Jahnanivasa Prabhu speaks about Mayapura days and deities
Jahnanivasa Prabhu speaks on Mayapura (Part 2) – fantastic
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Sunday TOVP program in Budapest
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The Dearmost Wife of the Supreme Lord Ramacandra
→ Dandavats

It is impossible for a materialistic person like Ravana to touch Srimati Sitadevi, just as it is impossible for anyone within the material world to enjoy the energy of the Lord no matter how they try to exploit it for their own pleasure. What Ravana touched was illusory, just as the enjoyment of those in the material world is only an illusion that leads to suffering. Devotees of the Lord, however, honor, respect, and worship Srimati Sitadevi, knowing her glorious position and praying for her mercy. Continue reading "The Dearmost Wife of the Supreme Lord Ramacandra
→ Dandavats"
ISKCON Scarborough – Grand Appearance day celebrations of Lord Narasimhadev – Sunday- April 29th 2018
→ ISKCON Scarborough
Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
Narasimha Caturdasi is the celebration of the appearance day of Lord Narasimhadev, a direct incarnation of the Lord in His half-man, half-lion form. Lord Narasimhadev appeared to protect his dear most devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, whose demonic father, Hiranyakasipu was a powerful atheist and enemy of the Lord.
Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.8: The Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Narasimhadev, the source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demon like desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world”.
The actual Narasimha Caturdasi falls on 28th April 2018 (Saturday) and on this day, devotees fast until dusk.
We at ISKCON Scarborough will celebrate the Narasimha Caturdasi in a grand manner on 29th April 2018 (Sunday)
The schedule for 29th April 2018 (Sunday) is as follows:
10.15 am - Tulasi Arti
10.30 am - Guru Puja
10.45 am to 11.15 am - Swati Natchatra Abhishek
11.15 am to 12.15 pm - Class on the divine appearance & pastimes of Lord Narasimhadev
12.15 pm to 12.45 pm - Arti & Kirtan
12.45 pm - One round of group chanting
1 pm - Free vegetarian feast
Benedictions for hearing Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes: Narada Muni to Maharaj Yudhisthira
Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.46:
One who hears and chants this narration (Lord Narasimhadev’s pastimes) about the omnipotence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, is certainly liberated from material bondage without fail.
Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.47:
Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narasimhadeva, surely reaches the spiritual world, where there is no anxiety.
We humbly welcome you, your family, friends, and relatives to ISKCON Scarborough to take part in the celebrations and partake the unlimited blessings of Lord Narasimhadev
With best wishes from,
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Scarborough, Ontario,
Canada, M1V4C7
Email Address:
Healing the earth by healing the heart
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Earth Day Talk at Lotus Meditation Center, Denver, USA]
Podcast Summary
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God as the supreme therapist 1 – Discerning the Prahlada and Hiranyakashipu mentalities within us
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Narasimha Chaturdashi series on Prahlada’s prayers to Narasimha 5.18.8-14]
[Bhagavatam class on Bhagavatam 5.18.8 at ISKCON, Denver, USA]
Podcast Summary
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How can we avoid labelling and judging others?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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When different people consider different courses of action as right, how to reconcile?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
The post When different people consider different courses of action as right, how to reconcile? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
More from the TOVP fundraiser
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The essence of the process that we are following in this movement is the chanting of the holy name
→ Dandavats

