Inauguration of ISKCON Dindies- Worlds largest walking festival…
→ Dandavats

Inauguration of ISKCON Dindies- Worlds largest walking festival (Album of photos)
Pandharpur Wari or Wari (Vari) is an annual pilgrimage (yatra) to Pandharpur - the abode of Lord Vithoba(Krishna) in the Indian state of Maharashtra, in honour of the deity. Palakhis (palanquin processions) carrying the paduka (foot prints) of various saints - most notably Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram - from the Varkari (Warkari, “one who performs the Wari”) sect (which venerates Vithoba), are taken from their respective shrines to Pandharpur.

Srivas Pandita-An Eternal Companion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Ecstatic kīrtans and nectarean discourses on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. All night long this was the typical sight observed in the house of Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita. Why was Śrīvāsa Āṅgan chosen? What was its specialty? Dive below to know more. With hands folded and head finely tilted to its left stands the tall deity of Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita – the fifth member […]

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70-я Юбилейная Вьяса-пуджа Е.С. Локанатхи Махараджа и служение Храму Ведического Планетария

С самого зарождения у Амбариши прабху идеи о том, чтобы приступить к строительству Храма ведического планетария в 2008 году, Его Святейшество Локанатха Махарадж был главным столпом и убежденным сторонником нашего проекта. Он и его ученики пожертвовали крупные суммы для оплаты строительных работ, и вдохновленные его примером продолжают поддерживать храм.

Команда Храма ведического планетария хотела бы воздать хвалу служению Локанатхи Махараджа в день празднования его наиболее благоприятной 70-ой Юбилейной Вьяса-пуджи, которая состоится 12 июля 2019 года, и предложить еще одну возможность для поддержки проекта и помощи Махараджу в строительстве этого храма для Шрилы Прабхупады: кирпич/флаг Локанатхи Махараджа. Ученики Махараджа могут стать спонсорами кирпича, выполненного по особому заказу, с высеченным на нем именем Махараджа и своим именем, который будет навечно помещен под алтарь Гуру-парампары. Дополнительно, в качестве уникального подарка спонсорам от их имени и имени Махараджа на купол Нрисимхадева будет поднят Победный флаг. Сумма данного пожертвования составляет 1 600 долларов США / 100 000 индийских рупий.

В рамках данной экстатичной кампании по служению Шриле Прабхупаде будет доступно только 1008 кирпичей и флагов. Инициированные ученики и кандидаты в ученики могут прямо сейчас оформить свое пожертвование на сайте Храма ведического планетария, перейдя по ссылке ниже, и либо сразу оплатить всю сумму целиком, либо выплатить его за несколько взносов в течение одного года – до июля 2020 года. Махараджу передадут список всех его учеников, кто принял участие в данной кампании по сбору средств, чтобы он смог принять их служение и лично предложить его Шриле Прабхупаде в Шридхаме Майяпуре. Он также поднимет Победный флаг над куполом Храма ведического планетария от лица всех своих учеников, чтобы благословить их и обеспечить их успех в выплате обещанных пожертвований в рамках нашей компании «Сдержи свое обещание Храму ведического планетария».

Не тяните, эти кирпичи и флаги разлетятся очень быстро. Сделайте свое пожертвование уже сегодня и воспользуйтесь этим предложением в честь 70-ой Юбилейной Вьяса-пуджи, пока еще есть кирпичи и флаги.

Уникальная возможность служения:

7 столпов Киртанам были специально зарезервированы для преданных, которые хотят профинансировать их от лица Локанатхи Махараджа, одного из столпов киртана, «киртан-самрата» ИСККОН. Уже намечено, что Махарадж проведет первый киртан на церемонии торжественного открытия храма в 2022 году. На пожертвованных колоннах на обозрение многим будущим поколениям преданных будет высечено имя Локанатхи Махараджа и имя спонсора, что увековечит славу выдающегося таланта Махараджа в воспевании киртана.

Пожертвуйте уже сегодня:!




