His Grace Bhuvanesvara Prabhu departs!
→ Dandavats

By Dharmatma das

Another wonderful exemplary Vaishnava has left us to be with his worshipful Lordships in the Spiritual World. Bhuvanesvara prabhu has been serving Them in Vrindavan for 35 years and was such an inspiring soul. His sadhana was impeccable, he religiously cooked the Raj Bhoga offering daily, he led kirtan (whose heart could not be moved by his sweet and melodious chanting early in the morning before Mangala Arotik.) He was always was there for Tulasi Puja, Guru Puja, gave classes, and also led Kirtans in the evening. He had a great sense of humor and wit. Knowing how fallen I was, he would ask if I had gotten any more wives and one time said to my wife, "Are you still with this guy!" He always said to me, "Come and live in Vrindavan." When you were in his association it wasn't hard to see your own shortcomings. But he was always sweet and encouraging and would always glorify Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar, Krishna Balarama and Gaura Nitai, and boy, was he a dedicated Prabhupada man! Continue reading "His Grace Bhuvanesvara Prabhu departs!
→ Dandavats"

The Poor Man who Purchased God
→ Dandavats

The story of Sudāmā and Kṛṣṇa in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam is popularly known as an example of “rags to riches.” Sudāmā, an extremely poverty-stricken brāhmaṇa became greatly wealthy by the grace of Lord Kṛṣṇa, his childhood friend. But why was Sudāmā so poor? What was the mysterious reason behind Kṛṣṇa’s making him so rich overnight?


(This post has been viewed 337 times so far)

Thursday, May 27, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


The Last Straw/The Last Verse


It happens frequently enough — poor Wi-Fi reception. Every Thursday I conduct a class hosted by a sweet couple in Florida. Practically every week, over the course of my call, which is actually a Bhagavad-Gita class, I get disconnected and end up disappointing both those on the call and myself. This is a managerial problem that must be solved. The class unfortunately had to terminate, so far as my delivery was concerned. However, two people on the call, Murari Gupta from Florida and Gaurachandra from Calgary, both initiates of mine, stepped up and continued the class.


Our lesson was from 9.34 of the Bhagavad Gita, which, in many ways, offers sound advice with regard to meditation and it’s practical follow up. The message is that regardless of what happens we are encouraged to remember Krishna and all his transcendence; whether it be His form, His activities, His relationships, His home, etc.


When all else fails in the realm of looking for refuge then we look to the embodiment of God in full beauty, warmth and kindness.


The verse is a grand wrap-up to a powerful chapter entitled “The Most Confidential Knowledge.” By the entire chapter we are encouraged to absorb ourselves with Krishna’s presence in all things and in all we do. Although I feel somewhat disappointed, I should not fail to remember Him.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Wednesday, May 26, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto


BhaktiArts Hub S.O.S.


It was our fourth time together. You may have heard of Vande Arts, an arts initiative driven to create a camaraderie among bhaktiartists. Well, you might say that this next reincarnation of that direction is called BhaktiArt Hub S.O.S. Shaping Our Soul is a piece of our vision statement.


Through Zoom our group of a few, for starters, is comprised of Gaura Vani, the bhajan singer, a sweet couple from San Antonio, Texas by the names Bhagavan Narada and Naradi, Govinda Gopal from Jersey City, Pariksit from Vrindavan/Toronto and myself. It’s a nice team representing North America for the time being. We are wishing and praying for success.


Our crew firmly believes that culture changes through the medium of the arts. If the thrust is bhakti or devotional promotion, then love can prevail. All the current members have proven to produce or facilitate artistic expressions in the field of divine arts. It is an exciting initiative and, I’m sure, one that our guru, Prabhupada, would be pleased with. Whether through music, dance, drama, film, fine art or graphic art, all have a significant role to play in adjusting the consciousness of a needing world.


I’m glad to be involved.


Our push at the temple towards fundraising for Mayapura and Bangladesh is not over. My assistant, Sarthak, filmed myself for an appeal to help in matters of supplying food and medicine to those in need. I ended the day at the park chanting my gayatri mantras.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


Tuesday, May 25, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


The Day of the Lion


Today is all about the lion avatar known as Narasimha. I was happily busy with delivering five classes on the subject today. This fearsome-bodied, lovable creature is a hero for many – a Divine protector.


