Musings of an Amateur Gardener
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Gardening has always been an important part of my family, especially for my father who took great pride in our well-maintained garden. As a child, and to a large extent, even as an adult, I have enjoyed the benefits of having a beautiful garden without having to put in any effort. In more recent years I have gradually taken on more responsibility in caring for the garden. In doing this I have realized how much work it actually takes to maintain it, and how much my father was doing. Similarly, in my Krishna Consciousness, for many years I have been enjoying so much facility in Krishna consciousness, benefiting from the mercy of guru, Prabhupada, and Krishna without having to endeavor for it. However, at some point, I have to take responsibility for my Krishna consciousness and maintaining my bhakti-lata-kripa.

Why I Decided that Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Was the Right Choice for Me

Many devotees who are very dear to me have physically departed from this world due to the Covid-19 virus. This breaks my heart. Srila Prabhupada desired that we do the needful to take care of our health. Our health belongs to Srila Prabhupada. Sincere devotees who are specialist doctors of Allopathy, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy have […]

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News Brief: ISKCON Baroda Vaccine Clinic

In Gujrat, India ISKCON Vadodara aka Baroda has hosted the first ISKCON organized COVID-19 vaccine clinic on April 6th, 2021. The clinic was hosted at the temple’s basement hall, with the first dose of vaccination completed for 160 people during the clinic’s 11 am-5 pm hours. Another clinic is planned for the 11th.  The clinic […]

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News Brief: ISKCON Mayapur Offers ‘Free’ Covid Relief Prasadam to Devotees

According to the Telegraphindia there has been a steep rise in the number of Covid-19 infections in Bengal over recent days; with Thursday 8th April seeing approximately 2,783 new infections. In response to this situation, ISKCON Mayapur has initiated the launch of Free Covid Relief Prasadam service for all the devotees infected by Covid and their family […]

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Grihastha Course to Teach Skills for a Happy and Meaningful Marriage

‘Strengthening the Bonds that Free Us,’ a Grihastha Course that will teach devotees how to develop the insights and skills for a more meaningful, happy, and inspiring marriage will be offered online via Bhaktivedanta College from April 12th to May 16th. The course is facilitated by husband and wife Partha Das and Uttama Dasi, who […]

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Grihastha Course to Teach Skills for a Happy and Meaningful Marriage
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

‘Strengthening the Bonds that Free Us,’ a Grihastha Course that will teach devotees how to develop the insights and skills for a more meaningful, happy, and inspiring marriage will be offered online via Bhaktivedanta College from April 12th to May 16th. The course is facilitated by husband and wife Partha Das and Uttama Dasi, who have been married for the past fifty years.

ISKCON Scarborough – online class – Ethics From Epics – Lessons from Aranyakanda by HG Amarendra das – Sunday 11th April 2021 – 11 am to 12 noon
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!

Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Date: 11th April 2021

Day: Sunday

Time: 11 am to 12 noon

Speaker: HG Amarendra das

Topic: : Ethics From Epics - Lessons from Aranyakanda

Link to join the class from your desktop or laptop:

HG Amarendra das

Amarendra prabhu is a diksha disciple of His Holiness Radha Govinda Dasa Goswami Maharaj, who is a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, very well known for his classes on the Srimad Bhagavatam. As a disciple, Amarendra prabhu aspires to practice and preach the message of the scriptures far and wide as much as possible and in this endeavour has travelled to many cities around the world spreading Krsna consciousness in Universities, temple Congregations and social platforms such as Youtube, Whatsapp and  facebook.

As part of his student preaching endeavours, he has also been part of many student conferences and has contributed in areas such as Interfaith harmony and Science & spiritual synthesis. 

Academically, Amarendra Prabhu is a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and spiritually holds a Bhakti Shastri degree from Mayapur.

ISKCON Scarborough

3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Scarborough, Ontario,

Canada, M1V4C7



TOVP Book of the Week #7

Sankhya and Science: Applications of Vedic Philosophy to Modern Science

By Ashish Dalela (Rsiraja Das)

Most people drawing parallels between science and Eastern philosophy end up claiming that the Eastern mystics knew thousands of years back what modern science discovered only recently. This conclusion may be satisfying as a bridge between religion and science, but it is ultimately futile—if the mystical viewpoint is similar to the materialist view then why we still need mysticism?

