you shed 200 gallons of blood to help people find true happiness. No amount of social commentary, historical analysis or academic reasoning can account for the miracle of your life. If there was any doubt that God exists, your story well and truly puts it to rest.

Now all that’s left is to share that story with the world. This is the real adventure, the real business, the real purpose in life. There is so much work to do – towns, cities, countries and continents that are waiting to hear about Krishna and His pure devotee. I’m grateful beyond belief to be part of your glorious mission. I hope I’ll do something in this life to make you smile.

Begging to remain at your transcendental disposal,

Sutapa das

New Vrindaban Working with our Local Community – A Win-Win Situation
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

by Lilasuka dasi

ISKCON New Vrindaban, home of the Palace of Gold, has been actively participating in the Marshall County Tourism Board since April 2012.   There are a wide variety of tourist attractions in the Marshall County area of West Virginia, including the former WV Penitentiary, Grand Vue Park, the Grave Creek Mound, Fostoria Glass Museum, the Marx Toy Museum, and of course the Palace of Gold, which was listed this year on CNN Travel as one of the eight religious wonders to see in the U.S.A.

In Front of the temple at New Vrindaban

In Front of the temple at New Vrindaban

Different tourist entities came together and formed the Marshall County Tourism Board for the purpose of helping each other attract more visitors to the Moundsville area.  The representatives of the attractions on this committee co-operate and brainstorm ways to improve tourism.  Based on a proposal of the Marshall County Tourism Board, there has recently been a hotel tax introduced to collect funds for further promoting the local destinations. Workshops have also been organized to train the staffs of each attraction to inform visitors about all the other Marshall County attractions.

The staff members of the attractions work together.  As a matter of fact, staff people have free entrance to each other’s attractions, so that they can get more familiar with all of the destinations. The different attractions have contributed to a fund that promotes advertising on T.V., in certain travel magazines, and other kinds of ads. The Marshall County Tourism Board is especially working with the Palace of Gold for their Bus Tour marketing.

The current representative for the Palace of Gold tourist attraction is Bhakta Josef Lauber. Working together with our local community is always a win-win situation.

6 Hour Kirtan – TONIGHT!
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Blog!

The festivities don't end yet as we celebrate our first 6 Hour Kirtan tonight!  Starting at 4pm, we will officially begin 6 hours of blissful chanting. Get off work early and come have a spiritual evening with your local Toronto kirtan talent. It will surely be a night to remember as we end the night off with your favourite Gaura Shakti Kirtan Yoga Band. Dinner prasadam (vegetarian feast) will be served. 

Check out the schedule below:

4:00 - 4:30: Dharma Prana Das
4:30 - 5:00: Uttamananda Krishna Das
5:00 - 5:30 - Nicole
5:30 - 6:00 - Julia
6:00 - 6:30 - Sing Lung
6:30 - 7:00 - Sukhavak  Das
7:00 - 7:30 - Yura
7:30 - 8:00 - Rukmini Devi Dasi
8:00 - 9:00 - Jettu 
9:00 - 10:00 - Gaura Shakti

We hope to see you tonight! 

Bhakti Centre Janmastami
→ Ramai Swami



We are very fortunate because Sri Krsna appeared in this 28th millennium, during the seventh Manu, in one day of Brahma.  Previously, people followed the system of varnasrama,  worshiped the Devas and attained  heaven, or if they worshiped Lord Visnu perhaps they were elevated to Vaikuntha.

Sri Krsna’s character is so nice that He accepts the least qualification of a living entity and awards him the highest reward. If someone becomes fully Krsna Conscious, they may be transferred to live eternally with Sri Krsna in Krsna Loka, the topmost planet of the spiritual world.
This year Krsna Janmastami at the Bhakti Centre on the Gold Coast was observed on Wednesday August 28th, the same day as in India. Around 150 guests attended and the evening was celebrated with the abhiseka of Radha Krsna, dance, drama, kirtana and of course, wonderful Krsna prasadam.

