Tulsa, 1921: Learning From History
→ Dandavats

By Sankirtana Das

There are many examples in the Mahabharata and other Vedic scriptures of the ksatriyas’ or leaders’ duty to protect all the citizens. In the account of King Sibi, the King even protected a dove who sought his shelter when pursued by a hawk. The responsibility of leadership is very great. In the Mahabharata we also hear that when someone came to Arjuna to complain that their cow was stolen, Arjuna’s two options were either to retrieve or to replace the cow. Continue reading "Tulsa, 1921: Learning From History
→ Dandavats"

Giriraj Swami

The following account was given by Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Atma Tattva Dasa.

In the early ’80s, in Bangalore, I was required to make at least two Life Members a month. I was a bad Life Membership maker, and one month I had only ten days left. I was looking in the telephone directory for Bengali names, and I found a Ganguly. I phoned and said, “I’m from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. I want to come and see you today.” Mr. Ganguly sounded positive. He said, “Oh, you are from the Hare Krishna movement? Please see me at eleven o’clock.”

I took the membership form, a small set of books, a poster, and some other items and went to see him. To my surprise, I found that his was a huge place, almost equal to the aeronautical engineering place in Bangalore. I lost hope—there was no way this man was going to become a member. I went to one secretary, then another, then another, and when my appointment time came, I was still with secretaries. Ganguly was the top man. I thought, “Since I came all this way, I should see him.” Finally they brought me into a big air-conditioned cabin where a meeting was going on. Ganguly told everybody, “I have to talk to the Hare Krishna now, so you all go,” and he closed the meeting.

I went in, spread the books on his table, and put the poster up. I knew I wouldn’t have much time, so I was brief. I said, “I’m sure you know about this movement. We have a branch here, and we have applied for land. You are a Bengali, and you should be proud of this, because our guru maharaja is also a Bengali and he has spread the Hare Krishna movement all around the world. I’m sure you appreciate this service, so would you become a Life Member?” Then I was silent.

He got his checkbook and said, “What is the amount?” I said, “Two thousand two hundred and twenty-two.” He said, “I’ll give you a donation, and you can also make me a Life Member.” He wrote a check for ten thousand and gave it to me.

I was moved. I said, “Thank you very much. This is a nice gesture.” He said, “I wasn’t convinced by your preaching.” I said, “I didn’t think I convinced you, either.” He said, “I want to tell you something. My father grew up in Calcutta and was a classmate of your founder-acharya. Every day, Abhay came to our house on his bike, carrying his little lunch tiffin, and he and my father played chess. The stake for the chess game was lunch—whoever lost the game had to feed the other. Almost every day Abhay won.”

Later, this man’s father received a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and became a professor in the local university. He would tell people, “The Maharaja who founded the Hare Krishna movement was my classmate, and he came to my house every day when we were growing up.” He said that Abhay had told him, “You should help me later on, when I do something.” He would ask, “What is that something?” but Abhay would not explain what he meant.

Years later, the senior Ganguly learned that the same Abhay had become Bhaktivedanta Swami, gone to New York, and so forth, that there was a local Calcutta center on Albert Road, and that the swami was coming to visit. By this time, the junior Ganguly, with whom I was speaking, was in high school, and three days in a row he came to see Prabhupada in the Calcutta ISKCON temple. Since he looked like his father, Prabhupada recognized him. The junior Ganguly said, “I am the son of so-and so.” Prabhupada said, “Where is he? He didn’t come? Tell him I want to see him.”

Later the son told the father, “Maharaja, wants to see you.” His father said, “How can I go and see him? He is the guru of the world, and I am a grihamedhi.” His son said, “But he wants to see you, and tomorrow he is going to ask me, ‘Why didn’t you bring your father?’ ” Feeling shy and small, the father said, “Tell him that I am sick.”

The next day, Prabhupada asked the junior Ganguly, “Your father didn’t come?” “He is feeling sick.” “Oh, he’s sick. Okay, I will come and see him.” When the junior told his father that Prabhupada was going to come, his father said, “How will he come to our house?”

