TOVP – Akshaya Trtiya: A Special Time for Seva

This Wednesday, April 18, is Akshaya Tritiya, one of the most important days in the Vedic calendar. Akshaya means “imperishable” or “that which never diminishes”. Traditionally, this is the best day for starting important endeavors or projects. For example, Vyasadeva and Ganesa chose this day to start writing the Mahabharata, and every year construction of the huge Ratha carts in Puri also starts on this day. Srila Prabhupada chose this day in 1953 to start the “League of Devotees” in Jhansi.

Akshaya Tritiya is the appearance day of Lord Parasurama, and it is also the day that the Ganges descended to the earth. Most devotees know it as the beginning of Candana-yatra, but actually many of Lord Krishna’s other pastimes also took place on this day, specifically those which demonstrate Krishna’s extremely generous and intimate reciprocation with His devotees.

On this day, Sudama gave the Lord a tiny portion of chipped rice and was rewarded with unimaginable opulence. Draupadi was protected by Lord Krishna twice on this day, once when He provided her an unlimited sari at the dice game in return for a tiny piece of cloth, and later, when she needed to provide food for Durvasa muni, the Lord took a single grain of rice from her pot and satisfied the hunger of all the sages.

ISKCON’s most important project at the present time is the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. There are only four years remaining till the Grand Opening in 2022 and there is still much work to do. This four year marathon has been appropriately named MISSION 22, and the next two years are the most crucial to achieve our final goal. We require $10 million annually during these two years to close previous contracts, purchase materials, etc.

Please take advantage of this auspicious occasion by making a contribution on this day. If you have already made a pledge but have not yet started making payments or need to restart your payments, this would be an ideal day to do so. If you are able to give a larger portion of your pledge, increase the monthly payment amount to pay it off quicker or pay it off completely on this day, please consider that as well. As Srila Prabhupada assures, you will be rewarded millions of times over.

“If the devotee offers something to the Lord, it acts for his own interest because whatever a devotee offers the Lord comes back in a quantity a million times greater than what was offered. One does not become a loser by giving to the Lord; one becomes a gainer by millions of times.”

Krsna Book Ch. 81, The Brahmana Sudama Blessed by Lord Krishna

You can find all the information you need to donate on our website:

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TOVP Euro Tour Days 2 and 3: Koln, Germany – Gauradesh

On Friday, April 13th we arrived in Koln, Germany and made our way to Gauradesh, home of the Deities Sri Sri Vijay Gauranga Doyal Nitai. Two programs were scheduled here for Saturday and Sunday to accommodate guests who could not come on Saturday.

As usual, the programs included arati, a pushpa abhishek, kirtan and talks by Their Graces Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus. His Holiness Bhakti Bhusana Maharaja was also present and spoke very enthusiastically to all the devotees and congregation members present both days.

From the photos you can see that this is a small community of devotees led by temple president, Keshava das. Based on his expectations we were not anticipating any huge financial collections, but were satisfied to bring Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari to bless the devotees there and receive Their mercy in whatever way They desired. However, to everyone’s surprise, this became a miraculous visit with less than fifty devotees pledging over $150,000 U.S.! This precedent setting example shows that the hearts of the devotees and not the size of the temple is what really counts. When there is a will, there is a way. Make the commitment and the means will manifest. This was also Srila Prabhupada’s mood.

We wish to thank His Holiness Bhakti Bhusana Maharaja for his inspiring presence, Keshava das for his support, Vidyanath das for organizing the program and Dina Sharana devi dasi (GBC) for her facilitating our visit.

The next stop on the tour is Poland where we will remain for two days. The complete Euro Tour schedule is below.

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If someone takes retirement and then feels unengaged and disoriented, what should they do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Boy & Ox Friends for Life
→ Life With the Cows and Land

Balaji and Devakinandana, a rescued ox,  have been friends since 2014 when Balaji was five years old, and Devaki was a few days old. Devaki was one of eight calves who was rescued at the auction barn from slaughter. Devaki and the other calves had to be fed with milk bottles for six months since they did not have enough time with their mothers and did not get enough nutrients. Now four years later Balaji and Devaki are still buddies. Balaji is lucky that Devaki has developed into a friendly, careful ox.  With Balaji and the rest of the ISCOWP staff, he never butts or swings his horn or pushes. Devaki is living the good life far from the slaughterhouse.

