๐ข๐ณ๐ณ๐ถ๐ฐ๐ถ๐ฎ๐น ๐๐ฒ๐ฎ๐น๐๐ต ๐จ๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐๐ฒ ๐ผ๐ป ๐๐ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ป๐ธ๐ฎ๐ท๐ฎ๐ป๐ด๐ต๐ฟ๐ถ ๐ฝ๐ฟ๐ฎ๐ฏ๐ต๐ (๐ด.๐ฏ๐ฌ ๐ฝ๐บ, ๐ฏ๐ฌ๐๐ต ๐๐ฝ๐ฟ๐ถ๐น, ๐ ๐ฎ๐๐ฎ๐ฝ๐๐ฟ) HG Pankajanghri prabhu is in his room with high flow oxygen support with the BiPAP machine. The doctors are trying to see if the oxygen requirement can be reduced, while trying to maintain optimal saturation. Pankajanghri Prabhu’s respiratory rate is a bit high, […]
Please tell me so that I may be taught in the matter by the instruction of the Personality of Godhead and may thus act instrumentally to generate living entities, without being conditioned by such activities.
Dr. Nitaisevini Mataji was born in Mumbai in a Gujarati Business family, conventional followers of the Pushtimarg. Later she with her family shifted to Hyderabad in 1984, since then she was closely connected to ISKCON Secunderbad. Inspired by Visits of many senior devotees, she later joined as a Full time devotee in 1997 and took initiation in the year 1998 in Atlanta,USA from H.H.Jayapataka Swami. She has completed her Graduation in Commerce, Masters in Education with a PG diploma in Management of Voluntary Organization. She completed her PhD in Education from Andhra University. Presently she is the Principal of Divine Touch School, actively involved in Collection, Festival Coordination, Congregation preaching, College Preaching, and shouldering management responsibility with her husband H.G. Samba Das ,President ISKCON Visakhapatnam. She initiated Bhakti Yoga Residential Summer camp at Visakhapatnam where by school Children stay as a devotee for one week in the temple, which has been very successful program.
There are three simple steps which will help you go deeper into your kirtan and mantra experience.
1. Focus! Absorb yourself and exit the spiderweb of self-narratives which the mind creates.
2. Donโt hesitate to give yourself entirely to the practice
3. Most importantly, let go and let the Divine act.
BEHIND THE SCENES from the latest Heart of The Holy Name seminar, an online chanting seminar given the last Saturday of every month.
"Profound" means "deep" in Latin, and when I say "dive deep into the Gita" I do not mean this in a cliche way. Yesterday's video and the experience of absorbing myself in scripture and the words of great souls is still reverberating in my heart. A kind of quiet has settled over me. I truly felt as though I was diving into the depths of spiritual reflection, where the water becomes a dark blue and everything becomes very quiet. Lord Krishna's and Prabhupad's words became deep like an ocean.
We learn prayers from our childhood. There are simple prayers of gratitude, prayers for the welfare of loved ones, and, of course, prayers for some cherished desire to be fulfilled. We offer prayers for forgiveness, and prayers for strength to change ourselves for the better. Atheists think that a prayer to God is sheer imagination. For centuries, however, thousands of sincere practitioners have accumulated definite evidence of the positive results of prayer. The real purpose of prayer is not to gain material resources or even spiritual salvation for oneself. The power of prayer is best utilised when we petition Krishna for things that will help us spiritually connect with Him. When we pray with devotion and desperation, Krishna hears.