Kadamba Kanana Swami: The essence of the process that we are following in this movement is the chanting of the holy name. This process is the yuga dharma – the dharma (religion) for this age of Kali. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has made this chanting of the holy name widely available to us and also added his extra mercy. The holy name has been chanted widely throughout the millennia but in this particular millennia, there is the added mercy of the Lord himself. Therefore, now it is very easy and quick for us to chant Krsna’s name and attain the results.
Special mercy
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 26 December 2017, Govinda Valley, Australia, Initiation Lecture)
The essence of the process that we are following in this movement is the chanting of the holy name. This process is the yuga dharma – the dharma (religion) for this age of Kali. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has made this chanting of the holy name widely available to us and also added his extra mercy. The holy name has been chanted widely throughout the millennia but in this particular millennia, there is the added mercy of the Lord himself. Therefore, now it is very easy and quick for us to chant Krsna’s name and attain the results.
It is described by Rupa Goswami that in other kali yugas, there are also incarnations of Vishnu who teach harinam sankirtan. But because Vishnu is not the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, he cannot invest the name with the special mercy by which prema (love) is very quickly attained. So in those yugas, the chanting is going on, but it is difficult; the progress is slow. But now, the progress is very quick as the added mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is rapidly invoking Krsna prema.
In the first initiation, the main focus is the holy name – that is the essence! The spiritual master chants on the beads first to invest them with his blessings and the blessings of the entire parampara (disciplic succession), coming from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is then that he invests his special mercy on us. Therefore, even though one has been chanting before, where the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is still available to all, the spiritual master invokes the entire parampara’s prayers during an initiation, which is very powerful!
The article " Special mercy " was published on KKSBlog.
Nrsimha prayers on the way to Govardhan
→ Prahladananda Swami
Mother Arca-vigraha’s Disappearance Day
Giriraj Swami
Today, Jahnu Saptami, is the disappearance anniversary of Arca-vigraha dasi, a renowned artist from South Africa who left her cancer-ridden body in Vrindavan twenty-four years ago. Her desire that other devotees also have a proper facility to spend their last days in the beautiful spiritual atmosphere of the holy dhama inspired the creation of the Bhaktivedanta Hospice. The year of her departure, Bhurijana dasa’s Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupada glorified her and Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna’s mercy upon her:
My dear Srila Prabhupada,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you. We pray that your powerful preaching potency continues forever.
As I write this, Mother Arca-vigraha is still alive. By the time this offering is read by the devotees, she will be gone. She now lies bedridden within her Ramana-reti house; her thin, almost white hair is cropped close and with sikha. The May Vrindavan heat glares, and her body burns as if filled with poison from one thousand scorpions. Only her left arm near the shoulder is fat, for there the cancer spreads from her lymph gland. The rest of that arm lies thin and useless at her side, like the arm of a doll, but burning with pain.
“ ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ in the material world are the same thing. [They] are mental creations. All is actually distress, for we must die. Human life is meant for Krishna consciousness. Why should we lose this chance? A Krishna conscious person is not under the laws of material nature.” (All quotes are from a 1969 New Vrindaban lecture by Srila Prabhupada.)
Arca-vigraha was a famous South African artist. She took initiation from His Holiness Giriraj Swami years ago and developed deep faith in you, her guru maharaja, Krishna consciousness, the holy name, Vrindavan dhama, and the Vaishnavas. Now, in her final days, her face is gaunt; deep crevices rim her eyes. Yet she is neither miserable nor morose nor fearful. Mother Arca remains either silently Krishna conscious or jolly.
“One who is Krishna conscious is never afraid or disturbed in any condition of life. This is the effect of Krishna consciousness. Therefore Narada is trying to convince Vyasadeva, ‘You preach Krishna consciousness. Whatever you have so far written is useless. Now you write something that by reading, one will become immediately Krishna conscious.’ Srimad-Bhagavatam is so nice that by reading, immediately one can capture the Supreme Lord within his heart. Our whole program is that Krishna is very kind, always kind upon us.”
She hasn’t eaten any solid food for about seven weeks and has been subsisting on less than 500 milligrams of juice a day. Her life has been sustained by krsna-katha, which she longs to hear constantly. And Mother Arca still preaches. Despite her pain, as long as she can speak, she greets all with good spirits, encouragement, and Krishna conscious advice: “Most problems don’t seem important from this perspective, do they?” “The body is useless, isn’t it?” “Jaya, jaya Sri Radhe-Syama!” Devotees approach her to offer solace but find shelter in her Krishna conscious strength.
“The pure devotees, if they are put into difficulty, they think, ‘This is Krishna’s grace. It is Krishna’s grace.’ They take it in this way. ‘I was to suffer hundreds of times more due to my bad activities in my past life, but You are only giving me a little of it. So it is Your grace.’ ”
We do not know when Krishna will actually take Mother Arca. She almost left just after Gaura-purnima, and we rushed to her bedside at 11:00 p.m. to find her gasping and wheezing and unable to breathe. The cancer is gradually closing off her windpipe. But Krishna wouldn’t take her then. She is now quite ready to go and awaits His call. She chants more or less constantly in her mind.
“Hypnotized. It is so nice—hypnotized! Otherwise, why are these boys working so hard? They can earn money, but they are hypnotized here. Krishna is so nice. He is all-attractive. He hypnotizes His devotee. Just like the Pandavas. They are all Krishna’s friends. Narada met Krishna, and because he was a devotee, he could speak to Krishna with a little criticism: ‘My dear Krishna, by becoming Your devotees, have Your Pandavas become happy? They have lost their kingdom. Their wife has been insulted, and now they are banished for twelve years. Is it a very good thing? But the wonderful thing I see, in spite of all these inconveniences, is that they have increased their love for You!’ So Narada is asking, ‘What kind of hypnotism You do I don’t know. In spite of being placed in so many inconveniences, their love for You has increased.’ That is the position of a bhakta.”
Both her breathing and swallowing are now strained and painful. I used to ask her if she had anything remaining to accomplish within the world of matter. Her last anxiety was spiritual, to finish the remaining true-to-size drawings for the 6’ x 3’ panels at the back of your samadhi mandir. She wasn’t physically capable, but she strained and sat up and directed the remaining work to its end. “See, I told you I’d finish!” No further work remains for Mother Arca-vigraha within this world.
“Anyone who has associated with Krishna consciousness, he cannot forget . . . He cannot give it up. If one once surrenders sincerely, ‘Krishna, I am Yours,’ Krishna will never leave you. He will protect you.”
Prabhupada, you have already bestowed your mercy on this fine devotee, Mother Arca-vigraha. We, out of affection for her, nevertheless pray to you for her eternal welfare. We also beg you to continue giving us the association of exalted and exemplary Vaishnavas.
Praying to serve you eternally,
Bhurijana dasa
* * *
Devotees can read about Mother Arca-vigraha in the chapter about her in my book Many Moons: Reflections on Departed Vaishnavas and in the section “Mother Arca-vigraha—An Inspiration” in Chapter 2 of my book Life’s Final Exam: Death and Dying from the Vedic Perspective.
May Mother Arca-vigraha’s mercy shower down upon us all.
Hare Krishna.
Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami
Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Drutakarma Prabhu in Los Angeles,…
→ Dandavats
THE BIGGEST THREAT TO OUR WORLD!!! (1 min video) By Sivarama Swami
→ Dandavats