Focus on life, not on the mind’s commentary on life
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, Central New Jersey, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Where does the power of mantras lie – in letters or meaning or somewhere else?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Class at Bhakti Center, New York, USA]



Podcast Summary



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If everything is God’s will, how do we have free will?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Class at Bhakti Center, New York, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Sri Gadadhara Pandit Appearance day

Gadadhara Pandita-The Embodiment of Pure Love for Lord Caitanya Today ( 16 Apr 2018) is the appearance day of Sri Gadadhara Pandit. gadadhara-paṇḍitadi — prabhura nija-sakti tan’-sabara carane mora sahasra pranati “I offer my respectful obeisances unto the internal potencies of the Lord, of whom Sri Gadadhara Prabhu is the foremost.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 1.41) […]

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Path to Krishna is not that clean
→ Servant of the Servant

The process of Krishna Consciousness is a humbling process. No other spiritual path or method of worship (to other gods) is humbling. Only Krishna when approached first will purify us (which is humbling) and then accept our offering. Those willing to accept Krishna’s medicine (medicine will hurt our ego), tolerate the hurt, be humble transform the heart, and proceed on-wards in their service, to that person Krishna will show mercy. But if we do not accept Krishna’s humbling methods (even if  initiated) but be rigid on our path, then we will not make spiritual progress.

So if we want Krishna’s grace we have to be willing to go under the operating table to be cleansed before we can get accepted by Krishna. Other spiritual paths or Gods do not require this purification process hence even though there are exalted students in other paths’, still they are not completely pure.

Only those who aspire to serve Krishna and accept Krishna’s demands humbly will be able to proceed. The rest will not.

Hare Krishna

Combatting anxiety
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 24 December 2017, Sydney, Australia, Bhagavad-gita 1.1)

It is said in the scriptures that when we have a goal which is other than satisfying the senses of Krsna, then we will remain in anxiety. When our goal is to control, then anxiety will follow – “Will I get it? What do I do? I hope nothing will go wrong! Is it going to work or not? Let me cross my fingers, cross everything, even my toes!” Everything is crossed in the hope that it will go according to our wishes, but there is no guarantee, none at all. This is because the protection of Krsna is the only thing that can give us continuous success. Temporary success without Krsna can be attained, but then one might start to think, “I am a self-made man. I started with nothing, but by hard labour, I built up this entire business empire. It was all my own strength”. Self-made man, huh? So they did not have a father or a mother? One simply takes advantage of the material opportunities available to them, and it is Krsna who presents the results to them.

In India, almost every shop owner starts the day by performing a puja of Goddess Lakshmi – “Lakshmi Lakshmi Lakshmi!”. All everyone wants is Lakshmi. But there is still no guarantee, because even after one performs such puja of Lakshmi, it does not mean that Lakshmi will stay. This is because Lakshmi is cancalam (‘fickle’).

So then we are restless, like a child going from a book to an iPad to sitting down to jumping; constantly changing. That is the nature of material existence – to have a flickering mind. So we must try to fix our mind on Krsna, because that is the only place where the mind can remain fixed. Everything else we want for ourselves, but even when we attain that material goal of ours, we will still not feel satisfaction, because our desire for wanting more will always remain.

The article " Combatting anxiety " was published on KKSBlog.

Back in the U.S.S.R.- Krasnoyarsk (11 min video)
→ Dandavats

Back in the U.S.S.R.- Krasnoyarsk (11 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: The third stop on our tour across the entire country of Russia was Krasnoyarsk, deep within the Siberian countryside. There we were greeted by a blissful group of devotees, who introduced us to yet another amazing temple in this far-distant and isolated part of God’s creation. Unique in the congregation of devotees was a group of gypsies, old friends of mine, who relished our visit as we chanted and danced together in great happiness.

