HG Pankajanghri Prabhu, ISKCON's most beloved Nrsimhadeva pujari, has departed from this world in Sri Dham Mayapur. Having joined ISKON in the footsteps of his twin brother, HG Jananivasa Prabhu, in 1973, the two brothers dedicated their lives to serving the Lordships of ISKCON's International Headquarters in Lord Caitanya's divine abode of Sri Mayapur. Continue reading "HG Pankajanghri Prabhu has Departed → Dandavats"
Here's a surprise: Ambarish Maharaja, a sannyasi from Russia, is No. 17 in the world, with 1,850 book points. I think that this is the first time I've seen a sannyasi do such a huge score in the category of regular person-to-person book distribution. Before taking sannyasa, he was a full-time book distributor. Along with being a good book distributor, he's one of the nicest devotees I’ve ever met. Continue reading "WSN March 2021 – World Sankirtan Newsletter → Dandavats"
The Governing Body Commission of ISKCON, in conjunction with ISKCON leaders in South Asia, has launched a Covid Relief Appeal to provide funds to aid devotees and others in need in the Mayapur region and Bangladesh. Below is an appeal letter from the GBC, as well as PDF and PPT files with more specific information about the relief efforts and where to send your donations.
When Nanda Mahārāja saw Garga Muni present at his home, Nanda was so pleased that he stood up to receive him with folded hands. Although seeing Garga Muni with his eyes, Nanda Mahārāja could appreciate that Garga Muni was adhokṣaja; that is, he was not an ordinary person seen by material senses.
The Governing Body Commission of ISKCON, in conjunction with ISKCON leaders in South Asia, has launched a Covid Relief Appeal to provide funds to aid devotees and others in need in the Mayapur region and Bangladesh. Below is an appeal letter from the GBC, as well as PDF and PPT files with more specific information about […]
The Governing Body Commission of ISKCON, in conjunction with ISKCON leaders in South Asia, has launched a Covid Relief Appeal to provide funds to aid devotees and others in need in the Mayapur region and Bangladesh. Below is an appeal letter from the GBC, as well as PDF and PPT files with more specific information about the relief efforts and where to send your donations.
Sri Abhirama Thakura was known as Abhirama Gopala and also as Rama dasa Bhirama dasa. He was previously known as Sridama, a gopa during Krsna-lila, and was the favourite of Nityananda Prabhu.
One day, Krsna, Balarama and their cowherd friends were playing a game of hide and seek. In the middle of their game, Krsna decided to go to Nadia to enjoy His pastimes there, and so, taking with Him Balarama and all their friends, He appeared in Navadwipa. Somehow or other, He forgot Sridama, who remained in his hiding place in a cave. After a while Krsna noticed that Sridam had been left behind and sent Balarama as Nityananda, who found Sridam and told him: “Come on! We’ve all gone to Nadia to play there!”
Sridama asked, “Who are You?”
“I’m your Lord Balarama. Can’t you recognise me?”
“You can’t be my Lord Balaram. You’re too small.”
[In Kali Yuga the measurement of the body is 3.5 hands, whereas in Dwapara-yuga it is 7 hands.]
“If you don’t believe Me, then take off running. If I can’t
catch you within ten paces, then you’ll know I’m not Balarama.”
“All right! Catch me if You can!”
Sridama took off running, but Nityananda Prabhu immediately caught him. But now Sridama told Him, “Now look here, You left me behind, so I am not going to your Nadia or whatever it is called.”
Nityananda Prabhu kept coaxing him but Sridama was adamant. Finally he manifested an expansion of himself, Rama dasa, who agreed to go. But Sridama still wanted to remain behind as his feelings were greatly hurt.
Rama dasa was also dissatisfied and very prone to anger. When Nityananda Prabhu’s first child was born, Abhirama Thakura came to offer his obeisances to the child, who died on the spot. In this way, seven of Nityananda’s children had to depart from this world just after taking birth.
Finally a daughter, Ganga-devi, was born to Nityananda Prabhu and Vasudha devi. When, after offering his obeisances to the child, Abhirama Thakur saw that the baby was unaffected he exclaimed, “This time we haven’t been deceived!” Then he immediately composed one hundred verses in praise of Ganga-devi.
When Viracandra Prabhu took his birth, Abhirama again came to offer his obeisances. When he saw that Viracandra was unaffected, he composed Sri Birbhadrastakam.
If Abhirama Thakura offered his obeisances to any stone other then a Shalagram-sila, that stone would crack. One time, Abhirama Thakur came to Sri Khanda, wanting to meet Raghunandana Thakura. Mukunda dasa was aware of his reputation and thus told the Thakura that Raghunandana wasn’t there. Feeling disappointed, Abhirama departed.
When Raghunandan heard that Abhirama Thakura had come to meet him, he ran to catch up with the Thakura. Finally he met him at Bor Danga, where they danced together in ecstasy. When Raghunandana was dancing his nupur (ankle bracelet) came off and fell down at Akaihat, where Kaliya Krsna dasa used to do his bhajan.
