To go to The States requires that I take a covid test. The clinic where I could get this done was just a 2-kilometre distance away. Job was completed and on my return I walked down Wells St. when I heard, “Hey, Walking Monk.” It was repeated since I could not determine the source. The caller didn’t give up. “Hey, Walking Monk.”
There he was a middle-aged, dark-haired fellow I’ve met before. Once, while he was driving, he spotted me and at other times, too. He gets around and is somewhat mysterious about his identity. “So,” he said, “You’re the Walking Monk. I’m the Driving Yogi.” That remark cracked up his two companions having brunch on the veranda of, what I guess was, his house. He’s friendly enough.
It’s always great to have your stride mildly interrupted by people who show some interest. On the return journey an older fellow, sitting in a front yard of the same settled neighbourhood, asked me, “Buddhist?”
“No, Krishna!”
“Oh! Hare Krishna – on Avenue Road.”
“Why yes!” I said to him.
“What do you believe?”
“Our beliefs are a science based on the text Bhagavad-gita. It teaches that we are not the body, but we are spirit.” We spoke more. My only thought at that point was why does the covid test cost $200 at the clinic when the body is relatively insignificant?
Twenty-one years ago, the film “The Legend of Baggar Vance” was released, where Will Smith plays the role of the name mentioned in the title. The name “Baggar Vance” is an interesting angle on the Sanskrit word Bhagavan, which is a more formal name for Krishna. He does a splendid job in this role.
Now Will Smith, the well-known actor, is telling people about the Bhagavad-gita in a direct and candid way. As Will explains in a video that’s going around, “Arjuna is overwhelmed… His family has tripped out… They tried to disrobe his wife.”
In looking at the above we might be able to deduce the most celebrated dialogue coming out of the east is making inroads into the west. Perhaps, in the future, Krishna and His warrior friend become mainstream. That would be nice. It would be beneficial since a timeless wisdom is unleashed from the conversation between the two; a wisdom that is relevant and speaks to all.
I want to thank the organizers of the program last night in Brampton. It was more than a birthday party. Kindness came out of the cake which was shared by two other persons to have their birthday fall on October 5th. Nandini is a 10-year-old girl in our community and is a good student. Hrsikesh was born 30 minutes before I showed up. We’re both 69. Happy birthday to you all.
Usually when it is one of our birthdays, my siblings and I make that Zoom call and chat away, wishing the birthday boy or girl a happy occasion. This evening the six of us came together by the grapevine to acknowledge my day of hatching, which is actually tomorrow, the fifth. We are fond of each other. In our teens, we were the beachy-peachy types, meaning we liked the water in the summer and spent time picking fruit during harvest time.
When on the call we don’t have much spirited talk, although I do normally read one of my poems, especially the ones of a more secular nature. Not everyone in the clan is ready for the spiritual. In time, perhaps.
On this day, I want to not only recognize those cherished sibs of mine, but also those who gave me a good amount of love and mentoring in the early days of Krishna Consciousness. On my list of Krishna Conscious care are B.B. Govinda Swami (then Ayodhya-pati), Visvakarma, Drupada, Satyajit, Sripati, Rupa Vilas, Jagadisa, Hiranyagarbha, Laksmimoni, and more.
If it were not for their mentoring, I would not be a monk today.
I also wanted to thank, most graciously, those kind souls who have been super steadfast on this here blog which has been up and running for some years now. is what it is due to the great help of Abhidheya, Nitai Priya, Dhruva, Yogendra, and a host of others. Bless you all. The purpose of the blog is to keep in touch. Thank you, Ananda Rupa, for the Facebook page, and Nakula, for the twitter.
Prahlad’s story is described in the 7th Canto of the book, Bhagavatam. He reveals, through the text, his high level of realizations and pandit-ism. With our morning discussion at the Bhakta Prahlad Montessori School in Russell, we delved into the topic of Prahlad’s feeling for others; especially for those who have been unable to channel bhakti through their lives. So being a scholar is one thing, but you also have to have a heart at the same time. True saints are perceptive; they see the world for what it is – a place of suffering – but they also would like to see a healing take place. Those of us in the discussion want to model ourselves after his example. Deep down we really do. Each of us want that kind of success, if I could speak on everyone’s behalf.
