Is America Materially Advanced?
→ Dandavats

Is America Materially Advanced??
Srila Prabhupada: — Your seventh question, “How is it that there is so much material "advancement” in the USA even though there is no formal demigod worship? “ Actually there is no material advancement in the USA. Material advancement means there is amply opportunity for eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Superficially, it appears that in the USA there is sufficient provision of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but actually nobody is safe even in his good apartment.


COVID -19: The Bigger Picture
→ Dandavats

By Nirsimhananda Das

This is the point in time when the Hare Krishna devotee shines a torchlight of knowledge into the darkness. Krishna has arranged the stage and the spotlight. The vicious virus is yet another 9/11, a pause, of silence in which the conditioned soul can hear the chanting of the holy names, the transcendental sounds of the Gita and Bhagavatam, come into contact with the pure devotee. Let us use our intelligences to take advantage of this Golden opportunity. Maybe our message can go viral. Continue reading "COVID -19: The Bigger Picture
→ Dandavats"

Krishna conscious kids
→ Dandavats

Krishna conscious kids.
We were at Coles (Supermarket in Australia) seeing all the empty shelves and I expressed to my 14 years old son Rama that it must be hard for you kids seeing all this chaos… his answer left me pretty stunned: “Well it would be hard if I wasn’t Krishna Conscious, but I know this is Kali Yuga and stuff like this is meant to happen.”

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The Kirtan Fest program in Rishikesh is winding down (Album of…
→ Dandavats

The Kirtan Fest program in Rishikesh is winding down (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: We’re leaving Rishikesh soon because of the impending Coronavirus. But not before we give the citizens and remaining tourists here a taste of the sweetness of Sri Krsna’s holy names!
Find them here:

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Beautiful TOVP 360° Panoramic View

This picturesque panoramic shot of the TOVP by Thakur Saranga das shows the incredible beauty of the TOVP with the transcendental landscape of Sridham Mayapur in the background. You can go from left to right manually, zoom in or out, or just let the photo automatically rotate.

See it in its full glory by visiting this link.



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Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Dreaming About the Yukon

When I visited the Yukon, not so terribly long ago, I received a small gift—a key chain.  Attached to this key chain is that iconic image of backpacking prospectors, struggling up a steep snowbank by way of a rope.  This represents the famous Yukon Gold Rush that took place at the turn of the 20th century.

I'm intrigued with that historical time, not with the lusting for gold, but for the fact that folks were adventurous and willing to take risks starting a new life in the great north.  For me the image is about travel, on foot.  In 1896 when the rush began, there were no vehicles, specially up in that remote area.  The people in their wanderlust were gutsy. 

After a long but progressive day and putting a closure to it (delivering two classes), I took a brief walk for air.  I took with me my usual—my cell, my japa meditation beads and my key chain with keys, so I could get back into the building.  I was contemplating that extraordinary time when you had to be active in order to survive.  Everyone had to pull their own weight and include the spirit of teamwork.  Even when I executed the marathon walks, I always had with me at least one support person, which reminds me, does anyone know the whereabouts of someone named Madhai from the U.K.?

Madhai was with me on that first long trek in 1996?  I miss that guy.  I'm indebted to him.  He had an adventurous side to him.  Can anyone locate him?  I would like to connect with him?

May the Source be with you!
1 km

Monday, March 9th, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Panic Mode

I noticed something peculiar about some of the shoppers as I walked with Corrado to our favourite chanting park, Bellevue Square.  I spotted several people carrying toilet paper.  I believe that some folks are caught up in what some call "panic buying".  What ignited this recent practice is the awareness of the coronavirus.  People are acting in a panic mode.

Of course, it is important and intelligent to take precautions.  I just wish that the panic button on birth, death, old age and disease could be pressed.  Yes, let us react to the consequence of death, for example.  Imagine a mindset like "I will die.  I've gotta get my act together, maybe kill the demons within and exit from this world with clear consciousness."

Corrado and I decided to dedicate our kirtan chanting in the Square to the fight of the virus.  Chanting went well.  We didn't expect such spectacular weather, plus 14 degrees Celsius with the sun on us.  You can see the mood, on the face of an individual, change with the weather.  The sun was out.  The smiles were out.

Now, one other reason for chanting in the park was to celebrate the birth anniversary of Sri Chaitanya, the one to spark and implement the idea of mantra meditation in the first place.  By nighttime, hundreds of bhakti-yogis, including Billy's community from the Temple Groove, came to the temple to honour the most magnanimous of all monks.  Many of us broke a fast at 7:30 a.m.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Sunday, March 8th, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Brampton, Ontario

Approaching This Age

Sunday is that day of the week for spending hours with community.  It started off for me at the ISKCON Brampton Centre with everyone singing in unison, and also as far as possible, physically moving together, as in dance.

