06.16.18_IDS_Panihati_Laguna (Right click to download)
06.16.18_GRS_Panihati_Laguna (Right click to download)
Panihati Cidha-dadhi Festival, June 16, Laguna Beach
Hare Krishna Couples’ Retreat! **Registration Extended**
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!
The facilitators - Uttama and Partha prabhus, Krsnanandini and Tariq prabhus (http://vaisnavafamilyresources.org/grihastha-vision-team-members/) are highly expertise in strengthening, educating and enlivening family relationships.
Throughout the retreat you can learn how to better communicate, 'spiritualize' your relationship while balancing material demands, and get an escape from the city!
Simcoe County Rd 50,
Adjala-Tosorontio, ON L0N 1P0
(an hour away from Toronto)
$320 per couple
registration deadline: September 15, 2018
fee includes: accommodation, prasadam, classes
*overnight accommodation available
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Tuesday, June 12th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Monday, June 11th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Sunday, June 10th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
BBT Annual General Meeting Kick Off in Korsnäs Gård – New…
→ Dandavats

BBT Annual General Meeting Kick Off in Korsnäs Gård - New Radhakunda, Sweden: Gundica Marjana!!! (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The more you cleanse the temple, the more you decorate the Deity, the more your heart becomes cleansed and you become spiritually decorated. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Material world means dirty things and spiritual world means clean. Calcutta February 4, 1977
Find them here: https://goo.gl/KhVqwy
Srimad Bhagavatam class by H.H. Kavichandra Swami
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Srimad Bhagavatam class by H.H. Kavichandra Swami, 16.06.2018 at ISKCON Vrindavan (video)
Festival in Slavsko, Ukraine (Album with photos)
→ Dandavats

Festival in Slavsko, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Fire will act, regardless of whether handled by an innocent...
Today is the Bhakta-sanga in Budapest, celebrating NVD’s 25th anniversary
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The building blocks? The Transcendental Sound Vibration!
→ Dandavats

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Harinama Sankirtan Mission. Right now, this moment in Harinam Sankirtana, the Maha Mantra rises. The kirtan leader was born a devotee - blessed by the commitment of his parents and the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. The volume is high, the beats are many per minute. The devotees are all swimming with the current. The commuters are now running - it is rush hour in New York. Everyone is running. These busy people may not notice the devotees - it appears this way - but the inner ear, the Soul's accomplice, has captured this Transcendental Sound. These Eternal moments are quick! Continue reading "The building blocks? The Transcendental Sound Vibration!
→ Dandavats"
ISKCON Vancouver then and now (1774 West 16th Avenue)
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ISKCON Rupanuga Vedic College – Kansas City (Album of…
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ISKCON Rupanuga Vedic College - Kansas City (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The more you cleanse the temple, the more you ...
Govardhan Eco Village (GEV) in the Rains (Album of photos)
→ Dandavats

Govardhan Eco Village (GEV) in the Rains (Album of photos)
Hari Pārṣada Dās: The serene location of Wada near Mumbai is where I am currently spending some really good quality time. The idyllic cottages, the immensely learned devotees at the Srimad-Bhagavata Vidyapitha, the various replicas of Sri Vrindavan all combine to give an unprecedented devotional experience. To top it off is the beautiful rainy season.
Immense hard work and dedication have been invested in this wonderful project by devotees of Govardhan Ecovillage, especially Gauranga Das Prabhu, Gauranga Darshan Prabhu, Ananta Raghava Prabhu and all other devotees under the guidance of HH Radhanath Swami. In my mind, there is no doubt that this is the best replica of Sri Vrindavan that I’ve ever seen in my life.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/nqsAMX
Huge gathering of Vaishnavas in Moscow yesterday, 16/6/2018,…
→ Dandavats

Huge gathering of Vaishnavas in Moscow yesterday, 16/6/2018, with high quality of Kirtan and Krishna-katha (Album with photos)
The Self: Who are we?
→ Dandavats

A very interesting way of envisioning the relationship between the jīva, mind, body, and the world has been explored by Dr. Richard Thompson (1947- ). He presents the material world as a kind of computer simulation, with the bodies of living beings like the characters seen in a role playing game. The subtle body consisting of mind, intelligence, and false ego acts as the interface much like computer mouse and keyboard, with the self as the one desiring and willing. Continue reading "The Self: Who are we?
→ Dandavats"
Friday evening kirtan at Govinda Klub
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Putting An End to Courtesy Japa
→ Dandavats