The story of the advent of this extraordinary superhero centers around a child abuse situation. The guilty party and cult mastermind of what you could call “the evil empire” is a fellow by the name of Hiranyakasipu. Hiranya implies the man’s thirst for wealth and Kasipu refers to his lifestyle of womanly pleasure.


He begot four sons and Prahlad, one of the boys was different from the others. That was a compliment. Prahlad was under the duress of his father who just could not tolerate his son’s allegiance to God. The boy’s adherence to a power greater than his own father was just infuriating. Unacceptable! That is where the gap began. Prahlad was considered a troublemaker when in truth the real trouble maker considered everyone else outside of himself as such.


Tyrants always find themselves in a bubble. It is remarkable what they can achieve through conquest as they do. One single ego can draw an irreversible following of fools. It was just a single scratch from the super hero, Narasimha, who burst out of a pillar, that dissolved the evil empire.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Monday, May 24, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Arnstein, Toronto




I managed to keep a proper social distance from moose, bear and cougar while in the north country for the day. My companion, Jivan Mukta, and I escaped from the big city for a three-hour venture to a marvelous 200-acre property he just purchased, near Algonquin Park, for a potential yoga retreat site. En route we did witness a mishap. A young moose did get killed by a motorist. Sad news, but this is a reality when the world of modernity comes face to face with the natural world.


But back to pleasantries. The plot of land has many gorgeous features including much waterfront being edged at Lake Bain. There’s 200 acres of sprawling, rolling-hills with a mix of trees, areas of clearing meadow punctuated by ambient rock of the Cambrian. The place is remote, in a way, and that accounts for the clean air and water. However, some cities, Sudbury and Northbay, are situated at a close enough distance. The call of the white-throated sparrow dominated the ether while other signs of wildlife are abounding. Some scant was found; the excrement of some creature, perhaps coyote.


We scouted the area, on foot, and then sat by the waters edge for kirtan, after which we munched on wraps of a deliciousness only to be had in the outdoors.


It was just perfect; Krishna’s mercy. We pray to be back again sometime soon and make our way to a Muskoka project in Huntsville.


May the Source be with you!

3 km


Sunday, May 23, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Ramsden Park, Toronto




It was another one of those interfaith sessions I participated in with attendees from Chicago, Atlanta and Toronto. Mostly Christians were present. Basically, it was a Korean-based organization, Christian by nature, who regularly have such events. Oh, how I wish I could be physically interacting with these folks as they do appear to be people of good quality and intent. Of course, there’s always the fear of fanaticism, which can arise from any denomination.


Our topic was to do with the different groups’ view on the first created being. Because the overwhelming majority of the speakers where of the Abrahamic tradition, where we hear of Abraham as the first offspring, when I would speak about the Vedic tradition it was indeed new to the group. To hear of a person of four times the usual intelligence became somewhat of a curiosity. “Brahma” is the first created being who himself became a progenitor and the first teacher, apart from God, the Creator, on the science of life.


I found it fun to hear the input from a good number of those on the call and because, as before, the moderator couldn’t pronounce my name properly she settled for “Beautiful Swami.” I never thought Bhaktimarga was a tough name to pronounce, but be that as it may.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Back to basics
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 3 May 2021, Simhachalam, Germany, Srimad Bhagavatam 3.19.27)

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura makes one statement which is a statement that should not be taken cheaply. He says that, “Generally, the vows of initiation are so powerful that they will be successful even if they are not followed perfectly.” Now that is not an excuse to not follow the vows perfectly. We cannot proceed as if, “That is interesting. Now I don’t have to be so fanatic.” No, that is not the meaning of that statement from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. The meaning is that we simply go back to basics. Well isn’t initiation the beginning? Isn’t that the very beginning? We must remember that this is the beginning of the regulated process of devotional service, and yet Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura is stating that if one follows these standards not even perfectly, then generally he or she will be successful. And what he meant by successful is going back to Godhead. So the amount of mercy within this movement is extraordinary. It is a mercy movement. It is the movement of the maha-vadanya avatar. That mercy is so great, that the mercy is expanding in all directions. Because whoever is touched by this mercy, will touch this mercy unto others.