Instead of parallels, this book offers a contrarian view of matter and science. It hopes to show that current science and mysticism are not convergent (although a new science and mysticism could be). The convergence requires not faith but an evolution of science itself. This approach is interesting because it tells us that the convergence will be rational rather than a matter of faith.

Author: Ashish Dalela (Rsiraja Das)
Published: November 16, 2014
Book size: 266 pages
Formats: Kindle, Paperback


  Residents of India will have to search for this book on

Letter of condolence to the Royal Family
→ Dandavats

By Bhakti Caitanya Swami & Praghosa dasa

It is with great sadness that we of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness write to you today, on the passing of Prince Phillip. Throughout the years we noted how dedicated he was to the betterment of British society, and humanity at large, a principle which we also, in our humble way, are trying to contribute towards. He tried extensively to establish and support projects for the welfare of the people in general, and touched the lives of millions in the process. Continue reading "Letter of condolence to the Royal Family
→ Dandavats"

Govinda Ghosh Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Krsna dasa Kaviraja Goswami writes (CC Adi 10.115): “The three brothers, Govinda, Madhava, and Vasudeva were the eighty-second, eighty-third, and eighty-fourth branches of the Caitanya tree. Lord Caitanya and Nityananda used to dance in their kirtana performances. 

In his Caitanya-Caritamrta commentary, Srila Prabhupada writes: ”The three brothers, Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosh all belonged to a kayastha family. Govinda established the Gopinatha temple in Agradvipa, where he resided. 

Madhava Ghosh was expert in performing kirtana. No one within this world could compete with him. He was known as the singer of Vrndavana and was very dear to Nityananda Prabhu. It is said that when the three brothers performed sankirtana immediately Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu would dance in ecstasy. 

According to the gaura-ganoddessa-dipika (188), the three brothers were formerly Kalavati, Rasollasa and Gunatunga, who recited the songs composed by Sri Visakha-gopi. 

The three brothers were among one of the seven parties that performed kirtana when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu attended the Rathayatra festival at Jagannatha Puri. Vakresvara Pandita was the chief dancer in their party. 

This is vividly described in the Madhya-lila, Chapter Thirteen, verses 42 and 43 [of Caitanya-Caritamrta]”

Kaviraja Goswami further records (CC adi 10.117—118): “By the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, three devotees accompanied Lord Nityananda Prabhu when He returned to Bengal to preach. These three were Ramadasa, Madhava, and Vasudeva Ghosh. 

Govinda Ghosh, however, remained with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and thus felt great satisfaction.”

It is said that Govinda Ghosh Thakura had no children. As he grew old, he was in some anxiety, worrying about who would perform his funeral ceremony and offer a sacrifice in his honour after his passing away.  

One night in a dream Gopinatha, his Krsna Deity, came to him and said, “Do not worry, I shall perform the sacrificial offerings myself. Have no fear.” 

Even to this day, every year on the anniversary of the passing away of Sri Govinda Ghosh Thakura, the Gopinatha Deity performs the sacrificial ceremonies in his honour. Sri Vasudeva Ghosh Thakura passed away on the second day of the full moon in the month of Kartika.

Giving disciples a vision
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 12 April 2020, Durban, South Africa, Vyasa-Puja Lecture)

In my youth, I came to Krsna consciousness and I had lots of energy and I used it all with a lot of enthusiasm to do many things. The focus was on doing things for Krsna – doing service. I tried to do a lot of service. In the cause of doing service, I did step on a few toes here and there. I did elbow a few people out of the way or knock them over. What shall I say? But these things were secondary to me because the things that needed to be done in devotional service were the most important. But as time progressed, I was not only responsible for doing things in devotional service but I became responsible for people doing things in devotional service. And I looked after them and together with them, I tried to get things done. As time moved along the focus shifted more and more to people and it became my service to look after people. Not even so much about them having to do this service or that service and getting some service done through them. No, now my service was just to look after people in general and how I could help them to realise their full potential.