“Nish, nish, ram, ram, nish, nish, ram, ram.” Prabhupada once imitated how we sometimes chant without focus, without concentration, without proper pronunciation – how we chant when we don’t feel like chanting. You know the mood behind this chanting; “I have to chant but I’d rather be doing something else.” And in our minds we are thinking, “I can’t wait to get these rounds out of the way.” We all do this. And it can get pretty bad. I know devotees who chant rounds while watching football games on TV. Prabhupada explained that this type of chanting is more or less useless because it will not produce the desired result, love of Krsna. To even call this chanting is a stretch. It is closer to a ritual. But Prabhupada acknowledged the value in the ritual by saying that although this kind of chanting is not very productive, at least those who are chanting this way are keeping their vow to chant. Continue reading "Putting An End to Courtesy Japa
→ Dandavats"
Gita 17.24 The many meanings of the word “brahma” in the Gita
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 17.24 The many meanings of the word “brahma” in the Gita appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Govinda Klub Kirtana Jam
→ SivaramaSwami.com
60 devotees at the first Summer Trip Reunion (Album of…
→ Dandavats

60 devotees at the first Summer Trip Reunion (Album of photos)
Krishna Kishora: Yesterday we had about 60 devotees at the first Summer Trip Reunion: 13 alumni, a couple family members from some alumni and the rest were attendees from this years summer trip. On the main reunion day we had our morning program with Rtadhvaja Swami and after Japa period he told the boys summer trip stories, which they loved!
Then Rupa and Goura Rivera along with one of our boys, Dhruv, made over 300 pancakes that left everyone well satisfied.
After that we took the boys on a tour of the goshala. We will post those pictures separately.
After a scrumptious lunch made by part of the Higher Taste Cafe team (Mario Cornejo, Ram Nicoloff, Vraja-Gopal Das, JP Rivera) we took the boys to a nearby park.
As usual, Maharaja was ref and made sure we all got along.
After a variety of sports and a hair cutting ceremony, Kṛpāmoya Kṛṣṇāṅghri Dāsa baby boy, we had a pizza and pasta dinner that was a nice closing for the evening activities.
Of course, the older guys got together in Maharajas room and played Hearts, King/Queen and cracked jokes till the wee hours of the night. We just didn’t want to say bye. So instead we decided to say till next time!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/U41mc9
Hearing SB helps us to transcend this world
→ Dandavats

Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami at Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK: “Hearing SB helps us to transcend this world” (video)
Knowing your purpose in life (Part 2)
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Whangarei charity in New Zealand plans to provide 1.2 million school lunches annually
→ Dandavats

Whangarei charity in New Zealand plans to provide 1.2 million school lunches annually.
A Whangarei charity wants to provide lunch to 6000 Northland children a week - or 1.2 million annually.
Inside Look at Hare Krishna Life Airs on Largest TV Station in…
→ Dandavats

Inside Look at Hare Krishna Life Airs on Largest TV Station in Chile.
Viewers across Chile watched an inside look at the lives of ISKCON devotees on Monday June 4th, when an eight-minute documentary short was broadcast on Canal 13, the biggest TV station in the country.
The documentary ran during primetime at 10pm on Teletrece, currently the longest-running television programme and the second most-watched national newscast in Chile.
It also was shown on the program’s Facebook page, which has 3.8 million followers, and on its Twitter page, which has 2.91 million, alongside other social media outlets.
To read the complete article please click here: https://goo.gl/hYfU4W
A recent visit to beautiful Bhaktivedanta Manor (Album with…
→ Dandavats

A recent visit to beautiful Bhaktivedanta Manor (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: These temples, they are just like oasis...
New York Rathyatra (2018) Album (126 Photos)
→ Dandavats

New York Rathyatra (2018) Album (126 Photos)
Arjun Bhattacharyya: This year, New York city celebrated it’s 42nd Annual Rathyatra festival which was started by Srila Prabhupada in 1976. Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra Maharani gracefully rode down 5th Avenue while thousands of devotees gathered from all parts of the world had ecstatic harinam and pulled the chariots. This year the rathyatra has seen it’s biggest crowd with many Iskcon sannyasis also joining the festivity. The Festival of India ground at Washington Square Park was also overcrowded with people. Please relish the pictures of the most awaited Rathyatra of North America.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/hq2fi9
Devotional Services
→ Dandavats