Official Health Update on HG Pankajanghri Prabhu (1 am, 30th April, MAYAPUR) We are very grateful to all the devotees for their prayers. HG Pankajanghri prabhu reached Sri Dham Mayapur at 1 am. The ambulance first went to the temple courtyard of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, from where HG Pankajanghri prabhu took Darshan of Lord […]
Although not an advocate of creationism, Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson) demonstrates in this lecture that most evidence for the evolution theory also supports the theory of intelligent design. And since Darwinism leaves so much about human nature unexplained, he suggests we broaden our view and approach alternate outlooks with an open mind. Continue reading "Evolution and Beyond (video) โ Dandavats"
Saturday, May 1st through Sunday, May 2nd: GBC SPT hosts “Kirtan Prayers Global” for all devotees worldwide afflicted by Covid-19: https://gbcstrategicplanningteam.com/kirtanprayers/ Saturday, May 1st from 4 pm – 6 pm ET / 1-3 pm PT: Jay Shetty, HH Radhanath Swami and so many powerful voices from the diaspora for this two-hour virtual event. Indiaspora […]
Thanks to YouTube analytics, I now know that that's the maximum for how long a few viewers have watched one of my YouTube videos for my 100 Day Project, a Bhagavad-gita exploration project called sincerely, bhakti.
This is just what it means to generate online content - engagement can sometimes be very, very low.
So where does this leave me with my Gita project?
Well... to be honest, I feel a twinge of discouragement.
But if I just take a look at the reality here, these videos are not snappy or catchy. I'm not commenting on a current event or delving into controversy. No editing, no alternate shots, no text or graphics or just anything.
Just me, my cell phone, and one angle for 5-10 minutes, discussing... scripture.
So exciting, right?
Sarcasm aside, why I even decided to DO this project is because I have found that scripture actually is exciting. It's like freediving into the depths of a deep, dark ocean.
"Profound" means "deep" in Latin, and when I say "dive deep into the Gita" I do not mean this in a cliche way. Yesterday's video and the experience of absorbing myself in scripture and the words of great souls is still reverberating in my heart and a kind of quiet has settled over me. I truly felt as though I was diving into the depths of spiritual reflection, where the water becomes a dark blue and everything becomes very quiet.
Lord Krishna's and Prabhupad's words became deep like an ocean.
I swam there, suspended, observing how small I was, how humbled to be immersed in truth and wisdom and divinity.
So while these videos shall never be catchy or trendy, I hope that they are presentable. I would hope that if my spiritual master or Srila Prabhupad were to watch one of these videos, they would nod their heads and bless me to continue to keep diving, keep diving.
And if you or anyone else decides to join me for even two minutes, then I am grateful to share eternal truth and wisdom with another soul.
(email subscribers may need to click on this link to view video: https://youtu.be/sfeb5Lv3RBo)
Patients are dying without oxygen amid Delhi surge with 1 death every 5 minutes (Source Global News). Join us to help ISKCON Dwarka, Delhi during this crucial time of need and make a difference. India has an unwelcomed record of Covid-19 cases with over 350,000 cases being reported on Monday, a new global high. Deaths […]
Covid-19 appeal to help ISKCON Delhi facilitate the funding to provide beds and oxygen to the most vulnerable. Patients are dying without oxygen amid Delhi surge with 1 death every 5 minutes. Join us to help ISKCON Dwarka, Delhi during this crucial time of need and make a difference.
Deena Bandhu Das: Very sad news that a most dear Godbrother, Edhaniyasvabhava Das, passed on from Covid today! He joined Portland Temple when I was temple president in 1974. He was a very excellent artist. Later he joined the Radha Damodar Party and served in Spain for a while. He was living near the temple in Noida last few years and departed from there. Such a wonderful, sweet natured devotee, we pray that Srila Prabhupada will take him to the lotus feet of his dearmost Lord!
We called the cows to the fresh spring grass of the back pasture. Happy cows ran, jumped, and mooed their joy! Once they reached the spring grass, they munched to their heart's content. All winter they have been eating hay with an occasional mouthful of grass from under the trees or from the front pasture when the weather turned warmer than usual. Lila shows us how blue flowers taste great too! Now from our back windows, we can watch the cows munching contentedly on the fresh spring grass.