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The post 70-я Юбилейная Вьяса-пуджа Е.С. Локанатхи Махараджа и служение Храму Ведического Планетария appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

H.H. Lokanath Maharaja 70th Anniversary Vyasa Puja TOVP Seva Opportunity

Since the inception of the idea to begin construction on the TOVP in 2008 by Ambarisa prabhu, His Holiness Lokanath Maharaja has been a main pillar and staunch supporter of the project. He and his disciples have pledged and donated large amounts towards the work, and they continue to do so with his inspiration and example.

The TOVP would like to honor the service of Lokanath Maharaja on the most auspicious celebration of his 70th Vyasa Puja Anniversary on July 12th, 2019 with yet another opportunity to support the TOVP and help Maharaja build the temple for Srila Prabhupada. Announcing: the Lokanath Maharaja Brick Seva Campaign. Disciples of Maharaja can sponsor a custom-made brick inscribed with both his name and theirs to be placed under the Guru Parampara altar for all time. Additionally, as an exclusive bonus gift donors will receive a TOVP Victory Flag specially raised in Maharaja’s and their name onto the main dome. The sponsorship cost is $1600/₹100,000.

Only 1008 bricks and flags will be available for this ecstatic seva opportunity to serve Srila Prabhupada. Initiated and aspiring disciples can immediately make their donation using the TOVP website link below and either pay in full or in installments up to one year until July 2020. Maharaja will receive a list of all his disciples who donated for this campaign to recognize their service and will personally offer it to Srila Prabhupada in Sridhama Mayapur. He will also raise a Victory Flag onto the TOVP on behalf of all his disciples to bless them and insure victory in the fulfillment of their pledges as part of our Live Your TOVP Pledge Campaign.

Don’t wait, these bricks and coins will go fast. Make your pledge today and take advantage of this 75th Vyasa Puja Anniversary seva offer while the bricks and coins last.

A Unique Seva Opportunity:

As one of the pillars of kirtan, 7 specially reserved Kirtanam Pillars in the temple are also available to sponsor for the ISKCON “Kirtan Samrat”, Lokanath Maharaja. He is already scheduled to lead the first kirtan during the Grand Opening in 2022. These pillars will be inscribed with Lokanath Maharaja’s name and the name of the sponsor to be seen by generations of devotees in the future and will perpetuate Maharaja’s glorious kirtan stature.

Make Your Pledge Today:!




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Snana-Yatra: Sunday, June 30th
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

The annual Snana-Yatra festival is upon us this coming weekend- which means the Festival of India is fast approaching! This upcoming Sunday, June 30th Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple will be celebrating this most mesmerizing festival wherein Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama and Lady Subhadra will be bathed with many ambrosial liquids amidst enchanting kirtan!

After the bathing ceremony (snana-yatra), Their Lordships mysteriously "fall sick" and thus take to Their private quarters. For the next thirteen days, the right-most altar doors remain closed and the Deities do not give audience. Actually, during this period renovations are made on the body of the Deities. This is called nava-yauvana. During the Ratha-yātrā ceremony, the doors are opened and the Deities once again come before the public!

Please join in the wonderful Snana-Yatra festival! You do not want to miss out on this last opportunity to see Lord Jagannatha before his grand appearance on the Ratha-Yatra festival!

***Please note timings are different from a regular Sunday program***

The festival schedule is as follows (subject to change):
5:00pm to 5:15pm - Welcome & Announcements
5:15pm to 6:00pm - Class
6:00pm to 6:30pm - Arati
6:30pm to 7:15pm - Abisheka (Bathing Ceremony)
7:15pm onwards - Vegetarian Feast (Prasadam)

A Bhagavata Philosophy Of Education
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Radhika Ramana Dasa