My second discussion-lead for the day was at the Iskcon Ottawa Centre. I believe the count was about twenty-five people inside, while others were waiting outside the door. All those inside were masked and following protocol. The talk was rather a follow-up from the morning. Knowing that we must apply wisdom with heart, it then becomes apparent that one should be serious and take the first step of surrender. We brought up statements of an affirmative nature such as Krishna’s words, “Armed with yoga, stand and fight!” Referring back to “Just Do It.” A notion needs to be an action.
The message was “Let’s do what we need to do NOW! Why procrastinate?”
Roman and I took the scenic root on Highway 7 through the ancient Shield countryside, then through super-flat but fertile farmland, by car, before we reached the newly acquired farm in Russell, Ontario. It was a drive, not a walk – a five-hour pleasant trip – and it was well worth it. For the time-being we call this a Vaishnava Farm Garden Fest where people from the bhakti spectrum come together to share in the dreams and realities of simpler living.
Roman and I left a warm current Toronto for cooler drizzly weather but, again, it was well worth it. Attendees were so happy to see each other, at least half the face (we were masked, right). Veda Vyasa did an amazing presentation on garden tips, heirloom seeds and such. He’s employed with the city of Granby, Quebec, as a grower and tender of flowers, plants and veggies. It’s remarkable what he’s learned and what he can share.
Additionally, Jai Chaitanya from near Castleton, Ontario, presented a slide-show of his achievements with plant and animal care. In fact, both presenters offered hope to those of us from city environments where more and more people and concrete intensify modern life. In all, we counted fifty participants, and because it was largely an outdoor event, we could safely be present and share wisdom and warmth amongst us very well during this taxing pandemic time.
The Grand Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, Srila Prabhupada Vaibhava Darshana Utsava, will be celebrated in a few days on October 14 and 15. With the help of modern broadcasting technology, devotees all over the world can participate by watching this historic occasion from their own homes in over eight different languages on Mayapur TV.
The live broadcasting feed will also be available on the Mayapur TV and TOVP YouTube Channels and Facebook Pages, but the broadcast on will have the availability of live, synchronized text translations in over eight languages.
Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event. The schedule is linked below for viewing and downloading. And take advantage of your rare fortune by gratefully offering Srila Prabhupada one of five abhishekas, a part of our $1 million guru dakshina offering to His Divine Grace. Go to the Welcome Ceremony Page to sponsor an abhisheka TODAY!
The festival of Dussehra, also known as Vijaya dashmi, is one of the fascinating festivals of India and is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm. According to the great scripture, the Ramayana, Lord Rama performed chandi-puja (holy prayer). This was carried out in order to invoke the blessings of Durga for the killing of Ravana, the ten-headed demon king of Sri Lanka who had abducted Sita, wife of Lord Rama.
Durga divulged the secret to Rama on how he could slay the great Ravana. Hence upon vanquishing the demon Ravana, Lord Rama with Sita and younger brother Laksmana, returned victorious to his kingdom of Ayodhya on the day, which is called ‘Diwali’.
Revelers across northern India re-enact the legend at sundown in a performance called the Rama lila, featuring actors dressed as Rama shooting flaming arrows at effigies stuffed with firecrackers.
Dussehra day is considered a most auspicious day. It is a time-honored belief that if any new venture is started on this day, it is bound to be successful. Hence, all the undertakings be it laying-in of foundation of a new building, opening of a new commercial establishment or even initiating a child into the world of learning- are started on this day.
This video of HG Jananivas Prabhu was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony.
This video of HG Pankajanghri Prabhu was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony.