Lord Shri Krishna Who is the Personality of Godhead in His eternal Form is glorified because He has endeared Himself by His acts of benevolence in disseminating the different kinds of Rasa or Zests. Rasa is psychologically described as a sense perception. But the sense perception which we experience in our material conception of life,-is a perverted reflection of the reality. The reality is approached by self realisation of understanding the all inclusive Personal Form of the Supreme Who is all attractive Shri Krishna. The very name of Shri Krishna is suggestive of a conception of complete attraction by dint of wealth, strength, influence, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. Complete embodiment of all these opulences combined together in their fullness is exhibited by the manifested activities of the Lord when He is, out of His causeless mercy, within our view, although the Supreme Person is transcendental to the speculative actions of thinking, feeling and willing of a living being. Continue reading "Devotional Services
→ Dandavats"
Be humbler even than a blade of grass
→ Dandavats

The holy command of Shri Guru has been that we shall serve Godhead in association with one another. By the word ‘we’ he did not mean any one individual. There are many persons who are very selfish, indeed. They say, ‘I alone shall serve. It is incumbent on me alone. No one else has any claim to join me in my service of Godhead.’ But the kind heart of Shri Gurudeva says, ‘Come, let all of us jointly worship Godhead by giving up malice.’ The service of Godhead is the highest of all functions. My Gurudeva does not say that others will be unable to do the work because it happens to be the highest. Neither does he say that he will not allow any other person to serve Godhead, on the ground that it is the highest of all functions. The chant of Hari-Nama that is performed jointly by all persons is Sankirtana. ‘That Kirtana which is performed by many jointly is alone Sankirtana.’ Prayer, praising Godhead, is included in Sankirtana. Continue reading "Be humbler even than a blade of grass
→ Dandavats"
Harinama in Ukraine (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami:…
→ Dandavats

Harinama in Ukraine (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: A couple of days ago we were in Chernovtsi, a nice old town in...
The King who had four wives…
→ Dandavats

Once upon a time there was a rich King who had four wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to the finest of delicacies. He gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to neighboring kingdoms. However, he feared that one day she would leave him for another. He also loved his 2nd wife. She was his confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with him. Whenever the King faced a problem, he could confide in her, and she would help him get through the difficult times The King’s 1st wife was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and kingdom. However, he did not love the first wife. Although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her! Continue reading "The King who had four wives…
→ Dandavats"
Daily Darshan: June 16th, 2018
→ Mayapur.com
The post Daily Darshan: June 16th, 2018 appeared first on Mayapur.com.
Gita 17.23 Everything is sustained by its connection with the Absolute
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast
The post Gita 17.23 Everything is sustained by its connection with the Absolute appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
What is the role of the intelligence in the metaphor of the mind as the software?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post What is the role of the intelligence in the metaphor of the mind as the software? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
Sun Love Feast – Jun 17th, 2018 – Vedic discourse by Her Grace Mokshalila Mataji
→ ISKCON Brampton
Adventures in Avantipura” Lecture by HG Bhurijana Prabhu
→ Dandavats

Adventures in Avantipura" Lecture by HG Bhurijana Prabhu - 14 June 2018 in Iskcon Melbourne (video)
Knowing your purpose in life (Part 1)
→ SivaramaSwami.com
Seminar presentation to Radhe Resort guests.
TOVP: The making of Sri Sri Radha Madhava fiberglass murtis…
→ Dandavats

TOVP: The making of Sri Sri Radha Madhava fiberglass murtis (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: The making of Sri Sri Radha Madh...
Avanti Court at the Royal Albert Hall!
Following the hugely…
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Avanti Court at the Royal Albert Hall!
Following the hugely successful Redbridge Schools Choral Festival in 2016, Avanti Court Choir were so excited to be invited back to perform at the world-famous Royal Albert Hall!
18 children represented Avanti Court Primary School at the event, joining together once more with hundreds of friends from schools across Redbridge. Our children’s impeccable Avanti values shone through, not only on the day itself but during weekly school rehearsals and even in their dedicated preparation at home. Practice and commitment lead to great performance in music, and the children certainly did themselves proud; singing a range of challenging songs from different genres, some of which included choreography, drama, and British Sign language.
Matchless Gifts.
Howard Wheeler (Hayagriva dasa): When I first…
→ Dandavats

Matchless Gifts.
Howard Wheeler (Hayagriva dasa): When I first met my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Sw...