You are asking what should your preaching work be now that you are attending the university. So the first preaching work is that yourself should become an ideal devotee. Lord Caitanya said that one should first make himself perfect and then attempt to instruct others. There is no point in telling another man to stop smoking if you yourself are smoking cigarettes. Even though you are mixing with all kinds of the student class at the university, you must strictly refrain from the four prohibitive sinful activities, and as an initiated student you must not let a day pass when you do not chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krsna Mantra. If you can follow just these things nicely that in itself will be strong preaching by behavior. You should also always wear Kunti beads around the neck and wear the marking of tilak. People will inquire from you and you can tell them about Krsna Consciousness and sell them books also. (Letter to Niranjana, Hyderabad 23 April, 1974 74-04-23) Continue reading "A Bhagavata Philosophy Of Education
→ Dandavats"

Saturday, June 22nd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Alachua / Tampa

Last Day North

I had read from the book, Chaitanya Charitamrta,where Nityananda expresses that the body and soul are one, but the prana / atma / the soul is more important.  My reading with the follow-up verse and purport was the subject of discussion.  Naturally it led to the philosophical conclusion of acintyabedabedatattva: the inconceivable, simultaneous oneness but difference principle. The subsequent discussion among those who sat there, thirty-five or so people, was very interesting.

From that temple location in Alachua, several of us left for the ‘springs’ once again.  It was my preference to go for that natural therapy which was so much needed. One of the devotees, Vaikunthanath, insisted I use the snorkel.  "You could see everything underneath the water."  

But I declined, "I would rather do it the raw way and swim it like Johnny Weissmuller, with no gear."  I had found out that the champion swimmer and actor had all those Tarzan movies from the ’30s and ’40s filmed in Silver Springs, Florida, nearby.

Most people tube their way down the stream, and there appeared to be thousands of them, but Danesvara, age seventy, myself, and the rest—young men and women—vied for the swim.  They all agreed that was the superior way to go downstream. Farewell tubes!

From the ‘springs’ I was driven to Tampa for a kirtan and class from the BhagavatamPrayers by Queen Kunti.  I got everyone, about forty plus, to dance to Rayn's funky drum beats.  It was so engaging.  All were happy!  Tomorrow I head south to Miami.

May the Source be with you!

3 km on foot
3 km in water

Friday, June 21st, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Alachua / Gainesville

Three Classes

I delivered three classes today, the same as I did yesterday.  At the Alachua ISKCON Centre, the class—followed by discussion—was in regard to a sage by the name of, Markandeya, who meditated, and performed austerities, which invoked the attention of the great Shiva and his wife, Parvati.  At their sudden appearance, he executed the most humble of yogicasanasor sitting postures.  Basically, he bowed to them and took a humble stance.

Our discussion then led to good behaviour within the Vaishnava culture.  A similar discussion took place at Krishna House when I read from Chapter Four of Volume 2 of, Chasing Rhinos With the Swami.  Author Shyamasundar Das, begins his chapter with the quality of a good soul—kindness to all.  He also highlighted patience.  He was relaying how our guru, Prabhupada, along with assistants, were held in quarantine for six days in India after having come from Africa.

Shyamasundar also addressed the good trait of ‘silence’. This does not refer to taking a vow of silence.  More specifically silence means to only speak of what is relevant to one's overall wellness, including the spirit's needs.

We all know how much time is consumed in chatter and gossip.  Such habits are very removed from saintliness.

Oops!  I forgot to mention the presentation made to the summer camp students.  We had a blast!

Also it was Day #2 for doing another swim within one of those springs.  My God, it's so therapeutic.  I would say that especially my knees are liking it.

May the Source be with you!

3 km on foot
4 km through water

Srivasa Pandit Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

“Intelligent Srivasa Pandita had previously been Narada Muni, the best of the sages. Srivasa’s younger brother, Sriman Rama Pandita, had previously been Narada’s close friend Parvata Muni” (Gaura Ganodesh Dipika 90.) 

“It was in Srivasa Pandita’s house that Sri Chaitanya enacted His pastimes of sankirtana. Those four brothers (Srivasa, Sri Rama, Sripati and Srinidhi) were continuously engaged in singing the names of Sri Krishna. They worshipped Sri Krishna and bathed in the Ganges thrice daily.”