Tamal Krsna Maharaja in that regards once said, “It is a duty of a spiritual master to give his disciples a vision about their own life which is greater than what they would have come up with on their own. And then to help the disciples to realise that potential.” So that was something I remembered instantly. As soon as he said it, I memorised it. It was that potent and impertinent. It summed up what I was supposed to be doing. Anyhow from doing things for Krsna, to looking after people who were doing things for Krsna and to looking after people for Krsna. All these things come up in devotional service and yes that mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offers us a golden opportunity. We can take advantage in the service we do for this mission and in our personal behaviour and in our dealings with the vaisnavas, then surely we can go back to Godhead!

The article " Giving disciples a vision " was published on KKSBlog.

Dreaming of …Queen Kunti
→ Dandavats

“I was distributing on a sidewalk at an intersection in Barcelona, Spain. Every day I would try to stop the same young lady, but she would ignore me. One day I walked with her a few meters, pleading with her in a friendly way: “Come on! Just take one book!” Pointing to the Teachings of Queen Kunti I was holding, I said, “Here, please take the teachings of the queen!”


(This post has been viewed 776 times so far)

NEWS from ISKCON Durban
→ Dandavats

2020 was a year that promised to fulfil the dreams and desires for many around the world, instead the year turned out one of struggle and survival. The world was locked, travel was restricted, institutions were locked down, and most importantly, Srila Prabhupada's temples across the globe were temporarily closed and we were forced to go within.


(This post has been viewed 353 times so far)

Sri Govinda Ghosh — Disappearance 8th April 2021

Sri Govinda Ghosh, an intimate associate of Lord Caitanya, was known for his sweet kirtans at the annual Jagannatha Puri Ratha- yatra festival. Lord Caitanya would at once begin to dance whenever Govinda Ghosh would sing. Govinda Ghosh and his brothers Vasudeva and Madhava are eternal associates of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu. He […]

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The #GivingToPrabhupada 11 Day Matching Fundraiser

Over the last three years the TOVP Fundraising Department headed by Braja Vilasa prabhu has successfully organized the #GivingTOVP 11 Day Matching Fundraiser online campaign. This has been our largest fundraising event to date which includes the auspicious days of Akshaya Tritiya and Nrsimha Caturdasi.

This year, the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of Srila Prabhupada, we have decided to switch gears and focus this 11-day event on welcoming His Divine Grace to the TOVP at his October murti installation and giving him a Guru dakshina of $1 million for the ongoing construction of the project, which he will now personally oversee. To do this we will be providing devotees with the most unique, once-in-a-lifetime seva opportunity to give back to our eternal master and ISKCON Founder/Acharya by offering him one of five kinds of abhishekas. Ambarisa prabhu will be matching $150,000 of the donations received.

From May 14 (Akshaya Tritiya) – May 25 (Nrsimha Caturdasi) our online donation portals will be humming with transcendental activity as devotees worldwide sponsor abhishekas to participate in this most historic milestone event. Srila Prabhupada’s presence in the TOVP will most certainly empower us all to fulfill his order and complete this magnificent temple for his and our purva acharyas’ pleasure, and the glory of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu.

“I have named this temple Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, the Rising Moon of Mayapur. Now make it rise, bigger and bigger until it becomes the full moon. And this moonshine will be spread all over the world. All over India they will come to see. From all over the world they will come.”

Srila Prabhupada

This is the first of several promotional articles to remind all ISKCON devotees, whether man, woman or child, to take advantage of this wonderful seva opportunity, even if they have already given to the TOVP.

Find out the details about the abhisheka opportunities.



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Remembering Pishima: An Exalted Vaishnavi (video)
→ Dandavats

By Iskcon Vaishnavi Ministry

Honouring Srila Prabhupada's beloved sister. Commemoration of the anniversary of Pishima's disappearance. Srila Prabhupada’s daughters ANANGA MANJARI Devi Dasi & SRUTIRUPA Devi Dasi, who both had personal association of Pishima, share never before heard pastimes. “Pishima embodied true devotion and deep wisdom. Our blessed time together transformed me into a more authentic person and Vaishnavi. I am forever grateful.” ~ Ananga Manjari Devi Dasi (ACBSP) Continue reading "Remembering Pishima: An Exalted Vaishnavi (video)
→ Dandavats"