The next morning, instead of taking his usual route, Prabhupada, followed by some disciples, walked down one alley after another, arrived at the Ganguly house, and rang the bell. The son came to the door and saw Prabhupada, his disciples, and a huge crowd of onlookers in front of his house. Prabhupada and a couple of devotees went in, and Prabhupada went straight to the bedroom where the senior Ganguly was lying down, not sick, but tired and broken. Prabhupada sat next to him, poked him like a friend does, and said in Bengali, “Hey, you didn’t come to see me!”

The senior Ganguly was shocked to see the Hare Krishna devotees in his house. He asked his wife, “Please bring something for them.” Prabhupada said, “My disciples need to learn Sanskrit. I told you, you should help me. Come and teach them Sanskrit. You can travel around the world with me and teach them. Why don’t you do that? You come; I will take you.” Ganguly said, “Oh, Swamiji, I am very old, and I don’t have any spiritual energy.” “No, you have the spark. The same quality that’s in me is also in you. You should join this movement. It is very important. Bharata bhumite manusya-janma yara. You should perfect your life. Better late than never.”

Prabhupada took a rasagulla and drank water. He told his disciples, “I used to come in the morning, and from here we took that road to go to school. He was a very intelligent student. He used to score higher than me.”

Around three o’clock that afternoon, when junior Ganguly came back from school, his father asked for some water. Then the senior Ganguly leaned back and said, “Bhaktivedanta Swami will take me,” closed his eyes, and passed away.

Junior Ganguly said, “In the morning, when Prabhupada said to my father, ‘You come; I will take you,’ I thought he was saying, ‘You come to ISKCON, and I will take you to America, or something. We understood what Prabhupada actually meant after my father passed on.” Junior Ganguly said to me, “When you called, I asked you to come, because I wanted to share this with you. In fact, we are already Life Members.”

After that, even though he was a busy man, Mr. Ganguly would regularly come to our Sunday programs.

ISKCON Scarborough – "Keeping one’s faith during the pandemic"- Class by HH Bhaktimarga Swami – Sunday 30th May 2021- 11 am to 12 noon
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 30th May 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Topic: "Keeping one's faith during the pandemic"

Speaker: H.H Bhaktimarga Swami

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:


 HH Bhaktimarga Swami:

Bhaktimarga Swami, popularly known as "The Walking Monk", took to a monk’s life in 1973 as a youthful 20-year-old. Prior to becoming a monk, he did chores on the family farm in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, and was a college student of Fine Arts. His walks are extensively and internationally featured on radio, television, in the newspaper, and film

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7

Website: www.iskconscarborough.org




Community Activism on the Bayou for Mother Earth

On a most auspicious day in the Hindu calendar, known as “Akshaya Tritiya” pronounced as “Uck-sha-ya Tri-tee-yaa” Dr. Lakshmi, hereinafter referred to as “I” decided to do a chanting activity on the Bayou for bringing about peace and healing to Mother Earth. This was May 14th, 2021. With brass cymbals in hand, I was singing […]

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Alachua’s Bhaktivedanta Academy Successfully Keeps Students Safe Throughout Pandemic School Year

On June 4th, Bhaktivedanta Academy – a Montessori school serving the New Raman Reti community in Alachua, Florida – will reach a successful end to its most challenging school year so far. The heroic effort from teachers and staff has provided primary to high school age students with a safe environment in which their education […]

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5 Tips For A Happy Krishna Conscious Marriage

According to the Grihastha Vision Team, “The quality of our relationships determine the quality of our lives.” And according to Srila Prabhupada in a July 10th, 1969 letter, “To marry and to become an exemplary householder is the ideal life of Krishna consciousness.” So how do we have a happy, Krishna conscious marriage? To find […]

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Back in my service again!
→ Dandavats

I was discharged from the hospital and returned home about a week ago. It is so nice to come back to Mayapur and continue my service in TOVP. I still haven't fully recovered, but luckily I'm able to take a short walks and also go to my office a few days a week to do my service. Thanks everyone for your prayers for my recovering.


