When our van got surrounded by twelve police cars and about thirty officers with their guns drawn!
→ Dandavats

“It was the fall of 1984, and our party had been distributing books at the State Fairgrounds in Tampa, Florida, all day. We parked our van in a Days Inn parking lot for the night. Our party of five brahmacaris was fast asleep in the van when we heard aloud voice over a megaphone: ‘All right in there! Come out slowly with your hands raised!’ I looked out the window and was shocked to see the van surrounded by twelve police cars and about thirty officers with their guns drawn!


(This post has been viewed 644 times so far)

Shabari – A great devotee of Lord Rama
→ Dandavats

By Chandan Yatra Das

Shabari was a tribal lady and had unflinching devotion for Lord Rama. She took the shelter of great sage Matanga Rsi as her spiritual master. During the last days of sage Matanga, Shabari served him with great attention and care. Pleased by her service, Matanga Rsi blessed her that one day certainly Lord Rama along with His bother Laxmana will come to meet her. Having undeterred faith in the words of her spiritual master, every day, Shabari collected Ber (berries) from nearby forest in great anticipation that Lord Rama will come to meet her Continue reading "Shabari – A great devotee of Lord Rama
→ Dandavats"

An Eventful Jump
→ Dandavats

Who is qualified for spiritual life? Only brāhmaṇas? Or sannyāsīs, or human beings, scholars, or Indians!? – Whether one is a man or a woman, householder or a renunciant, Indian or an American, aristocratic or underprivileged, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, child or an elder, human being or an animal, everyone is a child of God and is spiritual. Therefore, to love God and serve God is the innate characteristic (dharma) of every living being


(This post has been viewed 334 times so far)

Hope Against Hope
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy His Divine Grace A.C.B. Swami Prabhupada

The different groups of atheist thinkers have different kinds of plans in the brain and they are exhibited in different patterns of godlessness. One set of atheistic nation thinks on it in a different way and all of them clash at a point of overlapping circles caused by the 'Daiva' way. This is so because none of these thoughts of different groups is beyond the range of direct perception of the material sense without any spiritual knowledge. Therefore the quality of such different thought is always the same but the varieties are presented in multi-colourful attraction for the foolish mass of people. We have already discussed this point at length in our article 'All Compact in Thought'. The mass of people are themselves blind to see everything in their true perspective and they are now made to follow similar blind leaders under various political arrangement. They are made to follow either of the above multi-colourful ideals sure to be failure in the long run and therefore they are made to hope against hope in a practical way. Continue reading "Hope Against Hope
→ Dandavats"

Appearance of Sri Srivasa Pandita 4th April 2021!
→ Mayapur.com

asyaartho vivrtas tair yah sa sankshipyaa vilikhyate bhakta-rupo gaurachandro yato ‘sau nandanandanah bhakta-swarupo nityanando vraje yah sri-halayudhah bhaktaavatara acaryo ‘dvaito yah sri-sadaasivah bhaktaakhyaah srinivaasaadyaa yatas te bhakta-rupinah bhakta-shaktir dvi jaagranyah sri-gadaadhara-panditah “I shall now summarily explain the meaning of these words. In this Pancha-tattwa, the bhakta-rupa (form of a devotee) is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who […]

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Holi and Gaura Purnima – The Greatest Festival in Mayapur!! (10 min. video)
→ Dandavats

The annual Gaura Purnima Festival is the most exciting event of the year at Mayapur. Sri Mayapur is the transcendental appearance place of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Prabhupada desired all devotees to come to Mayapur at least once in a year as far as possible, to get charged with the unlimited mercy of Mahaprabhu, and Gaura Purnima is the best time to do this.


(This post has been viewed 331 times so far)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto




I’m going on close to one week since starting my two-week quarantine. It’s relatively an easy one to tackle. For members I also want to acknowledge that this year marks 125 years since the birth of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Celebrations have begun to recognize his great efforts and contributions to this world.


As expressed in words in a recent letter to me the other day, referring to Prabhupada as “the one who I believed radically changed American society in ways that are still not recognized.” Cutting-edge Guruis the term sometimes used to describe his great work in making cultural changes to the world.


Also, about this year, is it was twenty-five years ago that I started my first marathon walk; an 8000 km trek from West Coast to East Coast Canada. This was in honour of our guru’s centenary. It was also a unique political situation for Canada. In 1995 we almost lost our largest province, Quebec; they wanted to be separated. Partially my walk was to celebrate a victory towards keeping it together as a nation. The votes were close.


It was in early April that I began that walk, which has become such a big part of me.


Also, I wanted to mention that something sweet came in the mail, The Hare Krishna Iskcon Legacy Crossword Puzzle Book, by Aaron Jay. It’s excellent. It includes Ray Cappo, Pauly Styrene, Boy George, George Harrison, Radhanatha Swami and Bhaktimarga Swami. For copies contact Pronmatyas@hotmail.com.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Monday, March 29, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto




One of my dear friends from the area, Mr. Prasher, gave me good news. In India, Vrindavan and Varanasi, two sacred places in the state of Uttar Pradesh, are going back to old ways. Restrictions on animal slaughter and, according to him, liquor sales are now implemented. Good news indeed.