So you want a happy life? Here is Bhismadeva’s advice…
→ Dandavats

So you want a happy life? Here is Bhismadeva’s advice: Maha­raja Yudhi­sthira inquired, “How should one act so that he can very easily pass his journey through life?”
In reply, Bhishma advised, “My dear King, a person who wants to avoid putting himself into great difficulty should carefully avoid performing three acts with his body- the killing of other living entities, stealing, and the enjoyment of others’ wives.”


4th Annual Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Ratha Yatra in North Chennai
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Bhakta Mohana Rangan

14th April 2018, New year according to Tamil lunar calender will remain forever in the memory of North Chennai devotees as it does every year. 4th Annual Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Ratha yatra organized by ISKCON Perambur enliven the streets of North Chennai (Chaitanya nitai Desh) last Saturday. Hundreds of devotees from all across the south India especially from different parts of Chennai, Nellore, Aruppukottai, Neyveli , mangalore etc.,. attended the event. The inauguration ceremony was graced by HH Bhanu swami maharaj (Srila prabhupad disciple and ISCON GBC), HH Sukhadeva swami maharaj (ISKCON Nellore) and many senior devotees along with eminent political leaders. Continue reading "4th Annual Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Ratha Yatra in North Chennai
→ Dandavats"

Finding Ultimate Meaning
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi

Dhruva was elated to see his Lord face to face, but he felt ashamed. “O my Lord," he said, "because I was seeking an opulent material position, I was performing severe types of penance and austerity. Now I have gotten You, who are very difficult for the great demigods, saintly persons, and kings to attain. I was searching after a piece of glass, but instead I have found a most valuable jewel. Therefore I am so satisfied that I do not wish to ask any benediction from You.” (Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya 7.28) Continue reading "Finding Ultimate Meaning
→ Dandavats"

Public program at Karur, Tamilnadu, India (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Public program at Karur, Tamilnadu, India (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: We are all set of puppets of Krsna. I am also puppet. This is disciplic succession. We have to become puppet. As I am puppet of my Guru Maharaja, if you become my puppet, then that is success. Our success is there when we become puppet of the predecessor. Tandera carana sevi bhakta sane vasa. To live in the society of devotees and to become puppet of the predecessor acarya. This is success. So we are trying to do that. Krsna consciousness society and serve the predecessor. Harer nama harer nama… >>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk – Los Angeles, April 19, 1973
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NASN March 2018 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Mayapur Sasi dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of March 2018. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 Continue reading "NASN March 2018 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
→ Dandavats"

Sydney fund raising dinner
→ Ramai Swami

Recently, I attended a fund raising dinner for the Sydney West temple construction project. The dinners are organised three times a year as a means to raise much needed laksmi.

Special guest was my godbrother, Yasomatinandana das, who is the temple president for Ahmedabad,India.

As usual, the night started with kirtan, then dance, speeches, project information, fund raising and finally a wonderful prasadam dinner.

Unity in diversity and diversity in unity – The Absolute’s relationship with us
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Congregation program at Princeton, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Gratitude is not just an attitude but also an awareness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Talk at Gratitude Yoga Studio, Princeton, USA]



Podcast Summary



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Mayapur Parikrama (Album with photos) Interviewer: As far as…
→ Dandavats

