Kirtan London’s summer of success!
→ Dandavats

Kirtan London’s summer of success!
This year, Kirtan London is reaching out even wider than ever before with many more outreach kirtan (music) events in London: 1. Mantra Lounge – Kirtan evenings in Covent Garden have become weekly in frequency since the beginning of the year, with 40-50 people attending every session. 2. Pop-up Temple at the Wellbeing Festival (Mind Body Spirit) in May: - over 700 people participated in kirtan and japa meditation sessions; - over 900 prasadam sweets distributed; - 340 medium and 90 big books on spiritual topics sold, and - over 300 sets of japa chanting beads have been given out to eager participants. 3. Kirtan at Triyoga - Since March 2018 the team has been running weekly sessions at Triyoga Shoreditch, one of the branches of the prestigious yoga studio in London. 4. Barefoot in The Park – in July, the team held a big 6 Hour Kirtan and picnic at the Hyde Park Bandstand. Over 500 people attended throughout the day with many more passers-by enjoying the kirtans. 5. For those who want to dive deeper into the bhakti yoga philosophy and practice, study Bhagavad Gita and learn more about kirtan and its roots, we have developed special courses, residential retreats and monthly Bhakti Sanga (reading group). We also continue to offer our guests regular day retreats at Bhaktivedanta Manor, with tours, workshops, kirtans and talks on bhakti-yoga (the yoga of devotion), as well as the quarterly 6 Hour Kirtan at the lovely Swiss Church in Covent Garden, which attracts 120150 people each time.

Bhagavatam tenth canto study 18 – 10.3.32-38 How past life connections make sense of present-life situations
→ The Spiritual Scientist



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What’s the most effective way to combat anger?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast


Transcription :

Transcriber: Suresh Gupta

Question: What is the most effective way to combat anger?

Answer: Combating anger happens at three broad levels – the spiritual, psychological and physical.

At a spiritual level, if we do not have spiritual awareness, we think that we are meant to be the controllers, and everything should work according to our plans. When we are unable to exert our control, anger is just a natural response. With spiritual wisdom, we can understand that in the broader scheme of things we are not the controllers but we are co-operators. There is a higher plan in which we are meant to play our part. If things are not happening according our plan, we need to recalibrate how to function. Redefining ourselves as co-operators and not controllers substantially decreases anger.

Anger depends on how we process what has happened. And that depends on how we conceive ourselves. For example, if somebody shouts at us, naturally we feel hurt. If that person is someone whom we have a good relationship with, we do not expect them to act in that way. Suppose the person who shouts at us is a stranger, who is under the influence of drugs. More often than not, we do not care because they are lost in their own world. Therefore, while the event of shouting is the same, how we react to somebody yelling at us is dependent on how we are processing it. How we process it, depends on how we conceive ourselves in relationship to the other person.

Spiritual practices help us instil the belief that we are not the controllers. The more we do spiritual practices the more our anger will go down both at the conscious and sub conscious levels. Consciously, we start to understand that we are not the controllers. At the sub conscious level, if we do meditation, regularly come to spiritual association, we will find that within few months of practice those situations which would have provoked us earlier, are not affecting us so much.

At the psychological level, all of us need to express ourselves in some way. We deal with our emotions in two ways: express or repress. With spiritual knowledge, we open a third option – process. Processing means that we care about our anger. Let me explain using my own example.