Now, how far such restrictions are enforced is another matter. India is traditionally the land of dharma, meaning a place of high principles, but with a thousand years of invasion, influences are such that it has been hard to maintain its ancient values. It has been going in reverse in certain practices, however, the above mentioned news is superb and I pray that the return to old values will stay. 


I cannot help to think of how our guru, Prabhupada, left India for a spell, to see if some Westerners might adapt to bhakti and to see to the protection of animals from slaughter. He was quite firm that his students abstain from liquor, drugs, casual sex, smoking, meat eating, etc. Who will not admit that these habits are demoralizing?


Anyway, I’m happy for those select areas of India. Perhaps a contagion can influence more places to do the same? We are to understand that we live in a kind of dark age (Kali), which is often defined as quarrelsome and hypocritical. It is a fact that we could never turn things around completely to realize a paradise on earth but with a strong will and the matching strong push, there is every reason to believe we can come closer to Vaikuntha principals; some semblance of the spiritual realm.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Srivasa Pandit Appearance
→ Ramai Swami

Srivasa Pandit represents the marginal living entity (tatastha  jiva). The devotees headed by Srivasa are described as Lord Chaitanya’s smaller limbs (His face, eyes, hands, disc, other weapons) They all took part in Sri Gaurasundara’s pastimes. With them Lord Gauranga spread the sankirtana movement. Srivasa Pandit is Narada Muni.

Malini, the wife of Srivasa, was a constant friend of Sachi Devi. She served Nimai as a nurse. When Lord Vishvambhara appeared, the hearts of all the devotees were filled with parental affection (vatsalya bhava). Gaurachandra loved Malini and Srivasa as a second mother and father.

Within Srivasa Angan Lord Gauranga-sundara showed His divine form to all His eternal associates. The house of Srivasa Pandit served as the headquarters of Gauranga’s Sankirtana Movement. The daily Bhagavatam classes, nightly kirtans, and many confidential Vraja  pastimes of Lord Gaura Raya occured here.

Sunday, March 28, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto


Gaura Hari


Not the best weather for walking. It’s rather damp. The rain came periodically. Drizzle. Regardless, I’m not getting a piece of that action. I’m inside but I can view it so well. The trees are happy, I’m sure. The wind guides them in yoga stretches. Yes, they are definitely budding artists.


Inside our temple (I’m in a corner of the building) there is much joy because of the day that is today. It’s a fast day to honour everyone’s favourite monk, Sri Chaitanya. While I’m restricted from participating in chanting sessions and giving classes in person, due to my quarantine, I amZooming it. Today was Winnipeg and Toronto. Yesterday was Montreal. The theme for these talks deals with the revolution of consciousness. It is a kind of purging that one can experience on this day in particular. The revolution was inaugurated by Chaitanya.


My heart melted several times when our monk residents took to the harmonium, drum and tambourine. Not everyone knows the single hand cymbal’s beat yet. One of the monka, Dharmaprana, suffered from a stroke in the 80’s and can’t sing most songs. But he certainly brings with him an enthusiasm to the floor. All in the spirit of Chaitanya.


At this time of year Vaishnava yogis often sing, “Gaura, Gaura, Gaura Hari.” “Gaura” refers to the Golden One (Chaitanya), and “Hari” refers to God, literally meaning, “He who takes away all inauspicious obstacles on the path.”


May the Source be with you!

0 km


Saturday, March 27, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

Room at 243, Toronto




I want to wish everyone a happy Gaura Purnima for tomorrow, and may the magic of that day wear on. It is the birthday of Sri Chaitanya, great philosopher, pragmatist and idealist; the Supreme in many ways. His coming to the world is found in texts such as The Bhagavatam. My whole day, in lock-down, is not really stressful at all. I have the chance to read, write and of course continue my encouragement calls, as well as dwell on Chaitanya.


After a good sleep, I woke to see my first cardinal of the year. According to native tradition, good luck comes to one who sees such a bird, which is said to have a connection with the sun. The female cardinal is not as brilliant in red as the male counterpart, nevertheless I find it auspicious. In the Vedic context there is a similar type of belief. If you see a beautiful bird of coloured plums, in flight or crossing your path, expect a great day.


Though I am off limits from the out-of-doors I was able to spot and watch my cardinal from outside my window. Perched on the hydro line, she looked gorgeous. Then a small sparrow came and shared the cable. Seems like they weren’t really getting on. Birds are so territorial. I learned that from observation on my walks. What I didn’t know is that birds have good colour vision, better than us humans. While they can be merged in a tree, through camouflage, they can see us easier than we can see them. It’s all so fascinating.


As far as colour goes, on the day of Chaitanya, we reflect on His kind mercy and perhaps His colour, which was golden, interestingly enough.


May the source be with you!