Sivarama Swami: A threat bigger than Nuclear weapons and Terrorists … a threat WE need to be conscious of!
Initiation Ceremony, April 15, San Diego
Giriraj Swami
During a blisful initiation ceremony in the San Diego Temple, Giriraj Swami performed the initiations of Bhakta Will Southall who received the name Vaisnava dasa, Bhaktin Usha Madan who received the name Urjesvari dasi, and Bhaktin Farida Sharafutdinova who received the name Saraswati Devi dasi.
Kirtan (Right-click to download)
Initiation talk and name giving (Right-click to download)
To Whom Does this Earth Belong?
→ Dandavats

In Canto Twelve of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhumi, Mother Earth, says this: “Although in the past great men and their descendants have left me, departing from this world in the same helpless way they came into it, even today foolish men are trying to conquer me. For the sake of conquering me, materialistic persons fight one another. Fathers oppose their sons, and brothers fight one another because their hearts are bound to possessing political power. Political leaders challenge one another: ‘All this land is mine! It’s not yours, you fool!’ Thus they attack one another and die.”
Vaisesika Dasa
On the other hand, those who are enlightened use everything in Krishna’s service, knowing well that the world and everything in it belongs to Him.
Unconditional love
→ Dandavats

Unconditional love.
BB Govinda Swami: We should be prepared to open ourselves up. We should be prepared to take down our guards. We should be prepared to dismantle our protective fences that we have around us. And we should say:
“I’m ready to serve You. So You just please do to me whatever is necessary so that I would serve You purely”.
Beautiful Jayananda!
→ Dandavats