Earlier I used to get angry very much. Even now I get angry. When I am angry on someone, I write an e-mail to the person. However, I have a policy that if I have written a mail in anger, I will not press the send button for twenty-four hours. By writing email, I vent my anger out. If I do not write, the anger will burn me. If I write and send it, anger will burn the other person. Hence, I follow an intermediate option – I express it by writing but do not send it. Whenever anger and thoughts are held inside us, they congest and choke us. Writing down releases the inner pressure. Many times, it happens that within twenty-four hours the other person clarifies, and the situation is resolved. However, after twenty-four hours if the situation is not yet resolved then I revisit it. I am much calmer and able to see things clearly. I analyse and see that I have made certain reasonable points, but I am expressing it harshly or that I may be making a lot of assumption about the other person’s motive. In that way, I go over the whole email. Almost every time I would edit the email. When I do so, I find that things move towards resolution much better. What is happening here is that there is expressing, but within a finite range and to myself, or on a computer. Then there is processing. When I process my emotions, I know how to deal with them. Sometimes, I may decide that this whole issue is not a big deal and I will talk with the person when I meet him in person.
At physical level, all of us have certain triggers or things which make us angry. We have to learn to be cautious about this. Sometimes, when two people come together, they bring out the best within each other. That relationship is symbiotic. However, when some people come together they bring out the worst in each other. Just being in their presence makes each other angry. They may be doing something to provoke us consciously or unconsciously, but just being with them agitates us. Therefore, if we have to work with such people, we have to prepare. We just cannot rush into a meeting with them.

If we have had a long and difficult day with things are continuously going wrong and we come in touch with this person on such a day, then, even if there was a small issue, there will be a big explosion from our side. Hence, when we are aware of our triggers, then we can be cautious. At a physical level not giving ourselves the opportunity to express the anger by keeping ourselves at a distance from the stimuli that trigger anger, that helps quite a bit. Having things or having objects by which we can express our anger can make things much worse.
In America, quite a few school shootings have happened in the recent past. I was giving a talk at a college in America and suddenly someone entered and asked all of us to duck under the desk. When I enquired what happened, they told that there was a shooter in the school and urged everyone to duck under their desks. Finally, they clarified that this was a drill to train everyone. In many of these occasions, such shooters end up killing themselves also. The shooters after killing, feel extremely horrible about their actions. Under the spell of anger, they become very cold blooded, but after the anger has been expressed, they are so horrified that they end up killing themselves.

Anger is an emotion which everyone has, but if the angry person has a gun then it makes things much worse. If we could minimise our access to the trigger of our anger or minimise our access to the channels by which we express our anger, then we will decrease the consequences of the anger.

End of transcription.

The post What’s the most effective way to combat anger? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Gita 18.40 To attain harmony with our spiritual nature, we need engagement that is in harmony with our psychophysical nature
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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ISKCON Scarborough’s 6th Annual Jagannath Festival – Saturday -18th Aug 2018 at the Milliken Park, Scarborough
→ ISKCON Scarborough

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

ISKCON Scarborough's 6th Annual Jagannath Festival is scheduled to take place on Saturday -18th Aug 2018 at the Milliken Park, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada (McCowan & Steeles).

This grand event is free for everyone and includes a diverse assortment of multicultural activities for the entire family. The focus of this year is to make the stage programs newcomer friendly.

There will be several tents in the park where you can get your face painted beautifully, apply henna to your hands/palms and you will also find cookbooks, ancient Vedic texts and nice framed pictures.

The Merciful Supreme Lord of the Universe - Lord Jagannath and His brother Lord Baladeva and their sister Subhadra Devi will be coming out of the temple to the Park to give their unlimited blessings.

The highlight of the event is the distribution of free vegetarian feast/free water for everyone throughout the day starting at 11 am.

Several dignitaries including Dr Raymond Cho (MPP) have confirmed their participation in the event.

This year the stage programs will feature several world-class performers including singers from Australia, lion dance from China and magicians who regularly perform in Disney cruises.

The parade starts inside the Milliken Park at 11 am and the VIP inauguration is scheduled to take place at 12 noon.

The complete schedule of the events including the names of the performers will be revealed in the next few days.

We are grateful to ATN for their confirmation to broadcast the event.

Spreading the message about the event:

Devotees have been spreading the message about this upcoming event through the door to door flyer distribution & affixing the flyers at various grocery/Department stores.
Advertisements are ongoing through 102.7 East FM and through Geethavaani radio stations.
There are also full-page advertisements in local Tamil newspapers - Thangadeepam, Udayan and Senthamarai.