The article " Back to basics " was published on KKSBlog.

You must catch the rope!
→ Dandavats

Prabhupada: It does not require—you simply let him come. Anyone wants to come, let him come. Just like one man has fallen in the well, and he's crying, "Please get me out. Somebody please get some rope. Just catch it, I'll take it." Then where is the question now of getting a blessing? Here is the blessing: take it. But if you don't catch, or if you say that "Give me the strength to catch," this is not very good argument. Here is the rope; you catch it. That's all. But nobody is prepared to do that.


(This post has been viewed 891 times so far)

Sri Ramananda Raya’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami

Today is Sri Ramananda Raya’s disappearance day. As stated in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi 10.134, “Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Bhavananda Raya, ‘Your five sons are all My dear devotees. Ramananda Raya and I are one, although our bodies are different.’ ” And in his purport, Srila Prabhupada explains:

The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (120–24) states that Ramananda Raya was formerly Arjuna. He is also considered to have been an incarnation of the gopi Lalita, although in the opinion of others he was an incarnation of Visakhadevi. He was a most confidential devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, ‘Although I am a sannyasi, My mind is sometimes perturbed when I see a woman. But Ramananda Raya is greater than

Me, for he is always undisturbed, even when he touches a woman.’ Only Ramananda Raya was endowed with the prerogative to touch a woman in this way; no one should imitate him. Unfortunately, there are rascals who imitate the activities of Ramananda Raya. We need not discuss them further.

“In Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s final pastimes, Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara always engaged in reciting suitable verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam and other books to pacify the Lord’s ecstatic feelings of separation from Krsna. When Lord Caitanya went to southern India, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya advised Him to meet Ramananda Raya, declaring that there was no devotee as advanced in understanding the conjugal love of Krsna and the gopis. While touring South India, Lord Caitanya met Ramananda Raya by the bank of the

Godavari, and in their long discourses the Lord took the position of a student, and Ramananda Raya instructed Him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu concluded these discourses by saying, ‘My dear Ramananda Raya, both you and I are madmen, and therefore we met intimately on an equal level.’ Lord Caitanya advised Ramananda Raya to resign from his government post and come back to Jagannatha Puri to live with Him. Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu refused to see Maharaja Prataparudra because he was a king, Ramananda Raya, by a Vaisnava scheme, arranged a meeting between the Lord and the king. This is described in the Madhya-lila, Chapter Twelve, verses 41–57. Sri Ramananda Raya was present during the water sports of the Lord after the Ratha-yatra festival.

“Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered Sri Ramananda Raya and Sri Sanatana Gosvami to be equal in their renunciation, for although Sri Ramananda Raya was a grhastha engaged in government service and Sri Sanatana Gosvami was in the renounced order of complete detachment from material activities, they were both servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who kept Krsna in the center of all their activities. Sri Ramananda Raya was one of the three and a half personalities with whom Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu discussed the most confidential topics of Krsna consciousness. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Pradyumna Misra to learn the science of Krsna from Sri Ramananda Raya. As Subala always assisted Krsna in His dealings with Radharani in krsna-lila, so Ramananda Raya assisted Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His feelings of separation from Krsna. Sri Ramananda Raya was the author of the Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka.”

May Sri Ramananda Raya bless us all.

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Krishna eating dirt… (video)
→ Dandavats

One day while Kṛṣṇa was playing with His small playmates, including Balarāma and other sons of the gopas, all His friends came together and lodged a complaint to mother Yaśodā. “Mother,” they submitted, “Kṛṣṇa has eaten earth.”


(This post has been viewed 352 times so far)

Sri Ramananda Raya’s Disappearance Day
→ Dandavats

When we first arrived in India, in Bombay, Srila Prabhupada was invited to a program on the lawn of an aristocratic gentleman’s house. Most of us went ahead, and Srila Prabhupada followed with a few disciples. When we arrived, our hosts told us, “It is very auspicious that you have come today, because today is a holy day.” We had never heard of the holy day and were somewhat doubtful, so when Srila Prabhupada arrived I asked him, “Is it true that today is a holy day?” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “For us, every day is a holy day; we are Krishna’s servants."