I spoke from Chapter 2.46 of the Gita where there is mention of Sri Chaitanya (in the purport) displaying ecstasies.  The greatest contribution of this great monk, who walked plenty, was leaving Himself in the form of kirtan—the sacred name.  It is the practice of sharing sacred sound that becomes the avatar of the age.  We live in an age of darkness, the kaliyuga, where self-centredness prevails.  There is a need to heal ourselves from the negative effects.  Kirtan is the sure cure.

I found myself at my homebase after Brampton.  I participated in a Ratha Yatra meeting.  The group is preparing big for this Summer’s chariot festival.  They wanted to kick-start the event with, once again, kirtan.  Together, we sang bhajans praising the qualities of Chaitanya.  For that, we referred to those of Bhaktivinoda Thakura, which are actually lovely.  I was asked to lead and was surprised at the lung power that Krishna was providing me. 

All it takes for me to project my voice is to have great musical accompaniment.  Abhay was on the mrdunga drum and did fabulously.  

Then it came time to speak to this crowd and from that came Chapter 2.46 about Chaitanya and His chanting.  He was born in 1486.  He held private parties—of a spiritual type—and then became public as communities became comfortable with His unique approach to life.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Saturday, March 7th, 2020
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Think Less.  Do More.

I was happy to be part of the wedding reception for Damodhara, Gujarati born practitioner of bhakti yoga.  He resides in Sudbury, the place where I lived when I met Krishna monks who changed my life.  I spoke a few words to the crowd, addressing my joy at his partnership, before the toast and the cake cutting.

I really support marriage and the prospect for a one-shot deal.  I expressed my wish they'll have twelve kids.  People roared laughing.

The reception was held right in Govinda's Dinning Room which is beneath the room where I reside.  I picked up the sign at the table assigned to me, marked "reserved" and let people know that this is the way I am at times.  And sometimes, I make noise.

I spent quality time with Damodhara's folks and friends.  The people were great and so was the prasadam.  It was necessary to skip the cake.  So much sugar just isn't a good practice.  At times, I think the stuff to be like the coronavirus. 

For the curse of being indoors all day, including the wedding reception, I thought it time to be outdoors and go for a night walk.  Well, I set out the door with one of our young men for talks, questions and answers.  He opened his mind and heart.  I listened.  He took my advice: "Think less.  Do more!" I guess I was trying to say to him not to be too reserved.

May the Source be with you!
3 km

Please Help us Fix the Roof in New Mayapur!
→ Dandavats

Help us Fix the Roof in New Mayapur!
This is a humble request on behalf of New Mayapur community. New Mayapur’s Chateau, the main building which houses the Deities and Srila Prabhupada’ s rooms, is in urgent need of repair. The Chapel, a small church attached to the main building, is in a critical condition. The stone guttering and the walls are broken and water is leaking in. The walls, being damaged, are becoming waterlogged and the ceiling within is crumbling. If this is not dealt with urgently it is a matter of time before the roof collapses. The situation was not noticeable a couple of months ago but now it is deteriorating rapidly.

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Reflecting on your glorious life and departure from this world…
→ Dandavats

Amit Patel: Srutidharma Prabhu, as I reflect on your glorious life and departure from this world, hear the deeply moving remembrance by so many from all over the community, near and far. I will miss that kind smile the most ans that nod of your head, those reassuring words you would share even as you walked past. You made everyone you came across feel cared for. Despite so many responsibilities, you gave you time when it was needed the most with undivided attention. From a moments association to sitting and speaking for a while you were so very present. You knew and shared that essential principle of pleasing Krishna and Prabhupada which is to serve, to care deeply above all else.

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Perplexed, do we have faith in chanting the holy names?
→ simple thoughts


Hare Krishna

I am perplexed and a little saddened

For years I’ve listened to many morning classes and have read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books and reading my social media feeds and e-mails it appears very few have faith in our philosophy nor in the chanting of the holy names (which is an offence as we all should know).

Let me explain:

We are told that nothing happens without the will of the Lord and whatever happens to us is down to our Karma and a product of our limited free will. With the mantra if Krishna wants us to live no one can kill us, but if Krishna wants us to die who can save us.

My first argument with my now guru Maharaja he defeated me by this logic

Your a nurse, tell me how many people you cure and send home never get ill again?