Sannyasa Ministry Newsletter – January-March 2021
→ Dandavats

By ISKCON Sannyasa Ministry

Anyone who has no other interest but to dedicate his life to the service of the Lord is actually a sannyasi. Such a person always thinks of himself as an eternal servant, dependent on the supreme will of the Lord. As such, whatever he does, he does it for the benefit of the Lord. Whatever action he performs, he performs it as a service to the Lord. (Bhagavad-gita 9.28 Purport) Continue reading "Sannyasa Ministry Newsletter – January-March 2021
→ Dandavats"

We need each other (video)
→ Dandavats


In this time of social upheaval, how do we build bridges across differences? How do we inspire a shift in mindset on an individual, organizational, and global level? A dialogue facilitated by Gauravani Das with Sastivar Das (ACBSP) and devotees from the Urban Center in Washington D.C. (IFAST) - Madhavacharya Das, Ekavira Das, and Jagannatha Pandit Das. Continue reading "We need each other (video)
→ Dandavats"

Saturday, April 3, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


Another Positive


One other member of our ashram tested Covid positive. Dakshin is in his early 70’s. Generally, he’s strong as a bull in some respects. I don’t have a way to really communicate with him, with both of us separated in different locations of the building. Furthermore, neither does he have a phone nor does he wish to have one. I guess we’ll be praying for each other.


To be very frank I’m feeling quite alright. Staying positive in attitude goes a long way toward overcoming this problem. A godsister of mine, Yasomati, originally from Canada and now in Mayapura, India, also taken by the virus, wrote yesterday, “Sorry to hear you also joined the positive family. This virus responds well to positive attitude, lots of rest, proper hydration and nourishment.”


Thank you, Yasomati.


What further lifted my spirits today was getting on board with a group to discuss a future senior’s home. There is a great need to address the aging population among us. Secondly, I Zoomed with our Vancouver chapter to converse over the new temple project. It’s progressive!


Finally, the evening saw to another Zoom call with an Oakville team — discussions on food from chapter 17 of the Bhagavad Gita. It was an appetizer of a conversation. The way to go is eating food that’s blessed, food that’s organic, local, sourced from heirloom seeds etc.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Friday, April 2, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


I’m Covid+ But Positive


The results came back from the University Health Network (UHN), a collaboration of one’s health records, and I’ve tested COVID-19 positive. Therefore, another 10-day quarantine is required for me. This is a minor austerity. I’m confined to quarters consisting of three rooms, including a bathroom, bedroom and a meeting/living room facility. I look outside a fair size arched window and can see the neighborhood as I slightly envy those who can walk about, literally. The whole province is on a lockdown anyway, so I’m not the only one. A real plus is that I’m in the place of our guru.


I have my various medicines, including ayurvedic pills. I’m doing whatever I can to build immunity. My regimen also involves some yoga stretches.


The one thing that really lifted my spirits today was to read from the Chaitanya Bhagavat on the glories of Haridas; a former Muslim who converted to Vaishnava mantra meditation.


To top that reading was a virtual class with a Peruvian group on the topic of “Spiritual Activism on the Trails.” Indeed, this presentation, which was translated, enthused my day as I went down memory lane on the road and I felt, in the delivery of my words, that I was actually there. It was a perceptible experience, recalling the encounters on the road with shared travelers in the wildlife. Such encounters were there as non-accidental incidents.


May the source be with you!

0 km


Thursday, April 1, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


My Turn


This was my turn — a test for COVID-19 at an assessment center. Bathurst and Bloor was the location. The queue was there but it moved fast. Once you get into a cubicle you are swabbed in each nostril and then you’re good to go.


That “going” was like ecstasy because it meant that after eight days, I actually had a chance to be outdoors. I arrived by taxi, however, I had the pleasure to walk back to the ashram. It’s only a 4 km walk and it’s a route through Kensington Village. Hey, I’m glad to see graffiti being stripped off the public washroom.


Before the end of the summer, I am cynically sure that paint spray strips will manifest again on the washroom facility. You can see I’m not a fan of defacing buildings; unless done with finesse.


It was chilly, a bit, but literally being on my feet, I chose the sunny side of the street when applicable. The university was quiet and so was Chinatown. I kept my mask firmly on. The mask does shield from the occasional biting breeze that whips around the corner.


In one hour, I made it back. Out of habit I compare time and my pace. It’s not a race, just observation of movement in time and space.