(This post has been viewed 338 times so far)

→ Dandavats

By Bhaktivedanta Manor

A lot is said and written about his accomplishments in the western world. Hardly do we ever try to delve and celebrate his preparation to this milestone. Born in an affluent family, from carrying the freedom fighter spark to discovering the real purpose of human life to fulfilling a divine plan, his life epitomizes that before our successes manifest externally, we need to internalize these through our perseverance, choices and responses. There are no shortcuts. Continue reading "OUR FOUNDER ACARYA – PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE” (video)
→ Dandavats"

Ramananda Raya Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu met Ramananda Raya, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya told the Lord that no other devotee’s knowledge of Radha-Krishna’s madhurya rasa [devotion in the mood of love] compares with Ramananda Raya’s. 

Although Lord Caitanya was half the age of forty year old Ramananda when they met, the Lord said, “My dear Ramananda, both you and I are madmen and therefore we meet intimately on an equal level.” Outwardly he acted as the Governor of Madras, but he was a poet, Sanskrit scholar, a dramatist well-versed in rasa literature, music, singing, dancing.

During their ten day meeting in Vidya-nagara, Lord Gauranga and Ramananda Raya discussed all points of Krishna conscious­ness. Empowered by the Lord, Ramananda answered all questions posed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas have given lengthy discourses on, “Talks between the Lord and Ramananda Raya.” (Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya Ch.8) These talks are called Ramananda Samvagh.

Ramananda Raya gave a series of answers to Lord Caitanya’s first question, “How to attain the ultimate goal of life?’ He began with varnashrama-dharma, and progressed to karmarpana, karmatyaga, jnana-mishra-bhakti, Radha-bhakti, prema bhakti, (dasya, sakhya, vatsalya, madhurya prema), and Radha-prema. He also described Krishna-tattva, Radha-tattva, Radha-Krishna prema-tat-tva, and finally prema-vilasa vivarta. 

Confirming that this was the highest goal of life, Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda how to attain it.

Ramananda Raya said, “Without adopting the mood of the gopis and following in their footsteps, one cannot enter the con­fidential pastimes of Radha-Krishna. There is no other way to achieve the service of Radha and Krishna within the pleasure groves of Vrndavana.

After finishing his talk, Ramananda Raya saw something never seen before. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed Himself as both Srimati Radharani and Sri Krishna. Seeing this, Ramananda fell unconscious in transcendental bliss.

Upon meeting Bhavananda Raya, the father of Ramananda, Lord Gauranga said, “Indeed, you are ‘Pandu’ and your five sons–Ramananda, Gopinatha, Vaninatha, Kalanidhi, Sudhanidhi–are the five Pandavas.”

Although sometimes called “Arjuna,” Ramananda Raya eter­nally serves Radha-Gopinatha as Lalita-sakhi. Some Gaudiyas say he is Visakha- sakhi.

[Interview] with H.G. Vaidyanatha Prabhu – Books are the Basis (video)
→ Dandavats

By ISKCON Ministry of Education

“Yes, as a Sannyasi and GBC your first duty is to read my books. Otherwise how will you preach? In order to remain steadily fixed in Krishna consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment. Whenever you find time please read my books” Srila Prabhupada Letter to Satsvarupa -- Nellore, 5 January 1976 Continue reading "[Interview] with H.G. Vaidyanatha Prabhu – Books are the Basis (video)
→ Dandavats"

Prabhupada Festival 2021 L.A. (video)
→ Dandavats


Held every Memorial Day weekend since 1992, this two-day festival gives special honor to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The Prabhupada Festival was founded as a venue for all followers, newcomers, and interested persons to come together, learn about, and glorify Srila Prabhupada and His accomplishments. The festival includes special talks and remembrances from senior disciples, glorious kirtans, magnificent feasts, a maha harinam, a boat festival, original artistic performances and representatives from diverse preaching projects. Continue reading "Prabhupada Festival 2021 L.A. (video)
→ Dandavats"

Tulsa, 1921: Learning From History
→ Dandavats

By Sankirtana Das

There are many examples in the Mahabharata and other Vedic scriptures of the ksatriyas’ or leaders’ duty to protect all the citizens. In the account of King Sibi, the King even protected a dove who sought his shelter when pursued by a hawk. The responsibility of leadership is very great. In the Mahabharata we also hear that when someone came to Arjuna to complain that their cow was stolen, Arjuna’s two options were either to retrieve or to replace the cow. Continue reading "Tulsa, 1921: Learning From History
→ Dandavats"

Giriraj Swami

The following account was given by Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Atma Tattva Dasa.

