Remembering Krishna as Spring Begins!

The spring season is considered to be the best of all seasons, for its attractive qualities are especially pleasing to Lord Krishna. Krishna Himself states in the Bhagavad-gita: “Of seasons I am flower-bearing spring.” (10.35). Srila Prabhupada comments in his purport to this verse, “Of course spring is a season universally liked because it is […]

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Conscious Parenting (Album of photos) On 19th January, Sivarama…
→ Dandavats

Conscious Parenting (Album of photos)
On 19th January, Sivarama Swami was invited by the Avanti Schools Trust in the UK, to speak on ‘Conscious Parenting’. Addressing over 300 parents and teachers, Sivarama Swami raised awareness about the spiritual and emotional needs of a child as well as the responsibility of a parent in today’s technological society.
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How can we know when we are renouncing because of spiritual attraction and when because of material aversion?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Auckland Nama Hatta
→ Ramai Swami

As I am traveling this time, I have been getting a fair few invitations to outside programs, either Nama Hatta style or Bhakti Vrksa. 

It’s always a pleasure being in the association of devotees who are sincere to advance in their Krsna Consciousness. In Auckland, I was invited to the home Suryacandra Krsna das and family.

Shree Krishna Haveli project at Bhaktivedanta Manor…
→ Dandavats

Shree Krishna Haveli project at Bhaktivedanta Manor update.
Construction of the Shree Krishna Haveli is progressing steadily, and though the project is slightly behind schedule, the construction company, Vascroft, have re-assured us that the handover of the building will take place in August this year, just in time for the Janmashtami festival. To complete the Shree Krishna Haveli, we have secured a £5 million loan to cover the cost of construction. We have collected £4.2 million in donations with a further £3.7 million pledged, leaving a shortfall of £1.6 million. This will be the largest project in the history of Bhaktivedanta Manor. We need everyone’s support to repay this loan for establishing the Shree Krishna Haveli at Bhaktivedanta Manor.

How to Get Through Tests
→ Dandavats

How to Get Through Tests.
All of us will encounter tests on our way. Once Indradyumna Maharaja told me a pertinent story: many years ago Maharaja was on sankirtana with a group of brahmacaris. They were planning to sing in the streets of Paris. It was a particularly difficult day: first the petrol in the car ran out in the middle of the highway. After they solved this problem by walking to the nearest gas station to bring more fuel, they continued to drive until one of the tires punctured. Finally, after a mechanic repaired the tire, they arrived in Paris – much later than planned – and it started raining! They found a sheltered area and started to sing, but immediately a lady came by, stopped, walked right up to Indradyumna Maharaja and put her fingers into her ears and stuck her tongue out at him. Indradyumna Maharaja tried to step away from her but she followed him! It was quite discouraging - because how could others be inspired with such a person present? When they came back to the temple in the evening, Srila Prabhupada called Indradyumna Maharaja into his room, as if he knew. Prabhupada said, “So, how was sankirtana?”
Indradyumna Maharaja first hesitated to narrate the details but Prabhupada wanted to know – you must know Prabhupada was extremely personal and looked into the smallest details of things. So Indradyumna Maharaja told him his story of frustration. When he came to the part about the lady and wanted to explain what she did, Prabhupada knocked on the table with his fist, making his glasses jump and said “When did I ever say preaching is easy?” So my dear devotees, when you face a test, don’t despair! As you go through it, you will feel Krishna’s presence; you will feel him helping you and when you emerge on the other side you will notice that you have advanced significantly in your Krishna consciousness. Tests are meant to make you strong; furthermore, Krishna will never give you a test that is overwhelming in its difficulty. He will give you tests that are specifically tailored to your level of determination and steadiness.
From a lecture by Sacinandana Swami in Almviks Gard, Sweden.


More Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic are distributed in…
→ Dandavats

More Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic are distributed in NY (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In this age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting in order to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Krishna. Although his complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and His confidential companions. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 11.5.32)
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If my family strongly opposes some devotional principles such as eating onion-garlic, what should I do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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ISKCON France Participates in the 100th Commemorative Ceremonies of the Armistice After World War I

November 11th 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the 1918 armistice of World War I. On this occasion, France was very busy receiving 72 heads of state and hundreds of diplomatic missions who had come for a collective rememberance of the terrible war during a grand celebration inmemory of the millions of soldiers who gave their life.

Consciousness in Science 2019 conference
→ Dandavats

Consciousness in Science 2019 conference.
The weekend of 18th-20th January marked the first Consciousness in Science 2019 (CS19) conference in Gainesville, Florida, hosted by the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS). The opening ceremony at the University of Florida’s Harn Museum saw a total of 400 consciousness and science enthusiasts enjoying an inauguration by the Mayor of Gainesville, followed by keynote talks from eminent scientists, Professor Stuart Hameroff and Brenda Dunne.