These four brothers previously lived in the district of Sri Hatta. Later on they came to reside on the banks of the Ganges. There they regularly used to attend the assembly of Devotees who gathered at Sri Advaita Acharya’s house to hear the Srimad Bhagavatam and engage in congregational chanting of the Holy Names. 

Gradually the brothers became very close friends of Sri Jagannatha Mishra, with whom they would chant and listen to the Bhagavatam.

In all matters Srivasa was the leader of the four brothers. By the strength of his devotion, he could understand that Sri Krishna was going to appear in the house of Jagannatha Misra.

Srivasa Pandits’s wife’s name was Sri Malini Devi. She was a very close friend of Sri Saci Devi and was always very helpful to her.

Mayapur Gurukula Boys at Ganga Sagar Mela 2019

Every January, pilgrims come from around India to bathe at Ganga Sagar, the confluence of the Ganges and the ocean, on the day the sun enters Capricorn. The students and teachers from Bhaktivedanta Academy's gurukula in Mayapur go there to sing harināma, to distribute the writings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, the Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and to serve thousands of plates of prasāda (sacred food) to the pilgrims who come there for the Mela. A video by Bhaktivedanta Academy (Mayapur).

Suffering – A bitter medicine
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 24 February 2019, New York, United States of America, Bhagavad-gita 7.7)

How can we look at Krsna and see Him as the well-wisher of all living beings when there is so much suffering in this world? There is so much distress around us. And then if we think about that, all the great hardships that are happening to people, then here we have the all kind, all loving Supreme Lord, the well-wisher of all living beings. How can we see it like that? How can we see suffering as a benediction? But that is exactly what suffering is. It is a bitter medicine!

We cannot just look at the suffering alone and isolate it. We have to also see our own stubbornness, our own sinfulness, our own inclination towards being cruel, our own insensitivity, our own degradation, all of which runs deep within us. So how can we correct that? By good intentions? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is not so simple.

Krsna may stop us in our tracks at times and gives us some suffering, but if we take it like that and grow to accept this as Krishna’s plan to somehow or other elevate us, then we can grow through the experiences of suffering and survive it by relying on Krsna. Naturally at times of hardship, it is difficult and we hope that it would be over soon. That is natural. Nonetheless, we somehow or other go through it all with knowing that whatever this is, this is for our purification. This is Krsna who is now giving us this medicine; to lift us out of our own weakness and so then we will grow.

In this way, we can be positive. Positive about everything, because ultimately Krsna is positive and if we take shelter of Krsna, then we know that whatever happens to us is surely going to be ultimately positive. Although in the short term it does not always look so positive, but in the long term we know that this is Krsna’s divine arrangement to bring us closer to Him. And so then we can see that He is there with us at every moment. Not just behind everything, but He is there, constantly involved, and He is making active arrangements for our ultimate benefit.

The article " Suffering – A bitter medicine " was published on KKSBlog.

Prayers For Surrender To Let Go Of The Unhelpful And Accept Our Contribution
→ Dandavats

I may die today. I may not be able to finish this piece of writing. I have an incurable condition which I was blessed to remember from my cancer diagnosis. I am a soul encased in a body that by identifying with gives me the view that I must suffer disease, old age, death, and rebirth.Read More...
(This post has been viewed 463 times so far)

Detachment doesn’t make us hard-hearted, attachment does – Learning from Kaikeyi
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Auckland, New Zealand]




Podcast Summary

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Kirtan Tokyo (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Kirtan Tokyo (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—these sixteen names composed of thirty-two syllables are the only means to counteract the evil effects of Kali-yuga. In all the Vedas it is seen that to cross the ocean of nescience there is no alternative to the chanting of the holy name.” (Kali-santarana Upanisad)

Lord Nityananda Visits Bangladesh for the First Time on a Historic TOVP Tour

After more than 530 years, Lord Nityananda Prabhu in the form of His Padukas from Sridhama Mayapur has paid His first visit to Bangladesh due to the prayers and calling of His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja and the sincerity, devotion, love and eagerness for His darshan by all the devotees. Jayapataka Maharaja has inspired and instilled such love in the hearts of everyone that this historic visit of Nitai could take place and it will be noted in Gaudiya Vaishnava history. It is also noteworthy that many of our purva acharyas are also from Bangladesh and have brought glory to this area, once a part of India.