(This post has been viewed 347 times so far)

The Comfortable Hole
→ Dandavats

By Rupanuga dasa

The most interesting thing about Koko, however, is her communication of certain abstract concepts, like old age and death. She cried when her pet kitten (which she named All Ball) died. Previously, her keepers phrased questions to her about death: "Why do gorillas die?" they asked, She sighed in return, "Trouble, old." When asked, "Where do gorillas go when they die?" She answered, "Comfortable hole," blowing a kiss goodbye. Her psychologist was puzzled where she got such a concept, but found a confirmed observation of a group of gorillas who came upon a dead crow, dug a hole, placed the corpse within, and covered it with dirt. Continue reading "The Comfortable Hole
→ Dandavats"

We never even thought of it!
→ Dandavats

In March 2020 we published our first video in English. Back then we still had no idea what was coming up...To be honest, even to this day sometimes it feels unreal to see how big our channel has grown, how many people it has reached and inspired for positive changes. Filming, video editing, storytelling, online preaching were never our skills, we didn't study or knew much about it before, but I guess when Krishna wants you to be an instrument in His hands all these details don't matter that much. And now we have to admit: it's been an amazing journey, sometimes tough and challenging but always worth it. It helped us grow and learn a lot of new things, empowered us to share and see this huge world and one big family. We are so grateful to the Lord that He trusted us with this little mission, we are so grateful to all of you for making it happen. Jai Srila Prabhupad!


(This post has been viewed 332 times so far)

To serve you, Srila Prabhupada / Мое единственное желание
→ Traveling Monk


Мое единственное желание – служить вам, Шрила Прабхупада!

“Мой дорогой мальчик… чего бы ты ни желал, воспевая свою мантру, силой ее могущества ты полностью получишь это. В действительности, ты обретешь больше того, что желаешь”.

( Шри Брихад-бхагаватамрита 2.1.189)



My only desire is to serve you, Srila Prabhupada!

“My dear boy, whatever you desire while chanting your mantra, by its power you will fully achieve. Indeed, you will attain more than your desire.”

( Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta 2.1.189 )



HG Mahaprabhu Prabhu left this world
→ Dandavats

With a very heavy heart we would like to inform that on May 27, 2021 (Pratipat & Appearance tithi of Sri Narada Muni), H. G. Mahaprabhu das left his body. He was a very good health and spirits till his last breath and finally left due to a cardiac arrest, at his home in Mumbai


(This post has been viewed 335 times so far)

Healthy Families, Strong Communities!
→ Dandavats

In a lecture on March 8, 1966, Srila Prabhupada instructed that if we want to do something good for our families we should try to make them Krishna Conscious, then our lives will be successful. Communities are the sum of the individuals who make up those communities. If our family units are strong then the communities that we collectively represent will be strong as well.


(This post has been viewed 330 times so far)

ISKCON North America Unites for Devotees in Mayapur and Bangladesh

The pandemic is heavily affecting ISKCON devotee communities around the world as there is a lack of resources and access to medical equipment and facilities especially for those in rural devotee communities such as Mayapur and Bangladesh. Over 7000 devotee families in Mayapur and Bangladesh are struggling to feed and take care of their families […]

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ISKCON North America Unites for Devotees in Mayapur and Bangladesh
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Saturday, June 5th from 5-8 pm EST on https://www.facebook.com/kirtantoronto. A jam-packed event involving many speakers including HH Radhanath Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhakti Purushottam Swami, and will feature kirtaniyas including Gaura Vani Das, and Amala Kirtan Das, and more. In addition, a special Nrsimha Yagna will be performed live from New Vrindaban, West Virginia.

ISKCON North America Unites for Devotees in Mayapur and Bangladesh
→ Dandavats

The pandemic is heavily affecting ISKCON devotee communities around the world as there is lack of resources and access to medical equipment and facilities especially for those in rural devotee communities such as Mayapur and Bangladesh. Over 7000 devotee families in Mayapur and Bangladesh are struggling to feed and take care of their families because of the situation. It is heart-wrenching to see these devotees suffering, leaving their bodies, having no access to any basic items.


(This post has been viewed 364 times so far)

His Grace Mahaprabhu Dasa
Giriraj Swami

Today His Grace Mahaprabhu Dasa (Sri R. K. Maheshwari), my dear friend and Srila Prabhupada’s staunch devotee, passed away at his home in Khar, Mumbai. To honor his sacred memory, here is an excerpt from my book I’ll Build You a Temple: The Juhu Story about Mahaprabhu’s first visit to Hare Krishna Land, on the occasion of the temple’s grand opening, January 14, 1978.