Chakra Installation One Year Anniversary and Launch of the New Pillars of Devotion Campaign

TOVP Launches the new Pillars of Devotion Campaign

One year ago today, on February 7th, 2018, the ISKCON world celebrated the installation of the final two Chakras onto the TOVP Main and Nrsimhadeva Domes. This was a landmark moment that cemented into history the permanency of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and the victory of Srila Prabhupada’s mission on the face of the Earth. Only time will reveal the importance and world-changing power behind this monument to the Gaudiya Vaisnava parampara as millions of pilgrims path through its entranceway over the next one thousand + years.

To coincide with this one year anniversary the TOVP Fundraising Team is launching it’s newest and most ambitious fundraising Seva Opportunity, the Pillars of Devotion Campaign wherein donors can sponsor the 108 pillars inside the temple and have their names permanently inscribed on them.

Sponsor Today and Become a Pillar of Devotion!

With only three years left to the Grand Opening of Srila Prabhupada’s dearmost project, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, the TOVP Fundraising Department is launching its newest and most unique fundraiser, the Pillars of Devotion Campaign, for the MISSION 22 MARATHON to complete the TOVP by 2022.

108 immense pillars in the TOVP, clad with the best marble and sandstone sourced throughout the world, represent the well-known principles of devotion to Krishna, sravanam (hearing), kirtanam (chanting), smaranam (remembering), and atma nivedanam (self-surrender). Along with 2 fourfold, elephant adorned Pillars of Dharma at the main entrance of the temple, they support the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. These foundational pillars are the cornerstone of the process of devotion and of the very physical structure of the temple. We invite you to participate in their completion and installation and make your sankalpa today. Your name will be inscribed on the pillar in perpetuity for as long as the temple stands.

  • Sravanam Pillars (10) – $21,000/15 Lakhs
    Located at the entrance to the temple hall.
    The Pillars of Sravanam greet one at the entrance to the temple hall where hearing of the Lord’s glories and our devotion begin.
  • Kirtanam Pillars (34) – $31,000/21 Lakhs
    8 located in the Temple Hall/24 located in the Nrsimha Wing.
    The Pillars of Kirtanam begin the sacred chant of the Lord’s Holy Name, Fame and Glories. Being non-different from Him, they immerse the soul in His transcendental attributes and eternal presence.
  • Smaranam Pillars (32) – $51,000/35 Lakhs
    18 located in the Temple Hall/16 located in the Nrsimha Wing.
    The Pillars of Smaranam bring one to the realm of full absorption and remembrance of the Lord, and awaken our soul to its eternal relationship with Him in pure devotional service.
  • Atma Nivedanam Pillars (32) – $108,000/71 Lakhs
    24 located in the Temple Hall/8 located in the Nrsimha Wing.
    The Pillars of Atma Nivedanam complete our devotion, culminating in total self-surrender and the consummation of our eternal spiritual identity and rasa with the Lord, in full prema for Radha and Krishna.
  • Pillars of Dharma (2) – Please inquire privately
    Located at the main entrance to the entire temple complex.
    The Pillars of Dharma are the gates of Vaikuntha. They are fourfold and adorned with elephants, and represent the four principles of Dharma: austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, prerequisites on the path of religion.

Remember, the Grand Opening of the TOVP in 2022, the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON Mayapur, will establish the Hare Krishna Movement on the world stage for the next 10,000 years of the Golden Age. It will also reaffirm the World Headquarters of ISKCON in the Lord’s sacred birthplace, Sridhama Mayapur. Additionally, this will be the opening of the long-awaited new home of our beloved Mayapur Deities, Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva, and Sri Nrsimhadeva. And most importantly, this will be the further fulfillment and solidifying of Lord Caitanya’s prediction that His name will be heard in every town and village, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s deep desire:

“Very soon the chanting of Harinama sankirtana will be spread all over the world. Alas! When will that day come when all greatly fortunate souls in countries such as England, France, Russia, Prussia and America will take up banners, kettle drums, mrdangas and karatalas and thus cause the ecstatic waves of Hari Nama Kirtan and the singing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s holy name to rise in the streets of their towns and cities? O when will that day come, when pure and transcendental Krishna prema (love of God) will be the only religion of all souls and all tiny sectarian religions will meet in the unlimited and universal religion of devotional service to Krishna, as rivers merge into the great ocean? O when will that day come?”

From the Sajjana-tosani of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura, late 1800s.