The Highlight of all the advertisements is that  Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) buses that originate at the Markham area are plying every day with the Jagannath Festival information at the back of the buses.

There is also a Billboard in the major intersection of Markham and Finch area that carries the message about the upcoming Jagannath Festival.
We kindly request you to spread the message about this event so that everyone can come to Milliken Park on Aug 18th to partake the blessings of the Lordship.

ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Email Address:


Gopal Bhatta Goswami Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami

Gopala Bhatta Goswami (the son of Vyenkata Bhatta, a Sri Vaisnava brahmana) appeared in Sri Rangam, South India. Lord Caitanya once stayed for four months in his home and converted the family to Gaudiya Vaisnavism.

A boy at this time, Gopala personally served the Lord. Sri Caitanya treated him affectionately giving His remnants and blessings to become an acharya.

On pilgrimage he obtained twelve Salagrama Silas. Later the Damodara Sila manifested Himself as the beautiful Radha Ramana Deity. Since 1542, Sri Radha Ramana has been worshiped with pure devotion following precise sastric rituals.

Stand up for Krsna!
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 February 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.19.4)

If we want to be counted amongst the saints, we must have the courage to stand up for Krsna and not think, “What will the neighbours say?

We have heard many stories of devotees during the early days of the movement in the former Soviet Union (Russia) and how the devotees were put into jails, mental hospitals and even labour camps. However, even during such circumstances, the devotees, using spoons over heating tubes, were ticking slowly in Morse code, “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna“. It takes a little longer to chant this way in Morse code as you can imagine but slowly the chanting of the holy name spread throughout the jails. Srila Prabhupada said, “This movement cannot be stopped! It is too late… it simply cannot be stopped. It is like a disease; when it has gone too far, there is nothing you can do. Nothing can be done to stop it now!” This is because vasudeva-katha-rucih (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.16). This is the key because of the taste of glorifying Krsna, how can one ever give it up!

Let the people say what they want to, we will still glorify Krsna!

Let the world criticise us, we will still glorify Krsna!

Let the word condemn us and declare us illegal, we will still never stop to glorify Krsna!

The article " Stand up for Krsna! " was published on KKSBlog.

Sunday, July 29th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Calgary, Alberta

Edmonton—Red Deer—Calgary

Red Deer is a growing city situated between Edmonton and Calgary. There, we had lunch with an outstanding family from Fiji.  That brought me back to memories of my walk on three of the islands of Fiji, including a trek through Suva, the major city, and participating in their nation’s biggest event, The Hibiscus Festival.

Fiji, in my opinion by the way, has the best cuisine on the planet—diverse, tasty Indian fare with veggies you don’t find in most places.

Our major time was spent in Calgary for their Sunday program, which took a different shape today.  Datta’s magic show, and Ananda’s drumming went on, and then our combined kirtan and dance involving the parishioners.  In place of a talk on devotion, we executed all of this, and there were happy faces.

Outside of our kirtan at the Krishna Centre, on NE 4thStreet,  there was much more music going on.  On an island, within the mighty Bow River, was the 39thAnnual Folk Festival, attracting 60,000 people.

We did, by chance, run into the gathering, and the vibrations were good where mellowness pervaded.  The only trekking, for me, took place along the Bow.  I mentally calculated it was a distance of 4.2 kilometres.  I can’t be too sure today, but that’s how it felt.

Kayaking and rafting are really popular here, but you have to have one of those tight suits on.  The waters coming from the Rockies are frigid.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

Saturday, July 28th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Edmonton, Alberta

The City of the Oilers

Our evening was interesting.  After the Saskatoon Fest, Kasyapa, the organizer, took to the steering wheel and drove our talent troupe to Edmonton.  Quite the sacrifice for him.  We left at 10:40 p.m. and were led by GPS to Highway 14, as the most direct route. It was also the most remote.

At 1:30 a.m., we ran into difficulty—a flat tire.  It took a while to find the spare.  Our van was borrowed.  Anyway, after changing tires, we finally made it home at 5:00 a.m., then were up by 9:30 a.m. and all prepared for Edmonton’s Chariot Fest.

