Hare Krishna
I am perplexed and a little saddened
For years I’ve listened to many morning classes and have read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books and reading my social media feeds and e-mails it appears very few have faith in our philosophy nor in the chanting of the holy names (which is an offence as we all should know).
Let me explain:
We are told that nothing happens without the will of the Lord and whatever happens to us is down to our Karma and a product of our limited free will. With the mantra if Krishna wants us to live no one can kill us, but if Krishna wants us to die who can save us.
My first argument with my now guru Maharaja he defeated me by this logic
Your a nurse, tell me how many people you cure and send home never get ill again?
Can I ask you of all those who you cure and discharge never go on and die?
So he asked what is the paint of nursing as your cure isn’t pertinent the person still suffers and they will die.
Indeed I’ve nursed many souls who checked out
So he said the real welfare work is with the devotees for if we follow there advice yes you will leave this body but your suffering ends as you never take birth again, I had enough grasp of the basics by then to understand his point.
Looking at the health advice it’s the same I’ve seen every winter, most of the signs in public toilets act is the same I’ve seen for the last 15 years, catch it, bin it and wash your hands. If you have these symptoms limit your movements and stay at home. If you cough cover your mouth.
Given the uncertainty of covid-19 that needs to be more strictly adhered to, but the figures gathered by those who study epidemiology currently has the mortality rate for known Covid-19 at 0.5% whilst the flu at 0.1% of cases. Noting in most cases they have already underlying conditions so are less able to fight off infections.
These figures raise if you factor in unknown cases but is an estimation.
Following medical advice is always good, following facts is good, sadly few have asked or followed the advice of the chief medical officer here in the UK wrapped in media hysteria.
And as devotees good cleanliness is already there and most are sensible enough to stay at home even if it’s a common cold.
But if Krishna desires I will leave my body, by what disease or event I will find out at that point in time.
But for me the most vital message that I am not hearing is, during this time it is vital as devotees we are more attentive in our chanting, if we chant then even if we leave our material body it’s still all good.
This is philosophical correct and in keeping with our teaching.
As to temples, sanga groups and harinam I will leave that up to the individual managers and devotees to decied.
But be mindful few have altered what they do and were they go
So best propergate attentive chanting, chant more and actually read Srila Prabhupada’s books then no matter what life throws your way your fully prepared.
I’m perplexed why this isn’t being made clear.