For more information and to sponsor a Pillar of Devotion today go to: Seva Opportunities page

To view the Chakra Installation ceremonies from 2018, click on the links below: Part 1 and Part 2




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Srimad Bhagavata Purana
→ Dandavats

By Jaya Gaursundar Dasa

Just as Ganga is the greatest of all rivers, Srimad Bhagavata Purana is greatest among all Puranas. When we worship Mother Ganga the reservoir of holy water, we take palm full water from the river and with devotion we put it back into the river. Similarly this humble attempt of writing on the topic of Bhagavata Purana is done even though this Purana is the reservoir of everything. It is like taking any paraphernalia for worshiping the supreme Lord which originates and belongs to Him and offering back to Him with love and devotion. From this reservoir I am taking bits and peace and repeating here for my own purification and spiritual satisfaction similar to the feeling of satisfaction a hungry man has for every morsel of food he eats. The more one eats while hungry, the more one feels satisfaction and strength. Continue reading "Srimad Bhagavata Purana
→ Dandavats"

Light Of Hope In The Darkness Of Sorrow
→ Dandavats

By Madhava Gopal Das

All the conditioned souls of this world tacitly harbor a utopian desire of obtaining perfect happiness. But this world is full of mixed happiness and misery. So the long cherished and long sought after perfect happiness is simply mirage or dream, reality of which can be experienced only in the spiritual world. Here we see that although the king had great opulence, beautiful queens, vast military power, several ministers and soldiers and so on, he was still hopeless and sorrowful. Continue reading "Light Of Hope In The Darkness Of Sorrow
→ Dandavats"

The mercy of Srila Prabhupada`s transcendental books in Bulgaria!
→ Dandavats

The mercy of Srila Prabhupada`s transcendental books!
We were in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria together with bhakta Vesko and went to visit a factory, producing wooden triple-glazing windows for our housing project, and to organize a theater play, advertising in several schools, big local companies, and manufacturing offices. We stopped in front of one such factory when we saw the high fences of the nearby prison. Vesko said enthusiastically:

The mind is a monkey, don’t let it make you a donkey – Hindi
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Prerana youth meeting at Nigdi, India]



Podcast Summary



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How to increase faith
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Youth meeting address, Udupi, India]



Podcast Summary



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History of bhakti tradition over 5000 years
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Congregation program in the Middle East]



Podcast Summary



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How to channel the energy of anger – Hindi
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Singapore]



Podcast Summary



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Sunday, February 3rd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Plaisance, Guyana

Sunday Chant-Walk

Today was the last of a four-day Padayatra,and this morning's final time period took us to Plaisance, through residential areas and a marketplace.  It was a mere three-kilometre stretch, but then we moved rather slowly, with a vehicle—a flatbed truck—in front to carry water, and a speaker to amplify the sound of our kirtan.  Next in line was the kirtan itself, comprised mostly of young men and women.  Then finally in the procession was a smartly built, rope-pulled cart which sheltered the murtis,or images, of Chaitanya and Nityananda. That was it.  Rather modest, but powerful, because our presence in Guyana is known through this walking festival.

Acknowledgement of Krishna monks is also known in Guyana for the annual Rathayatra, also a walking festival of sorts.  And finally, we are quite visible to the public through television broadcasts.

As we paraded along, while singing together, we passed at least a half-dozen churches, in addition to a mosque.  Some Christian services were in session—a marked difference from gatherings at pubs with Saturday-night-thumping music a few hours earlier.

Our walking party culminated at the ISKCON Centre near the University of Guyana.  There we engaged in more chanting.  I gave a class on twenty-six qualities of a virtuous human, followed by a diksha, initiation ceremony, for a farming couple.  Their names are Damodar-lila and Radha-lila.  They specialize in growing those long exotic beans which are delicious when cooked nicely.

I had a room full of young teens to twenty-year olds. We chatted about their issues. They were a great bunch.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Saturday, February 2nd, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Foulis, Guyana

Pleasure But Plastic

We began our walking festival at a big yellow house.  The procession was colourful.  I could pretty much guarantee that this padayatra was the only outdoor spiritual event in the country on this day.  People responded quite favourably with the wave of a hand or just an address: "Haribol!"  Yes there is a real worth to the island and its people, but there's one thing I find intolerable—the garbage.

Devotees here inform me that there is no recycling program in the whole country except for transmigration of the soul. Seriously, it is a real agitator to see the neglect.  The plastic and glass is in abundance.  "It was worse five years ago," said one of the members of padayatra. "When drains got so clogged and flooding began because of it, the government finally stepped up."

Another tragic element that's coming around on the horizon is the drilling of oil.  Guyana apparently is now known to be sitting on top of, or near, one of the largest oil deposits in the world.  Usually wherever mining takes place, there is prosperity for a time, and then often the economy goes for a nose-dive.

Despite all negativity, our program went well.  I had helped their local drama group, from Berbice, to tweak areas of their production, "Ajamila."  More time was needed.  They performed well.  At the end of what was called the pandal program, the whole assembly of people were dancing up a storm, especially the younger set.  They did much of the work, regarding set-up and take-down.

