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Websites from the ISKCON Universe
Answer Podcast
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Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 18.38 The pleasure of titillation leads to the agony of tribulation appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Talk at Bhakti Lounge, Wellington New Zealand]
Podcast Summary
The post To think or not to think – 4 reflections for a happy mind appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Wellington, New Zealand]
Podcast Summary
The post 3 ways to look for blessings amidst problems appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Bhagavad-gita class to Bhakti Shastri students at Wellington, New Zealand]
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The post 3 roles of intelligence in bhakti appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Congregation program at Wellington, New Zealand]
Podcast Summary
The post How Krishna can be seen – and how he can’t be seen appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
“The mind is the agent of the false ego and the false ego doesn’t want to surrender to Krishna. The false ego wants to be the controller, the enjoyer, the proprietor and the center of everything. The mind will always give us so many reasons why not to surrender or chant Hare Krishna. So, we should not be misled by the mind. With our intelligence or with our hearts we should surrender.”
Talk by Giriraj Swami (Right click to download)
Talks by other devotees (Right click to download)
The words “religion” and “Hindu” are problematic. Both are confusing, inaccurate, and not useful words. Religion: Depending on the context, the use of the word religion can be ill-defined and even offensive—for example, when someone says that religions cause all wars or when someone says, “Science is logic; religion is belief.” These two statements are ignorant because the person using the word religion has defined it in an arbitrary manner when in fact the word religion defies definition and thus should not be seriously used. Continue reading "Religion and Hinduism
→ Dandavats"
Kulimela Radhadesh 2018 day 3 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Of the nine processes of devotional service, the most import...
Our house must be converted into a temple. We may not be able to go temple daily. But our house must be a temple. Otherwise as human being we are missing the point. We have regulated our food habits by Srila Prabhupada's mercy. Never touch eggs, fish, meat. When the animal is dead - how can it give any strength or energy for you ? Dead body is dead body - rotten and full of poisons. How can it nourish us? Our grains are alive. Rice, wheat grains have millions of living cells squeezed in them by Krishna. It has nourishing effect. So children should be taught to be merciful to animals also, other living entities also. We should be merciful to everybody except ourselves. Else we will get up at 10 am. We should get up at 3:30 am. We should not eat anything that is not cooked in our house. This is the best way to save ourselves from violence and disease. As soon as you become non-violent you don't trouble anybody, then your house becomes like Vaikuntha - otherwise you yell like anything at each other even for a little misunderstanding. Shouting and screaming is there - That is not the house. Please.. our whole life should stand on this principle if we really want to satisfy Krishna. Krishna is really satisfied if you are merciful to others, merciful to the cows.
Continue reading "How To Satisfy Krishna
→ Dandavats"
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following results of book distribution for the month of June 2018 from the whole planet. World Totals, Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors, Monthly Continents, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent, Monthly Top Teams and Individuals, Monthly All Countries, Monthly All Temples, Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples, Cumulative Top Ten Countries, Cumulative Top Ten Temples, Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide Continue reading "WSN June 2018 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"
The post Bhagavatam tenth canto study 15 – 10.3.11-19 Krishna’s appearance dissipates the darkness without and within appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post Why does Shiva Puarana say that Shiva is the source of Brahma and Vishnu? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
One must conquer the modes of passion and ignorance by developing the mode of goodness, and then one must become detached from the mode of goodness by promoting oneself to the platform of suddha-sattva. All this can be automatically done if one engages in the service of the spiritual master with faith and devotion. In this way one can conquer the influence of the modes of nature.
Just by treating the root cause of an ailment, one can conquer all bodily pains and sufferings. Similarly, if one is devoted and faithful to the spiritual master, he can conquer the influence of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna very easily. Yogis and jnanis practice in many ways to conquer the senses, but the bhakta immediately attains the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the mercy of the spiritual master. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado. If the spiritual master is favorably inclined, one naturally receives the mercy of the Supreme Lord, and by the mercy of the Supreme Lord one immediately becomes transcendental, conquering all the influences of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna within this material world. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate). If one is a pure devotee acting under the directions of the guru, one easily gets the mercy of the Supreme Lord and thus becomes immediately situated on the transcendental platform. This is explained in the next verse. (SB 7.15.25)
Guru-purnima talk (Right click to download)
Srila Prabhupada: The Absolute Truth is Sri Krishna, and lo...
Preaching program in Kazan, Russia (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord after th...
Take it into the streets! (15 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Harinam samkirtan - chanting the holy names of Krsna in public - i...