Vishoka Dasa: Jayananda would often show a playful mood. He wasn’t just all work and no play. He would often say things and do things that reminded us that service to Krishna was fun and spontaneous, and just as Krishna has an amazing sense of humor, so do His devotees have a lively sense of humor.
Thursday, April 19th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Wednesday, April 18th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Tuesday, April 17th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Budapest TOVP fundraiser report
→ SivaramaSwami.com
The entire Budapest TOVP presentation – minus abhisek
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Preaching in North Florida, Albany, Philadelphia, DC, NYC.
→ Dandavats

Preaching in North Florida, Albany, Philadelphia, DC, NYC.
By Krishna-kripa das.
One should not be envious of those less advanced but should be compassionate toward them.
Serving is the best way to counteract envy.
Forgetting the source of our qualities and achievements causes us to be proud.
Our envy of others derives from our envy of Krishna, and that can be removed by service.
If we are not compassionate to those who do not have Krishna consciousness and give them the opportunity then we are acting enviously of them.
Sometimes on book distribution we want to benefit the people but they deal with us in such a way we give up on them, and we find our compassion has a limit, but if we were completely not envious that would not be.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami said that if you are not envious you will go beneath someone and push them up, not considering advancing your own position.
Helping someone comes from appreciating their value not from thinking we are superior and have something to give.
Glorifying those we are envious of counteracts the envy, but it is hard to do.
The Christian saint Theresa describes the most elevated persons see themselves as least qualified just as we understand from our tradition the maha-bhagavata, highest devotee, does.
Someone may have done so many things, but they are all insignificant compared to Krishna’s mercy.
It is not that we just offer respect to the Supersoul in others and neglect the souls themselves.
If I am superior and I am happy about it, or if I am inferior and I am unhappy about it, it is really the same thing.
Every soul has the potential to please Krishna eternally, so how valuable they are! Thus I should serve them.
We are not just receiving from superiors, but we receiving in all our relationships.
Relationships that are give, give, give, or take, take, take, are imbalanced.
When you are envious of someone you are distant from them, but when you serve them you start developing affection for them, and then they start developing affection for you.
Attention is the beginning of love.
Although Srila Prabhupada hated Mayavadis, when Dr. Mishra was sick, Srila Prabhupada cooked for him, and Dr. Mishra said that Swamiji had saved him by his love.
To read the entire article click here: https://krishnamonk.blogspot.it/2018/04/travel-journal147-north-florida-albany.html
Saturday’s TOVP fundraising in Budapest
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Amidst so many materialistic temptations today, how can we stay devotional?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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How can we alert others to future dangers without discouraging them?
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Answer Podcast
The post How can we alert others to future dangers without discouraging them? appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.
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Nectarian Stories of Srila Prabhupada – Bhaktisiddhanta Dasa
→ Dandavats
“Krsna Wants to Give Us Love” by HG Mahatma Prabhu
→ Dandavats

“Krsna Wants to Give Us Love” by HG Mahatma Prabhu - April 14, 2018 (4 min video)
Krsna likes being controlled by his devotees. So why does he not easily give bhava and prema? Actually, he wants to give it, but we must want it more than anything else. If we want anything else, then he continues to withhold this love from us.
The Time of The Sages – Interview with John Stratton Hawley
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The Time of The Sages - Interview with John Stratton Hawley
by HH Krishna Ksetra Swami (video)
A transcendental tale of two cities (13 min video)
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A transcendental tale of two cities (13 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: A transcendental tale of two cities: Novosibirsk and Bar...
Were Internet and wifi present at the time of the Mahabharata?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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Preaching in Siberia (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami:…
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Preaching in Siberia (Album of photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: I spent the last couple of days in Bratsk, in Siberia. It’s an obscure part of the planet, but still there are some very nice devotees there.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/ERf433
Why does Krishna make it so difficult for us to come to him?
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Answer Podcast
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Do intellectuals find it more difficult to love Krishna?
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Answer Podcast
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ISKCON Chittagong Successfully Conducted S.L.A.T.E Camp in Bangladesh
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Appreciating Radhanatha Maharaj’s contributions towards helping devotees practice bhakti sustainably
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[God-family meeting]
Podcast Summary
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