It was another scorcher at 30 °C.

The audience so much resonated with our magic, and the drumming and dance lessons.  Thanks to Bala Krishna for assembling the whole program.  I met some of the dignitaries, an MLA, and a Minister. They were thrilled to be with us, chanting, feasting and all.

I made connections with Conner and family, his dad, mom, sister and brother.  Conner has this  good intelligence and is enthused to read the books of Prabhupada, in addition to learning the bhajansongs of bhakti yoga.

 It is usually in Edmonton that I go to have my clothes dyed.  The local pujarisees to it that they come out with a greater intensity of colour.  I was left with my swimming trunks to roam with Conner and Ananda in the South-Gate Mall area; an area full of shopping and dining opportunities for the Saturday day and evening public.  It is hardly a place for pedestrians.  In every direction, there are parking lots.  

Lord, give me trees and pathways.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

Friday, July 27th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Sask Sask Rocks

Breaking up your walking within a day can be smart.  It happened by circumstance for me; first in Willowgrove, a really well-looked-after neighbourhood.  The second leg was along Spadina, the actual procession of Saskatoon’s chariot fest, which is about 1.5 kilometres in length.  A third installment was along the Saskatchewan River as the full moon shone with pride.   Doing a day’s trekking in spurts can be a blessing—it keeps the machinery, the body, in operation.

Now about the Fest in general—it was great.  The Chief of Police, Officer Cooper, walked along with us for the procession and stayed at the site, Meewassin Park; he was a real success with kids and parents.  He sat through the entire stage session, watched and listened, then let kids borrow his cap to wear for photos.  His companion officers danced, with arms in the air, throughout the procession.  They were just great.

Sam Mitchell is a flautist and he was just incredible, playing against Ananda’s tabla.  Very professional.  Very devotional.  It was just the best act on the stage.

What also worked was getting the crowds to dance which involved leading them in step-by-step movements.  Engaging people in devotional exercise is what people will really remember.

There was a lot of enthusiasm in the atmosphere, and even during the procession, motorists slowed down, showing so much happiness.  This was noticed by Chief Cooper who mentioned it in his speech on Meewassin’s stage.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

Enlightening Association
Giriraj Swami

Yesterday we were graced by a visit from Kalakantha Prabhu and Bhakta Jeff, from Gainesville. Kalakantha is such a sincere, intelligent, thoughtful, dynamic, compassionate, innovative preacher, I always feel enlightened and encouraged by his annual visits.

As stated in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi 1.50),

tesam satata-yuktanam
  bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
  yena mam upayanti te

“To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.”

Purport: “This verse of the Bhagavad-gita (10.10) clearly states how Govindadeva instructs His bona fide devotee. The Lord declares that by enlightenment in theistic knowledge He awards attachment for Him to those who constantly engage in His transcendental loving service. This awakening of divine consciousness enthralls a devotee, who thus relishes his eternal transcendental mellow. Such an awakening is awarded only to those convinced by devotional service about the transcendental nature of the Personality of Godhead. They know that the Supreme Truth, the all-spiritual and all-powerful person, is one without a second and has fully transcendental senses. He is the fountainhead of all emanations. Such pure devotees, always merged in knowledge of Krsna and absorbed in Krsna consciousness, exchange thoughts and realizations as great scientists exchange their views and discuss the results of their research in scientific academies. Such exchanges of thoughts in regard to Krsna give pleasure to the Lord, who therefore favors such devotees with all enlightenment.”

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Bulls Massage Mother Earth
→ Life With the Cows and Land

“Spending a day with the bulls is very satisfying work, and Mother Bhumi (Mother Earth) likes it. She is not so happy to have the tractor pounding her around.  When the bulls are working, they’re walking on Mother Bhumi, and they are giving her a massage. Sometimes they will pass urine; sometimes they will pass stool during the course. This makes Mother Bhumi also very happy.”

These were some of my thoughts which emerged while I was giving the Sunday feast lecture at the ISKCON Honolulu temple in Hawaii.