Can I ask you of all those who you cure and discharge never go on and die?

So he asked what is the paint of nursing as your cure isn’t pertinent the person still suffers and they will die.

Indeed I’ve nursed many souls who checked out

So he said the real welfare work is with the devotees for if we follow there advice yes you will leave this body but your suffering ends as you never take birth again, I had enough grasp of the basics by then to understand his point.

Looking at the health advice it’s the same I’ve seen every winter, most of the signs in public toilets act is the same I’ve seen for the last 15 years, catch it, bin it and wash your hands. If you have these symptoms limit your movements and stay at home. If you cough cover your mouth.

Given the uncertainty of covid-19 that needs to be more strictly adhered to, but the figures gathered by those who study epidemiology currently has the mortality rate for known Covid-19 at 0.5% whilst the flu at 0.1% of cases. Noting in most cases they have already underlying conditions so are less able to fight off infections.

These figures raise if you factor in unknown cases but is an estimation.

Following medical advice is always good, following facts is good, sadly few have asked or followed the advice of the chief medical officer here in the UK wrapped in media hysteria.

And as devotees good cleanliness is already there and most are sensible enough to stay at home even if it’s a common cold.

But if Krishna desires I will leave my body, by what disease or event I will find out at that point in time.

But for me the most vital message that I am not hearing is, during this time it is vital as devotees we are more attentive in our chanting, if we chant then even if we leave our material body it’s still all good.

This is philosophical correct and in keeping with our teaching.

As to temples, sanga groups and harinam I will leave that up to the individual managers and devotees to decied.

But be mindful few have altered what they do and were they go

So best propergate attentive chanting, chant more and actually read Srila Prabhupada’s books then no matter what life throws your way your fully prepared.

I’m perplexed why this isn’t being made clear.

“This Life is for Serving Others”
→ Dandavats

“This Life is for Serving Others” Srutidharma Das, the beloved son of Raojibhai and Dhanlaxmi Patel, and younger brother to Mukesh, was born in Jinja, Uganda in 1958. As a twelve-year-old boy he made the journey to London with his family and grew up in Wembley. Around the same time, the early devotees of Krishna came from America and eventually started a temple at 7, Bury Place near the British Museum. It was there, at age 19, that the young Shailesh Patel met Srila Prabhupada and became very impressed with his words and mission.

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The Finest Quality of Transcendental Love
→ Dandavats

By Srutadeva dasa

In the Bhagavad-gita it is also said that such fallen devotees are given a chance to take birth in a family of highly qualified brahmanas or in a rich mercantile family. A devotee in such a position is not as fortunate as one who is chastised by the Lord and put into a position seemingly of helplessness. The devotee who becomes helpless by the will of the Lord is more fortunate than those who are born in good families. The fallen devotees born in a good family may forget the lotus feet of the Lord because they are less fortunate, but the devotee who is put into a forlorn condition is more fortunate because he swiftly returns to the lotus feet of the Lord, thinking himself helpless all around. (SB 1.15.19) Continue reading "The Finest Quality of Transcendental Love
→ Dandavats"

Foundation Stone Ceremony to Herald Grand New ISKCON New Jersey Temple
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Over 500 people, including congregation members and the local community at large, are expected to attend the April 4th Foundation Stone Ceremony for ISKCON of New Jersey’s grand new temple in Parsippanny. The ceremony is set to launch construction on a project that took over a decade of hard work, and will ultimately cost a total of $7 to $8 million.

Former President of Bhaktivedanta Manor Srutidharma Das Passes Away
→ ISKCON News: Latest Stories

Although he took on the post of temple president at Bhaktivedanta Manor in 2009, Srutidharma Prabhu served at the Manor for over forty years, starting back in 1978. In his final hours he was serene and without discomfort. His passing was auspicious as was his life, surrounded by devotees, chanting the Lord’s holy names, in the holy place of Bhaktivedanta Manor Hare Krishna Temple.

Lokanath Swami: Dear Srutidharma Prabhu, My humble obeisances…
→ Dandavats

Lokanath Swami: Dear Srutidharma Prabhu, My humble obeisances to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acarya of Bhaktivedanta Manor. An interviewer asked Srila Prabhupada: How would I recognize a true follower of the Krsna consciousness movement by his behavior? What would his outward expressions be?
Srila Prabhupada: He’d be a very perfect gentleman, that’s all. You could not find any fault in him.