This nupur is still being worshiped along with Kaliya Krsna Thakura’s Deity at Karvi, not far from Katwa.
Gopala Guru Gosvami was also similarly tested by Abhirama Thakura when he was only a small boy living with Mahaprabhu in Puri. By the mercy of Mahaprabhu, Who invested His potency in Gopala guru, the boy emerged unscathed.
Abhirama Thakura’s Sripat is at Khanakhul Krsnanagar. Khanakhul Krsnanagar can be reached by bus from Tarakeshwar, which is connected by train from Bandel station. It can also be reached by bus from Atapur, the Sripat of Patameshvari dasa Thakura.
His wife’s name was Sri Malini-devi. His worshipable Deity Sri Gopinathji Who, after first appearing to him in a dream, manifested Himself at Khanakhul Krsnanagar. The legend is that He appeared in a dream to Abhirama Thakura and said, “I am within the earth here. Please take Me out and worship Me.”
Abhirama dasa excavated that place and found within the womb of the earth the all-enchanting form of Sri Gopinathji. That place where the deity was found became known as Ram Kund. “In the place where Sri Gopinathji appeared a lake was formed, and the water contained therein was sweet as nectar. Whoever bathed in or drank that water became beside himself with ecstasy. Thereafter, this land has become famous as Ram Kund. Having heard of these divine pastimes of Sri Gopinathji an incessant flow of people descended on that place like the waters of the Ganges River.” [Bhakti-Ratnakar Taranga 4]
One day while in a state of rapture in remembrance of Sri Krsna, Abhirama Thakura, in the mood of cowherd boy, desired to play the flute. In the madness of ecstatic love he began to search in all directions for one. Then he saw before him a large trunk of a tree which not even sixteen men could lift. Out of this he fashioned a flute and began to play it. “Rama dasa, one of the chief branches, was full of fraternal love of Godhead. He made a flute from a stick with sixteen knots.” [C.C. Adi 11.16]
Sri Abhirama Thakura had a celebrated whip, whose name was Jaya- Mangala. Whoever was touched with that whip had the symptoms of love of Krsna awakened within their person.
One day, Srinivasa Acarya came to meet Abhirama Thakura. After touching him three times with his whip, his wife Malini-devi exclaimed, “Thakura, don’t beat him anymore! Restrain yourself! He is just a boy. He’ll become overly excited by the touch of your whip.” Meanwhile, Srinivasa had become completely drowned in Krsna-prema.
When Sri Gaurasundara ordered Nityananda prabhu to preach in Gaudadesa (Bengal), he sent with him Sri Rama dasa, Sri Gadadhar dasa and others. The atheists trembled in fear at the sight of Abhirama Thakura. He was a learned scholar of the scriptures. According to the desire of Nityananda Prabhu he married. His disappearance is on the seventh day of the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra.
The descendants of the disciples of Abhirama Thakura are still living within the districts of Hugli and Bankura, at Krsnanagar, Amta, Visnupur and Kotalpur.
To Love God is a short English article written in 1871, describing bhakti (love) as the religion of the soul. The piece is based on Christ Jesus’ teaching “Love God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, and love man as thy brother.
The latest issue of 243Review has just been released! This monthly community newsletter includes in-depth information, intriguing content, and compelling articles
Does God become angry? Can He be fearsome? – Why not! The simple answer to these questions is that – “God becomes angry when His dear devotees are troubled by demoniac people, towards whom He becomes very fearsome.”
Join us for a conversation with Ananda Monet- a musician, mother and Sri Krishna bhakti practitioner from Russia, living in the UK. We will explore her journey to Sri Krishna, her early years as a devotee in Russia and how she balances spiritual, family and professional life in the UK today. Continue reading "The Journey to Krishna (video) → Dandavats"
Official Health Update of HG Pankajanghri Prabhu [2nd May, 4.30 am, Mayapur] HG Pankajanghri Prabhu is stable, he continues to be on the same — high flow oxygen requirements. His appetite is moderate and he is able to take better nutrition which is very necessary for him to recover. The blood reports showed a very […]
From the Bhakta Program at Hare Krishna Kansas City. A video of Bhakta Nate's Experience at Hare Krishna KC. "I know I've only been here for like four or five days so but these four or five days it has been a real treat! I'd recommend it for everybody definitely as much as you can, as much as like somebody's willing to do just anything if not the prasadam, the food it's like that way, that mercy can enter into your life and it's delicious healthy vitalizing food Continue reading "What is Hare Krishna Like? (5 min. video) → Dandavats"
Source: Kishori Jani Krishna Dharma Das is the acclaimed author of a number of English versions of Ancient Indian classics including Mahabharata, Ramayana and Panchatantra. He is also a broadcaster, appearing regularly on the BBC’s ‘Pause For Thought’, and has written many articles giving the Vedic spiritual perspective on current events. He is a student […]
Krishna Dharma Das is the acclaimed author of a number of English versions of Ancient Indian classics including Mahabharata, Ramayana and Panchatantra. He is also a broadcaster, appearing regularly on the BBC’s ‘Pause For Thought’, and has written many articles giving the Vedic spiritual perspective on current events. He is a student of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. His books are readily available on Amazon and through his website krishnadharma.com
Source: Insider News How One Man Is Honoring The Dead As India’s COVID-19 Death Toll Climbs India had 360,960 new COVID-19 cases in one day this week, marking the world’s largest single-day total. The country has nearly 18 million infections and more than 200,000 people have already died. One man is doing what he can […]
How One Man Is Honoring The Dead As India's COVID-19 Death Toll Climbs
India had 360,960 new COVID-19 cases in one day this week, marking the world's largest single-day total. The country has nearly 18 million infections and more than 200,000 people have already died. One man is doing what he can to honor those whose lives have been cut short by the virus.