Jhulan Yatra Photos!
→ Mayapur.com

Please view the full gallery: Jhulan Yatra 2013 Gallery The 5-day event of Jhulan yatra, where Sri-Sri Radha- Madhava enjoy Their transcendental swing-pastimes , attracted several hundreds of participants from the Mayapur community as well as many visitors from outside. It was a grand celebration where Sri-Sri Radha-Madhava were carried in Harinam procession by bullock [...]

The post Jhulan Yatra Photos! appeared first on Mayapur.com.

importance of japa a realization.
→ simple thoughts


Remembering the words of my Guru Maharaja as I set in the hospital bed in the critical assessment unit with the mind unable to focus on even the simplest question remembering that in this condition Japa was the most important thing.

But Japa was hard even the simple questions being asked to gain a history as to why I was in hospital was a problem; beep down I knew that Japa was important but my Japa beads chanted upon by my guru maharajah were in the guest house; ow how I lamented.

Fortunate a wonderful devotee had come with me; the mercy of the devotee is in their love of reminding you about Krishna when the material body is causing problems and pain; producing a picture he had just purchased of Radha Krishna put it in a position and kept it their; more important was this engaging me to speak about the pastimes of Krishna. Focusing the mind through a haze.

Transferred to the ward lamenting still my lack of japa beads normally kept close to reach; so the love of the devotee shines despite the late hour gained access to the guest house retrieved my japa beads and unbeknown to me dropped off close by were I lay; you cannot imagine the joy in the heart seeing them lay their it was hard to hide the emotion although the material body made it hard to pick them up and start chanting.

As difficult as it was reaching the bag and placing it correctly to start jape; it was by no means perfect or attentive; glimpsing on the picture the devotee had left me inspiring and encouraging me to just chant even though the body said can’t, can’t, can’t.

I’ve never seen so much prasadam delivered with a smile again ISKCON’s unsung hero’s who in a devotee’s hour of need relay’s to make sure that even in hospital the sweet taste of Krishna prasadam can by enjoyed; even making sure that on Srila Prabhupada’s appearance day I didn’t miss out on the maha prasadam.

It however impresses on my mind the words spoken by my Guru Maharaja that if we want to be able to chant Hare Krishna at the end of life we have to become sincere practitioners NOW, when all good facility is their. And my realization that in his closing statement on the subject that when the final breath airs are their if we have not done this then it is impossible to remember Sri Krishna.

Krishna has given me a fine warning, it is down to me to listen, to take not, to become even more serious in all aspects of devotional life; and to become more attentive in chanting.

And I conclude with this interesting point to ponder regarding the maha-mantra:

These sixteen holy names composed of thirty-two syllables in the form of an address are called the maha-mantra. According to the process of Pancaratra, this maha-mantra should be chanted both in japa and in loud kirtana. For one who chants this maha-mantra in loud kirtana, the seed of love of God sprouts within his heart by the influence of that loud kirtana; and by the progressive mercy of the holy names, that person soon becomes expert in the science of the goal of life and the process for attaining it. But if one’s chanting is either mixed with concocted overlapping mellows or simply for the purpose of musical entertainment, or if one thinks the holy names should only be chanted in japa and one thus becomes averse to loud kirtana, then he is surely producing offenses rather than love of God. The science of the goal of life and the means for attaining it never manifest in the hearts of those who are determined to commit such offenses. Such offensive rebels against the spiritual masters are tightly bond by the chains of maya. They continue to be envious of the pure devotees, and instead of attaining auspiciousness, they go to hell forever.

CB Adi-khanda 14.147

False Propaganda
→ NY Times & Bhagavad Gita Sanga/ Sankirtana Das

 Some Indians have a superstition about keeping Mahabharata in their homes because it contains so much violence and is the story of a feuding  family. They don’t want to have that type of energy in their houses.  One Indian gentleman who expressed this was with his teenaged kids. I had just showed him my new book Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest. I asked the kids what type of reading material they keep in the house. They mentioned Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and a couple of other books that have violent or sexual content. I pointed out the apparent discrepancy – “You are keeping these books in the house, but object to Mahabharata?”  