In the early ’80s, in Bangalore, I was required to make at least two Life Members a month. I was a bad Life Membership maker, and one month I had only ten days left. I was looking in the telephone directory for Bengali names, and I found a Ganguly. I phoned and said, “I’m from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. I want to come and see you today.” Mr. Ganguly sounded positive. He said, “Oh, you are from the Hare Krishna movement? Please see me at eleven o’clock.”

I took the membership form, a small set of books, a poster, and some other items and went to see him. To my surprise, I found that his was a huge place, almost equal to the aeronautical engineering place in Bangalore. I lost hope—there was no way this man was going to become a member. I went to one secretary, then another, then another, and when my appointment time came, I was still with secretaries. Ganguly was the top man. I thought, “Since I came all this way, I should see him.” Finally they brought me into a big air-conditioned cabin where a meeting was going on. Ganguly told everybody, “I have to talk to the Hare Krishna now, so you all go,” and he closed the meeting.

I went in, spread the books on his table, and put the poster up. I knew I wouldn’t have much time, so I was brief. I said, “I’m sure you know about this movement. We have a branch here, and we have applied for land. You are a Bengali, and you should be proud of this, because our guru maharaja is also a Bengali and he has spread the Hare Krishna movement all around the world. I’m sure you appreciate this service, so would you become a Life Member?” Then I was silent.

He got his checkbook and said, “What is the amount?” I said, “Two thousand two hundred and twenty-two.” He said, “I’ll give you a donation, and you can also make me a Life Member.” He wrote a check for ten thousand and gave it to me.

I was moved. I said, “Thank you very much. This is a nice gesture.” He said, “I wasn’t convinced by your preaching.” I said, “I didn’t think I convinced you, either.” He said, “I want to tell you something. My father grew up in Calcutta and was a classmate of your founder-acharya. Every day, Abhay came to our house on his bike, carrying his little lunch tiffin, and he and my father played chess. The stake for the chess game was lunch—whoever lost the game had to feed the other. Almost every day Abhay won.”

Later, this man’s father received a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and became a professor in the local university. He would tell people, “The Maharaja who founded the Hare Krishna movement was my classmate, and he came to my house every day when we were growing up.” He said that Abhay had told him, “You should help me later on, when I do something.” He would ask, “What is that something?” but Abhay would not explain what he meant.

Years later, the senior Ganguly learned that the same Abhay had become Bhaktivedanta Swami, gone to New York, and so forth, that there was a local Calcutta center on Albert Road, and that the swami was coming to visit. By this time, the junior Ganguly, with whom I was speaking, was in high school, and three days in a row he came to see Prabhupada in the Calcutta ISKCON temple. Since he looked like his father, Prabhupada recognized him. The junior Ganguly said, “I am the son of so-and so.” Prabhupada said, “Where is he? He didn’t come? Tell him I want to see him.”

Later the son told the father, “Maharaja, wants to see you.” His father said, “How can I go and see him? He is the guru of the world, and I am a grihamedhi.” His son said, “But he wants to see you, and tomorrow he is going to ask me, ‘Why didn’t you bring your father?’ ” Feeling shy and small, the father said, “Tell him that I am sick.”

The next day, Prabhupada asked the junior Ganguly, “Your father didn’t come?” “He is feeling sick.” “Oh, he’s sick. Okay, I will come and see him.” When the junior told his father that Prabhupada was going to come, his father said, “How will he come to our house?”