0 km


Friday, March 26, 2021
→ The Walking Monk

243 Avenue Rd., Toronto


Restrictions in a Moving Movement


My area of movement is restricted. Walking around outside is taboo for the time being. My one meal a day is placed outside the door of my quarters. I pack my laundry into a garbage bag and leave it outside that same door. Mail is slipped under my door. If I need to communicate at all with a resident monk, I will call them on the phone. In the case of Cameron, we talked through the glass door and innovated some measure of sign language.


This is the way it will be for a few days and I have psychologically accepted it.


The long-awaited rain came, along with grey skies. Dampness. Chills. Not the best condition for a sick dog like me.


Sick? Well, there is a strong feeling and I don’t know how to describe it. Rest. Bathing. Zooming continues. These give me life.


I’ll miss the kirtan sessions for tomorrow. I’m not allowed to be in the close proximity of other chanters. So, I asked, “Dwarkanatha, can you lead the singing and drum away. Karuna Sindhu, can you play the harmonium? Don’t forget to smile, both of you!”


This Sunday we approach Gaura Purnima, the birthday of the monk Chaitanya. He set the tone for happy spiritual expression. Although the harmonium originated in Germany in the 19th century, and it keeps the player seated on the ground, one should be of a lifted spirit nevertheless.


I’ll miss more opportunities but gain others by way of virtual presentation. Do me a favour, smile; a long stretch for Chaitanya.


May the Source be with you!

0 km


First Virtual Child Protection Office Conference in North America

On Saturday, March 13, 2021, the first virtual Child Protection Office (CPO) North America conference was held on Zoom. This was a long-cherished dream of the North American CPO regional director, Lila Suka Dasi, who has wanted to provide ongoing support for the teams that have been created to prevent child abuse in the International Society for […]

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Road to Vrindavan – Film Premiere – Online – Free

Road to Vrindavan – online film premiere is available to stream March 30th, 8 PM – April 5th, 6 PM EDT  https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/roadtovrindavan  Road to Vrindavan examines the importance of education for girls in India and the insight needed for tradition to be applied in ways that uplift rather than oppress its future.  – Online Premiere Information –  Dates: Available to […]

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Road to Vrindavan – Film Premiere – Online – Free
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Road to Vrindavan - online film premiere is available to stream March 30th, 8 PM - April 5th, 6 PM EDT  https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/roadtovrindavan 

Road to Vrindavan examines the importance of education for girls in India and the insight needed for tradition to be applied in ways that uplift rather than oppress its future. 

- Online Premiere Information - 

Dates: Available to stream March 30th, 8 PM - April 5th, 6 PM EDT

Website: https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/roadtovrindavan 

Cost: Free. A donation is strongly encouraged to support girl's educations at the Sandipani Muni School in Vrindavan, India.

Reviews: Described as "heartbreaking yet incredibly hopeful’" and "brave, honest, and beautiful."

Synopsis: On a life-changing journey across India, culture, and progress collide as a former Krishna monk re-examines traditional gender roles. Just as he is understanding the barriers girls face, he is hit with a challenge that sends him on a new line of discovery. Will education bring them true equality or simply transform them into caged butterflies? How do you ensure lasting change?

Remembering Pishima: An Exalted Vaishnavi

Bhavatarini Devi Dasi, or Pishima as she was commonly known to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) devotees, was the younger sister of Srila Prabhupada. Pishima departed from this world on March 13, 1980. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, ISKCON’s Vaishnavi Ministry will honor Pishima’s disappearance day with two guest speakers: Srutirupa Devi Dasi […]

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Road to Vrindavan – Film Premiere – Online – Free

Road to Vrindavan is a new film that examines the importance of education for girls in India and the insight needed for tradition to be applied in ways that uplift rather than oppress its future.  – Online Premiere Information –  Dates: Available to stream March 30th, 8 PM –  April 12th, 6 PM (*extended on April 5th, 2021) Website: https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/roadtovrindavan  […]

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New Assisted Living Residence For Devotees to Open in Vrindavan

A new assisted living residence for devotees who cannot live independently is set to open within six months’ time in Vrindavan, India, the holy place of Lord Krishna’s pastimes. The fourteen-room facility will prioritize the first generation of ISKCON devotees who are now beginning to retire; as well as the next generation and then the […]

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Thoughts About Uncertainty and Surrender

What I remember most was how quickly I was able to accept what was happening. An eastward swing down Porter Street, a long residential mediary between two busy thoroughfares, offers an easy and enjoyable tree-lined descent to cyclists with a modicum of common sense. But am I a sensible cyclist? Nope. I was coasting down a curve after leaving […]

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News Brief: Jada Pinkett Smith Promotes Bhakti Tirtha Swami on Social Media

On Monday, March 29th, actress/producer/talk show host Jada Pinkett Smith made a post on her Instagram about HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami and specifically his book, Spiritual Warrior. Source: @jadapinkettsmiith  Pinkett Smith says that she regards Bhakti Tirtha Swami as one of her teachers and she states, “This book got me all the way together” in […]

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