It wasn’t but a week after the May Cow Culture conference in Silicon Valley, California that I went to Hawaii upon my twin sister’s request. Our mother had passed away at the ripe old age of 101, and before her passing, she had requested that her body be cremated and the ashes put into the Moanalua Bay. A very close friend of my sister had a suitable boat which could safely transport us out into the ocean to help us fulfill our mother’s wish. He had suggested that we wait until the beginning of summer as the Pacific ocean would be calmer at that time. In the first week of June, we deposited her ashes in the Moanalua Bay. However, I kept half the ashes aside which I will take to India and deposit there in the holy river of Ganga.

I grew up in Hawaii and was the first person to be initiated by Srila Prabhupada in Hawaii in the year 1969. Back then having a child initiated into the Hare Krishna movement was a lot to accept. My mother tolerated it,  met Srila Prabhupada and attended a Sunday feast lecture given by him at the Honolulu temple on Oahu.

While I was in Hawaii, I visited the Honolulu Hare Krishna temple. I was asked to give the Sunday feast lecture, and the following video is of that lecture. Thanks to 9-year-old Balaji Dove for video graphing the class. There are some slides added to the video footage that you will find interesting, and I hope the video will enrich your spiritual understanding of cow protection.  Thanks for watching!

Yours, Balabhadra das (William E. Dove, ISCOWP president)

Dublin Ratha Yatra 2018
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Praghosa dasa

This year we had he largest gathering for the Dublin Ratha Yatra ever! It was a truly wonderful day beginning with lively kirtan as Lord Jagannatha ascended His chariot. 30 minutes later we were hearing the 1st citizen of Dublin waxing lyrical about how once he learned he would be attending today, he was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to help pull the Lord's chariot! An avid walker and long term abstentionist from motorised vehicles, he was very impressed with such a grand vehicle having no horsepower. And so we began, gliding through the streets with not an inch of free rope available to pull from. With an ever crescending kirtan we eventually arrived at our destination, the splendid St Stephen's Green park in the centre of the city. For the next 3 hours (with just a short pause for a powerful summer shower) all were captured by the multi generational cultural program from the quaint bandstand, as well as the various exhibits circled all around. As the pleasant evening drew to a close with many attendees and onlookers hesitant to leave, the Lord led the way although also appearing slightly reluctant to leave behind the summer sun and blissful festival-goers. So we are already looking forward to next year to experience yet again this unique spiritual and fun-filled festival! Continue reading "Dublin Ratha Yatra 2018
→ Dandavats"

Request for help in Bhubaneswar
→ Dandavats

Hare Krishna Unfortunate events led to demolishing the kutir and samadhi on Saturday July 28 2018 at ISKCON Bhubaneswar temple. ISKCON founder acharya Srila Prabhupada stayed in 1977 during his visit to his last founded ISKCON project in the bhajan kutir Srimad Gour Govinda Swami single handedly constructed for him at this ISKCON property. Srimad Gour Govinda Swami’s siddha deha (spiritual body) was placed in samadhi in February 1996.

What is the subconscious mind as explained in books such as “The power of the subconscious mind”?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Erecting a great wall versus character-building. Laksmi Nrsimha…
→ Dandavats

Erecting a great wall versus character-building.
Laksmi Nrsimha Das: When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the great wall of China.
They thought no one could climb it due to its height.
During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded three times. And everytime, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall…
because each time they bribed the guards and came through the doors.
The Chinese built the wall but forgot the character-building of the wall-guards.
Thus, the building of human character comes BEFORE building of anything else..
Like one Orientalist said:
If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation there are 3 ways:
1. Destroy family structure.
2. Destroy education.
3. Lower their role models and references.
1. In order to destroy the family: undermine the role of MOTHER, so that she feels ashamed of being a housewife.
2. To destroy education: you should give no importance to TEACHER, and lower his place in society so that the students despise him.
3. To lower the role models:
You should undermine the Saints and Scholars, doubt them until no one listens or follows them.
For, when…
* a conscious mother disappears,
* a dedicated teacher disappears, and
* there’s a downfall of role models,
Then _who_ will teach our children VALUES?
*Aren’t we being already invaded..?*