“Don’t let any opportunities go by! What if you are missing out in life? You may never get that opportunity again!” This is a common worldview, whereby this life is all there is considered to be. There is nothing after it and everything that you want to possibly experience has to be experienced in this one little life. Time is moving and you have to be quick. And that creates anxiety. You now have choices to make, and they better be the right ones because if you make the wrong choice, then, you may spoil your whole life. Midlife crisis, what is it about? It is simply the approach of old age and the approach of losing it. “Help me, I am going to lose the chance to enjoy!” Midlife crisis, “Let me enjoy now before it is too late!” America is an interesting country because there, even old people are trying to be young. They act as if they are young but there is no such thing. It is more like a mature European thing. People nowadays dress like they are young and they do all the things they used to do when they were young. They do not know how to relate to it. But yes at seventy, it is still young. (laughter). At eighty, still going strong. But that also does not work. I am experiencing that myself. That does not work since we go from being young to being totally incapacitated. Yesterday, we were on the bicycle and then the next day we are in the wheelchair. There is nothing in between. So, spiritual life is about realism.
Hare Krishna dear devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Re: Health update of H.H.Bhakti Chaitanya Swami Maharaj Maharaj had a Doppler ultrasound today which showed that he has Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT) of his left lower limb (blood clots in the veins of the lower limbs). There are various contributing factors. The […]
ISKCON’s annual “MAN-tra Retreat” is coming to your computer screen in mid-November. The theme of this year’s virtual event is The Hero’s Journey! Men, 18 years of age and older, are invited to transform their lives by participating in this unique event. You are the hero and your journey is distinct and extraordinary. The […]
A new code defines expectations for all devotees. After two years of research, writing, and debate, the GBC recently ratified and voted into ISKCON law a Code of Ethical Behavior. We spoke with the Code’s author, Yogesvara dasa, about the background to the Code and what changes he hopes to see in Srila Prabhupada’s movement […]
It’s not always easy to find rock music that tackles spiritual themes, much less Krishna conscious ones. But Australian alternative funk rock band Supersoul does just that, wrapping deep philosophical concepts in funky rhythm sections, soaring harmonies and ripping guitar solos. Hailing from ISKCON New Govardhana in Murwillumbah, the band consists of four devotees, all […]
The long-awaited new book, “Yamuna Devi: The Study of Seva-Puja,” is here. The work presents and expands upon the original “Deity Book,” a parchment-paged binder about deity worship and dress which Yamuna Devi, a much-loved ISKCON pioneer, and early Prabhupada disciple, created and brought with her to each ashram she resided in. Guests frequently asked […]
“The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny.” -Heraclitus Every moment I make […]
His Grace Rohinipriya Prabhu is a BACHELOR in MEDICINE & a BACHELOR in SURGERY (M.B.B.S) from BYRAMJEE JEEJEEBHOY GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE AND SASSOON GENERAL HOSPITALS (B.J.M.C), PUNE, INDIA. In the early 90s, he came in contact with ISKCON and consequently, joined the ISKCON Pune temple as a fulltime brahmacari. In 1995, he moved to ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai, India. He served as the Director of ISKCON YOUTH FORUM (IYF), ISKCON Chowpatty for many years. Then, he served as a Temple Management Committee(TMC) Member at ISKCON Chowpatty. He also served as a Member of the Committee for Spiritual Vision(CSV) at ISKCON Chowpatty. From 1996, he started travelling to Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, in addition to his services in Mumbai. He fills the lives of people with the joy of Krishna Consciousness, by his practical, mesmerising, scriptural discourses. He also counsels & guides many people, specially, the youth. He currently serves as the General Manager at ISKCON Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Under his able guidance ISKCON Aurangabad is a dynamic and flourishing offering & tribute to Srila Prabhupada’s legacy and glory.
He visits North America regularly, especially, the USA & Canada and shares the message of the Bhagavad Gita & the Srimad Bhagavatam. He, also, travels worldwide for serving the people of all denominations. He has been actively distributing the message of the Bhagavad Gita to 1000s of Engineering & Medical students and other professionals all over India. He is an inspiration to many professionals & youth all over the world. He presents the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita & the Shrimad Bhagavatam in a very attractive, eloquent and practical manner.