I explained how there has always been false propaganda in society, and gave the example that many people think  Obama is a Moslem and that he was born in Kenya. There’s even a false Kenyan birth certificate circulating the internet. But the strange thing is that the Kenyan document is dated several years before the country was even named Kenya.   I mentioned that in the end of Mahabharata, Vyasa, the author himself, declares that one should keep the text in a special place in the house and wrap it in a silken cloth to remind one of how valuable it is. Why not believe the author rather than some superstition. The gentleman took out his wallet and purchased Mahabharata: The Eternal Quest.   

Also, there are several professors who plan to use the book in their college courses.

Please check out a great article about the book on ISKCON NEWS at

and my own site about the book and project 

And a brief interview with me about writing Mahabharata at www.Bhaktiwriters.com

Drink it in!
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 August 2013, Kirtan Mela, Germany, Final lecture)

dancing SPWhen the pure devotee chants in any place or sets foot in any place, that place becomes transformed; it becomes a sacred place. It is mentioned that pure devotees goes to Vrindavan to purify Vrindavan and not to become purified. They purify Vrindavan from the sinful reactions that are left by all the pilgrims. In this way, it is very nice that we indeed received the mantra in parampara. Without the sampradaya, the mantra will not produce fruit. Each of the acaryas have added their blessings including Srila Prabhupada, in particular, who had such a desire that we would all chant the holy name.

So this event (kirtan mela) is important. If we don’t have such events, then what are we doing? If we don’t come together to chant then how can we expect to break through? Spiritual life is not cheap. We have all taken up the chanting of the holy name but for most of us, it doesn’t get beyond the mechanical platform. We are just everyday struggling to finish the quota. Are we chanting our rounds or are we counting our rounds? So unless we just sit by ourselves to chant, how can we ever expect to be successful? One of my favorite verses is the verse:

sei panca-tattva mili’ prthivi asiya
purva-premabhandarera mudra ughdiiya
pance mili’ lute prema, kare asvadana
yata yata piye, trsna badhe anuksana
(CC Adi 7.20-21)

It is the famous verse where the Panca Tattva broke the lock of the storehouse of love of God and then what happened next? They went inside and when they went inside, they drank and plundered the storehouse of love of God. They drank it themselves to their full satisfaction and as they drank, their thirst increased!

So don’t think that what we are doing it is not authorised. Don’t think, ‘Why are we sitting here so far away from the world? Shouldn’t we be out there preaching?’ No! Lord Caitanya himself drank and we must also drink the holy name. So these events are important actually and we should make them much bigger!



Drink it in!
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 August 2013, Kirtan Mela, Germany, Final lecture)

dancing SPWhen the pure devotee chants in any place or sets foot in any place, that place becomes transformed; it becomes a sacred place. It is mentioned that pure devotees goes to Vrindavan to purify Vrindavan and not to become purified. They purify Vrindavan from the sinful reactions that are left by all the pilgrims. In this way, it is very nice that we indeed received the mantra in parampara. Without the sampradaya, the mantra will not produce fruit. Each of the acaryas have added their blessings including Srila Prabhupada, in particular, who had such a desire that we would all chant the holy name.

So this event (kirtan mela) is important. If we don’t have such events, then what are we doing? If we don’t come together to chant then how can we expect to break through? Spiritual life is not cheap. We have all taken up the chanting of the holy name but for most of us, it doesn’t get beyond the mechanical platform. We are just everyday struggling to finish the quota. Are we chanting our rounds or are we counting our rounds? So unless we just sit by ourselves to chant, how can we ever expect to be successful? One of my favorite verses is the verse:

sei panca-tattva mili’ prthivi asiya
purva-premabhandarera mudra ughdiiya
pance mili’ lute prema, kare asvadana
yata yata piye, trsna badhe anuksana
(CC Adi 7.20-21)

It is the famous verse where the Panca Tattva broke the lock of the storehouse of love of God and then what happened next? They went inside and when they went inside, they drank and plundered the storehouse of love of God. They drank it themselves to their full satisfaction and as they drank, their thirst increased!

So don’t think that what we are doing it is not authorised. Don’t think, ‘Why are we sitting here so far away from the world? Shouldn’t we be out there preaching?’ No! Lord Caitanya himself drank and we must also drink the holy name. So these events are important actually and we should make them much bigger!