Mayapur Parikrama (Album with photos)
Interviewer: As far as rites which you practice and demands upon you which Krsna makes, what are any of these rites or demands? That is must you eat special foods, wear special clothing, special…, anything special which you put upon your face, sign, symbols, and also, is there any connection of Krsna consciousness to the meditation of yoga or of Zen, and what of physical fitness? How does Krsna consciousness look at this?
Prabhupada: Our process is to accept everything which conduces to develop Krsna’s love. So those methods are given by experienced acaryas, that “You just follow.” Just like when a child tries to walk, the mother gives some direction or some help in a wooden plank, that “You try to move in this way. You will learn how to walk,” similarly, there are certain principles given by experienced acaryas. If we follow those principles, then we can work or we can go to the perfection of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not the method that is important. The real important is how to develop your love of Krsna. If somebody develops love of Krsna, or God, without those methods, there is no objection. We are not limited by the methods or ritualistic methods. But there are certain ritualistic method, which, if one follows, then he can quickly learn the art of Krsna consciousness. Just like we restrict our students in four principles: illicit sex life and intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating. So it is not that a gambler or a meat-eater or a man addicted to illicit sex life, he cannot love Krsna. It is not that. But that is very rare case. If he follows these principles, then it will be easier for him. Because Krsna, or God is pure, so so long one is impure in his habits, it is not possible for him. So these are the purificatory processes. And so far our signals or some marks on the body – just like we take tilaka; we have some beads – this means… Just like it is practical. When I was in Montreal and other cities, when we passed through the road, the children, the persons, they also said, “Hare Krsna!” So these marks and this symbolic representation reminds others to Krsna consciousness. Just like a policeman, as soon as he appears in his dress, “Oh, here is a policeman,” so similarly, these things are also required to remind others. Our process is to raise persons to Krsna consciousness. So if by our symbolic representation one immediately remembers Krsna, that is our success. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Interview – Seattle, September 24, 1968
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Why did Krishna not save the Pandavas when they played dice with Duryodhana & Shakuni?
→ Dandavats