We all know that diabetes can cause death. And that cigarettes can reduce our life expectancy. But what most of us do not know, is that loneliness can have a similar affect on our health. On Valentine’s Day last year, the BBC launched the largest ever Loneliness Experiment with 55,000 people from around the world. […]
Loneliness is not simply that we are alone, rather it is the feeling that you are not connected or loved by the people around you. This is why so many people feel lonely even though their lives are full of people. We may be in relationships, friendships or even be married, yet feel that ache in our hearts.
On August 4th, 2020, Prema Dhan was sitting alone in his office on a phone call, catching up with some work. Suddenly his desk started shaking and he almost fell off his chair. It felt like an earthquake. “I’ll call you back,” he said. As he went outside to investigate, he saw many other people […]
In only 6 months, the Food For Life team in Beirut, Lebanon has distributed over 2000 meals. The country is in a dire situation, even before the pandemic, and continues to decline. International funding support is crucial to the survival of the project.
A second Covid wave has struck India hard, with deaths passing 200,000, although according to the BBC “the real number of fatalities is thought to be far greater, with many not being officially recorded.” There have been at least 300,000 new infections every day in the past week, with over 17.9 million cases registered altogether. […]
A second Covid wave has struck India hard, with deaths passing 200,000. ISKCON devotees in India are stepping up to do what they can to help, while also battling Covid along with the rest of the country.
On Earth Day (April 22nd, 2021), ISKCON’s North American Council passed a resolution endorsing the work of the ISKCON Environmental Initiative (IEI), and encouraging “adoption of the environmentally sustainable practices promoted by the IEI by all ISKCON temples and communities.” The IEI, which has developed guidelines for these practices over the past year, is an […]
On Earth Day (April 22nd, 2021), ISKCON’s North American Council passed a resolution endorsing the work of the ISKCON Environmental Initiative (IEI), and encouraging “adoption of the environmentally sustainable practices promoted by the IEI by all ISKCON temples and communities.”
Srila Prabhupada wrote in the 9th Canto, “In these days of drought, people can gain relief from scarcity of rain and food by the simple method of the Hare Kṛṣṇa yajña. Indeed, this can relieve all of human society.”
His Holiness Lokanath Maharaja reminds us that PRABHUPADA IS COMING! to the TOVP this October at the historic installation of his new murti commemorating his 125th Appearance Anniversary Year. His divine presence there will inspire and guide us to complete the TOVP.
To encourage a grand welcome for His Divine Grace that all devotees, man woman or child, can participate in, the TOVP has created a once-in-a-lifetime abhisheka sponsorship campaign, and from May 14 (Akshaya Tritiya) until May 25 (Nrsimha Caturdasi) the #GivingToPrabhupada 11 Day Matching Fundraiser will make this seva opportunity available. Ambarisa prabhu will match the first $150,000, and our goal is $1 million.
Mark your calendar now and sponsor one of five kinds of abhishekas starting with the Sacred Water abhisheka (water from 125 sacred rivers) for $25.
Pankajanghri prabhu is quite weak. Doctors are tying to improve his nutritional intake, which will help him to recover. He had a good appetite today, after many days.
As per Pankajanghri Prabhu's request, Srila Prabhupada's Srimad Bhagavatam lectures are being played in his room. He also has a big picture of Lord Nrisimhadev right next to his bed.
World's first and only ICU where Doctor is leading kirtan, nurses repeating it. (DR Shyamlal Prabhu singing kirtan in Bhaktivedanta Hospital ICU)
Double Cure -Body + Soul!
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵 𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝗚 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗿𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗵𝘂 (𝟴.𝟯𝟬 𝗽𝗺, 𝟯𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹, 𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗽𝘂𝗿) HG Pankajanghri prabhu is in his room with high flow oxygen support with the BiPAP machine. The doctors are trying to see if the oxygen requirement can be reduced, while trying to maintain optimal saturation. Pankajanghri Prabhu’s respiratory rate is a bit high, […]