The Vyasa-puja came and went and the sounds of the holy name still vaguely resound from the Kingsday. Time moves pretty fast. If you don’t look back once in a while you might miss it. But we are here to make sure you don’t miss these wonderful new items that were released in April 2018. We have 3 new books, a new CD and we have added another digital album to the “Album collection”. So lets get to it!
Rupa Gosvami, one of the principal theologians of the Caitanya Vaisnava movement wrote the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, translated as Nectar of Devotion, presented by Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. This book is a companion to Rupa Gosvami’s book and provides more insight to the unique devotional experience of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his followers, also known as the Hare Krsna movement.
Available as a book, for Kindle and e-book readers and as a free digital download (pdf)
Guru & Disciple – Awakening Spiritual Vision
This journey with the spiritual master is spiritually enlivening and transformational for the faithful disciple. By following his instructions, the disciple’s spiritual vision is awakened and a world of possibilities that he had never previously envisioned, opens up before him.
Available for Kindle & ebook readers as well as a free digital download (pdf).
From Surface to Substance – The 3 Layers of Spiritual Institutions packed together into this small & concise booklet. Kadamba Kanana Swami offers you an insight that has helped him stay inspired in his spiritual life and committed to Srila Prabhupada’s service – despite the wide variety of challenges he have encountered in the last 40 years.
Available for Kindle & ebook readers as well as a free digital download (pdf).
Familiar tunes with a new twist! Living with the Mantra.
Breathe in… Exhale… Let the mantra flow naturally and spiritually uplift us. These tunes will slowly and steadily make you want to sing and dance. Before you can fully grasp the effects it has become your new routine. You have to admit that, without a doubt, you are living with the mantra!
Available as a CD (only a few copies left) and as a digital album.
The Simple Living – High Thinking album is now available as a digital album. Plus it is now included in the “Complete Digital Album Collection” and the “Complete Album collection on usb flash drive“.
You can find the albums by Kadamba Kanana Swami on various platforms. Here are the links:
The article " New Books, CD’s and a Digital Album " was published on KKSBlog.
Что общего между ХВП и австралийским музыкальным фестивалем «Великолепие в траве»? А то, что преданные с фермы Нью Говардхан возвели на фестивале палатку «Govinda’s» для распространения прасада, которая по своей форме и дизайну выглядит точь-в-точь как ХВП.
Фестиваль «Великолепие в траве» – трехдневный музыкальный фестиваль, который проводится рядом с городом Байрон-Бей в штате Новый Южный Уэльс с 2001 года. Все 25 тысяч билетов на фестиваль раскупают в первые 45 минут после открытия продаж, таким образом за три дня его посещают 75 тысяч человек.
Ферма Нью Говардхан принимает участие в фестивале с 2006 года, и 12 преданных составляют команду палатки «Govinda’s», которая готовит и распространяет прасад. В последние два года для оформления палатки преданные решили использовать тематику ХВП и получили множество позитивных откликов и вопросов относительно дизайна. Это также повысило продажи прасада и количество распространённых книг. Палатка была спроектирована и сооружена Кришной Ганой дасом.
Существует много способов рассказать окружающим о ХВП. Постройте свою собственную палатку в стиле ХВП для распространения прасада и станьте частью марафона по завершению ХВП к 2022 году.
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The post У фестиваля «Великолепие в траве» и ХВП есть что-то общее appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
What do the Splendour in the Grass Music Festival in Australia and TOVP have in common? Remarkably, devotees from New Govardhana Farm have set up a Govinda’s prasadam stall there with a theme representing the TOVP itself as the shape of the stall.
The Splendour in the Grass Festival is a three day music festival held near Byron Bay, New South Wales since 2001. Ticket sales reach the maximum 25,000 and sell out within 45 minutes, making the attendance a total of 75,000 during the three days.
New Govardhana has been attending the festival since 2006 and twelve devotees are part of the Govinda’s prasadam stall crew which cooks and serves the prasadam. For the last two years the devotees decided to use the TOVP theme and have gotten many positive comments and questions about the design. This has also increased prasadam sales and book distribution. The stall was designed and engineered by Krishna Gana das.
There’s more than one way to spread the word about the TOVP. Build your own TOVP prasadam stall and get on the TOVP Marathon 22 to build the TOVP by 2022.