Official Health Update on HG Pankajanghri prabhu (7.15 am, 29th April, Camp : Kolkata) HG Pankajanghri Prabhu’s situation is declining. He is not comfortable with the oxygen support that he is receiving, which is very high oxygen support. He isn’t able to maintain good level of saturation. The ICU doctors are working on improving the […]
Indradyumna Swami: Dear devotees: Today we lost a very sweet devotee to COVID-19. Vrindavan-behari dasa passed away this afternoon in a government hospital in Vrindavan, India. He was a dear and loving disciple of BB Govinda Maharaja. Those of us who knew him are devastated. Please say a prayer that the Lord of Vrindavan, Sri Krsna Candra, will watch over him and guide him safely to His lotus feet.
India Today's news report on ISKCON's free food distribution program in the Delhi region where more than 18,000 meals are home delivered to senior citizens, pregnant women, and Covid patients.
This is the official YouTube Channel for ISKCON UK GBC office in United Kingdom. A branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Founder Acarya : His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. For more information please visit www.iskconuk.com
Updated: April 29th, 2021 Arrangements are being made to bring HG Pankajanghri prabhu to Mayapur, today. Pankajanghri prabhu had expressed his desire to be brought back here and continue the treatment here. After discussing with HG Jananivas Prabhu, HH Jayapataka Maharaj, the Co-Directors and the Health Team, it was decided to bring him as soon as possible. Since Pankajanghri […]
Yesterday, Monday, April 26th, at around 6 pm, devotees heard a blast then found smoke in the Albert Road, ISKCON Kolkata Temple. It was seen that the dress room of Sri Sri Radha Govindaji was on fire. Devotees immediately rushed to put out the fire. They started throwing water but the fire was too big. In a short time of […]
Pankajanghri Prabhu's situation is the same. He has the same oxygen requirements which are high and is unable to stay without the support of the BiPAP machine to breathe. Small activities like taking prasadam make him very tired and take a long time to complete.
I am self-isolating and following the medical protocol prescribed by a devotee doctor who is monitoring my case.
Humbly, I request your prayers so that I can beat this.
Somehow a fire started in the deity clothing room about 6pm last night. The Deities were removed downstairs and the fire put out. All the Deity clothes were burnt but the fire didn't do any further damage. Radha Govinda are OK. The temple building is OK.
On the Caitra Purnima, the full moon day of the month of Caitra, Sri Vamsivadananda Thakura took birth within this world. It was a sweet moon and everyone sang in great joy at the appearance of such a great soul.
Vamsivadananda Thakura is also known as Vamsivadana, Vamsi dasa, Vamsi. It was in the house of Sri Madhava dasa that Vamsivadananda Thakura took birth. His mother’s name was Srimati Candrakaladevi. Vamsivadananda Thakura is the avatara of Krsna’s flute.
The day that he took birth, Caitanya Mahaprabhu was staying in the house of Sri Madhava dasa. Advaita acarya Prabhu was also present. Madhava dasa was a greatly devoted soul and was very attached to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The Lord was very affectionate towards his son, Vamsi.
Sri Narahari Cakravarti Thakura writes in his Bhakti-ratnakara (4.23) that when Srinivasa acarya went to visit the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapura during his pilgrimage to Nabadwipa, he met Vamsivadananda Thakura. At that time Vamsivadananda Thakura bestowed his blessings upon the young Srinivasa acarya who also managed to take darsana of the holy feet of Sri Visnupriya devi. Narahari writes, โVamsivadananda Thakura sat the young Srinivasa acarya upon his lap and wet his head with tears of ecstasy in love of Godhead.โ
After the disappearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Vamsivadananda Thakura was engaged as a servant by Visnupriya devi. It is said that he became the foremost recipient of her mercy. After the disappearance of Visnupriya devi he took the Mahaprabhu deity established by her to Koladwipa which is presently the town known as Nabadwipa dhama. There he established the worship of the Mahaprabhu deity. There, he also established a deity of Krsna known as Pranavallabha.
Vamsivadananda Thakura was a lyrical poet and a composer of songs. All his songs are especially sweet and mellow and express deep moods of devotion. In one famous song he has expressed the separation felt by Mother Saci upon the sannyasa of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Vamsivadananda Thakura has also composed songs about Krsna’s dana-lila, nauka-vilasa, and vana-vihara-lila.