The results of Covid testing will be back within a day, so they say.


May the Source be with you!

4 km


Wednesday, March 31, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


To Get a Call


It’s nice to get a call, like the following, once in a while (it’s paraphrased).


“Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Jorge. I live up north, have a family, work at a factory. Right now, as we’re talking, I am walking my two dogs on a forest trail that I frequent almost every day. I have a mother who is a devout Christian and, as I grew up, I would accompany her to services; so I appreciate the tradition very much.


“It was a friend of mine who introduced me to the Bhagavad-Gita. I’m reading it and I love it. I’m also doing some chanting, which gives me peace.


“I’m calling because I realize I need direction and explanation. I’d like to move forward in my spiritual life. My wife is agnostic and my kids are addicted to video games, so I’m a bit on my own with the spiritual journey.”


From that detailed introduction a friend was made and we agreed to set up a time for regular weekly Gita study sessions. From my perspective that is what I am set up for in my life — to give encouragement to people based on the ethics of the Gita; the Song of God.


Today is a day where, just around the corner, Easter weekend takes place. It is a time when 2.5 billion people on the planet may reflect on the teachings of spirituality in the form of Christianity. However, it’s really a time when all people of the earth can dig deep into their spiritual life, regardless of who they call their savior.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Happy Rama Navami From the TOVP

In a few days Vaishnavas worldwide will be celebrating the appearance of Lord Rama (Rama Navami), celebrated as the Lord’s avatar Who exemplified the life of a perfect King and human being. His glorious pastimes are a variety of transcendental pleasure and pain, and everything in-between, all meant to absorb us in His thought, and the lessons they teach. Ultimately, those who are His devotees will reach His abode in the spiritual sky where they can engage in these pastimes eternally in full bliss and knowledge.

Lord Krishna comes specifically to exhibit multifarious pleasure pastimes as the cowherd of Vraja, lover of the gopis, protector of His devotees, and many other varieties of lila. By doing so He attracts our hearts to Him by His sweetness and brings a vision of His divine abode into this material world to enhance our remembrance of Him.

The avatar of Lord Caitanya has some significant differences. In this form the Lord appears with three main purposes and hides His true identity, thus being called the chana (hidden) avatar. Through teaching by His own example how to be a devotee He spreads the yuga dharma of Harinama sankirtana, distributes love of God (prema) freely to all, and also fulfills His deepest longing as the Supreme Enjoyer to experience the ultimate bliss, maha bhava, that Sri Radha tastes in her love for Him.

These three most important avatars amazingly appear simultaneously in the unique form of Sadbhuja, the six-armed form of the Lord Who holds in His hands the bow and arrow, flute and stick, and danda and water pot respectively. This clearly emphasizes the transcendental superiority of these three forms of the Lord Who, while unique in Their own ways, are one in this divine Sadbhuja form.

Satyaraja Dasa, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, author and BTG Associate Editor has quoted the following from Radhe Govinda Dasa in a BTG article about the Sadbhuja form:

“Rama is the supreme in terms of formality, or rules and regulations, allowing us to reach the concept of God Almighty. Now, Krishna is the Lord of play (lila), or the Supreme Who manifests beautiful pastimes for the pleasure of His devotees. And Mahaprabhu gives us divine love (prema) in an unprecedented way. Together, these three aspects of Godhead are seen in sad-bhuja-murti, a very special manifestation of the Supreme.”

Read the complete article.

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, being a manifestation of Lord Caitanya’s mission, is spreading the glories of this Sadbhuja murti, and therefore the glories of Lord Rama as well. Thus, on the auspicious appearance day of Lord Rama if you feel inclined to support the TOVP, please visit the TOVP website at
Hare Krishna.

The First National Child Protection Team Member Conference Online
→ Dandavats

By Lilasuka dasi

Every temple, project and school in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is required to have a trained and active Child Protection Team (CPT). CPT's have two main functions - to help prevent and to respond to child abuse concerns in local ISKCON communities. CPT’s have the special focus of helping local management implement policies that enhance safety, including screening those in positions of trust; awareness training for adults and children; and responding to concerns of child maltreatment. CPT members receive basic training from and work in tandem with the Child Protection Office (CPO). Continue reading "The First National Child Protection Team Member Conference Online
→ Dandavats"