Why did Krishna not save the Pandavas when they played dice with Duryodhana & Shakuni?
Wonderful explanation given by Krishna Himself:
From his childhood, Uddhava had been with Krishna, driving His chariot and serving Him in many ways. He never asked for any wish or boon from Sri Krishna. When Krishna was at the verge of completing that particular Avatar lila, he called Uddhava and said,‘Dear Uddhava, in this avatar of mine, many people have asked and received boons from me; but you never asked for anything from Me.
Why don’t you ask something now? I will give you what you want.
Let me complete this incarnation with the satisfaction of doing something good for you also’.
Even though Uddhava did not ask anything for himself, he had been observing Krishna from his childhood. He had always wondered about the apparent contradiction between Krishna’s teachings and actions, and wanted to understand the reasons behind.
He asked Krishna, ‘Lord, You taught us to live in one way, but You lived in a different way.
In the drama of the Mahabharata, the role You played and Your actions; I could not understand many things. I am curious to comprehend the reasons for Your activities.
Would You fulfil my desire to know these truths?’
Krishna said, ‘Uddhava, what I told Arjuna during the war of Kurukshetra was Bhagavad Gita.
Today, My responses to you would be known as ‘Uddhava Gita’.
That is why I gave this opportunity to you. Please ask without hesitation.’
Uddhava starts asking – ‘Krishna, first tell me who is a real friend?’
Krishna says, ‘The real friend is one who comes to the help of his friend in need even without being called’.
Uddhava: ‘Krishna, you were a dear friend of the Pandavas. They trusted you fully as Apadhbhandava (protector from all difficulties). Krishna, you not only know what is happening, but you know what is going to happen. You are the greatest jnani.
Just now you gave the definition of a true, close friend.
Then why did you not act as per that definition. Why did you not stop Dharmaraj (Yudhishtra)
from playing the gambling game?
Ok, you did not do it; why did you not turn the luck in favour of Dharmaraja, by which you would have ensured that dharma wins. You did not do that also.
You could have at least saved Dharmaraja by stopping the game after he lost his wealth, country and himself.
You could have released him from the punishment for gambling.
Or, you could have entered the hall when he started betting his brothers.
You did not do that either.
At least when Duryodhana tempted Dharmaraja by offering to return everything he lost if he bet Draupadi (who always brought good fortune to Pandavas), You could have intervened and with Your divine power, You could have made the dice roll in a way that is favourable to Dharmaraja. Instead, You intervened, only when Draupadi almost lost her modesty and now You claim that you gave clothes and saved Draupadi’s modesty; how can You even claim this – after her being dragged into the hall by a man and disrobed in front of so many people, what modesty is left for a woman? What have you saved?
Only when You help a person at the time of crisis, can You be called ‘Apadhbandhava’.
If You did not help in the time of crisis, then what is the use?
Is this Dharma?’ As Uddhava posed these questions, tears started rolling from his eyes.
These are not the questions of Uddhava alone. All of us who have read Mahabharata have these questions. On behalf of us, Uddhava had already asked Krishna.
Bhagavan Sri Krishna laughed.
‘Dear Uddhava, the law of this world is: *‘Only the one who has Viveka (intelligence through discrimination), wins’.
While Duryodhana had viveka, Dharmaraja lacked it.
That is why Dharmaraja lost’.
Uddhava was lost and confused. Krishna continued:
‘While Duryodhana had lots of money and wealth to gamble, he did not know how to play the game of dice.
That is why he used his Uncle Shakuni to play the game while he placed the bet.
That is viveka.
Dharmaraj also could have thought similarly and offered that I, his cousin, would play on his behalf. If Shakuni and I had played the game of dice, who do you think would have won?
Can he roll the numbers I am calling or would I roll the numbers that he is asking for?
Forget this.
I can forgive the fact that he forgot to include me in the game.
But, without viveka, he performed another blunder.
He prayed that I should not come to the hall as he did not want Me to know that through ill-fate he was compelled to play this game.
He tied me with his prayers and did not allow Me to get into the hall;
I was just outside the hall waiting for someone to call Me through their prayers.
Even when Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva were lost, they were only cursing Duryodhana and brooding over their fate; they forgot to call me.
Even Draupadi did not call Me when Dushasana held her hair and dragged her to fulfil his brother’s order.
She was also arguing in the hall, based on her own abilities.
-She never called me.
Finally, good sense prevailed; when Dushasana started disrobing her, she gave up depending on her own strength, and started shouting ‘Hari, Hari, Hey Govinda! Hey Krishna! And shouted for Me.
Only then did I get an opportunity to save her modesty. I reached as soon as I was called. I saved her modesty. What is my mistake in this situation?’
‘Oh what a wonderful explanation, Kanha, I am impressed.
However, I am not deceived. Can I ask you another question’, says Uddhava.
Krishna gives him the permission to proceed.
‘Does it mean that You will come only when You are called?!
Will You not come on Your own to help people in crisis, to establish justice?’, asks Uddhava.
Krishna smiles. ‘Uddhava, in this life everyone’s life proceeds based on their own karma.
I don’t run it; I don’t interfere in it.
I am only a ‘witness’. I stand close to you and keep observing whatever is happening. This is My Dharma’.
‘Wow, very good Krishna. In that case, You will stand close to us, observe all our evil acts; as we keep committing more and more sins, You will keep watching us. You want us to commit more blunders, accumulate sins and suffer?!’, says Uddhava.
Krishna says. ’Uddhava, please realise the deeper meaning of your statements.
When you understand & realise that I am standing as witness next to you, how could you do anything wrong or bad. You definitely cannot do anything bad. You forget this and think that you can do things without my knowledge.
That is when you get into trouble.
Dharmaraja’s ignorance was that he thought he could play the game of gambling without My knowledge.
If Dharmaraja had realized that I am always present with everyone in the form of ‘Sakshi’ (witness), then wouldn’t the game have finished differently?’
Uddhava was spellbound and was so very overwhelmed by Bhakti.
He said, ‘What a deep philosophy, Kesava.
What a great truth!’
Even praying and performing puja and calling Him for help are nothing but our feeling/beliefs.
When we start believing that nothing moves without Him, then how can we not feel His presence as Witness?
How can we forget this and act?
Throughout Bhagavad Gita, this is the philosophy Krishna imparted to Arjuna.
He was the charioteer as well as guide for Arjuna, but he did not fight Arjuna’s War’:-
Realize that the Ultimate Sakshi/the One who is the Witness is within & without! We are never alone and the Lord is waiting for us to be a ‘conscious willing participant’ in our remembrance of Him in our activities. Then someday we will be actually be promoted to do just that within His.

Celebrating Gadadhara Pandita’s appearance day

Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila 11.1.

