Toronto, Ontario
Your Picture On the Wall
A picture of you came my way,
All framed and looking good,
With pilot-type cap, shawl on shoulder,
Head tilted up as far as you could.
A pujari gave it with intent,
To be hung onto the wall,
For all to see and inspire
Any eyes who pass the hall.
It reminds us as to who is boss –
No question as to who sets the tone.
Your caring, commanding face says,
“I’m with you, you’re not alone.”
You were present in the summer of `75,
Inspecting the building’s levels and floors.
You gave a nod to make the purchase,
From basement to roof and all the corridors.
Your approval was expressed in words,
“This will suit our purposes.”
You warned there’ll be anxiety,
Help did come from divine sources.
The Christian owners said, frank and bold,
“We would rather burn it down,
Than sell it to the Hare Krishnas.”
I guess they wanted us out of town.
You proposed we’ll install Jesus,
For daily worship/meditation.
The owners refused, wouldn’t budge,
We secured the place with mild perpetration.
It all worked out for so many years —
Service at 243 Avenue Road.
Your visage that hangs on the modest wall,
Tells: “For Krishna – accept a load.”
Once a church, now a temple —
The aim of both was the same.
To love and serve each and all,
With concentration on His name.
May this source be with you!
3 km