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The post Splendour in the Grass Festival and TOVP Share Something in Common appeared first on Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 18.37 Spiritual knowledge gives us the purpose to persevere through the poison till the nectar appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Answer Podcast
The post Why are Krishna and bhakti not mentioned in the Vedas? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
[Hall program at Wellington, New Zealand]
Podcast Summary
The post Don’t let your expectations of life come in the way of life appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Jagannath Ratha Yatra Kathmandu 2018 (Album of photos)
ISKCON Nepal organized The Festival of Chariot “Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra 2018” at Kathmandu on 14th July 2018. A huge number of devotees attended this annual Ratha Yatra festival from various parts of Nepal. Lord Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra themselves come out of the temple to the street so that people can take the holy view (darshan) of their Lordships. Ratha Yatra used to be celebrated only at Jagannath Puri, Orissa. But Srila Prabhupada (Founder Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness) started this Ratha Yatra Festival worldwide. In different cities of each and every country, Jagannath Ratha Yatra takes place. Total attendees in Kathmandu Jagannath Ratha Yatra was about 2500+ of devotees.
Find them here:
“Move in the direction of perfection”
Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami: People come to ISKCON and everybody is enthusiastic. Something that attracts them to Krishna Consciousness causes an awakening of their faith. And all of us have had different experiences of what impelled us to take up the process of surrender to Krishna. And many people they start by reading the literature [Srila Prabhupada’s books in this context], but after sometime, they just don’t read any longer. And then the problem start to come, and we know that there are many different types of problems that devotees experience. Sometimes devotees lose taste, sometimes devotees just retire from doing devotional service because they need to get their taste elsewhere.
But the idea of coming to Krishna Consciousness is to undertake these activities which will bring us to the stage of perfection. We are idealists, because we have heard that this is the process we can follow to become free from defects and become perfect. And the essential part of that process is to know Krishna.
And to know Krishna we have to read about Krishna. Krishna says: if you want to do that you always have to hear from Me.
Lately a lot of times devotees listen lectures of good devotees. But how many of you devotees listen to Prabhupada’s lectures on a regular basis? [devotees raising hands] Well, that’s good cause then you can hear from Srila Prabhupada. A lot of people [raised their hands], it’s good that you can listen to Srila Prabhupada because then you can understand the real command of the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness that Prabhupada has.
Often times when you hear his lectures - every sentence that he tells will be substantiated by a quote from shastra. When you hear that you become… at least when I hear those lectures I become so overwhelmed. You know, I will never possess the understating of my spiritual master nor will I be able to speak like my spiritual master, often I pray “Prabhupada, let me speak like you in a very clear, very shastric, very understandable way.”
That, my dear devotees, means you have to read the books. Sometimes I ask devotees who’s been devotees for 20-25 years :
- How many times have you read Bhagavad Gita in 25 years?
- One time. Or two times…
- Have you read Srimad Bhagavatam?
- No…
So what to speak of Nectar of Devotion, Ishopanishad and Upadeshmrita and many other books. This is a real point that has me worried. Because when devotees, when they don’t absorb themselves in advancing in Krishna Consciousness - often times they just go in the opposite direction.
Even though one may be doing a lot of service. But if their consciousness is not vibrating with the knowledge, with the learning for Krishna Consciousness - they are not really advancing so nicely in devotional service. […]
We have seen examples of perfect people. Now it’s time that we actually start thinking that we are in Krishna consciousness because we want(!) to become perfect.
Of course we love the sankirtan mission. You can’t become perfect unless you do sankirtan, because Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestows great mercy upon the people who engage in sankirtan. But at the same time that mercy will help us to have the realizations when we study the books, chanting the Holy Name, so its real serious.
I’ve had too many people fall away, and generally I don’t say this and I don’t preach this so much, but it’s a reality. That when disciples behave sinfully I receive the karma. We have heard that and it’s a shastric fact. And I can honestly say that I experience that. So that’s why I’m not trying to make anyone feel guilty or to make people cry or something like that. But it’s a reality. And therefore that’s why I’m requesting everybody to move in the direction of perfection.
Padayatra bliss 2018 in Benesov, Czech Republic! (Album of videos and photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Absolute Truth is Sri Kri...
Vaishnava summer festival - BALTIC 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord aft...
Preparing for Pol'and'Rock festival in Poland (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Polish Woodstock 2018 [ Now Pol'and'Rock ] is still one week away. But our boys are already on the field setting up ‘Krsna’s Village of Peace.’ Over 1 million people are expected at the event. We plan to distribute over 150,000 full plates of prasadam [ 40 tons of foodstuffs ] and have Ratha Yatra 4 days in a row through the masses of people. Srila Prabhupada, please shower your mercy upon us that we may successfully achieve our goals to please you! We live only to serve you.
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