  • If you don’t have knowledge you don’t get bhāva
  • The members of the Pañca-tattva
  • Gadādhara Paṇḍita takes care of Lord Caitanya in kīrtanas
  • Kṛṣṇa tells Rādhā about His plan to appear as Gaura
  • The members of the Pañca-tattva lived close by in Navadvīpa
  • Gadādhara Paṇḍita taught Lord Caitanya the mood of Rādhā
  • Lord Caitanya designated places of living for His associates
  • Gadādhara Paṇḍita recieved what was most valuable to Lord Caitanya: the Deity of Toṭa Gopīnātha
  • Lord Caitanya used to listen to Gadādhara Paṇḍita explaining the Bhāgavatam which drew Him into rādhā-bhāva
  • Neither Gadādhara Paṇḍita nor Svarūpa Dāmodara went to Vṛndāvana
  • An actor has to have the mood of the person he represents, not necessarily the looks
  • Gopīs from kṛṣṇa-līla come as men in gaura-līlā: gender has nothing to do with spiritual identity
  • There is no other reationship with Lord Caitanya than dāsya
  • Service to Lord Caitanya is spreading His saṅkīrtana movement
  • When Gaura is pleased He reveals our relationship with Kṛṣṇa
  • Different understandings of how Lord Caitanya left the world
  • Gadādhara Paṇḍita’s hand copied Bhāgavatam is still in the Toṭa Gopīnātha temple
  • Today we should pray to Gadādhara Paṇḍit to help us develop our attachment to Lord Caitanya and understand and develop attachment for spiritual exchanges
  • Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī wrote that Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura was the empowered form of Gadādhara Paṇḍita
  • Gadādhara Paṇḍita is the eternal counterform of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī as a devotee

The Authority of the Puranas
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Srila Jiva Goswami

The preeminent philosopher in Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's line explains why, in this age, the Puranas are essential for accessing the Absolute Truth. Sri Tattva-sandarbha is the first of Srila Jiva Goswami's Bhagavata-sandarbha, or Shat-sandarbha, six treatises that firmly establish the philosophy of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. In the texts leading up to this section, the author has discredited direct perception and inference as valid means to acquiring perfect knowledge. He has concluded that only the eternal Vedas can fill that role. Now he argues for the need to turn to the Puranas for understanding the unified message of the Vedas. Continue reading "The Authority of the Puranas
→ Dandavats"

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 03/24/2018
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

ECO-Vrindaban New Vrindaban ISKCON cows gardens Prabhupada

ECO-Vrindaban Board Meeting Minutes 03/24/2018

Mission Statement: ECO-Vrindaban promotes simple living, cow protection, engaging oxen, local agriculture, and above all, loving Krishna, as envisioned by Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON New Vrindaban.

Participating Directors: Chaitanya Mangala (chair), Makara (minutes recorder), Olivia, Ranaka, and Vraja.

Participating Advisors: Kalakantha.

1. Ranaka’s Monthly Report

• At the Temple Barn, Ananda Vidya & Lalita Gopi are currently milking 7 cows: Jamuna, Surabhi, Laxmi, Sita, Anjali, Sriya & Maliti. Milk production is up to 32 gal per day.

• Anjali freshened on Feb 19th with a bull calf named Nimai. Nimai was delivered in normal fashion with no problems during delivery but had internal issues along with apparent brain damage. The Vet gave him a 50% chance of survival and he died 11 days after his birth.

• On Feb 27th Sriya gave birth to a healthy heifer calf named Gaurangi.

• Subhadra is due the end of May.

• There are 5 heifers residing at the Temple Barn: 15 month old Vamsika, 7 month old Lalita, 3 month old Gopi Katyayani and 3 week old Gaurangi.

• Parvati continues to reside with Dharma for breeding at the Valley Barn. Jaya Radhe is still residing in Nandagram with Madhu for breeding. Usha has been confirmed pregnant and moved out from Madhu’s area.

• Ananda Vidya continues to produce approximately 15 pounds of butter, 15 gal of yogurt, and 1/2 gallon of Ghee on a weekly basis, & delivers them to the temple. He made and waxed two (8″ diameter x 3.5 inch high) wheels of Colby cheese this month and plan to produce 5 lbs. of Mozzarella cheese for Palace Pizza to be served after their Maha Cleanup this weekend.

• Ananda Vidya & Lalita Gopi finished clearing out the upstairs of the Temple Barn.