Pop-up Temple at Kensington Olympia, UK. This year’s “Wellbeing…
→ Dandavats

Pop-up Temple at Kensington Olympia, UK.
This year’s “Wellbeing Mind Body Spirit Expo” took place at Kensington Olympia last May. Kirtan London devotees organized a pop-up temple and Ananda Monet led kirtan on the main festival stage. The chorus comprised a talented team of Manor School alumni. As well as hosting kirtans, the pop-up Temple ran mantra meditation workshops, and no less than 400 of Srila Prabhupada’s books were distributed.

‘Superb’ Open Day in the Manor! The annual Open Day held on…
→ Dandavats

‘Superb’ Open Day in the Manor!
The annual Open Day held on Saturday 7th July was described as ‘superb’. In the middle of a heatwave, Bhaktivedanta Manor received a steady stream of guests throughout the day, many of them for the first time. Devotees from across the entire community teamed together to ensure the best experience for everyone. Guests enjoyed tours, ox-cart rides, ‘Meet the Monks’, a free veggie lunch and kirtans. Inside were ongoing hatha yoga sessions, reflexology and ‘drumfullness’ workshops (‘mindfulness’ with percussion by Jayadeva das!) Meanwhile, children were also treated to henna decoration, face-painting, a bouncy castle and the very popular Children’s Yoga sessions in the George Harrison Garden! Balaram Nityananda das reflected, “We were off to a great start, after chanting the Hare Krishna mantra on the BBC Three Counties Radio Breakfast Show during an interview about the Open Day! “The energy, vibrations and team-work on the day was exemplary. We really had the best attendance we could ever hope for because guests were so interested to learn more that they renounced watching a crucial England World Cup match!”

On Saturday, approximately twenty-four devotees & seven…
→ Dandavats

On Saturday, approximately twenty-four devotees & seven children participated in our MSF in honor of Bhaktivinoda Thakur in Kingsbury, UK. Five of the devotees and the children went door to door and the rest of the devotees engaged in street distribution and kirtan. 137 doors were knocked!The first photo is of a Muslim gentleman who was very interested in our philosophy and took this book on our presentation. He explained he didn’t have any money to offer a donation but, driven by a desire to not miss an opportunity of taking a book, he asked a guest at his home to lend him some money so that he give a donation and take the book. His guest, understanding how important this was to him, gave him the money!
The second photo is of a Polish lady who was very happy to receive books from Niharika Jain. She felt blessed that our books had arrived at her doorstep.
The third photo is of a spiritually inclined gentleman who was happy to accept the books and gave a generous donation. Our books have given him the chance to further his spiritual knowledge and to advance his learning in spirituality.
The fourth photo is of a lady named Vivienne ans as soon as the books were presented to her, she was very happy to take them. She wants to start yoga so we took her details and gave her information about the Manor and invited her to visit us. It was really heartwarming to meet her and to share the special mercy Srila Prabhupada has left us with in the form of these transcendental books.
As you can see from the subsequent photos the children and devotees had so much fun. We are all looking forward to our next MSF!
More photos:

Gita 18.39 Pleasure in ignorance begins in ignorance and ends in increased ignorance
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 18.39 Pleasure in ignorance begins in ignorance and ends in increased ignorance appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Bhagavatam tenth canto study 17 – 10.3.26-31 Devaki acknowledges Krishna as the provider of the supreme safety and strives for his safety
→ The Spiritual Scientist



The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 17 – 10.3.26-31 Devaki acknowledges Krishna as the provider of the supreme safety and strives for his safety appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

Inspire through love and sacrifice
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, March 2018, Durban, South Africa, Human Relationships Lecture)

Question: What is the most appropriate way to inspire your spouse towards Krsna consciousness?