Drink it in!
→ KKS Blog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 17 August 2013, Kirtan Mela, Germany, Final lecture)

dancing SPWhen the pure devotee chants in any place or sets foot in any place, that place becomes transformed; it becomes a sacred place. It is mentioned that pure devotees goes to Vrindavan to purify Vrindavan and not to become purified. They purify Vrindavan from the sinful reactions that are left by all the pilgrims. In this way, it is very nice that we indeed received the mantra in parampara. Without the sampradaya, the mantra will not produce fruit. Each of the acaryas have added their blessings including Srila Prabhupada, in particular, who had such a desire that we would all chant the holy name.

So this event (kirtan mela) is important. If we don’t have such events, then what are we doing? If we don’t come together to chant then how can we expect to break through? Spiritual life is not cheap. We have all taken up the chanting of the holy name but for most of us, it doesn’t get beyond the mechanical platform. We are just everyday struggling to finish the quota. Are we chanting our rounds or are we counting our rounds? So unless we just sit by ourselves to chant, how can we ever expect to be successful? One of my favorite verses is the verse:

sei panca-tattva mili’ prthivi asiya
purva-premabhandarera mudra ughdiiya
pance mili’ lute prema, kare asvadana
yata yata piye, trsna badhe anuksana
(CC Adi 7.20-21)

It is the famous verse where the Panca Tattva broke the lock of the storehouse of love of God and then what happened next? They went inside and when they went inside, they drank and plundered the storehouse of love of God. They drank it themselves to their full satisfaction and as they drank, their thirst increased!

So don’t think that what we are doing it is not authorised. Don’t think, ‘Why are we sitting here so far away from the world? Shouldn’t we be out there preaching?’ No! Lord Caitanya himself drank and we must also drink the holy name. So these events are important actually and we should make them much bigger!



→ Gita Coaching

Picture and egg just sitting there. No one pays it much attention until, one day, the egg cracks open and out jumps a chicken! All the major magazines and newspapers jump on the event, writing feature stories - "The Transformation of Egg to Chicken!" "The Remarkable Revolution of the Egg!" "Stunning Turnaround at Egg!" - as if the egg had undergone some overnight metamorphosis, radically altering itself into a chicken.

But what does it look like from the chickens point of view? It's a completely different story. While the world ignored this dormant-looking egg, the chicken was evolving, growing, developing, incubating. From the chickens point of view, cracking the egg is simply one more step in a long chain of steps leading up to that moment - a big step, to be sure, but hardly the radical, single-step transformation it looks like to those watching from outside the egg.

Good to Great, Jim Collins, page 168

Bring It On
→ Seed of Devotion

(photo by flickr.com)

On my way to Whole Foods the other day, as always I passed by the street basketball court. The guys who play games on this court are like, NBA material. But they usually just wear their casual shorts and old T-shirts.

But this time was different. I could hear the whistle calls of a referee ring out down the street, and I could see that there were uniform red jerseys all over the court. Intrigued, I walked up into the park. Crowds had gathered.

I watched in awe. These casual street players had suddenly transformed into athletes with one-pointed focus and intensity. The orange basketball zigzagged up and down the court, between hands, between players, the teams migrating up and down the court in swift and stunning speed.

Just watching the game I felt that nothing else mattered in the world but that orange ball and getting it to swish through the net. I laughed, groaned, cheered.

When at last I pulled away, I walked on and meditated on how I want to live my life with the intensity of that basketball game. I want to absorb my mind utterly and completely, where nothing else matters but serving God.

Well, today was my day to cook lunch for the deities here, Radha Murlidhar, as well as the devotees. Today also so happened to be Srila Prabhupad's appearance day. So I plotted and planned to cook a lovely feast.

Beginning at 7:30am, nothing else mattered but chopping vegetables, baking muffins, spicing dals... time was ticking, ticking down until the offering would be made at 11:30am.

Cooking became my basketball game.

Only minutes were left when I discovered that I hadn't even made the rice. My friend Gauranga saved the day and began to make almond rice.

When Keshava Krishna arrived with the offering plate, I was still dashing around the kitchen.

But the plate got made. Everything was offered to Srila Prabhupad and Radha Murlidhar.

Swish! She scores!

Bring it on... for life.

I'm game.

(photo by iwallpaper.com)