The TOVP Tour, led by His Holiness Bhakti Caru Maharaja and Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja and accompanied by Braja Vilasa prabhu, visited only three Bangladesh temples, Sylhet, Chittagong and Dhaka. Yet thousands of devotees from all over Bangladesh, where there are over 70 temples, attended the ecstatic programs with great enthusiasm and happiness.

Lead by Lord Nityananda’s Padukas (divine shoes) and Lord Nrsimha’s Satari (divine helmet), these visits were truly miraculous and never before have we experienced such a grand welcome and reception, and huge attendance. From the airport convoys of vehicles, bicycles and hundreds of devotees performing kirtan and waving Vaishnava flags, to the specially designed and ornate welcome gates, to the beautifully decorated roads, to the elephant processions, these receptions were truly befitting the Supreme Lord coming to bless the devotees and give His darshan.

Hundreds of thousands of devotees and congregation attended the programs for abhisheka, arati, kirtan and prasadam, and the entire atmosphere at each event was like a Vaikuntha festival. The enthusiasm of all the participants was overwhelming and each and every devotee subsequently sponsored a Square Foot for the TOVP. Each of the three temples also sponsored a Kirtanam Pillar in the TOVP, and in the end we raised over $1 million in pledges. All in all this was truly a miracle when you consider that we were in a poor country under Muslim rule. Srila Prabhupada is certainly smiling down upon everyone and bestowing his blessings.

We wish to especially thank His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja for being the inspiration behind our success. All the devotees are completely dedicated to his service and desire to complete the TOVP and love him with all their hearts. Although not physically present, everyone could feel his spirit and influence.

We are also grateful to His Holiness Bhakti Caru Maharaja and His Holiness Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja for their support and help in making this tour a grand success. And special thanks go to Naru Gopal, Bangladesh Regional Secretary, for his oversight and implementation of the entire tour. Finally we wish to thank all the Bangladesh leaders such as His Holiness Bhakti Advaita Navadvipa Maharaja, His Holiness Bhakti Binaya Maharaja, His Grace Jagat Guru Gauranga prabhu, His Grace Charu Chandra prabhu, His Grace Bhagavat Karuna prabhu, His Grace Devarshi Srivas prabhu, His Grace Chinmay Krishna prabhu, and His Grace Jyotiswar Gour prabhu for their incredible job at organizing and promoting the programs, and complete cooperation and support. They spent lakhs of rupees on promotion, buses to bring devotees, accommodations and prasadam at their own expense. We wish to also thank His Grace Alai Govinda prabhu from the Mayapur Land Department for his special assistance.

Finally, although unable to be present, Ambarisa prabhu was so happy to hear about the Bangladesh Tour and he thanks Jayapataka Maharaja, the Bangladesh leaders and all the devotees for their enthusiastic participation and devotion to Srila Prabhupada and the TOVP.

All glories to Jayapataka Maharaja, the Bangladesh yatra and all the devotees!