This is the third Sampradaya Acharya video, by Pujya Shri Shri Vishwaprasanna Tirtha Sri Padru of the Madhva Sampradaya. Vishwaprasanna Teertha was born on March 3, 1964 at Pakshikere, Haleyangady. He is the successor of Vishwesha Teertha and is 34th in the lineage of the Pejavara Mutt, starting from Sri Adhokshaja Tirtharu, who was one of the direct disciples of Sri Madhvacharya.
Vaishnavism is not a new religion or recently invented philosophy. It is actually the oldest religion and philosophy of all, and even more so, it is the eternal function of the jiva in relation to the Supreme Lord, sanatan dharma. That function is loving devotional service in one of five primary relationships, neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parental affection and conjugal love.
This transcendental knowledge, sambandha jnana, has been carried throughout time from guru to disciple in the parampara disciplic succession by four main Vaishnava sampradayas, Sri (Lakshmi), Brahma, Rudra and Kumaras. Within the last 5,000 years these are represented respectively by Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Visnuswami and Nimbarkacharya.
There are four sects of worshipful devotees of the Lord, and the chief amongst them are the Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya and Shr-sampradaya, descending directly from Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned three sampradayas, there is the Kumara-sampradaya, descending from Sanat-kumara. All of the four original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord up to date, and they all declare that Lord Kṛṣṇa, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him.
Srila Prabhupada SB 1.18.21, Purport
That parampara should be followed. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh (BG 4.2). If we want to understand really Vedic literature, then we must follow the parampara system. There are four sampradayas, parampara: the Ramanuja Sampradaya, Madhvacarya Sampradaya, Vishnu Svami Sampradaya, Nimbarka Sampradaya. So, we belong to the Madhvacarya Sampradaya.
Srila Prabhupada lecture on BG 13.8-12 — Bombay, 9/30/73
As Srila Prabhupada says, ISKCON is a branch of the Madhva Sampradaya, and specifically it is called the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya coming from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it should be clear that, while there are slight differences in the moods of worship, all four sampradayas affirm Krishna, Narayana and Vishnu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all jivas as His eternal servants.
Now, for the first time in ISKCON history and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing a Sampradaya Samelan (discussion). On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, a ZOOM call will ensue for this purpose, which will also be broadcast by Mayapur TV as part of the two-day welcome event. All four acharyas as well as other sampradaya representatives will participate in a panel discussion to talk about the state of Vaishnavism in the modern world, organized and monitored by His Grace Gauranga das.
We are very pleased and excited to present these four videos to all ISKCON members to commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year and his Grand Welcome Ceremony to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. With the above in mind, we hope our readers, recognizing the importance of this Samelan and these glorifications of Srila Prabhupada, will take this opportunity to sponsor an abhisheka of Prabhupada’s murti for this historic occasion. Visit the Welcome Ceremony page on the TOVP website for more information.
Read more about the content and schedule of the Sampradaya Samelan. It will be broadcast live on Mayapur TV during the October 14 ceremony.
This video of HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony.
For the first time in ISKCON history, and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing an online Sampradaya Samelan (summit) that includes the head acharyas of the four Vaishnava sampradayas. On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to […]
This video of HH Indradyumna Swami was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony.
In the first Sampradaya Acharya video by Shri Cheena Jeeyer Swami, head of the Sri Sampradaya of Ramanujacharya, he stated that, “in recent history I could not think of anyone except A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as the acharya of the modern times.”
This second video by Sri Dwarkesh Lal Ji Maharaj, Head of Shatha Peethadheesh of the Rudra Sampradaya in Baroda for the Pushtimarg, is an appreciation of Srila Prabhupada and his great accomplishments in promoting Vaishnavism worldwide. Please note that the video is spoken in Hindi.