Except for the trash, I really like it here. Oh, and the number of cars is increasing, which is not good news for a walker, or anyone for that matter.,5568/

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Friday, February 1st, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Mahaica, Guyana

Food and Bliss

One of the senior bhakti-yogis in Guyana is Paramatma, and he took me generously to his farm which he personally tends to.  It's a paradise.  Kerela (aka bittermelon), avocado, soursap, lauki (bottlegourd), grapefruit, oranges, string and long beans, pigeon peas, cassava, corn, papaya—you name it—he's got it all in the tropical line.  He then treated me to a meal prepared by his good wife.  OMG!

"This country is rich.  You can grow anything, almost anything, here," he said proudly.

After landing, I had been in the country for only a few short hour and participated in the padayatra festival on foot through the village of Mahaica, before indulging in Paramatma's harvest of organic foodstuffs.  All was good.

For the final segment of the fest today, the stage was complete with our young men and women chanting, and the more seasoned pastors and pandits speaking or preaching up a storm.  I was called on by the master of ceremonies, Saci Suta, a sishya or student of mine.  After three preachers said their bit on the theme of "Spiritual Solutions to Physical Problems," I opted for doing something different which included some yoga stretches and voice exercises, before mantras and jokes. The whole idea was to be interactive, expressive and inclusive.  The biggest challenge was to get folks from the back and corner of the seating areas to fill up the space.  Well, it worked.  The seats got fully occupied and before you knew it, the audience participated in a more complete way.  This was the mercy of God, of course.

May the Source be with you!
3 km

Thursday, January 31st, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto / Port of Spain

Getting Up There

I'm off to Guyana, with a stop-over in Trinidad. Unfortunately, I'm not on foot, walking, rather my feet are placed under Seat 24E on Caribbean Airlines.  Next to me, occupying the window seat, is forty-two-year-old Naveen Deodat, an actual employee of the Toronto Airport.  He has a few days off.  It's holiday time for him.  He was surprised to see me.

"Have I seen you before? On YouTube?  Maybe giving a talk?" he asked.

"It's possible.  I'm—"

"The Walking Monk.  I knew I'd seen you.  This is a pleasure.  It was meant to be.  It's not an accident...."

Naveen and I hit it off quite well.  He mentioned that years ago Sri Chinmoy visited his home.  He has a copy of Bhagavad-gita:As It Is, and has gone through it.  Talking about spirituality with Naveen was no problem.  He's single, and at one point asked what is the prerequisite for becoming a sannyasi—a monk.

My answer:  "A certain amount of dedication.  Study of the sastra (scripture) is required, in addition to doing japa meditation for two hours each day.  Some principles are to be abided by: no meat, no substance abuse, sex only with one partner, no gambling...and share what you know.... There are also first and second initiations. A third one means you are taking sannyasa after being on a waiting list for some time...."

He assumed sannyasa was a high position, and as we were talking, we were soaring high—10,000 feet in altitude, 15,000 and at least to 25,000 in the jet stream. I thought, Wow!  Of course humans are supposed to reach zenith levels—in consciousness.

May the Source be with you!
0 km

Wednesday, January 30th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

A Re-Opening Coming

In two days, Govinda's Dining Room, the eatery within our temple/ashram, will be open again.  "Closed for renovations" reads the sign at the entrance.  Actually, it's been rather quiet as of late because of the insulation work, repainting, and cleaning of drapes.  It was all quite necessary to improve the comfort and safety of the regulars coming to enjoy the food which we call prasadam(blessed food).  We had a mould problem and it was time for some refurnishing.  We're seeing a new look.

Currently, there is dust in the air and on all surfaces including the curtains and floor.  It will take a lot of love to get everything ready for Friday.  I was walking in the midst of the white plaster powder all about, doing my rounds—that is chanting on my beads—and indoors, due to the frigidness of the outside.  The temperature is -20 C; feels like -35 C.

I sat down, looked around, and imagined the fresh new look about to be manifest.  There is already a new facelift.  It feels like a reincarnation of sorts—a breath of renewed air.  After doing some pacing in the room, I sat down on a chair and on a second one placed my phone.  I got the urge to play George Harrison's song, "Here Comes The Sun," the lyrics of which tell of a new beginning—the coming of Krishna to the world (as the avatar Chaitanya), however it was Nina Simone's rendition, which is also beautiful, that I ended up playing.

It was midnight by then, and definitely time for bed in order to prepare for the new beginning that I'm feeling in the air, especially as it relates to Govinda's.

One last item which took place, before I did my Govinda's pacing, was having this gathering with our outreach leaders.  All I can say is, "We've got talent!"

May the Source be with you!
1 km