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ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village receives the Indian Circular Economy Award (ICEA) 2019 in the Circular Economy Symposium
→ Dandavats

By Gauranga Das

Every year the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) organizes the Circular Economy Symposium (CES). During the 3rd Edition of the Circular Economy Symposium this year, ISKCON Govardhan Ecovillage (GEV) received the Indian Circular Economy Award in the NGO category. Ganga Narayan Das, Chief Sustainability Officer, GEV received this award from Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog. The Award Ceremony was conducted during the Inaugural Session of the CES on the 17th June 2019 at FICCI Federation House, New Delhi. The conference was attended by various corporate heads, government authorities, university professors, NGOs etc. GEV also made a presentation on the second day in regard to its various circular economy initiatives. Continue reading "ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village receives the Indian Circular Economy Award (ICEA) 2019 in the Circular Economy Symposium
→ Dandavats"

Bhagavatam tenth canto study 73 – 10.13.21-27 How Krishna as the expanded gopas and calves reciprocated love with the motherly gopis and cows
→ The Spiritual Scientist


The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 73 – 10.13.21-27 How Krishna as the expanded gopas and calves reciprocated love with the motherly gopis and cows appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Distributing Krishna conscious books in Seoul, South Korea…
→ Dandavats

Distributing Krishna conscious books in Seoul, South Korea (Album of photos)
The wonderful book distributor Nitya Kishore dasi has once again returned to Seoul and has again single-handedly distributed literally 1,000’s of Korean books so far and in a remarkably short time. She has personally discovered the very best ways to approach these Seoul-city dwellers so that their keen interest in spiritual knowledge is quickly awakened: upon which it becomes the most natural thing for them to eagerly and joyfully take and donate for the books! Here are just a few of the many blissful photos she has shared so far… All glories to Nitya Kishore dasi’s (mataji’s) sincere and successful efforts to shower Srila Prabhupada’s eternal blessings upon the conditioned souls currently residing in Seoul, South Korea…

The story of the Polish Gita! TAKA JAKA JEST!
→ Dandavats

The story of the Polish Gita! TAKA JAKA JEST!
On May 27, Nandini Devi Dasi, manager of Viva Kultura, the organization that runs Indradyumna Maharaja’s summer tours and festival programs, ordered 3000 hardbound, full size, Polish Bhagavad-Gitas. The problem: the books had to arrive in Poland on June 20th. This gave the BBT less than a month to produce, print, bind and ship this title. We just could not say no because it is such a wonderful opportunity to distribute the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is to so many festival goers. The translation was more or less ready, but the book had always been printed from film. The challenge for our pre press team and Guru-Kripa Prabhu, the polish editor and proofreader, was to make the book print ready within 12 days, an almost impossible task. Everyone worked hard, practically around the clock, including the printer in Germany, and made this wonderful book appear in time for the summer tour.

Do actions always speak louder than words?
→ The Spiritual Scientist




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Overcoming discouragement 3 – Tap your power by opening a new TAB
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Brisbane, Australia]



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Overcoming discouragement 2 – Empower yourself with gratitude
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Brisbane, Australia]



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Overcoming discouragement 1 – Why we feel discouraged
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Brisbane, Australia]



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Go beyond comfortable happiness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Brisbane, Australia]



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Scripture without guru is deluding
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Brisbane, Australia]



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Going back to godhead 1 – Three ways to cultivate spiritual desire – RAP acronym
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Bhagavatam class on 4.12.15 at ISKCON, Perth]




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Not bad for quiet Tuesday evening! Shastrakrit Das: I was just…
→ Dandavats

Not bad for quiet Tuesday evening!
Shastrakrit Das: I was just sitting behind my book table and chanting and i hear this car approaching with the windows open blasting loud Sanskrit prayers. Out of the car comes these two really friendly priests and they come straight to my book table. They asked me for the Vedas. So I thought I will just go along and asked them if they want the Vedas in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi or English. They said “in Hindi please” so I opened my van trunk and brought the set of Hindi Bhagavatam and showed them and they were super attracted to the printing quality and the artwork and they asked how much? I said these books are worth about 700 but since you are holy men if you can give a couple of hundred dollars to cover the shipping cost, they come from Juhu Bombay. The priest on the left goes” these are worth not just $700, at least $7000. So they donated generously and drove off with the books…

Just as our strengths are manifestations for a higher being, are our weaknesses manifestations of some being?
→ The Spiritual Scientist


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