From Wikipedia:
Pushtimarg (lit. ’the Path of Nourishing, Flourishing’), also known as Pushtimarg sampradaya or Vallabha sampradaya or Pushti Bhakti Sampraday, is a subtradition of Rudra Sampradaya (Vaishnavism). It was founded in the early 16th century by Vallabhacharya (1479–1531) and is focused on Krishna.[1][2] A bhakti (devotional) school, Pushtimarg was expanded by the descendants of Vallabhacharya, particularly Gusainji. Its values are derived from and its universal-love-themed devotional practices center around the legendary amorous plays of youthful Krishna, such as those found in the Bhagavata Purana and those related to Govardhana Hill.
Sri Dwarkesh Lal Ji Maharaj is the 14th Gadipati from Shrimad Vallabhacharya, enthroned at Shashthpeeth Vadodara.
Vaishnavism is not a new religion or recently invented philosophy. It is actually the oldest religion and philosophy of all, and even more so, it is the eternal function of the jiva in relation to the Supreme Lord, sanatan dharma. That function is loving devotional service in one of five primary relationships, neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parental affection and conjugal love.
This transcendental knowledge, sambandha jnana, has been carried throughout time from guru to disciple in the parampara disciplic succession by four main Vaishnava sampradayas, Sri (Lakshmi), Brahma, Rudra and Kumaras. Within the last 5,000 years these are represented respectively by Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Visnuswami and Nimbarkacharya.
There are four sects of worshipful devotees of the Lord, and the chief amongst them are the Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya and Shr-sampradaya, descending directly from Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned three sampradayas, there is the Kumara-sampradaya, descending from Sanat-kumara. All of the four original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord up to date, and they all declare that Lord Kṛṣṇa, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him.
Srila Prabhupada SB 1.18.21, Purport
That parampara should be followed. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh (BG 4.2). If we want to understand really Vedic literature, then we must follow the parampara system. There are four sampradayas, parampara: the Ramanuja Sampradaya, Madhvacarya Sampradaya, Vishnu Svami Sampradaya, Nimbarka Sampradaya. So, we belong to the Madhvacarya Sampradaya.
Srila Prabhupada lecture on BG 13.8-12 — Bombay, 9/30/73
As Srila Prabhupada says, ISKCON is a branch of the Madhva Sampradaya, and specifically it is called the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya coming from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it should be clear that, while there are slight differences in the moods of worship, all four sampradayas affirm Krishna, Narayana and Vishnu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all jivas as His eternal servants.
Now, for the first time in ISKCON history and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing a Sampradaya Samelan (discussion). On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, a ZOOM call will ensue for this purpose, which will also be broadcast by Mayapur TV as part of the two-day welcome event. All four acharyas as well as other sampradaya representatives will participate in a panel discussion to talk about the state of Vaishnavism in the modern world, organized and monitored by His Grace Gauranga das.
We are very pleased and excited to present these four videos to all ISKCON members to commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year and his Grand Welcome Ceremony to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. With the above in mind, we hope our readers, recognizing the importance of this Samelan and these glorifications of Srila Prabhupada, will take this opportunity to sponsor an abhisheka of Prabhupada’s murti for this historic occasion. Visit the Welcome Ceremony page on the TOVP website for more information.
Read more about the content and schedule of the Sampradaya Samelan. It will be broadcast live on Mayapur TV during the October 14 ceremony.
This video of HH Lokanath Swami was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony.
On October 14 and 15 ISKCON devotees worldwide will celebrate and participate in the most auspicious and historic occasion of the Grand Welcome Ceremony of the new Prabhupada murti to the TOVP: Srila Prabhupada Vaibhava Darshan Utsava.
To commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year, we have invited His Divine Grace to reside in the TOVP and inspire and guide us in its completion and opening. From his room where he will be worshiped daily, he will be able to view all the construction activities from a private CCTV screen.
The TOVP festival management team has arranged for a wonderful two-day event consisting of kirtan melas, talks by ISKCON leaders and Prabhupada disciples, yajnas, a 5 item abhisheka ceremony, as well as the first-ever Sampradaya Samelan (summit) with representatives of the four Vaishnava Sampradayas. The complete schedule is now available to download and view below, and the entire program will be broadcast live on Mayapur TV and other social media platforms.