With a lot of love! It is going to take a lot of love because it is through love that the inspiration will come to the other person – the inspiration to make a sacrifice. It is a challenge for someone to inspire a spouse to take up Krsna consciousness therefore, it must be done in a loving way. It does not mean that every word has to be decorated with roses. No, it means that we have to speak simply with the interest of the other person at heart, not that we are the centre and that we are going out of our way for someone else and that we are adjusting ourselves to others. Love means to give. Love means that we are ready to sacrifice and when someone sees this, that can really awaken something within them.

Srila Prabhupada’s sister was an extraordinary devotee. She looked just like Prabhupada in a female form. In her younger years, she was married to a man who was not a devotee. Her husband was engaging in all kinds of activities, which during that time in India was quite shocking. But she never gave up. She never left him. She kept on serving him and so on. It took quite a long time but eventually one day, he admitted it, “My wife is a saint!” and that actually changed him. He gave up all his bad habits. So in this way, she conquered him by her saintliness.

The article " Inspire through love and sacrifice " was published on KKSBlog.

INDIA IN GREECE Or, Truth in Mythology (Free pdf) Edward…
→ Dandavats

INDIA IN GREECE Or, Truth in Mythology (Free pdf)
Edward Pococke: Where did the Aryans come from originally? Did they invade India? Or were they actually Indian invaders who colonized Greece?
In India in Greece, E. Pococke explores the theory that the Aryans may have originally traveled from India to Greece, colonized the latter and influenced the culture there. Centuries later, they came back to India. Covering topics as diverse as the sources of the Hellenic Race, the colonization of Egypt and Palestine, the wars of the Grand Lama and the Bud’hist propaganda in Greece, the author tries to show that at some point in history, India and Greece were closely associated
To read the pdf please click here:

Devotee awarded British Empire Medal. Acyuta Charan das, based…
→ Dandavats

Devotee awarded British Empire Medal.
Acyuta Charan das, based in South London, manages a vegetarian food charity for homeless people, and was awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the New Year’s Honours list. The award category was for voluntary and charitable services to homeless people in the area. For ten years he has been heading up food distribution for the charity Food For Life while also working as a Home Office accountant at Lunar House in Croydon. “I wasn’t expecting it at all!” responded Acyuta, “We serve all meals from a pop-up table and if it’s raining we operate from a van. I just get on with my service; I don’t expect to be nominated for awards. The Medal was presented to Acyuta at Tower Hill, Central London, by the Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, Mr Ken Olisa OBE.

Devotees attend Royal Reception in the UK. Kripamoya das and…
→ Dandavats

Devotees attend Royal Reception in the UK.
Kripamoya das and Sita Rama das were guests of HRH Prince Andrew at a reception to welcome inter-faith representatives of the Emir of Bahrain. The event was held in a venue adjacent to St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. Krish Raval, director of the Senior Faith Leadership Programme spoke on the importance of religious understanding between traditions. Clergy from Windsor Castle and the Dean of Windsor were also present.

Three, Two, One… (Album of photos) Indradyumna Swami: With…
→ Dandavats

Three, Two, One… (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: With Polish Woodstock [ Pol'and'Rock ] just days away the countdown has begun. People are beginning to trickle in and set up their tents at this free event. As our men continued setting up our “village” I took the opportunity to walk around and meet some of the people who had arrived early.
Find them here:

Reading Rathayatra 28th July 2018
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaParasuram das: HG Vishal Gauranga Prabhu and his wife Amala Manjari DD rallied friends and put on another wonderful Rathayatra this year. With the help of Bhakta Phil they done a serious advertising campaign, and the results are clearly visible, thousands of guests from all walks of life came to the festival. People love festivals with music, dancing and delicious food and Srila Prabhupada has introduced the perfect festival, the joyful way to get Krishna’s Mercy. They also have a serious Prasad Distribution project running in Reading, please get involved . Jai Jagannatha !!!

Bhagavatam tenth canto study 16 – 10.3.20-25 The divine’s complexion is sometimes a description and sometimes a signification
→ The Spiritual Scientist



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