• Ray has been working on cleanup of the former Brose trailer site and is approximately 85% complete. The scrap wood has all been burnt, trailer frame cut into 3 pieces with cutting torch and all scrap metal piled for loading. Ray is repairing a brake cylinder on the F-800 flatbed truck, this will be used to haul the metal to the recycling center in Wheeling. When cleanup is complete, the lot will be available for rent to Suchandra, our garden manager, who plans to move a trailer on to it.

• Ray has also been cleaning up the area next to the old Brick Yard building. Scrap metal from there is also piled and ready to be hauled to the recycle center. The brush & scrap wood pile was burnt along with a general cleanup & reorganizing of the area.

• Repair work on the Nandagram field house: 2 new sink faucets installed, repairing water lines to the tub & repairing drywall on the basement ceiling below the tub.

• Ray continues moving hay from the Valley Barn to Nandagram.

• Chaitanya Bhagavat works with Hari Chand in the Ox Program for 1 hour each morning along with daily Nandagram herd care. Hari Chand has been measured for a new Yoke & Britchen so he can be trained for pulling.

•  Chaitanya Bhagavat has also been working on the Bahulaban fence line getting it ready for Spring along with Nandagram fence maintenance.  Repair work was also done on the Feed Isle.

• The garden crew, presently composed of Suchandra, Vidya, Lila, Mukunda dasi & Radhanath das, gathered together for a general communication & coordination on 3/16/18; it was a productive meeting that gave much hope for the upcoming season.

• Suchandra & Ryan, along with Ray on the tractor with the front loader, have cleared the old mulch & plastic off the Community Garden beds. This year we are planning a new system of weed control using reusable ground cover and some hay mulch when needed; this system will be much less labor intensive.

• Ray moved a dump load of well composted material from Nandagram to Vidya’s garden & 5 buckets to the Nandagram garden.

• The Valley Barn potato field has been spread with manure. We are also planning on growing potatoes in the Community Garden this year.

• Vidya has started over 1000 plants for the gardens consisting of peppers, tomatoes, basil, snapdragon, marigolds, statice and rosemary.

• Lakshmi Cow Sanctuary: Ranaka spoke to Dr. Sastri and informed him that the ECO-V board agreed to his request of taking responsibility for 5 of his cows. Ranaka informed him that he would need to have a veterinarian issue a valid CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, i.e. health certificate) before moving the animals to New Vrindaban and that we would be ready to accept them from the middle of May onward. Dr. Sastri will get back to Ranaka when he has things ready on his side.

• Passing of Nandini: Nandini, a 10 1/2 year old Jersey brought to New Vrindaban from Canada by Nila Gopal & Sukhayanti, died of cancer on March 6, 2018 at Nandagram. Her profile: Nandini was a bit of a loner who stayed mostly to herself but still enjoyed attention in the form of petting from devotees. She was also very protective of the calves in the herd & would always stay by their side.

2. Spring Joint Board Gathering Review

The weekend had a different format from what we’ve organized the past few years. The facilitators, Gopinath Bloch and Rebecca Mintz, did an excellent job directing the energy and setting a positive mood. Through various exercises, open dialogue and a planning session, a progressive division of responsibilities for ISKCON New Vrindaban was discussed, both for the immediate future and over a 5-year time frame.

3. Inviting ECO-V Staff to Board Meetings

Some of the feedback from the spring meeting brought to light a need for increased interactions between the members of ECO-V. The bi-annual weekend gatherings allow opportunities for exchanges between the staff and board. Additionally, the board would like to periodically invite staff members to attend monthly board meetings throughout year. The first opportunity will be in April 2018.

4. ECO-V Website Feedback

Overall, the look of the website is appreciated. Ideas for improvement: Change the photo on front page – possibly make a slideshow there; get new photos of cows and gardens from Erin and Hari Bhakti; add a link to Prabhupada’s Palace website; make a page about Srila Prabhupada, his cow protection local agriculture vision for New Vrindaban and include photos of him with Kaliya, ISKCON’s first cow.

5. IMCPA North American Team Building Conference

Kalakantha prabhu shared information about the upcoming ISKCON Ministry of Cow Protection & Agriculture conference. This event will be held in DeLand, Florida the end of June 2018 and will include strategizing about next year’s North American farm conference, tentatively planned to be held in New Vrindaban. He invited a couple of representatives from ECO-V to attend. Jamuna Jivani has already volunteered to participate.