We also encourage our readers to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime event by sponsoring an abhisheka for Srila Prabhupada as part of our worldwide $1 million Guru Dakshina offering to His Divine Grace to help complete the temple.
A large group of devotees gathered in Dharamshala, a beautiful and refreshing city located on the slopes of the Dhauladhar mountains. This place boasts of being home to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile. It is also one of the wettest places in the region. The atmosphere here is cool and pleasant for the most part of the year Continue reading "Report of Krsna Balaram Shobha yatra, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh → Dandavats"
For the first time in ISKCON history, and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing an online Sampradaya Samelan (summit) that includes the head acharyas of the four Vaishnava sampradayas.
On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, a ZOOM call will ensue for this purpose and also be broadcast by Mayapur TV as part of the two-day welcome event. All four acharyas as well as other sampradaya representatives will participate in a panel discussion on the state of Vaishnavism in the modern world, organized and monitored by His Grace Gauranga das.
See the Summit Overview for schedule timings. The names and photos of all participants are below.
There are four sects of worshipful devotees of the Lord, and the chief amongst them are the Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya and Shri-sampradaya, descending directly from Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned three sampradayas, there is the Kumara-sampradaya, descending from Sanat-kumara. All of the four original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord up to date, and they all declare that Lord Kṛṣṇa, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him.
Srila Prabhupada SB 1.18.21, Purport
That parampara should be followed. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh (BG 4.2). If we want to understand really Vedic literature, then we must follow the parampara system. There are four sampradayas, parampara: the Ramanuja Sampradaya, Madhvacarya Sampradaya, Vishnu Svami Sampradaya, Nimbarka Sampradaya. So, we belong to the Madhvacarya Sampradaya.
Srila Prabhupada lecture on BG 13.8-12 — Bombay, 9/30/73
Vaishnavism is not a new religion or recently invented philosophy. It is actually the oldest religion and philosophy of all, and even more so, it is the eternal function of the jiva in relation to the Supreme Lord, sanatana dharma. That function is loving devotional service in one of five primary relationships, neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parental affection and conjugal love.
This transcendental knowledge, sambandha jnana, has been carried throughout time from guru to disciple in the parampara disciplic succession by four main Vaishnava sampradayas, Sri (Lakshmi), Brahma, Rudra and Kumaras. Within the last 5,000 years these are represented respectively by Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Visnuswami and Nimbarkacharya.
There are four sects of worshipful devotees of the Lord, and the chief amongst them are the Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya and Shr-sampradaya, descending directly from Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, respectively. Besides the above-mentioned three sampradayas, there is the Kumara-sampradaya, descending from Sanat-kumara. All of the four original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord up to date, and they all declare that Lord Kṛṣṇa, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him.
Srila Prabhupada SB 1.18.21, Purport
That parampara should be followed. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarshayo viduh (BG 4.2). If we want to understand really Vedic literature, then we must follow the parampara system. There are four sampradayas, parampara: the Ramanuja Sampradaya, Madhvacarya Sampradaya, Vishnu Svami Sampradaya, Nimbarka Sampradaya. So, we belong to the Madhvacarya Sampradaya.
Srila Prabhupada lecture on BG 13.8-12 — Bombay, 9/30/73
As Srila Prabhupada says, ISKCON is a branch of the Madhva Sampradaya, and specifically from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it should be clear that, while there are slight differences in the moods of worship, all four sampradayas affirm Krishna, Narayana and Vishnu as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all jivas as His eternal servants.
Now, for the first time in ISKCON history and to honor the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, the TOVP management is organizing a Sampradaya Samelan (discussion). On October 14, during the first day of the Welcome Ceremony of Srila Prabhupada’s new murti to the TOVP, a ZOOM call will ensue for this purpose, which will also be broadcast by Mayapur TV as part of the two-day welcome event. All four acharyas as well as other sampradaya representatives will participate in a panel discussion to talk about the state of Vaishnavism in the modern world, organized and monitored by His Grace Gauranga das.