One of the first-time visitors, a lawyer, R. K. Maheshwari (later initiated as Mahaprabhu dasa), later remembered hearing about the opening day: “I was playing cards at Khar Gymkhana, a well-known club in this area, and all of a sudden I saw a newspaper with a full-page advertisement about the Hare Krishna temple opening that day. So I thought, How much money do these people have? A full-page advertisement in The Times of India! Being a Marwari, I always thought of everything in terms of money.

“Then I decided, ‘Let me see what this place is,’ and I immediately drove to the Juhu temple. At the gate they asked me, ‘Have you got a pass or invitation card? Vaijayanti Mala is giving a dance performance, and the hall is booked, and Raj Narain, union minister, and Patwari, governor, are coming for the inauguration, so there’s a big crowd and only important people are invited today.’

“ ‘Is this a temple or what?’ I asked. ‘Well, today is inauguration day,’ the devotee replied. So, I approached another devotee, an Indian—Rama Tulasi. He was telling a group of visitors that, like fish out of water, in the material world nobody is happy. You are searching happiness in the wrong atmosphere. The Gétä has confirmed that this material world is duùkhälayam, a place of misery.

“The visitors were asking about the temple, why these foreigners were so much interested in Indian culture. ‘We are having some doubt,’ one said, ‘because when the British came to India . . . Now most of the people here are American. They are coming in the guise of religion and teaching us our sanätana-dharma. We cannot understand all this. We know Krishna very well.’

“But Rama Tulasi was speaking philosophy. ‘If you want to be happy,’ he told them, ‘connect yourself with Lord Krishna by chanting the holy name of the Lord. That is the connection. And if you chant the holy name of the Lord, wherever you may be, whatever situation, you will be blissful. I’m not talking happiness—you may be happy, you may not be happy—but blissful is something different. I cannot explain to you what is spiritual bliss. You have to experience it.’ So, yes, that much I understood.

“I wanted to know more; I wanted to go inside. So I found some stairs, and I got to the second floor and saw the program. I spent the whole day in the temple, and the next day too, and I came regularly thereafter. I could see that these people were genuine, and I made up my mind that I wanted to get involved in their institution and become a life member. My membership card was signed by the temple president: ‘Giriraj das Brahmachari.’ I was keen to get his association, and once I met him, that changed the lifestyle of this practicing lawyer of the Bombay High Court.

“For me, that was a total change. I had been so much involved in material things that when my wife would go to a temple, I would sit in the car. I was never interested to go to any temple because my impression of temples was that they were all cheats, fooling people and making money and not following any rules or regulations or properly guiding people—just making a business. But all that changed with my first visit to Hare Krishna Land, on the day of the grand opening.”


Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Inaugural ISKCON Communications Global Conference | Online | June 19, 2021

Effective communication is vital in any organization, and this is especially true in ISKCON which carries the sacred mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.  For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the Vaishnavas in this, His Divine Grace’s 125th birth anniversary year we humbly request your valuable participation in the Inaugural ISKCON Communications Global Conference.  This […]

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ISKCON News’ Summer Internship Program |June – August 2021 | Registration Open

Are you looking for a summer internship? ISKCON News is holding its first-ever internship program this June – August 2021. This is a great way to get some work experience on your CV/resume and do some seva with a group of other youth – FULLY ONLINE – about 5-10 hours a week with three meet-ups […]

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In appreciation of FIVE YEARS, ELEVEN MONTHS
→ Dandavats

By Aditya Varna Devi Dasi

How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news (Isaiah 5:27) Through her sharp camera lens and with the point of her pen HG Visakha Dasi takes us on a roller coaster ride through the near 6 years, of her life from 1971 to 1977. Something extraordinary happened to this self-confessed, proud atheist. A Darwinian, which was as she points out the intellectually held position of the day. She traveled to India, camera in tow to meet up with her boyfriend and very much in the mood of an Anthropologist, to capture a culture diametrically opposite to the American middle-class environment of her upbringing. Continue reading "In appreciation of FIVE YEARS, ELEVEN MONTHS
→ Dandavats"