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The Importance of Association
Giriraj Swami

There is no hopelessness. Anyone can attain the spiritual perfection. Satam prasangan mama virya-samvidah. (SB 3.25.25) [“In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. By cultivating such knowledge one gradually becomes advanced on the path of liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin.”]

Therefore Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has recommended,

sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga—sarva-sastre kaya
lava-matra sadhu-sange sarva-siddhi haya

[“The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success.”] (Cc Madhya 22.54)

 So our aim of life should be how to associate, how to keep association with devotees. Then everything will be possible. As soon as we give up the association and we associate with maya, our life is finished. Always remember this. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was asked by a devotee, “What is the business of a devotee? How will he make progress without any difficulty?” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said in two lines, asat-sanga-tyaga, ei vaisnava-acara (Cc Madhya 22.87): “A Vaishnava should always avoid asat, materialistic persons, always avoid the association.” Asat-sanga-tyaga. Matter is asat, not permanent. So those who are attached to the material world, they are called asat. Satam prasangat: one should associate with sat, those who are in spiritual advancement. They are called sat. And those who are interested in material advancement, they are called asat. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu advised, “Don’t associate with persons who are trying to be advanced in a material way.” Asat-sanga-tyaga, ei vaisnava-acara. And how we can understand if a person is a materialist? That is stated in the next line: stri-sangi—those who are too much attached to sex are asat, materialist, and those who are not devotees of Krishna (krsna-abhakta). That’s all. If you can recognize these two persons, then you understand who is asat—and who is sat. Sat is just the opposite. Sat means one who is no more interested in material enjoyment. That is sat. And those who are interested in material enjoyment, they are asat.

If we keep our association with persons who are materially interested, then we cannot make progress. If you keep your company always with persons who are spiritually interested, then you make progress.

—Srila Prabhupada, talk on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.25, July 9, 1975, Chicago

Tribute of HH Radhanath Swami to HG Sruti Dharma Prabhu
→ Dandavats

Tribute of Radhanath Swami to Sruti Dharma Prabhu. I cannot appropriately express the loss I am feeling in separation from His Grace Sruti Dharma Prabhu. My heart is broken. Yet, I am feeling immensely grateful, and blessed, that by Srila Prabhupada’s, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai’s and Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda’s mercy, he is among the dearest friends and spiritual brothers of my life. Radhanath Swami

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Updated Coronavirus Announcement
→ Dandavats

By the GBC

We also request the following precautions: . Anyone involved in cooking or serving prasadam must wash their hands every twenty minutes with hot water and soap for twenty seconds. Servers must wear disposable gloves. . Anyone showing any symptoms of any illness should remain out of the kitchen and also not serve prasadam. . Avoid shaking hands. Continue reading "Updated Coronavirus Announcement
→ Dandavats"

Mayapur Spiritual Safari 2020

Spiritual Safari 2020 which was planned to visit Bangladesh for 20 days got cancelled and safari is being organised at Mayapur with various activities planned for the guests. Devotees from more than 25 countries including China are chanting dancing, serving, remembering, absorbed in Krishna consciousness and sheltered by the Holy dham. On first day, safari […]

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How are karma and jnana the cause of material desires?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Prashant

Answer Podcast

Transcription :

Transcriber: Sharan Shetty

Edited by: Keshavgopal Das

Question: How are karma and jnana are the cause of material desires?

Answer: The word material can have multiple meanings and at the simplest level, it refers to that which is related with matter. When we want to possess, control and enjoy matter then that desire is called material desire. The path of karma kanda or regulated material enjoyment is based on scriptural guidelines. For example, going to swarga or getting better facilities to enjoy in this world involve fulfilling material desires. When one hears the flowery and beautiful scriptural description of such material enjoyment then it may kindle ones material desires. Some people may want to fulfil their material desires without going through scriptures and instead, by their own independent endeavours (such people comprise the majority today) but in the past ages, people fulfilled their material desires through scriptural guidelines and that was the path of karma kanda which naturally resulted in material desires. Krishna describes about this in the Bhagavad Gita 02.42 – 43
yam imam puṣpitam vacam pravadanty avipascitaḥ
veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah

kamatmanah svarga-para janma-karma-phala-pradam
kriya-visesa-bahulam bhogaisvarya-gatim prati

Krishna uses the word kamatmanah to figuratively describe that such people are so much filled with material desires that their atma (soul) is made up of kama (material desires). These people follow karma kanda so that they can go to heaven (svarga-para). They are so attracted by the flowery description of the scriptures (puspitam vacam) that they think nothing else is taught in the Vedic scriptures apart from this (nanyad astiti vadinah). Therefore, Krishna says that such people cannot develop the one-pointed intelligence for practicing spiritual life.
The desires for material enjoyment are entangling and from the absolute perspective, any desire to enjoy separate from Krishna can be considered to be sinful because ultimately, we are part and parcels of Krishna and we are meant for his enjoyment. This is not a form of self-deprivation because in giving enjoyment to him, we ourselves get the highest enjoyment that we can ever get in any other way. Thus, it is not self deprivation, it is self-fulfilment. Karma deprives one from this fulfilment because it kindles material desire although those desires are within scriptural guidelines.

