Several years ago whilst sat in class the mataji who was a Srila Prabhupada disciple stated class by saying how her own Guru Maharaja in his purport had got it wrong and then presented her reasons why.
Forward to today and on several occasions I’ve been asked if I could comment on if Srila Prabhupada is perfect which is always one question I try to avoid given the complexities of the answer. It’s one that is dependent on the individuals understanding and also the definition of perfection and how do you present this.
The last class I gave which was a while ago I mentioned how if we want to find faults in any devotee it is there, we are after all individuals in a material body which makes us all imperfect. so the notion of not finding fault is inaccurate and this is why over the years ISKCON and devotees have had pages and journals written on the imperfections and summary as to why both shouldn’t be followed.
Indeed Srila Prabhupada has many such controversies from family life and the age his wife was when they were married. The comments on women and rape to others that can be read as racist. So the definition of perfect could be seen as misplaced, as with all of us imperfections can be found.
So why follow?
At the end of the class the mataji presented I was left wondering if this small purport in her mind is inaccurate then how much more could be seen as accurate. After all if the writer is imperfect then surely the purports are imperfect this could be seen as a natural conclusion and tested could be seen as accurate.
However this doesn’t take into account that actually each one of us are indeed imperfect and also impose our own understanding and perceptions, indeed I felt that the mataji did what many of us do when giving class present our own version of what we feel is being said. Analogy if words and sentences is indeed subjective to the reader and we are all products of upbringing and the environment and society we are raised in.
Srila Prabhupada was a product of being raised in India in a particular generation and this can be seen in some of the purports and life choices. But we miss the real understanding of perfection; Sri Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada was absorbed in love of Krishna and took the words of his own Guru Maharaja seriously, but took this in my opinion one stage further. Instead of writing and presenting love of Krishna in English but then came to the west to give this directly to those who were open to listen. Many themselves despite their own imperfections took this seriously and have gone about carrying on the mission Srila Prabhupada stated in giving love of Krishna, and yes it is easy to find fault this I can 100% guarantee.
But reflect on the undertaking Srila Prabhupada wrote, instructed and guided he gave all he could to spread the love he had for Krishna to each and every individual he met, and we can absorb ourselves constantly in this not only in written format but by the fact many classes were recorded on either tape or super8.
Perfection in Imperfection
We are like Srila Prabhupada in a material body and under the influence one way or another by material nature, the more we become absorbed in love of Krishna the less material nature influences us but it will never be 0% until one returns to the spiritual world.
So we become full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls
Understanding that faults will be there, we are products of so many influences that can bring us into conflict of misunderstanding. But each is perfect in as much as the devotee’s are trying their best to become absorbed in love of krishna, each at various levels from full absorbed to well maybe a few minutes each day.
All is good.
And few will be as absorbed in love of Krishna and love of the fallen conditioned souls as Srila Prabhupada so in conclusion our founder acharia in this definition is perfect if we accept love of Krishna is the perfection of life.
And this is indeed one of the higher thoughts Srila Prabhupada spoke about seeing each devotee as perfect, for each individual is as we are trying to love Sri Krishna whilst dealing with our mind and imperfections brought about by being in a material body.