6. ISKCON Communications Grant

WHEREAS: ECO-V wishes to support Anuttama prabhu, and his ISKCON Communications efforts, especially in appreciation of their ongoing promotion of simple living, cow protection and local agriculture projects throughout ISKCON.

RESOLVED: The ECO-V board approves a grant of $2,500 to ISKCON Communications for 2018.

Here’s a link to the ECO-Vrindaban website.

For regular updates, please visit, like and follow the ECO-V Facebook page.

Hare Krishna! The movie in El Salvador.By: Atilio Flores
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Hare Krishna! The movie in El Salvador.
By: Atilio Flores
As part of the premiere of the film,“Hare Krishna: the Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all”, “El Mundo” newspaper from El Salvador published in its section of movies a double flat about the documentary and life of His Divine Grace A.C .Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This publication was printed last Thursday, April 5, the date of the simultaneous premiere for all of Central America.

TOVP Euro Tour Day 1: Radhadesh, Belgium. With great pomp and…
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TOVP Euro Tour Day 1: Radhadesh, Belgium.
With great pomp and ecstasy, the TOVP Euro Tour led by Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari and accompanied by Their Graces Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus departed Mayapur, arriving in Belgium on April 10th. This is the third year of such touring, bringing the mercy and darshan of Lord Nityananda and Lord Nrsimhadeva to devotees in every corner of the world.
The first stop of this tour was the Radhadesh temple in Belgium, home of the beautiful Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Deities. The program was held at the temple on April 11th and was attended by the entire small community of devotees headed by GBC Hrday Caitanya prabhu and temple president Manohar prabhu. As usual, the Padukas and Sitari were properly greeted with kirtan, arati, an abhisheka, etc., followed by presentations and talks by Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus. The intimate gathering of 30+ devotees was highly enthusiastic and generous and a total of $95,000 U.S. was pledged.

This was a very auspicious start for the tour. But the next day Braja Vilas met with a few wealthy Indian diamond merchants who were so enthusiastic they want to organize a large event with many of their friends at a future time to raise funds for the TOVP. Undoubtedly, the Lord is providing us with new avenues to pursue in our fundraising efforts during the next four years of the MISSION 22 marathon.

The next stop is Koln, Germany on April 13th. The Tour will remain in Germany for three days. The complete Euro Tour schedule is here:

Gadadhara Pandita – the Embodiment of Pure Love for Lord Caitanya
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Hare KrishnaBy ISKCON Mayapur

When Mahaprabhu departed from this world, He entered into Gadadhara Pandita’s worshipable Deity, Tota-gopinatha. After Mahaprabhu’s departure, Gadadhara Pandita’s feelings of separation for Him were so intense that he appeared to age prematurely. For many years, Gadadhara Pandita had been serving the Deity of Tota-gopinatha, but eventually it became difficult for him to reach up to garland the Deity. To facilitate the service of Gadadhara Pandita, Tota-gopinatha sat down so that Gadadhara could more easily worship Him. He is the only Deity of Krishna who manifests a sitting position. Continue reading "Gadadhara Pandita – the Embodiment of Pure Love for Lord Caitanya
→ Dandavats"

Historic First GBC College for Leadership Development in Latin America
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Hare KrishnaBy Prema Rupa Madhava das

Seminars were given on various topics to help future Zonal Supervisors be able to perform their services more effectively. These ranged from behavioural aspects of a leader, personal development, introspection, to specific management techniques including project management, digital marketing, and leadership models. The association with leaders from different countries offered a very enriching experience. The different experiences each devotee brought to the table has helped all the students to better understand the challenges they each face. Attending morning programs together, chanting japa, honouring prasadam in an atmosphere based on love and service increased enthusiasm and has given inspiration and strength to continue Srila Prabhupada’s mission. Particularly, the conversations held at the tables during prasadam and recreational activities has helped deepen relationships between the students. Continue reading "Historic First GBC College for Leadership Development in Latin America
→ Dandavats"