The path of jnana is also based on material conception of spiritual reality. It has the idea that since matter has form and matter is limited therefore spirit being unlimited should not have any form and qualities. This is basically a negative material conception projected on spirit. The path of jnana aims at merging into the brahman, that is, the desire to become God. Such a desire is also sinful because instead of serving God, one wants to imitate God and take up his position for oneself. Therefore, the word sinful here does not refer to immoral.

Scriptures use the word sinful in many different ways, sometimes sin may refer to those activities which harm others, those which violate scriptural teachings. This is one definition of sin but from the absolute perspective, anything that keeps us away from Krishna and perpetuates our material existence and which ultimately results in suffering is sinful. In that sense, jnana is also a cause of material desire because there is the desire to become God and to be the controller. That way, since the jnani is not giving up his false ego and is rather pushing it to its summit by trying to become number one, not just in a particular field but in the entire creation, so it is considered sinful.

This desire is based on false ego which is the most subtle element that causes the soul to be covered by illusion and bodily misidentification. Therefore, because the desire to become God is the goal of the path of jnana yoga, it is based on the false ego and hence is considered material which leads to material desires. Further, often those who aspire for impersonal liberation do not attain that liberation and fallback from the spiritual path to grosser material desires because the spiritual reality is not variegated. Since it is not variegated, it does not attract the heart and therefore those with the aspiration of brahman liberation fall back to material existence.

Srila Prabhupada writes in the commentary of Srimad Bhagavatam Canto One Chapter One that because the beauty of the Absolute Truth is being obscured by the impersonalists, more and more people are having no spiritual pathway for directing their urge for beauty and so find themselves attracted materially due to the urge for beauty. In this way, impersonalism (the path of jnana) promotes materialism and so is the path of karma. Therefore, karma and jnana are also the cause of material desire.

End of transcription.

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Oxford Street Harinam Festival Gaura Purnima 2020
→ simple thoughts


-varnam tvisaKrishnam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair
yajanti hi sumedhasah

“In this Age of Kali, people endowed with sufficient intelligence will worship the Lord, who is accompanied by His associates, by performing sankirtana-yajna “.(11.5.32) SB 

Oxford Street is probably the most important street in the world.

 1 pm is the busiest time of the day in regards to predestinarians shopping for bargains.

Lord Caitanya’s appearance day is definitely the most important day of the year. 

And without doubt the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is the number one mantra to chant in these days of Kali Yuga.

Srila Prabhupada is the most merciful Spiritual Master , and the most direct way to get Krishna’s mercy is to please him. 

Tribhuvanath Prabhu used to tell us that Srila Prabhupada said: 

“ it is so simple that you will miss it “ 

SB Canto 1

SB 1.2.16, Purport

The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are properly respected because such servants risk everything for the service of the Lord and so are very dear to the Lord. The Lord declares in the Bhagavad-g?t?(BG 18.69) that no one is dearer to Him than one who risks everything to preach His glory. By serving the servants of the Lord, one gradually gets the quality of such servants, and thus one becomes qualified to hear the glories of God. The eagerness to hear about God is the first qualification of a devotee eligible for entering the kingdom of God.

SB Canto 6

SB 6.4.44, Purport

Following the examples of the previous ?c?ryas, all the members of the K???a consciousness movement should try to benefit the conditioned souls by inducing them to become K???a conscious and giving them all facilities to do so. Such activities constitute real welfare work. By such activities, a preacher or anyone who endeavors to spread K???a consciousness is recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As the Lord Himself confirms in Bhagavad-g?t? (BG 18.68-69):

ya ida? parama? guhya?mad-bhakte?v abhidh?syatibhakti? mayi par?? k?tv?m?m evai?yaty asa??aya?na ca tasm?n manu?ye?uka?cin me priya-k?ttama?bhavit? na ca me tasm?danya? priyataro bhuvi

“For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.”

Video by Narada prabhu