The next morning, instead of taking his usual route, Prabhupada, followed by some disciples, walked down one alley after another, arrived at the Ganguly house, and rang the bell. The son came to the door and saw Prabhupada, his disciples, and a huge crowd of onlookers in front of his house. Prabhupada and a couple of devotees went in, and Prabhupada went straight to the bedroom where the senior Ganguly was lying down, not sick, but tired and broken. Prabhupada sat next to him, poked him like a friend does, and said in Bengali, “Hey, you didn’t come to see me!”

The senior Ganguly was shocked to see the Hare Krishna devotees in his house. He asked his wife, “Please bring something for them.” Prabhupada said, “My disciples need to learn Sanskrit. I told you, you should help me. Come and teach them Sanskrit. You can travel around the world with me and teach them. Why don’t you do that? You come; I will take you.” Ganguly said, “Oh, Swamiji, I am very old, and I don’t have any spiritual energy.” “No, you have the spark. The same quality that’s in me is also in you. You should join this movement. It is very important. Bharata bhumite manusya-janma yara. You should perfect your life. Better late than never.”

Prabhupada took a rasagulla and drank water. He told his disciples, “I used to come in the morning, and from here we took that road to go to school. He was a very intelligent student. He used to score higher than me.”

Around three o’clock that afternoon, when junior Ganguly came back from school, his father asked for some water. Then the senior Ganguly leaned back and said, “Bhaktivedanta Swami will take me,” closed his eyes, and passed away.

Junior Ganguly said, “In the morning, when Prabhupada said to my father, ‘You come; I will take you,’ I thought he was saying, ‘You come to ISKCON, and I will take you to America, or something. We understood what Prabhupada actually meant after my father passed on.” Junior Ganguly said to me, “When you called, I asked you to come, because I wanted to share this with you. In fact, we are already Life Members.”

After that, even though he was a busy man, Mr. Ganguly would regularly come to our Sunday programs.

ISKCON Scarborough – "Keeping one’s faith during the pandemic"- Class by HH Bhaktimarga Swami – Sunday 30th May 2021- 11 am to 12 noon
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 30th May 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Topic: "Keeping one's faith during the pandemic"

Speaker: H.H Bhaktimarga Swami

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:


 HH Bhaktimarga Swami:

Bhaktimarga Swami, popularly known as "The Walking Monk", took to a monk’s life in 1973 as a youthful 20-year-old. Prior to becoming a monk, he did chores on the family farm in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, and was a college student of Fine Arts. His walks are extensively and internationally featured on radio, television, in the newspaper, and film

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7

Website: www.iskconscarborough.org




Community Activism on the Bayou for Mother Earth

On a most auspicious day in the Hindu calendar, known as “Akshaya Tritiya” pronounced as “Uck-sha-ya Tri-tee-yaa” Dr. Lakshmi, hereinafter referred to as “I” decided to do a chanting activity on the Bayou for bringing about peace and healing to Mother Earth. This was May 14th, 2021. With brass cymbals in hand, I was singing […]

The post Community Activism on the Bayou for Mother Earth appeared first on ISKCON News.

Alachua’s Bhaktivedanta Academy Successfully Keeps Students Safe Throughout Pandemic School Year

On June 4th, Bhaktivedanta Academy – a Montessori school serving the New Raman Reti community in Alachua, Florida – will reach a successful end to its most challenging school year so far. The heroic effort from teachers and staff has provided primary to high school age students with a safe environment in which their education […]

The post Alachua’s Bhaktivedanta Academy Successfully Keeps Students Safe Throughout Pandemic School Year appeared first on ISKCON News.

5 Tips For A Happy Krishna Conscious Marriage

According to the Grihastha Vision Team, “The quality of our relationships determine the quality of our lives.” And according to Srila Prabhupada in a July 10th, 1969 letter, “To marry and to become an exemplary householder is the ideal life of Krishna consciousness.” So how do we have a happy, Krishna conscious marriage? To find […]

The post 5 Tips For A Happy Krishna Conscious Marriage appeared first on ISKCON News.

Back in my service again!
→ Dandavats

I was discharged from the hospital and returned home about a week ago. It is so nice to come back to Mayapur and continue my service in TOVP. I still haven't fully recovered, but luckily I'm able to take a short walks and also go to my office a few days a week to do my service. Thanks everyone for your prayers for my recovering.


(This post has been viewed 347 times so far)