This video by Shri Cheena Jeeyer Swami, head of the Sri Sampradaya of Ramanujacharya is the first of four by the current acharyas of the four sampradayas in which Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON and the TOVP are glorified. The Maharaja is quoted saying:
“In the past we had Sankaracharya. Then we had Ramanujacharya. In recent times I could not think of anyone except A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as the acharya of these modern times.”
From Wikipedia:
Chinna Jeeyar (born 3 November 1956) is an Indian ascetic known for his spiritual discourses on Sri Vaishnavism. He subscribes to Thenkalai tradition of Sri Vaishnavism. He operates spiritual centers in the US. He is the designer and planner of the Statue of Equality, a statue dedicated to Ramanuja, in Hyderabad, India.
Jeeyar was trained in the Vaishnava tradition. At the age of 23 he took the oath to become an ascetic. He has been visiting the United States since 1994, where he taught a large number of people. He has also visited London, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Canada, where he performed Yagnas.
We are very pleased and excited to present these four videos to all ISKCON members to commemorate Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year and his Grand Welcome Ceremony to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. With the above in mind, we hope our readers, recognizing the importance of this Samelan and these glorifications of Srila Prabhupada, will take this opportunity to sponsor an abhisheka of Prabhupada’s murti for this historic occasion. Visit the Welcome Ceremony page on the TOVP website for more information.
Read more about the content and schedule of the Sampradaya Samelan. It will be broadcast live on Mayapur TV during the October 14 ceremony.
This video of HH Jayapataka Swami was made in 2020 in preparation for the planned installation of the new Prabhupada murti in the TOVP in February of this year. Due the pandemic, the installation was rescheduled for October this year, but again has been postponed to 2022.
Instead, we are observing a Grand Welcome Ceremony to greet His Divine Grace to the TOVP on October 14 & 15. The video still reflects the mood we are trying to maintain with the Prabhupada Is Coming! theme, and the planned abhishekas will still be performed at the Welcome Ceremony. Hare Krishna!
The bittersweet aesthetic of “My Sweet Lord” touched the hearts of millions. Love in separation is one of many aesthetic qualities in Vaishnava theology, and some of these qualities are illustrated in George’s other lyrics. In making observations about George’s songs, I am not arguing that he attained the highest states of bhakti, nor do I want to pass judgment on anyone. George was seriously spiritual-minded. The Vaishnava journey to Krishna, in progressive stages of love, is reflected in his songs. He struggled in life, found some balance, and never departed from his convictions. Westerners especially can easily learn something about the theology of bhakti as George expressed it. Continue reading "The Vaishnava Path in George Harrison’s Songs → Dandavats"
🎊🌟🍁 ISKCON Mayapur Presents First Ever Kathik Puri Yatra 🍁🌟🎊 We are very happy to formally announce and invite you to the very first ever Kartik Puri Yatra that will take place from 29th-31 Oct 2021. Its a 3 days of pure immersion in Jagannatha consciousness in the auspicious month of Kartik. You will have […]
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote “The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.”
I see beauty in quiet and being solo can calm me down. It brings out the best in me. I believe also in more walking/less squawking.
There was an awesome number of people in the park today. Lots of activity. Picnics. Soccer balls chased by young boys and dogs. Basket ball hoops busy and guys dribbling, making popcorn sounds. Whatever happened to baseball? There’s a baseball diamond but that’s empty. Elderly folks are out catching the sun as they go at steady, slow pacing. The tennis court is full while the dog park area is full of running canines. Lots of motion, no commotion.
Everyone seems happy. No bickering.
That’s what parks are supposed to do – calm the passion in you. They are doing their dharma, duty.
I’m walking through this and feeling quite at home. I’m a monk and different in life-style, but I’m also one with this human fun. I see these folks, young and old, just moments, seconds away from the sport of kirtan. Simply the God-Presence needs inserting. What will it take to bring the more joyful aspect of Krishna in this green space? No, I really wouldn’t want to impose. For now, I’m content to walk through all this joy and let people get used to and love a monk and appreciate what he stands for.